
Hordren Birdsong's page

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I just ran a pre-release charity game of this. Despite the hints and reminders early in the scenario that outside of the controlled environment within the camp, this is a low-gravity world, I forgot by the time the players reached Map B.

I think there is an argument for this encounter being outside of the gravity control. It is at the perimeter and there is damage within and clearly defenses breached. Low-gravity would make it much more manageable for low-level characters to leap down 10 feet without injury. This is particularly important for the squishy level 1s, who are unlikely to have jet packs, etc.

Passing on our thoughts from discussion after the game.

1/5 5/55/5 **

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All of these sound like great adventures and I look forward to experiencing them.

The PAX Unplugged live plays of the first two were very fun. Thank you.

I'd like to thank the entire Organized Play team and all the freelancers who have brought us new games throughout the year, for all your hard work and the care you put into brining us these adventures.

Some great stuff to look forward to. Thank you to everyone on the multiple teams that made these happen.

3 people marked this as a favorite.

Thank you, both, and all the others, who add to the depth of our stories and worlds.

3 people marked this as a favorite.

Thank you to everyone involved in making these adventures a reality. I look forward to enjoying and sharing them.

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Thank you.

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While this does not apply to me, it does seem like a wonderful outreach program. Thank you.

Aid Token Instructions

Once per encounter, any character at a table can use an Aid Token to assist the group in one of the ways described below. Once a table uses an Aid Token, one of the players then passes the Aid Token to a neighboring table for those players to use. A table can benefit from only one Aid Token per encounter. Because there are a limited number of Aid Tokens, hoarding one means that another table doesn’t get to use it. Table GMs should remind the players about the Aid Tokens and encourage the players to use them.

If a table receives an Aid Token and doesn’t need its benefits, the players are encouraged to boost its potency by expending some of their own resources or attempting a skill check. Boosting an Aid Token, including attempting a skill check, is part of passing that Aid Token to another table. A table cannot retry a skill check to boost an Aid Token, and each Aid Token can have only boost at a time. A table can boost an Aid Token even while in combat without taking any actions; the scenario assumes the aid was granted before that encounter began. Players should be encouraged to write their PC’s name down next to the boosted effect along with any other relevant information. Using a boosted effect consumes the boost; the player using that benefit should erase the boost information from the Aid Token.

Some Aid Token benefits can be used only if boosted by another table. An Aid Token’s benefits vary based on the table’s subtier, and these benefits can take one of the following forms.

VC Australia - WA

Welcome! Use this thread for all discussion, questions, etc.

It is my goal that this should be a pleasant and as stress-free experience as possible. It is our task to ensure the players have an enjoyable game without major issues. Multi-table specials can be challenging but they can also produce some of the best moments in gaming.

While I don't know all of you, I do know this is a wonderful and supportive community that has demonstrated the ability to work well together. Please, if you have any needs, concerns, or questions, speak up.

Let's make this a fun adventure for all, including us!

More to follow shortly.

VC Australia - WA

Welcome GMs, and thank you for volunteering.

Please ninja-dot (post, then delete your post) into this thread to add it to your Campaigns tab.

This thread is reserved for important announcements and information from me, your House GM. Please keep all discussion to the Discussion thread.

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Thank you, all for sharing these memories and for the hard work put in to make the original King Maker.

I look forward to playing the new version even more, knowing it is built on a foundation full of passion.

3 people marked this as a favorite.

Always with the cool art!

VC Australia - WA

This is the place for all ooc discussions.

Sign in sheet

PFS1 7-02 Slides also linked at the top. Please add your token and establish marching order on slide 2, also provide any relevant information for the rest of the party or myself.

Feel free to read the blurb on slide 1 and make any introductions as you gather.

VC Australia - WA

If you are in this game, you should know the drill, please "dot and delete" to add this game to your campaigns.

1/5 5/55/5 **

Thank you to all our fabulous freelancer for providing such wonderful adventures.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Hi team,
I have had to change my email temporarily to receive the Kingmaker products from the Crowdfunded campaign. When I did so, it appeared not to work, so I did it again with the same apparent ineffectiveness.

