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1,627 posts. Alias of Edeldhur.

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Elder Beholder ‖ Shadowdark Map

The sun had slipped past its zenith, casting a warm, golden hue over the Frandorian Hills as you traversed the rugged terrain. The hills undulated in a series of rolling, slightly barren slopes, their sparse vegetation and rocky outcrops giving the landscape a stark and rugged appearance. By mid-afternoon, the shadows of the hills had lengthened, heralding the approach of evening.

As you climbed a particularly steep incline, the entrance to the Caves of Respite emerged from the shadows. It loomed ahead, partially concealed by the sparse growth and jagged terrain. The cave’s mouth yawned like a dark wound in the hillside, framed by rugged rocks and scant, scraggly vegetation. Around the entrance lay remnants of past visitors—rusted buckets, broken branches, and shards of stone - testimony to those who had ventured here before.

Sir Alaric Wrenhold had tasked you with this mission, relaying the concerns of Prefect Bandrus Far Raven. Reports of hostile creatures and unsettling activities in this region had prompted the Prefect to seek answers. He feared these disturbances might pose a threat to Frandor’s Keep and entrusted you with uncovering the source of the unrest.

As you drew closer, the sense of foreboding grew stronger. An unnatural stillness seemed to envelop the area, as though the very mountains were holding their breath. The echoes of your footsteps stretched out, swallowed by the darkness of the cave entrance. A chill ran down your spines, whether from the cold or the ominous aura of the caves, it was hard to tell.

Elder Beholder ‖ Shadowdark Map

Hey everyone,

We have all been here in some shape or form before, in a private thread set up by me to discuss games and gaming in a forum of ‘like minded people’, or even more simply put, people with whom I have enjoyed a lot playing in the past :D

I will repeat something I have also said in the past - 'most of you know my thoughts about gaming in general, and PF in specific, what bothers me, what frustrates me and what I like about it. Some of you will know this better than others because you have most likely been a victim of one of my ‘old gamer’ rants, etc'

With that being said, I am at it again. I did ponder beforehand if it would be a good idea or not, but in all honesty nowadays I find there is more worth in actually doing things, than simply mulling them over eternally. Also another reason why I like less and less the looooong dragged recruitments here in the Paizo forums… But my complains are not what we are here for today.

In any case, my preference goes to gathering a few ‘good ones’ instead of opening a Recruitment thread (not saying I cannot/will not do that in the future, but for now would prefer to keep it contained). You all also know my appreciation for Pathfinder 1e, even if I do not like the current state of things. It IS a great game, with amazing resources and a tremendous community. Unfortunately I don't think it is the best game for PbP, unless you have a lot of time on your hands to make sure you take advantage of its tactical side and mechanical options, because let's face it, that IS an interesting side of Pathfinder 1e. Unfortunately I do not have that kind of availability.

So I am interested in exploring alternative systems which may strike me as interesting as far as character options and system complexity go, but also which might be easily ported into PbP. Bottom line, I like some crunch and options, but I also want a more streamlined approach to my DMing.

And that is why I would like to give Shadowdark a try with you. Why Shadowdark is something I hope we will have ample opportunity to discuss right here. Suffice to say I feel the system is worth a try.

Even though my preferred games are sandboxes, the plan here would be to start simple, most likely with something pre-written and episodic (of course it will be impossible not to paint outside the lines a bit :D), for us to get the feel of the system, how it plays, how interesting it is (or not), and how well it works with PbP. And if it fits the kind of game we want to run/play (this is another subject which will require revisiting here in this Discussion, but all things in due time ;))

So… Thoughts? Questions? Comments?

'The Realm of mankind is narrow and constricted . Always the forces of Chaos press upon its borders, seeking to enslave its populace, rape its riches, and steal its treasures. If it were not for a stout few, many in the Realm would indeed fall prey to the evil which surrounds them.

Yet, there are always certain exceptional and brave members of humanity, as well as similar individuals among its allies: the dwarves, elves, and halflings, who rise above the common level and join battle to stave off the darkness which would otherwise overwhelm the land . Bold adventurers from the Realm set off to the Borderlands seeking their fortune. It is these adventurers who, provided they survive the challenge, carry the battle to the enemy.

Such adventurers meet the forces of Chaos in a testing ground where only the finest return to relate the tale. Here, these individuals will become skilled in their profession, be it fighter or wizard, cleric or rogue. They will be tried in the fire of combat, those who return, hardened and more fit. True, some few who do survive the process will turn from Law and Good and serve the masters of Chaos, but most will remain faithful and ready to fight chaos wherever it threatens to infect the Realm.

You are indeed members of that exceptional class, adventurers who have journeyed to the Borderlands in search of fame and fortune. Of course you are inexperienced, but you have your skills and a heart that cries out for adventure. You have it in you to become great, but you must gain experience and knowledge and greater skill.

There is much to learn, and you are willing and eager to be about it! Each of you have come with everything which could possibly be given you to help. Now you must fend for yourselves; your fate is in your hands, for better or worse.


Hey everyone!

I am currently running a D&D 1981 B/X (retroclone'd into OSE) game here on the Paizo boards, and would like to add 2-3 more players to round up the roster. Posting expectations are flexible, but I am aiming at 1/day during the week. Hopefully every once in a while we will have surges of posting.

The game is already underway but still in its infant stages - the classes available at the moment are Fighter, Halfling, maybe Thief (waiting on confirmation from another potential player).

Fighter: Fighters are adventurers trained in warfare and combat. In a group of adventurers, the role of fighters is to battle monsters and to defend other characters.
Halflings: Halflings are small, rotund demihumans with curly hair upon their heads and feet. Above all, they love the comforts of home and are not known for their bravery. Halflings who gain treasure through adventuring will often use their wealth in pursuit of a quiet, comfortable life.
Thief: Thieves are adventurers who live by their skills of deception and stealth. They have a range of specialised adventuring skills unavailable to other characters. However, thieves are not always to be trusted.

Since we are using pregens, there is really no need to discuss character creation rules and so forth - if/when selected, you pick a class, and I roll a pregen for you. Done!

I tend to talk too much about my own expectations for the games I run (or play in) and the players/DMs in them, so I will just keep it simple this time. You let me know your questions about the game, and I will answer them in the best way I can :)

From you, if interested, I would like to know why, perhaps something about who you are as a player, if you have preferences/dislikes, what kind of games motivate you, what would your expectations be when joining a game like this, etc. The objective here is for all of us to have fun, and I guess we have better chances of that happening if we can match game to players and DM. Even more so because we all know 'old school gaming' can be quirky and different from what some of us are used to. Hope you all agree?

