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Organized Play Member. 132 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.


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Intensified does nothing for this spell beyond an additional d4 at 18th level.

The feat you're looking for is Recruits. You get half your level in cohorts but can only have one travel with you at a time.

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Look to the sewers.

Have conspiracy groups of Skum or Wererats, Encounters with Otyughs and Sewer Trolls or have an Evil Cave Druid plague the city with Oozes. All that can be done at fairly low level.

Later on rogue magicians or clergy can summon Outsiders to strike their enemies that naturally get out of hand.

Note that while they all explode together, they are resolved individually. Energy resistance can really make this less deadly. Meteor Storm has the same issue.

Wall of Lava, Fire Storm and Delayed Blast Fireball do up to 20d6 and the latter two can be boosted if you have caster level pluses and Intensify metamagic.

Easy house rule, just say that you can't change into a creature greater than your CR+x and set x where you feel is fair.

I did a Questioner in RotR focused on DEX and INT. Picked up Minor and Major Magic as my first talents which let me cast Disrupt Undead and Shield as spell-like abilities and went with twf to go with healing and buffing.

JiCi wrote:
blahpers wrote:

Good kaiju?

Gamera is really neat!
He is filled with turtle meat!
We all love you, Gamera!

Gamera is more a protector of Earth itself, not its inhabitants though...

Gamera will always protect kids.

Lethal Grace works on Mystic Bolts used as melee touch attacks but not on ranged.

deuxhero wrote:
PossibleCabbage wrote:
blahpers wrote:
This thread has quickly turned into "what archetypes are weaker in the general case than their vanilla class", which is expected by design for the majority of archetypes. Maybe a useful question is, "what criteria do you use to decide whether an archetype is good or bad?"
I feel like since it's hard to top things like the brute and the oozemorph for sheer weakness, it does probably make sense to recontextualize "worst" to be something like "worst designed". Like something that is not unplayable, but does constitute a missed opportunity.
Magical Child is a good candidate for bad design. It has no idea what it wants to be. Frankly Vigilante had a lot of badly designed archetypes. In addition to the already mentioned Brute, while Warlock is actually good and completely playable it is still "badly designed" since it has zero ability to make its main unique ability (Mystic Bolt) work and past low levels you're forced to ignore it or use third party content. Should have skipped adding Cabalist (it wasn't in the playtest) and used the space to print support items/feat.

Lethal Grace and Arcane Striker both support Mystic Bolts very well. You also get any buffs your party grants just like any other weapon and targeting touch ac means you'll hit more often with your second and third attacks and your offhand. You can't nova but you can do damage on par with any nonmartial all day withot using any resources.

This is a much easier scenario.

A witch with a quickened ill omen and flesh to stone spells in combination with sleep and evil eye hexes can pull it off.

Any caster enchantment focused with Aura of the Unremarkable can do this easily.

A BBEG with pet phase spiders also springs to mind.

Both Refuge and Signifier's Rally will teleport a willing creature to you if set up beforehand. Refuge can be used to send you to within 10' of them also.

The witch has specific rules for adding new spells to her familiar. Like a wizard, you can learn from scrolls. You still need the hour per spell level and you the spellcraft roll, but you do not copy the spell to your book. Rather you burn the scroll and feed the ashes to your familiar in a magic ritual that all witches know. You can learn spells from witch scrolls or wizard/sorceror spells that are on both lists. Refer to d20pfsrd or archives of nethys for the official wording if you don't have the book.

No, you cannot hex the AC of that enemy again. you could still hex attack rolls, saves or skill checks,

The bolded part just makes trying to duplicate a penalty worse. If you hexed AC in the morning and tried again in the evening, it would fail and you'd have to wait till next evening rather than morning to try again.

By RAW, it lasts one minute but there is no limit to how many times per day that the witch can use this on a target. So stay close to the witch and keep on friendly terms.

Tears to Wine is a scaling buff to all INT and WIS based skill checks. Use Metamagic to extend it and you can easily complete a whole dungeon with one casting and an entire day of travel with two.

1) Yes IMO but this may vary from table to table.

2) Yes.

3) Yes.

Even with these possible drawbacks, this is still one of the best Arcanist Exploits.

The Oracle class is basically the divine sorcerer so look closely at that and decide if it needs changes. Straight Sorcerer without adding BAB or D8 hit die is a little weak.

What will become of the Druids, Warpriests, Shamans, Inquisitors and Paladins?

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Exploiter Wizard lets you take the Quick Study Arcanist Exploit. No need to leave spell slots open when you can change to a needed spell for the low cost of a full round action and 1 reservoir point.

Questioner Investigator gets you the Bard spell list in place of Alchemy. Top tier skill monkey with heals and buffs along with Studied Combat.

Have you looked at Arcanist or Exploiter Wizard instead of Sorceror? Then you can take the Energy Shield exploit and get resistance 10 for min/level for the cost of 1 reservoir point.

For the eviluz, Antipaladin/Synthesis Summoner.

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I did this once, many years ago. Place the main boss in a large room, 60' x 120' or so and have the PC's approach down a 20' wide hallway. Let them see the map to the room, complete with fire, acid and regular pits for about 1-3 minutes. Then trigger darkness that covers the room and replace the map with a blank and shut the hall behind them.