Later, I found the verify email request in my inbox. A prompt at the time of changing the address to check for this email would be very useful. Yes, it is standard operating procedure for many companies, though most state it up front. Some do not use the verification process though and simply having nothing happen has, unfortunately, been a not uncommon result on the Paizo site.

I know a lot of hard work is going on behind the scenes to improve everything, and I greatly appreciate it. This is my simple suggestion for one thing that could make a positive difference.

VC Australia - WA

Welcome! Use this thread for all discussion, questions, etc.

It is my goal that this should be a pleasant and as stress-free experience as possible. It is our task to ensure the players have an enjoyable game without major issues. Multi-table specials can be challenging but they can also produce some of the best moments in gaming.

While I don't know all of you, I do know this is a wonderful and supportive community that has demonstrated the ability to work well together. Please, if you have any needs, concerns, or questions, speak up.

Let's make this a fun adventure for all, including us!

VC Australia - WA

Welcome GMs, and thank you for volunteering.

Please ninja-dot (post, then delete your post) into this thread to add it to your Campaigns tab.

This thread is reserved for important announcements and information from me, your House GM. Please keep all discussion to the Discussion thread.

When adding a Delegated Reporter for an event number, I end up with them listed under the title Delegated Reporters with buttons for Search Again and Add This Person next to them. Just under that is the title Added which has them listed with the Remove button next to them.

The event does not show up in their reporting list. We have tried this multiple times. If I try the Add This Person button, it does not help.

This is very frustrating and could be a significant issue for a larger event if it happened there too.

8 people marked this as a favorite.

I am particularly looking forward to the new Starfinder book and appreciate the change of label from race to species.

So it's all their fault! At least we now know who to blame ;-)

Seriously though, thanks to each of you for all your hard work providing us exciting lore and fun new mechanics.

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Thank you Jeff and Danielle for your contributions and efforts.

Danielle, your description of your time at PaizoCon warmed my heart. I wasn't able to make it this year but it is always a high priority for me and one of the conventions I truly enjoy. I hope to meet you at the next one.

VC Australia - WA

If you are in this game, you should know the drill, please "dot and delete" to add this game to your campaigns.

VC Australia - WA

This is the place for all ooc discussions.

I should have the game started soon if life cooperates. Thank you for your patience.

4 people marked this as a favorite.

I love this new blog idea. Something to really look forward to every week. Thank you.

Thank you, Patrick, for sharing and for your words of advice. Beautiful cats, too.

When I try to look at the coins through Pathfinder Accessories > Other Accessories, the link goes to the new goblin game.

1/5 5/55/5 **

8 people marked this as a favorite.

This message fills me with hope. Thank you.

I really appreciate and enjoy all the web fiction. Thank you!

This was no exception, an excellent romp.

VC Australia - WA

Welcome to PbP Gameday X

Sign in sheet

Please mention if you have played or GMed this scenario previously.

1) Have fun while respecting other players.
2) Let me know of any improvements I may be able to implement or any concerns you have.
3) Read and post daily. If you have nothing in character to post, please check in here so we know not to wait for you.
4) Real-life (family, health, employment, etc) take precedence. If you need to be absent for any time, please let me know in advance if possible or as soon as you can. I tend to worry when I haven't heard from a player for a while.
5) PbP is great for character development and roleplay. Go for it! Have fun with it.
6) Please have botting instructions (including dice roll formats) ready and be prepared to have another player (or myself) bot your character if needed to keep the game moving. If you wish to nominate a preferred botting partner, you may do so with their permission.

While waiting for the start of the convention, you have plenty of time to discuss characters, starship (and other) roles, select appropriate boons, etc.

VC Australia - WA

Dot and delete to add to your campaigns.

I enjoy having my subscription and knowing I will receive each book when it is released. No regrets. (I regret the current international shipping fees but those are outside of Paizo's control, unfortunately.)

I am looking forward to each of these books, particularly to the precog class in Galactic Magic.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Lots of goodies to treasure in this month's releases.

1/5 5/55/5 **

4 people marked this as a favorite.

Congratulations and best wishes in your new role. You will definitely be missed in the Org Play team.

Thanks for the wonderful fiction as your departure gift.

