Jeggare Noble

Dougal Fairbairn's page

484 posts. Alias of Deaths Adorable Apprentice.

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So I am running a Mythic game set in Azlant. Currently they are in the Lost Sun Temple. Which is a failed attempts by Andoran to colonize one of the islands in Azlant.

So the plan they have settled on is that they want to kill the Divine sliver there that has enslaved people for the last 300+ years. There is a nasty cult. Well they wanna kill the Godling but what if it goes to another plane and reforms as outsiders are prone to do. So what are they to do?

Consume the God Flesh. This is a ritual they can preform in their battle with them. What I am struggling with is what happens if they succeed? What are some good and bad things that can happen from consuming a proto Godling

Nurgal’s domains are Chaos, Evil, Fire, and Sun, and his favored weapon is the heavy mace.

So for some of the lore needed for my question. Way back in the Azlanti times there was a god called Nurgal. An evil Sun god who was cut in half by the Goddess Acavna. The lesser half fell into Hell and became the infernal duke Nergal; the greater half plummeted into the Abyss, and became a demon lord that retained the name Nurgal. So a full god became two demigods. But there was a tiny sliver that fell to the Mateiral Plane and became the proto godling Nuruu’gal. This creature was sealed up under a temple long before Earthfall.

But that was 10,000 years ago and that seal is breaking. When the first colonists came they crashed and the survivors explored the island to find somewhere to make their new home. They found a runined city. And within that city is the temple the proto godling is trapped in. Well someone found it. Current game in a few centuries after this. So the cult colony is well established.

They have been here once and escaped with the people who were opposed to cultists and the breeding families trapped with the cultists. So they are legit baddies.

So how can you get the moat summons monsters on the battlefield?

How many summons can you have going at once?

So death happens in games. And people can return from the dead via certain spells. What I am curious about is the role play element of what the ritual looks like. Like we know most spells use diamonds or holy oils of a certain value. But it for that sweet role play.

So I come here to humbly ask what the resurrection rituals for various faiths, religions, ect would looks like? From anyone able to cast raise dead or ressurection. Of the various religions and faiths of this world we play in

Perched at the edge of civilized lands, the small
town of Falcon’s Hollow has always had to
rely on itself to solve its problems. Meanwhile,
the uncaring lumber barons squeeze the common folk for every last copper, deaf to their
pleas. Now the hacking coughs of the sick are
heard throughout town. The plague has come
to Falcon’s Hollow and the town’s leaders can’t
be bothered to stop it

The small village of Falcon’s
Hollow is a wild place. Nestled
in the shadow of Droskar’s Crag, the
people of Falcon’s Hollow are hearty
and stern. Theirs is a life of hardships,
broken only occasionally by a handful
of festivals and the infrequent
merchant caravan.
They face constant adversity from
both the wilderness and the wiles of
man. Wolves nip at their heels and
cutpurses ply at their pockets. It is a
testament to their strength that they
even manage to survive at all

Third Party Materials. not keen on it but you are welcome to try to convince me of a 3pp class.
Ability Scores: 20 point buy
Classes: No Anti-paladin though a Vigilante or Vampire Hunter will struggle.
level: you start at level 1
Races: Core, Standard, Advanced are all fine. This takes place in a small town but there are a lot of caravans and travelers that pass though so there might be some strange looks outside of the core races.
Hit Points: maximum at first level, average thereafter or you can roll if you want t
Traits: two traits and no drawbacks
Alignment: no evil please and the characters can totally be prickly with each other but gotta be willing to work together.
Starting Wealth: max for your class
Home Rules: background skills,
Background: Falcons Hollow is a small town. Caravans travel though frequently but the town is miles away from any major city. You can have arrived with a caravan, you can be a local. Lone travelers are less common due to the various dangers to be found on the road but some people get luckly. Thats up to you. If you wanna be a local I can give you some info about the locals if you want. Though I have no issue with you making people you might have ties to.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

