[Gameday XI] GM Eclipse's Tide of Morning (CORE) (Inactive)

Game Master Agent Eclipse


Dark Archive

This is recruitment for a session of 0-23 Tide of Morning. The game is Core. A slot is reserved for Qstor. This means there is up to 5 available. Please post your information (interest and character) below, it is first come first serve but I want to confirm when we are full. Thanks.

Liberty's Edge

(qstor) I have a level 1 ranger or a level 2 wizard I wanted to play.

Grand Lodge

I would be interested in playing, this is my only Core character. Greataxe wielding Sorcerer. Plans to go into EK if he lives that long haha. Should have him finished tonight. I would appreciate a once over DM to ensure the traits I picked are legal. I think I remember reading you could have traits as an exception to the core only thing, but let me know if I'm wrong.

Grand Lodge

Solomon N'Grudak wrote:
I would be interested in playing, this is my only Core character. Greataxe wielding Sorcerer. Plans to go into EK if he lives that long haha. Should have him finished tonight. I would appreciate a once over DM to ensure the traits I picked are legal. I think I remember reading you could have traits as an exception to the core only thing, but let me know if I'm wrong.

You'll just need to change your Omen trait.

You can only use the traits from the Character Traits Web Enhancement found in the 1e Additional Resources. However, in that document, Hedge Magician and Rich Parents are not legal for play.

Dark Archive

Got this L2 Rogue to play.

Silver Crusade

I am offering this 4th level core cleric.

Dark Archive

Thanks for the help roll4initiative. Everything else looks good to me but I can take a deeper look in a little.

Additional Resources

If you search the page or scroll down to, "Pathfinder Character Traits Web Enhancement" it can be clicked to download the document. This will list all traits that can be used on Core characters (except the ones called out specifically).

It looks like we are leaning towards low tier but if playing down is okay with Vulf you can head over to discussion with the others.

-Qstor (Ranger/1 or Wizard/2)
-Solomon (Sorceror/1)
-Corgrim (Rogue/2)
-Vulf (Cleric/4)

4 has us ready to go but can fit 2 more if people are interested before it starts.

Grand Lodge

Thanks guys I downloaded the resource and replaced omen with Magical Knack. So I think I'm good.

Grand Lodge

I have this 4th level human wizard or a 4th level cleric of Erastil that both would work. But I would prefer if sellected to play the 4th level wizard, Farlen Mizzul.

Grand Lodge

(qstor) I'll go with my Ranger.

Liberty's Edge

roll4initiative wrote:

You'll just need to change your Omen trait.

You can only use the traits from the Character Traits Web Enhancement found in the 1e Additional Resources. However, in that document, Hedge Magician and Rich Parents are not legal for play.

As an aside, the faction traits in the Guide to Organized play are legal too in CORE.

Dark Archive

Posted in Discussion and soon to post in Gameplay for the 5 that posted here.

Still got room for one more?

Now that I'm home, I have for the party's consideration:

A human ranger 3

A human rogue 2

And a elf barbarian 1/ranger 1

All are CORE. I also have some 4th and 5th level characters (a fighter, a sorcerer, and an illusionist), but I don't want to push the CR of the encounters so high that the lowest level characters stand a high chance of death.

Dark Archive

Yep, you will be our last slot. We were just about to move into the scenario so feel free to bring your choice of character. Calculations about sub-tier shouldn't change so if you want to play in tier then one of the level 3s.

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