
Gryndle Slitherfins's page

25 posts. Alias of Agent Eclipse.

Dark Archive

|Negotiations for the Star Gun ◆|↺|◇

Hello Everyone!

Please include your information on RPG Chronicles via this link, after you sign up on the spreadsheet.

We will begin on the 4th of September.

Slides will follow once I get scenario support.

Dark Archive

|Negotiations for the Star Gun ◆|↺|◇

Please Dot and Delete here, this game is FCFS with sign-ups on the spreadsheet.

We begin on September 4th.

Dark Archive

This is recruitment for a session of 0-23 Tide of Morning. The game is Core. A slot is reserved for Qstor. This means there is up to 5 available. Please post your information (interest and character) below, it is first come first serve but I want to confirm when we are full. Thanks.

Dark Archive

|Negotiations for the Star Gun ◆|↺|◇

Alright! Welcome to my players and I hope to have a wonderful time bringing this scenario together for you!


`This game is CORE.

`Feel free to make your day job rolls here.

`Same for Faction Card rolls or if you need to do something specific for your task to ask the question.

`I usually let my players annotate their own purchases but if you want me to put it on the chronicle I can.

`If your character has any odd rules or combos that you want to tell me about please do, spoiler if you like.

`I aim for multiple posts a day as a GM if the action allows, but for players I ask for 1 post a day or weekend and to try to push the action forward as a group. No worries if life comes up, I can bot after 24 hours (specific instructions help).

`Lastly, lets work to have fun together!


This is the link to the RPG Chronicles, if you can fill it out for me to make creating your chronicles much easier. If you are opposed to making an account or using the website, just let me know and I can add the info.

RPG Chronicles

A slot is saved for Qstor.


Dark Archive

|Negotiations for the Star Gun ◆|↺|◇

Thread for upcoming Gameday session.

Dark Archive

Just filling a few slots.

Dark Archive

|Negotiations for the Star Gun ◆|↺|◇

Now possessing key information about the mysteries of the Scoured Stars, the Starfinder Society sends the PCs to a distant star system in the Vast. The idea that the non-spacefaring natives of this system have any connection with the distant Scoured Stars seems unlikely, but it's up to the PCs to confirm if a connection does exist. Other factions complicate the situation by having their own unique agendas relating to the distant world and its peaceful inhabitants.

"Paging Starfinder Team Delta-Four-Seven-Three-Eight-Two-Two-Zero to Meeting Room Thirty-Seven." a voice booms over the intercom, repeating three times.

Feel free to jump in with RP or to dot-delete, till I get a proper opening post.

Dark Archive

|Negotiations for the Star Gun ◆|↺|◇

Slots saved for a few individuals, will open recruitment if needed.


Area for discussion out of character.

Player Name:
Character Name:
Society Number:
Fast/Slow Track:
Day Job roll:
Boons (Can be slotted after briefing):

Dark Archive

|Negotiations for the Star Gun ◆|↺|◇

Please Dot and Delete once signed up, initial post will follow later.

Dark Archive

|Negotiations for the Star Gun ◆|↺|◇

Hello everyone, once you are signed up on the Gameday spreadsheet, please provide the information below:

Pathfinder Society Number:
Slow Track or Normal:
Day Job/Faction Card Roll:

Anything else you want me to note on your Chronicle (purchases, training, etc):

Please have your taglines updated with current pertinent information, I can provide templates if needed.

Any questions or discussions feel free to jump in here.

I can't wait for us to run the Race for the Runecarved Key!

Dark Archive

|Negotiations for the Star Gun ◆|↺|◇

Welcome everyone! I look forward to an exciting game with you all and will have an RPG chronicle posted for you till fill out (if you don't mind) in the next few days. This site just lets me create chronicle sheets much easier!

Dark Archive

Initial Post for a future PFS Gameday XI game. Once confirmed feel free to "dot and delete" in Gameplay.

This is first come first serve, a slot is saved for Mustaparta, who requested it.

