Modoru Redgrave

Emdi Emmay's page

680 posts. Organized Play character for Watery Soup.

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(he/him) | Troubles in Otari | 2-22 | 1-24 | Icons: ◆◇↺

Please use this thread for out of character discussions.

I will be setting up an RPGChronicles signin sheet shortly.

(he/him) | Troubles in Otari | 2-22 | 1-24 | Icons: ◆◇↺
1-24 wrote:
The Pathfinder Society is called to action once more! Venture-Captain Dagur Hawksight needs a skilled group of experienced adventurers to scout ahead of a caravan crossing the Numerian wastes. Only the most skilled explorers can be entrusted with such a mission, for deadly pools of poison, fearsome mutants, and robots of all sizes are only the best-known dangers to plague the wastes. Lurking in the shadows, a gang of criminals armed with advanced technology seek to stop the PCs from completing their mission. Can the PCs overcome the many challenges before them, or will Hawksight's mission end in deadly failure?

Please "dot and delete": make any post (typically a single period), and then immediately delete it.

This game will begin on March 2, 2025.

(he/him) | Troubles in Otari | 2-22 | 1-24 | Icons: ◆◇↺

Alright, I have a lot of homework to do, and I'm not actually sure that Tiger is ready to start. I'll work on getting slides up over the weekend, and meanwhile, everyone just drop a line when ready.

Player Name (optional):
Character Name (required):
Character PFS# (required):
Character Faction (required):
Downtime Instructions (optional):

(he/him) | Troubles in Otari | 2-22 | 1-24 | Icons: ◆◇↺

The adventure begins at the top of an observation tower within Skyreach at the Grand Lodge in the city of Absalom. The Pathfinders have responded to a summons from the Decemvirate themselves. As they wait, they have a few minutes to socialize over the impressive view of the city, just before sunset.

Go ahead and introduce yourselves, and also, describe how you arrived here after your last adventure.

This is a recruitment thread for a trilogy:
#2-20 (Bastion in Embers), Level 5-8
#2-22 (Excising Ruination), Level 7-10
#2-24 (Parting Clouds), Level 7-10

Read this whole post carefully.

1. I am looking for 3-5 PCs who are looking to play all three scenarios in order. One seat is reserved for whatever character GM Tiger chooses to bring, so there will be 4-6 PCs total.

2. Recruitment is NOT first come first served. Recruitment will remain open for at least 72 hours (to Thursday evening Pacific Time, and probably a little later because that's Halloween), and then I will pick based on the following criteria:

a. I would strongly prefer to have the same characters through all three scenarios. This would mean characters that start at Level 6.2 (68-71 XP) to 8.2 (92-95 XP) would be ideal.

b. If a character really can't make it, I will definitely insist on having the same players through all three scenarios. If a character is locked into Gameday, I'm willing to delay the beginning of this scenario to accommodate.

c. Player posting history will be considered. This is a pretty big commitment, so if you have a habit of flaking out, sorry, that works against you.

d. If you're only looking to play 1 or 2 of the 3 parts, go ahead and apply, but I'm not going to make any promises, either a promise to include you, or a promise to exclude you.

e. If you would use replays on any of the parts, please state that up front.

f. This is a high level scenario so it's not newbie-friendly. I'll try and do more newbie-friendly stuff at another time. This recruitment is mostly in response to a very large demand for higher-level scenarios.

3. Over the past few years, I've been posting less reliably, and "1/weekday, 1/weekend" isn't really realistic for me (although I still try). I'm probably closer to 4/week, and would be looking for players who can post at my speed or faster, but are willing to be patient. I got my GameDay game done in 8 weeks, but I'm guessing 10-12 weeks/scenario is a more realistic expectation, so 30-36 weeks total.

Note that the timing of this game will run through two major US holidays and would probably preclude this character from participating in the Spring PbP convention.

4. To apply, please make a post from your main (non-character) account with different characters linked or listed, and their availability listed.

(he/him) | Troubles in Otari | 2-22 | 1-24 | Icons: ◆◇↺

For OOC discussion. I may or may not use RPGChronicles for signups - it depends on how much of the Chronicle is non-standard. I don't have the scenario yet, so I can't tell what will be easier for me.

(he/him) | Troubles in Otari | 2-22 | 1-24 | Icons: ◆◇↺
Scenario Description wrote:
Open Decemvirate member Eliza Petulengro is looking for a handful of intrepid Pathfinders to accompany her on an interdimensional journey throught the Maze of the Open Road! Eliza is traveling from the Grand Lodge in Absalom to the Woodsedge Lodge in Galt, but the Maze of the Open Road has become unstable and unpredictable in recent years. Eliza hopes that with help of her fellow Pathfinders, she can secure the road and prepare it for regular use by the Society once more.