The small village of Falcon’s
Hollow is a wild place. Nestled
in the shadow of Droskar’s Crag, the
people of Falcon’s Hollow are hearty
and stern. Theirs is a life of hardships,
broken only occasionally by a handful
of festivals and the infrequent
merchant caravan.
They face constant adversity from
both the wilderness and the wiles of
man. Wolves nip at their heels and
cutpurses ply at their pockets. It is a
testament to their strength that they
even manage to survive at all

Third Party Materials: not keen on it but you are welcome to try to convince me of a 3pp class.
Feats: Most of the feat taxes are not a thing. Let me know which feats.
Ability Scores: 20 point buy
Classes: No Anti-paladin though a Vigilante or Vampire Hunter will struggle.
level: you start at level 1
Races: Core, Standard, Advanced are all fine. This takes place in a small town but there are a lot of caravans and travelers that pass though so there might be some strange looks outside of the core races.
Hit Points: maximum at first level, average thereafter or you can roll if you want t
Traits: two traits and no drawbacks
Alignment: no evil please and the characters can totally be prickly with each other but gotta be willing to work together.
Starting Wealth: max for your class
Home Rules: background skills,
Background: Falcons Hollow is a small town. Caravans travel though frequently but the town is miles away from any major city. You can have arrived with a caravan; you can be a local. Lone travelers are less common due to the various dangers to be found on the road, but some people get lucky. Thats up to you. If you wanna be a local I can give you some info about the locals if you want. Though I have no issue with you making people you might have ties to.

Locals info you are interested, these are just a few.:

Gonna give a few NPC's yall would be likely to know since if you are from or spend time in Falcons Hollow. Feel free to add relationships, good or bad, with people.

Gavel Thuldrin Kreed the boss of the Lumber Consortium. This man actually owns Falcons Hollow and is perfectly content to use that as he sees fit. He is known to be cruel on a whim. He has one one sun, Jurin Kreed. Kreed controls access to the High Market. Better quality foods, fabrics, ect. The leftovers go to the Low Market everyone can go to.

Boss Payden “Pay Day” Teedum the Overboss of the Lumber Consortium and Kreeds right hand man.

Magistrate Vamros Harg, Magistrate-Elect. He does his best to keep peace in the town but everyone knows he is under Kreeds thum.

Sheriff Deldrin Baleson used to be a simple lumberjack in the service of Thuldrin Kreed. He became elected Sheriff of Darkmoon Vale just a week after he smashed Payden Teedum's face with the flat side of an axe for which Teedum had tried to tax him, though Baleson had already paid for it.

Lady Cirthana Gensar, Priestess of Iomedae, leads the only temple in town but her faith is not the most popular in this frontier town.

Laurel Gebre is an herbalist and healer. She owns her own shop called Roots and Remedies. Locals go to her for healing before they go to the Iomedian chirch.

Kabran Bloodeye is a stout half-orc with blood-red eyes and is missing his nose. He is the owner of the Rouge Lady, a gambling hall which doubles as an illicit brothel.

Colbrin Jabbs is the local butcher and a veteran.

Brickasnurd Hildrinsocks owns the Goose 'n' Gander, a cavernous general store.

Kitani Eavewalker is a seamstress in town. A single monther whose daughter, Kimi, has dreams of being an adventurer like her father.

I have two players currently. One is a Wood Shaman and the other is undecided. Im hoping to get two or three players. Currently this module is the plan with the possibility of two others that follow it. So long as everyone is having funn.

The small village of Falcon’s
Hollow is a wild place. Nestled
in the shadow of Droskar’s Crag, the
people of Falcon’s Hollow are hearty
and stern. Theirs is a life of hardships,
broken only occasionally by a handful
of festivals and the infrequent
merchant caravan.
They face constant adversity from
both the wilderness and the wiles of
man. Wolves nip at their heels and
cutpurses ply at their pockets. It is a
testament to their strength that they
even manage to survive at all

