About Morana SotoMorana Soto human female NE Spiritualist lvl 1 Witch Gravewalker lvl 5
Spiritualist Spells Prepared (CL 1st; concentration +2)
Witch Spells Prepared (CL th; concentration +10)
3rd (2 per day DC 17)Dispel Magic, Fly
Skills 2 class +1 racial +1 level + 3 Int modifier = 7 per level
Languages Common, Halfling, Infernal, Necril, Elven Special abilitiesLight x3 per day
At first level, a gravewalker can create a 20-foot-radius aura of evil power. This aura increases the DC of channeled negative energy by +1 and the turn resistance of undead by +1. At 3rd level and every 2 levels thereafter, the radius of the aura increases by 5 feet, to a maximum of 70 feet at 20th level.
Misfortune: DC 16 will save
Bonethrall (Su) At 1st level, a gravewalker can take control of an undead creature within her aura of desecration by forcing her will upon it (Will negates, using her hex DC.) If it fails the save, the creature falls under her control as if she had used command undead (once control is established, the undead remain controlled even if outside the witch’s aura). Intelligent undead receive a new saving throw each day to resist her command. The witch can control up to 1 HD of undead creatures per caster level. If an undead creature is under the control of another creature, the witch must make an opposed Charisma check whenever her orders conflict with that creature’s.
Combat Gear = lt cross bow (1d8 19-20x2 80ft, move action to reload)35gp, bolts (10)1gp, short spear (1d6 20ft)1gp
Explorers outfit (5lbs), gold ring 10gp, silver ruby dragon pendant 20gp.Sleeves of Many Garments, anti-plague, 2 alchemist fire and one acid, Vast Intelligence +2 (Survival), Hats of Disguise
Spiritualist Class Abilities:
simple weapons, kukris, saps, and scythes, as well as with light armor
Shared Consciousness At 1st level, while a phantom is confined in a spiritualist's consciousness (but not while it's fully manifested or banished to the Ethereal Plane), it grants the spiritualist the Skill Focus feat in two skills determined by the phantom's emotional focus, unless the spiritualist already has Skill Focus in those skills. It also grants a +4 bonus on saving throws against all mind-affecting effects. Lastly, once per day, when the spiritualist fails a saving throw against a mind-affecting effect, as an immediate action she can shunt that effect into the phantom's section of her consciousness instead. When she does so, she is not affected by the mind-affecting effect, but for the normal duration of that effect, the spiritualist loses the bonuses on saving throws against mind-affecting effects and the Skill Focus effects granted by her phantom, and can't use this ability to shunt a mind-affecting effect into the phantom's consciousness or manifest her phantom in any way. When a mind-affecting effect is shunted into the phantom's consciousness, spells such as dispel magic and break enchantment can be cast on the spiritualist to end the effect's duration as if the spiritualist were affected by the mind-affecting effect. Etheric Tether At 1st level, a spiritualist can force the phantom to manifest in an area around her by pushing the phantom's consciousness though the veil of ethereal essence, allowing it to fully manifest in either ectoplasmic or incorporeal form. Whenever her manifested phantom takes enough damage to send it back to the Ethereal Plane, as a reaction to the damage, the spiritualist can sacrifice any number of her hit points without using an action. Each hit point sacrificed in this way prevents 1 point of damage dealt to the phantom. This can prevent the phantom from being sent back to the Ethereal Plane. This tether is limited. When the phantom is fully manifested, it and the spiritualist must remain within 50 feet of one another for the phantom's manifestation to stay stable with little to no concentration on the part of the spiritualist. The spiritualist can stretch the limited tether, but only when the phantom is in ectoplasmic form. When a spiritualist starts her turn and her ectoplasmic phantom is more than 50 feet away from her (but closer than 100 feet), the spiritualist must concentrate on the link as a full-round action that provokes attacks of opportunity or the ectoplasmic phantom immediately returns to the Ethereal Plane and cannot be summoned from that plane for 24 hours. This concentration can be interrupted as if it were a spell. Treat this effect's spell level as equal to 1 + 1 per 10 feet farther than 50 feet that the phantom is from the spiritualist (maximum spell level 6th). If the tether is interrupted or the check fails, the phantom immediately snaps back into the consciousness of its spiritualist master. If the ectoplasmic phantom is ever more than 100 feet away from its spiritualist, or the incorporeal phantom is ever 50 feet away from the spiritualist or outside of line of effect from the spiritualist for more than 1 round per spiritualist level the spiritualist possesses, the tether is automatically broken; the phantom immediately returns to the Ethereal Plane and can't be summoned from that plane for 24 hours. Phantom A spiritualist begins play with the aid of a powerful and versatile spirit entity called a phantom. The phantom forms a link with the spiritualist, who forever after can either harbor the creature within her consciousness or manifest it as an ectoplasmic or incorporeal entity. A phantom has the same alignment as the spiritualist, and it can speak all the languages its master can. A spiritualist can harbor her phantom in her consciousness (see the shared consciousness class feature), manifest it partially (see the bonded manifestation class feature), or fully manifest it. A fully manifested