Monty Haul's Storm King's Thunder - 5E

Game Master Steve Geddes

Campaign Day: Day twenty two. Campaign Map: Varisia

Current Time: Oathday 28th of Pharast 4712 - midmorning

Weather: Sunny and Warm.

Current Goal: Find the Frost Giant Harshnag.


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in the gameplay thread, Pik wrote:

Cutting Words: If Pik is being attacked, will use ability if attack roll is 21 or less. If greater than 21, Pik will use the ability to reduce the damage. If he's not being attacked, he'll use the ability on the first Giant that rolls an attack within 3 of another PC's AC. If all attack rolls are greater than a PC's AC+3, then he'll use cutting words to reduce the damage of the last hit.

I think that should work?

Works fine for me - I may have to use judgement a bit (a la redirecting your faerie fire when the boss went down), but such is the life of a PBP.

It's not going to matter here, I suspect, but you'll have to pay attention to the round summaries to see whether it comes off. I don't track player uses of abilities.

Rath, I'm a little bit concerned at the power of Scorching Breath as written. Let me know if you agree (I tend to leave these sorts of calls to players because I'm a big softy :p)

At the start of this path, you gain resistance to fire damage. You are also able to attack a creature that you can see with an elemental blast of flame as a bonus action. The target must make a Constitution saving throw or suffer 1d8 plus your Wisdom ability score modifier of fire damage.

My concern is only the range: "a creature you can see". Doing this as a bonus action every round with essentially unlimited range seems too good to me. What do you think about modifying it to: "a creature you can see within thirty feet"?

The dragonborn breath attack has a thirty foot range (and maybe I'm seduced by flavor considerations, but the image of breathing at some guy cresting the horizon seems a little weird to me).

Str +5, Dex +2, Con +4, Int -1, Wis +1, Cha -1
HP 16/39 | AC 15 | Init +2 | Passive Perc: 13
Rage 2/3, Short Rest HD 3/3(1d12+2)

Just a heads up GM, I am traveling pretty much all day for a hunting trip this weekend, last weekend of duck season in arkansas, so I will be out of pocket till later this afternoon. The camp where I stay doesn't have internet so I will be posting from my phone this weekend. I will still post 1/day, and will try for more.

Male Human; AC 19, HP 50/30 HD 6/6 (1d8); Init: +1; PER +4; Spell Slots 2/1 Shaman / 6; STR +4, DEX +1, CON +3, INT -1, WIS +6, CHA +0
Monty Haul wrote:

Rath, I'm a little bit concerned at the power of Scorching Breath as written. Let me know if you agree (I tend to leave these sorts of calls to players because I'm a big softy :p)

At the start of this path, you gain resistance to fire damage. You are also able to attack a creature that you can see with an elemental blast of flame as a bonus action. The target must make a Constitution saving throw or suffer 1d8 plus your Wisdom ability score modifier of fire damage.

My concern is only the range: "a creature you can see". Doing this as a bonus action every round with essentially unlimited range seems too good to me. What do you think about modifying it to: "a creature you can see within thirty feet"?

The dragonborn breath attack has a thirty foot range (and maybe I'm seduced by flavor considerations, but the image of breathing at some guy cresting the horizon seems a little weird to me).

I don't have a problem with decreasing the range a bit, however as we increase in level that 1d8+4 will mean less and less. In addition the CON bonus doesn't half the damage it negates it, so I don't see it being overpowered. Perhaps we can either increase the range to... say 120', or leave the range is it is and limit it to 1+proficiency bonus uses until a short rest???

I think that "scorching breath" is probably a bad name for the ability, as I see it as calling forth a ball of elemental force, not breathing a cone... which by the way can affect multiple targets with it's 30' range, escalates in power and gives half damage even on a save. I envision the spell as Rath calling forth a flaming crow from the spirit world that divebombs and damages the individual, more than spitting forth a ball of fire.

Strength +0, Dexterity: +6, Constitution+4, Intelligence +2, Wisdom +2, Charisma +7
HP 60/60 | AC 16 | Init +5 | Passive Perception: 18 darkvision | Inspiration: N
Monty Haul wrote:

Works fine for me - I may have to use judgement a bit (a la redirecting your faerie fire when the boss went down), but such is the life of a PBP.

