
Holey Sheet's page

41 posts. Alias of Mothman.


Comrade Anklebiter wrote:
Darkwing Duck wrote:

In our country, we still hold on to the myth of personal freedom. We haven't given up on that myth, like your people have. It may have something to do with the fact that we've neverbeen occupied by a foreign government.
Yeah, Shifty, why do you hate our freedom? Was it because Australia was occupied by a foreign government for so long?

Damn those foreign occupiers! They made me hate FREEDOM!!

2 people marked this as a favorite.

I‘m a warthog faced, vomitous mass. Children shriek at my hideousness, babes weep at my approach, women cry out “Dear God, what is that thing?”


That's why I wear this sheet.



Karelzarath wrote:
I thought the authorities were coming by to round up all you vagrants, and yet the thread continues.

Holey sheet, eet’s the cops!

Moff Rimmer wrote:
Ok, there's truth in advertising, then there's this.


Kruelaid wrote:

<Walks in. Looks around.>


<Runs away.>


Kruelaid wrote:
Wow. This is my first day clear. 4-5 days of fever for both me and the 6 year old. 39-40 degrees. Mouth blisters. Migraines. NOT FRICKIN FUN. And I'm not a zombie. WHEW!


I heard they're getting ready to announce Pathfinder Second Edition.

Jeremy Mcgillan wrote:
So I finally got around to watching the entire Star Wars original Trilogy. Totally underwhelmed. Poor story and horrible script, ok effects for the time, and I`m totally mystified as to why it was so popular. I guess I`m just not a good geek.


ProfessorCirno wrote:

"I find that insulting" is different from "That is insulting."

I can and will dismiss people when they very dramatically overreact to something - especially when often times it's done for the high theater that is the internet.

Settles back to watch high theatre.

Me, that was good!

Towlie wrote:

Don't forget to bring a towel! When you are going off the deep end, you might get wet and having a towel around will help you keep dry.

.....wanna get high?

Holey sheet! Heve you all been geeting high weeth out me?

Solnes wrote:

O.o M gave me a spy cam award!!!

How ya like my panties??? Oh! Not wearing any.... :P


Me, that's a lot of posts

Solnes wrote:
Mairkurion {tm} wrote:
Solnes: Hey, you're welcome! >:/

Thank you for the award, I shall forever old it dear and near to me... hehe and its shaped just right!! Where do the batteries go?

Ods bodkins!

What would we ever do without you to educate us CoDzilla!??!

houstonderek wrote:

New movie scripts seem to be:


Furry sex.


I guess I don't see enough new movies.


Ball faced?

CourtFool wrote:
This does not mean everyone has to be best of buddies and take long, hot showers together.

But ... that's my favourite type of 'adventure'!


Panzerhand wrote:

a good thing?

29 consecutive hours of roleplaying. new record


Holey sheet I heete theet guy!

Holey sheet! Three glabrezus? One came within a hair’s breadth of TPKing the 7th / 8th level group I DM a few weeks back ... alright, time to test the difference between low-mid levels and high -mid levels!

Init: 1d20 ⇒ 13

Spanky the Leprechaun wrote:
I go to your kinda toy store more, dude. I have more Star Wars figures than dildoes.



Harles the DimWitted wrote:

I agree that mathematical analysis is not the strong suit of Pathfinder. (That is why my current campaign is going down the toilet.)

Hope you enjoy Essentials as much as I am.


Wait! You forgot your bat and ball!

The Crimson Jester, Rogue Lord wrote:
If a bear eats a paladin and poops in the forest. Does that poop now have the celestial template to it?


Theese threead ees sheety!

Evil Lincoln wrote:
Holey Sheet wrote:
Evil Lincoln wrote:

Sean, I just FAQ'd your post SO HARD.

FAQ’d so hard? Holey Sheet!
You know what? I think the post... liked it.

Oh, there's nothing wrong with a good hard FAQ.