Bring it!

Regional Map // Ravine map // Tactical Map

Ahead, up the winding road, atop a sheer-wailed mount of stone, looms the great KEEP. Here, at one of civilization’s strongholds between good lands and bad, you will base yourselves and equip for forays against the wicked monsters who lurk in the wilds. Somewhere nearby, amidst the dark forests and tangled fens, are the Caves of Chaos where fell creatures lie in wait.

All this you know, but before you dare adventure into such regions you must become acquainted with the other members of your group, for each life will depend upon the ability of the others to cooperate against the common foe. Now, before you enter the grim fortress, is the time for introductions and an exchange of information, for fate seems to have decreed that you are to become an adventurous band who must pass through many harrowing experiences together on the path which leads towards greatness.

You have travelled for many days, leaving the Realm and entering into the wilder area of the Borderlands. Farms and towns have become less frequent and travelers few. The road has climbed higher as you enter the forested and mountainous country. You now move up a narrow, rocky track. A sheer wall of natural stone is on your left, the path falling away to a steep cliff on the right. There is a small widening ahead, where the main gate to the KEEP is. The blue-clad men-at-arms who guard the entrance shout at you to give your names and state your business. All along the wall you see curious faces peering down at you - eager to welcome new champions of Law, but ready with crossbow and pole arm to give another sort of welcome to enemies.

Old School Illustration from the Back of the Original Module

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Regional Map // Ravine map // Tactical Map

The Realm of mankind is narrow and constricted . Always the forces of Chaos press upon its borders, seeking to enslave its populace, rape its riches, and steal its treasures. If it were not for a stout few, many in the Realm would indeed fall prey to the evil which surrounds them.

Yet, there are always certain exceptional and brave members of humanity, as well as similar individuals among its allies: the dwarves, elves, and halflings, who rise above the common level and join battle to stave off the darkness which would otherwise overwhelm the land . Bold adventurers from the Realm set off to the Borderlands seeking their fortune. It is these adventurers who, provided they survive the challenge, carry the battle to the enemy.

Such adventurers meet the forces of Chaos in a testing ground where only the finest return to relate the tale. Here, these individuals will become skilled in their profession, be it fighter or wizard, cleric or rogue. They will be tried in the fire of combat, those who return, hardened and more fit. True, some few who do survive the process will turn from Law and Good and serve the masters of Chaos, but most will remain faithful and ready to fight chaos wherever it threatens to infect the Realm.

You are indeed members of that exceptional class, adventurers who have journeyed to the Borderlands in search of fame and fortune. Of course you are inexperienced, but you have your skills and a heart that cries out for adventure. You have it in you to become great, but you must gain experience and knowledge and greater skill.

There is much to learn, and you are willing and eager to be about it! Each of you have come with everything which could possibly be given you to help. Now you must fend for yourselves; your fate is in your hands, for better or worse.

GM Delmoth's recent recruitment for Wrath of the Righteous has rekindled my curiosity and fascination with this specific AP.

So I decided to throw the question out there - would there be any interest in playing/running this AP in a more 'controlled' environment? Meaning only Core Classes, Races, Feats and Spells. No traits apart from the AP specific ones.


Been wanting to ‘go back to basics’ for a while, and Swords & Wizardry seems like the perfect place to start for me (for reasons we can discuss). Anyone out there feeling Christmas-y and generous, and willing to DM a game or three? :D

Not saying it needs to be a full blown campaign at all (there are a LOT of good Frog God Games modules for S&W which work perfectly as one shots. And hexcrawls), also not saying we cannot find some sort of rotating DM system going forward. But I am shamelessly saying I would like to start as a player first.

So what do you say? Any takers? It’s Christmas!! :D

Elder Beholder ‖ Shadowdark Map

After several days of traveling, you and your companions are at last approaching the small village of Grimmsgate. The narrow road that leads for miles through this forest is overgrown with weeds, beginning to blend and disappear entirely back into the wilderness.

Indeed, everything you have seen since the last real signs of civilization has had the same feeling of slow retreat and disintegration. More than once, you have passed by strange signs and indications – bones arranged in a circle around a human skull; a small, red-stained wicker basket by the side of the road; an unmarked grave in the dappled shade of the trees.

Finally, though, you see ahead of you the distinctive hill upon which the village of Grimmsgate is built. At the top, there is a small cluster of buildings – you can just barely see the half-collapsed roof of the old Temple of Law that was once said to be the pride of the village. Even at this distance, the place looks run down. Although the village is not fortified, the hill is very steep and only one path leads up to the top.

Hey everyone, I was unable to join the last S&W game so decided to drop a line here and check if there are other 'like minded' players out there who would be interested in playing/DMing with this OSR style ruleset.

I think I would be interested in DMing something taking place in 'The Lost Lands' setting by Frog God Games somewhere along the line, but before getting into it I would prefer experiencing the rules from a player perspective.

So I guess the bottom line is I am looking to understand if there would be enough interest from potential players and/or DMs out there.

All hail Tsathogga!

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Elder Beholder ‖ Shadowdark Map

Hey everyone and welcome to the continued Discussion for our Old School gaming.
First of all, thank you for accepting the invitation - I think this group offers all the opportunities to engage in an entertaining and challenging game!

A recap of what brought us here:

- The interest thread started out as 'Delving into OSR with classic / older D&D Modules', but by the end of it had changed a bit, depending on whether you consider AD&D2e OSR or not;
- In any case, the plan remained the same = finding an 'adequate' system which allows me to DM 'older/classic' D&D modules, without having to burn my eyelashes doing conversions;
- In the end, and even though I am still interested in (eventually) running a S&W game, I drifted onto AD&D2e/For Gold and Glory as the most likely option for this endeavor (not repeating the reasons, they can be found here).

I have been going over the rulebook, and deciding if I want to just give it a try 'as is', or add some houserules off the bat (we are not creating characters yet, so please do not go into a rolling rampage :D).

