GM Numbat PFS2 1-06 Lost on the Spirit Road (Inactive)

Game Master numbat1

PFS2 1-06

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VC Australia - WA

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VC Australia - WA

While the Pathfinder Society’s home may be in Absalom on the Isle of Kortos, they attempt to found lodges throughout the known world, where ever they can establish decent relations. One such location is in far distant Tian Xia, where Venture-Captain Amara Li is laying the groundwork for a lodge in Minkai. Slide 2

Amara Li has been collecting relics from across the world to house in a new museum with a focus on relics from Minkaian history that have been kept in other nations. To this end, she has been travelling all over the nation to pursue leads. These relics have come from a combination of purchases and donations, and she has occasionally called on local Pathfinders to guard the relics.

A variety of Pathfinders have been sent on assignment to Minkai to use their various skills and talents to assist the Venture-Captain in this endeavour.
One such group of Pathfinders are currently working in Sakakabe, a prosperous city famous for its trade in silver and pearls.

Each of you arrived in Minkai within the past few months and have more recently travelled to Sakakabe. You have had plenty of opportunities to meet and likely work with each other. Set to with your introductory RP before the summons to meet the V-C.

Verdant Wheel

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Male Ancient Aiudeen Elf Druid 2 |HP 22/22|AC 15|F+4 R+5 W+9|Perc+7|Low Light Vision|Focus 1/1 Spells DC 17 Slotted 1st Heal Summon Animal Hydraulic Push|Hero Points 0/3 |Spell Effects:

Upon encountering his first companion, Xathiel Vos will:

Xathiel Vos enters with an air of confidence. He is an Aiudeen and the slight crow’s feet at the corners of his eyes bely his several centuries of life experience. His attire is well maintained and meticulous, but the Absolom stylings seem a decade or two out of date. Of notice is he is wearing only textiles and there is no animal flesh to be found on his person. Even his footwear is a heavy cloth moccasin. Around his neck, fashioned like a scarf is a vibrant bough of holly interspersed with mistletoe. Both the holly and mistletoe seem to still be very much alive and be on his person. Slung over his shoulder is a bandolier-like sash that looks extremely new. Within its slots are all the tools of a healer’s kit, all of which seem to have never been used. Xathiel frequently adjusts the sash as he tries to find a comfortable position for it. In his hand he carries a long bough of wood, again this staff seems vibrant and alive, the runes that run along its surface seem to have been grown there and small tufts of leaves grow from the upper third of its length.

Greetings, I am Xathiel Vos at your service. He bows formally.

Yes indeed he chuckles slightly I am that Xathiel Vos, but the pleasure is mine to make your acquaintance.

Horizon Hunters

2 people marked this as a favorite.
CN Female Gnome Noble Sorcerer 8 | ♥️ 74/64 | AC 23 (Mage Armor) | F+14 R+13 W+15 | Perc +12 (Low-Light, Darkvision) | Speed 40' | Focus □ | Spells DC 26; Slots: 1□□□□ 2□□□□ 3 □□□□ 4 □□□□ | Hero 1 | Detect Magic (Init +12) | ✋ Staff of Fire | Status:
Xathiel Vos wrote:
Slung over his shoulder is a bandolier-like sash that looks extremely new. Within its slots are all the tools of a healer’s kit, all of which seem to have never been used.

I got a good chuckle from that.

Xathiel Vos wrote:
Greetings, I am Xathiel Vos at your service. He bows formally.

The small female gnome dressed in an impressive set of cutting-edge clothing of the latest fashion does a small curtsy in response. The eyes are first drawn to her pixie-cut bright orange hair framing a beautiful, but strangely otherworldly face. They soon move to take in the multi-colored hooded coat covering a peplum bustier that barely conceals her ample charms. Her leather breeches and boots in matching colors complete the outfit. At her belt are two sheathed matching daggers and several pouches.

See Jayma in all her splendor

Moving unceasingly from one shoulder to another, occasionally diving into her coat or backpack only to quickly emerge elsewhere, is a white ermine with oddly intelligent eyes.

Xathiel Vos wrote:
Yes indeed he chuckles slightly I am that Xathiel Vos, but the pleasure is mine to make your acquaintance.

Upon hearing Xathiel's introduction, she laughs a high, clear, musical sort of sound, "Why of course you are that Xathiel Vos. How could anyone mistake you for someone else." She pauses slightly to look him up and down. "No one else could possibly wear such fine, um... vintage clothing with that level of confidence," she adds without a trace of irony, but with a mischievous smile on her face.

"My name is Jayma, by the way, and this..." she puts out her right hand into which the ermine leaps, standing up on its hind legs to look out at the others, "... is my friend Twyl," A pair of small wings unfold from the ermine's back and it takes to the air momentarily before landing on Jayma's shoulders once again.

See Twyl in all his glory

Horizon Hunters

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Male Ermine Familiar 8 | ♥️ 40/40 | AC 23 | F+14 R+13 W+15 | Perc +12 (Low-Light Vision) | Speed 25' | Traits: Minion | Abilities: Accompanist, Ambassador, Partner in Crime, Valet | Status:

Twyl's ears twitch at the sound of his name. From his perch on Jayma's shoulders, he gives Xathiel Vos a wary look, but senses no danger from the elf.

Horizon Hunters

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Male Human Monk 2 | HP 20/30 | AC 16 | F+7, R+6, W+8 | Perc +8 | Ki Pool 1/2 | Hero Pts: 1

A tall, charismatic, and well-built human approaches. It is mildly surprising to see a Pathfinder wearing such fine clothing. Underneath his pristine robes, his adventurers clothes are of the highest quality, yet his outfit remains flexible and practical for adventuring. He wears a couple sashes with various potions on one, and a set of older healer's tools on the other.

