GM Numbat PFS1 10-05 Mysteries Under Moonlight Part 1 - Testament of Souls (Inactive)

Game Master numbat1

PFS1 10-05

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VC Australia - WA

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Sovereign Court

LG Female (she/her) Human Fighter 6 | HP 24/61 | AC21 | T11 | FF20 | CMD22 (24 vs overrun) | F+8 R+5 W+3 (+2 vs fear) | Speed 20ft Init. +4 | Perception +0 | Status: Hybrid Form; Heroism (2hrs), Haste, Shaken| Found Gear: Potion of Fly


VC Australia - WA

Throughout the known world, messages are delivered every day. On this day six of those are delivered to various Pathfinders requesting their presence in Magnimar Lodge and each is embossed with the seal of Venture-Captain Sheila Heidmarch.

It doesn’t take long before these Pathfinders discover each other on their way to the southwest corner of Varisia. Their journey is a relatively easy one giving them plenty of time to exchange introductions or reunite and share their stories.
Slide 3

Grand Lodge

He/Him Sorcerer (Draconic) 7 | HP 45/45 | AC 21/15/17 | F+5 R+7 W+6 | Init +10 | Perc +8 Active conditions: Mage Armor, Darkvision, Spider climb, hybrid wolf form

Elado mills around the lodge looking for a drink and friendly faces.

He wears some nice robes with little but a bag to accompany him. Shoes and other accessories are nice enough. You see the tip of a scaly tail poke out the bottom of his robes, which is odd for a human.

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Sovereign Court

LG Female (she/her) Human Fighter 6 | HP 24/61 | AC21 | T11 | FF20 | CMD22 (24 vs overrun) | F+8 R+5 W+3 (+2 vs fear) | Speed 20ft Init. +4 | Perception +0 | Status: Hybrid Form; Heroism (2hrs), Haste, Shaken| Found Gear: Potion of Fly

Complementing the scaled tail emerging from Elado's robes, a young woman wearing armor unmistakably crafted from some draconic beast's hide also comes into view. She is a small, slender woman, but the breadth of her shoulders beneath her fur-trimmed cloak and the size of the enormous gleaming sword strapped across her back reveal that her size is not indicative of her strength.

Stepping up alongside Elador, Inghinn greets the sorcerer, "Good day to you, friend. I hope your journey to Magnimar was uneventful."

Grand Lodge

[Init +9, Per +18, Spd 40'] M Tengu Unchained Rogue (Swordmaster/Scout) 11th [HP 57/58, AC 30(34) |ff 19 |t 21, Fort +7, Ref +19, Will +7,] CMD 27

"Friend Elado!" a hoarse voice calls from across the lodge. The source is not immediately identifiable then a tengu steps out from behind one of the larger members of the Society milling around.

He weaves his way through the crowd and furniture without touching anything and with impressive speed. The trip is agile and adept, if not exceptionally graceful.

He bows in a way that Elado will find familiar, though he sweeps a tricorner hat off his head and places it against his chest with his right hand instead of just the hand. He bends low enough that his torso is parallel to the ground and holds his left arm out at a right angle to his body.

He offers Inghinn a similar bow and she will see that, like her, he has a long bladed sword strapped to his back. Though it is almost as long as he is tall, the blade is quite slender and it is as clear to her that his size is indicative of his strength.

"How have you been since the wedding and party? Who is our new friend?" he asks, his golden gaze and beak darting from one of them to the other rapidly and curiously.

Dark Archive

Female LG Human School Savant Arcanist 9 | HP 47/47 | AC 13 T 12 FF 11 | CMB +2, CMD 14 | F: +9, R: +11, W: +13 | Init: +8 | Perc: +15, SM: +3, Low-light Vision | Speed 30ft | Spells: 1st 6/6 2nd 6/6 3rd 6/6 4th 4/4 | Reservoir: 7/12 | Disruption: 10/10 | Counterspell: 1/1 | Active conditions: Fire Resistance 5

"Is that Clawen I hear?" An elderly woman rises to her feet and squints through the crowd. "Oh, it is you! And my goodness, look how you've grown! Jazz did say you've taken to wearing all black nowadays - such a dramatic look for my favorite grandchild. And Ingrid, good to see you didn't catch frostbite up on that terrible mountain. You know I would have been so sad if anything happened to my favorite grandchild. Zoro dear, you're looking as fearsome as ever." She glances about at the other Pathfinders' blank looks before scowling back. "Now don't tell me you've forgotten your grandmama."

Dark Archive

Female TN Kitsune Bard (Duetist)/9 | HP: 66/66 | AC/FF/T: 23/20/13 21/18/13 | CMD: 18 18 | F/R/W: +7/11/9 +5/9/7 | Init: +4 (+4 with heightened awareness) | Speed 30ft | Low-light vision | Bluff +24, Diplo +22, DDev +10, EscArt +10, Intim +24, KnLoc +5, KnNat +5, KnNob +5, Perc +11, SMot +22, Scraft +5, Stlth +7 | Active Conditions: Heroism (180 minutes), heightened awareness (10 Minutes), inspire courage +3

Kit's blank look lasts only a moment before she moves languidly up to her with an exaggerated sachet, her whip at her hip bouncing with the movement, and gives her a big hug.

"One can never have too many friends, friendly acquaintances, or even relatives. Hi grandmamma!"

Sovereign Court

CG Female Half-elf Medium (Relic) 6, Brawler 1 | HP: 46/46 | AC: 20, T: 14, FF: 18 | CMB: +8 CMD: 20 | F: +6, R: +7, W: +10 (+8) | Init: +2 | Perc: +12 (+10), SM: +10 (+8) | Speed 20ft | Inf 2/4, No taboo | MF: 6/7; Channel 4/5 | Spells 1st: 5/5 2nd: 4/4 CLWand 46/50 |Current Spirit: Sasha | Active cond: Hierophant Boon and Bonus, DR 5/silver, Resist 5 acid, cold, electricity, MF: blind fight

Dressed in the varieties of colors that marks one of varisian heritage, a half-elf steps into the room. She sets down a bulging pack with a small arsenal of weapons strapped to the side, most notably a longspear made of a yellow wood. She stretches and adjusts the violet, turquoise and orange silks and stains that had been trapped under her pack, revealing that there is a breast plate hidden under all the fabrics. She then checks that the scarf tied around her head to hold back her voluminous brown hair is still in place.

The woman's face has clearly seen some years, though it seems like those years have been kind to it, perhaps a benefit from her elven heritage, still holding a certain beauty to it. She ponders the gathered people for moment, and then starts into the intricate social dance of introductions.

First she steps and turns to the older man in the room, her movements relatively slow but graceful, face a mask of wry amusement. "My, is that a tail I see poking out there? You smuggling dragons there, Mr...?" she pauses for a moment, clearly asking for a name, before extending her hand in greeting. "It's a pleasure to meet you. My name is Faliana Galina, please feel free to call me Fali."

Another turn and a few more steps she faces the Ulfen woman, her face turned more serious, expressing the proper Ulfen stoicism, "Ah, is this what the dragons are being smuggled for? Armor? It certainly becomes you, Madam. As you might have overheard, I am Faliana, but Fali is perfectly fine if you don't stand on formalities."

