Second Darkness

Game Master Tuyena


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The wall falls quickly, revealing a small vault like room, inside of which rests a single golden scroll case.

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Male Human Aetherkineticst 3 | HP 30/33 (3 NL) | AC 17 T 13 FF 14 | Fort +7 Ref +4 Will +2| CMD 13 | Init +3 | Perception +7 | 24/100 Evils

Volk looks back to el with a smile on his face. " See I was right Miss Nel. " Volk saying in glee as he checked for traps inside.

Perception: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (18) + 7 = 25

If he saw nothing he would wait a moment before taking it off.

No traps.

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Male Human Aetherkineticst 3 | HP 30/33 (3 NL) | AC 17 T 13 FF 14 | Fort +7 Ref +4 Will +2| CMD 13 | Init +3 | Perception +7 | 24/100 Evils

" With this we can bring back Mr. Gramlag... AND I FINALLY GET TO MEET MISS PADOMAE! I - " Volk suddenly seems to become woozy, catching himself on his legs with a widened stance. " I seemed to gain a suddenly bloodloss from the top portion of my body. "

Shades eyes narrowed.

You weren't right volk, only lucky

She was about to say more when she stopped, then smiled sweetly as she seemed to realise something.

Well, keep doing it She said, turning and walking away.

Male Human Aetherkineticst 3 | HP 30/33 (3 NL) | AC 17 T 13 FF 14 | Fort +7 Ref +4 Will +2| CMD 13 | Init +3 | Perception +7 | 24/100 Evils

Volk raised an eyebrow and blinked, " Will do Miss Nel. Thugh I dont think there is luck I will try to be more lucky. Let's go bring back Mr. Gramlag. " Volk marching off towards the Temple of Calistria.

The streets of Riddleport are hushed this morning as the usual bustle of the city seems lacking, you arrive at the Temple of Calistria with little incident.

Entering inside a young woman in silken garments recognizes you from before when you sold to her the shipment of Absinthe for Padomae.

"Come to sell us more alcohol? I'm afraid we don't need anymore just yet pretty things. Or, are you maybe here for pleasure and not business?" she asks with a wink.

Male Human Aetherkineticst 3 | HP 30/33 (3 NL) | AC 17 T 13 FF 14 | Fort +7 Ref +4 Will +2| CMD 13 | Init +3 | Perception +7 | 24/100 Evils

Steam seems to almost come out of Volk's nose as he inspected the young woman before him. The thighs were soft looking, Oh and the silk.. it draped her sensual curves so well. Ah, he was getting distracted and shook his head. " .... Nope! We are here for pleasurable business. We need to meet Miss Padomae to use this scroll! Oh.. Oh I can't wait to meet her. "

The woman raises her eyebrow, "I'm not going to fetch Padomae to cast a scroll, we have plenty of other practitioners who can perform that task for you."

Male Human Aetherkineticst 3 | HP 30/33 (3 NL) | AC 17 T 13 FF 14 | Fort +7 Ref +4 Will +2| CMD 13 | Init +3 | Perception +7 | 24/100 Evils

Volk looks immediately disheartened and squints as if pleading, " B-But Miss Padomae had promised herself to use this scroll for Mr. Saul.. if he ever died. I-It's important. "

Sense Motive: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (14) + 4 = 18

"Ah yes, I forgot you're all Saul's lot. Dead, is he? Shame, he always tipped well."

"Give me a moment." says the woman as she heads through a curtained doorway.

Male Human Aetherkineticst 3 | HP 30/33 (3 NL) | AC 17 T 13 FF 14 | Fort +7 Ref +4 Will +2| CMD 13 | Init +3 | Perception +7 | 24/100 Evils

Volk seems to have to stop himself from jumping up in down in excitement.. to with again though much more heavily he becomes woozy and this time falls down.

Soon thereafter the woman returns accompanied by a tall Tiefling woman barely clothed at all in thin lace.

