
FuriaRi0T's page

Organized Play Member. 42 posts (547 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 7 aliases.


Silver Crusade

Male Human...?

I feel your pain Ard... I miss Daemon. He's one of my favorite characters I've made.

Silver Crusade

Male Human...?

I apologize for my silence. I rebuilt my PC today - upgraded some of the main components, so I had to actually reformat.

Silver Crusade

Male Human...?

Well, Superman Returns was ACTUALLY a continuation of the Original movies. So he HAD to try to be Reeves. I actually really liked Brandon Routh as Superman. Ironically, Henry Cavill was passed up for the role with Superman Returns. He was told he was too young at the time.

I, also, was really thrilled with his performance. I liked Lois as well, personally. However I do think towards the ending she was a little too soft. In the beginning she did a great job as the hardened, no B.S. reporter. I was also thrilled with Michael Shannon's performance - I agree that he captures all of his moments really well.

This movie was a 100% reboot. Supposedly, starting with this one, all the newer movies are leading to a JLA movie. So, new Batman... New Green Lantern *crosses fingers for Nathan Fillion*, a Flash Movie, Martian Manhunter, Wonder Woman, and Aqua Man. Our movie watching days are most definitely going to be full.

Silver Crusade

Male Human...?

Yessssssss. I've finally been designated 'The Other Guy'.

I'm working on my character as I post this... Trying the decide which way I'd like to build him. The whole 'envisioning your character' phase. Shouldn't take too long.

Silver Crusade

Male Human...?

4d6 - 1 ⇒ (4, 5, 1, 4) - 1 = 13
4d6 - 2 ⇒ (3, 2, 2, 4) - 2 = 9
4d6 - 1 ⇒ (3, 2, 6, 1) - 1 = 11
4d6 - 2 ⇒ (4, 2, 6, 3) - 2 = 13
4d6 - 2 ⇒ (3, 3, 3, 2) - 2 = 9
4d6 - 1 ⇒ (1, 6, 2, 1) - 1 = 9
+2 point modifier... Rerolling!

4d6 - 1 ⇒ (6, 6, 6, 1) - 1 = 18
4d6 - 1 ⇒ (6, 6, 4, 1) - 1 = 16
4d6 - 1 ⇒ (1, 2, 4, 1) - 1 = 7
4d6 - 2 ⇒ (3, 4, 2, 5) - 2 = 12
4d6 - 1 ⇒ (6, 1, 1, 6) - 1 = 13
4d6 - 1 ⇒ (2, 5, 1, 1) - 1 = 8
+6 Modifier.

4d6 - 2 ⇒ (2, 4, 3, 2) - 2 = 9
"So everyone roll 1 more score and replace your lowest if it is higher than it."... Replacing the 7

Character/class wise... I'm thinking something Tankyish. Most likely a fighter variant of some kind.

Silver Crusade

Male Human...?

Hey everyone - I apologize for my delay. Like the knucklehead I am, I forgot to add this as a book mark. My job doesn't allow me a massive amount of time to sit down and theory craft a character.

I'm hoping to have something posted up within the next day.

Silver Crusade

Male Human...?

The only one I really don't want to do is Rise of the Runelords... As I'm currently in one. I do also like the idea of Carrion Crown - the horror themes also tickled my fancy.

Silver Crusade

I would like to introduce Mitch McHale for your consideration.

Silver Crusade

Just wanted to say that I will have Notick fully updated before your deadline with a new background story for the RotRL motif!

He still needs his Gear edited and Stats edited (Stats were rolled when he was made, and was given max gold for the class at the time).

Extremely excited for the opportunity!

Silver Crusade

I'd like to dot for interest as well. I have a character I designed long ago for a 'Jade Reagent' game.

He's a Half-elf Magus. Here's his profile to get the gist of what he's like. Obviously I would have to redo most of him to meet your requirements of the campaign.

