Second Darkness

Game Master Tuyena


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Male Human Aetherkineticst 3 | HP 30/33 (3 NL) | AC 17 T 13 FF 14 | Fort +7 Ref +4 Will +2| CMD 13 | Init +3 | Perception +7 | 24/100 Evils

No you would; Anything that reduces or increases stats make them available/unavailable. This is why I dont tend to make dex charaters have a Low Str ( Or make the cookie-cutter magus dervish build) One Ray of Enfeeblement and you are done. Enlarge person is for Two handers.

Female Human Cleric/3
Gramlag wrote:
yes bulls strength would be great, enlarge person should also work (i assume due to it only being a temp reduction to dex i dont loose two weapon fighting)

I do not have enlarge person, but I will have bulls strength ready for you.

Shade woke before dawn, started moving around, preparing herself. Outside seemed quiet. She checked her gear and broke out her rations, making her self breakfast. All the while she stared through a window at the hidden blot in the sky. What was it? She could almost feel...Something? Nothing?

She shook her head. A problem for another day.

She could see clearly in the dark, but the others needed light so...
she casts a light spell

wake up every one. Time to get ready. Time for to to get some answers. And resolution. Get something to eat, and get ready.

Male Human Aetherkineticst 3 | HP 30/33 (3 NL) | AC 17 T 13 FF 14 | Fort +7 Ref +4 Will +2| CMD 13 | Init +3 | Perception +7 | 24/100 Evils

Nel saw Volk up at the top of the warehouse, where it seems a stepladder of some type was made out of his walls and he seemed to be looking around at everyone.. though he could not see. When Nel began to speak he waved in her general direction and creepily smiled.

Ok, a little bit creepy, yes

Male Human Aetherkineticst 3 | HP 30/33 (3 NL) | AC 17 T 13 FF 14 | Fort +7 Ref +4 Will +2| CMD 13 | Init +3 | Perception +7 | 24/100 Evils

Spoiler Alert.. Volk has insomnia and You guess it night terrors. To which I forgot to add

There is a audible but faint drip coming from where he sits.. closer to where you think he might have laid his head.

Female Tiefling Female Witch 3 (HP 21/21) | AC:13| T:13 | FF:10 | CMD 13 | Fort +3 | Ref +4 | Will +3 | Init +3 | Perc: +5 | Speed 30ft)
active effects:
Mage armor AC 17

Naranae woke to the sounds of movement, looking up she could see Nel and judging by and following the direction of her expression,... Volk? She re-folded her bedroll and placed it into her backpack as quietly as she could, not saying any words while taking care to keep her atention on any odd sounds of impending attacks. Once finished she approached Nel shouldering her backpack, "Good morning Ms Nel, I do hope you got some rest?... how long is he going to wave at us?" lol couldn't resist that last part

Male Pseudodragon Molting 3 (HP 41/41) | AC:22 | T:16 | FF:18 | CMD 15 | Fort +6 | Ref +8 | Will +6 | Init +4 | Perc: +8 | Speed 15ft, 30 ft. Fly: Good)

Give him about 5 minutes... Ternock speaks before even opening his eyes.

I changed my mind, this is volk

i really don't know. I think he's trying to be friendly, not creepy. she looks at the odd man.
Volk. Stop waving and get down. We have work to do.

Male Human Aetherkineticst 3 | HP 30/33 (3 NL) | AC 17 T 13 FF 14 | Fort +7 Ref +4 Will +2| CMD 13 | Init +3 | Perception +7 | 24/100 Evils

Not wrong..

Volk seems to continue to do so hearing them speak but doesnt stop until his arm gets tired.... then he switches arms. He seemed confused when no one did so back.

When Nel speaks his brows perk up and he nods efore leaping down into the darkness... where you see him jump off of walls he makes as he comes down and a pretty fast pace.

" Hello Miss Nel.. Miss Naranae. You are both pretty today. Are you ready to go torture Saul ? " his smile dimmed but he still smiled.

DM Tuyena wrote:

I changed my mind, this is volk

-Posted with Wayfinder


Male Pseudodragon Molting 3 (HP 41/41) | AC:22 | T:16 | FF:18 | CMD 15 | Fort +6 | Ref +8 | Will +6 | Init +4 | Perc: +8 | Speed 15ft, 30 ft. Fly: Good)

I got the winner!

