
Hida Nagatsuna's page

241 posts. Alias of Dark Arioch.

About Hida Nagatsuna

Hida Nagatsuna
Crab Clan Berserker

Earth: 2
+- Stamina 3
+- Willpower 2

Water: 2
+- Strength 3
+- Perception 2

Fire: 2
+- Agility 3 (12 cp)
+- Intelligence 2

Air: 2
+- Reflexes 2
+- Awareness 2

Void: 2 (0 used)


Athletics 2 (2 cp)
Defense 1
Heavy Weapons (Tetsubo) 1 (Tetsubo to hit:5k3 damage:4k3)
Hunting 1
Kenjutsu (Katana)3 (7 cp) (Katana to hit:7k3+3 damage:5k2)
Lore: Shadowlands 1
Jiujutsu 3 (5 cp) (to hit:7k3 damage:3k2)
Iaijutsu 2 (3 cp)
Deceit 2 (3 cp)
Artisan: Origami 2 (3 cp)
Theology 1 (1 cp)


Death Trance (1 cp due to dojo)
Large (2 cp)
Crab Hands (6 cp)
Hands of Stone (6 cp)
Dangerous Beauty (2 cp)


Driven (-3 cp)
Obligation (-2 cp)
Lechery (-3 cp)
Compulsion (-2 cp) (love of geisha)
Dark Secret (fathered child out of wedlock)


Razor’s Edge Dojo (2 cp)
Benefit: May purchase the Death Trance Advantage for 1 point rather than the usual 3 points.

Fury of Hida

Whenever you engage in combat, you may enter an enraged state as a Simple Action. While enraged, you ignore wound penalties for a number of rounds equal to your Earth Ring x 3, plus 1 round per School Rank. You may still suffer Wound points, but you suffer no penalties because of them. Further, you may roll and keep a number of extra dice equal to your School Rank when rolling attack and damage. All damage rolls made against you receive a +2 bonus to the total.

When you are not in an enraged state, you gain a bonus to your TN to Be Hit equal to your Fire Ring plus your School Rank. At any time, you may come out of your enraged state by making a Raw Willpower Roll against a TN of 20. If you succeed in calming your rage, you lose all bonuses and penalties granted by this technique while in the enraged state. If you calm your rage within 100’ of an enemy, you may not reenter the enraged state for the rest of the day.

Honor 1.3
Status 1
Glory 1.2
Insight: 114
XP:4 (0 Spent)

Light Armor
Blue body paint
Kimono and sandals
Traveling Pack
3 koku

Physical Description:
Hida Nagatsuna is a wall of muscle, 6'3" in stature. He obviously takes great pride in his body and has blue symbols of strength and earth painted over his oiled chest and arms. His wild mane of hair pulled loosely back and tied in place. His dark eyes are windows into the heart of a raging storm. He has no marks or scars as of yet despite the obviously violent lifestyle he leads.


The way of the Crab clan berserker was not always Hida Nagatsuna's path. He has always felt in his spirit that he was special above and beyond even the nobles, samurai, and shugenja. Always the largest child of his age he would smash through any foolish enough to challenge him with ease, he laughed at the worst the elements had to throw at him when others would freeze or burn, and people sensed he had a closer connection to something deeper that seemed to guide and protect him in the worst of times. As a child his father taught him the ways bushido in hopes of refining and tempering his sons brute strength into the fine edge of a samurai. His father was relentless in this and had him practice with a wooden blade constantly to learn the way of the sword. "There are aspects of the sword in all things and you must understand each of them." Upon reaching the age of 14 he was allowed to touch a steel katana for the first time and felt it sing through him. Yet where his father sought out to conquer the raging emotions and turn him into a cold calculating warrior, Nagatsuna saw his emotions as a strength to be turned and wielded against his enemies. When the rage and passion he felt was unleashed he felt unstoppable. How could these insects stand before him? His father watched as he cowed his opponents even before striking a blow with shear presence yet warned his son that they were weak in spirit and should he ever truly face a samurai strong and balanced in bushido, his reliance on his strength would become his greatest liability. His father seeing he had reached the limits with what he could teach and sent Nagatsuna off to a Crab dojo where he would continue to be trained as a samurai. However after seeing a berserker training in the dojo he knew his true path instantly. He has held tighter than most berserkers to bushido because of his fathers teachings.

Nagatsuna's natural size has made him almost gentle most of the time for fear of unwittingly hurting those he does not intend too (some find this unnerving after seeing him in battle). He does origami to find peace when his emotions get the better of him (he was given this by his sensei as a punishment when he destroyed dojo property in a undirected rage and continued it on his own after that.)

The shadowlands sow fear amongst the weaker clans. NOT SO WITH THE MIGHTY CRAB! Hida Nagatsuna will unleash his ferocity upon the dark things that slither through the darkness. His rage shall be felt all the way back to the pit. Understand that as soon as he is deemed worthy to stand on the Southern walls the Shadowlands will tremble! Nagatsuna is still seen as young and unready to face the true horrors on and beyond the wall by most other Crab bushi. He of course see it differently and sees the tournament as a way to finally prove that he is MORE than ready.

Without a doubt he honors his father above all others.

One of his greatest weaknesses is the mystery of women. He finds the passion they bring about in him exhilarating and revels in it with almost the same intensity as he does battle.

From "Master of War," the Hida Berserker School (Bushi)

Benefit: +1 Stamina
Honor: 1.5
Heavy Weapons (Tetsubo)
Lore: Shadowlands
Any one Bugei Skill
Any two weapons
Light Armor
Red body paint
Kimono and sandals
Traveling Pack
3 koku
Technique: Fury of Hida
Whenever you engage in combat, you may enter an enraged state as a Simple Action. While enraged, you ignore wound penalties for a number of rounds equal to your Earth Ring x 3, plus 1 round per School Rank. You may still suffer Wound points, but you suffer no penalties because of them. Further, you may roll and keep a number of extra dice equal to your School Rank when rolling attack and damage. All damage rolls made against you receive a +2 bonus to the total.

When you are not in an enraged state, you gain a bonus to your TN to Be Hit equal to your Fire Ring plus your School Rank. At any time, you may come out of your enraged state by making a Raw Willpower Roll against a TN of 20. If you succeed in calming your rage, you lose all bonuses and penalties granted by this technique while in the enraged state. If you calm your rage within 100’ of an enemy, you may not reenter the enraged state for the rest of the day.



Initiative: 3k2

Dark Secret:

Several months later - about 10, as it happens - you receive a letter at your duty station on the Wall. It bears no mark or sign to indicate its origins, but the contents are these:


It has been some time since we met, brief as it was, but I hope the memory has not entirely slipped away from you. I am writing you to tell you two things. First, the Crane questioned and released me, convinced that I had nothing to do with the events at the Topaz Championship last spring, neither the thing between the Isawa and the Matsu nor the assassination of the Emerald Champion. I tell you this because I want no suspicions about me to linger in your mind.

The second thing is this: your son was born three weeks ago, healthy and strong. We will not trouble you again, but I wanted to you know."

There is no signature.

A SON! He stood in shock for the rest of his shift. Had the Shadowlands spewed some monstrosity from the Pit of Fu leng itself it wouldn't have registered. This.....this.....was supposed to be a celebrated event. A son. He would be raised by a ronin and never know the true glory of the Crab. Could he allow it? Did he really have any choice?