
Elf_NFB's page

Goblin Squad Member. Organized Play Member. 182 posts. 3 reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 3 Organized Play characters.


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Sovereign Court

Please cancel my pre-order of Pathfinder 2nd edition as well as my subscriptions to:
Starfinder Roleplaying Game
Starfinder Adventure Path
Starfinder Maps
Starfinder Society Roleplaying Guild

Thank you!

Sovereign Court

I'm really sorry to see this go. I even have the Calibre script I run weekly to get a early e-version for my Kindle. And, honestly, I'm a little sad to see Paizo grow too big for free fun weekly stuff.


Sovereign Court

The site seems to run so much better now.THANKS!!!

Sovereign Court

2 people marked this as a favorite.

I'm not angry. I'm not screaming. But I did cancel my subscription. At this point, I would prefer the ebook to the physical copy. Paying a bit more to get the physical copy AND the digital was fine by me. Since that isn't an option... ah well...

I will get the ebooks and pick and choose the physical copies for my "collection." of course, the first book IS a Dave Gross Jeggare book. And because it is, I find out this....

I ordered the physical copy at Amazon for $11.24 (25% off the cover or $3.75 cheaper). Then I returned later to check something (the spelling of "Jeggare") and guess what I see? Rather than going to the page for the physical copy, I went to the ebook page. And since I've purchased the dead-tree edition, I can now order the digital copy for $2.99 under something called "Book Match."

In other words, the physical and the digital versions for roughly the price of the physical copy alone.

Sovereign Court

Steve Geddes wrote:
What was planet stories? Was it golarion-related?

I met Mr Mona the year Pathfinder BETA rules came out at GenCon. I asked him what he would recommend in the Planet Stories. I don't remember what he told me.... but since I got the entire run, I figure he succeeded in selling me on the line. I've since been trying to find MORE of that old fiction. Anyone have a copy of Year of the Angry Rabbit I can buy... reasonably priced? :)

Sovereign Court

Count me as one who would end the subscription if the included electronic copy ends. I'll probably just switch to picking up the odd ebook at amazon every now and then.

Sovereign Court

Does Scotty's have a special Monday After GenCon die?

Sovereign Court

Interestingly, Target isn't affected by this problem.

Which I think is great... they have enough problems. ;)

Sovereign Court

FANTASTIC! One of the reasons I love Pathfinder is the evocative art! :)

Sovereign Court

4 people marked this as a favorite.

More timely and regular epub versions of the short fiction? I love the short stories, but find reading them on the screen more than annoying. I'm FINE paying the $1 for a nice epub. I just hope to get them in a more timely fashion and not in a large dump at the end of the year.... unless you guys plan to package them as single volume. :)

As for the Tales line in general? Maybe a novel or two that covers a point in Golarion History. Bring the world's PAST alive.

Sovereign Court

Thanks for epubs! :)

Sovereign Court

4 people marked this as a favorite.

GLORIOUS Reference! Made me smile this morning. :D

Sovereign Court

I use Calibre on every epub I get. Never had any problems. Works like a charm for me.

Sovereign Court

I've been hounding Paizo for epub versions since the first episodes went up. We've gotten 32 short stories. And that is it. THIS is a GREAT way to read them. Complete with in line images. Thanks!

Sovereign Court

I CAN'T be the only one who wants a subscription for something like this.. or the Society Scenarios... etc... PLEASE... just take my money already! ;)

Sovereign Court

James Sutter wrote:
We're actually working on the next batch right now, so hopefully we'll have it up before too long!

YAY! Been WAITING! I would LOVE a "subscription" model that automatically sends me the short fiction as it is completed on the website. Seriously! I KNOW you guys are giving it away free... I just would like an epub version. :)

Sovereign Court

I'll second Know Direction. It is a solid, regular podcast. I am constantly amazed at how much information they out.

Know Direction.

Sovereign Court

As the owner of a checkered giant... I think Paizo needs more rabbits. :)

Sovereign Court

Christopher Paul Carey wrote:
I finally received my copy of The Complete John Thunstone, and WOW, is it a beautifully produced book. If you dig Wellman, you should definitely check it out. The stories are amazing, too.

I got mine the other week. Fantastic stuff! :D

Sovereign Court

Sweet! :)

Sovereign Court

Any chance of more short fiction epubs? I know... I know... I can read them online. But I'd rather read them on my Kindle. And I love having the whole story collected in one place that is easily accessible to me. So.. any chance of more epubs? Pretty please? :)

Sovereign Court

I remember being excited seeing KQ in our local Books-A-Million.... I guess it just didn't last. Well.. I love my unfortunately small collection. And have nothing but nice things to say about every one of the Minions.

Sovereign Court

And it could have been Lisa's for the low low price of $4 billion :)

Sovereign Court

I never even knew there was a new contest! Is the Second volume ever going to come out? Loved the first one and keep looking for the next one!

Sovereign Court

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Nook Tablet!

Sovereign Court

I doubt we've seen a lot. WotC is NOT going to give us a game that pretty much fits into a 75 page book.....

However, I am enjoying the simpler rules (though I get that with Savage Worlds already).

Sovereign Court


Big improvement on my Nook Tablet. Love it love it love it!

