Vorrea Talminari

Ingrid Holt's page

3 posts. Alias of Deaths Adorable Apprentice.


26 years nine months



Strength 10
Dexterity 16
Constitution 14
Intelligence 14
Wisdom 12
Charisma 14

About Ingrid Holt

Ingrid is at first glance obviously of Varisian decent. Her skin is a pale olive coloring. Dark brown eyes seem to be in constant movement. Auburn hair trails down past her bust. Built lightly, like many duelist. A long scar trails across her forearm, from elbow to her wrist, this is from a duel. She has a small scar coming out of her hair line on the right side of her head. It only comes a half an inch out of her hair line but goes back about two inches. She got that scar as a child the day her sister went missing.

She always wears a crimson band around her head. Golden hoop hears typically adorn her ears and a leather cord ties snugly around her neck. The leather cord has a rose charm hanging from it. Three stones typically float around her. One is a dark blue, on is a clear stone, and the last is like a torch so that is only worn at night when she needs it.

Ingrid Holt NG female human fighter swordlord lvl 5
Init+2; Senseslow-light vision. Perception +10
AC 18, touch 13, flat-footed 15 [5 AC, 3 dex,]
hp 48 (d10; max first. 7 +con after)
Fort+4 base, +2 mod =+ 6
Ref+1 base, +2 mod = + 3
Will+1 base, +1 mod = +2/+4 (+2 bonus vs. fear effects)
Speed 30 ft.
Melee dueling sword +10 (1d8 19-20x2)
Ranged comp longbow +8(1d8 x3) x20 silver arrows, x20 cold iron arrows, x20 arrows.
Special Attacks
[Fey Magic] Spells (CL 5th; concentration +7) only works in Forests
. . 1st (1 known) (1/day) - Pass without Trace
. . 0th (3 known) (1/day) - Create Water, Stabilize, Know Direction
Str10, Dex16, Con14, Int14, Wis12, Cha14
Base Atk +5; CMB +5 or +8 on trip, disarm, sunder (+2 bonus on trip or disarm, +1 with dueling sword) errata for dex ; CMD 18
Feats Skill Focus (Stealth) Combat Reflexes, Exotic Weapon Proficiency (dueling sword), Truth-Seeker, Combat Expertise, Weapon Finesse, Improved Trip, Improved Disarm
Traits: Sword Scion You have lived all your life in and around the city, growing up on tales of the exploits of your home city’s heroic and legendary sword lords. Perhaps one of your family members was a sword lord, you have a contact among their members, or you have dreamed since childhood of joining. Regardless, you idolize the heroes, styles, and philosophies of the sword lords and have sought to mimic their vaunted art. Before you can petition to join their ranks, however, you feel that you must test your mettle. Joining an expedition seems like a perfect way to improve your skills and begin your own legend.
Benefit :You begin play with a longsword or dueling sword and gain a +1 trait bonus on all attacks and combat maneuvers made with such weapons.
Witty Repartee
You are quick with your tongue and have always possessed the talent to quickly admonish your enemies.
Benefit: You gain a +1 trait bonus on Bluff checks and Bluff is a class skill for you.
You are sensitive about the way others perceive you.
Effect: Whenever you fail an opposed Charisma-based check, you take a –2 penalty on all Charisma-based checks for the next 24 hours.
Affable Social
You have a genial personality and make it a point to befriend and help people wherever you go. In your travels, you stop to aid others, tell interesting stories, and often buy rounds of drinks for patrons at the local taverns. You bring good cheer to those you encounter, and for this reason, you often find yourself attending important events or fruitful gatherings, and have even become an honorary member of many families. People find you trustworthy, and they are willing to share information with you.
Benefit(s): You gain a +2 trait bonus on Diplomacy checks to gather information, and can do so in half the normal time. In addition, Diplomacy and Knowledge (local) are always class skills for you.