Dark Archive

|Negotiations for the Star Gun ◆|↺|◇

Initial Post for a future Gameday XI game. Once confirmed in Recruitment feel free to "dot and delete".

An elusive enemy of the Society has launched a campaign of espionage and intrigue from Stonespine Island, the homeport of the infamous Okeno pirates. The Society must sneak a team of agents through one of the largest slave markets on the Inner Sea and track the slippery mastermind to her base if they are to successfully capture the villain, and Venture-Captain Ambrus Valsin has just the team of Pathfinders in mind for the task. Can the PCs defeat this remote slave ring without becoming slaves themselves?

Dark Archive

|Negotiations for the Star Gun ◆|↺|◇

Please Dot and Delete.

Dark Archive

|Negotiations for the Star Gun ◆|↺|◇

Once signed up, please provide the information below:

Pathfinder Society Number:
Slow Track or Normal:
Day Job/Faction Card Roll:

Anything else you want me to note on your Chronicle (purchases, training, etc):

Once my slide deck is up, I will make another post for you to fill out some information and place your avatar. Expect this at the end of the weekend, most likely.

Dark Archive

|Negotiations for the Star Gun ◆|↺|◇

Each of the Pathfinder's received a summons from Venture-Captain Drandle Dreng to deal with an issue involving cultists who previously killed a fellow Agent, roughly one year ago. This is for revenge!

You have gathered in the entrance to the Great Hall of Skyreach with your fellow agents awaiting his arrival for the final briefing.

Feel free to do introductions and banter. I am finishing up a final paper then will be able to focus fully on the scenario and polishing slides.

Dark Archive

|Negotiations for the Star Gun ◆|↺|◇

Post here for out of character discussion, questions, banter, and more.

Information Sheet:
Pathfinder Society Number:
Slow Track or Normal:
Day Job/Faction Card Roll:

Dark Archive

|Negotiations for the Star Gun ◆|↺|◇

Area for discussion out of character. You must sign-up via the OutPost IV spreadsheet but once you do that feel free to provide the following information. You can then also dot into gameplay.

Player Name:
Character Name:
Society Number:
Fast/Slow Track:
Day Job roll:
Boons (Can be slotted after briefing):

Dark Archive

|Negotiations for the Star Gun ◆|↺|◇

Space-Ninja Dot

The Exchange

Pathfinder LO Special Edition, PF Special Edition Subscriber


I have not received my Starfinder Society scenarios for quite some time. On my subscription page it says I should have it and I have the 6 qualifying subscriptions. However, the actual complimentary subscription is no longer there. Would it be possible to have this corrected and all the missing scenarios added to my digital downloads?

Hard to find the exact dates all my subscriptions started since the change to 2E. But from what is listed on the store I have had 6 qualifiers since October of 2019. Missing 2-09/2-10 through the current scenarios.

Agent Eclipse

Dark Archive

|Negotiations for the Star Gun ◆|↺|◇

Once signed up, please provide the information below:

Pathfinder Society Number:
Slow Track or Normal:
Day Job/Faction Card Roll:

Anything else you want me to note on your Chronicle (purchases, training, etc):

Once my slide deck is up, I will make another post for you to fill out some information and place your avatar.

Please have your taglines updated with current pertinent information, I can provide templates if needed.

Cheers, and I look forward to playing with you all in September.

Dark Archive

Signeup is Here

My table is Tier 3-4. Open Recruitment has started, August 12th.

Dark Archive

|Negotiations for the Star Gun ◆|↺|◇

Game Starts on September 1st. Once signed up, dot and delete.

Dark Archive

|Negotiations for the Star Gun ◆|↺|◇

Player Name/Alias:
Character Name:
PFS Character Number:
Downtime Activity/Rolls:

Slotted Boons (Can be done after briefing):

School Items:

Please have pertinent information in your headers, for ease of gameplay. HP, AC, Saves, etc.

I will have the slides up later where you will be able to add your avatar and do marching order.

Thanks and look forward to hunting some (not)cool cats in September.

Dark Archive

|Negotiations for the Star Gun ◆|↺|◇

Please feel free to dot and delete, as the game is first come first serve. The game will start on September 1st.