She flows into a half-step and pivot, facing the tengu with a short appraising look, not sure what to make of the man initially, but smiles as his kind nature shows through. She reiterates her introduction and punctuates it with a bow of her own, though with much less flourish. "I haven't met many tengu in my travels, though I am engaged with a vanaran, so I really should be better used to these things."

She almost falters in her steps as the elderly lady in the room claims kinship. With a surprised cocked eyebrow, she smiles and counters with a, "But, my dear lady, I'm old enough to be your daughter and hate to imagine how young you'd have to be to be my grandmama. Though I haven't been spoiled by someone in a good while."

With her feet back under her, Faliana spins and greets the last member of the party, a look of tien deference on her face. "I hope I can fulfill one of those earlier roles, Ms. performer. Also I like the cloak, did you have that custom embroidered? It's beautifully done."

Dark Archive

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Female TN Kitsune Bard (Duetist)/9 | HP: 66/66 | AC/FF/T: 23/20/13 21/18/13 | CMD: 18 18 | F/R/W: +7/11/9 +5/9/7 | Init: +4 (+4 with heightened awareness) | Speed 30ft | Low-light vision | Bluff +24, Diplo +22, DDev +10, EscArt +10, Intim +24, KnLoc +5, KnNat +5, KnNob +5, Perc +11, SMot +22, Scraft +5, Stlth +7 | Active Conditions: Heroism (180 minutes), heightened awareness (10 Minutes), inspire courage +3
Faliana "Conduit" Galina wrote:
"I hope I can fulfill one of those earlier roles, Ms. performer. Also I like the cloak, did you have that custom embroidered? It's beautifully done."

How kiiind of you to notice. The way the society practically throws money at us I can afford the best in clothing."

Kit spins in place, gracefully, and the cloak twirls, showing a nice white fur lined inner side. Something expensive, you assume. But then she snaps her fingers and the colors reverse and the inner fur is dark and the outside of the cloak is white with black masks.

"A STEAL at 200 gold. Though not custom made, 'just magical'."

She laughs delightedly at the 'just magical'.

"It's the ONLY thing I ever wear."

She pauses to let folks imaginations take over for a bit, though anyone who knows how sleeves of many garments work know that they only transform what is already there, so she has to be wearing something.

"Oh, dear, how impolite of me. My name it Kitoro, though you should call me Kit. And my friend here..."

As if on cue, a mongoose pops his head out of her backpack, flourishing a miniature toy sword and squeaking something that sounds something like 'TA DA'. Kane.

Grand Lodge

He/Him Sorcerer (Draconic) 7 | HP 45/45 | AC 21/15/17 | F+5 R+7 W+6 | Init +10 | Perc +8 Active conditions: Mage Armor, Darkvision, Spider climb, hybrid wolf form

Responding to Inghinn, Yes, I would say quite uneventful thank you. Elado Zoros acolyte of the White Dragon, at your service. I trust you made it without much trouble. You seem like you can handle yourself in a scuffle.

Trying not to be rude but looking beyond her, Excuse me. Standing to greet, Kahwen, What good fortune! I took some time off since we last adventured together. I make periodic pilgrimages to the north in search of the White Dragon.

At Fali's comment, Ah, no. I'm not smuggling anything. This was a gift bestowed to me by my lineage as a draconic sorcerer by the White Dragon itself!

VC Australia - WA

Having met up in a lodge partway through their journey to Varisia, the group of individuals have plenty of time to deepen their camaraderie and begin to hone their skills as a team.

The Pathfinders make good time to the Magnimar Lodge and are greeted by Venture-Captain Canayven Heidmarch who explains that his wife, Sheila, is currently out doing some final investigating in preparation for the mission briefing. He offers the group brunch while they wait. Pics added to slide

The sound of footsteps echoes down the hallway outside of Heidmarch Manor’s cozy dining room. Venture-Captain Canayven Heidmarch sets down his fork and rises from his chair by the hearth. The stern Venture-Captain’s eyes brighten a bit as he says, “Sheila’s footsteps.” Moments later, the door to the dining room swings open, and Venture- Captain Sheila Heidmarch enters the room, taking a seat at the head of the table opposite the hearth. Canayven pours her a cup of hot tea as he addresses her, “Welcome back. The Pathfinder agents you requested have been fed and are ready for their briefing.”

“Splendid,” Sheila replies as she sets a folded piece of parchment down on the table. She smiles and gracefully takes a small sip of the steaming tea, savouring the flavour. “Thank you, Canayven. And Pathfinders, thank you all for coming to Magnimar on such short notice. I’ve specifically requested your presence here because I believe that you’re uniquely suited to helping the city of Magnimar with a problem that seems to be spreading in recent weeks. As you’re likely aware, Magnimar is known across the Inner Sea region as the City of Monuments for the dozens of monuments within the city itself and the surrounding region. These monuments are well known for their sacred properties—performing any number of respectful acts at their bases provides a pilgrim with a minor boon. Adventurers and mystery cultists by the droves make pilgrimages to Magnimar for a chance to experience the touch of the divine. But recently, something appears to have changed with several of these structures.

“A friend of mine in the Varisian Council, one of Magnimar’s governing bodies, has alerted me that several key monuments— namely, the Mistress of Angels in Ordellia, the Founder’s Flame in Naos, and the Cenotaph in the Capital District—have all been sites of strange supernatural occurrences ranging from eerie wailing and spectral lights to magical conflagrations. Lord-Mayor Grobaras appointed a sleuth specializing in the supernatural, a man named Theodorus Ichonvarde, to investigate. However, my contact reports that Ichonvarde’s attempts have borne little fruit thus far, and the council has accused Theodorus of badgering Varisian witnesses. Moreover, several innocents have been harmed in the occurrences at the Founder’s Flame. The implication that someone—or something—has tampered with Magnimar’s legacy leads me to believe that this is a case best suited to our interests and your abilities.”

Sheila picks up the folded piece of parchment next to her teacup, “I’ve secured an official writ from the Varisian Council to grant you legal permission to investigate. If you’re willing to help Magnimar, I can also lend you some supplies.”

Grand Lodge

He/Him Sorcerer (Draconic) 7 | HP 45/45 | AC 21/15/17 | F+5 R+7 W+6 | Init +10 | Perc +8 Active conditions: Mage Armor, Darkvision, Spider climb, hybrid wolf form

Elado smoothes his robes. As he passes his hands over they turn to simple traveling leathers, he shoots a wink at Kit for stealing her trick. I think we are up to the task. What gear can you provide us?

Dark Archive

Female LG Human School Savant Arcanist 9 | HP 47/47 | AC 13 T 12 FF 11 | CMB +2, CMD 14 | F: +9, R: +11, W: +13 | Init: +8 | Perc: +15, SM: +3, Low-light Vision | Speed 30ft | Spells: 1st 6/6 2nd 6/6 3rd 6/6 4th 4/4 | Reservoir: 7/12 | Disruption: 10/10 | Counterspell: 1/1 | Active conditions: Fire Resistance 5

Matrialda ignores any protests of non-relationship, shaking her head sadly and remarking how “young people are so distracted these days - and they never write home anymore”. She brightens at the sight of Kane, cheerfully offering the mongoose a cookie from her pack.

”Shirley, this surely sounds like a job for my wonderful and talented grandchildren,” the elderly woman answers, delicately setting her own teacup on its saucer. ”But what’s all this about two different investigations being run at the same time, and by two different leaderships at that? Quite inefficient.” She clucks disapprovingly and pulls a pair of needles out of her pack along with a half-finished sweater in alternating bands of sparkling black and glimmering white. Her needles clack softly as she works, not looking down at her work as she keeps a watchful eye on her fellow Pathfinders.