He bows low, and he introduces himself with a firm handshake and a warm smile. "Greetings, I'm Adrian. It's good to be in familiar surroundings. I grew up in a monastery on a small island off the coast here in Tian Xia." After a short pause, he continues, "I'm well-versed in martial arts and a devout follower of Irori. Following the Master's teachings, I practice discipline and order. While my beliefs prohibit me from partaking in the fruits of the vine, I do enjoy entertainment. Practicing my katas has helped me to be an accomplished performer." Holding up a large Sitar, he strums a pleasant chord, adding, "You'll also find me meditating with some music." Finally, he displays a large tome. "With my initial training complete, I was sent out to join the Pathfinders, in part to collect information from the Inner Sea Region in this compendium."

He bows once more to everyone, "It's my privilege to be serving with each of you on our upcoming mission."

Verdant Wheel

Male Ancient Aiudeen Elf Druid 2 |HP 22/22|AC 15|F+4 R+5 W+9|Perc+7|Low Light Vision|Focus 1/1 Spells DC 17 Slotted 1st Heal Summon Animal Hydraulic Push|Hero Points 0/3 |Spell Effects:

Xathiel greets Jayma courteously with a polite smile. His smile fades for a moment as his eyes fall disapprovingly on her breeches and boots. The look lasts for only a moment as he speaks,

It is my honour to be your companion in this endeavor Jayma. He looks down at his clothing and then back with a proud look on his face. Yes, my clothing. A necessary evil I am afraid but I am pleased to say it is all ethically sourced. Every fiber involved given freely by the plant responsible for its creation.

His gaze then shifts to Twyl sitting on her shoulders and a true smile blossoms on his face. His entire face lights up with enthusiasm as his eyes glaze over,

Xathiel manifests a feeling in his mind of warm greetings and tasty morsels as he reaches out empathically to the ermine. He conjures an image of himself, overlays the thought of his name on the image, and then concentrates on a feeling of trust and happiness.

As his eyes refocus on Jayma he says,

Your friend is such an adorable little beebee, I am most honoured to make his acquaintance. He bows his head towards Twyl with utmost respect.

Verdant Wheel

Male Ancient Aiudeen Elf Druid 2 |HP 22/22|AC 15|F+4 R+5 W+9|Perc+7|Low Light Vision|Focus 1/1 Spells DC 17 Slotted 1st Heal Summon Animal Hydraulic Push|Hero Points 0/3 |Spell Effects:

Xathiel greets Adrian with a similar bow and a smile,

It is a privilege to be in the presence of one of your discipline. I am very pleased to make your acquaintance. He eyes the sitar with a twinkle in his eye. I have been known to tell a tale or sing a tune in my time. It would truly be a pleasure, during our journeys together, if we might join our voices in a song or two.

Vigilant Seal

Champion/4 HPs 58/58, Hero 2/3, Focus 1/1, AC 20(22 shield) Saves F +10 R +6 W +9, Perc +7, Athletics +9, Intimidation +8, Craft, Medicine, Religion, Society, Lore: Guild, Scouting +7, Acrobatics +6 Male Forge Dwarf Artisan Exploration: Defend, Active Conditions:

A gruff monotone voice speaks from out of a mass of red beard and silver grey wolf furs, "Granitt, at your service". Even in those few words, you sense a sadness, an emptiness in his heart. His red beard carefully plaited is singed at its ends, the result of being too close to the forge. The furs, a remnant of his last mission, hang over his broad shoulders, covering his armour only seen vaguely as a glint of polished silvered metal and on his arm a shield etched with the image of a hammer. As the dwarf enters he reaches down and places a large ancient looking battleaxe that leans against the wall, reaching into a pocket with his free hand he retrieves a metal comb and starts to brush out his read hair. He grumbles loudly under his breath, "Gotta remember, plaits when travelling, keep everything in place, nice and tidy." Yet there is no joy or feeling, it is a ritualistic mechanical phrase that once held some meaning.

His blue eyes have lost their sheen and a dried tear is left near his eye, before it disappears into his red facial hair. He looks up at the colourful gnome and smiles weakly, "A pleasure Jayma, to see you and your small friend." He looks across at the elf, shrugs and nods, "Xathiel Vos", an empty acknowledgement. He turns to face Adrian, but before their eyes make contact, he slowly turns his face downwards to the floor. "Adrian, to have such discipline and control, is a treasure, though some treasures turn out to be false and burdensome."

He looks around the room for a flagon of ale.

Horizon Hunters

Male Human Monk 2 | HP 20/30 | AC 16 | F+7, R+6, W+8 | Perc +8 | Ki Pool 1/2 | Hero Pts: 1

Adrian responds to the elf with pleasant surprise, "Well met, good Xathiel! It would be a pleasure to combine our musical talents." He smiles and pats his sitar, "Although it might be best if you handle the vocals, while I focus on the strings."

He then turns to the sullen dwarf and nods knowingly, "I know what you mean, friend. Following the path can be difficult. But you must continue to have faith. Perhaps your deity is offering a challenge, knowing only a true champion can keep to the path and find his way through the torment of darkness." He pats Granitt's shoulder comfortingly, "It could be that our upcoming adventure is just what you need. If I can provide any spiritual support, it would be an honor."

Vigilant Seal

Champion/4 HPs 58/58, Hero 2/3, Focus 1/1, AC 20(22 shield) Saves F +10 R +6 W +9, Perc +7, Athletics +9, Intimidation +8, Craft, Medicine, Religion, Society, Lore: Guild, Scouting +7, Acrobatics +6 Male Forge Dwarf Artisan Exploration: Defend, Active Conditions:

Granitt looks up at the monk and in a low voice replies, "But I failed my companions, Hopper .... he never recovered from his wounds and died on the ice." A tear trickles down the dwarf's cheek into his red bushy beard. His hand goes inside the fur on his chest and he takes out a metal ornament. In his hand he holds a small steel object on a chain round his neck. The object is of a small flask and hammer, with the letter 'H' inscribed on the flask, the object has been painstakingly made although rather crude looking, "The forge ran hot when I made this in his honour." A sparkle momentarily crosses the dwarf blue eyes, and his chest puffs out a bit, before a long sigh and the article is replaced inside his furs.