Signups for this game occur through the Gameday XIII spreadsheet. When you have signed up there, you may dot and delete here, or introduce your character. The scenario will begin at the Grand Lodge in Absalom.

This is a recruitment thread for #1-21, Mistress of the Maze.

This is a Gameday XIII game, and signups must happen through the spreadsheet.

The rules for signing up for the spreadsheet may or may not be found in this thread.

(he/him) | Troubles in Otari | 2-22 | 1-24 | Icons: ◆◇↺

Tawk amongst yourselves.

(he/him) | Troubles in Otari | 2-22 | 1-24 | Icons: ◆◇↺

The Pathfinder Society is called upon to aid the fledgling nation of Vidrian! As the PCs sail beyond the edge of the Inner Sea and into the waters off the coast of southern Garund searching for new trade routes to connect Vidrian with new allies, the PCs find themselves amongst the iruxi, a civilization of lizardfolk astrologists. While the iruxi themselves seem to be likely allies, other forces stir in the nearby jungles, and if the PCs hope to return north with news of a newly charted route, they will need to first face an ancient evil whose presence complicates navigating the treacherous ocean ways.

This is open recruitment for 2-4 seats in a #1-09 (Star Crossed Voyages) / #1-23 (Star Crossed Court) double-header. Both scenarios are Levels 3-6, and two seats are reserved (Level 5 and Level 6), so high tier characters will be preferred.

#1-09 is a NON-repeatable scenario. #1-23 is a Repeatable scenario. Characters that can play both scenarios will be given priority.

Recruitment will be open from now until Monday, June 17, 2024, and selection is NOT first come first served. I will consider all applicants between now and Monday to have applied at the same time.

1-09, Star Crossed Voyages wrote:
The Pathfinder Society is called upon to aid the fledgling nation of Vidrian! As the PCs sail beyond the edge of the Inner Sea and into the waters off the coast of southern Garund searching for new trade routes to connect Vidrian with new allies, the PCs find themselves amongst the iruxi, a civilization of lizardfolk astrologists. While the iruxi themselves seem to be likely allies, other forces stir in the nearby jungles, and if the PCs hope to return north with news of a newly charted route, they will need to first face an ancient evil whose presence complicates navigating the treacherous ocean ways.
1-23, Star Crossed Court wrote:
On an idyllic island of the western coast of Garund, the PCs arrive at the iruxi city of Ekkeshikaar. Seeking to establish new trade relations between the lizardfolk of Ekkeshikaar and the people of Vidrian, the Pathfinder Society must navigate a delicate political landscape while thwarting the efforts of nefarious forces who seek to stop the proposed alliance by any means necessary.

The pace of this game will be slower than average, due to my personal schedule. I'll aim for 1 post per weekday, 1 post per weekend, but realistically, 2 posts per 3 days is what's happening.

I don't know if #1-09 is going to fill up. If you're interested in #1-23 only, you can apply, but I'll probably offer any leftover seats through PMs.

To apply, make a post with your character alias, explaining why the Pathfinder Society should choose that character for a first contact situation.

(he/him) | Troubles in Otari | 2-22 | 1-24 | Icons: ◆◇↺

For out of character discussion.

Please post:

Player Name (optional):
Character Name (required):
Character PFS Number (required):
Character Level (required):
Character Faction (optional):
Downtime Instructions (optional):

(he/him) | Troubles in Otari | 2-22 | 1-24 | Icons: ◆◇↺

This is an Outpost VII game scheduled to begin on March 4, 2024. Signups should be done through the Outpost VII spreadsheet.

Please dot and delete after you have claimed your spot on the spreadsheet.

(he/him) | Troubles in Otari | 2-22 | 1-24 | Icons: ◆◇↺

Please post the following information:

Player Name (optional):
Character Name (required):
Character PFS number (required):
Character Faction (optional):
Character Level (required):
Downtime Instructions (optional):

(he/him) | Troubles in Otari | 2-22 | 1-24 | Icons: ◆◇↺

The Pathfinders are summoned to a private audience with Venture-Captain Jorsal of Lauterbury within the Starrise Spire in the city of Nerosyan. A silent halfling in a hooded robe leads the Pathfinders to a chamber near the top of the spire and departs with a solemn nod, leaving the Pathfinders to their meeting.

Please introduce yourselves and, for flavor, describe how you arrived at Nerosyan.

