Krun Thuul

Gramlag's page

254 posts. Alias of A_psychic_rat.


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Male Dwarf Fighter/3; AC: 21; HP: 15/25; F: +4, R: +4, W: +2; Init: +3; Perc: +6, Dark vision 60 ft; Speed: 20 ft.

"Always the optimist Nel, seems i am going to need to get myself well and paid and find meself a wizard to turn me back into my perfectly great dwarfy self again at some point.... im.... im just green." Gramlag mutters the end of that with a voice that is mildly defeated, and he is still clearly uncomfortable and waiting for cloths to be procured for him

Male Dwarf Fighter/3; AC: 21; HP: 15/25; F: +4, R: +4, W: +2; Init: +3; Perc: +6, Dark vision 60 ft; Speed: 20 ft.

Slowly waking from what seemed to be a dream, Gramlag blinks slowly and realizes he was on the floor of a room he is fairly certain he had never been in. Hearing the voices of his friends he glances about to see they are all staring at him. Gramlag sits up and then he realizes something is different from before. first of all he is nude which is mildly embarrassing but he also notices that his teeth seem to be sticking out of his mouth even when closed. Gramlag goes to touch them and notices his hands are green and exclaims in a voice that is nothing like the one he remembers aside from the accent, the voice far deeper than what it used to be "Och! I'm a blood orc! i vaguly remember gettin stabbed and passin on but then you all called me back and there is work to be done but ill be damned if im not a bloody orc right now! of all the bodys for that spell to make! Look at me, i got tusks! och! also can i get me some cloths around here, there is a tad bit of a chill in here." Gramlag looks clearly flustered and upset and looks to his friends for reassurance.

so +4srt -2con and my mental stats stay the same. i loose all of my ratial traits if i read the spell right and get the orcish ones correct? just want to make sure im clear before i do the edit to my character sheet, should also change my pic i guess lol

Male Dwarf Fighter/3; AC: 21; HP: 15/25; F: +4, R: +4, W: +2; Init: +3; Perc: +6, Dark vision 60 ft; Speed: 20 ft.

i am excited that i may live agein, i have been reading, keep it up folks!

Male Dwarf Fighter/3; AC: 21; HP: 15/25; F: +4, R: +4, W: +2; Init: +3; Perc: +6, Dark vision 60 ft; Speed: 20 ft.

so i have 2 feats from level, one from human and one from combat style, what did i miss? also i took point blank and precise shots, and rapid shot ya i can see that, ill switch that one

Male Dwarf Fighter/3; AC: 21; HP: 15/25; F: +4, R: +4, W: +2; Init: +3; Perc: +6, Dark vision 60 ft; Speed: 20 ft.

so this is my slayer im putting together, mostly this is just the feat selection, i think that looks good based on what ive seen on the webs but feel free to point out and stupid choices

Male Dwarf Fighter/3; AC: 21; HP: 15/25; F: +4, R: +4, W: +2; Init: +3; Perc: +6, Dark vision 60 ft; Speed: 20 ft.

so objectivly speaking i havnt built that slayer yet as it looked like i might possibly get rezzed, should i be building him? whats the plan people?

Male Dwarf Fighter/3; AC: 21; HP: 15/25; F: +4, R: +4, W: +2; Init: +3; Perc: +6, Dark vision 60 ft; Speed: 20 ft.

well guys, im rootin for you on this one, make me proud, dwarves value pride after all

Male Dwarf Fighter/3; AC: 21; HP: 15/25; F: +4, R: +4, W: +2; Init: +3; Perc: +6, Dark vision 60 ft; Speed: 20 ft.

any hints as to what you rolled? or did i miss it? since sabola has passed it to me id love some time to prep my head for roll playing a dwarf in another things body

Male Dwarf Fighter/3; AC: 21; HP: 15/25; F: +4, R: +4, W: +2; Init: +3; Perc: +6, Dark vision 60 ft; Speed: 20 ft.

and for s+!$s and giggles here is the reincarnate roll for my new form should that come to pass at some point, and if it doesnt let me know to draw up that new character

1d100 ⇒ 87

and it looks like i get human, oh god the RP jokes of now being so goram tall, and clumbsy, i love it, and my stats dont even change if im reading the chart correctly. DM if you prefer to make this roll then please do and ignore this one.

far as i know though my body changes i still keep the racial abilities of my old race and dont get any from the new one right? so i keep greed and stuff and dont get a free feat?