Evil Lincoln wrote:

Sean, I just FAQ'd your post SO HARD.

FAQ’d so hard? Holey Sheet!

Wagyu wrote:
It looks like you need to adjust your NADS


dungeonmaster heathy wrote:

There's a roundish, somewhat seethrough form floating two feet in the air, to the left side of the pantry.

It's eating "mnomnomnom...." and the food is going into the mouth, being chewed, and falling on the floor in a pile underneath it.....

I gotta crash

"Slimeer?! Ees theet you?"

Obvious Troll Is Obvious wrote:
Mothman wrote:
And how do you decide if an AP is going to be type A or type B?
Cleverly disguised A or B question is cleverly disguised.

Holey sheet, theet’s sneeaky!

ulgulanoth wrote:
Holey Sheet wrote:
ulgulanoth wrote:
can we gass mothman?
Holey sheet that's mean.

originally i thought of setting him on fire, skinning him alive and crushing him with a rock among other things

then i realised i was etheral

and this is a "family friendly" site

so i restrained my self


Holey sheet thees thread ees long!


ulgulanoth wrote:
can we gass mothman?

Holey sheet that's mean.

FallofCamelot wrote:
Corrosive Rabbit is banned for having an avatar that looks nothing like a corrosive rabit.

Holey sheet FallofCameelot, you are sooo banned for speelling rabbit wrong.

Holey sheet theese thread ees brockeen!

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Hey, 2 questions regarding dragons.

1. Under True Dragons, it says dragons cast spells as Sorcerers. But the statblocks given for gold dragons include Prayer, Divine Favor, Cure spells, and other divine spells. What gives? And how would this interact with giving a gold dragon Sorcerer levels?

2. If a gold dragon were to use its Alter Self ability to take the form of a humanoid, put on humanoid armor and magic items, and then change back - what would happen to that equipment?

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Looks good, now gimme dat free stuff.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

It has long been my belief that purely martial leader-type classes are badass and great. The Warlord was by far my favorite thing about 4E, but since my group and I prefer Pathfinder I haven't gotten to play it much. Unfortunately, Pathfinder lacks a way to really do this concept well; the closest it comes is the Battle Herald, which is a prestige class dependent upon Bard and Cavalier levels. I wanted a base class, and I didn't want to have to use magic or have a horse. After Paizo announced ten new classes, none of which were even close to what I was missing, I figured - screw it, I'll do it myself. And so in a three-hour frenzy of typing in the face of impending finals, the General was born. Its features are heavily inspired by both the 4E Warlord and some material from 3.5's Tome of Battle, but I think it stands alone fairly well, although it's my first attempt at homebrew ever.

The General
“I am not afraid of an army of lions led by sheep; I am afraid of an army of sheep led by a lion.”
- Alexander the Great

War is not always about one soldier’s skills or strength. As any professional military leader will tell you, with proper leadership and direction, even an inferior force can often achieve victory, and a grand force under a great commander can become unstoppable. Some rely on their knowledge of tactics and battlefield insight, thinking on their feet and changing their party’s strategy to counter any situation. Others eschew such an academic method of command; rather, they inspire their companions to great deeds with the power of their personality. Regardless, any military force acting towards a single purpose under the guidance of a skilled leader will almost always win out over a simple group of individuals.
Role: A fighter wields swords and bows. A general wields fighters. While no slouches in combat themselves, their true power is in commanding and inspiring their allies to achieve greater things than they could alone.
Ability Scores: Each general needs to invest heavily in either Intelligence or Charisma, to make the most of their strategic exploits. Besides that, they are like any other martial character; Strength, Dexterity, and Constitution will all be important depending on the individual general’s fighting style.
Alignment: Any.
Hit Dice: d10.
Starting Wealth: As fighter.
Starting Age: As wizard.