Third Party Materials. not keen on it but you are welcome to try to convince me of a 3pp class.
Ability Scores: 20 point buy
Classes: No Anti-paladin though a Vigilante or Vampire Hunter will struggle.
level: you start at level 1
Races: Core, Standard, Advanced are all fine. This takes place in a small town but there are a lot of caravans and travelers that pass though so there might be some strange looks outside of the core races.
Hit Points: maximum at first level, average thereafter or you can roll if you want t
Traits: two traits and no drawbacks
Alignment:/[b] no evil please and the characters can totally be prickly with each other but gotta be willing to work together.
[b]Starting Wealth:
max for your class
Home Rules: background skills,
Background: Falcons Hollow is a small town. Caravans travel though frequently but the town is miles away from any major city. You can have arrived with a caravan, you can be a local. Lone travelers are less conmmon due to the various dangers to be found on the road but some people get luckly. Thats up to you. If you wanna be a local I can give you some info about the locals if you want. Though I have no issue with you making people you might have ties to.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Hello all. I am running a Gallery of Evil module. I have two players who are playing a Wariest and a bard. Once of the players that left is a 3pp class called a Survivor that I am currently botting. And it will be up to my current players and whoever ends up joining us if I continue to bot the character. Looking for at least one other player maybe more.

This module takes place in the city of Absolom and is defiantly an urban setting. Specifically the Ivy District, or the art district. There is mystery and some fun combats and social elements to it. There are a few NPC's who might have sent you to join the others as they are investigating some murders and attempted murders that have taken place this even.

Belfor Vittanis is a well known art critic and collector. He was nearly murdered but the party prevented him from unwrapping a painting at a rather packed party. This painting would have unleashed some kind of monster on the crowd.

Or the Vault of Abadar is a group of Abadar worshipers who help patrol the Ivy District where this all takes place. One of the priests helped the party capture the rake who was delivering the paintings, The are not with the group as they were needed elsewhere and toke the rake to a jail cell. The group was offered a fair amount of money if they could solve this mystery.

That rake was captured on the lawn of Eleazonna Gertwright, another well known art critic. She would have been the third victim of the night.

Curiosity could lead to following them to another house they snuck into.

Between the party and the fight on the lawn it things are fairly public

Third Party Materials. not keen on it but you are welcome to try to convince me of a 3pp class.
Ability Scores: purchased using the High Fantasy point-buy (20 points); if you really wanna roll you can. But you are stuck with the three dice you get
Classes: No Anti-paladin
level: you start at level 9
Races: Core, standard, and advanced are all fine by me. You will be in a big city so some races like goblins, drow, gnoll, ect will get some weird looks and some people might be mistrustful.
Hit Points: maximum at first level, ½ + 1 thereafter or you can roll if you want to
Traits: two traits, with the option of taking a drawback for a third; if a drawback is chosen, it should be something that actually hinders your character
Alignment:/[b] no restrictions, so long as you are able to play nice with the other players and not be a murderhoobs
[b]Starting Wealth:
33,000 gp

Hello all. I am planning to run a Gallery of Evil module. I have three players who are playing a Cleric, Wariest, and a Survivor. Looking for at least one other player maybe more.

This module takes place in the city of Absolom and is defiantly an urban setting. There is mystery and some fun combats and social elements to it.

Third Party Materials. not keen on it but you are welcome to try to convince me of a 3pp class.
Ability Scores: purchased using the High Fantasy point-buy (20 points); if you really wanna roll you can. But you are stuck with the three dice you get
Classes: No Anti-paladin
level: you start at level 8
Races: Core, standard, and advanced are all fine by me. You will be in a big city so some races like goblins, drow, gnoll, ect will get some weird looks and some people might be mistrustful.
Hit Points: maximum at first level, ½ + 1 thereafter or you can roll if you want to
Traits: two traits, with the option of taking a drawback for a third; if a drawback is chosen, it should be something that actually hinders your character
Alignment:/[b] no restrictions, so long as you are able to play nice with the other players and not be a murderhoobs
[b]Starting Wealth:
33,000 gp
Home Rules: background skills,
Background: You all can know each other or not, that up to you. But you should have a reason Asheron Coyl, an art collector in the Ivy Distrect in Absolom. He frequently sponsors adventuring expeditions to faraway ruins and lost civilizations in pursuit of ancient art, jewels, and relics to add to his collection. Along with being the patron to various artist in Absolom. He could be a family friend or a family member. If you do not wanna know him then being part of the city guard or someone who does free lance work for them. Ect. Mostly you need a reason for him to contact you or to be sent to him.