oh god and ill loose dark vision, i can make jokes about how humans can see a bloody thing in the dark. i need to be reincarnated in my games more often, ive never really thought about the fun that could be had

Male Dwarf Fighter/3; AC: 21; HP: 15/25; F: +4, R: +4, W: +2; Init: +3; Perc: +6, Dark vision 60 ft; Speed: 20 ft.

lol ya it is the fun way, and thanks sabola, need help drawing up your new character then? im off till friday cuz my daughter was born on the 29th so ive got some time, if you wanna talk on skype or something PM me

Male Dwarf Fighter/3; AC: 21; HP: 15/25; F: +4, R: +4, W: +2; Init: +3; Perc: +6, Dark vision 60 ft; Speed: 20 ft.

im ok with resurrection if you guys get the scroll, but im going to post here and ask if sabola would like it more, or we can rock paper scissors it if your indecisive. just roll a d3, 1=rock 2= paper 3= scissors

1d3 ⇒ 3

Male Dwarf Fighter/3; AC: 21; HP: 15/25; F: +4, R: +4, W: +2; Init: +3; Perc: +6, Dark vision 60 ft; Speed: 20 ft.

ya stab things, and maybe rez me, i actually would love to see gramlag go further, i kinda have been wanting to see this dual shield build go places >.>

im ok with making a new character but i like the one i have lol

Male Dwarf Fighter/3; AC: 21; HP: 15/25; F: +4, R: +4, W: +2; Init: +3; Perc: +6, Dark vision 60 ft; Speed: 20 ft.

those stat lines look like 15 point point buys roughly, we are working with 20s here, no need to dump stats for that, maybe even boost wis for a point in will save

Male Dwarf Fighter/3; AC: 21; HP: 15/25; F: +4, R: +4, W: +2; Init: +3; Perc: +6, Dark vision 60 ft; Speed: 20 ft.

after some thinking and some talking with the GM seems im making an archery slayer. not being a mega min maxer ill ask people who might know better, should i be prioritizing strength or dex? i dont like dumping stats and im probly gunna pick human unless i can think of a compelling reason to play another race so what should a basic archer stat line look like?

edit: also what startting gold should i be looking at?

Male Dwarf Fighter/3; AC: 21; HP: 15/25; F: +4, R: +4, W: +2; Init: +3; Perc: +6, Dark vision 60 ft; Speed: 20 ft.

i think what nel is saying is that she finds the rogue fun to play. objectivly speaking the class can be sub par, dont mean people cant have fun with it

Male Dwarf Fighter/3; AC: 21; HP: 15/25; F: +4, R: +4, W: +2; Init: +3; Perc: +6, Dark vision 60 ft; Speed: 20 ft.

to each their own people, lets leave it at that plox

Male Dwarf Fighter/3; AC: 21; HP: 15/25; F: +4, R: +4, W: +2; Init: +3; Perc: +6, Dark vision 60 ft; Speed: 20 ft.

i retract my comment Volk, i was at work and clearly didnt keep track of things correctly in the game play thread :P your right of course, it would totally be a free buff if it could be used whenever. pretty much casting spells foregoes the option of fighting defensivly

Male Dwarf Fighter/3; AC: 21; HP: 15/25; F: +4, R: +4, W: +2; Init: +3; Perc: +6, Dark vision 60 ft; Speed: 20 ft.

im going to argue that fighting defensivly as writen only impies if you make attacks that they are at a negative, but one should be able to take a defensive stance at any time at the cost of an action

Male Dwarf Fighter/3; AC: 21; HP: 15/25; F: +4, R: +4, W: +2; Init: +3; Perc: +6, Dark vision 60 ft; Speed: 20 ft.

huh i figured skirmisher dropping spells would be the one youd be against lol, i find favored terrain a silly idea and prefer infiltrator as at least i can use those abilites at any time

Male Dwarf Fighter/3; AC: 21; HP: 15/25; F: +4, R: +4, W: +2; Init: +3; Perc: +6, Dark vision 60 ft; Speed: 20 ft.

oh i agree ranger spells are good, but the theme of a ranger doesnt feel right to have magic in my opinion, i know gimping myself for feel is odd but hey, dual wielding shields was cool! nah i was thinking skirmisher, infiltrator, beast master ranger. drop spells for combat abilites, drop favored terrain for buffs, get druid equivilant pet(s) (probly one for a mount and one for smiting the wicked)

