DM_the_Loreweaver's First Steps (Inactive)

Game Master the loreweaver

A Pathfinder Society game consisting of the three new First Steps scenarios.

Looking for 4-6 players interested in starting new Pathfinder Society (PFS) characters. I plan to run the new introductory scenarios, First Steps, parts I thru III. Players new to the Pathfinder Society organized play and/or play-by-post format are welcome. The Guide to Pathfinder Society Organized Play v4.0 has all of the necessary character creation rules.

Will this count for PFS experiance for the characters?

I would like to play if it does, I haven't actually played any PFS before.

I will set up a character and post soon.

Kozaric wrote:
Will this count for PFS experiance for the characters?

Yes. When we finish this sequence of introductory scenarios, your character will be second level. I'll email chronicle sheets to all participants at the conclusion of each of the three parts.

I too would like to start a PFS character. I've been wanting to do either a Archer Fighter, or a Style master Monk if that's legal in PFS yet...

Liberty's Edge

I might be interested in this series.

Will you be running all three or just the first adventure?

I may also be interested in this.

Feral wrote:
Will you be running all three or just the first adventure?

I'm planning to run all three. I might also throw in Ambush in Absalom afterwards if people wanted to play that as well.

For convenience, here's a link to the additional resources for your character that are legal for PFS play. Also, no need to choose a faction at this point, as you'll get to make that choice at the conclusion of the series.

I am interested in playing a Ninja in PFS.

I'm building an Elf Fighter with the Archer Archetype.

I will post the build sometime tonight.

Im a little new to the whole PbP thing, but I've been tempted to try it out to see if it's my flavor, same goes for the PFS bit. I'm considering a Witch if that's okay.

Grand Lodge

PFS character for Kozaric. Still needs traits but should be fairly good to go.

Grand Lodge

Here's my elf fighter basics. I somehow lost all the description I had typed up. I'll retype it tomorrow.

I decided against the Archer Archetype, but I'll still be primarily ranged.

The Exchange

This is Amazing Red's PC. Fuggedaboutit!

Looks good, people. I've got a couple of questions regarding your characters, but it's still early for me so odds are good I'm just missing something obvious. I'll post those later as I'm already late for work this morning.

Quantum, a witch would be great. I haven't actually seen one in play yet. And you'll make four, so we'll have enough for a party. I'm not sure exactly when we'll get this train rolling, but I'm predicting by the weekend, depending on how many more people are interested.

Dark Archive

I'm interested in playing! I'll post my character later on today.

I'm interested in getting into pfs, I've never played in an official society game and would love to get onboard with it. I'll cook somthing up, most likely a bard.

Dark Archive

I've been wanting to try a Cleric for PFS, I'll roll one up shortly

Silver Crusade

Here is Solarious's Cleric

Thoradin Has been with the Church of Torag since he was born. He has only recently left his Home in the Five Kings Mountians to help Spread the Holy Word of Torag, to help pay for these Travels, He Decided to apply to the Pathfinder Society.

Shadow Lodge

This is Feral's barbarian.

Silver Crusade

I apologize for my obvious ignorance, being new to the PBP scene as well as the Pathfinder system... What exactly is PFS first steps? The first few AP's written for the pathfinder system?

Shadow Lodge

It's a series (three) of adventures written to show new characters the ropes of being a pathfinder. Also, during the adventures the characters are exposed to the ten factions within the Society and given a chance to learn a little bit about each of them.

Silver Crusade

Tanrov, Finder of Paths wrote:
It's a series (three) of adventures written to show new characters the ropes of being a pathfinder. Also, during the adventures the characters are exposed to the ten factions within the Society and given a chance to learn a little bit about each of them.

Ah-ha! Thank you.

Okay, five characters presented and at least 2 or 3 more pending. This is good. Unfortunately, the cap for this is going to be 6, so some aren't going to make this cut. The final rollcall will be mostly based on a first-come-first-serve basis. However, in the interest of promoting growth in the ranks of PFS, weight will be given to first timers as well. I will likely run these again, so those that don't make it now will get first shot at a spot in the next go 'round.

Kozaric and Halplm, your characters look good. Solarion and Feral, your characters also look good, although what are the sources for your traits? I'm not questioning their validity, I just haven't seen them before and am curious as to where they came from.

Amazing Red, where are you getting the "+3 trained" for your skills? Other than Intimidate, none of those are class skills for a fighter. Also, studded leather has an AC of +3, not +4. Finally, is the Cad a fighter archtype from Ultimate Combat? I don't have a copy of that yet, so that may explain some of my ignorance.

EDIT: Also, recruitment will close after today.

Silver Crusade

Grounded (Dwarf)

Source Dwarves of Golarion 10

You are well balanced, both physically and mentally. You gain a +2 trait bonus on balance-related Acrobatic checks, and a +1 trait bonus on Reflex saves.


Exalted of the Society (Cleric, Pathfinder Society)

Source Faction Guide 62

The vaults of the Grand Lodge in Absalom contain many secrets of the divine powers of the gods, and you have studied your god extensively. You may channel energy 1 additional time per day.