"If Torag sees fit, I will not fail you as I failed them."

Horizon Hunters

CN Female Gnome Noble Sorcerer 8 | ♥️ 74/64 | AC 23 (Mage Armor) | F+14 R+13 W+15 | Perc +12 (Low-Light, Darkvision) | Speed 40' | Focus □ | Spells DC 26; Slots: 1□□□□ 2□□□□ 3 □□□□ 4 □□□□ | Hero 1 | Detect Magic (Init +12) | ✋ Staff of Fire | Status:
Xathiel Vos wrote:
Every fiber involved given freely by the plant responsible for its creation.

Jayma smiles as a picture of plants plucking leaves off themselves and ceremoniously handing them to Zathiel comes to mind. "I guess having someone in the group that can talk to plants might come in handy," she privately jokes to herself. Still, despite all the pomposity and aloofness, Xathiel struck her as one of the good eggs, and Twyl seemed to agree with her.

Adrian impressed her in a completely different way, the handsome well-built devil. A snappy dresser too, though his outfit had a whiff too much of the practical about it. She couldn't wait to see him perform, and though they probably wouldn't be sharing a bottle of wine anytime soon, it would be interesting to see if there were other things they had in common.

Unusually for Jayma, she didn't quite know what to make of Granitt yet. He gave off that whole sad brooding depressed vibe, but she couldn't help thinking that it might be more affectation than reality. She'd have to keep a close eye on that one.

Radiant Oath

CG Male Human Liberator 1 | HP 21/21 | AC 17| F +7 R +4 W +6 | Perc +4 | Stealth +4 | Speed 25 | Focus 2/2 | Hero 1/3 |Active Conditions: ---

A pale lanky man in a heavy gray coat obscuring most of his armor but not his armaments, a greatsword and fauchard strapped to his back and a bandolier filled with hatchets and hammers, saunters into the meeting room. His dark hair was prematurely graying, and had heavy dark rings around his hungry red eyes. Aside from his eyes the only bit of visible color on him is his dull red boots, at one point in time they were probably quite extravagant and fashionable. A backpack off to the side of his weapons has a crowbar sticking out the top. ”My apologies for my tardiness, directions, even when I speak the language, have never been my forte. Saturday Daud, agent of The Unyielding. Please to make your acquaintance.” he says in a slight Ustalavic accent to everyone present.

”Granted it’s very tempted to get lost in this place. No scar formerly connecting to the abyss spewing demons, no undead swarming the countryside, no... whatever Numeria’s deal is, no undead swarming the countryside. This is... a very different place.” His lips form a neutral smile in greeting for a brief second. Let’s see, some sort of elven doctor or alchemist. Maybe a druid? Gnome scout? Assassin? Magic user is also a possibility. Also cute flying fur thing. Resist urge to pet. Human with fancy robes, potions, instrument, book. Magic user. Or a noble. And a dwarven.... dwarf.

VC Australia - WA

A missive is delivered to each of several Pathfinders summoning them to meet with Venture-Captain Li in one of the gardens of the Kiniro Kyomai teahouse, a famous teahouse run by geisha. The quality of the Kiniro Kyomai’s tea, food, and samisen music make it a popular destination for locals and travellers alike. The Venture-Captain waits for the Pathfinders to enjoy their tea before turning their attention to more serious matters.

“I fear that misfortune may have struck some of your fellow agents. I hope that you can help them return here to safety, but I fear the task I have to request of you may instead centre around recovering what you can from your fallen allies and, if it is safe to do so, completing the mission in their stead.”

After a brief pause, while she scans for signs of hesitation at the idea of a recovery mission, Amara Li continues.

“Last year, I received a donation of relics from Taldor. The route is lengthy and complicated, so I will spare you unnecessary details. A caravan carrying the relics safely arrived in Hongal to the north, where it met up with a pair of Pathfinder agents, Lin Po and Ti Lan. These agents inspected the cargo, sent me a missive indicating that all was in order, and joined a second caravan to take the Spirit Road through the Forest of Spirits. The journey is understandably long, taking over two months to complete. Still, the caravan is late, and I fear that they may have run into trouble along the way. They were supposed to reach Sakakabe two weeks ago.

“While it’s possible that they were waylaid in the northernmost parts of Minkai, I believe it’s far more likely that they ran into trouble in the Forest of Spirits, a mystical place that shelters departed souls and most of the world’s kami. Kami are spiritual guardians with a deep connection to certain living locations or living things. The locals pay great respect to the kami, never intruding further into the forest than their one coastal road, the Spirit Road, and a number of small settlements built around shrines. This should make tracking the caravan simple since there’s only a single road along which they should have had to rest or resupply at some point. I need you to check each of the roadside settlements until you find the last one to have seen the caravan, then track it from there and figure out what happened.

“Be sure to respect the kami and the local traditions honouring them; I don’t want you to come to harm in your journey. The kami are mostly benevolent, so long as they receive the proper respect, but there are some dangers that might have harried the caravan. Bandits, hobgoblins, and giants, among other creatures, dwell within the forest. The forest also hosts some aggressive plants and animals, not to mention malign spirits such as the oni, the sworn enemies of the kami. The locals will know more than I of what perils to expect.”

new slide

Verdant Wheel

Male Ancient Aiudeen Elf Druid 2 |HP 22/22|AC 15|F+4 R+5 W+9|Perc+7|Low Light Vision|Focus 1/1 Spells DC 17 Slotted 1st Heal Summon Animal Hydraulic Push|Hero Points 0/3 |Spell Effects:

Xathiel puts down his cup of tea and asks Venture-Captain Li,

What manner of relics were in the caravan? Are any of these relics of a spiritual nature that may have caused offense among the spirits? Are they of particular monetary value that they may be of interest to bandits? Are Lin Po and Ti Lan capable agents? Do they have a history of being tardy?