Class Skills
The general’s class skills are Climb (Str), Craft (Int), Diplomacy (Cha), Heal (Wis), Intimidate (Cha), Knowledge (Dungeoneering) (Int), Knowledge (Engineering) (Int), Knowledge (Geography) (Int), Knowledge (History) (Int), Knowledge (Nobility) (Int), Linguistics (Int), Perception (Wis), Perform (Cha), Profession (Wis), Ride (Dex), Sense Motive (Wis), Survival (Wis), and Swim (Str).
Skill Ranks Per Level: 4 + Int modifier.

(Since I can't figure out how to do a table on this board or even if it's possible, this will have to do.)
BAB: Full progression (as fighter)
Good saves: Fort, Will
Poor saves: Ref

Class Features by Level:
1: Leadership Style, Leadership Pool
2: Strategic Exploit
3: Teamwork Feat
4: Strategic Exploit, Act As One
5: Improved Aid, Brothers in Arms +1
6: Strategic Exploit
7: Teamwork Feat, No Man Left Behind
8: Strategic Exploit
9: Brothers in Arms +2
10: Strategic Exploit
11: Teamwork Feat, Favorable Terrain
12: Strategic Exploit
13: Brothers in Arms +3, Unwavering Loyalty
14: Strategic Exploit
15: Teamwork Feat
16: Strategic Exploit
17: Brothers in Arms +4
18: Strategic Exploit
19: Teamwork Feat
20: Strategic Exploit, God of War

Class Features
The following are class features of the General.

Weapon and Armor Proficiency
A general is proficient with all simple and martial weapons and with all armor (heavy, light, and medium) and all shields (including tower shields).

Leadership Style
Each general is slightly different, but by and large they fall into two main schools of thought. At 1st level, the general selects a leadership style; this choice determines the general’s primary ability score and influences their selection of strategic exploits.
Inspiring: An inspiring general focuses on spurring his party beyond their limits to achieve great things. His abilities often grant impressive bonuses to attacks and defenses, and he can even heal his allies by keeping them determined in the face of overwhelming odds. His class features are based on his Charisma score.
By spending 1 point from his leadership pool as a swift action, an inspiring general can grant each ally within 30 feet temporary hit points equal to the general’s Charisma modifier (minimum 1). These temporary hit points last for 1 hour. These temporary hit points do not stack with themselves; for example, if a general with a 16 Cha uses this ability to grant 3 temporary HP to an ally who still has 1 left from a previous usage of this ability, that ally only gains 2 temporary HP (to a total of 3).
Tactical: A tactical general’s main tool is his insight into the mechanics of battle. For him, war is a science, and the strategies he employs from moment to moment on the everchanging battlefield are a formula, with the ultimate result being victory. He can make his allies do things they could not ordinarily do and work together like a well-oiled war machine. His class features are based on his Intelligence score.
By spending 1 point from his leadership pool as a swift action, a tactical general can grant all allies within 30 feet a bonus on damage equal to the general’s Intelligence modifier (minimum 1). This damage bonus only applies to targets who are either denied their Dexterity bonus to AC or being flanked by that ally. In addition, a tactical general with the Leadership feat may use his Intelligence modifier in place of his Charisma modifier to determine his Leadership score.

Leadership Pool
At 1st level, the general gains a pool of leadership points which represents his ingenuity, mental endurance, and ability to control his allies. The number of points in a general’s leadership pool is equal to ½ his general level + his Intelligence modifier (for tactical generals) or his Charisma modifier (for inspiring generals). As long as the general has at least 1 point in his leadership pool, he adds either his Intelligence or Charisma modifier (minimum 1) on all Aid Another checks.
By spending 1 point from his pool, any general can use one of the following base abilities:
Grant each ally within 30 feet a +5 ft. enhancement bonus to their speed for 1 round. This bonus increases by +5 feet at 4th level and every 4 levels beyond, to a maximum of +30 feet at 20th level.
Grant each ally within 30 feet a +1 insight bonus to their Armor Class for 1 round. This bonus increases by +1 at 4th level and every 4 levels beyond, to a maximum of +6 at 20th level.
Grant each ally within 30 feet a +1 insight bonus to their next attack roll made within 1 round. This bonus increases by +1 at 4th level and every 4 levels beyond, to a maximum of +6 at 20th level.
Each of these powers is activated as a swift action. The leadership pool is replenished each morning after 8 hours of rest and 30 minutes of exercise.