This is the official recruiting thread for 1-13, Devil at the Crossroads, a Level 3-6 scenario.

1-13 wrote:
The Sarkoris Scar still aches from the recently closed Worldwound, but that hasn't stopped the Pathfinder Society and their allies in the Farheaven Clan from maintaining their efforts to reclaim the Sarkorians' ancestral homelands. At a trading post near the southern border of the Sarkoris Scar, the PCs meet their contact from the Farheavens but not all is as it seems. The PCs and their allies will need to unravel the twisted skeins of an infernal plot if they have any hope of avoiding becoming the next victims of a fiendish spirit. This adventure was concepted at Paizo's Adventure Design Workshop panel during Gen Con 2019.

1. Several people have indicated interest in REplaying this scenario. I am prioritizing players who have not played this scenario.

2. Posting expectations are standard-ish: on the low end of 1 post per weekday, 1 post per weekend. Let's just say 5 posts/week. This leads to a game length of between 7 and 9 weeks. Additionally, this is a long scenario, and we will probably go through one major US holiday, and potentially a second.

3. Recruiting is not on a first-come, first-served basis, and people who have indicated their interest in Cottonseed have not claimed a spot. Instead, I'll leave this open for 3 days (to roughly Friday morning US Pacific time) and everyone who applies will be considered to have applied concurrently.

4. To apply, make a post in this thread with your character alias, indicating whether or not your character has a specific interest in diabolic themes, and also whether you would be consuming a replay to play this.

(he/him) | Troubles in Otari | 2-22 | 1-24 | Icons: ◆◇↺

This game begins on September 4, 2023.

Signups are handled through Gameday. Please sign up there to claim your spot. I will adjust the player list here to match the signup sheet on September 3.

Please dot into Gameplay, and then post in this thread:

Player Name (optional):
Character Name (required):
Character Level (required):
Character PFS Number (required):
Character Faction (optional):
Downtime Instructions (optional):

Does your character have credit for any other Season 1 scenarios? I recall this scenario making reference to events in another scenario, but I don't have the scenario yet so I don't know which one. I figure credit for Season 1 should be rare by this point.

(he/him) | Troubles in Otari | 2-22 | 1-24 | Icons: ◆◇↺

The Pathfinder Society begins a perilous trek through the swamps and jungles of the Mwangi Expanse, searching for the location where the founding members of their organization formed the Open Road Pact. The clues the Pathfinders must follow are centuries old, however, and their best lead is the final logs of an ancient Pathfinder whose true fate may be markedly different than the world has been led to believe.

(he/him) | Troubles in Otari | 2-22 | 1-24 | Icons: ◆◇↺

Please post:

Player Name (optional):
Character Name (required):
Character's PFS Number (required):
Character Level (required):
Character Faction (required):
Downtime Instructions (optional):


(he/him) | Troubles in Otari | 2-22 | 1-24 | Icons: ◆◇↺

The Pathfinder Society is attempting to expand its presence beyond the Inner Sea throughout all of Golarion, including the continent of Tian Xia. While there is already a well-established lodge in Goka, the Lantern Lodge, the Society has correctly ascertained that this isn’t remotely adequate to serve the needs of an entire continent. To start, the Society is looking to establish another lodge on the easternmost region of Tian Xia — Minkai — to complement the Gokan lodge’s westernmost location.

This is open recruitment for 4 seats in #2-02, Mountain of Sea and Sky, a Pathfinder Society scenario for level 3-6 characters.

Two seats are reserved, for players Qstor and GM Tiger.

The game will move a slightly slower than traditional pace, likely 3-4 posts per workweek and 1 post on the weekend. I always aim for 1 post per weekday (5 per workweek) but I'm just being realistic about my schedule. I figure at this pace, the game will last 8-12 weeks, which means very specifically that characters that join this scenario should not plan on being available for GenCon.

This scenario is set in Minkai (Tian Xia), and the goal is to find a location for a new Pathfinder Lodge. Characters that are connected with Tian Xia (especially Minkai) [this includes characters that have a Chronicle for #1-06 Lost on the Spirit Road], or have backgrounds related to opening new lodges, or are of the Envoys' Alliance faction, will have priority.

Recruitment is NOT first come first served. I will leave this recruitment open for at least 72 hours (this will span one workday and one weekend, even if it's Friday in your neck of the woods already). I'll treat every player who applies in that time frame as if they had applied simultaneously.

To apply, please post:
1. Player Name
2. Character Name(s)
3. Character Level(s)

This is open recruitment for 4 seats in #2-02, Mountain of Sea and Sky, a Pathfinder Society scenario for level 3-6 characters.