Skills 2 class, +2 int, +1 lvl = 5 per level. 2 background skills per level. * is background rank
Climb (Str) +1 rank, +0 mod, +3 class =4
Craft (Int) (leather working)+2* rank, +2 mod, +3 class, +2 tools= 9
Bluff (Cha)+2 rank, +2 mod, +3 class, +1 trait =8
Diplomacy +3 rank, +2 mod, +3 class =8/10 (+2 gather info and it is half time)
Handle Animal (Cha) +1* rank, +2 mod, +3 class =6
Intimidate (Cha) +1 rank, +2 mod, +3 class =6
Knowledge (dungeoneering) (Int) +1 rank, +2 mod, +3 class =6
Knowledge (engineering) (Int) +1* rank, +2 mod, +3 class =6
Knowledge (history)+2* rank, +2 mod, +2 story feat = 6
Knowledge (local) +1 rank, +2 mod, +3 class = 6
Linguistics (Int) +3* rank, +2 mod= 5
Lore (Aldori Swordlord)(Int) +2* rank, +2 mod, +3 class = 7
Profession (Wis) (tanner) +2* rank, +1 mod, +3 class =6
Profession (Wis) (trapper)+ 2* rank, +1 mod, +3 class = 6
Perception +5 rank, +1 mod, +3 class, +1 iuon stone = 10
Ride (Dex) +1 rank, +3 mod, +3 class = 7
Sense Motive (Wis) +2 rank, +1 mod, +3 class, +1 iuon stone = 7
Stealth (Dex) +4 rank, +3 mod, +3 skill focus=10
Survival (Wis) +1 rank, +1 mod, +3 class = 5/7 (+2 vs. lost with compass)
Swim (Str) +1 rank, +0 mod, +3 class = 4
Use Magical Device +2 ranks, +3 mod = 5

Languages Common, Varisian, Sylvan, Hallit, Celestial, Dwarvish
Other Gear 1123 gp, 9 sp, 4cp
Worn: +1 Mithral Shirt, mwk dueling sword (the pommel is shaped like a closed rose) with combat scabbard (metal sheath with a sharp edge on it. The drag and throat both have roses engraved on them), Dark Blue Rhomboid (Ioun Stone), Clear Spindle (Ioun Stone), Ioun Torch, Muleback cords, Sleeve of Many Garments, waterskin. jewelry(gilded hoop earrings, leather cord around her neck with a small rose pendant)
Bandolier: 8 slots(x4Cure light wounds , Holy water, Antiplague, Antitoxin)
wrist sheathes on left wrist with wand of Cure Light Wounds
Efficient quiver: (bought by Emma): (x20 silver arrows, x20 cold iron arrows, x20 arrows) (wand of Keep Watch, travelers any tool)( Composite longbow, spear,)
belt pouch: Compass, Swan Boat Feather Token, 50ft twine, flint and steel

Bag of Holding: bedroll, an iron pot, a , rope, soap, torches (10), trail rations (5 days), and a
Cooking Kit: This kit contains an iron pot, an iron skillet, a ladle, a skewer, a wooden cutting board, a cutting knife, an iron tripod for the pot, a packet of tinder, and a small selection of local or otherwise easy to find seasonings. You can attach the skewer to the tripod for roasting small game animals. All the component pieces (except the skillet) fit within the pot for easy storage and transport.
Fishing Kit: This kit includes a simple fishing pole and a small box that contains fishing tackle (hooks, lines, sinkers, floats, and lures).
Gear Maintenance Kit: This kit contains metal polish, a small file, a leather paring knife, conditioning oil for leather, two soft cloths, extra leather straps, a sewing needle, and a few buttons.
Grooming Kit: This pouch of toiletries includes a comb, scissors, a nail file, a sponge, a hairbrush, a miniature mirror, soap, a chewing stick, and tooth powder.
Chronicler's Kit:This bundle contains a map case, two vials of ink, two inkpens, 10 sheets of paper, two blank journals, a pound of fine powder for drying ink, and a 20-foot measuring cord. The supplies usually suffice for chronicling a single expedition of not more than 2 months' duration
mess kit (This kit includes a plate, bowl, cup, fork, knife, and spoon, made of wood, horn, or tin. Each item has a handle or small hole, and can be tied together using the included leather cord.)
Masterwork leather working artisan tools (+2 circumstance bonus on Craft checks made with them.)
backpack: Poncho
cold weather outfit (This outfit grants a +5 circumstance bonus on Fortitude saving throws against exposure to cold weather. Light grey coat with copper buttons, blue linen shirt, light grey wool cap, thick grey pants, black boots, heavy black cloak,)
Explorers outfit (black leather boots, leather breeches, thick belt, grey shirt, red and gold vest, black fitted gloves. Bright red and gold scarf is worn around her waist like a short skirt. A red strip of fabric worn in her hair
)This set of clothes is for someone who never knows what to expect. It includes sturdy boots, leather breeches or a skirt, a belt, a shirt (perhaps with a vest or jacket), gloves, and a cloak. Rather than a leather skirt, a leather overtunic may be worn over a cloth skirt. The clothes have plenty of pockets (especially the cloak). The outfit also includes any extra accessories you might need, such as a scarf or a wide-brimmed hat.
Travelers Clothing ( brown boots, breeches, thick belts, green shirt with a yellow and red vest, dark green hooded cloak)
Stored on a wagon: Common Riding Kit,