Dark Archive

Recruitment will be FCFS.

GM early sign-ups will start August 5th.

Open sign-ups will start August 12th.

Please refrain from posting until then, thank you!

Dark Archive

|Negotiations for the Star Gun ◆|↺|◇

Almost all Pathfinders undergo extensive training for three or more years to learn the tricks of the trade, and their last test before graduating from the ranks of the initiates to the status of a full Pathfinder agent is the Confirmation, a special research project that involves considerable fieldwork and is designed to simulate the initiates' future work as a Pathfinder. Even the noteworthy field commissioned agents sometimes participate in such trials as a way to familiarize themselves with the Pathfinder Society’s rules and expectations. Although Confirmation is typically an individual affair, the society recently discovered a site on the Isle of Kortos that would be perfect for initiates but perhaps too dangerous to handle alone. Successfully uncovering this site’s secrets will not only contribute to the society’s body of knowledge but shape the exciting careers ahead for each of the prospective agents.

Initial post will be on the 5th.

Dark Archive

|Negotiations for the Star Gun ◆|↺|◇

Once notified of being in the game please post some basic information below:

Pathfinder Society Number:
Slow Track or Normal:
Day Job/Faction Card Roll:

Anything else you want me to note on your Chronicle:

There is also room on the slides to punch in your information, including Perception and Initiative.

I plan on starting around the 5th.

Dark Archive

This is a recruitment to fill open slots in my The Confirmation run.

Some players are continuing on from another but there should be roughly two slots available. I prefer running this for new players but anyone is welcome.

I prefer players post 1/weekday especially if combat is going on and 1/weekend, real life happens so if something comes up just let me know.

Post below if interested, also let me know if you are a new player.

The Exchange

Pathfinder LO Special Edition, PF Special Edition Subscriber

When I attempt to download Strange Aeon's Player's Guide from my digital content, it downloads an empty zip folder.

Dark Archive

|Negotiations for the Star Gun ◆|↺|◇

Ninja Dot

Dark Archive

|Negotiations for the Star Gun ◆|↺|◇

Area for discussion out of game.

Dark Archive

|Negotiations for the Star Gun ◆|↺|◇


Dark Archive

|Negotiations for the Star Gun ◆|↺|◇


Dark Archive

|Negotiations for the Star Gun ◆|↺|◇

Initial Post to follow.

Ninja Dot please.

Dark Archive

|Negotiations for the Star Gun ◆|↺|◇

Initial Post to follow.

Ninja Dot please.

Dark Archive

|Negotiations for the Star Gun ◆|↺|◇

This is the gameplay thread where all the action will be taking place.

Please dot/delete below.

Dark Archive

|Negotiations for the Star Gun ◆|↺|◇

Hello everyone, welcome to my table for The Hao Jin Cataclym.

My table is Core 3-4 so please choose you character accordingly then post your details below.

Player Name:
Character Name:
Day Job and Roll:
Fast/Slow Progression:

There will also be a slide where I would like you to fill in information like Perception/Initiative.

If there is anything else I should know about your character go ahead and let me know here as well.

Welcome to my first time running a box for PACG Play-By-Post. I know at least 4 of the group are new players so I will do my best to work through any difficulties.

Use this thread for any OOC discussions or questions that need to be answered.

First thing I want to help everyone with is getting their deck handler's set up if necessary.

Dark Archive

|Negotiations for the Star Gun ◆|↺|◇

The Pathfinder Society seeks the ancient ruby ring of the salamander and it falls to a team of Pathfinders to find it. Last seen in the Tri-Towers Yard, a once elite academy for the youth of Absalom, the ruby ring is now lost in the Drownyard, all that remains of Tri-Towers after it was destroyed a decade ago in the great quake. The Pathfinders must risk the strange black ichors and salty brine to find their prize—will they risk their very souls as well?

Dot here. Introduction posts will occur one week prior to start date.

Dark Archive

|Negotiations for the Star Gun ◆|↺|◇

Post here for OOC or unrelated discussion.