Sovereign Court Goblin Squad Member

TIme to start hearing about the stretch bonuses. :)

Sovereign Court

1 person marked this as a favorite.

This was a fantastic short story. Count me in for wanting a full novel.

Sovereign Court

ulgulanoth wrote:
so long as those fanboys don't sneak attack him...

Seriously... i ran into him so many times I thought I was going to get a restraining order! :)

Sovereign Court

He's also VERY tolerant of the OLD fanboys just popping up out of nowhere to surprise him at GenCon. Hell of guy that Mr Reynolds.

To paraphrase Firefly, he's Our Mr Reynolds. :)

Sovereign Court

Vic Wertz wrote:
Elf_NFB wrote:

Crowd Source it? I'll take every 2nd, 5th and 2193rd sentence. Any one else?

I'll take the words "fire" and "thoroughly."

Which glutton for punishment wants the words "a," "and," "the," and the ever popular "what?"

Sovereign Court

Crowd Source it? I'll take every 2nd, 5th and 2193rd sentence. Any one else?

Sovereign Court

I'd hoped things would pick up again in 2012... and I ill still look forward to Planet Stories starting back up in the future. I'll second the appreciation for introducing me to Manly Wade Wellman. He is, without a doubt, the best thing I've been exposed to in the run. Mr Mona, you handed me my first Planet Stories book at GenCon a few years ago and I can't thank you enough. Since then Brackett, Burroughs, Moore, Lovecraft, and more have sprung to life for me. Thanks a bunch and I look forward to more in the future.

Sovereign Court

I'd been hoping for more along the lines of Manly Wade Wellman, Otis Kline and Leigh Brackett and less of Silverberg and Hugh Cook. Ah well....

Sovereign Court

That is fantastic. And Hopefully I will be able to get Mr Reynolds to sign it at next years GenCon.

Sovereign Court Goblin Squad Member

Azten wrote:
I will join you! As a community, we must all do are part to serve the greater good and help this company flourish...

Absolutely Azten! No matter the pain and suffering. ;)

Sovereign Court Goblin Squad Member

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I will take on the arduous duty of helping the playtest this game. I know... I know.. it will be grueling work... long hours... but I'm ready to make that sacrifice. <sigh> the things I will do and pains I will endure for the company I love...


Sovereign Court

Aberzombie wrote:

This seems like a good thread for my post......

Was in my FLGS today and found two, just-in Leigh Brackett books:

Shannach - The Last: Farewell to Mars

Lorelei of the Red Mist

Apparently, there's a publisher named Haffner that's been putting out some of this style of books. The store manager also told me they had previously published a book Brackett wrote with her husband. Can't remember the name.

Sweet! Found the books at Haffner Press. http://www.haffnerpress.com/

The book with her husband (Edmond Hamilton) COULD be Stark and the Star Kings.

Sovereign Court

Until I see something on the schedule, I'll remain skeptical.

Sovereign Court

Kata. the ..... wrote:

Having a Kindle and several of your epubs I saw the links to Calibre. I clicked on the link above and was invited to download version 0.8.17. I tend to avoid software that the makers are not comfortable to even label as version 1.0. How good is Calibre? Is it fairly stable, and consistent?

I've been using Calibre for about a year now. I've upgraded each time and have NEVER had a problem. I use both the Windows version and the Linux version and STILL have had no problems. Just for the record, I have the Kindle 3. If there are glitches with other readers, I don't know what they are and haven't encountered them. Seriously, Calibre is first rate.

Sovereign Court

Vic Wertz wrote:

I can promise you that Paizo is not announcing D&D 5th Edition at Gen Con.

See... that is exactly the sort of thing a person getting ready to announce 5th Edition D&D would say. ;)

Sovereign Court

Thanks to Planet Stories, my eyes were opened to a whole new world of science fiction and fantasy. One of my absolute favorites outside of the imprint is Edgar Rice Burroughs' John Carter of Mars. Disney released the trailer recently and it looks amazing. Any one else have some comments?

See the Trailer Here

Sovereign Court

Deathshead wrote:

I tried converting one of your files repeatedly, but it didn't work. It is protected by DRM. Thanks for helping me waste my money on your useless format which I can't use.

Three questions.... do you mean you tried to convert one of the Paizo files? Which one? Were you using Calibre to do it?

Just to be clear, I KNOW... extended experience from the first files released... that converting epub files to mobi files works on every single epub Paizo has released. It's not as simple as click on file A and select "Convert to Kindle readable version."

If you tried to convert a PDF to a mobi, then you MAY have a problem converting. But I have never tried this so I can't state for certain.

Please give me a little more information so I can help. :)

Sovereign Court

Ross Byers wrote:

ePubs are not entirely compatible with the Kindle: they usually require some conversion first. Calibre is free and we've gotten good feedback about its ability to convert our ePubs to the Kindle format.

I'll second the use of Calibre. I use it all the time. The conversion process is VERY easy.

By the way, Calibre will not only convert the file, it will upload it to your Kindle if it's connected by USB or you can set it up to email it your Kindle.

Sovereign Court

Taliesin Hoyle wrote:

The accepted epithets are


Oh I LIKE these. :D

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