It's not going to matter here, I suspect, but you'll have to pay attention to the round summaries to see whether it comes off. I don't track player uses of abilities.

Great! And no worries, I'm happy to track my own uses. :)

Rath Irreson wrote:

I don't have a problem with decreasing the range a bit, however as we increase in level that 1d8+4 will mean less and less. In addition the CON bonus doesn't half the damage it negates it, so I don't see it being overpowered. Perhaps we can either increase the range to... say 120', or leave the range is it is and limit it to 1+proficiency bonus uses until a short rest???

I think that "scorching breath" is probably a bad name for the ability, as I see it as calling forth a ball of elemental force, not breathing a cone... which by the way can affect multiple targets with it's 30' range, escalates in power and gives half damage even on a save. I envision the spell as Rath calling forth a flaming crow from the spirit world that divebombs and damages the individual, more than spitting forth a ball of fire.

All good points. (Power was probably a poor choice of word). Let's impose a range of 120' for now and leave everything else as is. Feel free to get back to me if you feel that's too restrictive down the track. I'm not really in the habit of restricting player abilities - as I said, it may just have been a flavor-induced disjunction.

I've assumed you used a bonus action last round (and thus given him a CON save).

Kraz Thadoom wrote:
Just a heads up GM, I am traveling pretty much all day for a hunting trip this weekend, last weekend of duck season in arkansas, so I will be out of pocket till later this afternoon. The camp where I stay doesn't have internet so I will be posting from my phone this weekend. I will still post 1/day, and will try for more.

No worries, Kraz. I took the liberty of posting one round's of actions without waiting - it seemed pretty clear you or Coronei would finish the giant off. Hope you're enjoying your trip. :)

Str +5, Dex +2, Con +4, Int -1, Wis +1, Cha -1
HP 16/39 | AC 15 | Init +2 | Passive Perc: 13
Rage 2/3, Short Rest HD 3/3(1d12+2)


The Exchange

We seem very powerful compared to Pathfinder. Took out three giants and Kraz and Silvio did loads of damage. Very impressive.

Male Mountain Dwarf Ranger (Soldier)/5; HP: 61/61; AC: 19; Initiative: +3 (Adv); Passive Perception: 13; Inspiration: 1

We were able to get in close and two were distracted. If all three were focused on us and started chucking rocks, we could have been in a world of hate. Their bonuses to attack are likely so high that we would havd been fairly easy to hit.

Str +5, Dex +2, Con +4, Int -1, Wis +1, Cha -1
HP 16/39 | AC 15 | Init +2 | Passive Perc: 13
Rage 2/3, Short Rest HD 3/3(1d12+2)

5th edition is in no way shape or form as powerful as pathfinder.. While we do good damage and got the jump on them a 4th level pf barbarian would likely be attacking at +10 vs my +8 for 2d6+17 vs my 2d6+8 with the same weapon..

It's one thing I like about 5th, they seem to brought it back down to earth a little bit..

The Exchange

Hi All

I'm away for a gaming weekend tomorrow followed by watching the Superbowl thru the night despite what happened to my beloved Packers.

Should re-surface some time on Monday.

Will try to post as and when, but feel free to NPC me if needed.


As mentioned - it's fifth level time. There's one more "turbocharged" level to go, although the whole campaign does progress at a pretty rapid pace even after that.

I realise I've been a bit creatively dry in the last few days. Driving home today, my car temperature showed it as 47 degrees and I suspect those two facts are not unrelated. :o

Nonetheless, I'll pick the pace up again.

Also, I'm still grappling with pacing NPC interactions - thanks for your patience...

Male Mountain Dwarf Ranger (Soldier)/5; HP: 61/61; AC: 19; Initiative: +3 (Adv); Passive Perception: 13; Inspiration: 1

Do we roll for HP, or take the average from the book?