Strategic Exploits
As a general gains levels, his combat experience grows, allowing him and his allies to achieve greater deeds on the battlefield. Starting at 2nd level, a general gains one strategic exploit. He gains an additional strategic exploit for every 2 levels of general attained after 2nd level. He cannot select an individual exploit more than once unless otherwise indicated. Once a strategic exploit is learned, it cannot be replaced. All exploits are extraordinary abilities.
Most exploits can be selected by any general. However, some specify that only inspiring or tactical generals may select them.

Strategic Exploits:
Always Vigilant [Tactical]: As long as the general has at least 1 leadership point remaining, he and all his allies within 30 feet gain a bonus on perception checks to detect hidden enemies equal to the general’s Intelligence modifier (minimum 1). The general must be at least 4th level to select this exploit. At 8th level, the general may spend 1 leadership point to grant each ally within 30 feet Uncanny Dodge for 1 round. At 12th level, the general may spend 1 additional leadership point to instead grant them Improved Uncanny Dodge.
Boost Morale [Inspiring]: As a standard action, the general can spend 1 leadership point to direct a word of encouragement to an ally within 30 feet. The ally gains fast healing equal to general’s Charisma modifier (minimum 1) for a number of rounds equal to the general’s class level. For every 2 general levels above 2nd, the fast healing increases by 1, to a maximum of +5 at 12th level. At 6th level, the general can spend 2 leadership points to use this exploit as a move action.
Boost Morale, Mass [Inspiring]: As a standard action, the general can spend 3 leadership points to grant all allies within 30 feet fast healing equal to the general’s Charisma modifier (minimum 1) for a number of rounds equal to the general’s class level. The general must be at least 10th level and already know the Boost Morale exploit before selecting this exploit.
Command Action [Tactical]: As a standard action, a general may spend 1 leadership point to allow 1 ally within 30 feet to make a single melee or ranged attack. He may spend 1 additional leadership point to grant this attack a bonus on its attack and damage rolls equal to the general’s Intelligence modifier (minimum 1). At 6th level, he may spend 1 additional leadership point to use this exploit as a move action; any one ally may only benefit from it once per round. At 10th level, he may spend 3 leadership points as a full-round action to allow 1 ally within 30 feet to take a full attack action.
Command Movement [Tactical]: As a move action, a general may spend 1 leadership point to allow 1 ally within 30 feet to take a single move action. This can be for movement, standing up from prone, or anything else, but it provokes attacks of opportunities as normal. He may spend 1 additional leadership point to grant a bonus to AC against opportunity attacks provoked by this movement equal to the general’s Intelligence modifier (minimum 1).
Distracting Strike: When the general hits an opponent with a weapon attack, he may spend 1 leadership point to make the target flat-footed against the next attack made by one of the general’s allies within 1 round.
Draw Attention: As an immediate action, when an opponent threatening the general makes a melee attack against one of the general’s allies, the general may spend 1 leadership point to force the enemy to attack the general instead. In the case of a full attack action, this ability only applies to one attack. The general must be at least 6th level to select this exploit. At 10th level, the general may spend an additional leadership point to allow the ally on whom the attack was originally targeted to make an opportunity attack against the enemy. If this attack hits, the opponent’s attack takes a penalty equal to the general’s Intelligence or Charisma modifier (minimum 1). At 14th level, the general may spend 2 additional leadership points to move up to his speed into the threatened area of the enemy before redirecting the attack.
Expert Flanking: As long as the general has at least 1 point remaining in his leadership pool, he and any ally who is flanking with him gains a bonus on their attack rolls against the flanked target equal to the general’s Intelligence or Charisma modifier (minimum 1).
Hard as Steel [Inspiring]: As a swift action, the general may spend 1 leadership point to grant all allies within 30 feet a bonus on Fortitude saves equal to the general’s Charisma modifier (minimum 1). This bonus lasts a number of rounds equal to the general’s class level.