He takes out a small journal and a pencil and prepares to jot down answers to his queries.

Horizon Hunters

Male Human Monk 2 | HP 20/30 | AC 16 | F+7, R+6, W+8 | Perc +8 | Ki Pool 1/2 | Hero Pts: 1

Savoring each sip of tea, Adrian nods in approval. "My compliments to the brewmaster. At the monastery, many have spoken highly of Kiniro Kyomai and their affinity for brewing tea, but none did it justice. This is quite assuredly the best I've ever tasted. What a treat." He finishes his cup, and looks around in the hopes of a refill.

When Amara Li begins her briefing, Adrian pulls out his compendium and starts writing. Nodding to Xathiel's insightful questions, he includes that information. When he has a chance, he asks the Venture-Captain, "So we're to follow the Spirit Road to track our lost caravan. Will we be traveling in our own caravan, on horseback, or on foot? And will you be providing any supplies for the journey?" After pausing for an answer, he adds, "You mentioned that locals may have knowledge of the road ahead. Are you suggesting we speak with the Teahouse staff, or did you intend for us to ask in town before we head off?"

Radiant Oath

CG Male Human Liberator 1 | HP 21/21 | AC 17| F +7 R +4 W +6 | Perc +4 | Stealth +4 | Speed 25 | Focus 2/2 | Hero 1/3 |Active Conditions: ---

”Thank you for hosting us in such pleasant surroundings,” Saturday starts before he enjoys the tea and music.

He’s irked somewhat when he has to tune the pleasing strings out as business takes precedent, moreso when he realizes The Forest of Spirits is... not what he had been expecting. When Venture-Captain Li finishes the briefing he thinks for a moment before asking ”These malign spirits, Oni. Are they Undead? Or Fiends?”

Vigilant Seal

Champion/4 HPs 58/58, Hero 2/3, Focus 1/1, AC 20(22 shield) Saves F +10 R +6 W +9, Perc +7, Athletics +9, Intimidation +8, Craft, Medicine, Religion, Society, Lore: Guild, Scouting +7, Acrobatics +6 Male Forge Dwarf Artisan Exploration: Defend, Active Conditions:

The dwarf screws his face up as he drinks the last of his cup of tea. What can be seen of his face is diametrically opposed to the words issuing from his mouth, "Very enjoyable, Thanks You." He does his best to be civil, it is their tradition after all, though it would hardly keep him refreshed at the forge.

Once Captain Li has finished, Granitt waits for the words to sink in, Maybe there will be restoration in the recovery of these others and the treasures they carry. He smiles in the direction of the speaker, listening to her words, though not really understanding the talk of Kami, but able to understand protection against thugs and thieves along the journey.

He hears the questions and answers from the other Pathfinders, appreciating their insights, however...

From out of the read beard a gruff voice starts, "Kami, Oni, how can we tell them apart. If both have a wish to stop the caravan? I mean I've never heard of them before and I have travelled further than most dwarves." He strokes his beard in thought, his face confused by the alien ways here. He continues with a tinge of anger, "And do they have a clan leader we can negotiate with?"

Horizon Hunters

CN Female Gnome Noble Sorcerer 8 | ♥️ 74/64 | AC 23 (Mage Armor) | F+14 R+13 W+15 | Perc +12 (Low-Light, Darkvision) | Speed 40' | Focus □ | Spells DC 26; Slots: 1□□□□ 2□□□□ 3 □□□□ 4 □□□□ | Hero 1 | Detect Magic (Init +12) | ✋ Staff of Fire | Status:

The tea is quite tasty, and she sips hers daintily while making appropriate noises of appreciation. Jayma though is more of a coffee person and in reality, many of the subtleties of the tea are lost on her. She sits quietly letting the others ask their questions, but inside, she's buzzing with excitement at the prospect of another adventure and impatient to get started.

Much like Granitt, she doesn't know her Kami from her Oni, but she doesn't much like the sound of the latter.

Horizon Hunters

Male Dwarf Ranger 6 | hp 88 |Hero Points 1/4 |AC 23| Fort +13, Ref +13, Will +13 | Perception +13 Ranger 6

sorry missed this

Harsk moves next to Granitt

"Oni not familiar with them either..."

Vigilant Seal

Champion/4 HPs 58/58, Hero 2/3, Focus 1/1, AC 20(22 shield) Saves F +10 R +6 W +9, Perc +7, Athletics +9, Intimidation +8, Craft, Medicine, Religion, Society, Lore: Guild, Scouting +7, Acrobatics +6 Male Forge Dwarf Artisan Exploration: Defend, Active Conditions:

Granitt turns to Harsk and nods, before returning to his thoughts.

Horizon Hunters

Male Ermine Familiar 8 | ♥️ 40/40 | AC 23 | F+14 R+13 W+15 | Perc +12 (Low-Light Vision) | Speed 25' | Traits: Minion | Abilities: Accompanist, Ambassador, Partner in Crime, Valet | Status:

Twyl notices the short stout shaggy straggler approaching the group and makes a chittering sound to alert his mistress.

Try saying "short stout shaggy straggler" quickly and see what happens :)

Horizon Hunters

CN Female Gnome Noble Sorcerer 8 | ♥️ 74/64 | AC 23 (Mage Armor) | F+14 R+13 W+15 | Perc +12 (Low-Light, Darkvision) | Speed 40' | Focus □ | Spells DC 26; Slots: 1□□□□ 2□□□□ 3 □□□□ 4 □□□□ | Hero 1 | Detect Magic (Init +12) | ✋ Staff of Fire | Status:

Jayma, noticing Twyl's change of attitude, turns to inspect the new arrival. "Ah, Harsk has finally deigned to join us I see," she thinks to herself. Harsk's habitual lateness and taciturn manner had not endeared him to her these past few weeks. She gives him a tight-lipped smile and returns her attention to the Venture-Captain hoping to hear some answers to their numerous questions.