On her right shoulder a tattoo of a thorned rose, and on her neck the symbol of Calistria. Her long jet black her flowing around her combined with her unnatural beauty and body, suggest the woman must be heavily favored by her goddess.

Shorafa looks the party over with eyes that betray an intelligence and wisdom suggesting she is far more than meets the eye.

"With me." she says, beckoning sensually to the party to follow her, as she repeats her travel down the curtained hallway, her hips swaying exaggeratedly as she walks and clothes leaving little to be imagined.

Male Human Aetherkineticst 3 | HP 30/33 (3 NL) | AC 17 T 13 FF 14 | Fort +7 Ref +4 Will +2| CMD 13 | Init +3 | Perception +7 | 24/100 Evils

Fort DC 20: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (2) + 7 = 9
Will DC 15: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (19) + 2 = 21

Volk's mind and body seemed to overload from the multiple sensations that were assaulting him at this moment. W-What was he seeing , he knew from glances the shape and curvature of that form was Miss Padomae.. but.. She was a fiend. But, his body clearly reacted to her is sch a way.. Volk required to drag himself by his arms. This made no sense to Volk. D-Disd he actually enjoy fiends!? Was his hate also his love... !?

Female Tiefling Female Witch 3 (HP 21/21) | AC:13| T:13 | FF:10 | CMD 13 | Fort +3 | Ref +4 | Will +3 | Init +3 | Perc: +5 | Speed 30ft)
active effects:
Mage armor AC 17

Narnae watches before moving over to Miss Nel, "You weren't joking,... " she says in a low whisper, a soft giggle sneaking out.

She couldn't help but admire the tattoo, as she'd always wanted one. Making a mental note that possibly one day she would get one. That aside though, anxiousness ripped at her insides to finally have Gramlag back.

Female Tiefling(Motherless) Samurai(Swordsaint) 3
stuff :
Init +2; Per +1 ;AC 20 hp 28 Fort +5, Ref +3, Will +3(+2 against evil)

Seniko watches Volk's inner conflict with amusement and follows the tiefling woman, looking around with curiosity, as she has never been in a temple of Calistria or a similar kind of establishment before.

On entering, Shade bows her head towards the shrine. Callista was always one of her favorite deities.

On hearing Naranae's comment she smiles.

I think with him, hate, lust and love are a bit confused, poor boy Nel whispers back to Naranae, with a giggle.

But be careful. This Rose has a thorn in it. Not that Volk will care.

Female Tiefling Female Witch 3 (HP 21/21) | AC:13| T:13 | FF:10 | CMD 13 | Fort +3 | Ref +4 | Will +3 | Init +3 | Perc: +5 | Speed 30ft)
active effects:
Mage armor AC 17

"I'll keep that in mind..." Naranae continues, walking along side Nel and the others. The thought of Volk swelling with all these emotions and not being able to depict them clearly as others may left a inner laugh lit inside her. It would be fun to watch him grow more aware.

...Gramlag, here we come...

You find yourselves lead into a heavily perfumed room with three other women.

Shorafa waves them away upon entering and the women quickly file out by you.

Shorafa makes her way to the far end of the room and sitting down reclining herself and crossing her legs, stretching her hands out along the seat.

"Talk to me." she says.

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Male Human Aetherkineticst 3 | HP 30/33 (3 NL) | AC 17 T 13 FF 14 | Fort +7 Ref +4 Will +2| CMD 13 | Init +3 | Perception +7 | 24/100 Evils

Someone gonna say something NOT Volk?

Good day priestess. Shade nods politely

We are here to seek your aid in restoring one of our companions to life and health. We have a scroll that can restore him, but not the ability to employ it. I believe you have already been paid for this by the late Saul.

"Saul did pay me for such a service, but it was to restore him in particular to life. Given news of his death is yet to reach me, one can naturally assume you to be his killers, why should I help you?" Shorafa asks.