Male Human Aetherkineticst 3 | HP 30/33 (3 NL) | AC 17 T 13 FF 14 | Fort +7 Ref +4 Will +2| CMD 13 | Init +3 | Perception +7 | 24/100 Evils

Forgot this

Acrobatics: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (11) + 9 = 20

Female Tiefling(Motherless) Samurai(Swordsaint) 3
stuff :
Init +2; Per +1 ;AC 20 hp 28 Fort +5, Ref +3, Will +3(+2 against evil)

Seniko stands up and starts to put her armor back on (she is wearing her pants and underclothes( similar to a light gi)). [b]"could you help me with my armor"[b] the Samurai girl asks Naranea, poining at some strings under her left arm.

Male Human Aetherkineticst 3 | HP 30/33 (3 NL) | AC 17 T 13 FF 14 | Fort +7 Ref +4 Will +2| CMD 13 | Init +3 | Perception +7 | 24/100 Evils

Volk stares and raises his hand " I can help put on armor! "

No torture, volk. That is...bad. But you can kill him until him until he is dead if you like. Unless otherwise noted. He might have useful information. Then you can kill him. A lot. But no torture.

Male Human Aetherkineticst 3 | HP 30/33 (3 NL) | AC 17 T 13 FF 14 | Fort +7 Ref +4 Will +2| CMD 13 | Init +3 | Perception +7 | 24/100 Evils

Volk narrows his eyes and quirks his head... " Why is torture bad? You do it to bad people just like when they hurt you or your friends or innocent people. Mr Saul tried to kill us and also made us hurt people. When Miss Lilica used it we got information, I sort of remember what she did.. "

Male Half Orc Ranger/Rogue 6/3 (AC: 25 [T: 16 FF: 20, +1 vs light blades] | HP: 79/79(0NL) | F+8*, R+14, W+4) | Init: +8* |Perc: +13*, dark vision)

"Well, I can't deny a deep seated desire to deliver a right proper a$$kicking to Sauk today, so shall we off and do it?"

Male Dwarf Fighter/3; AC: 21; HP: 15/25; F: +4, R: +4, W: +2; Init: +3; Perc: +6, Dark vision 60 ft; Speed: 20 ft.

Raising from his slumber Gramlag dons his armor and preps his shields in rather short order, going through the countless rythems he has before to ensure its secure and wont get in his way. He curiously watched volk who had apparently hid himself away up high. Upon hearing the lads question "Torture is done by bad people, its a tool of malice, we kill him not out of malice but out of self protection. If he had simply fired us when he got the overlord on his side none o this would have happened and id likely be on the road to the next town. we will not stoop to his level but simply improve the world a little with his passing........and should it help your mind any his soul would likely drift to the lower planes and be tortured by the demons and devils you hate so much. We kill him for our safty, not our pleasure... I feel like i ramble yet make little sense sometimes, do you understand what im trying to say lad?"

well said gramlag

Female Human Cleric/3

Seeker of Light wakes early and goes off quietly by herself. This morning she spent time working on something with her hands.

close look:
She is molding some clay into small figures.The activity and result pleases her. (Sculpture, visual art, take 10)
She carries a few small things to the boy, man and lady. "Volk, you can help me with my armor, as long as you are respectful. For me that means no touching except as needed to help me and no comments about my body. Most people feel that if you are enjoying someone else's body you should not act on it without permission and you should not talk about it except in private. She suddenly frowns at Ternock, then smiles.
silently to Ternock:
"Please help him with this. I know you could, but you are almost as bad as he is. I think you get a vicarious pleasure from it, but it could cause trouble for Volk in the future, and you could help! And I think you need some time with a Lady dragon, at least one small enough she does not see you as a nice snack.

Female Tiefling Female Witch 3 (HP 21/21) | AC:13| T:13 | FF:10 | CMD 13 | Fort +3 | Ref +4 | Will +3 | Init +3 | Perc: +5 | Speed 30ft)
active effects:
Mage armor AC 17

"Of course I can help you Seniko. Naranae says with a smile, walking over and beginning to tie the strings up for her. Midway through a little movement is seen in her backpack and Naranae smiles a little brighter, "goodmorning to you too Artemis" as an owl poked it's head out of the flap on her backpack.

Male Pseudodragon Molting 3 (HP 41/41) | AC:22 | T:16 | FF:18 | CMD 15 | Fort +6 | Ref +8 | Will +6 | Init +4 | Perc: +8 | Speed 15ft, 30 ft. Fly: Good)

In Seekers Mind:
Are you saying I just need to get laid? Because I look around here now and I see some mighty fine candidates for this... er ..."problem" that I have. Did you think I only enjoy the company of other dragons? No, no I indulge in the softer flesh in more ways then one, Unfinder.