These are currently under consideration (compiled from several different sources):

Character Creation
- I am between two options = 4d6 drop lowest in order vs. Rolling three sets of 3d6 in order, and choosing one. Also thinking you can roll, or I can. Let me know if you have any preference;
- Removing ability and race requirements from individual classes, but keep the XP bonus for high main stat;
- We are keeping racial restrictions on multiclass combos;
- First level HP: Either roll two and take higher, or maxHP;

- I am on the fence regarding Dual-Class, and will leave it up to you guys. I like the concept, just not sure how well it works out. I would still probably make Human a requirement for this one maybe. In any case it should not be relevant for now;
- We will use Combat and Non-Combat skills from For Gold & Glory (I am thinking this can be used as reference and inspiration);
- We will use basic encumbrance;
- Infravision is heat based. So you cannot read with it;
- Group initiative unless surprise is really important for someone. Would also like to give Weapon speeds a try, see how it goes;
- Firing into melee has a -3 penalty. And if you roll a 1 you hit your ally;
- I don't think there are critical hits/miss in AD&D2e. Do you guys want them? If yes, my suggestion would be max damage instead of 2x damage on a 20, and miss next attack if you roll a 1. For magical attacks, we would have to come up with something interesting;
- I am considering the inclusion of a 'Perception' stat of sorts = Perception+Wis/2. Because really, anyone can hear noises, right? :D Just don't want to shortchange Rogues on this. TBD.

(once there is a clear decision on everything, I will produce a 'Character Creation Basics' blurb as a reference)

A few last notes: There is an 'experimental' side to all of this - I am choosing AD&D2e because I feel like it fits the bill, and can be easily molded to run old D&D, while still providing an interesting enough framework to build characters and play with. However, it has been MANY years since I played AD&D2e, and nothing insures this will be the perfect fit throughout. So I am counting on you to have some flexibility (as will I) as we move along, and understand this is not a closed environment - we can/should make modifications if we believe them necessary. And if after some time we come to the conclusion AD&D2e is not the right option for this purpose, or we are not enjoying the experiment... Heck! We can try something else!

Now let me know your thoughts about it all, if you are still interested, etc ;)

Hey everyone,

I have this idea running around in my head for some time now, so I intend to move forward with it in 2023.

The plan is to find an OSR system (or a mix of them) which can be easily used to run old D&D modules, for a couple of reasons:

- I realize when you revisit things you are nostalgic about, sometimes they reveal themselves as a disappointment, and I am sure some of these modules might not have weathered the test of time in the best of ways, but I still want to play them. There are a lot of 'iconic' adventures I never put my hands on as a player or DM, so I would like to revisit them;
- However I do have a busy life, so the project of 'converting' said modules into a system I am more familiar with (like PF1e) is just too big in scope for me to realistically handle. Thus my search for a system which will fit nicely with the oldies, and not force me to do too much customization as far as mechanics and rules go;
- I have pondered just using the original system (that would most likely mean OD&D and AD&D) and run with it, but the truth of the matter is those old classic rulebooks, as much as I respect them, harken from a different age, and their structure, language and presentation of the rules is not always the easiest to follow. Thus I have began looking into OSR Systems;
- And that is when I discovered there are a LOT of them out there!

After some investigation, I cannot say I have been particularly efficient in narrowing them down, but I think the gist of it comes down to what kind of OSR ruleset I want to use, and I 'think' I have settled on a retroclone. Since I want to start simple, I am inclined to go ahead with using one of Swords & Wizardry, OSE Essentials, or Basic Fantasy RPG. (for the sake of reference, other systems I have looked into have been Castles&Crusades, Five Torches Deep, White Hack, Black Hack, Astonishing Swordsmen and Sorcerers of Hyperborea, etc.)

Some of the 'reasoning' on what I am looking for:

- Should fit (almost) seamlessly with OD&D and AD&D;
- Needs to be 'simple'. I am planning on running the whole thing via PbP, and I would also like to find a system which helps expedite things like exploration and combat;
- Character creation should be straightforward;
- Players joining should be able to be 'play-ready' without too much reading being required;
- It is hopefully something I can readily/quickly assimilate as a DM;
- I understand a lot of the OSR logic is to houserule and make the game your own, but for now I am looking for a system which can stand on its own legs. So it needs to have a balance between DM adjudication and rules framework so that we are not paralyzed at each junction of the game, endlessly debating rulings;
- Cannot cost an arm and a leg :P
- Last, but definitely not the least, it needs to strike a chord between 'simple' classes, but which however have 'interesting' features (I accept this one might be a doozy, and not accomplishable - I accept that :D);

So that is the pitch - would there be interest out there in delving into such an endeavor? Playing older D&D modules while we experiment with an OSR ruleset? I will emphasize the 'experiment' side of things, since it may take some time to find something which appeals and works well for all, and we may never reach that goal ;)

Let me know your thoughts!

Hey everyone,

I have been unsuccessfully trying to join a D&D5e game for the better part of last year. Admittedly I also tried running one, but things unfortunately did not pan out as I would like them to…

I am an almost complete noob with 5e, even though I have played all the editions before - and as with everything in this www of ours, I have read all sorts of opinions on the system, from saying it is a waste of space, to being complimented as the best system in the market :D

Since nothing replaces one’s own experience, I decided to invest time in looking for a PbP game to test the waters with a simple, straightforward Paladin build, but it hasn’t been easy so far - not that many 5e games here on the Paizo forums (as expected I guess), and I have tried other forums (which shall remain nameless) with the same lack of success, and actually some disappointment at the community in terms of behaviour, activity, PbP ethics and so forth.

This is a sort of ‘Interest’ thread, but in reverse, so as the title says, if anyone has been feeling an unstoppable urge to run a D&D5e game which accepts inexperienced players, please do not hesitate! I think we have very good player/DM dynamics in these forums - so it would be good to have a shot at trying a new system in this environment.


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Hi everyone,

As the title implies, I have been wondering if there would be any interest in playing a game of Pathfinder 1st edition using Classes from all Paizo sources (except Occult), but all the rest (races, feats, spells, etc) from the Core Rulebook only?

Let me know!

Hi everyone,

I am an almost complete PF2E noob about to play a Ranger with an Animal Companion.

And my question is exactly as the title says - I have taken Precision, Gravity Weapon and Hunted Shot. STR14 and DEX16. At level 2 I will grab an Animal Companion, and the feats to improve him as we go.

With this kind of setup, if a ‘normal’ enemy (not a BBEG) moves up into close quarters with me, I draw a morningstar and a shield and go to town with him. How well will I fare?

Apologies if the question seems absurd, but I am just trying to get a feel for the relative power levels in PF2 :)

Thank you in advance for any feedback!


Per the rules, can you order an Animal Companion to go specifically into Total Defense?

Talking about this.

I mean, a Wizard can easily use this.... Hmmm... 7+ times a day right?

Am I the only one to think this may be a tad over the top? It certainly is enough to break the balance on any melee encounter I think. Heck, +4 on Saving Throws will put a dent on any magical based encounter also :/

And this is a +4 flat bonus from level 1. Feels way too strong when compared with other level 1 School powers.

Also, I do not see any duration - how long would the bonus be valid for?