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Female Tiefling(Motherless) Samurai(Swordsaint) 3
stuff :
Init +2; Per +1 ;AC 20 hp 28 Fort +5, Ref +3, Will +3(+2 against evil)

" Priestess Shorafa, Saul died through the hands of his own soldiers, through his own fault. We would be willing to compensate you, or your temple, for the trouble of transferring the service to another person."

Male Pseudodragon Molting 3 (HP 41/41) | AC:22 | T:16 | FF:18 | CMD 15 | Fort +6 | Ref +8 | Will +6 | Init +4 | Perc: +8 | Speed 15ft, 30 ft. Fly: Good)

Well surely dealing with Elias wouldn't be the most profitable for you, He puts his own in charge. Saul knew this. Obviously since he prepaid. Elias will seek to remove you in time. And you need people on your side that won't betray you. Volk here would protect you with his life regardless anyway. Why not have others do the same.

"I very sincerely doubt Elias would attack me." says Padomae nodding her head to Ternock, "and the clerics of Calistria are plenty capable of defending ourselves, I assure you."

Responding now to Seniko, Shorafa says, "As Saul is dead, and I assume one of you all intend to take his place, I will consult with you as I would with anyone of his stature."

"You all will owe me one favor to call upon as I see fit. I may never call upon you for it, or you might hear from me by sun down."

"You are not in a position to deny this request when it is made, unless it is made known to me why such request cannot be filled. It is then up to my discretion whether or not to accept the denial."

"If these terms are suitable to you, then present to me the scroll and the body."

-Posted with Wayfinder

Male Human Aetherkineticst 3 | HP 30/33 (3 NL) | AC 17 T 13 FF 14 | Fort +7 Ref +4 Will +2| CMD 13 | Init +3 | Perception +7 | 24/100 Evils

" You're... a.. Teifling. And.. so... Beautiful.. " Volk finally voices from the round looking up at the visual delight that was/is one of the women, if not THE woman, he idolized.

He raises his hand in constant battle with his emotions, " Anything... I will do anything. I just.. want Mr. Gramlag back. Miss Padomae... is... "

I thought the scroll was Reincarnate.. that doesnt need a body.

Volk Tulmere wrote:

I thought the scroll was Reincarnate.. that doesnt need a body.

Ah, I didn't notice.

Shorafa looks at Volk, her tail wagging playfully.

"You're not the first to tell me such, nor the first to be conflicted by my nature, I'm sure the feeling will pass in time."

Male Human Aetherkineticst 3 | HP 30/33 (3 NL) | AC 17 T 13 FF 14 | Fort +7 Ref +4 Will +2| CMD 13 | Init +3 | Perception +7 | 24/100 Evils

Volk stops twitching and moving awkwardly on the ground. He gives a simple question. " How much? How much to spend time with you Miss Padomae? " Looking at the ground his body stilled.

Female Tiefling(Motherless) Samurai(Swordsaint) 3
stuff :
Init +2; Per +1 ;AC 20 hp 28 Fort +5, Ref +3, Will +3(+2 against evil)

Seniko moves closer to Shorafa and looks her deep into the eyes.
sense motive: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (11) + 7 = 18

if the roll doesn't return any warnings

'A man could get lost in those eyes, as could a girl, but I don't think she means us harm.'

The samurai girl steps back and takes a deap breath.

"So be it, I, Seniko Rokuboshi, daugter of Masaru Rokuboshi and Yukiji Yokuyachi, Slayer of 2514 men, wielder of Makai no Kiba, own you Shorafa, priestess of Calistria, a favour, only limmited by oath previous and my own capabilitys, for the resurrection of Gramlag, a friend fallen in battle."
she touches the tip of her swords handle with her left hand while speaking, letting go as she finishes.

"Prices are arranged per customer, but five-hundred is the floor." Shorafa responds to Volk, before listening to Seniko's vow.