Human Rogue 4 Fighter 1 | AC 16 (17 when dual wielding) | hp 39/39 | hit dice 4/4d8, 1/1d10 | Second Wind []

Hmm, I need to think about the next level. Fighter level for offhand damage, more hit points and second wind or do I take another rogue level for more sneak attack and the damage reduction feature?

Male Mountain Dwarf Ranger (Soldier)/5; HP: 61/61; AC: 19; Initiative: +3 (Adv); Passive Perception: 13; Inspiration: 1

Dorin leveled to 5th.

+10 HP (Average of 6+Con)

Added Spike Growth and Lesser Restoration to Spells Known

Added Extra Attack ability

I would like to upgrade from Scale to Half Plate, but I do not think we have the cash.

Str +5, Dex +2, Con +4, Int -1, Wis +1, Cha -1
HP 16/39 | AC 15 | Init +2 | Passive Perc: 13
Rage 2/3, Short Rest HD 3/3(1d12+2)

Kraz also leveled..

+11 hps, average+4

Gained extra attack and fast movement.

Also would like Half-Plate if available as it would add 1 AC..

Looking at out loot it appears we have plenty of coin to purchase armor if it is available..

Male Mountain Dwarf Ranger (Soldier)/5; HP: 61/61; AC: 19; Initiative: +3 (Adv); Passive Perception: 13; Inspiration: 1

I have Scale To sell for half price to add to the value. Half-Plate is 750gp

Strength +0, Dexterity: +6, Constitution+4, Intelligence +2, Wisdom +2, Charisma +7
HP 60/60 | AC 16 | Init +5 | Passive Perception: 18 darkvision | Inspiration: N

Level 5:
hp: 9 [+5 Average +4 from Con]
Proficiency Bonus: +3
Bardic Inspiration (d8)
Font of Inspiration: Beginning when you reach 5th level, you regain all of your expended uses of Bardic Inspiration when you finish a short or long rest.
Added Spells Known: Dispel Magic
Spell Slots: +2 3rd-level

Switching Spell: switching out Silence for Invisibility

Dorin Stonehammer wrote:
Do we roll for HP, or take the average from the book?

You can choose. Mathematically, taking the average is better in the long run.

The two giant earrings you found are worth 1250gp each. You can't sell them here, but both armorers will take them in trade at full value.

Male Mountain Dwarf Ranger (Soldier)/5; HP: 61/61; AC: 19; Initiative: +3 (Adv); Passive Perception: 13; Inspiration: 1

Ok, then, Dorin will sell the Scale for 1/2 book value, equaling 25gp, and he will trade an earring for the 725gp owed. Kraz should jump in on this too. 1550gp would be what we would joimtly owe for a suit of Half Plate for each of us.

Str +5, Dex +2, Con +4, Int -1, Wis +1, Cha -1
HP 16/39 | AC 15 | Init +2 | Passive Perc: 13
Rage 2/3, Short Rest HD 3/3(1d12+2)

Im fine with using my share for some armor.. He hasn't worn any up to now, which in hindsight is kinda keeping with the barbarian theme lol..

Taking a quick look at our loot list, selling the full price items, gems, silver bars erc, and the gear for 1/2 each of us would end up with 822 gold.. If everyone is ok with that I'll use 750 out of my gold to buy the armor.

That would leave the holy water, potions of healing, and scroll of invis in the loot list and everything else gone..

Elf Bladesinger 5; Init +4; Spells Left 4/2/2/1; Hits 27/27; AC17/21+mirror image; Passive Perception +7, Passive Investigation +11

Coronei will take the average of 4 hits.

Proficiency goes up to +3.

Gained 2 extra 3rd level spells. Any suggestions, chaps?


p.s. I like the looks of slow and fly.

Human Rogue 4 Fighter 1 | AC 16 (17 when dual wielding) | hp 39/39 | hit dice 4/4d8, 1/1d10 | Second Wind []

I'm going to go for a fighter level:

Hit points: +8 (average 1d10 (6) + 2 con)
Proficiency rises to +3.
Fighting Style - Two-weapon Fighting. Add ability modifier to off hand damage.
Second wind - Regain 1d10 + fighter level hit points. Recharges at short/long rest.
Extra proficiencies: medium armor, shields, martial weapons

Also think I've misscalculated my HP. It should be 8 + 2 + (3*(5+2)) = 31. Plus this level for a total of 39.