I think that sounds good but whats your oppinion?

edit:oh and im thinking weapon and shield combat style, as to not change my role in thje party too much

Male Dwarf Fighter/3; AC: 21; HP: 15/25; F: +4, R: +4, W: +2; Init: +3; Perc: +6, Dark vision 60 ft; Speed: 20 ft.

between a wand of instant enemy and if needed some UMD in my case as i stated i dont like the flavor of rangers with spells, all enemys are your favored enemy really, so its not all that bad really though yor right when the ranger is way to specialized as a base class, you need to know what your fighting and where your going to be effective

edit: rogues are just sub par to mostly everything, tones of skill points but not as useful everywhere else really. though we need to see what unchained does to them, i think thats already out? not sure on that side

Male Dwarf Fighter/3; AC: 21; HP: 15/25; F: +4, R: +4, W: +2; Init: +3; Perc: +6, Dark vision 60 ft; Speed: 20 ft.

well, im thinking of going ranger perhaps, though ill note that i find spell casting on rangers to be thematically out of place so i like taking the architype to drop casting. and i need to look through the styles too as i understand they have more than just dual wield and bows for them now which is cool

edit:oh i also take infiltrator, cuz ill be damned if favored terrain isnt like the most niche class ability there is

Male Dwarf Fighter/3; AC: 21; HP: 15/25; F: +4, R: +4, W: +2; Init: +3; Perc: +6, Dark vision 60 ft; Speed: 20 ft.

not my first character, not my last, sad though, kinda didnt see that going down like that, but i did charge into them so i really only have myself to blame T-T

Male Dwarf Fighter/3; AC: 21; HP: 15/25; F: +4, R: +4, W: +2; Init: +3; Perc: +6, Dark vision 60 ft; Speed: 20 ft.

DM has been updating my HP properly in the Roll20 stuff, but if it makes it easyer i can update it here too when i post

Finally closing the gap Gramlag is able to lay his first blow into the men assailing them with bolts, and he plans on making these hits hurt "Yer about to find the fury of a dwarf scorned is somethin you dont wanna mess with"

attack+bab+charge+inspire+bless: 1d20 + 8 + 2 + 1 + 1 ⇒ (3) + 8 + 2 + 1 + 1 = 15
damage+str+inspire: 1d6 + 4 + 1 ⇒ (6) + 4 + 1 = 11

Male Dwarf Fighter/3; AC: 21; HP: 15/25; F: +4, R: +4, W: +2; Init: +3; Perc: +6, Dark vision 60 ft; Speed: 20 ft.

I have a rather high AC for the level we are at against mob enemies like this, with a little healing and as long as they dont crit a million times ill be mostly ok, just gunna need the backup for sure

Male Dwarf Fighter/3; AC: 21; HP: 15/25; F: +4, R: +4, W: +2; Init: +3; Perc: +6, Dark vision 60 ft; Speed: 20 ft.

So i kinda want to keep charging in at them but am totally gonig to need the backup and heals, darned crits hurt :( keep on me and we can do this though

Feeling the Burn of the bolts find weak points in his armor Gramlag stumbles a moment, but thankfully his allies close at hand provide healing in a timely manor and he shakes off the wounds for the most part. "Thanks for the help lads, Sabola lets make these lads regret their choice of employer shall we?"

Male Dwarf Fighter/3; AC: 21; HP: 15/25; F: +4, R: +4, W: +2; Init: +3; Perc: +6, Dark vision 60 ft; Speed: 20 ft.

that platform in the middle, how high up is it, meleeable? or too high for that?

Male Dwarf Fighter/3; AC: 21; HP: 15/25; F: +4, R: +4, W: +2; Init: +3; Perc: +6, Dark vision 60 ft; Speed: 20 ft.

working on post now actually, just got off work and fixed internet as i mentioned in kingmaker, been quite a day, give me 20 min or so

edit: ok ya i probly would have had my shields out but not be explicit about it ill say whatever, 5 damage isnt horrible. double move up to get closer to them

Gramlag busting in through the door he quickly moves to clsoe the distance with the men guarding Saul. hearing Saul yell at his men Gramlag yells back not caring really if he is heard or not "Yer the one who tried to off us first Saul, or did you not send the rats in the swamp to end us!?"

lets kick some butt people!