Gear with prices listed.:
+1 Mithral Shirt Aura no aura (non-magical); CL —; Weight 10 lbs.; Price 2,100 gp This extremely light chain shirt is made of very fine mithral links. The armor has an arcane spell failure chance of 10%, a maximum Dexterity bonus of +6, and no armor check penalty. It is considered light armor
Composite longbow 75gp, x20 silver arrows 3gp, x20 cold iron arrows 2gp, x20 arrows 1gp.
mwk dueling sword 320gp 3 lbs with combat scabbard 10gp, spear 2gp 6lbs (1d8x3 20ft)
Dark Blue Rhomboid (Ioun Stone) Aura strong varied; CL 12th Cracked: This stone grants a +1 competence bonus on Perception and Sense Motive checks. Price: 400 gp.
Clear Spindle (Ioun Stone) Aura strong varied; CL 12th Cracked: This stone sustains the wearer on half the normal amount of food. Price: 1,000 gp.
Traveler's any-tool 250gp 2 lbs, Ioun torch 75gp, Muleback cords 1000gp, Sleeves of many garments 200gp,
Efficient quiver 1800gp 2 lbs.
Jewelery 5gp (gilded hoop earrings, leather cord around her neck with a small rose pendant)
Bandolier 5sp 8 slots(x4Cure light wounds 50gp, , Holy water 25gp, Antiplague 50gp, Antitoxin50gp, )
wand of Keep Watch 750gp, wand of Cure Light Wounds 750gp,
Wrist Sheath, spring-loaded 5gp 1lbs (swift action to spring, to load is full round action that gets AoO), Compass 10gp 1/2 lb.,
cold weather outfit 8gp 7lbs, This outfit includes a wool coat, linen shirt, wool cap, heavy cloak, thick pants or skirt, and boots. This outfit grants a +5 circumstance bonus on Fortitude saving throws against exposure to cold weather.
Explorers outfit 8lbsThis set of clothes is for someone who never knows what to expect. It includes sturdy boots, leather breeches or a skirt, a belt, a shirt (perhaps with a vest or jacket), gloves, and a cloak. Rather than a leather skirt, a leather overtunic may be worn over a cloth skirt. The clothes have plenty of pockets (especially the cloak). The outfit also includes any extra accessories you might need, such as a scarf or a wide-brimmed hat.
Travelers Clothing 1gp 5lbs This set of clothes consists of boots, a wool skirt or breeches, a sturdy belt, a shirt (perhaps with a vest or jacket), and an ample cloak with a hood
Poncho 5sp 2lbs
Swan Boat Feather Token Price 450 gp
DESCRIPTION A token that forms a swan-like boat capable of moving on water at a speed of 60 feet. It can carry eight horses and gear, 32 Medium characters, or any equivalent combination. The boat lasts for 1 day.
Bag of Holding, MinorSource Classic Treasures RevisitedAura moderate conjuration; CL 9th
Slot —; Price 1,000 gp; Weight 3 lbs.
Description This more economical version of the bag of holding functions in the same manner, but its internal measurements are smaller than those of a regular bag of holding. It measures 2 feet by 4 feet and can carry up to 50 pounds or 6 cubic feet of material.
50ft twine 1cp 1/2 lb., x5 chalk 5cp, x4 charcoal 2gp,
Kit, Cooking 3gp, 16lbs
This kit contains an iron pot, an iron skillet, a ladle, a skewer, a wooden cutting board, a cutting knife, an iron tripod for the pot, a packet of tinder, and a small selection of local or otherwise easy to find seasonings. You can attach the skewer to the tripod for roasting small game animals. All the component pieces (except the skillet) fit within the pot for easy storage and transport.
Kit, Fishing
Price 5 sp; Weight 3 lbs.
This kit includes a simple fishing pole and a small box that contains fishing tackle (hooks, lines, sinkers, floats, and lures).
Kit, Gear Maintenance
Price 5 gp; Weight 2 lbs.
This kit contains metal polish, a small file, a leather paring knife, conditioning oil for leather, two soft cloths, extra leather straps, a sewing needle, and a few buttons.
Kit, Grooming
Price 1 gp; Weight 2 lbs.
This pouch of toiletries includes a comb, scissors, a nail file, a sponge, a hairbrush, a miniature mirror, soap, a chewing stick, and tooth powder.
Kit, Common Riding 16gp 54 lbs.
This kit includes a bit and bridle, a saddle, a saddle blanket, saddlebags, and 2 days' worth of feed for a mount. The weight can be lightened 10 pounds by discarding the feed.
Fighter's Kit, Price 9 gp; Weight 29 lbs.
This kit includes a backpack, a bedroll, a belt pouch, a flint and steel, an iron pot, a mess kit (1 lb.
This kit includes a plate, bowl, cup, fork, knife, and spoon, made of wood, horn, or tin. Each item has a handle or small hole, and can be tied together using the included leather cord.), rope, soap, torches (10), trail rations (5 days), and a waterskin.
Chronicler's Kit,Price 40 gp; Weight 4-1/2 lbs.
This bundle contains a map case, two vials of ink, two inkpens, 10 sheets of paper, two blank journals, a pound of fine powder for drying ink, and a 20-foot measuring cord. The supplies usually suffice for chronicling a single expedition of not more than 2 months' duration.
Masterwork leather working artisan tools 55gp 5lbs (+2 circumstance bonus on Craft checks made with them.)