The feat specifically says you get 3 points and your max goes up by 3.

If the campaign can stand the greater challenge, you might want to go with a Lilithu instead of a Shadrach. Both fit the theme and are long term planners(for demons) and the Lilithu can corrupt more people with her sting.

I thought the created mimic was loyal to the key's possessor?

Level and Class based systems are not going to be what you want. Their premise is based around distinction through restrictions.

Your best bet would be trying free form systems like GURPS, Hero or Aberrant. Hero would be my first choice for you, it has no limits or restrictions but those agreed upon by the GM and players. If you can find a GM to build the world you want and run it for you, you're golden.

Well, they are spectres so you could go with Anti-Incorporeal Shell or Anti Magic Shell on a scroll.
For the first you could kill them with force effects but the second means you'd have to be able to accomplish your objective without killing the monsters.
I'd just drop the 21k gold on a Death Ward wand and go from there.

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I like the changes for the most part.

The way I see it is it comes down to Obedience. While the lay person can be a fringe believer and skirt by this, Clerics are going to be expected to perform them on a regular basis. Reviewing the obedience list make it pretty hard to be neutral if you have to torture someone unwilling(Asmodeus) or perform a sacrifice(Lamasthu). The good and neutral gods have much less objectionable actions required of them. There are exceptions to this(Gorum) but generally you can judge a Cleric by his Obedience.

Sorry to chime in so late but your build may be illegal.

Paizo Employee ***** John Compton Developer Feb 20, 2014, 11:14 pm | FLAG | LIST | FAQ | REPLY
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Favored Class Bonus for Half-Elves and Half-Orcs
For the purpose of qualifying for favored class bonuses, half-elves are also treated as both elves and humans, and half-orcs are also treated as humans (but not orcs)—a byproduct of their respective elf blood and orc blood racial traits. Only characters that have the elf blood or orc blood racial trait count as a member of another race for this purpose.

Related Point: Can I apply the aasimar or elf oracle's favored class bonus to a revelation I do not yet have? Can I do so for the aasimar bard’s favored class bonus?
No, when choosing which class feature’s effective level to increase, you can only select a feature that you already have. For example, an aasimar flame oracle cannot choose to improve the wings of fire revelation with her favored class bonus until she actually gains the revelation at 7th level or beyond; she could not start augmenting it at 1st level.

This isn’t actually a new rule. It’s just a clarification that I confirmed with the design team because it seemed that some folks were assuming otherwise.

That post seems to say that you can't apply a FCB to a feature until you have that feature. So you can't begin to use the gnome FCB to work toward a hex until you actually have a hex. That would mean 4th level at the earliest for this build combination with the first bonus coming at 10th level.

You can be a Sorcerer with the Seeker and Wildblooded archetypes and the Sage bloodine. Sage changes your spells to Intelligence based and Seeker lets you us Disable Device on magical traps with a bonus. Student of Philosophy lets you use Intelligence for Bluff and Diplomacy.

Widened Sunburst if you can swing it, 160' radius death and blindness.

Why don't you try a Warlock Vigilante. You'll be able to be the face and skill monkey while still having decent dps.

Solar is great for blasting and adds light themed healing if you're looking for Good alignment flavor. Searing Light as a 1st level spell is awesome.

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Urdefhan. Cruel, aggressive and intelligent, they will be willing to work with other races and are slavers by preferred profession.

Questioner Investigator with the Minor and Major Magic talents. Major Magic gives you Shield spell as a spell-like ability, Mirror Image is on your list and Studied Combat keeps your BAB competitive with a fighter.

Start him off with Waves of Exhaustion to stop that nasty raging(and flying as a bonus!) and drop his STR to 3. Quickened Fly and move up out of range. Finish as your mood suits you.

If all you need is damage, then get Clustered shots.

You can be a Questioner and get the bard spell list to replace alchemy. Less fight power but more healing and buffs.
You get Eidetic Recollection at 1st to help with skills.
Take Minor and Major magic early to get Disrupt Undead at will and Shield at level/2 per day.

Any of the classes will do if they know Seeking Spell.

Ice Tomb is your friend here. It is open to debate if Retribution works on on undead. It targets will but does not have language stating saying it is mind-affecting so you should discuss with GM beforehand.

As far as spells go, Undeath Ward will give you some protection but Summon Monster 5/6 are your only real offensive choices. Snowball and Intensified Snowball saw me through some rough patches also.

You can always fallback on buffing the party with Fortune

Ryan Freire wrote:

Intensified: Each ray has a cap of 20d6

Empowered +10d6 per ray

Each ray is 30d6
3 rays at 30d6 is 90d6 +2 damage per die is 90d6 +180

Edit: And before anyone goes "what the f*%! is that +2 per die" its the crossblooded sorceror standard of blasting.

Empowered doesn't add dice, it adds 50% to the total rolled so the actual result would be (60d6+120)x1.5. Same effect in this case on average but it matters on other spells for the interaction with intensified,

Ryan Freire wrote:
Grailknight wrote:
Ryan Freire wrote:
Jurassic Pratt wrote:
How many touch attacks does that Meteor Swarm damage require? That should answer your question as to why it's ok.