phantom is treated as a summoned creature from the Ethereal Plane, except it is not sent back to the Ethereal Plane until it is reduced to a negative amount of hit points equal to or greater than its Constitution score. A spiritualist can fully manifest her phantom through a ritual that takes 1 minute to perform. When the phantom is fully manifested, the spiritualist can change the form of the phantom's manifestation (either from ectoplasmic to incorporeal or vice versa) as a full-round action that provokes attacks of opportunity. When the phantom manifests, its hit points are unchanged from the last time it manifested, unless the phantom was slain and returned to the Ethereal Plane; in this case, the phantom manifests with half its maximum number of hit points. The phantom does not heal naturally, and can be healed only with magic or by being tended to with the Heal skill while fully manifested in ectoplasmic form. The phantom stays fully manifested until it is either returned to the spiritualist's consciousness (a standard action) or banished to the Ethereal Plane. If the phantom is banished to the Ethereal Plane, it can't return to the spiritualist's consciousness or manifest again for 24 hours. While fully manifested, a phantom can't be returned to the Ethereal Plane by means of dispel magic, but spells such as dismissal and banishment work normally. Whenever the spiritualist is unconscious or asleep, the phantom immediately returns to the spiritualist's consciousness. If the spiritualist dies, the phantom is returned to the Ethereal Plane, and can't return to the spiritualist's consciousness until 24 hours after the spiritualist is brought back to life. A phantom can't be dismissed or banished (by a spell or any other similar effect) while it resides in the spiritualist's consciousness, as the phantom is protected from such effects by the power of the spiritualist's psyche. Fully manifested phantoms can wear magic items and use items (though not wield weapons) appropriate to their forms. Any items worn, carried, or held by a phantom are dropped when the phantom returns to the spiritualist's consciousness, and must be retrieved and donned anew if the phantom wishes to use them when it fully manifests in the future. Phantoms are self-involved, even jealous, creatures that do not play well with other summoned companions. A phantom refuses to manifest (either fully or as part of a bonded manifestation; see Bonded Manifestation) in the presence of an eidolon or shadow summoned by the phantom's master. Furthermore, if a phantom is manifested when such a creature is summoned, it immediately retreats into its spiritualist's consciousness, and will not manifest again until the eidolon or shadow is dismissed. A fully manifested phantom's abilities, feats, Hit Dice, saving throws, and skills are tied to the spiritualist's class level and increase as the spiritualist gains levels. See the Phantoms section for more information. Witch Class Abilities:
Patron Spells Spirits: 2nd—ghostbane dirge, 4th—command undead, 6th—animate dead, 8th—spiritual ally, 10th—mass ghostbane dirge, 12th—create undead, 14th—control undead, 16th—create greater undead 18th—etherealness. Gravewalker Spell Poppet Each gravewalker carries around a gristly, inanimate poppet stitched from human skin and stuffed with shards of bone, fingernails, and grave dirt. A gravewalker’s spells come from the will of evil spirits residing in the poppet, and its ability to hold spells functions in a manner identical to the way a witch’s spells are granted by her familiar. The gravewalker must commune with her poppet each day to prepare her spells and cannot prepare spells that are not stored in the poppet. This ability replaces familiar. The following familiar ability works differently for a gravewalker: Deliver Touch Spells (Su) At 3rd level or higher, a gravewalker can use her poppet to deliver touch spells. After casting a touch spell, as a full-round action, the witch can designate a target and stab a pin into her poppet, delivering the spell as a ranged touch attack. The target must be within range of her aura of desecration ability. Aura of Desecration (Su) At first level, a gravewalker can create a 20-foot-radius aura of evil power. This aura increases the DC of channeled negative energy by +1 and the turn resistance of undead by +1. At 3rd level and every 2 levels thereafter, the radius of the aura increases by 5 feet, to a maximum of 70 feet at 20th level. This ability replaces the witch’s 1st-level hex. Bonethrall (Su) At 1st level, a gravewalker can take control of an undead creature within her aura of desecration by forcing her will upon it (Will negates, using her hex DC.) If it fails the save, the creature falls under her control as if she had used command undead (once control is established, the undead remain controlled even if outside the witch’s aura). Intelligent undead receive a new saving throw each day to resist her command. The witch can control up to 1 HD of undead creatures per caster level. If an undead creature is under the control of another creature, the witch must make an opposed Charisma check whenever her orders conflict with that creature’s. This replaces the witch’s hex gained at 4th level. Possess Undead (Sp) A gravewalker may take direct control of one of her undead minions within her aura of desecration, as if using magic jar; the witch’s poppet acts as the soul receptacle for this ability. The minion gets no saving throw against this ability. This replaces the witch’s hex gained at 8th level. Phantom:
(incorporeal form)
