Race |
HP 103/103 |AC-19 T-15 FF-16 | F+10, R+6, W+3 |CMB+15 (16 disarm & steal) (18 dirty trick no AoO) CMD 28 (29 vs disarm & steak)(30 dirty trick) | Init+3 | |
Classes/Levels |
+2 att & dmg vs. those who hit me since my last turn| if I hit someone denied dex immeadiat action to dirty trick with attack | swift action to change improved weapon dmg crit 19/20x2 | snatch and throw back arrows once per round |
Gender |
female CN Human Fighter Cad lvl11, constant Deathwatch in 30ft cone |
About Nandita Bachchan
Standing at 5'1 Nandita is rather accustom to having to look up at people. Not a remarkable beauty one of her most notable features are her eyes, which are a the color of honey though they are hidden behind glasses with red lenses. Fairly pale skin for the Vudrani people and long thick dark hair which she rarely does anything with beside making sure the brass ring is in place near her face. Despite growing up among the brightly decorated Nandita sticks out since she tends to favor more naturally colored fabrics with the exception to the bright blue scarf she keeps wrapped around her waist. The piercings indicative of her people she has latched onto. Silvery rings line her ears, there is one on her brow and another on her nose. Her left shoulder is dominated by a swirling red tattoo. Heavily studded leather armor covers much of her and if closely examined the studs are sneering faces. And a tattered dark brown cloak rests on her shoulders.
Nandita Bachchan
female human Fighter Cad level 11
CN medium humanoid
Init +3; Senses low light vision
AC 19, touch 15, flat-footed 16 (+4 armor, +3 dex, +2 defection)
(once per day, within 60ft all hostiles must make a DC 16 will or compulsion to attack me for 7 rounds, they can act normally if they cannot attack me for some reason or cannot safely get to me)
hp 103 (11d10 = 6 per level) Fort +7 class +3 con Ref +3class +3 dex Will +3 +0 will
Speed 40 ft.
Melee x2 +1 Merciful short sword +17 (1d6+6 +1d6, all nonlethal) 17/20x2
full attack x2 +1 Merciful short sword +15/+15/+10/+10/+5 (1d6+6 +1d6, all nonlethal) 17/20x2
Special Attacks Payback (+2 attack & +2 damage vs. anyone who has hit since my last turn)
Deadly Surprise (if I hit someone denied their dex it is an immediate action to do a dirty trick with my attack)
razor sharp chair leg (swift action to change the type of damage with an improved weapon, crit 19/20x2)
Gloves of Arrow Snaring (once per round when I would be hit with an arrow, take no damage and can throw it back)
Spells CL 1
. . 1/day - enlarge person & expeditious retreat
. .at will - prestidigitation & mage hand
Str 18, Dex 17, Con 16, Int 12, Wis 10, Cha 12
Base Atk +11/+6/+1; CMB+15 (18 on dirty trick, no AoO)(16 on steal & disarm)CMD28 (29 vs steal & disarm)(30 vs dirty trick)
Feats: 1= Combat Reflexes, Step Up (can 5 foot step to follow a 5ft step away from me), Combat Expertise, (-1 attack for +3 ac)
2= Improved Dirty Trick, (+2 and no AoOs)
3= Two-Weapon Fighting , Catch Off-Guard
4= Weapon Focus (+1 attack with short swords)
5= Outflank (flank bonus is +4, crit gives an AoO)
6= Improved Two-Weapon Fighting (second strike with off hand at a -5)
7= Following Step, (can follow up to 10ft, can still 5ft next round and costs no movement)
8=Step Up and Strike (when following an adjacent foe I get a attack at highest BaB, counts as an AoO)
9= Weapon Specialization (+2 damage with short swords)
10= Double Slice (add str to off hand strike)
11=Improved Critical (short swords)
Skills:+2 class, +1 int, +1 level, +1 human =5
Acrobatics (Dex)+5 ranks, +3 mod, +3 class = 11
Bluff (Cha) +7 ranks, +1 mod, +3 class, +1 ioun = 12
Climb (Str) +3 ranks, +4 mod, +3 class = 10
Craft (Int)
Diplomacy (cha)+8 ranks, +1 mod, +1 ioun = 10 (+2 magenta ioun stone )
Escape Artist (Dex) +3 ranks, +3 mod, +3 class = 9
Handle Animal (Cha),
Intimidate(Cha) +8 ranks, +1 mod, +3 class = 12
Knowledge (dungeoneering) (Int)+2 ranks, +1 mod, +3 class = 6
Knowledge (engineering) (Int) +2 ranks, +1 mod, +3 class = 6
Profession (Wis),
Ride (Dex),
Survival (Wis) +5 ranks, +0 mod, +3 class = 8
Sleight of Hand (Dex) 5 ranks, +3 mod, +3 class = 11
Stealth (Dex) +5 ranks, +3 mod, +3 class = 11
Swim (Str)+3 ranks, +4 mod, +3 class = 10
Languages:Common Tien,Vudrani, Osiriani
Other Gear: 2577gp
Armor of insults, x2 +1 Merciful short sword, Lesser Talisman (Life’s Breath), Deathwatch eyes, Belt of physical might +2 (str con), Boots of striding and springing, Cloak of the hedge wizard Transmutation, Gloves of arrow snaring, Ring of protection +2, Sleeves of many garments, Ioun Torch, Hat of Disguise
cracked Clear Spindle (Sustains creature on half normal food)
cracked Magenta Prism (+2 competence bonus on checks with any one skill you choose, can be changed once per day)
cracked Mulberry Pentacle (+1 competence bonus on Bluff and Diplomacy checks)
Handy haversack
x4 Cure light wounds200 gp, Sanctuary50 gp, x2Vanish 100 gp
x2Bear’s endurance600 gp, Spider climb300 gp
Fly750 gp, x3Haste 2250,
Feather token (anchor) , Traveler’s any-tool,
Medium Tent 30gp: A medium tent holds two creatures and takes 30 minutes to assemble.
Cooking Kit, Price 3 gp.
This kit contains an iron pot, an iron skillet, a ladle, a skewer, a wooden cutting board, a cutting knife, an iron tripod for the pot, a packet of tinder, and a small selection of local or otherwise easy to find seasonings. You can attach the skewer to the tripod for roasting small game animals. All the component pieces (except the skillet) fit within the pot for easy storage and transport.
Fighter’s Kit, Price 9 gp
This kit includes a backpack, a bedroll, a belt pouch, a flint and steel, an iron pot, a mess kit, rope, soap, torches (10), trail rations (5 days), and a waterskin.
Gear Maintenance Kit, Price 5 gp
This kit contains metal polish, a small file, a leather paring knife, conditioning oil for leather, two soft cloths, extra leather straps, a sewing needle, and a few buttons.
Grooming Kit, Price 1 gp
This pouch of toiletries includes a comb, scissors, a nail file, a sponge, a hairbrush, a miniature mirror, soap, a chewing stick, and tooth powder.