Jeggare Noble

Dougal Fairbairn's page

484 posts. Alias of Deaths Adorable Apprentice.


Alexis Von Brant

F (578 posts)
Amund Basurto

male Human Cavalier lvl 6 Order of the Shield Init +2; Senses low light, Perception +11, HP 61 out of 61, Fort +7, Ref +4, Will +3 - AC 18, 12 touch , 16 flat-footed, CMB +9; CMD +21, Challange x2per day, Tactician x3 per day, (618 posts)
Aurora Warin

Female NG Oracle of Life lvl 4 / Init +1; S Per +7 (+2 gems, coins, jewelry, valuable trade goods, auto checkin 10ft) HP:33/33 / AC 14 / T 10 / FF 14 F+2 / R+1 / W+4 / CMB +5; CMD 15 / Channel (4/4)/per day 2d6 in 30ft. spells 1st (7/7) 2nd (4/4), conc +7 / wand cure lt wounds x1 charges, magic missile x10 charges/ feats: Summon Monster, Summon Good Monster (410 posts)
Beatrix Gott

female Aasimar Peri-Blooded (Emberkin) Oracle Seer lvl 1, NG, F+1 R+1 W+1, Init+1, Ac13 T12 FF11, HP9, BAB+0, CMB+1, CMD12, pyrotechnics (26 posts)
Jeggare Noble
Conri Cailean

Male CG Peri blooded Aasimar, Crossblooded Sorcerer (Dragon & Celestial bloodline) Lvl 2, Archmage & Marshal tier 1 HP 16/16 | acid,fire,cold,electric resist 5 | darkvision 60ft | AC-12 T-11 FF-12 | F+2 R+2 W+3 |CMB+2 CMD 13 | Init+1 | Perc +1 (+2 if familiar is close) | Spells (1st - 2/4) | Mythic pool 1/5 Wand of Magic Missile (x15 charges, cl 1) (57 posts)
Conri Warin

Male Half-Orc Seer Oracle lvl 2 | Darkvision 60ft, scent, | Spd 30ft HP: 15/15 |AC-14 T-10 FF-14 | F+3 R+1 W+7 |CMB+3 CMD13 | Init+0 | Perc +4 | -2 penalty on att and skill if 10ft from unconscious ally | Active Conditions none Uncanny Dodge (no actions in suprise rnd except flash of insight. if no suprise rnd then staggered 1 rnd) Staggered is only move or standard | retrieve a stored item needs standard acation, dropped item lands 10ft away | (105 posts)
Crux Flux
(7 posts)

Deaths Adorable Apprentice 280
(0 posts)
Shoanti Tribeswoman

Spells left 1st (6/6) 2nd (4/4) Aasimar (native outsider) Oracle (Seer) Lvl 4/ hp 32-38 Init +2/ Per +3/ darkvision 60ft/ CMB +4, CMD 16, Fort +3, Ref +3, Will +3; (+2 vs curses)/ hp 38/ 5 resist vs acid, cold, & electricity/ Active conditions: (816 posts)
Jeggare Noble
Dougal Fairbairn

Human male CG Level 4 Cleric of Cayden Cailean HP 33/33 |AC-17 T-12 FF-15 | F+7 R+5 W+7 |CMB+3 CMD14 | Init+1 | Perc +2 | Channel 2d6 30ft, DC 13, x5 per day, exclude up to CHA |Dazing touch 5/5 Spd 40ft | Active Conditions none Channel (5/5) Spells 1st (4+1/4+1) 2nd(3+1/3+1) (cure lt wand 45/50) (484 posts)
Harrow Reading
Emma Holt
(614 posts)
Gren Firetalon

HP 37/45 (61 posts)
Vorrea Talminari
Ingrid Holt
(3 posts)
Fey Animal
(1 post)

Jeva -
(0 posts)
Kallik Sisa

female NG Oread Phantom of Rage HP 69/69 |AC-18 T-12 FF-16 DR 5/slashing. DR 5/magic| F+8 R+3 W+6 |CMB+13CMD 24| Init+1 | Perc +5| (1,437 posts)
Hoary Muntjac
Knick Knack
(44 posts)
Krasimir Jelen
(44 posts)
Taergan Flinn
Malorrem Dovar

male half elf CG Invulnerable Rager Barbarian lvl 6 // HP 52/71 DR3/- fire res 1|AC-16 T-12 FF-14 | F+5 R+4 W+3 (+2 vs enc & continuous effects) |CMB+9 CMD21 | Init+2 | Perc +13/23 | Spd 40ft // Rage 17rnd |HP 91 DR3/- fire res 1|AC-14 T-12 FF-13 | F+8 R+4 W+5 | CMB+11 CMD23 | Spd 40ft, swim 40ft (146 posts)
Lady of the Canals
Morana Soto

female (Alias: Mirna Suero) Spiritualist lvl 1 / Witch Gravewalker lvl 5 init+1, Percpt+5/+7 Fort+4, Reflex+2, Will+8/+10, / HP 16-27 / Aura of Desecration 30ft aura of evil Misfortune DC15 / Bonethrall DC15 in aura, acts as command undead, 5HD worth. (436 posts)
Rosie Cusswell
Nalnera Tharnhammer