Shadow Lodge

Berserker of the Society (Barbarian) - Faction Guide
Bred for War (Shoanti) - Humans of Golarion

The Exchange

DM_the Loreweaver wrote:

Okay, five characters presented and at least 2 or 3 more pending. This is good. Unfortunately, the cap for this is going to be 6, so some aren't going to make this cut. The final rollcall will be mostly based on a first-come-first-serve basis. However, in the interest of promoting growth in the ranks of PFS, weight will be given to first timers as well. I will likely run these again, so those that don't make it now will get first shot at a spot in the next go 'round.

Kozaric and Halplm, your characters look good. Solarion and Feral, your characters also look good, although what are the sources for your traits? I'm not questioning their validity, I just haven't seen them before and am curious as to where they came from.

Amazing Red, where are you getting the "+3 trained" for your skills? Other than Intimidate, none of those are class skills for a fighter. Also, studded leather has an AC of +3, not +4. Finally, is the Cad a fighter archtype from Ultimate Combat? I don't have a copy of that yet, so that may explain some of my ignorance.

EDIT: Also, recruitment will close after today.

The Armor bonus is a typo. Cad is an archetype from UC. It gives up medium and heavy armor for more class skills and some other stuff.

Grand Lodge

This is Sigz character pfs nr. 8595-3.

Done with the crunchy bits, heading for shopping.

Andrazi, thanks. The Cad sounds like it might be the sort of fighter I've been trying to build. Congradulations, you've single-handedly convinced me to go by the UC .pdf. My hard copy is still in the mail, but I'm impatient now.

Pavo, I hope you're Improved Faint abilitity isn't triggered by the sight of blood. It will make combat rather challenging! That has to be one of the greatest typos in the game. :)

The Exchange

No problem. It's basically just a dirty fighter which focuses on disarming, dirty tricks, and using improvised weapons.

Grand Lodge

DM_the Loreweaver wrote:

Andrazi, thanks. The Cad sounds like it might be the sort of fighter I've been trying to build. Congradulations, you've single-handedly convinced me to go by the UC .pdf. My hard copy is still in the mail, but I'm impatient now.

Pavo, I hope you're Improved Faint abilitity isn't triggered by the sight of blood. It will make combat rather challenging! That has to be one of the greatest typos in the game. :)

lol. Yes, a typo! I'll fix it.

Grand Lodge

Hey this is the foundation for my Witch, Just the nit and grit, story and gear to come. Also, A thing about my race, are Changelings allowed? it's official and whatnot from PF #43 Haunting of harrowstone; I've searched the additional errata and it doesn't mention anything about races, It's for flavor if anything. I'll link the racial statistics.

Dark Archive

Actually I think I'm gonna sit this one out. Have fun guys!

Shadow Lodge

Foux wrote:

Hey this is the foundation for my Witch, Just the nit and grit, story and gear to come. Also, A thing about my race, are Changelings allowed? it's official and whatnot from PF #43 Haunting of harrowstone; I've searched the additional errata and it doesn't mention anything about races, It's for flavor if anything. I'll link the racial statistics.

Changeling is not allowed.

Core races only.

Grand Lodge

Ahh, ok I read over the forums a bit more and now I realize my mistake, I saw some people in the PFS boards rolling assimar and tiefling characters and got a bit mixed up, I see now that was a Con reward type thing, I guess I'll have to wait till the ARG is released to play something non-core, in that case I think I'll pass on this game then I don't have a Core concept ATM xD looks like there is a full party anyways, three fighters, two rogue types, and a cleric. Have fun guys and please forgive my ignorance with the PFS rules =P

Foux wrote:
Ahh, ok I read over the forums a bit more and now I realize my mistake, I saw some people in the PFS boards rolling assimar and tiefling characters and got a bit mixed up, I see now that was a Con reward type thing, I guess I'll have to wait till the ARG is released to play something non-core, in that case I think I'll pass on this game then I don't have a Core concept ATM xD looks like there is a full party anyways, three fighters, two rogue types, and a cleric. Have fun guys and please forgive my ignorance with the PFS rules =P

Not a problem. Thanks for the interest. I'm curious to see how much of the ARG they incorporate into PFS when it's released. And I certainly hadn't heard anything about assimar or tieflings characters being used in PFS; I suppose I should look into that some more. Thank you for the heads up.

In the mean time, it looks like we have our six so I'll set up the IC thread this afternoon.

Grand Lodge

Just wanted to make sure everyone saw the word that we can take our faction feat after the end of the intro series. I dont have the link, (I'm at work and dont have the time to look for it again.)but I read it yesterday on the PFS forums.

Alright then, it looks like we've got six players for this shindig. Hekirin Fujima, Srina, Andrazi, Thoradin, Tanrov, and Pavo Voraluis can all head over to the IC thread, located HERE.

Sovereign Court

If anyone drops out, or you plan to run any more Society games, please let me know. I'm very interested in starting a character in the system.

Same here--I would really like to get started in PFS play, but haven't managed to snag a game yet.

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