Hey everyone,

I have tried PF2 a couple of times but have not been captivated by it at all. Both my attempts were in PFS, and that may have contributed to my dislike? Everyone I played with was really kind and cool, but most players in PFS are usually more interested in ‘getting the job done’ so they can get to the next scenario, plus they already have their ‘combo’ characters, acting faster than I can follow and doing things I do not understand :)

But the fact is most everywhere I turn, I keep reading good things about PF2 and I don’t want to miss out on the possibility of playing with a great ruleset. So like the title says I would like to join a game which would allow me another chance at understanding and learning more about the game system, mechanics, etc. I would like to experience the good things of PF2!

If anyone knows of such a game, or would be on board for setting one up, just drop me a line.

That is all!


Regional Map // Ravine map // Tactical Map

You were told that Madame Freona’s Tea Kettle was the place where adventurers could find work and avoid the hassle associated with other places in Phlan. So far, that has been true. Madame Freona, a stout and officious halfling who runs the establishment with her five daughters, has proven an excellent hostess.

Although you have had to share a common bunkroom with several other adventurers, the evening meal was excellent and the atmosphere pleasant. You are preparing to bunk down for the evening when one of Freona’s daughters peeks into the room. She calls a few of the adventurers, including you, into the hall.

“Pardon my interruption” says the halfling girl named Reece, one of Freona’s five daughters, just shy of adulthood. “A chap just came into the common room downstairs and asked me to fetch you. Something about some coin needing to change hands for an easy job.” She plays with her curly red hair nervously.

Regional Map // Ravine map // Tactical Map

Discussion Thread is open!

Regional Map // Ravine map // Tactical Map

As usual, Bard’s Gate Market District is busy with the coming and going of merchants and the bustle of vendors selling their wares. Streets are full at all hours of the day and night, and the houses are new and well maintained, except maybe closer to the Canal District… Though many of the shops close their doors at night, the taverns and alehouses stay open quite late. The district is then lit by lamplights evenly spaced along the spacious streets, which are able to accommodate carts flowing in both directions. The main streets are set with stones, though the lesser streets and alleys are packed dirt.

Here one can deal in and find almost anything - bakeries, produce and livestock, butchers, fish mongers, sellers of salted meats, stables, sellers of beasts of burden or small, nondescript taverns, alehouses and inns. There are very few buildings that are only residences, as those that do live here do so above their shops.

The quarter is heavily patrolled, both by the District’s well-trained watch and by the Lyreguard as they come and go to the Keep from the West Gate. In addition, there is no lack of mercenaries and sell-swords accompanying merchants or seeking employment.

The Triangle, so called for being the conjunction of three of the busiest streets in this city quarter, is completely packed. Surrounded on all sides by curiosity shops, mostly dealing in low-priced knickknacks and trinkets for visitors and tourists, stalls with good luck charms, whistles, miniature lead and tin soldiers stand side by side with vendors selling bottles of beer and meats of uncertain origin cooked on sharpened skewers. But one of the main attractions of The Triangle, is the Adventure Board!

While many prefer to announce their job offers on ‘The Lyre Valley Beholder’, which has a definitely more official tone to it, the Adventure Board has become something of a well known attraction in the Market District - not only to those seeking real employment, but also as the reported starting point of many epic tales, and perhaps as many tragic ones. The large, sturdy wooden board mixes real and fake job announcements in a hodgepodge of scribbled papers, painted wanted signs and well printed contracts. Parents pick up their children for a better look at this or that advert, or even at the occasional crude drawing of the dangers to face or hunt - a one eyed nasty orc, a gigantic skeletal bird, a monstrous dog faced creature, and even a magnificent Red Dragon!

The quests and missions range from common, such as escorting a caravan, to the amazing, like hunting the aforementioned dragon. For some reason, one of the adds in particular caught your eye - penned with impeccable handwriting, it seems to strike a chord between something real and perhaps…. An adventure?


Adventurers needed!

Seeking the aid of able-bodied entrepreneurs! Wilderness expedition in the Stoneheart Valley, and exploration of a Wizard’s tower just a few days from Bard’s Gate. Excitement, life experiences, and strong friendship bonds guaranteed, as well as equal shares of all gold or valuables recovered!

Looking for the opportunity of a lifetime?! Come and present yourself at The Starving Stirge Inn on Sistersdag, 18th of Mithrond, and we will make things happen!

Gubble, Wizard, Scholar, and Soon-to-be your fellow Travelling Companion.

Regional Map // Ravine map // Tactical Map

Now that we have everyone gathered, I will just lay it out in the open - most of you know my thoughts about gaming in general, and PF in specific, what bothers me, what frustrates me and what I like about it. Some of you will know this better than others because you have most likely been a victim of one of my ‘old gamer’ rants, etc :)

In any case I just wanted to invite you all for a brief discussion before we even get to the gist of it, the setting, character creation, etc.

It took me a while just trying to decide what could make for an interesting game to such a varied and experienced group of players, and also which game system to use, but so far my plan is as follows:

- I want to start small, so this will mean level 1 characters and a sort of ‘introductory’ adventure for now. Depending on the pace, the success (or not) of the game itself, our ‘feel’ for the setting, etc, we may level to 2 shortly after or not. It is open ended for now;

- The setting will be a small corner of the Lost Lands, by Frog God Games. I know some of you will be familiar with bits and pieces of it (FGG has some pretty well known titles like Rappan Arthuk and Slumbering Tsar, just to name a few), while for others this will be completely new (for me it is very new, apart from RA and ST). That is one of the many reasons which made me choose this one - I wanted to get away from Golarion (for some reason the lore is not working out for me), and find something that would give us all a ‘new…ish’ and ‘unknown…ish’ feeling. The Lost Lands seem like a good setting for that;

- The game will be themed. Adventure options/possibilities will present themselves, but hopefully others will be originate from your characters. I guess we can call it a ‘mixed’ sandbox environment of sorts, in which there will definitely be one (or more) over arching plot, driving adventures and paths to follow. But also room to play around with character ambitions and backgrounds. But not to worry, the ‘amount’ of Sandbox will adapt to you, so as not to paralyze the game;

- The system will be Pathfinder First Edition. I know it was not the main preference for all of you, but it is the system I am currently most familiar with, as well as the majority of you I believe. I am not going to put up a lot of restrictions on character creation upfront, but I will have some more notes on the subject further along during this ‘Discussion’. On the table were also D&D5E (which lost to PF1 due to me being much more familiar with PF), and PF2 (I can’t put my finger on it yet… But I have now played it a couple of times and I don’t like it. Also I am definitely not familiar with it);

So starting with these notes, what are everyone’s thoughts and/or questions? Does this sound good?