Sovereign Court

LG Female (she/her) Human Fighter 6 | HP 24/61 | AC21 | T11 | FF20 | CMD22 (24 vs overrun) | F+8 R+5 W+3 (+2 vs fear) | Speed 20ft Init. +4 | Perception +0 | Status: Hybrid Form; Heroism (2hrs), Haste, Shaken| Found Gear: Potion of Fly

Inghinn stands from her seat out of respect as the venture-captain enters the room, then takes her seat again once Lady Heidmarch is seated. She listens intently, but grows steadily more uneasy as the venture-captain explains the group's mission.

'Strange magics and wayward investigators,' she thinks, 'Doesn't sound like a problem that can be solved with a sword...'

When the initial briefing is concluded, Inghinn speaks up, indicating her implicit acceptance of the mission, "What can you tell us about the monuments in question, Venture-captain? And would you wish us to prioritize them in a particular order? Perhaps starting with the Founder's Flame to prevent further harms to the locals?"

Diplomacy (gather info) on Monuments?: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (8) + 11 = 19

Sovereign Court

CG Female Half-elf Medium (Relic) 6, Brawler 1 | HP: 46/46 | AC: 20, T: 14, FF: 18 | CMB: +8 CMD: 20 | F: +6, R: +7, W: +10 (+8) | Init: +2 | Perc: +12 (+10), SM: +10 (+8) | Speed 20ft | Inf 2/4, No taboo | MF: 6/7; Channel 4/5 | Spells 1st: 5/5 2nd: 4/4 CLWand 46/50 |Current Spirit: Sasha | Active cond: Hierophant Boon and Bonus, DR 5/silver, Resist 5 acid, cold, electricity, MF: blind fight

Fali watches Kit and then Elado magically change their garments around and seems impressed. "Might not be a bad thing to get myself."

She does fall head over heels for the little Kane though. "Oh isn't he just the cutest! Kit, is there anything you don't like him eating or that he shouldn't have, cause I might have to give him half a biscuit every time I'm eating!" She does pick up a bit of the brunch she hadn't finished and hands it to the little guy. "Who's a brave little warrior? You are! Yes, you are!"

The half-elf does give a chagrined smile over Matrialda's tenacity in claiming relations, remarking how 'it'd be odd to have living grand parents in your 50's' and 'Fritania would LOVE to meet her.'


Faliana nods through the meeting, her face serious again for the moment. She smiles at the end of the meeting, commenting, "I don't really need the explanation of my hometown, but it is certainly troubling that the monuments are being plagued by something... I was hoping I could visit the monument to the True Spark when we had some time to ourselves, but it be that I get to do that during our investigation. Have there been an consistencies in what or when these events happen?"

Dark Archive

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Female TN Kitsune Bard (Duetist)/9 | HP: 66/66 | AC/FF/T: 23/20/13 21/18/13 | CMD: 18 18 | F/R/W: +7/11/9 +5/9/7 | Init: +4 (+4 with heightened awareness) | Speed 30ft | Low-light vision | Bluff +24, Diplo +22, DDev +10, EscArt +10, Intim +24, KnLoc +5, KnNat +5, KnNob +5, Perc +11, SMot +22, Scraft +5, Stlth +7 | Active Conditions: Heroism (180 minutes), heightened awareness (10 Minutes), inspire courage +3

Kane laps up the attention, striking dramatic warrior poses and squeaking in a low 'manly' tone. He obviously understands what she is saying and does not wait for Kit's approval before snagging for the promised biscuit.

"Well, though we are a team, he does have a mind of his own!"

"Mrs. Heidmarch, I for one would be happy to take the mission." And your money. And I don't like that we have some rogue agent out there giving us a bad name.

"Though I would agree that this Ichonvarde fellow sounds like trouble. It's hard enough wheedling information out of people without some thug pissing people off in your name."

Unless it is the right kind of person that responds to such things. A little intimidation goes a long way when it comes to self-interested cowards. Still... Indiscriminant use of intimidation usually backfires.

While the group is talking, Kit is busy fashioning finger puppets that match up with the party members. She finds that a little role-play does wonders for moral and, often, when her finger puppets are kicking arse so is the party. She gives Elado a long look and readies a couple of claw and teeth attachments for the foretold draconian change.

Frowning, she thinks, I sure hope he doesn't go around changing his appearance with those magical garments a lot. Makes it difficult to have just the right props ready.

Faliana is easy. Kit can't count the number of pathfinders that come looking like some metallic porcupine and has a prefab velcro belt with all kinds of weapons - actually more that the woman actually has as she does like to exaggerate. And speaking of exaggeration, she is not the first companion with an overly large sword and her puppet gets gifted with one ridiculously large as does Inghinn, already pondering a few innuendos to pull out at the right moment.

Assembling a puppet for Kahwen is easy since she just finished that whole Blakrose wedding mission with him.

Matrialda is pretty easy too, though she struggles to find something that looks like knitting needles. In her line of work, folks are usually sporting something more dangerous. though who knows how dangerous knitting needles could be in the right hands!

All the while Kit keeps up a melodic humming of contentment as she works.

VC Australia - WA
What gear can you provide us?

"I have a healing potion for each of you, plus these other items for general use." Sitting on a sideboard where the Venture-Captain indicates are six potions of cure serious wounds, two potions of protection from evil, three oils of magic weapon, all clearly labeled, plus a wand.

"If you are successful, I will consider them a portion of your compensation. I also have this fine weapon to loan the group," she adds as she gestures toward a +1 longspear.

Canayven adds, “Davorge. If anyone would know what’s been going in the district of Ordellia, it’d be him. He’s a mystery cultist. He’s also an expert in supernatural matters, particularly those tied to Ordellia. Look for him in the tavern next to the Rose and Rake Theatre. He eats lunch there often. If he’s not there when you arrive, you might find someone who knows where to find him.”

”But what’s all this about two different investigations being run at the same time, and by two different leaderships at that? Quite inefficient.”

Sheila replies, “The primary duty of the Varisian Council is to protect the rights and traditions of native Varisian people. They’re likely seeking to ensure that no Varisian is unjustly blamed for what is transpiring across the city. Beyond that, the council knows that it is in no one’s best interest to allow these dangerous events to continue.”

"As to two investigations," She pauses to ponder the question a moment before responding. “I have heard of Ichonvarde before. He’s closed several cases attributed to occult phenomena over the past few months, and in so doing earned the trust of the lord-mayor. Whether or not you choose to work with Theodorus is up to your discretion and his willingness, I suppose. Regardless, it would be unwise to antagonize him.”

"What can you tell us about the monuments in question, Venture-captain? And would you wish us to prioritize them in a particular order? Perhaps starting with the Founder's Flame to prevent further harms to the locals?"

Sheila and Canayven happily discuss the monuments, providing the following information.

• As its moniker implies, Magnimar is home to dozens of monuments, typically erected to honour Magnimarian deities, folk heroes, and historic events. Most monuments can grant a unique boon to those who pray before them.

• The Cenotaph is a memorial to Alcaydian Indros, one of Magnimar’s founders. Originally designed as an empty tomb, residents of Magnimar pay significant sums of money to be entombed near or within the Cenotaph, as doing so is seen as a postmortem status symbol.