Hold the Line: As long as the general has at least 1 point remaining in his leadership pool, all adjacent allies gain a bonus to their CMD against Bull Rush and Overrun maneuvers equal to the general’s Intelligence or Charisma modifier (minimum 1).
Inspiring Blow [Inspiring]: As a standard action, a general may spend 4 leadership points and make an attack roll against an enemy. If the attack hits and deals damage, one ally within 30 feet is affected as if by the Heal spell, using the general’s class level as the caster level. The general must be at least 12th level to select this exploit.
Instant Brace: As an immediate action when an enemy charges one of the general’s allies within 30 feet, the general may spend 1 leadership point to allow that ally to make an attack of opportunity against the charging enemy with a bonus to the damage roll equal to the general’s Intelligence or Charisma modifier (minimum 1). At 8th level, the damage dealt is doubled before applying the general’s bonus.
No Escape [Tactical]: When an enemy takes a 5-foot step, the general may spend 1 leadership point as an immediate action to allow one ally within 30 feet who was threatening that opponent to either make an attack of opportunity against that opponent anyway, with a bonus to the damage roll equal to the general’s Intelligence modifier (minimum 1), or to take a 5-foot step as an immediate action.
Positioning Assist [Tactical]: When the general hits an opponent with a melee attack, he may spend 1 leadership point to make that opponent unable to make opportunity attacks for 1 round. In addition, as long as the general has at least 1 point left in his leadership pool, allies that start their turn adjacent to him gain a bonus on AC against opportunity attacks equal to the general’s Intelligence modifier (minimum 1).
Press Forward: As a swift action, a general may spend 1 leadership point to grant each ally within 30 feet a bonus on Bull Rush and Overrun combat maneuvers equal to the general’s Intelligence or Charisma modifier (minimum 1).
Ready for Anything: As an immediate action when initiative is rolled, a general may spend 1 leadership point to grant each ally within 30 feet a bonus on the roll equal to the general’s Intelligence or Charisma modifier (minimum 1). At 6th level, he may spend 1 additional point to allow each ally within 30 feet to act in the surprise round, even if they would otherwise be unable to.
Reflexive Shot: As an immediate action when an ally within 30 feet is targeted by a ranged attack, the general may spend 2 leadership points to make a ranged attack against the attacking enemy. This attack is resolved before the enemy’s attack, and if it hits and deals damage, the enemy takes a penalty on all its ranged attack rolls that round equal to the general’s Intelligence or Charisma modifier (minimum 1). The general must be at least 8th level and already know the Warning Cry exploit before selecting this exploit.
Snap Out Of It, Soldier! [Inspiring]: As a standard action, the general may spend 2 leadership points to grant one ally within 30 feet a second Will save against one effect currently affecting them that a Will save can end, with a bonus equal to the general’s Charisma modifier (minimum 1). The general must be at least 6th level to select this exploit.
Spell Assist [Tactical]: When the general hits an opponent with an attack, he may spend 1 leadership point to give the target a penalty on its next saving throw made within 1 round equal to the general’s Intelligence modifier (minimum 1).
Stand Against the Storm [Inspiring]: Spend 1 leadership point as a swift action and select one ally adjacent to you. As long as you and that ally do not move and remain adjacent, you each gain a bonus to AC and CMD equal to your Charisma modifier (minimum 1), and are considered to be flanking any enemy who both of you threaten. The general must already know the Expert Flanking exploit before selecting this exploit.
Strategic Retreat [Tactical]: As a standard action, a general can spend 1 leadership point to allow each ally within 30 feet to take a 5-foot step as an immediate action; they must end their movement further from the nearest enemy. At 10th level, he can instead allow them each to move up to their speed as an immediate action without provoking attacks of opportunity. An ally may only take this movement if they are being threatened by at least one opponent, and they must end their movement further away from all opponents that were threatening them. In addition, each ally that moved gains a bonus to AC against ranged attacks equal to the general’s Intelligence modifier (minimum 1) for 1 round.