Two seats are reserved, for players Qstor and GM Tiger.

The game will move a slightly slower than traditional pace, likely 3-4 posts per workweek and 1 post on the weekend. I always aim for 1 post per weekday (5 per workweek) but I'm just being realistic about my schedule. I figure at this pace, the game will last 8-12 weeks, which means very specifically that characters that join this scenario should not plan on being available for GenCon.

This scenario is set in Minkai (Tian Xia), and the goal is to find a location for a new Pathfinder Lodge. Characters that are connected with Tian Xia (especially Minkai) [this includes characters that have a Chronicle for #1-06 Lost on the Spirit Road], or have backgrounds related to opening new lodges, or are of the Envoys' Alliance faction, will have priority.

Recruitment is NOT first come first served. I will leave this recruitment open for at least 72 hours (this will span one workday and one weekend, even if it's Friday in your neck of the woods already). I'll treat every player who applies in that time frame as if they had applied simultaneously.

To apply, please post:
1. Player Name
2. Character Name(s)
3. Character Level(s)

(he/him) | Troubles in Otari | 2-22 | 1-24 | Icons: ◆◇↺

Character Creation: Level 2

Character Options: Any Common or Uncommon ancestries, heritages, backgrounds, classes, archetypes, and items. I'm open to Rare and Unique options if there's a good rationale for it. In addition, if you have a PFS Chronicle with boons (e.g., phoenix bloodline from Fists of the Ruby Phoenix), I'm allowing those as well.

Starting Wealth: 3 options

1. If you're rolling over your character from Menace Under Otari, you may roll over your character's items and wealth. Please don't try to do silly things like handing over all the gold in Menace to one character and then rolling that one character over. :)

2. 30 gp total cash

3. One 1st level permanent item plus 20 gp cash

(he/him) | Troubles in Otari | 2-22 | 1-24 | Icons: ◆◇↺

Otari is a lumber town and trade port with a storied past that was founded by a group of adventurers over 400 years ago. Today, the town is a prosperous community and one of the most influential along the coast of the Isle of Kortos.

Though day-to-day life in Otari is much like that of any small town, its skyline stands out due to the enormous waterwheel at the town’s eastern edge, the ingenious and enormous flume that brings lumber down the cliffside for easy transportation.

About 1,240 people live in Otari, drawn from all over the world. Most of the town’s residents work in the local fishing and lumber industries.

(he/him) | Troubles in Otari | 2-22 | 1-24 | Icons: ◆◇↺

Otari is a lumber town and trade port with a storied past that was founded by a group of adventurers over 400 years ago. Today, the town is a prosperous community and one of the most influential along the coast of the Isle of Kortos.

Though day-to-day life in Otari is much like that of any small town, its skyline stands out due to the enormous waterwheel at the town’s eastern edge, the ingenious and enormous flume that brings lumber down the cliffside for easy transportation.

About 1,240 people live in Otari, drawn from all over the world. Most of the town’s residents work in the local fishing and lumber industries.

(he/him) | Troubles in Otari | 2-22 | 1-24 | Icons: ◆◇↺


(he/him) | Troubles in Otari | 2-22 | 1-24 | Icons: ◆◇↺

The small seaside town of Otari is known for its fresh fish and skilled sailors, but above all, it’s a big logging town, providing valuable wood to the nearby metropolis of Absalom. But for you, Otari is home. You grew up playing on the docks, getting lost in the nearby woods, and hearing the fantastical stories of travelers from faraway lands, tales of terrifying dragons and virtuous knights. Such adventure always seemed so distant—until today!

(he/him) | Troubles in Otari | 2-22 | 1-24 | Icons: ◆◇↺


(he/him) | Troubles in Otari | 2-22 | 1-24 | Icons: ◆◇↺

The small seaside town of Otari is known for its fresh fish and skilled sailors, but above all, it’s a big logging town, providing valuable wood to the nearby metropolis of Absalom. But for you, Otari is home. You grew up playing on the docks, getting lost in the nearby woods, and hearing the fantastical stories of travelers from faraway lands, tales of terrifying dragons and virtuous knights. Such adventure always seemed so distant—until today!

Open recruitment for 1-2 seats in the adventure in the Beginner's Box, Menace Under Otari.