• The Founder’s Flame is in Naos, home to many of Magnimar’s prosperous merchants. Erected by Antholus Kaddren shortly after the city’s founding, the monument is said to sport a constant halo of multicoloured fire.

• The Mistress of Angels is in Ordellia, a district located on an island on the Yondabakari River. It was built in honour of Ordellia Whilwren, one of Magnimar’s most beloved founders, just outside of her former townhouse.

"As for what order you use in your approach, I leave that to you though Canayven's suggestion is a good one."

Have there been any consistencies in what or when these events happen?

"As with all investigations of this nature, witnesses are rarely consistent, unfortunately. The best I can piece together is that it is about two weeks since Ordellia has been seen and that it has been possibly as long as a week since the moaning and lights at the Cenotaph began. It was after the public outcry in the Capital District as a response to this that Grobaras hired his inspector. It has been several days since the investigation began and as far as I can tell there has been no positive progress. That is why I have gathered you here. I do not have the luxury of stepping away from my other duties to delve deeply into the situation. Currently, my best guess is that this is some sort of supernatural haunting. The bouts of supernatural activity and the ghostly wailing coming from the Cenotaph seem to support this theory, but ultimately no one’s truly sure what’s going on. I trust that you will be able to uncover what is actually occurring."

Sheila Heidmarch looks at the group of Pathfinders gathered before her, hands them an official-looking document (Slide 4) and adds, “You’ve been deputized by the Varisian Council, and that will be enough to earn at least a measure of cooperation from the average citizen. That being said, the lord-mayor has officially cast his lot with Theodorus, and as a result, there’s the possibility that some authorities might not recognize you as an official legal presence in the matter.”

Each of you may attempt one check for each monument (Cenotaph, Founder's Flame, Mistress of Angels) to Gather Information (Diplomacy) or Recall Knowledge (Geography or Local). You already have much of the base information but there is a higher-level piece of information for each that you may be able to discover.
Inghinn - nominate which monument your previous check was for then make the other two if you wish.
Everyone - I'm going to ask for the checks under spoiler tags if you would, please.

Dark Archive

Female LG Human School Savant Arcanist 9 | HP 47/47 | AC 13 T 12 FF 11 | CMB +2, CMD 14 | F: +9, R: +11, W: +13 | Init: +8 | Perc: +15, SM: +3, Low-light Vision | Speed 30ft | Spells: 1st 6/6 2nd 6/6 3rd 6/6 4th 4/4 | Reservoir: 7/12 | Disruption: 10/10 | Counterspell: 1/1 | Active conditions: Fire Resistance 5

”Hmm,” Matrialda frowns for a moment before her expression brightens. ”Oh! Here, these are perfect for your puppets Kitara!” She pulls a few scraps of metallic fabric from her purse, along with some short lengths of rainbow-colored yarn and a pair of yarn needles and passes them to the young woman next to here.

Knowledge (local):
Knowledge (local): 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (17) + 10 = 27
Knowledge (local): 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (17) + 10 = 27
Knowledge (local): 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (17) + 10 = 27

VC Australia - WA

After Matrialda provides some yarn to Kitoro, she goes on to share her knowledge of the monuments with the group. This includes:

• Countless famous personalities have been entombed within the Cenotaph. While under the official care of the Church of Pharasma, its catacombs are open to the public. Over the past few years, Sheila Heidmarch has been entombing fallen Pathfinder agents from all walks of life in the Cenotaph out of respect for their sacrifices, to the displeasure of some local elites.

• The Founder’s Flame’s truest marvel lies not within its impressive pyroclastic displays, but in its endless supply of fuel. The monument stays ablaze via a mysterious green oil that never seems to deteriorate or deplete and is capable of creating flames in a scintillating array of colours.

• The Mistress of Angels was erected following Ordellia’s murder several years after Magnimar’s founding. In the years since, countless locals claim to have seen Ordellia’s ghost, who has a reputation for helping the meek and persecuted throughout the Ordellia District.

You now have all the information the scenario was prepared to share at this point. What would you like to do? Where would you like to go?

Grand Lodge

1 person marked this as a favorite.
[Init +9, Per +18, Spd 40'] M Tengu Unchained Rogue (Swordmaster/Scout) 11th [HP 57/58, AC 30(34) |ff 19 |t 21, Fort +7, Ref +19, Will +7,] CMD 27

"A grandmother? I've never had a grandmother before! I mean, I guess I must have had at least one, but I never knew a grandmother. Can I call you Granny? Nana? Gigi?" Kahwen exclaims, perhaps the only one thrilled with the prospect of having a relative. It's also quite possible he's the youngest among them.

"Do you have candy? It seems like grandmothers always have candy."

He eats brunch with borrowed manners, paying close attention to his surroundings and to those around him and what they're doing. When Canayven rises, he does too but then realizes most of the other Pathfinders did not, either. He's half sitting down when Sheila enters the room.

He turns the motion into a very awkward bow.

He listens closely as the venture captains speak and answer questions and as his Granny provides additional information.

He eagerly takes the paper and reads it. A more legal minded individual might find some faults in the power it provides, but Kahwen puffs up with importance and tucks it into a pocket.

"I think we should go talk to Davorge, first. It's always good to get more information. Then, visit the Cenotaph. It might be better to wait until dark to see the others. Flames and ghosts are easier to see at night."

He goes to the sideboard and peruses the item like they're a buffet. He claims his healing potion and takes one of the magic weapon oils. Examining the longspear, he frowns and shakes his head after some contemplation.

Grand Lodge

He/Him Sorcerer (Draconic) 7 | HP 45/45 | AC 21/15/17 | F+5 R+7 W+6 | Init +10 | Perc +8 Active conditions: Mage Armor, Darkvision, Spider climb, hybrid wolf form

Elado plucks a healing potion just in case, although he's not usually in the hottest water. He does look at the wand and asks for its properties. Wand of..?


Davorge sounds fine to me.

Dark Archive

Female TN Kitsune Bard (Duetist)/9 | HP: 66/66 | AC/FF/T: 23/20/13 21/18/13 | CMD: 18 18 | F/R/W: +7/11/9 +5/9/7 | Init: +4 (+4 with heightened awareness) | Speed 30ft | Low-light vision | Bluff +24, Diplo +22, DDev +10, EscArt +10, Intim +24, KnLoc +5, KnNat +5, KnNob +5, Perc +11, SMot +22, Scraft +5, Stlth +7 | Active Conditions: Heroism (180 minutes), heightened awareness (10 Minutes), inspire courage +3

Kit will examine the wand to see if it is something she can use. She takes one potion of CSW and the wand if she can use it.

Kit is unsure what to do with knitting needles and yarn. Not knit, that is for dang sure. But yarn, that could come in useful. Not normally worried about offending anyone, Kit shows uncharacteristic compassion and thanks Grandmamma as she tucks the items away.

She is not one of those bards the is good at lore. In fact she is quite pathetic at it. She is, however, masterful at getting people to talk. I take it though, that Grandmamma stole Kit's thunder and supplied all the info before we ever even left the room? Just in case, though...

gather information, Cenotaph: 1d20 + 19 ⇒ (18) + 19 = 37
gather information, Founder's Flame: 1d20 + 19 ⇒ (2) + 19 = 21
gather information, Mistress of Angels: 1d20 + 19 ⇒ (17) + 19 = 36

"Indeed, Davorge is as good a place to start as any."