Strike the Heart: As a standard action, a general may spend 1 leadership point to grant an ally within 30 feet a bonus on critical confirmation rolls equal to the general’s Intelligence or Charisma modifier (minimum 1) for 1 round. At 10th level, the general may instead spend 2 points to increase the critical threat range of one ally’s weapon within 30 feet by ½ the general’s Intelligence or Charisma modifier (minimum 1) for 1 round. This increase stacks with Improved Critical, the Keen special quality, and any other effects that improve a weapon’s critical threat range, except another general’s Strike the Heart ability. The general must be at least 6th level to select this exploit.
Tactical Genius [Tactical]: As a swift action, the general may spend 4 leadership points and rearrange the initiative order however he wishes. This ability may not be used during the surprise round. The general must be at least 12th level to select this exploit.
Take Down the Caster! [Tactical]: When an enemy begins casting a spell, a general may spend 2 leadership points as an immediate action to allow one ally within 30 feet to make a ranged attack against that enemy. The enemy takes a penalty to its concentration check to keep the spell equal to the general’s Intelligence modifier (minimum 1). The general must be at least 8th level before selecting this exploit.
Unbreakable [Inspiring]: As a standard action, the general may spend 2 leadership points to grant damage reduction x/-, where x equals the general’s Charisma modifier (minimum 1), to each ally within 30 feet. This damage reduction lasts a number of rounds equal to ½ the general’s class level. The general must be at least 12th level to select this exploit.
Volley Strike: As a standard action, the general may spend 1 leadership point to make a melee attack against an enemy of his size or smaller. If this attack hits, it deals damage equal to the general’s Strength modifier (minimum 1) and pushes the enemy back 5 feet. If the enemy ends this movement adjacent to one of the general’s allies, that ally may make an attack of opportunity against the target, with a bonus on the damage roll equal to the general’s Intelligence or Charisma bonus (minimum 1). Only one ally may make this attack, regardless of how many allies are adjacent to the enemy after its movement.
Walk It Off [Inspiring]: As a standard action, a general may spend 2 leadership point to allow an ally within 30 feet to ignore a number of points of ability damage or drain to either Strength, Dexterity, or Constitution equal to the general’s Charisma modifier (minimum 1) for a number of rounds equal to the general’s class level. This ability does not stack with itself; the ally must select a different ability score to gain the benefit for. The general must be at least 8th level to select this exploit. At 16th level, the general may instead spend 4 leadership points to allow an ally within 30 feet to ignore the same number of negative levels for the same duration. This does not prevent the ally from dying if their total number of negative levels equals or exceeds their hit dice, nor does it return lost spell slots.
War Leader’s Charge: As a full-round action, a general can spend 2 leadership points and make a charge attack. Each ally within 30 feet may also make a charge attack as an immediate action, gaining a bonus on the damage roll equal to the general’s Intelligence or Charisma modifier (minumum 1). The general must be at least 10th level to select this exploit.
Warding Shield: As an immediate action, a general wielding a shield (other than a buckler) can spend 1 leadership point to grant himself and each ally adjacent to him a bonus on Reflex saves equal to his Intelligence or Charisma bonus (minimum 1) for 1 round. This bonus is increased by 1 if the general is wielding a tower shield. The general must be at least 4th level to select this exploit. At 8th level, he can spend 1 additional leadership point to also grant each adjacent ally Evasion for 1 round. At 12th level, he can spend 1 additional leadership point (for a total of 3) to instead grant them Improved Evasion.
Warning Cry: As an immediate action when an ally within 30 feet is targeted by a ranged attack, the general may spend 1 leadership point to grant that ally a bonus on AC against the next ranged attack against them equal to the general’s Intelligence or Charisma modifier (minimum 1) within 1 round.