Third Party Materials. not keen on it but you are welcome to try to convence me of a 3pp class.
Ability Scores: purchased using the High Fantasy point-buy (20 points); if you really wanna roll you can. But you are stuck with the three dice you get
Classes: No Anti-paladin
Races: Core, standard, and advanced are all fine by me. You will be in a big city so some races like goblins, drow, gnoll, ect will get some weird looks and some people might be mistrustful.
Hit Points: maximum at first level, ½ + 1 thereafter or you can roll if you want to
Traits: two traits, with the option of taking a drawback for a third; if a drawback is chosen, it should be something that actually hinders your character
Alignment:/[b] no restrictions, so long as you are able to play nice with the other players and not be a murderhoobs
[b]Starting Wealth:
33,000 gp
Home Rules: background skills,
Background: You all can know each other or not, that up to you. But you should have a reason Asheron Coyl, an art collector in the Ivy Distrect in Absolom. He frequently sponsors adventuring expeditions to faraway ruins and lost civilizations in pursuit of ancient art, jewels, and relics to add to his collection. Along with being the patron to various artist in Absolom. He could be a family friend or a family member. If you do not wanna know him then being part of the city guard or someone who does free lance work for them. Ect. Mostly you need a reason for him to contact you or to be sent to him.

I have a wizard among my players and they are wanting to make a few items for the small colony they are part of. My party is only level 3 at the moment. The items they want to make are not for combat but for the NPC's to use. I am running them though the Ruin's of Azlant AP and they do not have access to really anything but the tiny colony they are working on building so my wonderful players are really invested in the colony and I love that.

I have no clue how to price these items but I really love that they are wanting to get this involved so I kind of want them to get to make these things. Please help!

The first is what they are calling 'the hoe of crop rotation'. At the moment it is gonna be fairly simple. She wants spells like Expeditious Excavation and Expeditious Construction. They are wanting it to be able to till the ground for farming. Later when more levels and more money has been gain they want to add some spells like plant growth.

Another one is being called the 'Woodsman Axe'. They want it be able to cut though the hardness of a tree quicker and possibly ease the physical exhaustion that chopping down trees gets you.

The others are gonna be a little later as the spells are not avalible yet. One is carpentry tools with 'Wood Shape'. The goal is to make it easier or faster to build things.

Along with eventually something with Stone Shape to make it easier on the stone masons.
And something for the same thing with the blacksmith. Possibly with spells like crafters fortune

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Shieldwarden Olhondias is the former Herald of the Azlanti moon goddess, Acavna. And I am running a campaign in Azlant that will have a lot of plane hopping from the various planar rifts throughout the Shattered Continent. Acavna is a bit of theme throughout the game and at some point they will be getting to go against her former mount, an ancient Lunar Dragon, who guard the ruins of a city. The Mordant Spire Elves are throughout the area and the Mordant Spire grew from her corpse.

"After her death, her former herald Shieldwarden Olhondias used parts of her planar realm to shore up the refuge for outcast outsiders, Basrakal, in the Maelstrom."

But there is not a lot said about this former herald. I am very certain my party is gonna wanna chat with this guy and I am hopping for some ideas on personality and the mechanics of this character. Feel free to throw some crazy idea as I love crazy and my game is using the mythic stuff.

So I am running a game set in Azlant and I want to, as do all my players, explore the whole shattered continent. There is also going to be plane shifting. There are rifts to various planes all though out the islands. Some obvious and some not.

I don't need every location to be really weird but some of I want to be very strange. I have huge islands that are bigger than some countries and then tiny less than one mile island. There are a lot of islands. Some places have wild magic and there are going to be a few dead magic zones.