Ingrid is the first child of Claudia and Ragnar Holt. Their second child, Emma, was born six years after her sister. Emma was, while hoped for, not prepared for. Claudia had a very difficult time carrying and delivering Ingrid. She was told that it was not likely that that she would have a second child and the couple simply assumed that it would never happen.

They had one child, Ingrid, and she was the center of her parents world. She looked like a perfect mixture between her parents. She has her father's pale olive skin and his thick hair. Her fine bone structure resembles her mother's as do her dark brown eyes.

Ingrid's early youth was shaped by her father's desire to have a son. Someone who would carry on the family traditions and the Holt name. If Ragnar could not have a son then his daughter would be like a son to him which suited Ingrid. She loved to listen to her father talk about the duels and always asked to get to go.

There was a small part of her that was terrified when she was told that she had a sibling on the way. Not because she feared for her mother or the child. Ingrid was far too young to know of that but it was the fear that she would be forgotten. She was the center of her parents world and now she would have to share their orbit around her after six years on her own. At times this fear was forgotten in lieu of the excitement of having a little sister or a brother.

Claudia was in labor for well over a day before the Holts second daughter, Emma, came into the world. And at times Ingrid felt isolated due to the attention an infant needs. But she was able to steal all of her father's affection by throwing herself into the art of dueling. Ragnar was never going to have a son but his first born seemed to be everything he wanted in a son any way.

With Claudia distracted by her new baby she did not offer any objection and by the time Emma grew out of infancy, and her time freed up, she did not have the heart to take away something so important to Rangar and Ingrid. Instead the two parents picked a child. Ragnar would have his Swordlord daughter in Ingrid and Claudia would have a lady in Emma.

This was ideal for all parties for the next few years. Ingrid had developed a resentment of her younger sister and never wanted to spend time with her or even be in the same room as her at times. But despite this Emma was fixated on her brave sister throughout her childhood. As the years passed that resentment shifted from Emma to her mother. By the time Ingrid was twelve she no longer ignored her sibling but would refuse to listen if her mother spoke her. Claudia dealt with the rebelliousness in her first born with compassion and patience for years.

From the time Ingrid was nine till she was fifteen she attended dueling classes in the evening after her other lessons. Her mother's one demand was that she learn more than just slinging a blade around. Ingrid needed to learn about house and money management. So long as her basic education did not suffer she could still attend dueling lessons. The Holts were not the most well off but eventually Ingrid would marry and merge their family with another and she was not going to be dependent on her future husbands knowledge.