Hi everyone,

You all ‘kinda’ know what this is about - so just feel free to dot in, and we’ll get the ball rolling.

I have been (still am) on vacation and mulling things over in my head by the pool or at the beach, so once we are all here I will open the Discussion thread. Then we can start trading some ideas and details.

Let’s do this! ;)

First a disclaimer - this is NOT a Recruitment Thread. There is no reason to submit characters, though character related questions are welcome (because they can serve as an example for what we would be trying to put in place), as well as any others :D

With that being said, I am pondering running a Sandbox-y game (or maybe not) surrounding the infamous Zelkor's Ferry (you are all seeing where we may eventually go with this, right?).

For this, I would like to have strong, well rounded characters which make sense - but the thing is, I don't want to fall inadvertently victim of PF's well known power creep, ending up with a skewed game in my hands, or having to go head over heels modifying every single encounter to make it appropriate to broken characters. So the plan would be something along the lines of:


- PF1 character starting at level 2 (probably);
- 25 pt buy character creation with no stats below 6 after racial adjustment (I would keep an attentive eye on dump stats);
- Elephant in the Room alternative rules in effect (I am not 100% sure on this, but let us assume so);
- Allowed sources: Core rulebook, Advanced Player Guide, Advanced Class Guide, Pathfinder Unchained, and that is about it. I am not inclined to saying yesto races from Advanced Races Guide, but alternative Tiefling and Aasimar racial traits and Heritages would probably be a yes;
- Two traits;
- Feats need to make sense for the character (I know this is hard to explain, but I am also confident most of you know what it means - do not just combo this and that trait with a feat to give you an 'I WIN' button. Instead try to go for choices which make sense, even if they are not the top of the top at the top);
- Background Skills are a Yes (and I would try to make them relevant. But again, these are Background skills - even though I would not expect nor demand a long background, these skills should make sense accordingly);
- HPs max at level 1, then average (or I roll for you);
- Starting WBL for level 2 (I think this is 1000 gold?);
- A note on multiclassing, and this is something which may turn some people off to the whole thing - I think I would want to go a bit 'old school' on this one. I like dipping, and I think it can be fun/interesting/cool/powerful. But I think I want to try and make these things happen organically in game - I am not 100% sure how I would implement this, but it would mean if you are a fighter wanting to dip a level of wizard, then you probably need a mentor/someone to guide you at least in the beginning. Some transitions would be easier to accomplish (Someone (almost any class) who wants to learn more about fighting, and takes a dip in Fighter, for example), others not so much (a Rogue who wants to take a dip in Druid) - this would require some adjudication from my part as a DM, but I hope we can make it a reality. I am not blocking dipping, I am simply saying that some more convoluted ones would become part of the story itself (as an example - dipping cavalier may entail travelling to the Order's headquarters, and taking the appropriate tests/vows, etc).
- (for sure something will be forgotten :D)


Though sandbox-y, I would expect the group's earlier endeavors to be be related with discovering the surrounding region and wildlife, urban events related with the local inhabitants, exploration, etc. And we would see where it would take us. As per my usual self, I prefer to start small and grow, than be overly ambitious and never get things off the ground.

The most relevant question of all here is - would there be interest in participating in such a game? What are the positives and negatives you see, if any? Shoot away, ladies and gentlemen!

Regional Map // Ravine map // Tactical Map

You were told that Madame Freona’s Tea Kettle was the place where adventurers could find work and avoid the hassle associated with other places in Phlan. So far, that has been true. Madame Freona, a stout and officious halfling who runs the establishment with her five daughters, has proven an excellent hostess.

Although you have had to share a common bunkroom with several other adventurers, the evening meal was excellent and the atmosphere pleasant. You are preparing to bunk down for the evening when one of Freona’s daughters peeks into the room. She calls a few of the adventurers, including you, into the hall.

“Pardon my interruption” - says the halfling girl named Reece, one of Freona’s five daughters, just shy of adulthood. “A fellow just came into the common room downstairs and... Momma said come fetch you, on account of he wanting you for an easy job. Or something to do with coins. I am not sure...” She plays with her curly red hair nervously, waiting for your reaction.

Regional Map // Ravine map // Tactical Map

Welcome everyone!

Feel free to... Discuss stuff... While we get ready to go.

First question from me - all have their characters finished?

Hi everyone, I am playing in a game of Rise of the Runelords, and we are lacking a divine character.

At level 4, I am playing a strange mix between Brawler/Fighter/Monk2, but was thinking if I could take a different path from here onward, by changing classes to either.... Cleric, or Sacred Fist (since my character has ties to the church in Sandpoint), or... Inquisitor? To try and shore up some of our lacking divine power.

As I see it, a straight up change to cleric (don’t think there is any archetype with martial arts inclination?) would be the best option - I know my character would be at a serious disadvantage as far as caster level goes, but he would have an average combat chassis (probably will not scale very well as he levels up, because monk abilities will not progress), while being a full divine caster.

What do you think? Any ideas on how to go about this one? I could try and push to scratch the character and create another, but I purposefully do not want to do that. I want the group to continue forward organically, even if the mechanical options before us are not the optimal. But it would be great not to cripple myself too much in the process :D

3 people marked this as a favorite.

Hi everyone, lately I have been wanting more and more to get back into DMing/GMing, so decided to drop a line and see who would be interested in participating in a low level PbP D&D 5e introductory adventure.

Admittedly I am more familiar with PF as a player and as a GM, but PF has been taking a route I am not very happy with - I feel like the amount of options and complex trait/feat/class/archetype abilities/magical items seems to be leading most people to create characters as an amalgam of numbers, and mechanical ways of breaking the system. To a point that I would only feel comfortable GMing with severe restrictions on allowed books.

So instead of that, and to make a long story short, I decided to try my hand at a different system - hence D&D5e. Some information about myself:

- I have GMed many times for my tabletop gaming group over the years in several systems (including D&D up to 4e), but my familiarity with D&D5e is superficial, so this will be a learning process, and patient/understanding players will be required ;)
- I have been around the Paizo forums for a long time, and played (still do) in a lot of games. Also tried GMing (unfortunately without much success) a few times. But I see immense potential in the opportunities afforded by PbP as far as roleplaying and creating rich stories. So I want to explore it much more.
- I will be starting really small and simple, but who knows where it can take us?
- I have been itching to try and revive some of that adventurous feeling of when I started playing RPGames many years ago, so regardless of wanting to start with a more streamlined adventure/module/scenario, I would like to introduce some sandbox-y themes here and there. I cannot guarantee I will be able to do this right from the get-go, but please be forewarned that in my book side quests can often become big adventures. And ‘handholding’ would not always necessarily be a thing as the game progresses.
- I am also wanting to give 5e a proper test drive, because I am seeing many conversions of old D&D modules/mega campaigns into this system, and that is something I would like to dig into in the future.
- I realize we are dangerously close to Christmas and New Year’s Eve, and so the timing might not be the best, but I wanted to get the ball rolling ;)

I think this is the gist of it - anything you would like to know, just ask. And let’s see if we have enough interest to achieve critical mass on this one.

