Gramlag |

gunna be pedantic and just quote stuff so you see where im coming from and meet in the middle
This spell causes instant growth of a humanoid creature, doubling its height and multiplying its weight by 8. This increase changes the creature's size category to the next larger one. The target gains a +2 size bonus to Strength, a –2 size penalty to Dexterity (to a minimum of 1), and a –1 penalty on attack rolls and AC due to its increased size.
Some spells and abilities cause you to take an ability penalty for a limited amount of time. While in effect, these penalties function just like ability damage, but they cannot cause you to fall unconscious or die. In essence, penalties cannot decrease your ability score to less than 1.
Diseases, poisons, spells, and other abilities can all deal damage directly to your ability scores. This damage does not actually reduce an ability, but it does apply a penalty to the skills and statistics that are based on that ability.For every 2 points of damage you take to a single ability, apply a –1 penalty to skills and statistics listed with the relevant ability. If the amount of ability damage you have taken equals or exceeds your ability score, you immediately fall unconscious until the damage is less than your ability score. The only exception to this is your Constitution score. If the damage to your Constitution is equal to or greater than your Constitution score, you die. Unless otherwise noted, damage to your ability scores is healed at the rate of 1 per day to each ability score that has been damaged. Ability damage can be healed through the use of spells, such as lesser restoration.
Dexterity: Damage to your Dexterity score causes you to take penalties on Dexterity-based skill checks, ranged attack rolls, initiative checks, and Reflex saving throws. The penalty also applies to your Armor Class, your Combat Maneuver Bonus (if you are Tiny or smaller), and to your Combat Maneuver Defense. A character with a Dexterity score of 0 is incapable of moving and is effectively immobile (but not unconscious).
no where in any of that does it state feats. it does state in ability drain (which is the permanent type that lasts till you cure it so more than 24 hours) that you loose "other bonuses" which i always assumed to be feats and stuff. i think the way your looking at it is far more crippling than the system intended but thats me, and im wrong from time to time, GM what say you on this subject?

Volk Tulmere |

They already said even in the FAQ that you so called used. It was to clarify what such things effect and at no point does it mean it doesnt go in the opposite direction. Having gains from increases does not mean you have no losses from decreases. They said its like Rebuild rules, but an effect to a stat will effect everything that stat is attached to EXCEPT things like Death threshold and Feat gain and whatnot, because those are permanent until effected by things such as drain..

Seeker of Light |
@Game Master Tuyena: I have some questions about reach. They seem to be debated a great deal. Primary interest is in your ruling.
Some say that a character at o can reach all the y's, but none of the x's or d's, but there is a special rule if someone sneaks from a d to a corner x. Some say reach would get to all y's and d's
Next, if a character with a reach weapon is enlarged, what happens then?

Gramlag |

noted on the loss of feats, i will keep that in mind, i assume that means casters also cant cast if their primary stat is drained too far right?
and for reach ya they did an faq, for the first range increment you hit corners too, so your D's, everything after that behaves normally with pathfinders mesuring system. this was decided because i think in only the first reach you put there people could slip past you, in the others you cant

Volk Tulmere |

Yeah that was already a thing, like they did, Feeblemind is pretty much specifically for that. But the same is said of other creatures' abilities or other spells and ability damage.. Most of the time it wont matter because you do not need a really high stat to cast them but it would effect DC's and whatnot.

Seniko |

the sword is evil, forged in the image of makkuroi seito no maken (magical/cursed sword of the black star) (the sword given to her clan's founder by a qlippoth-lord), but most of it's powers are dormant(one I have money I will have it enchanted (cruel) or made into a setinet item later (if the DM agrees)) it just drinks blood(just flavor) and regenerates(living iron)
@Tuyena: also a rule question(or rule interpretation question) how do you define light item (for Seniko's prehensile tail)

Naranae Bellámue |

"Prehensile Tail Many tieflings have tails, but some have long, flexible tails that can be used to carry items. While they cannot wield weapons with their tails, they can use them to retrieve small, stowed objects carried on their persons as a swift action. This racial trait replaces fiendish sorcery."
to my knowledge its anything along the lines of what mage hand can carry roughly, so a weight limi and/or size limit. IE potions, a map, light weapons etc, but not wielded

Volk Tulmere |

Her Wisdom isn't really high enough to try Bane but another bless could be useful.. assuming we get into another fight. However Stone Shield is a good spell in that she does not have a high AC so it can be Amazingly good at the beginning assault basically negating Arrowfire for a whole round.

Gramlag |

id like to take a moment to say i really appreciate RPing with volk as i feel our interactions have weight on his character and one could easily sway him to good or evil just depending on how we would let him evolve.
Makes for an interesting character and game.

Volk Tulmere |

As you might have picked up from his backstory. if you take a boy.. who has a capacity for learning and understanding.. and strip them of everything... for several years.. and then drop them in Riddleport physically older with power, things will happen. He is a literal manchild, who is scarred in multiple ways. And if you take that.. and then actually look at the fluff of Fiend Hunter.. everything makes even more sense.
I'm glad you enjoy it.