Notick Mostriaré

Silver Crusade

cynarion wrote:
FuriaRi0T wrote:

And I would like to introduce Vandrill Ag'Roe - a Magus of the Kensai archetype.

Vandril Ag'roe's Character Sheet

A good natured soul looking to find his place in the world and prove himself to his deceased father, a cleric of Nethys -- he works himself to the bone in his home city of Kyonin to acquire enough wealth to travel to the Immortal Principality when a turn of luck comes his way to get him to the lands of his supposed ancestors. Now, after making the trip, he's excited to work and, hopefully, reclaim his family history his father always spoke of, and avenge him.

First, let's just clear up a little bit of confusion about the character's name; I see Vandril (one 'l') and Vandrill (two 'l's) in different places. Also Ag'roe and Ar'goe for his surname. For now I will assume it is Vandrill Ag'roe.

I also love the idea of a cestus-wielding magus. Very cool, should make things mechanically interesting.

I have one niggling question about Vandrill's history, but it's only minor; if Vandrill's work as a mercenary was primarily aimed at allowing him to get enough money together to go to Ustalav, how does the summons in a will change his finances? In other words, if he couldn't afford to go before the summons, why could he afford to go afterwards?

DOH! I forgot that I had edited the last bit because I had the same thought - I just forgot to copy it from Word to the Story within my character sheet.

The three men that attacked the Professor actually had Bounties that he was able to cash in to provide the funds needed. He was spending a few weeks to tie up loose ends within the city itself when the Summons came - he took it as a sign so he left without question!

Also, it is for sure "Vandrill Ag'roe". I just mistakenly left one of the L's out of his name for the Link. I'm glad you liked the concept behind him!

Silver Crusade

And I would like to introduce Vandrill Ag'Roe - a Magus of the Kensai archetype.

Vandril Ag'roe's Character Sheet

A good natured soul looking to find his place in the world and prove himself to his deceased father, a cleric of Nethys -- he works himself to the bone in his home city of Kyonin to acquire enough wealth to travel to the Immortal Principality when a turn of luck comes his way to get him to the lands of his supposed ancestors. Now, after making the trip, he's excited to work and, hopefully, reclaim his family history his father always spoke of, and avenge him.

Silver Crusade

Just rolling for the wealth of the character I'm building... ^_^

4d6 ⇒ (1, 5, 5, 6) = 17

17 x 10 = 170gp.

Silver Crusade

Also dotting for interest!

Silver Crusade

Male Human...?

I'm not sure how long it will take In Character yet, Andrin! I'll post once Rennick does his next update with an actual in character response.

Silver Crusade

Just don't go down the same path as DDO Did, and I'll be on board without question!

Silver Crusade

Male Human...?

Holy Epicness Batman!

Silver Crusade

Male Human...?

Totally agree! Just giving some added input on his build choice. It is, of course, biased (it is kind of meant to be -- hehehe). I'm a total believer in 'DM's Always Right', so there's no issue at all with whatever choice you make.

I do not envy you and your choice, though. It's definitely a tough decision.

Silver Crusade

Male Human...?

Roidrage (Hashar) is infamous to play similar characters as me, yet we both end up branching out completely in different directions and create completely different characters RP wise... It's incredible the differentiation that we end up having. He and I talked for some time about how it was similar they could be, yet Daemon is more of a Healer type than Hashar. He's infamous of taking your 'vanilla' type of character/class that everyone else is typical of choosing and turning it on it's head and bringing it truly to life.

I agree w/Hashar... As is, Daemon kind of dislikes Clerics due to his issues with his own order. Hashar could add some added development!

Just wanted to give you my input from what I've seen. :D

Oh, I also really liked Endrin's idea and story as well!

Silver Crusade

Male Human...?
DM Rennick wrote:
Daemon, I thnk you're the detective Yos is referring to.

He's giving him the 'hold on' finger ;)

I let Roidrage know about your recruitment... He's gonna be posting something in the upcoming days.