VC Australia - WA
Elado wrote:
Wand of..?

Sheila Heidmarche responds, "Ah, yes. A wand of lesser restoration, seven charges left I believe."

With those rolls I really want to give you something so... You manage to engage Canayven in conversation and receive a brief history lesson.

Established just over a century ago, Magnimar is well known as the City of Monuments. The metropolis earned this nickname with the completion of the Arvensoar, a grand tower that commemorates a miracle that spared the town from destruction during its early days.

According to legend, founder Ordellia Whilwren called out to an angel who was said to watch over the local Varisians for protection from a mighty storm. Her prayers were answered with a dramatic flash of light that parted the clouds and cleared the skies.

In the intervening years, Magnimar’s people have constructed over a dozen additional monuments in and around the city, many of them commemorating historic moments or honouring the celestial beings who watch over them.

Sovereign Court

CG Female Half-elf Medium (Relic) 6, Brawler 1 | HP: 46/46 | AC: 20, T: 14, FF: 18 | CMB: +8 CMD: 20 | F: +6, R: +7, W: +10 (+8) | Init: +2 | Perc: +12 (+10), SM: +10 (+8) | Speed 20ft | Inf 2/4, No taboo | MF: 6/7; Channel 4/5 | Spells 1st: 5/5 2nd: 4/4 CLWand 46/50 |Current Spirit: Sasha | Active cond: Hierophant Boon and Bonus, DR 5/silver, Resist 5 acid, cold, electricity, MF: blind fight

Fali plays with Kane some as she watches Kit make up the puppets. She frowns slightly at her puppet before picking up a small fuzzy length of yellow with some metal in it making it stand straight and adds a little metalic square to the top. "Don't actually have a big sword sadly. Big hammer, check. Yellow spear, check. bladed scarf, rope dart, machete, kukri, all check, but no big sword. I'll only really be using the spear... and my knees if 'knee'd be! .... I'll leave the joke to you, but I couldn't help my self there. Oh can we throw some orange on the doll? The extra ingenuity would be helpful!"

She heads over a picks up a healing potion and looks at teh protection from evil potions but thinks the two people likely to be standing much closer could probably use it. She finally gestures to her own spear, "I have my own fine weapon, though it is amazing you are providing one for us just in case." The woman takes a look at the document before Kahwen puts it in his pocket mentally thinking, Sure hope we don't run into witnesses not amenable to helping their fair city or who are from out of town as we have no legal ability to question them...

She grabs up her pack for a second, before realizing she forgot soemthing. "Oh, one final thing, I forgot to mention I am a medium, and not one of those frauds who claim to talk to spirits. I can actually channel spirits. Given we have no healers, I'm thinking Sasha would be a good fit. He'd also be overjoyed to see Varisia and a monument to Ashava. If we aren't in a hurry right now, I'd love to perform the seance with everyone. You'll just need to stay in a circle and hold onto a string. You can do whatever else you want, such a knit, make puppets, polish weapons, or prepare spells."

She pulls out a bit of chalk from her bag, a few candles and a bundle of red string. She glances up to Shelia, "Is there an appropriate place for this? Somewhere where I can draw a circle on the ground and it won't be a bother?"

The seance cause dang this turned longer than expected:
Assuming she found a good spot, Fali draws a simple circle on the ground the chalk, and adds in a few basic details. She places 5 candles at even points throughout the circle and lights them. "Alright, anyone interested in joining can come on in." As anyone participating, crosses the line, she hands them one end of a red string, the other end of each string connected to her left wrist. Finally she reaches into her pack and pulls out a plush silk bag, reverently drawing out a heavily singed and stained half circle depicting the upper half of a woman dancing in front of a moon.

If you want to partiicpate, you get access to the Seance boon of Sasha, i.e. healing spells and abilities heal an additional 2 points of damage to each target. It does not affect healing conferred by magic items, nor does it add to fast healing or similar effects.

She sets it in the center of the circle and fianlly starts to dance. At first, it's a precise and methodical bellydance. Each movement flowing yet sharp, beautifully isolated, and planned. The slow almost hypnotic dance continues for a good five minutes or so, before she starts to repeat the movements. But the second time around the moves become more staccato, a hint of frantic energy building in them. The segment repeats over and over, but each time the movements and routine morph further until the 12th and last rendition bears no resemblance to the first, the movements stuttering, frantic and unplanned. She seems to have gone less from dancing to a squirrel that jitters around the people in the circle curious as to who and what they are. There is a certain joy to the movements though.

Sasha being sasha:
When the dancing comes to a stop, her face seems completely changed, the normal small smile and relaxed look replaced by a broad smile, a bushy-tailed energy positively radiating off her, but yet her face seems smaller than before. The foodgates of curiousity spill open soo afterwards as the womans body nearly bounds all over the place extending hands to people, as the spirit introduces himself. He seems to focus in on Kit first, peppering her with questions. "Hi, Hey, I'm Sasha! I love the puppets! Did you make them yourself? Can you make one for me? I was a gnome in life! Where are you from, uhhhh, Kit, was it? What was it like? How was the weather, the people, the food? What religions are there in your town? Speaking of which, who's teachings do you follow? Do you like them? Are their teachings difficult? Relaxed? Why do you follow them? How do they feel about the undead? Have you ever met an undead? What kind? How many? Were they scary? How did you deal with them?"

After, probably, exhausting Kit he moves onto Elado, Inghinn, and then Matrialda. Each time the questions are often different and follow different patterns but for the most part touch upon their home town, their religious views and their experiences with the undead.

He then catches sight of Kahwen and stops, clearly In shock over seeing a person-shaped bird and all his feathers. "OOOOOOOOHHHHHH a bird man! Hello Birdman! What's your name? I'm Sasha! It's nice to meet you! It's nice to get to see the world again! Isn't it lovely! I mean your balck feathers are so glossy and deep and soft looking! Can I touch them? I wonder if an undead feels like this? Poor things. Wait, ahve you ever encountered undead? When? Where? What kind? What did you think? Did you help the get to rest? Wait how do you rest? Do you have a nest? Where did you make your nest? Is that where you're originally from? What was it like there? Is the food tasty? The weather nice? The people? The temples? Which temple did you go to? DO you still follow their teachings? Are they easy to follow?"

Fali can use the wand if need be, she has that spell as a spell known from her Heirophant spirit.

Grand Lodge

He/Him Sorcerer (Draconic) 7 | HP 45/45 | AC 21/15/17 | F+5 R+7 W+6 | Init +10 | Perc +8 Active conditions: Mage Armor, Darkvision, Spider climb, hybrid wolf form

Elado participates in the seance and greets Sasha before she darts to Kahwen. Oh, nice to meet.... ah yes. Kahwen is quite popular.

Sovereign Court

CG Female Half-elf Medium (Relic) 6, Brawler 1 | HP: 46/46 | AC: 20, T: 14, FF: 18 | CMB: +8 CMD: 20 | F: +6, R: +7, W: +10 (+8) | Init: +2 | Perc: +12 (+10), SM: +10 (+8) | Speed 20ft | Inf 2/4, No taboo | MF: 6/7; Channel 4/5 | Spells 1st: 5/5 2nd: 4/4 CLWand 46/50 |Current Spirit: Sasha | Active cond: Hierophant Boon and Bonus, DR 5/silver, Resist 5 acid, cold, electricity, MF: blind fight
Elado Zoros wrote:
Elado participates in the seance and greets Sasha before she darts to Kahwen. Oh, nice to meet.... ah yes. Kahwen is quite popular.