Female Human Cleric/3
Ternock wrote:
** spoiler omitted **

Silently to Ternock:
I am saying that I think you could provide Volk better guidance. Regarding the other, though humans like to think otherwise, our wisdom is not impaired by abstinence. I expect the same is true for dragons. I was thinking more of the fact that, from what I have heard of your story, you have spent most of your life with single isolated men, who may have been as socially limited as many wizards I have known. What was your first human like?

to Seniko As I prayed this morning, I was guided to ask for a spell, "Weapon of Awe", with you in mind. It is not well known to me. If you are familiar with it and think it would be helpful, let me know when the timing is right. It should last about 3 minutes. It will not improve your attack, but your damage will be more

Male Human Aetherkineticst 3 | HP 30/33 (3 NL) | AC 17 T 13 FF 14 | Fort +7 Ref +4 Will +2| CMD 13 | Init +3 | Perception +7 | 24/100 Evils

Volk's smile seems to fade and turn into a frown and a look of ignorance. " So Torture is bad, because bad people do it? But I really hate Saul.. I want to kill him, I have malice. If Saul had information he would lie, but you can't lie about pain... But if torture would make me a bad person and make you all feel bad.. then I guess I won't. I'm still going to kill him though. And demons... are evil souls, he might just come back as one.. then I could kill him again I suppose." Volk added as if trying to get the last word in, sighing greatly.

At the sound of Seeker allowing Vol to help, he brightens up however. Rushing over to to the woman but stopping dead in his tracks a few feet from Seeker. He let the words sink in.... before taking a neutral emotionless face, the same face Lilica taught him to use when staring at Nicar Rhodes. " ... Oh then please.. Instruct me.. Miss Seeker I -.... never mind "

Volk goes along with Seeker's instructions.. helping only when asked.. but when he mistakenly caressed the skin or when he saw something he really liked.. he could only twitch or ope his mouth.. to close it again. It was a terrible battle of wills. One which was visibly apparent by the sweating and twitches.

Male Pseudodragon Molting 3 (HP 41/41) | AC:22 | T:16 | FF:18 | CMD 15 | Fort +6 | Ref +8 | Will +6 | Init +4 | Perc: +8 | Speed 15ft, 30 ft. Fly: Good)

In Seeker's Mind:
My first human huh? Been... 200 years since my first... though ive never "been" with a human. Elven women are the prize. For they understand the whole not dying under 100 years thing. And you do know you can talk back through your mind right? You may look kinda weird to the others just talking to yourself about me. Hehe!

Female Human Cleric/3

"Volk, you are doing fine, even if it is difficult. If you do something I do not like, I will let you know, but I will not become angry. Unless you convince me otherwise, I will assume that you intend good and not evil. There are actions that are neither, but we can talk about that later. From what I hear, you are very good at killing, but your skills at behaving as others expect you to is limited. There is no shame in that. I learned these things the other way around so the world may be even more confusing for you than it is for me. I will be glad to help in any way I can.

Female Human Cleric/3

Talking quietly to Volk, "I am willing to obey any good god or goddess, but I particularly follow Shelyn. Though she blesses me with many powers to fight evil, she is the goddess of beauty. She teaches me to seek beauty everywhere, and to create it as often as I can. This may surprise you, but I sense a connection between your story and hers. I am trying to understand what you said when I asked you where you grew up. I think I have some small ideas of what happened to you. Perhaps later today I can tell you the story of how her brother, a god, failed where you, so far, have succeeded. I am honored to be a part of that story" She says this as he finishes helping her get her armour on, and then gives him a small bow. She says, somewhat louder,"May you continue to grow in wisdom. And, in the meantime, as Sabola would say it, let us go and "kick a$$""

though I must admit, I am uncertain what it has to do with dollars???

Male Human Aetherkineticst 3 | HP 30/33 (3 NL) | AC 17 T 13 FF 14 | Fort +7 Ref +4 Will +2| CMD 13 | Init +3 | Perception +7 | 24/100 Evils

Volk was.. stunned, this was the LONGEST and most in depth talk he had with a woman of her beauty.. who .. willingly wished to speak to him at least. It took time for him to react in an 'appropriate' way. Most of it was calming down from the experience.