1. The scenario will be run in Adventure Mode with the option for PFS credit at the end. The game will generally follow PFS rules, with the following exception: I'm allowing expanded access on ancestries, backgrounds, classes, and heritages (but not items or feats) - players can freely choose Uncommon ancestries, backgrounds, classes, and heritages. I'm also willing to consider Rare ancestries, backgrounds, and heritages, but on a "sell me on it" basis. I'm also willing to consider Uncommon items and feats on the same "sell me on it" basis.

You don't need to take the PFS credit, but you need to understand Society rules. Specifically, you need to understand that I think Society rules as a whole is a net positive. If you can't stand Pathfinder Society play, you're not going to like my games, because aside from Uncommon access, I run games very much in line with Society rules.

2. Recruitment will be open for at least three days from this post, March 1. All applications that are received in that time will be considered equally. Assuming that there are enough qualified applicants in the first week, I'll choose, and the game will start on March 6, concurrent with Gameday.

Either 4 or 5 seats are reserved for other players. I am aiming for 6 PCs.

3. The game will be played by play-by-post on the Paizo forums. I anticipate the game will run 3-4 months. I try to post every day, but I don't, so ... yeah. Sorry.

4. What am I looking for?
- A post from your main alias.
- An indication that you're interested in applying.
- An indication that you understand my boundaries.
- A statement about your familiarity with a. PFS2, b. PF2, and c. PbP.

(he/him) | Troubles in Otari | 2-22 | 1-24 | Icons: ◆◇↺

Please only post in the Recruitment thread until you have been specifically informed that you've been accepted into the game.

After you've been invited to post in Discussion, please post:

Player Name (optional):
Character Name (required):
Character PFS# (required):
Character Level (required):
Character Faction (optional):
Downtime Instructions (optional):

If you need help determining any of this information, I can walk you through the steps, just let me know what you need help with.

(he/him) | Troubles in Otari | 2-22 | 1-24 | Icons: ◆◇↺
#4-01 wrote:
Wonder abounds! The Pathfinder Society's vaults have suddenly recieved a huge treasure trove of precious items from around the world and beyond. Much remains mysterious about these objects, from their origins to the reason the trove's original owner was so desperate to be rid of it. A group of novice agents has the opportunity to explore the troves' wonders for themselves, but not all is as it seems. After being drawn into an otherworldly realm, they must use their wits and fight to escape with their lives!

Please only post in the Recruitment thread until you have been specifically told you've been accepted into the game.

This is a recruitment thread for #4-01, Intro: Year of Boundlss Wonder, a Repeatable Tier 1-4 scenario run in association with Gameday XI.

The game will begin on September 11, 2022, and finish before Novmber 20, 2022.

One seat is reserved for Farol.

The other 5 seats are recruited according to the following priorities:

High Priority: New to RPGs, new to PFS2, new to PF2, and/or new to PbP play who post in this thread before September 5, 2022; and players who will have GMed (but not played) #4-01 before September 11.
Normal Priority: Experienced players who will have not played (as a PC) #4-01 prior to September 11.
Low Priority: Experienced players who have, or will have played #4-01 with another character, before September 11. This includes anyone who intends to play it at a convention this weekend.


1. I expect players post at least 3 times per week, and will try to do the same. For those who have played in my games before, note this is a significant revision downward. The game should run 8-12 weeks.

2. The game is run according to PFS standards on Paizo forums, so all Community Standards apply to this game. In addition, I run my games as kid-friendly, so I may veto things technically allowed by Community Standards but not appropriate for an 8-year-old.

Path forward:

Please post in this thread if you'd like to join, but please be clear about which priority tier you fall into. If you have a character, you can post in character. If you need help creating a character, post with your main alias and I'll help you make a character and post with it.

On September 6 (probably early morning US Pacific Time), I'll post a list of who's in, so that those who don't make the cut have a few other days to find another game.

Any unfilled seats on September 6 will be strictly First Come First Served with no priority system. I will run the game with as few as 2 PCs.


How do I tell which feats are unlocked by the Chronicle boons without first applying it to a character and spending AcP to download the boon?

I apologize if there's a better place to ask this, but how do I find out what feats are unlocked with the AcP boons?

It seems kind of silly that I have to decide which character to apply the credit to, then commit to buying the boon, before finding out what the boon says.

(he/him) | Troubles in Otari | 2-22 | 1-24 | Icons: ◆◇↺

Please post:

Player Name (optional):
Character Name (required):
Character Level (required):
Character PFS# (required):
Character Faction (optional):
Downtime (optional):

(he/him) | Troubles in Otari | 2-22 | 1-24 | Icons: ◆◇↺

Please dot and delete. This game will begin when #3-07 ends, or when Outpost begins, whichever is later.