He also asked the same of you, effectively. I just truly did not want to have to think of 5 different ways of asking the same things.

VC Australia - WA

Once the Pathfinders have completed their various preparations (feel free to continue to post the details) they set out in search of Davorge.

Although Ordellia lies on the opposite side of Magnimar from Heidmarch Manor, it’s relatively simple for the team to find the Rose and Rake Theatre. A few simple enquiries reveal that the Rose and Rake is a large, open-air playhouse which frequently hosts town hall meetings and other large gatherings. In the playhouse’s shadow is a well-kept tavern known for its dashing waitstaff and their slick, trimmed uniforms. A sign above the tavern depicts a rose and a small garden rake. The tavern’s owners have been petitioning the city for permission to formally name their establishment after the famous theatre and civil centre next door, to no avail.

Sitting near the back of the tavern is a dark-haired Varisian man wearing a flowing tunic and trousers, both with silver embroidery. When the Pathfinders enter the establishment, he waves them over and introduces himself as Davorge, a cleric of Ashava, inquiring whether they have any ghost stories they’d be willing to share with him.
Slide 5

Grand Lodge

[Init +9, Per +18, Spd 40'] M Tengu Unchained Rogue (Swordmaster/Scout) 11th [HP 57/58, AC 30(34) |ff 19 |t 21, Fort +7, Ref +19, Will +7,] CMD 27

Kahwen's eyes grow wide as Faliana performs her seance. He did, of course, volunteer to be a part of it and holds the thread with both hands.

He fidgets as the dance continues and grows particularly frenetic, casting worried, questioning glances at the other participants.

He is visibly relieved, though quite questioning when it ends and Faliana...transforms.

But he greets his new exuberance with exuberance of his own. Sasha receives his customary bow before he offers his arm to be touched and answers. Those feathers are particularly long and, except for the hands sprouting from the ends of them, his arms look very much like small wings.

"Greetings, Friend Sasha. I'm Kahwen. I'm a tengu. Yes, I have encountered undead a couple of times. Once, at this strange plateau in the middle of an ocean I met a ghoul. I did not lay him to rest because he was not hurting anyone or stopping us from doing what we were there for. Then, further in I met some ghosts. We did put them to rest."

"I sleep in beds. Or on the floor, or the ground, depending on where I am, though, now that you mention it, it might be safer to sleep in trees. I did hatch from an egg, though. It was in a nest. I think, anyway, I don't really remember it. That was in the Shackles. It's not really a very nice place and the food is not very nice, either. But I learned a lot."

"Where are you from?"

At the Not Rose and Rake tavern, Kahwen takes a seat at Davorge's table.

And, at his question, Sasha gets to hear about the ghosts he mentioned previously.

"As part of our travels, a group I was with came across a group of ghosts who were having a feast and ball. They insisted that we join them and many of us were taken in by the festivities, but through will and skill, we were able to beat them at their own game and lay them to rest."

Sovereign Court

LG Female (she/her) Human Fighter 6 | HP 24/61 | AC21 | T11 | FF20 | CMD22 (24 vs overrun) | F+8 R+5 W+3 (+2 vs fear) | Speed 20ft Init. +4 | Perception +0 | Status: Hybrid Form; Heroism (2hrs), Haste, Shaken| Found Gear: Potion of Fly

"Since no one else seems eager to claim it," Inghinn says as she stands and strides over to take the enchanted spear. "From what I've experienced, one can never be over-prepared with weapons of different sorts, and I believe this have a greater impact than my simple hunting spear. May I leave that here with you, Lady Heidmarch?" She also claims one of both types of potions and the oil.

When Fali begins her seance, Inghinn eagerly joins, fascinated by the ritual and the way Fali's performance links her to another plane of existence. As she watches, she wonders what kind of spirits people like Fali might be calling on.

Knowledge (planes): 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (6) + 2 = 8

Finally, when Sasha inhabits Fali's body and goes around making his introductions, Inghinn introduces herself with pleasure and fair measure of her own curiosity.

As the group leaves the lodge, Inghinn asks if they can swing by a shop to pick up something. She comes back out of the shop with a scroll, which she promptly hands to Kit. "I think this may come in handy today," she says, looking the performer in the eyes seriously. "If we come across anything...ghostly. Use it."

Spending 150gp on a scroll of Ghostbane Dirge, which I will then hand off to Kit, as it looks like she's the only one here who can cast it.


Upon arriving at the tavern and meeting Davorge, Inghinn tells the tale of how she earned her linnorm hide armor. She tells of a Linnorm King driven mad by jealousy and fear until, through the just results of his own arrogance and selfishness, he became a headless undead abomination; the brave warrior woman who dreamed to become a Linnorm Queen in her own right but was forced, after her own death, to fight spirit against spirit to keep a linnorm from rising to wreak havoc on her home; and of the undead linnorm that was finally allowed to rise so that it could be put to death once and for all.

Sovereign Court

CG Female Half-elf Medium (Relic) 6, Brawler 1 | HP: 46/46 | AC: 20, T: 14, FF: 18 | CMB: +8 CMD: 20 | F: +6, R: +7, W: +10 (+8) | Init: +2 | Perc: +12 (+10), SM: +10 (+8) | Speed 20ft | Inf 2/4, No taboo | MF: 6/7; Channel 4/5 | Spells 1st: 5/5 2nd: 4/4 CLWand 46/50 |Current Spirit: Sasha | Active cond: Hierophant Boon and Bonus, DR 5/silver, Resist 5 acid, cold, electricity, MF: blind fight

Faliana starts to take a seat at the table excited to be meeting a fellow follower of the True Spark. The question about ghosts comes part way through sitting down. Fali freezes he face going blank but the rest of her body tensing. She stays that way for a tick or two visibly shaking with effort. She breaks and her graceful posture breaks into a jerky plop inot the chair, face a pinched look of excited joy. Sasha squeaks out, "Oh boy, GHOSTS! I love ghosts! So many people think they're evil! But they're just lost like all undead! Show them kindness and..." He freezes as Fali exerts control again.

She gives a small bow at Davorge and apologizes. "Sorry about that! He's a bit excitable about undead and thinks showing them kindness is all you need to heal them... I don't have any good ghost stories but how about stories about spirits? I have an overabundance of those."

Grand Lodge

He/Him Sorcerer (Draconic) 7 | HP 45/45 | AC 21/15/17 | F+5 R+7 W+6 | Init +10 | Perc +8 Active conditions: Mage Armor, Darkvision, Spider climb, hybrid wolf form

Elado will buy a scroll of See Invisibility on the way.

Elado tries to recall his most recent adventures but comes up short on ghost stories. I think there are far greater stories told here than I can muster.

Sovereign Court

CG Female Half-elf Medium (Relic) 6, Brawler 1 | HP: 46/46 | AC: 20, T: 14, FF: 18 | CMB: +8 CMD: 20 | F: +6, R: +7, W: +10 (+8) | Init: +2 | Perc: +12 (+10), SM: +10 (+8) | Speed 20ft | Inf 2/4, No taboo | MF: 6/7; Channel 4/5 | Spells 1st: 5/5 2nd: 4/4 CLWand 46/50 |Current Spirit: Sasha | Active cond: Hierophant Boon and Bonus, DR 5/silver, Resist 5 acid, cold, electricity, MF: blind fight
Kahwen wrote:
"Where are you from?"