Teamwork Feat
At 3rd level and every 4 levels thereafter, a general gains either a bonus teamwork feat or Step Up for which he meets the prerequisites.

Act As One
Beginning at 4th level, a general can spend 1 leadership point as a swift action to grant the use of one teamwork feat or Step Up that he knows to one ally within 30 feet for a number of rounds equal to ½ the general’s class level. He may instead spend 1 leadership point as a swift action to gain the use of one teamwork feat or Step Up known by one ally within 30 feet for the same duration, at which point he may use this ability again to grant that feat to a different ally.

Improved Aid
Beginning at 5th level, whenever the general successfully uses the Aid Another action, instead of a flat +2 he grants the ally a bonus equal to the general’s Intelligence or Charisma modifier (minimum +2).

Brothers in Arms
Beginning at 5th level, the general and all allies within 10 feet gain the listed bonus to all saves against Fear, Charm, and Compulsion effects.

No Man Left Behind
At 7th level, as long as the general has at least 1 leadership point remaining, the weight of allies who have been reduced to 0 or fewer hit points or otherwise incapacitated does not count towards the carrying capacity of the general or his allies within 30 feet.

Favorable Terrain
At 11th level, the general gains the ability to designate the area in a 30-foot radius from him as favorable terrain by spending 3 leadership points as a full-round action. While within this area, he and his allies gain a bonus equal to the general’s Intelligence or Charisma modifier (minimum 1) on Initiative checks, Perception skill checks, and CMD. This effect lasts for 1 minute per level; it is stationary and does not move with the general.

Unwavering Loyalty
At 13th level, the general becomes immune to fear, charm, and compulsion effects, and gains a bonus equal to his Intelligence or Charisma modifier (minimum 1) on saves against confusion, dazing, paralysis, staggering, stunning, and energy drain.

God of War
At 20th level, a general becomes a true master of the art of war. When he spends a leadership point to use one of the base effects, he instead may use two of them, adding either his Intelligence bonus or his Charisma bonus to each one (the speed bonus is rounded down to the nearest 5 ft. increment). In addition, his leadership pool now has a minimum of 1 point in it at all times. He still cannot spend more points on one action than he currently has in his pool.

General Feats:

Battlefield Insight
Prerequisite: Leadership Style class feature, 16 Int or 16 Cha, 14 Wis, Combat Expertise
Benefit: You may also add half your Wisdom bonus to any general class feature which allows you to use either Intelligence or Charisma, including your leadership pool.

Broad Influence
Prerequisite: Leadership Pool class feature
Benefit: Any general class feature that affects one or more allies within 30 feet has its range increased by 5 feet for every point of either Intelligence or Charisma bonus you have (minimum 5 feet).

Prerequisite: Leadership Pool class feature
Benefit: As a standard action, you may spend any number of leadership points up to half your maximum. One ally within 30 feet gains leadership points equal to half the number you spent and the ability to spend them to use the base abilities of the Leadership Pool feature. These points last for one hour; if there are any left over when that time runs out, the remaining points are wasted.

Extra Leadership Points
Prerequisite: Leadership Pool class feature
Benefit: Your daily pool of leadership points is increased by 2.
Special: You may take this feat one additional time for every 5 levels you possess. Its effects stack.

Extra Strategic Exploit
Prerequisite: Strategic Exploits class feature
Benefit: Learn one additional strategic exploit. You must meet all the prerequisites for the exploit you select.
Special: You may take this feat multiple times. Its effects stack.

Improved Act As One
Prerequisite: Act As One class feature, two teamwork feats
Benefit: You may use Act As One to transfer two teamwork feats you know to the same ally with one action. This uses 2 leadership points.