(he/him) | Troubles in Otari | 2-22 | 1-24 | Icons: ◆◇↺

Please post (even if nothing has changed):

Player Name (optional):
Character Name (required):
Character PFS# (required):
Character Level (required):
Character Faction (optional):
Slow/Normal Advancement (Normal default):
Replay? (Y/N):
Day Job (go ahead and make your roll):

(he/him) | Troubles in Otari | 2-22 | 1-24 | Icons: ◆◇↺

The recent attack on the Grand Lodge by agents of the Aspis Consortium left Master of Spells Aram Zey dead and his soul bound to a strange artifact.

Since most of the players are rolling over from 7-03, I'm going to assume everyone is traveling together back to the Grand Lodge.

Most consider Master of Scrolls Kreighton Shaine a peculiar figure within the Pathfinder Society. However, ever since the death of Aram Zey, Shaine’s demeanor and eccentricities have been subdued as he threw himself into a seemingly fruitless investigation of the Aspis Consortium agents that attacked Skyreach and murdered the Society’s Master of Spells.

Kreighton meets the Pathfinders at the docks to give them an update on the handful of leads relating to Zey’s death. To drive home the importance of this investigation, Kreighton has personally escorted you through Absalom from the Grand Lodge to the grim spires of the Blakros Museum. There, Shaine holds out a folded missive before reaching the doors.

This is a letter of writ indicating that you operate under the direct order of the Decemvirate. It does not compel assistance, but anyone within Absalom will think long and hard before refuse to cooperate. From the papers you found at the Blakros Museum, you know a magical lantern played a pivotal role in stealing Aram Zey’s soul after his murder. The curator of the Blakros Museum, Nigel Aldain, informed me that the building once housed such a relic. However, on your way back from Varisia, Nigel has discovered is now missing from the collection. He has agreed to open the museum’s doors to the Pathfinder Society and cooperate with this investigation.

Shaine quietly looks over each person assembled with a weary stare and turned-down lips. “Search the museum for clues regarding the lantern. If there is a connection between this relic’s disappearance and Zey’s murder, continue to follow any leads you find until you have exhausted all possible avenues of research, then report back with your findings. Every additional day gives the culprit more time to hide; research rarely happens quickly, yet I cannot remind you enough that time is of the essence. The soul of someone I consider a dear friend hangs in the balance.

Kreighton takes in a deep breath then exhales slowly, trying to regain his composure. “I wish you luck, Pathfinders. Do you have any questions before I depart?

I note that the COVID thread was closed. (It was closed a few weeks ago, but I only just noticed it.)

That's fine, I don't think the discussion was relevant to the original post.

But I disagree with the reason, that nothing is to be gained from the discussion. That's not true, and any company that seeks to have some vaccination metric needs to answer what vaccination means.

Let's say someone from China attends PaizoCon. The convention has a vaccination requirement; the attendee has a single dose of the Sinopharma vaccine, which is not authorized in the US. It will fall to Paizo to decide whether that counts as vaccinated.

It's always possible the FDA, CDC, federal government, the state of Washington, or a hotel chain will have a policy that obviates the discussion. But from what I've seen, everyone is dealing with similar uncertainty.

It's not an easy decision, there are good arguments for both decisions, and there are bad arguments for both decisions. But it's a necessary discussion that people need to have, and it would benefit Paizo to have a space where reasonable people who share Paizo's interests can have a productive discussion - even if no consensus is reached, the discussion could be referenced by Paizo management in the future when complex decisions need to be made.

The worst case scenario is that the discussion gets put off and someone makes a unilateral, ill-informed decision at the spur of some future moment - like when the hypothetical attendee shows up at the PaizoCon registration desk and it falls to some random volunteer to make this decision.

Recruiting one for this campaign. It's high tier (8-9) and it's the third scenario of a 4-campaign arc but the recruitment is limited to this one scenario to give a busy player the option of rejoining for the final scenario.

I'll leave this recruitment open for 24 hours and pick one. I'm going to heavily favor players I've played with before, just to keep it simple.

(he/him) | Troubles in Otari | 2-22 | 1-24 | Icons: ◆◇↺

The streets of Olfden bustle with activity as shopkeepers call out for attention, promising only the very best wares. In front of the Pathfinder lodge on the outskirts of town stands a statue of a woman wielding a blade and a wand, furiously battling a group of humanoid wolves. Several stone wolves lie dead at the statue’s base, but it’s clear the woman is being overwhelmed.

As if to give voice to the fallen wolves, a chorus of deep barks echoes from a walled yard behind the lodge.