I have been really wanting to get back to DM/GMing, and I think the PbP medium is a right match, for several reasons.

I have been playing PF1e for a long time now, but as a DM I feel like I need something more self contained, and with less moving parts than PF.

Combine this with the fact D&D was my go-to RPG for many years (as DM up until 4e), and my will to give 5e a try, and my decision was made (kinda).

After some soul searching, I decided to run Defiance in Phlan - it seems simple enough to not cause too much derail (even though we know players will derail stuff :D), and a safe environment to allow me to start 'learning the 5e ropes'

That being said, and before venturing into it - any advice? :D

Hi all,

Wanted to ask around if anyone knows of a way of doing a granular search of adventures/scenarios by main NPCs, or something along those lines. For example, I know it is very specific, but if I wanted to find an adventure based around a dwarf (or dwarves), or based on elvish history or artifacts, would there be a way to search for these? I am looking specifically for fantasy adventures, mainly PF ones, but D&D or other 3.5ish system would work.

Turning to the forums, to see if anyone is aware of such a search engine?

Thank you in advance!


Hi everyone, I am looking for advice on a well rounded region which could serve as a backdrop for (perhaps) a mini Pathfinder 1e campaign starting at level...2.

I have a lot of ideas rolling around in my head, but to keep it simple - the plan is to manage a sandbox-y kind of game, in which players are free to move around and chase their adventures (or be thrown into some if necessary), but since my days of having the availability to spend hours pondering about adventure hooks for my group of players, and designing the encounters, are long gone, I am looking for something which will make my life simple, while allowing me the opportunity to improvise and change stuff as we go.

We can discuss it further, but some of the things I am looking for/trying to accomplish:

- Getting back into GMing without being overwhelmed with too many things at once;
- Creating a game/story in which the characters are actually true participants (I have seen too many recruitments filled with requests from GMs for absurdly rich backgrounds which never actually come into play), and their story has relevance;
- Allowing player agency (I am as old school as the days of ‘You are all gathered at the tavern after another job well done - the caravan was escorted safely into town, and you were decently paid. What do you want to do now?’);
- Have a rich environment which offers avenues for adventure, on top of whatever might motivate the players;
- Hopefully this environment will be partially fleshed out with NPCs, adventure hooks etc. I am not afraid to build upon a pre-existing framework, but I do not have time to do everything from scratch;
- The game will be PbP

That is all I have for now - hope it is enough to get the ball rolling :D

Thank you in advance for any possible suggestions!

Regional Map // Ravine map // Tactical Map

Dot in ladies and gents!

Regional Map // Ravine map // Tactical Map

This is a placeholder for a private game.


Hey everyone,

Usually I come to the forums with very convoluted questions, but this time around I have a more... Straightforward one :D

What 2nd level spells would you advise for an Inquisitor Archer? I am getting two 2nd level ones with my level up, and honestly there are so many good options (Align Weapon, Bloodhound for the combo, Boneshaker, Ghost Whip, Invisibility, See Invisibility, Litany of Duty, etc etc) I am having a hard time deciding...

Which ones would you consider 'essential'?


Hi everyone,

After much hesitation and back and forth, I have decided to take a plunge into PF 2e. And I would like to start off by re-enacting an old concept of mine.

A no-nonsense ex-army sergeant who has been through a lot. One of the things he has learned in recent years is a strong arm and a nice blade will usually not be enough to win you a scuffle on its own - you need to use your brain. And if you manage to have a handful of people you can trust with you, then you have got a real chance to succeed.

He has been in prison, and served in the military - at the end of it all he came out acting rugged and callous at first sight. Those who care to look a bit deeper however, are many times surprised at the lengths he will go to stand by the ones he believes in.

I would like to roleplay his Inspire Courage as something along the lines of 'barking orders' or shouting advice amidst a fight. Insults at the adversaries also works :D

Crunch wise... In PF1 he was an half-orc, STR based Fighter 2(or Ranger2)/BardX with a reach weapon. Above all he would be a versatile character, perhaps not fully decked to be a frontliner, but compensating with magic, tactics, and a strong blade arm.

In PF2e I have absolutely no idea :P

I am thinking definitely a martial bent character, but with as many options as possible, a tactical mind, etc. My first impulse would be either a Fighter with the Bard Archetype? Or would it make more sense the other way around?

Any advice would be welcome - as you can see I having some doubts where to begin.


Hey everyone,

As the title suggests I am looking for help on building a character just like that on a 15 pt buy at level 1 (slow leveling progression, so should be playable decently right off the bat).

Race is custom (+2STR, +2WIS, -2CHA, +2 Natural AC, Gore Nat. Attack)

Am still playing around with stats and the best way to build such a character concept, but my first instinct has been obviously Sacred Fist. Something like:

STR 17
DEX 14
CON 13
INT 10
WIS 14

Feat: Dodge (any suggestions on this one?)

I am a bit confused as to what my Flurry of Blows attack bonus should look like, but I guess +1/+1?

AC seems to be sitting around 17 which is not too bad.

Seems like a solid character at level 1 (apart from that horrid 2+Int skills), but I have read a lot of stuff around the forums regarding Sacred Fists being 'broken' or something along those lines, and that one is better off with straight up Warpriest even if for an unarmed combatant?

I am not familiar with the class (never played one), so I just wanted advice on building him, and make sure I am not heading into some sort of dead end with a character which will not be fun to play in the long run. Any advice is welcome. Thx!

After many years playing RPGs (a lot of them in Fantasy Settings, and a lot of gaming with AD&D, 3.5 and Pathfinder), me and my regular gaming group have come to the conclusion there are a LOT of iconic modules/adventures/scenarios/campaigns we have actually never played through.

Of course this is no biggie, and we all know some of the modules will probably look very strange in content and mechanics, when we look at them under a more modern light. However, we would still like to experience them nonetheless, and have been debating the best way to approach this idea.

My group is all familiar with PF 1st edition, so the idea which is currently being more accepted in our midst is either looking for those modules converted directly to PF, or to D&D 3.5 or even 3.0. The fact that a lot of these conversions already exist is a plus.