spells 1st (5/5) NG female Dwarf lvl 4 Spiritualist Init +1; HP 35/40 : AC 16,T 11, FF 15 (+2 dodge vs aberations) : Fort+7, Ref+1, Will +7 (add +2 vs compulson & charm / add +4 if phantom is in head vs all mind affecting effects) darkvision 60ft, Perc +10/+12 stonecunning : CMB +5 (+2 bonus to grapple aberrations); CMD 16 (+4 bonus on bullrush and trip on solid ground (358 posts)
Nandita Bachchan

female CN Human Fighter Cad lvl11, constant Deathwatch in 30ft cone HP 103/103 |AC-19 T-15 FF-16 | F+10, R+6, W+3 |CMB+15 (16 disarm & steal) (18 dirty trick no AoO) CMD 28 (29 vs disarm & steak)(30 dirty trick) | Init+3 | +2 att & dmg vs. those who hit me since my last turn| if I hit someone denied dex immeadiat action to dirty trick with attack | swift action to change improved weapon dmg crit 19/20x2 | snatch and throw back arrows once per round (76 posts)
Irabeth Tirabade
Nisany Blim

female CG Half Orc Oracle of Life 6 HP 20 (20)/30|AC-19 T-15 FF-14 | F+2 R+4 W+7 |CMB+3 CMD15 | Init+2 | Perc +9 | Channel 3d6, 2/4 per day, 30ft, DC15, neg 3 square | Spells (1st - 1/7, 2nd 0/6, 3rd 4/4) (615 posts)
Phoebe Barrett
(366 posts)

they/them. Haunted Summoner lvl 10 / init +1 /73/73 / fort +9, Ref+5, will+10, AC 16 / Spells (1st 3/6)(2nd 4/5)(3rd 1/4) (116 posts)
Acadamae Student Korvosa
Regina Caro

HP 10/10 |AC-13 T-12 FF-11 | F+4 R+4 W+1 |CMB+1 CMD13 | Init+2 | Perc +1, Diplo+10| Bombs per day:5, 1d6+3: splash 4pts| Concentration+3 | Speed 30ft | Mutagen, 1hr brew, 10min/lvl, +4 dex -2 wis | Common, Sylvan, Giant, Hallit | female human NG Grenadier Alchemist lvl 1 Mutagin --AC-15 T-12 FF-13 - F+4 R+4 W+0 (237 posts)
Son of the Spirit Mother

HP .31/33. nat hits are magical vs DR (67 posts)
Ronk Bonk

male Goblin Barbarian Feral Gnasher Lvl 3 HP 27| AC 16| T 12| FF16| CMD 15| F+4| Ref+2|W+2 | Init+5 | Per+7
melee Great Club +7 att (1d8+3 x2) or Bite +6/+8gr (1d6+2 x2), +2 att improv, Rage 9rnds, HP 29, Will+4| AC14| T 12| FF 13| attacks +2
(503 posts)
Runia Koknyll

NG female dwarf Pack Lord Druid 6 |HP 48/48 |AC 14, T 10, FF 14 | F+7, R+2,W+8 (+2 racial vs poison, spells, and spell-like abilities) (+4 vs spell like and sup of Fey and spells & effect that target plant)| BaB+4, CMB+6, CMD 17 |Init+0 |Percp+12 | spd 20ft (Woodland Stride, Trackless step) |Wild Shape x2 per day |darkvision 60ft scent for precious metals and metal critters | Concentration +9 |Spells: lvl 0 (4), 1st (4/4), 2nd (4/4), 3rd (3/3)| Wand: cure lt wounds (50/50)| (46 posts)
Priestess of Nethys
Shiloh Darrow

NE Changeling Female lvl 1 Unchained Summoner/ HP: 4 / SR 7 / BaB +0; CMB -2; CMD 7 / F -3, R +0, W +3 (+2 on saves vs. diseases) / spd 30ft / concentration is +7 / Init +0; Senses: Darkvision 60ft Perception +0 / Diplomacy +10 / Bluff +11 (159 posts)
Sanvil Trett
Theodore 'Greyhawk' Iscariot

Half-Elf male Lvl 2 Hospitalier Paladin Of Sarenrae Init +3; Senses Perception +7 / Aura of Good is a moderate aura / Detect Evil is move action, 60ft, as if studied for 3rnds / Smite Evil is swift action, +2 att, +2 dmg / Lay on Hands x3 per day 1d6 HP:20/20 / F+7 / R+5 /W+5 (+6 vs. Fey) / AC:19 / T:13 / FF:15 / CMB +2; CMD 15 / Stamina Pool +4 (146 posts)
Vael Dahl

female LG Tiefling Chosen One Paladin 5 HP 44/44 cold, fire, shock resist 5|AC-18 T-12 FF-16 | F+8 R+5 W+5 (immune to fear, allies in 10ft +4 vs fear) (immune to diseases, including supernatural and magical diseases)|CMB+8 CMD20 | darkvision 60ft | Init+2 | Perc +33 | Spells (1st - 2/2)(darkness 1/1 CL5) | detect evil at will | LoH 0/4/day, 2d6, swift on self, standard on other, removes fatigued | Channel 2d6, costs 2 LoH| (314 posts)
(29 posts)
Demon Slayer
Vedran Soto
(15 posts)
Lady Andaisin
Yano Ren

female human NG Level 6 Lotus Geisha Bard / Bardic Perform 19 rnds per day / Init +1, HP 42 / AC 17, T 16, FF 11 / Fort +4, Ref +6. Will +6 / BaB +4, CMB +4, CMD 15 / Per +7 / (38 posts)