Male Dwarf Fighter/3; AC: 21; HP: 15/25; F: +4, R: +4, W: +2; Init: +3; Perc: +6, Dark vision 60 ft; Speed: 20 ft.

actually nel Ijutsu is a well know japaneese art, roughly it translates to "from the draw". the point of the stile was that with the sword sheathed one could get inside an opponents guard more easily and could do lethal damage very fast. they didnt swing their blades to chop as the steel wasnt really designed for that but instead they prefered to slice, and a properly sharpened blade doesnt need alot of force to slice.

often this style was used by body guards as its rather quick. one would typically get next to the opponent and actually cut them while drawing the sword from the sheath if you could and not even fully draw the blade, just cut open the abdoment and re sheath. the curved design of the katana that was used to develop this style of fighting allows for easy draw and alot of force to be put behind it when doing so as you draw the blade. yes it seesm silly to sheath a sword in combat but its what they did to great effect for a long time. of course only sheathing when they got the opertunity too and not typically at the detriment of thier own safty

Male Dwarf Fighter/3; AC: 21; HP: 15/25; F: +4, R: +4, W: +2; Init: +3; Perc: +6, Dark vision 60 ft; Speed: 20 ft.

well concidering we are all hitting the door to bust the lock i would think whoever rolls highest (seniko) would be primary and we all assist that number, but how ever we run this lets hit this

"Ok ladies, lets hit this door then i want ya'll screamin blood an vinegar. keep close to each other and look out fer each other but dont stop movin. on 3. 1....2....3!!!!" and with the final count Gramlag throws his weight on the doors with a hearty dwarven yell and all the might he can muster with the magic he was endowed

1d20 ⇒ 12

Male Dwarf Fighter/3; AC: 21; HP: 15/25; F: +4, R: +4, W: +2; Init: +3; Perc: +6, Dark vision 60 ft; Speed: 20 ft.

combat leader is a role play thing :P pick who you want to follow and be loyal, or strive to lead yourself

Gramlag sees that the guards are dropped withought a hitch and moves as quietly as he can to meet his companions at the door. wispering "I dont think we got time for that interogation, you either tie him up or kill him, conciderin the things Volk says these men were doing ive no quams about the killin. Otherwise we need to be bustin in here, anyone find a key on these lads?"

Gramlag knows combat opperations can get mucked up when you start trying to take prisoners mid deal, and thought it best that they keep moving as quick as they can. More time loly gagging the more time someone may come to check on these guys or expect them to report in.

Male Dwarf Fighter/3; AC: 21; HP: 15/25; F: +4, R: +4, W: +2; Init: +3; Perc: +6, Dark vision 60 ft; Speed: 20 ft.

Gramlag knows the noise his armor would make would give him away so he waits for the others to do their thing and waits for the guards to be subdued. all his muscles tense and gramlag readys for action.... this is going to be a hell of a fight

Male Dwarf Fighter/3; AC: 21; HP: 15/25; F: +4, R: +4, W: +2; Init: +3; Perc: +6, Dark vision 60 ft; Speed: 20 ft.

or ready an action to trigger when they finish movment? is that a valid trigger?

Male Dwarf Fighter/3; AC: 21; HP: 15/25; F: +4, R: +4, W: +2; Init: +3; Perc: +6, Dark vision 60 ft; Speed: 20 ft.
Seniko wrote:

the scenario is: Seniko kills challenged enemy, glorious challenge against enemy in range. next round Seniko sheaths weapon, prepare move action on end of challenged enemys turn. enemy finishes his turn, Seniko moves to enemy. next round Seniko uses Iaijutsu-strike against chalenged enemy.

would that work?

AoO triggers asside that does sound like it would work

Male Dwarf Fighter/3; AC: 21; HP: 15/25; F: +4, R: +4, W: +2; Init: +3; Perc: +6, Dark vision 60 ft; Speed: 20 ft.

id like to take a moment to say i really appreciate RPing with volk as i feel our interactions have weight on his character and one could easily sway him to good or evil just depending on how we would let him evolve.

Makes for an interesting character and game.

Male Dwarf Fighter/3; AC: 21; HP: 15/25; F: +4, R: +4, W: +2; Init: +3; Perc: +6, Dark vision 60 ft; Speed: 20 ft.

hearing seniko's worries Gramlag lets out a long breath "Your right lass, this aint exactly a wise thing but should we run his intention near as we can tell is to chase us. Better to die on your feet fighting for life then in your bed fearing those who pursue you. We should hopefully have an element of surprise to our benefit."