VC Australia - WA

Amara Li graciously answers the multitude of questions thrown at her. As she does so the Pathfinders barely notice the subtle administrations of the tea house staff who ensure that everyone is catered to and never left wanting.

What manner of relics were in the caravan? “There are a variety of artifacts included in the collection that was so generously donated. The list I received included items of clothing, some jewellery, ceremonial and household items and even a couple of plants.”

Are any of these relics of a spiritual nature that may have caused offense among the spirits? “Not that I know of and I am sure our patron would have notified me if they were aware of anything significant.”

Are they of particular monetary value that they may be of interest to bandits? “While the collection may be worth something to other collectors, it is mostly of historical and cultural value, not what a typical bandit seeks. Nor did we advertise that it was en route.”

Are Lin Po and Ti Lan capable agents? “They have an excellent history and have shown themselves capable in the past.”

Do they have a history of being tardy? “They do not, which is what has me so worried. All indications are that they should be here by now.”

So we're to follow the Spirit Road to track our lost caravan. Will we be travelling in our own caravan, on horseback, or on foot? And will you be providing any supplies for the journey? “I have prepared provisions for the long journey, a pair of horses and a sturdy wagon stocked with basic provisions, including food, water, a repair kit, and a map of Minkai and the Forest of Spirits. If you wish to ride you will need to arrange your own mounts.”

You mentioned that locals may have knowledge of the road ahead. Are you suggesting we speak with the Teahouse staff, or did you intend for us to ask in town before we head off? “I was actually referring to those local to the forest. You may be able to find out something hereabouts but I suspect you will receive more reliable responses from those who live along or near the Spirit Road.”

These malign spirits, Oni. Are they Undead? Or Fiends? “Neither undead nor fiends, oni are evil spirits that inhabit this material plane. Some believe that an oni may once have been a kami but rather than fading away, something has warped them and sent them on a very different path.”

Kami, Oni, how can we tell them apart. If both have a wish to stop the caravan? “Kami are generally benign nature spirits. I would not expect them to interfere with the caravan without good reason. As long as they kept to the road and were respectful of nature and the peoples who reside there, I would expect safe passage. This is why I am sending a team to investigate. I just don’t know what may have occurred to delay them such.”

And do they have a clan leader we can negotiate with? “While it may be worth asking the local villagers, I believe if you meet any at all you will be dealing with an individual spirit. I know of no organization among them.”

The Venture-Captain then looks at the team and adds, ”I have heard it said that kami can communicate by possessing a living creature to share memories but they exert little control over their hosts when they do so. While the Forest of Spirits is known for its dense population of kami, it would be wise to remember it is also home to all the usual forest creatures and normal hazards.

“Now, if that is all, you have preparations to make and for the sake of your fellow agents, I would hope you be quick about commencing your journey.”

At this point you may make a secret roll to attempt to recall knowledge. For secret checks, I ask you to make the roll within a spoiler and not to peek.
Forest Lore or Nature to Recall Knowledge. I will also allow Diplomacy to Gather Information given that asking around town was discussed.

Now is also the time to slot boons and requisition your school-sponsored consumables. Please post these in Discussion.

Horizon Hunters

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Male Ermine Familiar 8 | ♥️ 40/40 | AC 23 | F+14 R+13 W+15 | Perc +12 (Low-Light Vision) | Speed 25' | Traits: Minion | Abilities: Accompanist, Ambassador, Partner in Crime, Valet | Status:

It was such a beautiful day, and the people mouth noises soooo boring, that Twyl fell asleep on his mistress's shoulders. He was having a wonderful dream involving playing in the snow with a pretty jill when he was rudely jolted awake. His mistress had stood up suddenly and was moving to a quiet corner of the garden. He recognized the look of anticipation and excitement on her face and rolled his eyes in resignation. He knew that their days of calm and leisure were numbered and that they would soon be hitting the road again.

Verdant Wheel

Male Ancient Aiudeen Elf Druid 2 |HP 22/22|AC 15|F+4 R+5 W+9|Perc+7|Low Light Vision|Focus 1/1 Spells DC 17 Slotted 1st Heal Summon Animal Hydraulic Push|Hero Points 0/3 |Spell Effects:

Nature check to recall knowledge DO NOT PEEK:
Nature: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (17) + 7 = 24

Xathiel quickly scribes some notes into his journal and then places it into an inner pocket of his jacket. He taps the pencil a few times on his knee and then tucks it behind his ear.

I believe we should not hesitate to set forth. I fear the worst for Lin Po and Ti Lan. They may have sustained injuries and need our assistance. I will meet you all at the wagon.

With that said he stands, straightens his coat, nods appreciatively to the tea house geishas and walks out. He sets forth towards the wagon staging area but first attempts to find a local bookseller. He is looking to perhaps locate a treatise on Omi and Kami so that he can better be prepared. He would also ask the proprietor what he can tell him of the Spirit Road.

Diplomacy: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (4) + 6 = 10

VC Australia - WA

Gather Information is also a secret check. I should have specified.

You have this niggling thought that you should remember more about the Forest of Spirits but you just can't quite grasp it. Everything Li said sounds solid. Then you remember something about foxes? It's just out of range, teasing you.

The proprietor politely responds, "Never been there and if it lives up to its name, not sure I ever want to. Good luck to you though."

Horizon Hunters

Male Human Monk 2 | HP 20/30 | AC 16 | F+7, R+6, W+8 | Perc +8 | Ki Pool 1/2 | Hero Pts: 1

Finishing his second cup of tea, Adrian bows respectfully to the geisha servers. "All the excellent things I've heard about your teahouse don't quite do it justice. The tea was delightful. The service was splendid." He hesitates, before gently asking, "Would it be possible to purchase a small portion of the herbs you use for your tea? We have a long journey you see, and well, most of my associates prefer ale." He waits patiently for an answer and will gladly pay the stated cost.

