
Elf_NFB's page

Goblin Squad Member. Organized Play Member. 182 posts. 3 reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 3 Organized Play characters.

Sovereign Court

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I'm not angry. I'm not screaming. But I did cancel my subscription. At this point, I would prefer the ebook to the physical copy. Paying a bit more to get the physical copy AND the digital was fine by me. Since that isn't an option... ah well...

I will get the ebooks and pick and choose the physical copies for my "collection." of course, the first book IS a Dave Gross Jeggare book. And because it is, I find out this....

I ordered the physical copy at Amazon for $11.24 (25% off the cover or $3.75 cheaper). Then I returned later to check something (the spelling of "Jeggare") and guess what I see? Rather than going to the page for the physical copy, I went to the ebook page. And since I've purchased the dead-tree edition, I can now order the digital copy for $2.99 under something called "Book Match."

In other words, the physical and the digital versions for roughly the price of the physical copy alone.

Sovereign Court

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More timely and regular epub versions of the short fiction? I love the short stories, but find reading them on the screen more than annoying. I'm FINE paying the $1 for a nice epub. I just hope to get them in a more timely fashion and not in a large dump at the end of the year.... unless you guys plan to package them as single volume. :)

As for the Tales line in general? Maybe a novel or two that covers a point in Golarion History. Bring the world's PAST alive.

Sovereign Court

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GLORIOUS Reference! Made me smile this morning. :D

Sovereign Court

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Nook Tablet!

Sovereign Court

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This was a fantastic short story. Count me in for wanting a full novel.

Sovereign Court Goblin Squad Member

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I will take on the arduous duty of helping the playtest this game. I know... I know.. it will be grueling work... long hours... but I'm ready to make that sacrifice. <sigh> the things I will do and pains I will endure for the company I love...


Sovereign Court

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What fanboy doesn't want a Seoni story? ;)

But seriously.. why only ONE iconic? Why not a small group? I'd love to see that. I'd also love to see some of the iconics make "cameo" appearances in Pathfinder Tales. Nothing detailed, just quick mentions or brief tavern encounters just to make the Tales-Golarion and the Pathfinder-Golarion more entwined.