Aberrations, Devils, Magical Beasts, and Giants are the more important enemies that tie into the different threads they might attach themselves to.

I have a small island in the south that is made of living metal, as is everything on it.

Another is small island, I am calling it Mirror Isle, has little, hard to notice mirrors floating around. So that at times they will see part of themselves reflected in the air. There may be a rift to the Shadow plane or the Dimension of Dreams here. Not sure yet. But the main predator here are going to be a kind of doppelganger, one that make a closer copy. As in copying class features. But it loses a point or more of con per day so long as the original lives. I love the fight a mirror version of yourself troupe.

Near one of the larger impacts is a place that was turned into crystal.

In the tropical setting I know I am going to have one island that is cold. All the wintry goodness they thought they didn't have to deal with in a tropical setting is gonna be there.

And suggestions are greatly appreciated!

I have a new computer and I am trying to get my account set up. I was able to do so but when I tried to change me email, the one register here is not one I have access to anymore, it now seems to be stuck in transition. It is no sending a message to the new account and I cannot seem to login to my account on chrome. Is there something you can do?

I will be starting a modified Ruins of Azlant game soon where the players will be going much further into the shattered continent. A great many things have survived the 10,000 years following the Earthfall due to the way the Azlanti weaved magic into basically everything they did.

Plenty of items are fine but I wanting some to be poorly affected by the time. Like bags of holding have degraded into bags of devouring. Staves, rods, and wands have odd quirks like altering the visual of the spell or flat out casting different spells or maybe have some chance of acting like a rod of wonder.

Thank you in advance

I have always be intrigued by the Deck of Many Things and I want to include something similar in my custom Ruins of Azlant campaign. But I want to change a few things. I want to base he cards off of the eight schools of magic along with primal magic and maybe alchemy. I am wanting between three to five cards for each suit. I want a bunch of cards.

I have some ideas though not enough. Like one of the Divination cards can give a truthful answer to any one question and I think I will put that it has to asked within a year of the card being drawn. The death card is in Necromancy, of course. One of the Universal magic cards will grant a wish.

But when I have an idea and I am not sure how to execute it I come to the message-boards.

I have always be intrigued by the Deck of Many Things and I want to include something similar in my custom Ruins of Azlant campaign. But I want to change a few things. I want to base he cards off of the eight schools of magic along with primal magic and maybe alchemy. I am wanting between three to five cards for each suit.

I have some ideas though not enough. Like one of the Divination cards can give a truthful answer to any one question and I think I will put that it has to asked within a year of the card being drawn. The death card is in Necromancy, of course. One of the Universal magic cards will grant a wish.

But when I have an idea and I am not sure how to execute it I come to the message-boards.

I am soon going to be running Ruins of Azlant and I, and my players, want to explore far more than is presented. I am condensing the adventure path down to 9 or 10 levels and then they will get to do some exploring into the actual Shattered Continent. But I need to keep things interesting and still have a kind of villain.

I thought about Demons and critters from the underdark but it did not call to me for the BBEG. I'm still considering using them but not for myfinal villian.

I want something a little stranger. I am wanting them to have to have to battle the actual land though I am a little uncertain how to go about that since there are not a lot of examples. I have plans for some plane hopping. Quiet a few rifts that have opened and have wrapped the surrounding areas.

One thought I had was using the impact locations from Earthfall be the big thing they have to take care of. Things there are really weird.

Another was them having to figure out how to close the rifts but that seems like it could get monotonous really fast.

I am finally getting run a heavily modified version of The Ruins of Azlant. One of my players, who has been playing for a lot longer than I have, wanted to play an Alienist wizard. I love the thematic's of it so I am all down for either transfuring over the prestige class or as she would prefer making an archetype along that theme. And I am cool with that. Pathfinder was made for archetypes!

So I turn to the wonderful message board for help!

I know she wants the summons to be more aberration or outsider like. We can do that with a template similar to the celestial or fiendish templates though a modified feat. I wanna keep the familiar changing to an outsider. Probably around level seven like with improved familiar. But I am not the best at formatting something that fits in pathfinder without being way over or under powered. That ideal middle ground is hard for me.