Coronei Amasartis wrote:

Coronei will take the average of 4 hits.

Proficiency goes up to +3.

Gained 2 extra 3rd level spells. Any suggestions, chaps?


p.s. I like the looks of slow and fly.

I have no idea, but I think Slow is nice.

Kraz Thadoom wrote:

Im fine with using my share for some armor.. He hasn't worn any up to now, which in hindsight is kinda keeping with the barbarian theme lol..

Taking a quick look at our loot list, selling the full price items, gems, silver bars erc, and the gear for 1/2 each of us would end up with 822 gold.. If everyone is ok with that I'll use 750 out of my gold to buy the armor.

That would leave the holy water, potions of healing, and scroll of invis in the loot list and everything else gone..

Thanks, Kraz.

Let's go with that. I've amended the party loot accordingly. Everyone can add 822 gold to their own character sheets. (Unless you're spending some in the morning).

Male Mountain Dwarf Ranger (Soldier)/5; HP: 61/61; AC: 19; Initiative: +3 (Adv); Passive Perception: 13; Inspiration: 1

822-725=97 for my gold...updated on profile sheet.

Strength +0, Dexterity: +6, Constitution+4, Intelligence +2, Wisdom +2, Charisma +7
HP 60/60 | AC 16 | Init +5 | Passive Perception: 18 darkvision | Inspiration: N

Gold updated!

Male Human; AC 19, HP 50/30 HD 6/6 (1d8); Init: +1; PER +4; Spell Slots 2/1 Shaman / 6; STR +4, DEX +1, CON +3, INT -1, WIS +6, CHA +0

HP: 5+3=8
Proficiency Bonus: +1=+3
Primal Protector: Class feature
(4) Spells known: 2-slots
2nd level slot: Lesser Restoration

Human Rogue 4 Fighter 1 | AC 16 (17 when dual wielding) | hp 39/39 | hit dice 4/4d8, 1/1d10 | Second Wind []

Gold updated. 822 - Rapier (30 gp) - Studded Leather (54 gp) - 4 healing potions (4*50gp) = 538 gp

Strength +0, Dexterity: +6, Constitution+4, Intelligence +2, Wisdom +2, Charisma +7
HP 60/60 | AC 16 | Init +5 | Passive Perception: 18 darkvision | Inspiration: N

Gold updated!

Shortbow (25gp), 20 Arrows (1gp), Studded Leather Armor (45gp)
766gp remaining

Just a note on this battle. I'm on the road for a week (I'll have more time to post than usual). However, I don't have access to scanners, nor my usual high-tech array of markers, paper maps and plastic sheets.

I'm afraid this combat (complicated as it may be) may have to be text-based. There's a broad overview of Roderic's Cove in the campaign information showing where the two forces are coming from, but we'll need to wing it a bit in terms of precise placement.

As a general rule, I'm going to err in your favor if it comes to ten feet here or there, so don't get too hung up working out if things are in range or not. If it sounds semi plausible - go for it.

Woody Allen off-topic comment:
I once read a terrific Woody Allen short story which was essentially a correspondence game of chess where the two protagonists got more and more irate with one another as it gradually transpired they were basically playing two entirely different games. Fingers crossed my descriptions will be parsable enough for all of our various 'head pictures' to be roughly the same... :o

I also thought I'd post an 'inspiration is in the PC hands' reminder. Feel free to give one another inspiration liberally (though you can't get it if you've already got it so it might be good for everyone to put a y/n toggle in their class/race profile so the other players can track it easily).

The Exchange

Coronei is off sick with manflu. Please bot me if needed.

Str +5, Dex +2, Con +4, Int -1, Wis +1, Cha -1
HP 16/39 | AC 15 | Init +2 | Passive Perc: 13
Rage 2/3, Short Rest HD 3/3(1d12+2)

While the it's a good idea to send maybe 1 person to help with the orcs, let's not forget we have 20 or so enemies facing the rest of us.. Please no more than 1 person go with the town guard..