Volk nodded and kept a neutral face " I .. do not know who Shelyn is Miss Seeker but I will say, if it is alright , YOU are beautiful... and Nice. I cannot say anything else, I think. Because saying things I like is bad.. apparently, without permission. Oh and I'm good at this! "

Profession Dealer: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (11) + 5 = 16

Volk takes out a deck of cards, shuffles them and then throws them into Void portals before making a hand and a wall into a table-like nature.
He seemed proud of himself

" See? I .. like and do alot of things.... but I am good at killing too. "

Female Human Cleric/3

When communicating to Ternock I was "thinking at him" or however I should put it, not moving my lips. I guess that was not clear.

Mentally to Ternock:
I did not realize how old you were. I heard stories when people were chatting and I was thinking of an older wizard you were with before the young orc who was recently killed. I was assuming that at some point you might have had some opportunity to know how people who are considered "civilized" behave, at least by most peoples in this area - not including Riddlesport. I am not intending insult or judgement. Dragons can afford to behave as they choose. Volk could get killed by someone like Seniko who might not be as open minded as she is. You know many would considered comments he makes an insult that demands a fight to the death. Even the fights he wins might scar him. Anyway, I am just asking you to look at the bigger picture. Will not bring it up again unless you ask.

Female Human Cleric/3

Seeker of Light laughs delightfully at Volk's card trick clapping for a few moments. "That is wonderful Volk! May the gods grant that one day you might live someplace or sometime when killing is not needed so that you could delight others with your card tricks without anyone needing to be hurt.". Then, more seriously " but there is a lot of work to do until that time. Do you have thoughts about how we should start today? Sometimes you talk as if you just rush right in, but from what you described yesterday, you are also able to be very careful and clever."

Female Tiefling(Motherless) Samurai(Swordsaint) 3
stuff :
Init +2; Per +1 ;AC 20 hp 28 Fort +5, Ref +3, Will +3(+2 against evil)

Seniko aplaudes at Volks performance, but adds in a more serious tone "Attacking a fortified structure without a plan or superior numbers is always a very bad idea. And as I can't see our numbers growing..."

Shade looks at the tiefling samurai.
we have a plan. Approach under the cover of predawn, smash the door down, take out the enemy. Simple, hopefully effective.

Male Half Orc Ranger/Rogue 6/3 (AC: 25 [T: 16 FF: 20, +1 vs light blades] | HP: 79/79(0NL) | F+8*, R+14, W+4) | Init: +8* |Perc: +13*, dark vision)

"I am excited to be a part of this plan."

Female Human Cleric/3

"Nice and simplistic, but perhaps some more detail could help. Could anyone draw a simple map? How many entrances are there, can we make any new entrances. Can they make any new exits while we are breaking down the door. Could there be a secret underground exit, a bolt hole? What are the surrounding buildings like. Could we make use of them? Can we draw off some of the guards so we can kill them a few at a time?

Male Dwarf Fighter/3; AC: 21; HP: 15/25; F: +4, R: +4, W: +2; Init: +3; Perc: +6, Dark vision 60 ft; Speed: 20 ft.

hearing seniko's worries Gramlag lets out a long breath "Your right lass, this aint exactly a wise thing but should we run his intention near as we can tell is to chase us. Better to die on your feet fighting for life then in your bed fearing those who pursue you. We should hopefully have an element of surprise to our benefit."

And looking to volk "Thank ya lad, i know you dont fully understand but i appreciate the trust you have to listen to what we have to say in the matter"

Male Human Aetherkineticst 3 | HP 30/33 (3 NL) | AC 17 T 13 FF 14 | Fort +7 Ref +4 Will +2| CMD 13 | Init +3 | Perception +7 | 24/100 Evils

Volk grins.. less creepily more.. genuinely when Seeker and Seniko praises him. He tilts his head to the side when asked for any thoughts, his face reddening from the odd feeling. " Yes Miss Seeker, I killed each man with thought. I made them use something they were not good with against something I could use. Coming from above or with something in the way works good. Most of us have worked for Saul so we know the place well. It had many exists but now it has only one way in that I know of. I am confused however.. I killed 8 and Miss Seniko killed over 2000 wouldnt that mean the numbers don't matter since she can kill so many easily? I stalked the place.. the only thing I know is that they have less numbers Miss Seeker. So we should go unless that number will get bigger. The bad fights are Mr. Bojask and Mr No Face. We can change the area.. I can make walls. Mr Gramlag, I dont understannd.. but I like you so I will try and learn.. "

Female Tiefling Female Witch 3 (HP 21/21) | AC:13| T:13 | FF:10 | CMD 13 | Fort +3 | Ref +4 | Will +3 | Init +3 | Perc: +5 | Speed 30ft)
active effects:
Mage armor AC 17

"This 'Bojask' you speak of, I take it that he's a brute? What if the 'Mr No Face'?,... If they are the stronger of them perhaps taking then out first is best and what's necessary. Of course if we can take out Saul then leadership will more than likely fall to one of them."