Afterwards, Adrian heads outside to do some research. He looks for a local library. While there, he'll look for material on the Kami and Omi. On the way out, he'll speak with the librarian to gather information about the Spirit Road. If there's no library, he'll join Xathiel at the nearby bookstore to do his research and chat with the bookseller.

Diplomacy Secret Check:

Diplomacy: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (14) + 6 = 20

And if applicable...

Library Lore Secret Check:

Library Lore: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (17) + 6 = 23

When he's done with his investigation, he joins the others at the wagon.

Horizon Hunters

CN Female Gnome Noble Sorcerer 8 | ♥️ 74/64 | AC 23 (Mage Armor) | F+14 R+13 W+15 | Perc +12 (Low-Light, Darkvision) | Speed 40' | Focus □ | Spells DC 26; Slots: 1□□□□ 2□□□□ 3 □□□□ 4 □□□□ | Hero 1 | Detect Magic (Init +12) | ✋ Staff of Fire | Status:

As soon as the Venture-Captain dismisses them, Jayma springs to her feet in excitement, waking poor Twyl. She calms the creature with soothing noises and moves to a quiet corner of the garden to commune with her ancestors. She sits on one of the seats she finds there, closes her eyes, and calms her breathing.

Focusing her concentration, she chants in a somewhat deeper voice than normal, "I call on my ancestors to aid me with knowledge of the forests." After a small pause, she adds "Ah, Mowgli, it is you. I thought you would come. What can you tell me of the Forest of Spirits and the Spirit Road"

Recall Knowledge: Forest Lore - SECRET:

Recall Knowledge - Forest Lore (trained): 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (5) + 4 = 9

She then rejoins the others and repeats whatever information Mowgli shared with her. Once they've all shared what they know, Jayma leaves the tea house to go gather her things.

On the way back to the local Society lodge where she's been staying, she stops into a couple of the local inns, and putting on her best damsel-in-distress act, tries to find someone with knowledge of the Forest of Spirits and the Spirit Road who's willing to share what they know with her in exchange for the attentions of a beautiful (albeit small) woman... and perhaps a free drink.

Diplomacy - SECRET:

Diplomacy: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (9) + 7 = 16

After gathering whatever local knowledge she could find on short notice, she joins the others at the wagon.

VC Australia - WA

Happy to let you use Library Lore. I like to reward creative thinking when I can.

The young lady who you speak with blushes and stammers a little, seeming overwhelmed by your praise. She then offers to measure out a small packet of tea to take with you and indicates the price is 1 silver for enough tea to make approximately 5 pots.

At the library, you are able to find general information about the Forest of Spirits and confirm what you have already been told by Li. When you speak with the Librarian, they indicate that they have been told that the kami rarely possess anyone who has not indicated a willingness to allow them to enter. They would only do so in the most urgent of cases if at all.

Mowgli states with a slight chuckle that the Forest of Spirits is too far removed from his jungles of home for him to know anything useful. He adds with good cheer that he eagerly awaits your report of all you learn.

As you ask around town you are able to confirm most of the basic information Li provided but learn nothing particularly illuminating.

Horizon Hunters

Male Dwarf Ranger 6 | hp 88 |Hero Points 1/4 |AC 23| Fort +13, Ref +13, Will +13 | Perception +13 Ranger 6

Harsk tries to recall what he knows.

nature: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (7) + 7 = 14

"I can help drive the wagon. I'd like to get some tea as well if I can!"

Vigilant Seal

Champion/4 HPs 58/58, Hero 2/3, Focus 1/1, AC 20(22 shield) Saves F +10 R +6 W +9, Perc +7, Athletics +9, Intimidation +8, Craft, Medicine, Religion, Society, Lore: Guild, Scouting +7, Acrobatics +6 Male Forge Dwarf Artisan Exploration: Defend, Active Conditions:

Never the most intelligent, happiest when making tools, feeling the heat of the fire as the forge is charged, Granitt shrugs his shoulders. He turns to Harsk, "Forests, that's for elves and gnomes and such. What do dwarfs know of forests. Bah!" Granitt gets caught up again in his memories, the snow laden forests in the Land of the Linnorm Kings, nothing like this land.

SECRET Forest Lore (untrained):

1d20 ⇒ 12

VC Australia - WA

You only recall basic information about forests in general but can not remember learning anything of this particular forest.

1 silver for a bag of tea sufficient to make 5 pots.

You drift into thoughts of winter wolves and the like, then realise that this forest will be different. You manage to recall basic forest information but know nothing of the Spirit Forest you will be visiting.

VC Australia - WA

Although Sakakabe is the closest city to the forest of Spirits, it still takes several weeks of travel on a road that winds through the Osogen Grasslands to reach the Forest of Spirits. Along the way, the Pathfinders cross paths with travellers heading south into Minkai, as well as the nomadic herders who call the rolling plains home. No one they meet in the grasslands has seen the caravan they are looking for.

When the Pathfinders enter the Forest of Spirits, the atmosphere changes. The forest is cool and damp, and profoundly alive. Snow blankets the ground and clings to branches of towering pine and spruce trees. Birds, rodents, foxes, deer, bears, and numerous other creatures roam through the woods, keeping their distance from the road. The density of the trees suggests that logging is almost unheard of in this forest. Animals are not the only creatures moving out in the woods; the team occasionally see unexplained movement in the trees and rocks or feel like someone is watching them. As the Pathfinders progress through the forest, they visit several small villages, none of which has seen the caravan they are looking for. They can find signs of passage from several caravans and groups that travelled on foot, and the remains of campsites right next to the trail. However, there are no indications that any of these groups came to harm.

Now is a good time to indicate what our default exploration mode activity is.