Please introduce your characters. This game will tentatively start on November 29.

(he/him) | Troubles in Otari | 2-22 | 1-24 | Icons: ◆◇↺

Please post:

Player Name (optional):
Character Name (required):
Character PFS# (required):
Character Level (required):
Character Faction (optional*):
Downtime (optional*):

I am happy to help anyone who needs help choosing a faction or Downtime activity, and anyone who needs help making characters.

(he/him) | Troubles in Otari | 2-22 | 1-24 | Icons: ◆◇↺

Please post:

Player Name (optional):
Character Name (required):
Character PFS# (required):
Character Level (required):
Character Faction (optional*):
Downtime (optional*):

I am happy to help anyone who needs help choosing a faction or Downtime activity, and anyone who needs help making characters.

(he/him) | Troubles in Otari | 2-22 | 1-24 | Icons: ◆◇↺

The streets of Olfden bustle with activity as shopkeepers call out for attention, promising only the very best wares. In front of the Pathfinder lodge on the outskirts of town stands a statue of a woman wielding a blade and a wand, furiously battling a group of humanoid wolves. Several stone wolves lie dead at the statue’s base, but it’s clear the woman is being overwhelmed.

As if to give voice to the fallen wolves, a chorus of deep barks echoes from a walled yard behind the lodge.

Please introduce your characters.

Open recruitment for #2-19, Enter the Pallid Peak, a non-repeatable, Tier 1-4 scenario.

2-19 blurb wrote:
After the volcano Droskar's Crag erupted over 700 years ago, destroying many nearby cities in a cataclysm that would come to be known as the Rending, the dwarven empire of Tar Khadurrn fractured and eventually collapsed. Recently, a group of prospectors discovered a mountainside entrance to what they believe to be a sprawling dwarven complex, but they retreated from the dangers they found within. They have reported their discovery to the Pathfinder Society's lodge in Ulfden, and the Society is preparing to dispatch a group of agents to enter the mountain and learn what they can about the ruins within.

1. I am actively looking for a mix of new players and experienced players. New players can refer to new to RPGs, new to PF2, or new to PFS2. Active PFS2 players who are trying out a different format will count as experienced players for this recruitment.

2. Posting expectations are standard - one post per weekday, one post per weekend. Historically, for my games, this usually means games will last 5-7 weeks long, with a low of 3 and a high of 12. Note that this will mean our game goes through one and maybe two major US holidays. Posting expectations will be weekend-like during these periods, and note I dislike botting characters. Please be clear about your holiday plans.

3. Recruitment is NOT first-come, first-served. I will leave this recruitment thread open for 48 hours (until Saturday) and treat everyone who applies within that window as if they had applied simultaneously.

4. If you'd like to apply, just make a post with your character alias (for experienced players) or main alias (for new players).

(he/him) | Troubles in Otari | 2-22 | 1-24 | Icons: ◆◇↺

Please post (even if nothing has changed):

Player Name (optional):
Character Name (required):
Character PFS# (required):
Character Level (required):
Character Faction (optional):
Slow/Normal Advancement (Normal default):
Replay? (Y/N):
Day Job (go ahead and make your roll):

(he/him) | Troubles in Otari | 2-22 | 1-24 | Icons: ◆◇↺

The Pathfinders arrive in Magnimar just before dark and have just settled into their rooms when one of the manor’s servants, a young man named Jardan, gathers the Pathfinders, informing them that the Venture-Captain Sheila Heidmarch needs to speak with them immediately.

(he/him) | Troubles in Otari | 2-22 | 1-24 | Icons: ◆◇↺

Welcome to Malevolence!

Please dot into Gameplay, but read this before finalizing your character.

Per the recruitment, I've mostly selected you as players - we've played together before, as GMs or players for PFS, and I've found your characters flavorful and interesting in general. I left characters out of recruitment for a few reasons, but one of which is that there are some extra considerations for your characters, individually and as a group, which I'd like us to discuss before the game formally begins.

1. This is a horror-themed adventure, and I'll confess that I have never run a horror adventure before (my experience with RPGs has been mostly as a kid myself or with my kids now, and PFS tends to be only minimally creepy). It's possible that some things appear weird/funny rather than scary. To help me find a balance between entertainment and discomfort, I'm asking each of you to send me, privately, anything that you think is inappropriately scary (no questions asked, I just want to know what's out of bounds). Formally, the disclaimer on the Adventure is as follows:

Fine Print wrote:
Malevolence presents a fully detailed haunted house—a place filled with horror, tragedy, and elements that some players might find uncomfortable. These elements include body horror, filicide, domestic violence, gore, mental illness, mental trauma, mutilation, physical trauma, and suicide. Before you run this adventure, understand that consent from everyone at the table, including the players and the Game Master, is vital to a safe and fun play experience. You should talk with your players before beginning the adventure and modify descriptions or events as appropriate.