1 more touch attack than hellfire ray. To do less damage.

Edit: Also allows a reflex save at -4 if all of them hit vs 24 of those 32d6

Double Edit: Also has a higher cap than disintegrate, an equal level spell, denied to divine casters save 1X a day if you have the destruction domain that also requires a touch attack, and allows a save that rather than half damage reduces all the damage to 5d6.

Triple Edit: Lets just beat this horse to death. Polar ray, dice cap 25d6, requires you to come up with +5 caster level to get those last 5d6, Requires a touch attack, no save. 8th level. Hellfire ray has a damage die cap more than double that of a spell 2 levels higher than it, while also having baked in resistance bypass.

*quake voice* QUAD EDIT: Transmute blood to acid, takes 4 rounds of concentration to do half the potential damage of hellfire ray, is 3 levels higher, and allows a save for half each round.

Hey, I acknowledge it as the pinnacle of single target but it still doesn't outclass the AOE's.
Intensified Empowered, nothing quite like 90d6+180 from a crossblooded sorceror

60d6+180 actually but that"s high level play in a nutshell. Most 20th level martials can beat that.

Ryan Freire wrote:
Jurassic Pratt wrote:
How many touch attacks does that Meteor Swarm damage require? That should answer your question as to why it's ok.

1 more touch attack than hellfire ray. To do less damage.

Edit: Also allows a reflex save at -4 if all of them hit vs 24 of those 32d6

Double Edit: Also has a higher cap than disintegrate, an equal level spell, denied to divine casters save 1X a day if you have the destruction domain that also requires a touch attack, and allows a save that rather than half damage reduces all the damage to 5d6.

Triple Edit: Lets just beat this horse to death. Polar ray, dice cap 25d6, requires you to come up with +5 caster level to get those last 5d6, Requires a touch attack, no save. 8th level. Hellfire ray has a damage die cap more than double that of a spell 2 levels higher than it, while also having baked in resistance bypass.

*quake voice* QUAD EDIT: Transmute blood to acid, takes 4 rounds of concentration to do half the potential damage of hellfire ray, is 3 levels higher, and allows a save for half each round.

Hey, I acknowledge it as the pinnacle of single target but it still doesn't outclass the AOE's.

Ryan Freire wrote:
Grailknight wrote:
Ryan Freire wrote:

Meteor swarm deals 32d6 damage. Its the bar for a 9th level blasting spell.

This 6th level spell caps at 45d6 damage, so it does nearly 50% more damage than the bar for a 9th level, plus can be metamagiced up.

To a single target, with 3 ranged touch attacks required. It's better than Disintegrate, but the area effect spells are still better for their purpose.
Meteor Swarm only does 32d6 to a single target too, It only does 24d6 as an AOE. It outperforms a spell 3 levels higher by nearly 50%

And what does Hellfire Ray do as an AOE? Apples and oranges here. Note that Disintegrate outperforms Meteor Swarm as a single target also and that hasn't been a problem for the life of Pathfinder

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Ryan Freire wrote:

Meteor swarm deals 32d6 damage. Its the bar for a 9th level blasting spell.

This 6th level spell caps at 45d6 damage, so it does nearly 50% more damage than the bar for a 9th level, plus can be metamagiced up.

To a single target, with 3 ranged touch attacks required. It's better than Disintegrate, but the area effect spells are still better for their purpose.

Lead off with Prediction of Failure and Waves of Exhaustion. Cast a Barrow Haze to give yourself concealment and take away his Dex to AC and then go the Enervation route.

Ryan Freire wrote:

Maximized scorching ray is 5th level.

And you can think role protection should happen at the table level but the designers don't as you could tell if you looked at the spell research guidelines

But I mean y'all are right, a divine 6th level spell that has a higher damage cap than the pinnacle evocation blasting spell is A-OK!

But it doesn't beat the pinnacle evocation spell, at worst, since it's available to all the level 9 arcane, the magus and the warlock vigilante it is the pinnacle evocation spell but only against single targets. Yeah, if a 19th level Arcanist hits you with all 3 rays, intensified and empowered, it'll sting a little and probably put down most unbuffed level 9 arcane casters but that's par for the high level course.

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Flight Hex and ray spells are your friends.

Ray of Exhaustion to stop that nasty raging. Lead with a Quickened Ill Omen to burn his sunder for the round.

Enervation debuffing his attacks and defenses simultaneously.

Wracking Ray if you're a nefarious sort and cast evil spells.

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This always tops it for me.

Go Synthesis Summoner, Learn Transmogrify at 10th level. You are still stuck with the base body type but everything else can be changed daily.

Check with your GM on how you run the attack rolls. Scorching Ray by RAW requires separate rolls but I've seen it run as one roll per target. Battering Blast lacks that language so expect more table variation.

Intensify raises the maximum dice by five levels but you have to have those levels to take advantage of the feat. In the case of Battering Blast you get 5 die unless you have caster level 12 or 14 which would add 1 and 2 die respectively.

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