Anything to do with creativity was Ingrids bane. She never learned to sew, write poetry, or play a musical intrament but she learned how to balance her finances. History quickly became her favorite thing to learn about. Any spare spending money was spend to buy history books.

She never developed that fascination with the opposite gender when most girls of her generation were. She wanted that thrill of a well fought duel and the glory of winning. There was one boy, Aiden Burke, who managed to catch her attention when she was seventeen. He was convinced they were supposed to be together and challenged her to a duel. If he won then she would give him a chance and if she won she could have whatever she wanted from him. The Burke's were a poorer family who worked as trappers. Aiden had earned his education in dueling by convincing an instructor to teach him in exchange work and a small monetary payment.

Ingrid accepted the duel and won. With a grin she let him know that she would like to get to know him. The two began courting. Neither were in a hurry t get married though. Aiden wanted a home of his own before he proposed. And the joint request of her little sister and hopefully future husband Ingrid began trying to mend the relationship with her mother. Both women bickered frequently but over time were about to be around each other peacefully. Their fights began to take on a playful nature that no one seemed to understand but the two of them.

The mostly happy bubble the Holts lived in Ingrid lost Emma in the woods. Neither child was allowed outside the city without their father or a large group in Ingrids case. This incident was when Ingrid was nineteen and Emma was thirteen. Ingrid had been sneaking out of the city to meet with Aiden for the last three months in the edge of the Narlmarch Woods. The two youths never went far into the woods. Ingrid was fairly certain she was going to marry Aiden in time.

Emma suspecting something was going on snuck after her sister on evening. Not an overly sneaky child Emma was bound to noticed and she was when she tripped on a tree root she did not see. Furious at Emma Ingrid yelled at her and Emma took off running but not in the right direction. Instead Emma ran deeper into the woods. Terrified of what might happen to her sibling, or herself if anything happened to Emma, she gave chase. Giving no thought to her suitor, who was late, she raced off after Emma.

It did not take very long for the once familiar paths in the forest. Ingrid does not remember what happened after they moved deeper into the forest only that Emma refused to stop running. All Ingrid remembers is that the ground dropped out and her world went black.

The Aiden panicked when Ingrid was not there. When he found two sets of prints running into the woods he ran after them. Ingrid was the only one he found. He followed the trail as well as he could but as it grew darker he returned to the city and alerted the guards. The forest was searched and Ingrid was found unconscious on the forest floor with a bloody face. Healers have claimed the memory loss was due to trauma, both physical and emotional.

It was nearly two years before Emma was found again. In that year the Holts mourned the loss of Emma. They grieved and fell apart as a family. Ingrid was kicked out of the family house on her mother's decree. Emma lived with Aiden for a few months and then found lodging of her own when the two grew apart.

She earned her coin as a trapper and a tanner, skills she learned from Aiden. She turned her back on the dueling ring in favor of the feel of a bow aimed at a doe. The idea of picking up her sword again was painful. She no longer found joy in it without her family there cheering her on.

Ingrid would spend weeks hunting in the woods. Not only for deer but any signs of her sibling. It was the weeks spent in the woods and the near fanatical obsession with finding anything about her sister that eventually drove a wedge between Aiden and Ingrid.

Something she never told anyone and did not figure out herself for sometime was that while in the forest she has access to some magic. This solidified, at least in her guilty mind, that it was something magical that took Emma and not some beast in the forest.

In the time Emma was gone she never spoke to her parents after being exiled from her home. She did return to her parents home when she heard talk in the town after returning from a hunt that Emma had returned two nights ago. A hunting party found her on the edge of the woods. Running though the city Ingrid raced to her childhood home and banged her fists on the door heedless of the late hour until her father opened it. Yelling for Emma, who happily ran down the stairs to leap at her sibling.

Emma has no recollection of the time she was missing but she had changed. The once small and slightly pudgy girl was taller and dramatically gaunt. She had access to magic and could not explain when it had manifested. The strangest thing was the visions she suffered from. The visions where daily once she returned and over the years grew to become infrequent, only happening once or twice a year by the time she turned twenty.