But I was thinking... What about the possibility of actually using the game versions for which these iconic adventures or campaigns have been designed for? Obviously this depends a lot on the group and DM being willing to learn/re-learn/remember older versions and mechanics, etc, but is it even feasible? Do you think it has the potential to be fun? Or most likely frustrating and a disappointment?

Let me hear your thoughts on this.

And thanks!

There are a million questions I would like to ask regrading this one, but I will start simple and take it from there.

I have a STR based melee half-orc Ranger2/Bard5 in Kingmaker (no spoilers please), and I was planning on making him a Dragon Disciple. For several reasons:

- Style and originality (I get the feeling there is a certain degree of coolness and variability to be attained as a Dragon Disciple, which is different from 'simply' being a Ranger/Bard). And it resonates nicely with the character, the more I think about it;

- Melee efficiency while maintaining skills, spells and social capability. Can be done like this, right?

- So far I have been a second line melee bruiser/buffer. Our Rogue/Slayer and Vigilante (Dex based Aldori sword) hit HARD, but we do lack a core 'tankish' character that can add STR to the mix. That would be me;

- I have always pondered the combo but never actually went through with it. So I am at that moment when I think to myself - why not?


He is currently built as a melee hitter, with Arcane Strike, Combat Reflexes, Dodge, Iron Will (I may still be in time to change this one out) and Power Attack. Usually wielding a reach bardiche, or 1h + shield if needed, inspiring others, using Mirror Image, you know the drill.

I like the character mix, but now am looking for more uniqueness, so was planning to take the Eldritch Heritage (Orc) feat tree until I can grab the STR boost, and couple that with Dragon Disciple to bring some serious pain into the fold. Would go up to Bard7/Ranger2, then swap to DD (for 4 levels?) and take it from there.

What do you all think? Ever played a similar build? Was it fun and interesting, while capable? Looking for advice and opinions.


I just wanted to ask around if anyone has used the Horizon Walker Prestige Class recently, but NOT for a dip to help with the Dimensional Agility feat chain, and instead because of the possibilities/advantages it offers when plane hopping/travelling - was it worth it?

Did it make for a decent Planar Survivalist/Guide Character, or would there be other, better options?

If we multiclass a Cleric with the Evangelist Archetype (only one domain) with a Warpriest, how many Blessings can the Warpriest have?

One to match the single available domain, or one additional matching any other available to their God?

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Hi everyone,

I have been running my years long tabletop gaming group through a PbP experiment using Crown of the Kobold King (there will be some light spoilers below, so please stop reading if you plan to play this one).

We have played many times and many games over the years, but system mastery has never been a thing, so some of the challenges become WAY more harder than they could be.

Anticipating this + the fact we are talking about an older module + the fact we are kinda getting burned out on starting 1st level characters from scratch, I let them begin at 3rd level.

Without knowing every in and out of it, I am pretty knowledgeable regarding PF 1st Edition so the idea behind the game was to give the PbP medium a try and see how it works out for our group specifically, while running a more or less straightforward adventure which should not give them too much trouble, and allow further understanding of the rules for all of us.


Things did not turn out like that, but still they plodded onward more or less successfully until reaching the kobold warrens. It is irrelevant how, but all hell broke loose, and now the PCs are pretty banged up and kinda cornered into a position where they somehow have to negotiate with the kobold tribe.

I intend to just roll with it, so I thought a good twist/follow up for this one was the fact the Truescales have actually been pushed out of their caves by some 'foul “creeping shadows” which rose from the dark caves below and withered their finest warriors to skeletal husks' - so a result for the negotiations with the PCs could be agreeing to have them explore the 'evil below', in exchange for releasing the children to return home with Edgrin for example.

What I am looking for are suggestions for modules/scenarios/adventures which could be adapted to this situation - I imagine some underground exploration coupled with lurking evil (undead spring to mind, but there are so many other options), etc. I would go freeform adventuring and improvise stuff as we go but... I am looking for something more self contained and ready to go (I am working from home as many others, but I am indeed working :D).

I plan to level them up to 4 (or maybe even 5) - we have known each other for many years, and leveling has always been a slow process in our games, so I have no qualms in allowing them to just gain two levels instead of one, so we can continue our experiment.

Any ideas/suggestions on adventures which I can adapt to this one would be very welcome, and thanks in advance!

Hi everyone,

I am building an Eldritch Scoundrel for the first time, and would like to have some advice on how to go about the crunchy bits.

So far he looks like this:

Half-orc unchained rogue (eldritch scoundrel) 1 (Pathfinder Player Companion: Arcane Anthology 23, Pathfinder Unchained 20)
CG Medium humanoid (human, orc)
Init +3; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +4
AC 13, touch 13, flat-footed 10 (+3 Dex)
hp 11 (1d8+3)
Fort +4, Ref +7, Will +2
Defensive Abilities sacred tattoo[APG]
Speed 30 ft.
Melee dagger +3 (1d4+2/19-20) or
. . longspear +2 (1d8+3/×3)
Space 5 ft.; Reach 5 ft. (10 ft. with longspear)
unchained rogue (Eldritch Scoundrel) Spells Prepared (CL 1st; concentration +4)
. . 1st—mage armor, vanish[APG] (DC 14)
. . 0 (at will)—daze (DC 13), detect magic, message
Str 14, Dex 17, Con 14, Int 16, Wis 10, Cha 8
Base Atk +0; CMB +2; CMD 15
Feats Arcane Strike, Weapon Finesse
Traits fate's favored
Skills Acrobatics +7, Disable Device +8, Intimidate +5, Perception +4, Sense Motive +4, Spellcraft +7, Stealth +7; Racial Modifiers +2 Intimidate
Languages Abyssal, Common, Draconic, Goblin, Orc
SQ orc blood, spells, trapfinding +1
Other Gear dagger, longspear, eldritch scoundrel starting spellbook, thieves' tools
Special Abilities
Arcane Strike As a swift action, add +1 damage, +1 per 5 caster levels and your weapons are treated as magic for the purpose of overcoming damage reduction.
Darkvision (60 feet) You can see in the dark (black and white only).
Orc Blood Half-orcs count as both humans and orcs for any effect related to race.
Sacred Tattoo +1 to all saves.
Spells Can cast wizard spells with the number of slots of a magus.
Trapfinding +1 Gain a bonus to find or disable traps, including magical ones.


The baseline idea for the character is an arcane enhanced scout/information gatherer. But I would like to give him an interesting, perhaps versatile combat mode, and thought a reach weapon might do the trick? The longspear gives me the 'Prince Nuada' feel, and I like that.