Standing taller than its master this broad male is wreathed in a pale red glow. A faint sent of apples wafts though the air as this figure swirls into view. Completely see though the tall man is dressed in a loose shirt, snug pants, and bare footed. A noose hand around his neck. Vedran Soto Outsider Init +1; Senses Darkvision 60ft Perception +4
(ectoplasmic form)
Vedran Soto Outsider Init +1; Senses Darkvision 60ft Perception +4
Darkvision (Ex)
• Ability Score Racial Traits: Human characters gain a +2 racial bonus to one ability score of their choice at creation to represent their varied nature. • Size: Humans are Medium creatures and thus receive no bonuses or penalties due to their size. • Base Speed: Humans have a base speed of 30 feet. • Languages: Humans begin play speaking Common. Humans with high Intelligence scores can choose any languages they want (except secret languages, such as Druidic). See the Linguistics skill page for more information about these languages. Feat and Skill Racial Traits • Focused Study: All humans are skillful, but some, rather than being generalists, tend to specialize in a handful of skills. At 1st, 8th, and 16th level, such humans gain Skill Focus in a skill of their choice as a bonus feat. This racial trait replaces the bonus feat trait. • Skilled: Humans gain an additional skill rank at first level and one additional rank whenever they gain a level. Backstory:
Morana was raised in a home devoted to Pharasma in the city of Ghastenhall. Her mother was a midwife and deeply devote. Her father was a quiet and haunted man he spent his time presiding over funerals and tending to the bereaved. She grew up is a somber and mostly silent home. The grief her father dealt with weighed heavy on him. Her mother was in constant flux from joyous at a happy and safe birth or sullen and moody when a birth went badly. Her parents loved each other deeply and their moods effected the other's frequently.
Seeing the devotion they had to each other Morana new that she wanted a deep love for herself but despite growing up in a deeply religious home she abhorred the Lady of the Graves. Thinking her a cold and unfeeling entity. Believing that if her parents were not so devote they would have had more time for her. Their work left their only child on her own frequently. Fiercely independent and rather rebellious Morana spent many of her first years after reaching womanhood searching for love. She found it in an older boy named Vedran Soto, an apple farmer from just outside of the city. Those dark brown eyes and the deep tan over strong muscles earned by spending years outside working were what first caught her attention. His kindness was what kept her coming back to the market to find him. Dropping the other boys she had been flirting or more with for the sweet farmer. Spring turned into summer and they were in love. Near the end of summer she realized they had not been as careful as they thought and yet unlike any other boy she had been with the idea of a child was exciting instead of terrifying. Not sure who she dreaded telling more Vedran or her parents. But it was only fair so she told Vendran first and never one to disappoint his darling. He smiled and asked her to marry him. Her parents were not as happy as the children but since Morana was expecting they gave their consent so long as her mother could deliver the baby. Morana and Vedran married a two weeks later when she was 16 and he as 19. She moved into his little home that he had on her families land. Seven months later they had a little boy they named Drago Soto. He was so small and their whole world. They had it all. Unquestionable love for each other and their son and all the apples they could want. Years rolled by and their baby became a little boy. The only real problems they ever had was from Vedrans younger brother, Birati. These problems tended to come in the form of Birati needing money for a debt. And this was a common occurrence. One of the only things Morana and Vedran fought about. Refusing to not help his brother the young couple was never able to set money aside for themselves since Birati always seemed to need help and they had a young and growing son. Morana's happy but poor world came crashing down on her a few months after their sons ninth birthday. Birati had been arrested for dueling. He killed the other man. Vedran was inconsolable. His little brother was going to be beheaded. Leaving his wife and son home Vedran for a long walk in the orchard. While he was gone some friends of the man Birati killed showed up. If they couldn't make Birati suffer someone would. Hearing the screaming of his family Vedran ran as fast as he could to find a group of men in his home. His home a wreck everything was broken and his wife and son lay bloody on the floor. The sunlight woke Morana up the next morning. Her whole body ached. He little boy was dead next to her. Sobbing and calling out for Vedran. Picking up Drago and slowly limping outside. There was her husband. Those monsters hung Vedran from a tree. Collapsing from the pain, both physical and mental Morana laying on the ground sobbing onto her dead child just below her husband. The next day one of Vendrans friends, Radovan, came to check on his friend in the morning. Finding the gruesome scene and once discovering that Moranna was still alive he quickly attached his horse to the Sotos apple filled wagon. Setting Moranna as safely and securely as possible in the wagon he went as quickly as possible to the city to get her the care she needed. Three days of fever left Moranna trapped with the healers for over a week. Dispite her parents and friends attempts Moranna was inconsolable. She could give a description of the men who killed her family but she did not know them. They wore fabric over their faces.