And looking to volk "Thank ya lad, i know you dont fully understand but i appreciate the trust you have to listen to what we have to say in the matter"

Male Dwarf Fighter/3; AC: 21; HP: 15/25; F: +4, R: +4, W: +2; Init: +3; Perc: +6, Dark vision 60 ft; Speed: 20 ft.

Raising from his slumber Gramlag dons his armor and preps his shields in rather short order, going through the countless rythems he has before to ensure its secure and wont get in his way. He curiously watched volk who had apparently hid himself away up high. Upon hearing the lads question "Torture is done by bad people, its a tool of malice, we kill him not out of malice but out of self protection. If he had simply fired us when he got the overlord on his side none o this would have happened and id likely be on the road to the next town. we will not stoop to his level but simply improve the world a little with his passing........and should it help your mind any his soul would likely drift to the lower planes and be tortured by the demons and devils you hate so much. We kill him for our safty, not our pleasure... I feel like i ramble yet make little sense sometimes, do you understand what im trying to say lad?"

Male Dwarf Fighter/3; AC: 21; HP: 15/25; F: +4, R: +4, W: +2; Init: +3; Perc: +6, Dark vision 60 ft; Speed: 20 ft.

noted on the loss of feats, i will keep that in mind, i assume that means casters also cant cast if their primary stat is drained too far right?

and for reach ya they did an faq, for the first range increment you hit corners too, so your D's, everything after that behaves normally with pathfinders mesuring system. this was decided because i think in only the first reach you put there people could slip past you, in the others you cant

Male Dwarf Fighter/3; AC: 21; HP: 15/25; F: +4, R: +4, W: +2; Init: +3; Perc: +6, Dark vision 60 ft; Speed: 20 ft.

gunna be pedantic and just quote stuff so you see where im coming from and meet in the middle

enlarge person wrote:

This spell causes instant growth of a humanoid creature, doubling its height and multiplying its weight by 8. This increase changes the creature's size category to the next larger one. The target gains a +2 size bonus to Strength, a –2 size penalty to Dexterity (to a minimum of 1), and a –1 penalty on attack rolls and AC due to its increased size.
ability penalty wrote:

Some spells and abilities cause you to take an ability penalty for a limited amount of time. While in effect, these penalties function just like ability damage, but they cannot cause you to fall unconscious or die. In essence, penalties cannot decrease your ability score to less than 1.
Ability damage wrote:

Diseases, poisons, spells, and other abilities can all deal damage directly to your ability scores. This damage does not actually reduce an ability, but it does apply a penalty to the skills and statistics that are based on that ability.

For every 2 points of damage you take to a single ability, apply a –1 penalty to skills and statistics listed with the relevant ability. If the amount of ability damage you have taken equals or exceeds your ability score, you immediately fall unconscious until the damage is less than your ability score. The only exception to this is your Constitution score. If the damage to your Constitution is equal to or greater than your Constitution score, you die. Unless otherwise noted, damage to your ability scores is healed at the rate of 1 per day to each ability score that has been damaged. Ability damage can be healed through the use of spells, such as lesser restoration.

Dexterity: Damage to your Dexterity score causes you to take penalties on Dexterity-based skill checks, ranged attack rolls, initiative checks, and Reflex saving throws. The penalty also applies to your Armor Class, your Combat Maneuver Bonus (if you are Tiny or smaller), and to your Combat Maneuver Defense. A character with a Dexterity score of 0 is incapable of moving and is effectively immobile (but not unconscious).

no where in any of that does it state feats. it does state in ability drain (which is the permanent type that lasts till you cure it so more than 24 hours) that you loose "other bonuses" which i always assumed to be feats and stuff. i think the way your looking at it is far more crippling than the system intended but thats me, and im wrong from time to time, GM what say you on this subject?