6 people marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Battles Case Subscriber; Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Starfinder Superscriber

While a little disappointed there is only one female in the group, these still grab my interest. Thanks for the preview.

VC Australia - WA

If you have been invited to this game, please feel free to post.

All out of character discussion should take place here.

Intake form - please complete this before the game begins.

VC Australia - WA

Once you are confirmed as having a place in this game, please ninja dot/dot-and-delete to add to your campaigns. Remember, leave no trace, this channel is for gameplay only.

VC Australia - WA

All out of character discussion to take place here. Please do not post in this thread unless you have signed up on the recruitment sheet.

This is a tier 3-4 table. This game has the following tag: Repeatable (Low [1–4] / High [5–8] levels only). If you have already played this with a character in the 1-4 range, you may only replay it by using a specific replay boon or equivalent. Please let me know if you are doing so.

All players: Please complete my intake form. Your responses will be emailed to you. If you will be playing your character before this game commences, please complete what information you can then edit the form to update starting values once they are known.

If you have any questions or concerns please let me know either here or by PM.

Multi-table specials have hard timelines so it is important that you can post at least once per day to keep the group moving. Life happens though and it has priority. Please let us all know if you have a period where you may not be able to post as frequently or if something happens to keep you from the game.

I ask that all players have easily read tag lines with essential information. I also ask that all players have botting instructions, preferably with easy to copy/paste dice expressions where relevant.

While I will try to provide an in-character opportunity for introductions closer to our start date, feel free to share relevant information here and discuss what aspects of play you particularly enjoy.

Establishing potential starship roles is also a good idea.

I look forward to sharing this experience with you.

VC Australia - WA

Once you are registered as a player please ninja-dot/dot-and-delete. Rembember to leave no trace in this thread.

If you would like to join EbonFist for this game, please provide details of your proposed character here.

The plan is to continue on to Part 2 after this game is complete. Please state if you would wish to be a part of that game as well.

My plan is to run a moderately paced game and I ask all players to commit to at least one game progressing post per day (plus as much flavour and roleplay as desired). I do understand that even the best plans sometimes face challenges. If you are going to need extra time I ask that you let the group know as soon as possible. I also ask all characters to have clear botting instructions so that the team can keep the game moving.

I also ask that characters have a clear tag line with all basic information displayed in the open.

I use a Google Form to collect information for chronicle sheets and reporting. I ask for all current starting values so that I can provide a complete chronicle sheet in a timely manner when the game completes.

If all of that sounds good to you, then please post below and tell us about yourself and your character.

VC Australia - WA

This is the place for all out of character discussion.

VC Australia - WA

Once you are offered a seat at the table, please "dot and delete" to add this game to your campaigns.

1/5 5/55/5 **

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Congratulations, Conor!

Pathfinder Battles Case Subscriber; Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Starfinder Superscriber

Thank you for your ongoing efforts, providing us with some wonderful content to enjoy.

Professor Plum +1, Deevor, and Qstor have reserved places as long as they check-in by the end of this week.

Recruitment is open for the final two seats. Please post your application below. Some priority will be given to newer players.

Please be aware, though this game is not scheduled to be super fast, I expect at least one post per day that progresses the story. I encourage co-operation and good, fun roleplay.

The game is likely to pause for Origins Online/Concurrent and possibly other major events.

VC Australia - WA

This is the place for discussion. I will post a link to a form to gather your player and character information.

VC Australia - WA

Once accepted into the game, please post and delete to "dot in". Thank you.

5 people marked this as a favorite.

Thank you for making this event a reality during these challenging times.

1/5 5/55/5 **

4 people marked this as a favorite.

Use the lodge links in the blog to find us, say hi and start gaming with an extraordinary community of people around the world.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Welcome to my recruitment thread.

This is where you indicate you are interested in playing in this game. This game is designed as an introduction for new Play-by-Post players and/or new to PFS2 (Pathfinder Society). More experienced players would be welcome as mentors.

While I will still aim for one post per day minimum, this is not designed as a fast game but rather a place to learn and be introduced to our online community.

Please post your interest and tell me of your experience with PFS and PbP and also your goals for this game.