On that sixth night in a moment of grief fueled madness Moranna began to dig into the earth separating her from her child. There was a noise she had to get to him. Digging until she hit the wooden coffin and clawing at it with bloody finger. The noises were louder. Now like a murmuring, voices she could barely hear. Climbing out of the hole she made and finding a big enough rock to break the wood. Something scratched at her mind and her hand burned. Bright light erupted on her hand illuminating her child. There he was unmoving and rotting. Not sure of what was doing but acting on what the murmuring encouraged. Pulling her child apart and remaking him into a tiny little form that resembled a person. Filled bits of her precious little boy she sat there staring at it and never noticed that the sun had risen and that people moved in the graveyard. She was found and arrested. To Brandscar she would go. They took the poppet away and threw her into a cell. Alone and shaking she could hear a voice this time clear in her mind telling her to be calm. That soothing voice so familiar telling her that they will be together always. When she woke up the little poppet was at her side again. All was right in the world. She lose her head like that bastard who caused all of this and then be with her family again. Though vengeance would be better. The men who did this, the guards who failed to find those murders, and all the other guilty. But how? That answer came on the way to Brandscar. The caravan Morana is thrown into is wrapped in iron. The only way out is though the locked door. She will die and those monster will live! Sitting sullen in her cage waiting Moran is surprised when the wagon comes to a halt. Smiling to herself when she hears the guards complaining about a tree being in the path. Even though this will leave her trapped in the tiny wagon and the manacles are biting into her she cannot help but be pleased at anything that inconveniences these guards. The guards have to move the tree and they do not sound happy about it. The lock is rattling but it isn't a guard who opened the door. A hooded figure is there. Climbing in and picking the lock on the manacles. The figure, who by their voice is clearly a woman ushers her out of the wagon and into the shadows of the trees. Pausing frequently to avoid detection. Silently the woman handed her a bag. Appearance:
Standing at 5'5 with a slight frame Morana has dark skin and chocolate eyes. A naturally beautiful woman and she has always known it. Up until her family was killed Morana always put exceptional effort into her appearance as well. Keeping her long hair in braids with little bit of jewelry she has collected over her life. Her husband did all the heavy work she was able to stay soft and classically feminine. After the loss of her family Morana no longer had anyone to want to look pretty for. Grief stole the vibrancy in her eyes. Refusing to let the scar, that a cruel mans boot had gifted her with, on her lips be healed she wanted to keep it as a reminder of what had happened in her home. Removing all the trinkets from her hair and cutting the length off to her chin to symbolize her mourning.
Dressed in brown men's trousers, a loose shirt with a dark blue vest, and a old travel stained brown cloak full all clothing that was her husband's. She keeps her shorter hair covered in a thin dark fabric. The only decoration she keeps is her wedding band and a small sliver pendant. The pendant is of a dragon holding a little ruby. This was a gift from her husband and son. Drago's name is very close to the word Dragon, which was the young boys nickname and they owned an apple farm which was what the ruby symbolized. Poppet:
Drago N Tiny construct Init +2; Senses darkvision 60 ft., low-light vision; Perception+6 DEFENSE AC 19, touch 14, flat-footed 17 (+2 Dex, +2 size, +3 nat, +2 armor) hp 13 (half masters, 5 HD) Fort +3, + 0 = 3 Ref +2, +4 = 6 Will +6, -1 = 5 Immune construct traits (Constructs are immune to death effects, disease, mind-affecting effects (charms, compulsions, phantasms, patterns, and morale effects), necromancy effects, paralysis, poison, sleep, stun, and any effect that requires a Fortitude save (unless the effect also works on objects, or is harmless). Constructs are not subject to nonlethal damage, ability damage, ability drain, fatigue, exhaustion, or energy drain. Constructs are not at risk of death from massive damage.) OFFENSE
Skills: uses masters ranks
Languages= Necril Alertness (Ex): While a familiar is within arm’s reach, the master gains the Alertness feat.