Even with the family whole again the damage done was irreparable. Ingrid refused to play nice with the parents that tossed her out. Mother and daughter quarreled constantly. Over anything and everything they could. While Ingrid and her father simply did not speak unless they had to, those conversations were with no emotional exchange. Ingrid only spent time around her parents to keep Emma happy. She became devoted to keeping her sister happy and safe. Regardless of Emma's insistence that it was not Ingrids fault she was consumed with guilt that had settled deep in her bones.

Uncomfortable with the idea of living under the same roof as her parent, even though they offered to let her return and even begged her forgiveness, Ingrid continued to live in her tiny little house on the edge of the city. Emma flittered back and forth between both houses for three months and then decided to live with her sister. She claimed Ingrid needed her more that her parents did and Emma was a little angry at how her sister was treated.

The siblings fell into an easy rhythm with each other. It was in those first few months together that Ingrid learned that sisters 'fits' were visions. Sometimes of things from the past, ancient or recent. Others it was of the future. It was one of those prophetic visions that lead Emma to a woman named Nila Misra. Nila was facinated when Emma explained what had happened to her and the visions that were still plaguing her. Ingrid came home one night from a hunt to find Emma, who rarely left the house, had company. Company that never bothered to leave.

Nila is an insufferably excitable woman who grates on Ingrids calm but Emma likes her so she gets to stay. Emma was slowly coming back to herself with Nila around and there was the perk that Emma would not be alone while Ingrid was working. It was only after Nila joined their far too cramped and tiny home that Emma was able to convince Ingrid to rejoin dueling and society.

The three women were content to live in peace. Ingrid was the one that provide for them with Emma and Nila occasionally bringing in some gold from taverns where they would play at. That was something that took months to happen though. Emma had to become more stable first and Ingrid went with them the first few times.

Life seemed easier now for Ingrid. Not financially but emotionally she was better and that mattered more than all the gold in the land. By the time she was twenty five she no longer worried if Emma and Nila were out later than they said they would be nor was she terrified about leave to hunt for more than a single night. She could spend days away and not be consumed by fear for her sibling.

Unbeknown to Ingrid her sibling was gathering people and equipment over time. Emma found a handful of people who had no reason to want to stay but no apparent means of leaving the city they no longer felt was home. Emma had been having dreamlike visions of a grand expedition that she knew she and her sister needed to be part of. But Ingrid would never agree. It would be too dangerous so Emma set up to leave and surprised Ingrid with the idea. Saying that she was going to go and that if Ingrid wanted to stay then she understood. Unable to just let her sister leave Ingrid agreed to go to Brevoy.

Raised to be the son her father never got left a clear mark on Ingrid. She does not participate in any of the more traditional feminine things. She has a great hatred of poetry and will sleep though most theatrical productions. She has a deep love of history her idea home would have walls covered in books about various times in history. There is always something new to learn from the past.

But it is dueling that she honestly loves. That feeling as everything fades away but her and whomever she is dueling. Nothing matters but the fight. The thrill of a well fought honorable fight. That boisterous elation when she wins the duel and even that crushing feeling when she is defeated. The hours spent honing her body, the pure focus required.

Outside of dueling she not only makes most of her money as a trapper and tanner but she genuinely enjoys it. Even though the practice reminds her of a love that fell apart she has a deep love of the skills her once beau taught her. The calm silence of sitting in the forest waiting for a deer to come into view. The thrill of shooting it and then chasing it down should she fail to get that kill shot. Yes the gutting and skinning it is less than pleasurable and tanning the hide is disgusting. But having a beautiful piece of hide that she can turn into something useful. Wither it is a collection of belts, pouches, or something else. She is able to kills something and use most of the creature. It is killing with a purpose unlike when there are bandits. Ingrid loathes the idea of waste.

Not the most religiously devote of people. Ingrid is not one to spend time in a temple listening to sermons. She is not without a religous belief. Ingrid considers herself a follower of the Lady of Graves, Pharasma. There is a healthy amount of respect due to various Deities but Pharasma is the one that Ingrid feels the closest ties to. The stoic calmness of Pharasma's religion sooths her.