Silver Crusade

Male Human...?

Hey, Rennick, I wasn't sure if you wanted to try and replace Kale sense he backed out?

A good friend of mine (Roidrage on forums - who also happens to be my room-mate) is interested if you are looking too. He's been my DM and the person that introduced my to Pen and Paper Roleplaying, as well as been a gamer for over 25 years, and a Pathfinder follower sense the beginning!

If you are, let me know, and I'll pass the 'good word' so to speak.

Silver Crusade

Male Human...?

DM Mathpro:
First, SORRY for interrupting game play. I was curious as to the build requirements you made for this game so I can construct my cleric... I've been out of town for work, but have gotten home early, so I have the weekend to get him constructed!

Human (I think...) Cleric of Desna is what I will most likely be building.

Silver Crusade

Male Human...?

How DARE you put personal life before gaming! That is pathfinder blasphemy!

No, no, I'm just teasing of course. I'm glad you're alright, and hope everyone else whom was in the cross-hair's of the storm are alright as well. I'll be keeping an avid eye on this thread for when you decide to start it up.

I'm greatly anticipating this one! Best of luck in the move, Rennick. Oh, and don't go with Sky Interweb's when you get there. Friends tell me they're 'pants' *insert laugh face here*. Just an FYI.

Silver Crusade

I'd like to put forward Mitch McHale

He is a Free Handed Fighter (APG PG: 105)

Your three Q's:
1) Where are you from? This will likely tie into where you board the Jenivere (see the Player's Guide).
He is from Korvosa. He's being forced to Sargava by an unknown group (DM's discretion!) to find an ancient armor. His father is an ex-Hellknight, and he was working to follow in his foot steps, even through all the turmoil he's been through. Now, he's given up, and just wants to get his sister back.

2) Why are you heading to Eleder?
He's heading to Eleder to find some people to help him find what he's looking for. An ancient armor which looks similar to a Hellknights - yet he's unsure how something like that would have gotten all the way there. He needs help, bad, as he doesn't have all the skills necessary to obtain his goal!

3) Odd question: If your character were an animal, what would he or she be? Think of this as a personality question and feel free to explain.
He's most like an Otter... Otters are typically kind, easy going, and care for their friends around them more than themselves. Mitch is very much the 'look before you leap' kind of individual when it comes to his friends and those he cares about. He's not completely good natured, but he's darn close.

Silver Crusade

tahl liadon wrote:
still recruiting?


DM Rennick wrote:
No more applications will be accepted as of this post. Keep your eyes on the thread though, I may need to ask more questions as I narrow the running down. Thanks guys.

Hope this helps. :P

Silver Crusade

DM Rennick wrote:
Daemon Grizzwold - How does he stabilize a person without magic? Through heal checks? Or one of his class abilities? If so then how is it “Without special magic” Do you have plans for this mysterious woman? Or is she free game for whatever I come up with?

His 'healing' is actually just a stabilizer through the 'Sacred Touch' Trait in the APG (PG. 329). He was always able to keep someone from death so the healers were able to fully restore/mostly restore them. According to the text, there is no roll what-so-ever... If they're between 0 and -9, they're just automatically stabilized. No one in the order knew why, or how... They just considered it a miracle of sorts. This is the same reason he blames himself for his mothers death, because his 'miracle' was pretty much useless.

Sacred Touch:
Here it is (copied) from the text
You were exposed to a potent source of
positive energy as a child, perhaps by being born under the
right cosmic sign, or maybe because one of your parents was
a gifted healer. As a standard action, you may automatically
stabilize a dying creature merely by touching it.

The woman, ironically, was completely written in on a whim because I like telling stores in the first person like that. You are 100% fully able to do WHAT EVER you wish with her! I absolutely love giving DM full control over the environment around me - makes things more interesting.

Silver Crusade

Ahh... Sandpoint. Such a wonderful city. I would like to present Daemon Grizwold (a previous entry in another PBP that was rejected...)