Sasha listens to Kahwen's every word seemingly enamored with what it must be like to be a bird-person!

He does spring back into verbal motion after getting asked a question. "Oh, me? I'm... was from Korvosa! I learned about the plight of the poor, poor undead in Nidal and I tried to go help them. Fali says I didn't make it half a day beyond the border!" The small gnome-like features seem to beam in pride at this 'accomplishment'.

Dark Archive

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Female TN Kitsune Bard (Duetist)/9 | HP: 66/66 | AC/FF/T: 23/20/13 21/18/13 | CMD: 18 18 | F/R/W: +7/11/9 +5/9/7 | Init: +4 (+4 with heightened awareness) | Speed 30ft | Low-light vision | Bluff +24, Diplo +22, DDev +10, EscArt +10, Intim +24, KnLoc +5, KnNat +5, KnNob +5, Perc +11, SMot +22, Scraft +5, Stlth +7 | Active Conditions: Heroism (180 minutes), heightened awareness (10 Minutes), inspire courage +3

oops. I read and reread the volumes of intros and I could have SWORN Faliana also had a big sword. Ugh.

Kit is delighted to join the seance and she doesn't care in the least whether it is an act or real. Fun either way. The dancing is well done, professional even, and she takes mental notes, though when it devolves into a squirrel rant she starts to frown, then smiles, realizing that this has GOT to be part of the whole act.

At first Kit tries to answer Sasha's questions but as she is cut off every time she starts to answer, she soon gives up and starts answering in grunts, relieved when she moves on to someone else.


En route...

Kit takes the scroll from Grandmamma, and nods. "This does seem prudent. I'm glad you entrusted me with this and I hope to be able to return it to you unused."


At the inn...

Kit is about to suggest that Davorge talk to Kaliani since she has a real 'live' ghost hanging around at the moment, but bites her tongue and holds back, remembering that the real ghost does not think it is a ghost at all.

"Ghost stories!? You want ghost stories?"

Kit rubs her hands together with glee and dives into her puppet bag, murmuring to herself as she sorts through things.

"Hmmm... Scary? Probably not. These folks seem to like ghosts. AHA! Just the thing. The Ghost and Mrs. Muir."

With a few adjustments the Grandmamma puppet is transformed into Mrs. Muir, a character from the play, and a pirate puppet is selected to play the part of Bluebeard. Before long she is entertaining the group with a skit, a shortened version of the play as an ioun stone whirs frantically above her somehow augmenting her voice and adding gravitas.

perform oratory: 1d20 + 19 ⇒ (15) + 19 = 34
perform comedy: 1d20 + 19 ⇒ (15) + 19 = 34

VC Australia - WA

Davorge is so entranced by Kitoro's performance that he offers to buy her a drink and then looks around and calls out, "Drinks for all my friends here."

As they chat it is easy to determine that Davorge is a cheerful fellow who moves and speaks with a melodic rhythm, as if he were constantly dancing.

Dark Archive

Female LG Human School Savant Arcanist 9 | HP 47/47 | AC 13 T 12 FF 11 | CMB +2, CMD 14 | F: +9, R: +11, W: +13 | Init: +8 | Perc: +15, SM: +3, Low-light Vision | Speed 30ft | Spells: 1st 6/6 2nd 6/6 3rd 6/6 4th 4/4 | Reservoir: 7/12 | Disruption: 10/10 | Counterspell: 1/1 | Active conditions: Fire Resistance 5

For brevity, Matrialda would also participate in the seance. She’s always happy to see what her grandchildren want to show her.

”Ohoho, quite the charmer,” Matrialda coos as Davorge orders drinks for the Pathfinders. ”No ghost stories here I’m afraid. But why might such a young man as yourself be interested in such things?”

VC Australia - WA

"To dance for lonely ghosts and lead them to safety would be a great achievement, don't you think?" replies Davorge.

Grand Lodge

[Init +9, Per +18, Spd 40'] M Tengu Unchained Rogue (Swordmaster/Scout) 11th [HP 57/58, AC 30(34) |ff 19 |t 21, Fort +7, Ref +19, Will +7,] CMD 27

Kahwen watches the puppet show with all the joy and awe Kitoro might like. He even gasps and laughs in a couple of places. When the drinks come, he sips from his.

"Are you a dancer?" Kahwen asks brightly.

"Friend Faliana is a dancer, too! Have you seen Ordellia? Or any of the buried heroes at the Cenotaph?" he asks Davorge.

VC Australia - WA

Davorge laughs, a merry ringing with no hint of malice. “I’m something of an aficionado of Ordellia Whilwren. Her mortal abode happens to be ‘round the corner from where we sit. I’d love nothing more than to see that poor, lost soul move peacefully from our life to the next. But lately, I’ve heard strange reports about her. She appears lost, scared, desperate even. I was going to investigate the matter myself, yet now that you’re here I wonder if our dances are, in fact, a duet. What do you say? Care to investigate the matter together?”

Sovereign Court

CG Female Half-elf Medium (Relic) 6, Brawler 1 | HP: 46/46 | AC: 20, T: 14, FF: 18 | CMB: +8 CMD: 20 | F: +6, R: +7, W: +10 (+8) | Init: +2 | Perc: +12 (+10), SM: +10 (+8) | Speed 20ft | Inf 2/4, No taboo | MF: 6/7; Channel 4/5 | Spells 1st: 5/5 2nd: 4/4 CLWand 46/50 |Current Spirit: Sasha | Active cond: Hierophant Boon and Bonus, DR 5/silver, Resist 5 acid, cold, electricity, MF: blind fight

Faliana laughs at the comedic story, enjoying the puppets and their antics immensely. I'm immagining a Punch and Judy-esque puppet show here.

GM Numbat wrote:
"To dance for lonely ghosts and lead them to safety would be a great achievement, don't you think?" replies Davorge.

Faliana smiles at the comment and nods in agreement. "Certainly, dancing that can lead someone, living or dead, out of a dark place should be something we strive for."

Kahwen wrote:
"Friend Faliana is a dancer, too! Have you seen Ordellia? Or any of the buried heroes at the Cenotaph?" he asks Davorge.

Fali gets a bit shy at the comments that she dances, "I'm only of moderate talent as a dancer."

GM Numbat wrote:
Davorge laughs, a merry ringing with no hint of malice. “I’m something of an aficionado of Ordellia Whilwren. Her mortal abode happens to be ‘round the corner from where we sit. I’d love nothing more than to see that poor, lost soul move peacefully from our life to the next. But lately, I’ve heard strange reports about her. She appears lost, scared, desperate even. I was going to investigate the matter myself, yet now that you’re here I wonder if our dances are, in fact, a duet. What do you say? Care to investigate the matter together?”

The half-elf brightens some at the suggestion. "Why that certainly sounds like a great idea. I'd love to help, and watch a master performer as he works! Though we'd more likely be a septuplet than a duet."