Versatile Leadership
Prerequisite: Leadership Style class feature, 14 Int and 14 Cha
Benefit: Choose a leadership style you do not have access to. You may select strategic exploits useable by that style at an additional cost of 1 leadership point. If the exploit is one that is constant as long as you have at least 1 leadership point, you must have at least 2 leadership points for it to function.
Normal: Some exploits are only useable by generals of a particular style.

General Archetypes
High Seas Captain

Class Skills: A high seas captain adds Acrobatics, Appraise, Bluff, Disguise, Escape Artist, and Stealth to his class skills. He does not gain Heal, Knowledge (Nobility), Linguistics, or Ride as class skills.

Saves: A high seas captain uses the good Fortitude and Reflex save progression, but the poor Will save one.

Weapon and Armor Proficiency: A high seas captain is proficient in all simple and martial weapons as well as the whip, boarding gaff, spiked chain, harpoon, boomerang, hand crossbow, grappling hook, lasso, net, pistol, and blunderbuss. He is proficient in light armor and bucklers.

Terror on the High Seas
A high seas captain always selects the Terror style. Treat as Inspiring for all purposes (including access to exploits), but instead of the ability to grant allies temporary hit points, the high seas captain may spend 1 leadership point as a swift action to grant all allies within 30 feet a bonus on Intimidate checks for 1 round equal to the high seas captain’s Charisma modifier (minimum 1).

Death Before the Mast
At 3rd level, the high seas captain gains Sneak Attack +1d6, as the rogue class feature. The damage dealt increases by 1d6 every 4 levels after 3rd, to a maximum of +5d6 at 19th level. This ability replaces Teamwork Feats.

Wolves of the Sea
At 4th level, the high seas captain gains the ability to grant one ally within 30 feet access to the high seas captain’s Sneak Attack feature for a number of rounds equal to ½ his class level by spending 1 leadership point as a swift action. This does not stack with any sneak attack dice already possessed by the ally. This ability replaces Act As One.

That Famous Ol’ Spiced
At 5nd level, a high seas captain gains the ability to fortify his leadership with strong drink. The act of drinking is a standard action that provokes attacks of opportunity, and each drink provides 1 grog point. Grog points can be used in place of leadership points to fuel strategic exploits (including those requiring a minimum of 1 grit point to use). The high seas captain can gain a maximum number of grog points each day equal to his Constitution modifier (minimum 1), and they last for 1 hour or until used, whichever comes first. He gains a morale bonus on saves against fear and a dodge bonus to AC against attacks of opportunity equal to his current grog point total. This ability replaces Brothers in Arms.

Strategic Exploits
High seas captains can choose the following Terror-style exploits in addition to the main list.
Dirty Fighting [Terror]: As a swift action, the high seas captain can spend 1 leadership point to grant an ally within 30 feet a bonus equal to his Charisma modifier (minimum 1) on Dirty Trick, Disarm, Grapple, Steal, and Trip combat maneuvers for 1 round.
Gang Intimidate [Terror]: As a standard action, the high seas captain can spend 1 leadership point to make an Intimidate check to demoralize an opponent. Each ally within 30 feet can make an Aid Another roll as an immediate action on this check. If the opponent is already Shaken, the high seas captain can make them Frightened with this check, but the DC increases by 10.
Raider’s Riposte [Terror]: As an immediate action when an ally is missed by an attack of opportunity, the high seas captain can spend 1 leadership point to grant that ally a free melee or ranged attack against the attacker with a bonus on the attack and damage rolls equal to the high seas captain’s Charisma modifier (minimum 1). This exploit cannot be used for attacks of opportunity provoked by spellcasting or ranged attacks. The high seas captain must be at least 8th level before selecting this exploit.
The following strategic exploits complement the high seas captain archetype: Distracting Strike, Expert Flanking, Hard as Steel, Ready for Anything, Strike the Heart, Volley Strike, Walk it Off, Warning Cry