"Very well, the scroll if you please."

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Male Pseudodragon Molting 3 (HP 41/41) | AC:22 | T:16 | FF:18 | CMD 15 | Fort +6 | Ref +8 | Will +6 | Init +4 | Perc: +8 | Speed 15ft, 30 ft. Fly: Good)

Ternock grabs the scroll from whoever has it and presents it to the nice ample breasted demon lady.

I may be interested in your services as well. How much would you charge for the honor of being with a dragon my sweet?

"As I said before, prices are negotiated. Come see me afterwards if you wish to work something out."

Shorafa unrolls the scroll and looks over it. She nods, mostly to herself and begins to recite the incantation, standing up and moving to the center of the room.

Soon thereafter a body begins to take shape and an hour later, a suspiciously Gramlag looking Orc stands before you.

Welcome back to life Gramlag.

You are now an Orc.

You lose your 2 Con Modifier, and gain +4 Strength Modifier. Wisdom stays.

-Posted with Wayfinder

Male Pseudodragon Molting 3 (HP 41/41) | AC:22 | T:16 | FF:18 | CMD 15 | Fort +6 | Ref +8 | Will +6 | Init +4 | Perc: +8 | Speed 15ft, 30 ft. Fly: Good)

A tear rolls down Ternocks face as the the now Gramlag'est Orc Stands before them. Ternock pauses before leaping into the air at Gramlag attempting to hug him.

Sir Orcinwarf!!! You big beautifully ugly bastard!

In Gramlag's mind:
You owe me for your reincarnation... Just sayin...

Gramlag. Welcome back. You're looking...very orcy.

Female Tiefling(Motherless) Samurai(Swordsaint) 3
stuff :
Init +2; Per +1 ;AC 20 hp 28 Fort +5, Ref +3, Will +3(+2 against evil)

Seniko first planed on waiting a bit, but seeing Ternock tackle-hugging Gramlag, she decides to join, with a more normal hug.

Male Human Aetherkineticst 3 | HP 30/33 (3 NL) | AC 17 T 13 FF 14 | Fort +7 Ref +4 Will +2| CMD 13 | Init +3 | Perception +7 | 24/100 Evils

Volk continues to be on the ground, apparently from lack of bloodflow he gives a "Wohoo" from below.

Male Dwarf Fighter/3; AC: 21; HP: 15/25; F: +4, R: +4, W: +2; Init: +3; Perc: +6, Dark vision 60 ft; Speed: 20 ft.

Slowly waking from what seemed to be a dream, Gramlag blinks slowly and realizes he was on the floor of a room he is fairly certain he had never been in. Hearing the voices of his friends he glances about to see they are all staring at him. Gramlag sits up and then he realizes something is different from before. first of all he is nude which is mildly embarrassing but he also notices that his teeth seem to be sticking out of his mouth even when closed. Gramlag goes to touch them and notices his hands are green and exclaims in a voice that is nothing like the one he remembers aside from the accent, the voice far deeper than what it used to be "Och! I'm a blood orc! i vaguly remember gettin stabbed and passin on but then you all called me back and there is work to be done but ill be damned if im not a bloody orc right now! of all the bodys for that spell to make! Look at me, i got tusks! och! also can i get me some cloths around here, there is a tad bit of a chill in here." Gramlag looks clearly flustered and upset and looks to his friends for reassurance.

so +4srt -2con and my mental stats stay the same. i loose all of my ratial traits if i read the spell right and get the orcish ones correct? just want to make sure im clear before i do the edit to my character sheet, should also change my pic i guess lol

I don't remember if you get new racial traits or not, but yeah everything else you got.