I thought of grabbing Exotic Weapon Proficiency, but cannot do it at level 1. I am not a big fan of having a character depending on a particular type of weapon to be effective though...

Also read somewhere in the forums that grabbing Quicken Spell at level 1 would be a good investment in the future, but I am not sure the game will go that far.

One of my other doubts is if it would make sense to swap his stats around a bit, and make STR the main stat instead of DEX?

So I would welcome any general advice on Eldritch Scoundrels and all of this :D


Very well boys and girls, we've discussed it many times - now we give it another try.

I'll start setting things up - bring out your crit tables!

Hi everyone, I have a couple of doubts regarding the the Forge Spurned (LINK)

- For starters the description states 'Space 5 ft.; Reach 5 ft. (10 ft. with soul chain)', but also states 'The soul chain is treated as a flaming spiked chain', and spiked chains do not have Reach, right?

- Also, assuming the Soul Chain attacks with Reach, if someone steps up close, does it mean the chain cannot attack any longer, unless the Forge Spurned takes a 5'step back?

Am I reading this wrong?

Thanks for any input guys.

Assuming the heroes cast Grease before the bad guy arrived on the scene.

Once the BBEG gets there, would it make any sense to give him a roll to spot the 'layer of slippery grease' on the floor?

Then on an additional note - would/should the BBEG be allowed some sort of roll (Int?) to realize that is a possibly slippery puddle? Thought about Spellcraft, but there isn't a magical effect anymore, just grease on the floor.

What do you guys think? Am I over-complicating? What DCs do you think would be applicable, if any?

Hi everyone,

As the title says - I am sitting at level 7 with a straight up Fighter2/Rogue5. He is melee, and fights with two daggers. Some relevant info on him:

STR 14
DEX 18/20
CON 14
INT 14
WIS 12/14

Main items (magical and otherwise):

Dagger +1
MW Cold Iron Dagger
Mithral Chain shirt +1
Amulet of Natural Armor +1
Belt of Incredible Dexterity +1
Cloak of Resistance +2
Daredevil Boots
Headband of Inspired Wisdom (yeah... My Will save sucks)
Ioun stone (dusty rose, cracked) +1 on init
Ioun Stone (Iridescent Blue, Cracked) +1 on Perception
Ioun Stone (Mulberry Pentacle, Cracked) +1 on Bluff and diplomacy
Ring of Protection +1
Wand of Shield (I try to UMD it before every fight to push my AC up)

Feats are: Combat Expertise, Dodge, Mobility, Power Attack, Skill Focus (Bluff), Two-weapon Feint[UC], Two-weapon Fighting, Weapon Finesse, Weapon Focus (dagger)

Recentely he has gotten his hands on around 8500 gold to spend - I can always begin working on upgrading my armor, weapon, rings, cloaks, etc. However I do not have many experience with med-high level characters, so I was looking for any suggestions from those more experienced than me. Some of my considerations:

- If I want to continue being the rogue, maybe Stealth will not be enough anymore. I may need to complement/add to it?
- Dagger +1 at level 7 hasn't been an issue so far, but I get the feeling it will become one sooner raher than later. How urgently do you think this one needs an upgrade?
- With the Shield wand and the eventual Expertise usage, I have been managing to keep my AC decent. Should I invest now on a better armor?
- Also f I want to continue melee... I will probably need to layer defenses somehow. Not sure I can accomplish this with magical items. Should I invest on say... A wand of Mirror Image? Or something along these lines?
- My Will save is BAD, just BAD. But I am really not seeing an immediate way to improve it. Any ideas apart from getting Iron Will as soon as possible?

Thanks in advance for any possible advice/suggestions guys.

Hi everyone,

So... I've never played much Starfinder before, apart from with a pre-gen.

I will be joining a group for a Starfinder AP at level 2, but my system knowledge is really lacking :P

I was planning on playing an Operative (the group has two soldiers and a mechanic so far) and would like to know if someone can give me some pointers on how to build it - idea is a agile, fast paced guy wielding two guns (just think that's cool) at range or at point-blank melee range, if he is engaged (something like... John Wick :D).

Can this be done? Can someone point me in the right direction?

Thank you in advance!


Or Image

Or Image


Or even :D

Good morning everyone.

I come looking for advice on building a switch hitter alchemist (kinda, because he would be more focused on melee). I am starting a game at level 1, and had initially planned to play a Bloodrager 1/Investigator X (Empiricist) melee monster. But as the group began forming I realized we may have already too much 'melee' characters (at the moment we are Wizard, Cleric, Paladin, Fighter and me).

An archer Bard would probably be the perfect fit here but... I have played one for 5+ years and now would like to change somewhat. Did look at other brutal archers like the Inquisitor but... Truth is I don't think I want to play an archer :P

That being said, and because I have always wanted to try out an Alchemist, I thought about going in that direction - my idea was:

- Still be a melee guy for starters (high STR + Power Attack + 2h weapon);
- Mixing it up with utility bombs without going overboard in the investment
- I expect to end up with a guy who has ranged options, can mix magic and melee (both offensive and defensive), and has that creepy feeling of the Alchemist :D

He would look something like:


STR 17 (15+2)
DEX 14
CON 12
INT 16
WIS 10

Lvl 1 - Barbarian 1 (Savage Technologist): Seems like an all around good choice for the Str/Dex/AC/Ref/Will bonus?
Lvl 2 - Alchemist 1: I planned on taking Grenadier but I don't think I want to lose Brew Potion - is it worth it?
Lvl 3 - Alchemist 2
Lvl 4 - Alchemist 3: Grabbing that 2d6 to bomb damage
Lvl 5 - Brawler or Free Style Fighter 1: For now I can use Martial Flexibility for Precise Shot if needed? (see Feats below)
Lvl 6 - Alchemist 4

Plan is to continue progressing as Alchemist BUT dipping one level in either Brawler OR Free Style Fighter for the Martial Flexibility (it offers a lot of options if I am playing a switch hitter, right? Apart from all other possible combos here, maybe I don't even grab Rapid Shot and leave it only to take with this when needed? Don't know, seems like a good option)

Feats (really torn on the order for these - he will be mainly a melee combatant, so I guess it makes sense taking Power Attack earlier? But then again he DOES have Rage and Mutagen so... Not sure)
Lvl 1 - Extra Rage
Lvl 3 - Point-Blank Shot
Lvl 5 - Power Attack
Lvl 6 - Precise Shot

Lvl 3 (Alch 2) - Precise Bombs
Lvl 6 (Alch 4) - Tanglefoot or Frost bomb?

There are a lot of moving parts, so any input would be welcome. What do you guys think?


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