Male Dwarf Fighter/3; AC: 21; HP: 15/25; F: +4, R: +4, W: +2; Init: +3; Perc: +6, Dark vision 60 ft; Speed: 20 ft.

exactly sabola, thats how i always interpreted how that would go. if the effect goes on for more than 24 hours then id agree at the loss of feats and such, but we arnt talking about effects that will be lasting that long

Male Dwarf Fighter/3; AC: 21; HP: 15/25; F: +4, R: +4, W: +2; Init: +3; Perc: +6, Dark vision 60 ft; Speed: 20 ft.

to move this discussion outside of game play thread, i would have though disqualifying someone for a feat would be same as qualifying for it in so far as you have to have your permanent stat at the required level. plus and minus stats that have a duration of less than 24 hours are temporary and thus neither qualify or disqualify you for a feat. for example i would not stop someone from using power attack while under temp strength loss, he already has a penalty to hit and damage, its already balancing itself out really

Male Dwarf Fighter/3; AC: 21; HP: 15/25; F: +4, R: +4, W: +2; Init: +3; Perc: +6, Dark vision 60 ft; Speed: 20 ft.

yes bulls strength would be great, enlarge person should also work (i assume due to it only being a temp reduction to dex i dont loose two weapon fighting)

Male Dwarf Fighter/3; AC: 21; HP: 15/25; F: +4, R: +4, W: +2; Init: +3; Perc: +6, Dark vision 60 ft; Speed: 20 ft.

"Well with a good strike and a little luck there should be one less bad one in the mornin. lets sleep and be out as soon as we are all prepared, im gunna stand watch for a bit before shuttin in, but i dont see this commotion goin on in the dark" Gramlag sounds weary at the mention of watch duty, something that is for all their safety but he knows will drag on with his worry about whats happening in the city around them. hopefully tomorrow will be a far better day

Male Dwarf Fighter/3; AC: 21; HP: 15/25; F: +4, R: +4, W: +2; Init: +3; Perc: +6, Dark vision 60 ft; Speed: 20 ft.

your venturing into giant what if territory, and ive not GM'd all tgether to much to be honest, id take it by the seat of my pants and see how it went. honestly i just dont have a frame of reference to answer that with

Male Dwarf Fighter/3; AC: 21; HP: 15/25; F: +4, R: +4, W: +2; Init: +3; Perc: +6, Dark vision 60 ft; Speed: 20 ft.

oh sry wrong impression sir, i wouldnt give the player a level, gold is totally ok, gold is less of a power boost but still feels rewarding, wouldnt make all your work for nothing

Male Dwarf Fighter/3; AC: 21; HP: 15/25; F: +4, R: +4, W: +2; Init: +3; Perc: +6, Dark vision 60 ft; Speed: 20 ft.

sad i missed the fun, i think for the time being ill take one of those cross bows and some bolts, i lack ranged weaponry as im sure i turned that in too to the cyphermages and it never hurts to be able to attqack at ranged sometimes. DM should i take the bow and the melee weapons off my gear list or leave them for now just know that i dont have them?

edit: oh and i personally as a GM dont run on xp, i level my party when deemed pertinent, really its up to the DM, you already output tons of damage so its not like you need the level to keep up with the party, id wait for the rest of the aprty before leveling you but thats me

Male Dwarf Fighter/3; AC: 21; HP: 15/25; F: +4, R: +4, W: +2; Init: +3; Perc: +6, Dark vision 60 ft; Speed: 20 ft.

did you actually run those combats? must have done some nice work!

Male Dwarf Fighter/3; AC: 21; HP: 15/25; F: +4, R: +4, W: +2; Init: +3; Perc: +6, Dark vision 60 ft; Speed: 20 ft.

shaking his head at the sudden turn of emotion in Volk, Gramlag shrugs "Still tryin to work you out lad."

Gramlag then looks to Naranae "I've lots o faith for people to at least be out for themselves and that rarely involves stabin another. But if ye are interested in earnin me trust we can start with getting a monkey named Saul off all our backs.... then maybe a nice dinner"

Male Dwarf Fighter/3; AC: 21; HP: 15/25; F: +4, R: +4, W: +2; Init: +3; Perc: +6, Dark vision 60 ft; Speed: 20 ft.

Stopping Naranae before she hands off her weapons Gramlag interjects "Nah keep yer weapons lass, the lad will learn to trust ya, and in the mean time Volk ill take her as my responsibility if that eases yer mind any, Ill keep an eye on her and you will keep your hands to yerself. I dont think having people demean themselves in front o ya is a way of showin trust, just a way for you to pop a blood vessel."

Letting out a small huff Gramlag finishes "No one said you need to trust them but dont be planin a knife to their back untill they try to put one in ours"

Male Dwarf Fighter/3; AC: 21; HP: 15/25; F: +4, R: +4, W: +2; Init: +3; Perc: +6, Dark vision 60 ft; Speed: 20 ft.

like 100% keep going if you were having fun with it, and ill chime in my 2 cents when apllicable