Seeker of Light |
I have not been able to figure out the pattern of when most people are available to post. It seems to come in tremendous spurts, some of which I have been disappointed to miss. Does anyone have a sense of the pattern. (I know the responsibility to post once per day, but sometimes it goes much faster.

Volk Tulmere |

Protection from evil and Shield of faith are for completely different reason.. one helps you against evil and raises saves while also stopping mind control, the other is an overall bonus to AC.
As far as timing, Yeah its dependent on alot of factors..

Volk Tulmere |

At that same line aid is just Bless.. but to one person and with a little temp HP compared to a mass team buff.
Like I said, different buffs. Prot evil will save you more times than not.. Also most bandits, hirelings, minions tend not to be evil.

Volk Tulmere |

Hrm no. You have reach so you attack fro 10 ft away but nothing is stopping someone from 5ft stepping up to you and wailing on you. You CAn cast spells at any range you Will get an AoO for the moving through your threatened area but unlike Sabola you dont have combat reflexes so that means multiple enemies will pile on regardless.

Seeker of Light |
Hrm no. You have reach so you attack fro 10 ft away but nothing is stopping someone from 5ft stepping up to you and wailing on you. You CAn cast spells at any range you Will get an AoO for the moving through your threatened area but unlike Sabola you dont have combat reflexes so that means multiple enemies will pile on regardless.
More specifically, if one enemy moves into my threatened area, I can use AoO without bothering my spell casting.

Volk Tulmere |

If you are casting a spell? No. As when you are casting spells you are not wielding your two hander. So any spell lasting 1 round or longer or anyone readying to advance can do so.

Seniko |

does quickdraw have any effect on sheading weapons? (if I kill the targed of my glorious chalenge with a Iaido-strike, do I have to spend a move action before using it against the next?)

Seniko |

the scenario is: Seniko kills challenged enemy, glorious challenge against enemy in range. next round Seniko sheaths weapon, prepare move action on end of challenged enemys turn. enemy finishes his turn, Seniko moves to enemy. next round Seniko uses Iaijutsu-strike against chalenged enemy.
would that work?

Gramlag |

the scenario is: Seniko kills challenged enemy, glorious challenge against enemy in range. next round Seniko sheaths weapon, prepare move action on end of challenged enemys turn. enemy finishes his turn, Seniko moves to enemy. next round Seniko uses Iaijutsu-strike against chalenged enemy.
would that work?
AoO triggers asside that does sound like it would work

DM Tuyena |

The only issue I can see is that readied actions interrupt another characters turn. Ergo, you could not ready to let someone complete their turn, as that does not interrupt theirs. Rather you'd have to ready to interrupt the person immediately following them, which is bizarre.
-Posted with Wayfinder

Sabola |

The problem I see is sheathing takes an action, so she couldn't sheath and ready a move. I'd recommend sheathing and just moving.
I've seen folks do the Iajitsu strike effective in PFS games before, a lot of sheathing and drawing, but quite effective, and moderately thematic for some of the samurai movies, maybe not Kurasawa, but I'm reasonably sure one could find a movie with Toshiro Mifune doing it.

Volk Tulmere |

You mean in the roll 20? That was probably because you couldnt see what you needed to see. If your sight is limited you cant move your token try going for the doors as currently you are looking at a wall. Here is a spoiler.. Volk sees.. 10 guys or so inside.
As for sheathing a sword? Thats an actual fighting style so it is not silly at all, it works quite well on your enemy assuming you are defenseless and thus opening themselves the first time.

Nel Shadow touched |

yeah, it would work once. But assuming other people either a/see you do it, or b/have heard about people doing that, it not much of a surprise. And is silly. It's like shooting someone, holstering your gun, so you can quickdraw it to shoot someone else. I can see its utility in a duel, but a battle.
As for roll 20, I could not move into the room. I can see in the room, but not into the room. I could move outside the room but not in. That's what I meant.

Gramlag |

actually nel Ijutsu is a well know japaneese art, roughly it translates to "from the draw". the point of the stile was that with the sword sheathed one could get inside an opponents guard more easily and could do lethal damage very fast. they didnt swing their blades to chop as the steel wasnt really designed for that but instead they prefered to slice, and a properly sharpened blade doesnt need alot of force to slice.
often this style was used by body guards as its rather quick. one would typically get next to the opponent and actually cut them while drawing the sword from the sheath if you could and not even fully draw the blade, just cut open the abdoment and re sheath. the curved design of the katana that was used to develop this style of fighting allows for easy draw and alot of force to be put behind it when doing so as you draw the blade. yes it seesm silly to sheath a sword in combat but its what they did to great effect for a long time. of course only sheathing when they got the opertunity too and not typically at the detriment of thier own safty