Dark Archive

Female TN Kitsune Bard (Duetist)/9 | HP: 66/66 | AC/FF/T: 23/20/13 21/18/13 | CMD: 18 18 | F/R/W: +7/11/9 +5/9/7 | Init: +4 (+4 with heightened awareness) | Speed 30ft | Low-light vision | Bluff +24, Diplo +22, DDev +10, EscArt +10, Intim +24, KnLoc +5, KnNat +5, KnNob +5, Perc +11, SMot +22, Scraft +5, Stlth +7 | Active Conditions: Heroism (180 minutes), heightened awareness (10 Minutes), inspire courage +3
Faliana "Conduit" Galina wrote:
I'm immagining a Punch and Judy-esque puppet show here.

Andy you would be pretty dang close, though Kit usually manages to work in something involving a whip and Kane acts as the bottler.

Unable to stand it any longer, Kit informs the group that "I do believe in dancing its called a partner dance, not a duet, and a dance with many people is called a group dance. The term duet is actually a musical term only."

"And Faliana is actually a quite talented dancer. I won't tolerate false modesty either. Unless it is in the interest of comedy, of course."

Sovereign Court

LG Female (she/her) Human Fighter 6 | HP 24/61 | AC21 | T11 | FF20 | CMD22 (24 vs overrun) | F+8 R+5 W+3 (+2 vs fear) | Speed 20ft Init. +4 | Perception +0 | Status: Hybrid Form; Heroism (2hrs), Haste, Shaken| Found Gear: Potion of Fly

"I'm afraid I'm far from graceful," Inghinn admits somewhat embarrassed, "So I don't know if I could join you in dancing. I'd love to help in whatever way I can though. Benevolent souls like Ordellia's deserve to have their final rest."

Grand Lodge

[Init +9, Per +18, Spd 40'] M Tengu Unchained Rogue (Swordmaster/Scout) 11th [HP 57/58, AC 30(34) |ff 19 |t 21, Fort +7, Ref +19, Will +7,] CMD 27

"More eyes spot the coin faster," Kahwen says, using a proverb from home.

"We'd certainly like to help you with your investigation."

Dark Archive

Female TN Kitsune Bard (Duetist)/9 | HP: 66/66 | AC/FF/T: 23/20/13 21/18/13 | CMD: 18 18 | F/R/W: +7/11/9 +5/9/7 | Init: +4 (+4 with heightened awareness) | Speed 30ft | Low-light vision | Bluff +24, Diplo +22, DDev +10, EscArt +10, Intim +24, KnLoc +5, KnNat +5, KnNob +5, Perc +11, SMot +22, Scraft +5, Stlth +7 | Active Conditions: Heroism (180 minutes), heightened awareness (10 Minutes), inspire courage +3

"Particularly if it involves dancing. I do love a good dance. I do tend to go more for bling (AKA jazz) dancing than belly dancing, but I can do that too. And contemporary. Oooh, and wild-child (AKA hip-hop). That's a fun style."

Kit strikes a tough girl pose which is kind of ruined by the finger puppets she is still wearing.

Sovereign Court

CG Female Half-elf Medium (Relic) 6, Brawler 1 | HP: 46/46 | AC: 20, T: 14, FF: 18 | CMB: +8 CMD: 20 | F: +6, R: +7, W: +10 (+8) | Init: +2 | Perc: +12 (+10), SM: +10 (+8) | Speed 20ft | Inf 2/4, No taboo | MF: 6/7; Channel 4/5 | Spells 1st: 5/5 2nd: 4/4 CLWand 46/50 |Current Spirit: Sasha | Active cond: Hierophant Boon and Bonus, DR 5/silver, Resist 5 acid, cold, electricity, MF: blind fight

Faliana nods slightly chagrined at the 'false modesty' comment. "I really am only a competent dancer. Not masterful at all. Your comedy is certainly much better! As for dances, I certainly love my belly dance, but I'm certainly able to handle bling, wild-child and I think Sasha can do a good rendition of the construct AKA the robot... with some help of course! "

Fali then looks over at Inghinn. " Oh, I could definitely teach you some basic dances if you want! A simple square or mayhaps just some free dance, no set forms, as those tend to be easy for beginners. "

VC Australia - WA

Davorge (ignoring the corrections to his language) eagerly leaps from his table and walks the Pathfinders out of the tavern, dropping some coins on the counter for his drinks as he goes.

A small crowd has gathered in front of the Mistress of Angels, a marble statue of a Chelaxian woman with flowing hair and plain clothing. The statue carries a butterfly emblem in her right hand and a starknife in her left, and her eyes stare out over the sea to the north. Behind the statue is a large wooden townhouse. A brass plaque labelled “Ordellia’s Townhouse” marks the building’s southernmost entrance.

Inspector Theodorus Ichonvarde has lined up five witnesses and is in the process of interrogating them for information regarding the disturbances. Among them are a pair of women— one Chelaxian and the other Varisian—holding hands, a Chelaxian man who appears bored with the exchange, a young Varisian man who looks close to tears, and a Varisian woman in dancer’s garb glancing impatiently at a nearby sundial.
Picture of Theodorus added to slide 5

Davorge’s attention is immediately drawn to the Mistress of Angels, though he indicates that he is fine with the Pathfinders investigating the current proceedings if they desire.

Dark Archive

Female TN Kitsune Bard (Duetist)/9 | HP: 66/66 | AC/FF/T: 23/20/13 21/18/13 | CMD: 18 18 | F/R/W: +7/11/9 +5/9/7 | Init: +4 (+4 with heightened awareness) | Speed 30ft | Low-light vision | Bluff +24, Diplo +22, DDev +10, EscArt +10, Intim +24, KnLoc +5, KnNat +5, KnNob +5, Perc +11, SMot +22, Scraft +5, Stlth +7 | Active Conditions: Heroism (180 minutes), heightened awareness (10 Minutes), inspire courage +3

Kit goes to watch the investigator and the witnesses, but positions herself near the witnesses in case one of them should try to slip away. Kit makes ready with her hideous laughter spell if she does.

(i.e. ready action to cast DC 17 hideous laughter if one bolts).

Grand Lodge

[Init +9, Per +18, Spd 40'] M Tengu Unchained Rogue (Swordmaster/Scout) 11th [HP 57/58, AC 30(34) |ff 19 |t 21, Fort +7, Ref +19, Will +7,] CMD 27

Kahwen approaches Ichonvarde and bows. "I bid you greetings, Mr. Ichonvarde. I am Kahwen. My companions and I are Pathfinders. We have been tasked with investigating the same troubles you have. We would like to watch and potentially assist in your questioning of these individuals."

After his announcement/introduction is made, he turns his attention to the witnesses, paying particular mind to the young man who appears about to cry and the woman who seems to be on a schedule.

VC Australia - WA

"What do you mean, "tasked with investigating"? I am the official investigator and I don't need interference from a bunch of busy body civilians. Please keep your distance and allow me to continue with my work." The Inspector seems quite dismissive of the Pathfinders on their initial approach.

Grand Lodge

[Init +9, Per +18, Spd 40'] M Tengu Unchained Rogue (Swordmaster/Scout) 11th [HP 57/58, AC 30(34) |ff 19 |t 21, Fort +7, Ref +19, Will +7,] CMD 27

"I'm afraid we cannot do that," Kahwen says. He pulls out the document they've been given in a very officious manner and holds it open for the Inspector to see with both hands. He does not let the man hold it.

"While your skills are respected by all, including us, it has been decided that more eyes spot the lost coin, as they say," he explains.

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