Vigilant Seal

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Champion/4 HPs 58/58, Hero 2/3, Focus 1/1, AC 20(22 shield) Saves F +10 R +6 W +9, Perc +7, Athletics +9, Intimidation +8, Craft, Medicine, Religion, Society, Lore: Guild, Scouting +7, Acrobatics +6 Male Forge Dwarf Artisan Exploration: Defend, Active Conditions:

With his boots trudging along, the snow brings back the memory of his mission, one that took him through giant snow drifts, battling the elements, blizzards and ice. A wry smile crosses his face, though it's unnoticeable with the full red beard and mustache. Then a cloud darkens his mind as he remembers the ice, then blood and the dead bodies.

He brings up his shield and tightens his grip on his axe.

Exploration mode: Defend

Horizon Hunters

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Male Human Monk 2 | HP 20/30 | AC 16 | F+7, R+6, W+8 | Perc +8 | Ki Pool 1/2 | Hero Pts: 1

On their first chilly night after entering the Forest of Spirits, Adrian unpacks the herbs he bought from the Teahouse and brews a pot of hot tea. He offers mugs around, "Anyone care to join me?"

Once back on the road, he continues to scan the area as they travel north into the Forest.

Exploration Mode: Search

Verdant Wheel

Male Ancient Aiudeen Elf Druid 2 |HP 22/22|AC 15|F+4 R+5 W+9|Perc+7|Low Light Vision|Focus 1/1 Spells DC 17 Slotted 1st Heal Summon Animal Hydraulic Push|Hero Points 0/3 |Spell Effects:

Xathiel spends time along the journey ensuring the horses are comfortable and are well taken care of.

He gladly partakes of Adrian's tea and gestures towards the sitar, "A song or two to brighten that one's day?"

While traveling he keeps his eyes upon the forest, making sure there are no dangers awaiting them.

Exploration Mode: Search interspersed with Survey Wildlife

Radiant Oath

CG Male Human Liberator 1 | HP 21/21 | AC 17| F +7 R +4 W +6 | Perc +4 | Stealth +4 | Speed 25 | Focus 2/2 | Hero 1/3 |Active Conditions: ---

"Neither undead nor Fiends?-"Though that totally sounds like a Fiend"-I doubt I will be as much use here as I originally thought." Staurday grumbles after the meeting.

Coming to the solace of the Forest itself he does his best to keep focused, this was a rescue mission. Or a retrieval. Just because you're not useful doesn't mean this is a vacation, as lovely as this place is. Keep it together. He tells himself this over and over as he takes up the rear with his fauchard.

Though he does take up Adrain's offer of tea when it is made.

Exploration Mode: Defend

Horizon Hunters

Male Human Monk 2 | HP 20/30 | AC 16 | F+7, R+6, W+8 | Perc +8 | Ki Pool 1/2 | Hero Pts: 1
Xathiel Vos wrote:
He gladly partakes of Adrian's tea and gestures towards the sitar, "A song or two to brighten that one's day?"

After passing tea around, Adrian smiles to Xathiel as he brings out his sitar following the evening meal. "A fine idea, my friend." He discusses with the elf and begins strumming an appropriate ballad they both know, called Forest Stump, a tribute to a once grand tree.

Performance: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (12) + 6 = 18

Horizon Hunters

Male Dwarf Ranger 6 | hp 88 |Hero Points 1/4 |AC 23| Fort +13, Ref +13, Will +13 | Perception +13 Ranger 6

When the party makes camp, Harsk looks around for signs of trouble. He takes a cup of tea and goes off to the side.

Default Mode: Search

Horizon Hunters

1 person marked this as a favorite.
CN Female Gnome Noble Sorcerer 8 | ♥️ 74/64 | AC 23 (Mage Armor) | F+14 R+13 W+15 | Perc +12 (Low-Light, Darkvision) | Speed 40' | Focus □ | Spells DC 26; Slots: 1□□□□ 2□□□□ 3 □□□□ 4 □□□□ | Hero 1 | Detect Magic (Init +12) | ✋ Staff of Fire | Status:

As they get deeper into the forest, Jayma is fascinated by the almost oppressive heaviness of the trees around them. She occasionally notices an animal through the dense foliage and emits a delighted yelp while pointing it out to the others. Twyl is in his element and regularly jumps off his mistress and goes for a quick roll in the snow by the side of the road. "There there, Twyll. Don't wander too far off the path or you might end up as someone's next meal," she cries out in obviously mock concern. Twyl, clearly unconcerned, occasionally takes to the air and dive-bombs into the thick drifts of snow they come across.

Despite all the excitement and distractions, Jayma can't help but feel that this forest is different. There is a certain magical undercurrent running through it that she can feel in her bones. "It might be best if I keep a magical ear to the ground," she thinks to herself.

Jayma's default Exploration Mode is Detect Magic.

Horizon Hunters

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Male Ermine Familiar 8 | ♥️ 40/40 | AC 23 | F+14 R+13 W+15 | Perc +12 (Low-Light Vision) | Speed 25' | Traits: Minion | Abilities: Accompanist, Ambassador, Partner in Crime, Valet | Status:

Twyll is super excited to have large drifts of clean fluffy snow to play in. He takes full advantage of the situation, but heeds his mistress's empathic warnings and does not stray too far away from the road. While playing, he is constantly on the lookout for possibly dangerous creatures, or maybe another ermine to play with.

If Twyll gets an Exploration Mode, then it is Search. His Perception is +5. If he notices anything that he believes is of interest to his mistress, he'll let her know through their empathic connection.

Vigilant Seal

Champion/4 HPs 58/58, Hero 2/3, Focus 1/1, AC 20(22 shield) Saves F +10 R +6 W +9, Perc +7, Athletics +9, Intimidation +8, Craft, Medicine, Religion, Society, Lore: Guild, Scouting +7, Acrobatics +6 Male Forge Dwarf Artisan Exploration: Defend, Active Conditions:

Granitt hears Jaynma's less than concerned words to her animal friend, he scowls and walks beside the gnome, "Don't be flippant about the dangers that lurk here, forests have dangerous beasts, keep your little one close and safe!" he warns in a growl.