The guilt of feeling that whatever happened to Emma is her fault gnaws at Ingrid constantly. It drives her to do almost anything Emma wants her to do, like letting the homeless vagrant Nila live in her home without providing any gold. The need to make it up to her sister caused her to rejoin society. To go back to dueling. It is what caused her to leave her home on what will probably be a fool's errand in trying to swear fealty to the Surtova House.

The Freedoms:

 Say What you Will, I Live Free: This is one of Ingrid's favorite's of the Freedoms. The idea that she may do as she wishes is a beautiful idea.
 Oathbreakers Die: Your word is your bond. The ability to give your word and keep it is what separates people from beasts. People should live with honor for a life without honor is not a life worth living.
 Walk Any Road, Float Any River: Again a simple and easy ideology. Do as you want.
 Courts Are for Kings: Ingrid has always been very aware of her place in the world and knows that everyone has their own purpose in life. Kings want to rule and deal with everything that comes with that. So long as they act with honor then they can have their courts. But should they lose their honor and break their oaths they have forfeited their court and life.
 Slavery Is an Abomination: This is a clear cut concept. No one is property. That is a horrid way to have to live life.
 You Have What You Hold: This is the one Freedom that Ingrid hates. This concept can easily justify banditry. Thievery is something Ingrid has no tolerance for.


Ability Score Racial Traits: Human characters gain a +2 racial bonus to one ability score of their choice at creation to represent their varied nature.
Size: Humans are Medium creatures and thus receive no bonuses or penalties due to their size.
Base Speed: Humans have a base speed of 30 feet.
Languages: Humans begin play speaking Common. Humans with high Intelligence scores can choose any languages they want (except secret languages, such as Druidic). See the Linguistics skill page for more information about these languages.
Feat and Skill Racial Traits
Focused Study: All humans are skillful, but some, rather than being generalists, tend to specialize in a handful of skills. At 1st, 8th, and 16th level, such humans gain Skill Focus in a skill of their choice as a bonus feat.
Fey Magic (2 RP): The character has a mystic connection to one terrain type, selected from the ranger's favored terrain list. The character selects three 0-level druid spells and one 1st-level druid spell. If the character has a Charisma score of 11 or higher, when in the selected terrain, she gains these spells as spell-like abilities that can be cast once per day. The caster level for these effects is equal to the user's character level. The DC for the spell-like abilities is equal to 10 + the spell's level + the user's Charisma modifier. These spells are treated as being from a fey source for the purposes of the druid's resist nature's lure class feature and similar abilities. In addition, select two of the following skills: Acrobatics, Bluff, Climb, Diplomacy, Disguise, Escape Artist, Fly, Knowledge (nature), Perception, Perform, Sense Motive, Sleight of Hand, Stealth, Swim, or Use Magic Device. The selected skills are always class skills for the character. Lastly, the human also gains low-light vision. (picked sense motive and perception)

Feat plan that is subject to change if I find better things:

1= Skill Focus (Stealth) Combat Reflexes, Exotic Weapon Proficiency (dueling sword), Truth-Seeker
2= Combat Expertise,
3= Weapon Finesse
4= Improved Trip
5= Improved Disarm
6= Agile Maneuvers
7= leadership or recuits, Equipment Trick (Combat) (heavy blade scabbard)
8= Signature Skill (Perception) Skill Focus (Perception)
9= Stand Still
10= Steady Engagement
11= Trip, Greater
12= Felling Smash
13= Hold the Blade
14= Tripping Strike
15= Step Up,
16= Skill Focus (History)Following Step,
17= Step Up and Strike
18= Improved Unarmed Strike.
19= Vicious Stomp

Swordlord Fighter:

Weapon and Armor Proficiency
A fighter is proficient with all simple and martial weapons and with all armor (heavy, light, and medium) and shields (including tower shields).
Bonus Feats
At 1st level, and at every even level thereafter, a fighter gains a bonus feat in addition to those gained from normal advancement (meaning that the fighter gains a feat at every level). These bonus feats must be selected from those listed as Combat Feats, sometimes also called “fighter bonus feats.”
Upon reaching 4th level, and every four levels thereafter (8th, 12th, and so on), a fighter can choose to learn a new bonus feat in place of a bonus feat he has already learned. In effect, the fighter loses the bonus feat in exchange for the new one. The old feat cannot be one that was used as a prerequisite for another feat, prestige class, or other ability. A fighter can only change one feat at any given level and must choose whether or not to swap the feat at the time he gains a new bonus feat for the level.
Bravery (Ex)
Starting at 2nd level, a fighter gains a +1 bonus on Will saves against fear. This bonus increases by +1 for every four levels beyond 2nd
Defensive Parry (Ex)
At 3rd level, when a swordlord makes a full attack with a dueling sword, he gains a +1 bonus to AC against melee attacks until the beginning of his next turn. This bonus increases by +1 every four levels after 3rd.
This ability replaces armor training 1 and 4.
Disarming Strike (Ex)
At 5th level, when a swordlord successfully disarms an opponent using a dueling sword, the swordlord also deals normal damage to the target, but without the normal Strength bonus to damage.
This ability replaces weapon training 1.
Steel Net (Ex)
At 7th level, a swordlord can throw up a blazing wall of steel to defend himself. When fighting defensively as a full-round action with a dueling sword, the swordlord’s penalties on all attacks in a round are reduced by 2, and the dodge bonus to AC is increased by 2 for the same round.
This ability replaces armor training 2.
Counterattack (Ex)
At 11th level, a swordlord can make an attack of opportunity as an immediate action against an opponent who hits the swordlord with a melee attack, so long as the attacking creature is within the swordlord’s reach.
This ability replaces armor training 3.
Weapon Training (Ex)
Starting at 9th* level, a fighter can select one group of weapons, as noted below. Whenever he attacks with a weapon from this group, he gains a +1 bonus on attack and damage rolls.
Every four levels thereafter (13th, and 17th), a fighter becomes further trained in another group of weapons. He gains a +1 bonus on attack and damage rolls when using a weapon from this group. In addition, the bonuses granted by previous weapon groups increase by +1 each. For example, when a fighter reaches 13th level, he receives a +1 bonus on attack and damage rolls with one weapon group and a +2 bonus on attack and damage rolls with the weapon group selected at 9th level. Bonuses granted from overlapping groups do not stack. Take the highest bonus granted for a weapon if it resides in two or more groups.
A fighter also adds this bonus to any combat maneuver checks made with weapons from his group. This bonus also applies to the fighter's Combat Maneuver Defense when defending against disarm and sunder attempts made against weapons from this group.
Advanced Weapon Training: Beginning at 9th level, instead of selecting an additional fighter weapon group, a fighter can choose an advanced weapon training option (see Advanced Weapon Training below) for one fighter weapon group that he previously selected with the weapon training class feature. Source: PPC:WMH
the planned ones to take.
Blades, Heavy: Ankus, dueling sword, bastard sword, chakram, double chicken saber, double walking stick katana, elven curve blade, estoc, falcata, falchion, flambard, greatsword, great terbutje , katana, khopesh, klar, longsword, nine-ring broadsword, nodachi, scimitar, scythe, seven-branched sword, shotel, temple sword, terbutje, and two-bladed sword.
Bows: composite longbow, composite shortbow, longbow, and shortbow.
Warrior Spirit (Su) The fighter can forge a spiritual bond with a weapon that belongs to the associated weapon group, allowing him to unlock the weapon's potential. Each day, he designates one such weapon and gains a number of points of spiritual energy equal to 1 + his weapon training bonus. While wielding this weapon, he can spend 1 point of spiritual energy to grant the weapon an enhancement bonus equal to his weapon training bonus. Enhancement bonuses gained by this advanced weapon training option stack with those of the weapon, to a maximum of +5. The fighter can also imbue the weapon with any one weapon special ability with an equivalent enhancement bonus less than or equal to his maximum bonus by reducing the granted enhancement bonus by the amount of the equivalent enhancement bonus. The item must have an enhancement bonus of at least +1 (from the item itself or from warrior spirit) to gain a weapon special ability. In either case, these bonuses last for 1 minute. Source: PPC:MTT
Armor Mastery (Ex)
At 19th level, a fighter gains Damage Reduction 5/— whenever he is wearing armor or using a shield.
Weapon Mastery (Ex)
At 20th level, a fighter chooses one weapon, such as the longsword, greataxe, or longbow. Any attacks made with that weapon automatically confirm all critical threats and have their damage multiplier increased by 1 (×2 becomes ×3, for example). In addition, he cannot be disarmed while wielding a weapon of this type.