Daemon Grizwold's Character Sheet

He's quite possibly one of my favorite characters I've ever developed. I've kept his gear the same as the previous, sense you haven't given a monetary allotment yet - which I can easily change when you do!

Silver Crusade

Male Human...?

He's alive!... ALIVE!!!!

Silver Crusade

Male Human...?

I think Alfonso died. :-O

Silver Crusade

I'd most likely swap out his current Bastardsword for a fist like weapon, which is completely doo-able and matches the character in RP style. What about the Ultimate Combat's 'Scizore'?

Silver Crusade

What about the 'free-handed-fighter' archetype for the Fighter? Combination of off-handed trickery and a weapon of some kind?

I already have a character made-up along these lines. *wiggle eyebrows*

Silver Crusade

Tanrov, Finder of Paths wrote:
It's a series (three) of adventures written to show new characters the ropes of being a pathfinder. Also, during the adventures the characters are exposed to the ten factions within the Society and given a chance to learn a little bit about each of them.

Ah-ha! Thank you.

Silver Crusade

I apologize for my obvious ignorance, being new to the PBP scene as well as the Pathfinder system... What exactly is PFS first steps? The first few AP's written for the pathfinder system?

Silver Crusade

I was interested in applying... However I know you said in an earlier post that you were disinclined to allow anything from the Ultimate Combat - I was curious if you had acquired it as of yet?

I'm really interested in applying with a Gunslinger concept that I have.

Thank you and please let me know!

Silver Crusade

Male Human...?

Lawful Good meets Chaotic Good... Get used to it! :P

Silver Crusade

Male Human...?

My 'refresh' finger shall anticipate this, greatly.

Silver Crusade

Best of luck to everyone!

Silver Crusade

Congratulations to everyone! The Roleplay, albeit short, was quite enjoyable.

Silver Crusade

No problem! His father isn't a Hellknight anymore, and his armor is gone. The only thing he has is a Signet ring with a logo. Nothing special about it except for it's a logo.

He himself is NOT a Hellknight - he just may end up striving to be one later in life. Right now he's too focused on getting his sister back.

Silver Crusade

I'm SUPER interested in joining in on this game... I've been working on my character and his background for quite a bit now. I'll be joining in soon with my answers and all very soon. His name's "Mitch McHale"

Silver Crusade

Sollir wrote:

Dotting for interest! I used to playrun PBP games on ENWorld pre-college and now that I've graduated I want to get back into it. I'll post my character concept soon.

Holy high-roll Batman!

Silver Crusade

Hello, Mathpro! I too wish to grant you good luck in your up-coming interview. I'm a member of Roidrage's IRL game, as well as his room mate. He's just got me into Play-by-post gaming, and he forwarded me on to your new AP.

So, without further ado, here are my rolls.

Set 1:

2d6 + 6 ⇒ (6, 3) + 6 = 15
2d6 + 6 ⇒ (5, 6) + 6 = 17
2d6 + 6 ⇒ (4, 3) + 6 = 13
2d6 + 6 ⇒ (6, 3) + 6 = 15
2d6 + 6 ⇒ (5, 5) + 6 = 16
2d6 + 6 ⇒ (1, 2) + 6 = 9

Set 2:

2d6 + 6 ⇒ (2, 6) + 6 = 14
2d6 + 6 ⇒ (3, 5) + 6 = 14
2d6 + 6 ⇒ (5, 3) + 6 = 14
2d6 + 6 ⇒ (6, 3) + 6 = 15
2d6 + 6 ⇒ (3, 1) + 6 = 10
2d6 + 6 ⇒ (3, 3) + 6 = 12

I plan to take my first set...

My Concept!:
A half-elf male, young in age. This half-elf would be a Magus - being forced his whole life to choose between his elven and human side in a typical 'choice of identity' situation, he rolls through his life in the path of a Magus. Rebelling against both sides, he chose to take his own pathway.