Horizon Hunters

Male Dwarf Ranger 6 | hp 88 |Hero Points 1/4 |AC 23| Fort +13, Ref +13, Will +13 | Perception +13 Ranger 6

Harsk hears Granitt and walks over.

"Don't worry Jaynma." He pats his axe. "You have my axe!"

Horizon Hunters

CN Female Gnome Noble Sorcerer 8 | ♥️ 74/64 | AC 23 (Mage Armor) | F+14 R+13 W+15 | Perc +12 (Low-Light, Darkvision) | Speed 40' | Focus □ | Spells DC 26; Slots: 1□□□□ 2□□□□ 3 □□□□ 4 □□□□ | Hero 1 | Detect Magic (Init +12) | ✋ Staff of Fire | Status:
Granitt wrote:
Granitt hears Jaynma's less than concerned words to her animal friend, he scowls and walks beside the gnome, "Don't be flippant about the dangers that lurk here, forests have dangerous beasts, keep your little one close and safe!" he warns in a growl.

Jayma recoils slightly as she turns to face the dwarf, dipping her chin in feigned contrition. "Why so grumpy, Granitt dear?", she asks rhetorically in a deeper than usual voice full of a concern that is belied by the barely repressed smile on her face. "Poor Twyl is only trying to have some fun to break the monotony. It's been ages since he's been anywhere near snow and to hold him back now would be just too cruel. Plus, it's been days now since we've come across anything even slightly dangerous," she pleads earnestly, stretching out certains words for effect.

She pauses a moment and glances at the dwarf to see if her performance had any impact. Discerning no change in his unyielding scowl, she makes an exaggerated sigh and slumps slightly in resignation. "Very well. I'll tell him to be more careful."

She turns to her familiar, calling out, "Twyl my precious, please do try and stay close, and keep an eye peeled for danger. If you notice anything at all suspicious, make sure to return to me immediately." She glances at the dwarf again to gauge his reaction. Finding no change in his scowl, she chooses to take it as a sign of approval.

Harsk dwarf ranger2 wrote:

Harsk hears Granitt and walks over.

"Don't worry Jaynma." He pats his axe. "You have my axe!"

Jayma turns to Harsk and raises an eyebrow to indicate her slight annoyance at the interruption. "That is good to hear Harsk. If I come across anything that needs to be thrown into a volcano, you will be the first I call upon." Then, more coldly, she adds, "Oh, and by the by, my name is Jayma not Jaynma. A common mistake, but nevertheless... a mistake."

Horizon Hunters

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Male Ermine Familiar 8 | ♥️ 40/40 | AC 23 | F+14 R+13 W+15 | Perc +12 (Low-Light Vision) | Speed 25' | Traits: Minion | Abilities: Accompanist, Ambassador, Partner in Crime, Valet | Status:

Twyl's ears twitch at the sound of his name from his mistress's lips. He waits a moment to see if she wants him to do anything new. As no new commands are received through their empathic link, her previous commands still stand: "Stay close; look for danger; have fun." He then immediately dives into the nearest snow bank.

Verdant Wheel

Male Ancient Aiudeen Elf Druid 2 |HP 22/22|AC 15|F+4 R+5 W+9|Perc+7|Low Light Vision|Focus 1/1 Spells DC 17 Slotted 1st Heal Summon Animal Hydraulic Push|Hero Points 0/3 |Spell Effects:

Xathiel leans on his staff as he watches the exchange.

Don't be too hard on her and the little beebee Granitt. I've been keeping an eye on him. If there's any trouble I am sure we can all react in time and keep him safe. As long as he doesn't venture into the woods he can enjoy the snow.

Using his own wild empathy he sends feelings of excitement and thrill at seeing the ermine playing in the snow.

Xathiel casually strolls over to the cart. She is right though, you do seem a little grumpy. If being away from your forge is such a chore, why did you decide to become a Pathfinder?

He smiles at Grannitt, I'd be happy to distract you from your troubles if that's what you need. I have many amazing tales to tell. In fact, I would be happy to share with all of you the progress I am making in getting the Grand Council to ban meat consumption in Absalom. Let me just find my latest brief...

He then begins rummaging through his satchel looking for his journal.

Radiant Oath

CG Male Human Liberator 1 | HP 21/21 | AC 17| F +7 R +4 W +6 | Perc +4 | Stealth +4 | Speed 25 | Focus 2/2 | Hero 1/3 |Active Conditions: ---

"Ban meat? What about people and animals that can't eat plants?" Saturday can't resist adding to the conversation from left field.

Verdant Wheel

Male Ancient Aiudeen Elf Druid 2 |HP 22/22|AC 15|F+4 R+5 W+9|Perc+7|Low Light Vision|Focus 1/1 Spells DC 17 Slotted 1st Heal Summon Animal Hydraulic Push|Hero Points 0/3 |Spell Effects:

Xathiel recoils in shock, Eat plants? Oh my good fellow, no no no, that won't do either! You can't eat plants! They've gone through so much trauma already. He rubs his chin in thought.Now, you can trade with plants, most of them are happy to see their seed be distributed after consumption, so if you provide them a nice comfortable home most will gladly enter into trade with you...but back to your question...there is no need anymore to consume the flesh of any living being. All of our needs can be created through the primal energies that those of my order can manifest. We can create enough sustenance that no living being must ever be murdered again. His face lights up as he gets an opportunity to engage with his companions.

Radiant Oath

CG Male Human Liberator 1 | HP 21/21 | AC 17| F +7 R +4 W +6 | Perc +4 | Stealth +4 | Speed 25 | Focus 2/2 | Hero 1/3 |Active Conditions: ---

"... how many people are in your order?

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