2. There is an absurdly deep, and moderately complex backstory to this Adventure, which you're expected to uncover piecemeal through a Research subplot. I'm going to recommend that the group coordinates to make sure that the skills Occultism, Religion, and Society are thoroughly covered. Alternatively, Library Lore is often used as a substitute for those skills, and I've been toying with the idea of just giving it to each of you as a bonus Lore. Your input would be appreciated.

3. The setting is an abandoned village in the middle of nowhere; this presents a problem in that, technically, you'd have to spend a week or so traveling to the nearest town and back. With agreement, I'm going to use a system that my kids liked: whenever you would otherwise buy something from town, let me know what you'd want to buy, and I'll have it appear as treasure. Common items of up to your current level are always available.

4. As part of your character's backstory, you'll need a reason to be in Crooked Cove. I'm posting two of the pre-written ones, and then adding two of my own. These are moderately important in that, depending on your background and plot hook, you may start with advantages in the Research subplot.

(Pre-written) Plot Hook #1: An Unexpected Inheritance:
When Ravounel separated from Chelaxian rule, the task of sifting through decades of paperwork to make restitution to families who suffered under House Thrune became one of the new nation’s goals. The complex maze of redactions and missing documents has made it a maddening task, but now and then, a discovery is made. This adventure hook assumes one such discovery—that one (or more, at your discretion) of the PCs is the last surviving heir of the Xarwin line. The PC could be a direct descendant from the escaped sibling (who would have sought shelter in Kintargo almost 80 years ago in 4642 ar), an adopted child, or even the offspring of a close family friend. Whatever the connection, legal researchers determine that the PC in question is the rightful inheritor of the Xarwin estate, which includes the forgotten manor and, likely, much of what remains within its walls. Alternatively, an NPC heir could have hired the PCs to travel to Xarwin Manor to examine the estate and catalog its contents. In either case, notes within the document make it plain that before the estate can be liquidated, it must first be made safe to prospective buyers. Whether or not the PC wishes to make the manor their new home or simply prepare it for sale, a full exploration of the site made to ensure its safety is required.

(Pre-written) Plot Hook #2: Investigating a Legacy:
A curious NPC has heard rumors about Xarwin Manor being one of the “most-haunted forgotten places” of Cheliax, is intrigued by the unknown legacy of a minor Chelaxian noble, or has learned about a mysterious magical relic said to have last been in the possession of Ioseff Xarwin. Choose one of the research topics on page 60, and once they fully research the topic, they’ll have enough information to earn a payment of 400 gp after reporting to their patron. Alternately, depending on your group’s playstyle, the players could be the curious party in question, in which case the only reward for completing the research topic is satisfying their own curiosity.

(GM-Initiated) Plot Hook #3: Nosoi Psychopomps:
Characters with ties to nosoi psychopomps (e.g., psychopomp sorcerer bloodline, psychopomp versatile heritage) hears rumors of a gathering. Nosoi are swarming to Crooked Cove, and the character is pulled along.

(GM-Initiated) Plot Hook #4: Desnans:
Along a distant roadside is a cryptic shrine dedicated to the "Order of the Starless Night" who made a long-forgotten sacrifice to save the world. The script and weathering suggest it was made at the height of the Thassalonian Empire, and the character has been searching western Avistan for other references.

(he/him) | Troubles in Otari | 2-22 | 1-24 | Icons: ◆◇↺

Only one road provides access to the region: a long and winding track that becomes increasingly overgrown the further it stretches from Kintargo, the capital of Ravounel. The journey from Kintargo to Crooked Cove is 280 miles. As travelers round the final corner to take in the sight of the long-abandoned settlement, a partially collapsed sign proclaims the site to be “Crook Cove.” The town’s buildings have largely collapsed into rubble. Half-collapsed pilings of wood jut from the surf, all that remains of many of the structures that once graced the shoreline.

None can miss the lone surviving building that stands within a clearing atop an otherwise wooded bluff overlooking the town to the northeast. Surrounded by a rusty iron fence, this manor was built so many years ago by Ioseff Xarwin, and among the town’s buildings, it alone has stood the test of time. A short additional walk up the hill along a barely-discernible track leads to reach the front gates to the manor grounds.