Dark Archive

|Negotiations for the Star Gun ◆|↺|◇

Post any out of character or unrelated discussion here.

Dark Archive

|Negotiations for the Star Gun ◆|↺|◇

In the port of Senghor, it is taboo to even speak of the accursed ruin of Boali that sits on the other side of the bay, let alone to set foot in its rubble-strewn streets. Yet rumors have reached the Pathfinder Society that the Aspis Consortium has sent agents to search through this forbidden city. Although few people willingly travel to its shores, Boali is far from quiet. It falls to a small group Pathfinder agents to get the bottom of the Aspis plot without falling prey to the ruin's dangers. Can the PCs bring the Consortiums' true motives to light?

Dot. Intro will start a week before Session 2.

Dark Archive

In the port of Senghor, it is taboo to even speak of the accursed ruin of Boali that sits on the other side of the bay, let alone to set foot in its rubble-strewn streets. Yet rumors have reached the Pathfinder Society that the Aspis Consortium has sent agents to search through this forbidden city. Although few people willingly travel to its shores, Boali is far from quiet. It falls to a small group Pathfinder agents to get the bottom of the Aspis plot without falling prey to the ruin's dangers. Can the PCs bring the Consortiums' true motives to light?


Does that sound interesting to you, agent? I hope so because you are on my the recruitment page for my second session of PbP Gameday VII. The scenario is Signs in Senghor (Season 9-10).

The game will start on the 10th of October and recruitment will end when we have a full group.

Alright! Now on to the gritty details like my expectations:

-Try to post at least once a day. More if you can help it especially in combat.
-Try to put some flavor into your posts rather than just give me dice. A brief explanation works fine and allows me to improve my posts as well to turn it into a compelling story.
-Let me know ahead of time if you will be absent or aren't feeling too hot. Real life understandably happens but it helps prepare me to bot. (Bot information on your profile if needed helps too.)

If I haven't lost you let post below on the character you would like to bring.

Dark Archive

The Pathfinder Society seeks the ancient ruby ring of the salamander and it falls to a team of Pathfinders to find it. Last seen in the Tri-Towers Yard, a once elite academy for the youth of Absalom, the ruby ring is now lost in the Drownyard, all that remains of Tri-Towers after it was destroyed a decade ago in the great quake. The Pathfinders must risk the strange black ichors and salty brine to find their prize—will they risk their very souls as well?


Does that sound interesting to you, agent? I hope so because you are on my the recruitment page for my first session of PbP Gameday VII. The scenario is Black Waters (Season 0-6).

The game will start on the 13th of August and recruitment will end when we have a full group or be pushed to a lottery if the interest is large enough before the end of the week.

Alright! Now on to the gritty details like my expectations:

-Try to post at least once a day. More if you can help it especially in combat.
-Try to put some flavor into your posts rather than just give me dice. A brief explanation works fine and allows me to improve my posts as well to turn it into a compelling story.
-Let me know ahead of time if you will be absent or aren't feeling too hot. Real life understandably happens but it helps prepare me to bot. (Bot information on your profile if needed helps too.)

If I haven't lost you let post below on the character you would like to bring.

Dark Archive

|Negotiations for the Star Gun ◆|↺|◇

Gameplay thread. Please dot and delete.

Dark Archive

|Negotiations for the Star Gun ◆|↺|◇

Feel free to dot and delete in the Gameplay thread.

Slides and initial post will be incoming as the date to start looms closer.

With those things aside this will be my first time GMing a PbP game but I do have some experience in the paper versions of 3.5 and Pathfinder. I welcome any and all criticism or suggestions in this discussion thread or through PM. I want to make this experience the best for all of us.

What I ask of my players (you):

-Try to post at least once a day. More if you can help it especially in combat.
-Try to put some effort into your posts rather than just give me dice. A brief explanation works fine and allows me to improve my posts as well.
-Let me know ahead of time if you will be absent or aren't feeling to hot.


The Exchange

Pathfinder LO Special Edition, PF Special Edition Subscriber

Could you please cancel this order?