Naranae brings her pointer finger to her chin while deep in thought while beginning to murmur under her breath as if devising a plan to herself. Looking back up she nods, "Yes, I think if we catch Saul off guard and take him out quickly it should put the others in a panic, which gives us the time to remove Bojask and No Face from the equation. Of course that is a best case scenario, and assuming Saul isn't too hard to get to. You mentioned that there were many exits?"

Meanwhile Artemis peeked his head out from the backpack, looked around, and then began climbing out, perching on my shoulder. His head quirks around

Artemis' perception: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (12) + 12 = 24

Male Half Orc Ranger/Rogue 6/3 (AC: 25 [T: 16 FF: 20, +1 vs light blades] | HP: 79/79(0NL) | F+8*, R+14, W+4) | Init: +8* |Perc: +13*, dark vision)

"I can throw out grease patches, and try and keep the enemy off of us a bit."

Exits? Front door, back door, windows and the like. I suppose he has a bolt hole, he is the type that would. But the windows and doors would be boarded up, needing a little time to open. As for the bolt hole, unless Saul can fly, that will be on the ground floor or basement. (Was there a basement?). If we strike hard enough and fast enough, escape is unlikely.

Shade waves her hands.

Why are we wasting time? We could have talked about this before we slept. We need to get moving or we will lose the darkness.

Male Human Aetherkineticst 3 | HP 30/33 (3 NL) | AC 17 T 13 FF 14 | Fort +7 Ref +4 Will +2| CMD 13 | Init +3 | Perception +7 | 24/100 Evils

" Im not killing Mr. Bojask... He was my friend.. "

On leaving, shade casts mage armour on herself.

stealth: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (7) + 12 = 19

Female Tiefling(Motherless) Samurai(Swordsaint) 3
stuff :
Init +2; Per +1 ;AC 20 hp 28 Fort +5, Ref +3, Will +3(+2 against evil)

"I have survied worse oods, and Volk's walls should be a tremendous help. I agree with miss Nel strikeing hard and fast is a good general plan, less time for Saul to escape and a good chance that his thugs will flee, if they think they can't win."

Female Tiefling Female Witch 3 (HP 21/21) | AC:13| T:13 | FF:10 | CMD 13 | Fort +3 | Ref +4 | Will +3 | Init +3 | Perc: +5 | Speed 30ft)
active effects:
Mage armor AC 17

"Ahhh, Volk I never said killing Bojask was the plan, it's just a possiblity if it goes sour, I was more about killing Saul and removing Bojask and No Face from the equation in one way if not then another. There are more ways than one to win a fight which is where my skills may come in handy". Naranae breaks off but doesn't look away from Volk. There was a look of sincerity upon her face, and the seriousness was very apparent in the tone of her voice.

On leaving the warehouse she also casts mage armor on herself

Male Pseudodragon Molting 3 (HP 41/41) | AC:22 | T:16 | FF:18 | CMD 15 | Fort +6 | Ref +8 | Will +6 | Init +4 | Perc: +8 | Speed 15ft, 30 ft. Fly: Good)

I am ready. What ever today may have in store for us; it will surely be a bloody one. Mmm blood...

Female Human Cleric/3

@DM Tuyena - Can give us a few details? What time is it, how dark is it, how long til twilight, or sunrise and how far (time) a walk to Saul's.

Female Human Cleric/3

I wish we had more time. I am not known here and could have gone to the gambling house to ask questions about my brother without raising suspicions. If we have reason to hold off our attack today keep that option in mind, though I expect the blood lust in this group will make a delay unlikely.

Seniko, if you would like the spell I suggested cast, let me know when. It will last for three minutes. Same to you Gramling.

Male Pseudodragon Molting 3 (HP 41/41) | AC:22 | T:16 | FF:18 | CMD 15 | Fort +6 | Ref +8 | Will +6 | Init +4 | Perc: +8 | Speed 15ft, 30 ft. Fly: Good)

The Golden Goblin IS the gambling house. Saul is the proprietor... your questions should be directed twards him. If he survives that long that is...

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