-Posted with Wayfinder

Male Human Aetherkineticst 3 | HP 30/33 (3 NL) | AC 17 T 13 FF 14 | Fort +7 Ref +4 Will +2| CMD 13 | Init +3 | Perception +7 | 24/100 Evils

You do of the standard race I believe

Female Tiefling Female Witch 3 (HP 21/21) | AC:13| T:13 | FF:10 | CMD 13 | Fort +3 | Ref +4 | Will +3 | Init +3 | Perc: +5 | Speed 30ft)
active effects:
Mage armor AC 17

"Gramlag?,... it's good to have you back." A sigh of relief makes it way out, along with a half quizzical look at the used to be Dwarf gone orc. "Glad to have you back,... er, most of you" she'd finished jokingly.

Well, at least you're not a goblin.

Male Dwarf Fighter/3; AC: 21; HP: 15/25; F: +4, R: +4, W: +2; Init: +3; Perc: +6, Dark vision 60 ft; Speed: 20 ft.

"Always the optimist Nel, seems i am going to need to get myself well and paid and find meself a wizard to turn me back into my perfectly great dwarfy self again at some point.... im.... im just green." Gramlag mutters the end of that with a voice that is mildly defeated, and he is still clearly uncomfortable and waiting for cloths to be procured for him

Well, maybe I might help one day.

Male Human Aetherkineticst 3 | HP 30/33 (3 NL) | AC 17 T 13 FF 14 | Fort +7 Ref +4 Will +2| CMD 13 | Init +3 | Perception +7 | 24/100 Evils

Volk drag's himself up to Gramlag and looks up to his now Orc'ish Dwarf friend and tears of joy run down his face. " Mr. Gramlag, you re just as nice as you always were. I still respect you. Actually even now it seems like you became Ternock's friends race to make him happy as well. Oh.. I know.. you are naked! We need to fix that... but.. my legs are tired.. for some reason. I know... I'll become naked too to make Mr. Gramlag feel better! " Volk begins trying to wiggle on the ground out of his clothes unsuccessfully.

Female Tiefling Female Witch 3 (HP 21/21) | AC:13| T:13 | FF:10 | CMD 13 | Fort +3 | Ref +4 | Will +3 | Init +3 | Perc: +5 | Speed 30ft)
active effects:
Mage armor AC 17

"VOLK!" Naranae exclaims hurriedly in hopes of preventing Colk from undressing only to end in laughing as he was unsuccessful. "hehehe,...

Whether it be overwhelmed by the return of Gramlag, or the over all picture she'd painted in her mind as a third person, Naranae felt relief and happy.

"Shorafa?, I've heard from Volk how great you are, so with that it truly is a pleasure to finally have met your aqauaintence. Though it is probably not my place I can't help but to wonder after meeting him and seeing his establishment, what was going through his mind. Would you happen to know?"

Shade sighs at Volk's action, nel giggles.

Male Human Aetherkineticst 3 | HP 30/33 (3 NL) | AC 17 T 13 FF 14 | Fort +7 Ref +4 Will +2| CMD 13 | Init +3 | Perception +7 | 24/100 Evils

Volk continues to squirm, " Y-Yes Miss Padomae is quite great.. I-I just didnt think she was... er.. a.. F-f-Tiefling.. Y-Yes Opp-" he got his belt loose.. slowly and with great difficulty before losing all progress.

" O-Ow.. my pants... got smaller? "

Male Human Aetherkineticst 3 | HP 30/33 (3 NL) | AC 17 T 13 FF 14 | Fort +7 Ref +4 Will +2| CMD 13 | Init +3 | Perception +7 | 24/100 Evils

Hrmm it seems no one has any reaction to that one.. ah well.

Volk notes his body feel slightly different, there is a rush of azure flame for a slight moment before he blinks and looks at other laughing.

At this point an odd feeling of heat rushing to the for front of his cheeks causes Volk to stop and miraculously stand up in the presence of Shorafa. " I believe... then we should get Mr. Gramlag new clothing... and ... well.. new everything. His old stuff won't fit. "

Wee, new class got a slight buff.

Shorafa nods to you all, before beckoning you away, "I will call on you."

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