Str +5, Dex +2, Con +4, Int -1, Wis +1, Cha -1
HP 16/39 | AC 15 | Init +2 | Passive Perc: 13
Rage 2/3, Short Rest HD 3/3(1d12+2)

For our valiant efforts thus far I would like to hand out an inspiration to everyone!

Human Rogue 4 Fighter 1 | AC 16 (17 when dual wielding) | hp 39/39 | hit dice 4/4d8, 1/1d10 | Second Wind []
Monty Haul wrote:

I'm afraid he did (spelling out each of the orog's action/moves is going to get rather spammy) however: he moved 15 feet then took the dash action to move 15 feet again. You've clearly annoyed him. :p

Silvio strikes at the orog fighting Kraz, however the beast's heavy armor once more protects him. Extricating himself from the melee, Silvio falls back and circles around the fight, looking for another avenue to attack.

Aw, shoot :) I was really hoping for that crit to land. Hopefully there will be other opportunities.

And Pik, thanks for the save! :)

Strength +0, Dexterity: +6, Constitution+4, Intelligence +2, Wisdom +2, Charisma +7
HP 60/60 | AC 16 | Init +5 | Passive Perception: 18 darkvision | Inspiration: N

Kraz, the uninjured one you're attacking is affected by faerie fire so you have Advantage!

And any time Silvio! Glad it's helping out!

Str +5, Dex +2, Con +4, Int -1, Wis +1, Cha -1
HP 16/39 | AC 15 | Init +2 | Passive Perc: 13
Rage 2/3, Short Rest HD 3/3(1d12+2)

Yea, but I'm trying to kill the one first.. If my first attack did so I'll roll advantage on the other two.. Waiting on GM to tell me status of attacks..

I just noticed I rolled out of order as well.. My bad..

No stress - I was waiting for the correct place in the turn before adjudicating your results but doing that probably just held things up, hey? Especially since nothing is going to change between now and then..(I'm still getting used to PBP - some of my habits don't translate well) :/

Your first attack is definitely going to finish off the wounded orog, so you'll have advantage on both attack two and the frenzy attack.

Str +5, Dex +2, Con +4, Int -1, Wis +1, Cha -1
HP 16/39 | AC 15 | Init +2 | Passive Perc: 13
Rage 2/3, Short Rest HD 3/3(1d12+2)

Oh how a life cleric would do wonders lol..

Heh. Yep - you're a powerful group damage output wise.
Healing is the definite gap, it seems to me.

Male Human; AC 19, HP 50/30 HD 6/6 (1d8); Init: +1; PER +4; Spell Slots 2/1 Shaman / 6; STR +4, DEX +1, CON +3, INT -1, WIS +6, CHA +0

Hi Guys. Work is insane right now, so though I'll keep up and post as needed, I won't be able to expand upon my actions for a couple of weeks.

Thanks for the heads up, Rath.

The Exchange

1 person marked this as a favorite.

hit by some kind of virus, please look after my pc for a couple more days.


Human Rogue 4 Fighter 1 | AC 16 (17 when dual wielding) | hp 39/39 | hit dice 4/4d8, 1/1d10 | Second Wind []
Monty Haul wrote:
Strength (athletics) check made as part of your move, although you move at half pace. Two of them would get an opportunity attack as you left their reach.

So I would still have an action? Enough to draw a healing potion and drink it?


err, nope. You used your action to extinguish the flames.

Human Rogue 4 Fighter 1 | AC 16 (17 when dual wielding) | hp 39/39 | hit dice 4/4d8, 1/1d10 | Second Wind []
Monty Haul wrote:


err, nope. You used your action to extinguish the flames.

I meant for future rounds :)

Ah yes then. (I was right the first time!)

Climbing is just part of your move, so doesn't need an action. (Your speed is half though unless you have the rogue ability to move at full).

Kraz Thadoom wrote:
Good Lord.. I think I'll roll my saves from now on lol..

A fair point actually. I thought I was speeding things up, but it doesn't impact on the speed of play at all. I'll leave those to the PCs in the future.

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