I'm not sure what things are a good trade for the wizards core abilities. Please help me! Plus if she plays it I get to make a baddy along the same bent. Those are my rules and we all seem to like the results.

Thank you in advance.

Like the title says I need a good urban module. The level does not matter. I am wanting a module that is good for the Vigilante class. Quiet possibly a whole group of them.

Thank you in advance

We play on Sundays and one of our table has plenty of room and the house is on the boarder of Midwest City and Choctaw.

We have a 5e game, Hoard of the Dragon Queen. That is being run while she and I prep for the games we really want to run. The first up is mine which is a modified Ruins of Azlant with the wonderful Mythic stuff if everyone is down. The other is her which is a modified version of Mage from World of Darkness. She is running it in a Harry Potter inspired style, so we get to be young students who know nothing.

Post here or PM me!

I am going to be running the Pact Stone Pyramid module for some friends. I am supposed to at some point in their first day in the dig site have the tip of the pyramid be reached in the dig. So I am not sure if I missed it in my reading but how long does it take for the pyramid to be dug out? I know they can interfere with it but I need a base time.

Thank you in advance

So I have a few dragon fights coming up in the campaign I am running. I also watch Critical Role, if you haven't you should. Anyways the GM in that had a few dragon fights and the lair had an initiative separate of the dragon. Other critters had these too sometimes.

What these are is that the area or home of a specific creature has been effected by having a dragon live there for so long. A black dragon might have pools of acid that bubble out. Blasts of fire for the red and gold dragon.

What I am wanting is some ideas for various dragons along with some stuff that a necromancers lair might have.

Specifically I have a evil adult undead copper dragon on a well of necromancy.

A mature adult black dragon in a very old manor that it has claimed for the last few centuries. The manors lands have turned into a swamp/bog type area.

A, adult white dragon with the broken soul template who is a manor and has not left in a few years. The inside of the home is its hoard.

A mature adult red dragon. I am using the Blood of Dragonscar module.

Late game I have a ancient green dragon who lives in a massive pit in a forest and has orc and kolbold minions

As to the necromancer I have a lot of necromancers as the baddies. The Whispering Tyrant Tar-Baphon is the final fight and they have his minions to fight along the way. So any ideas for fun things spell casters homes might have absorbed from having them there.

Thank you in advance

So an adult white dragon has a bite and 2 claws, both of which are listed as primary attacks, 2 wings and a tail slap, both of which are listed as a secondary attack. If I give the critter mutiattack. How does this work? In a Full attack do I get to use all of them or is it still in piecemeal? Also is is there a way to attack lots of people at once?

This matters because this dragon is not going to be able to fly very much.

Thank you in advance

I am running a one shot fight for some of my players. There are four of them. They are level 16 and will have 3 mythic tiers so crazy powerful. In know one is an Oracle and she wants to do as much damage as possible. Another is a gunsling, alchemist, wizard mix. The player has plans for a crazy gun and I wanna see how it turns out. He can make very functional characters. Another will be a full caster of some kind, currently wobbling between a wizard or druid. And the last guy is I think going with a alchemist or monk.

They are going to be fighting an evil Ancient Wyrm Brass Dragon in its hoard. I am adding lair actions, meaning the actual lair has an initiative and will have abilities resembling the dragons natural abilities. I was thinking some kind of gout of fire and blasts from the sands.

Beyond that I am changing the spells around as the dragon is cruel and delights is violence and death. Potentially a template but I have not found one I like. I need it to be able to keep up with the mythic action economy.

Any suggestions for things the lair could do on its imitative or things I can do with the Dragon itself. Minions that I could add to make things more dangerous. Fun traps the Dragon would have in the hoard. Anything that sounds fun and deadly

Thank you in advance

So a little backstory on the character in question. He was originally a fighter who belonged to a mercenary type of guild. This guy was purely motivated by money. He was hired by a group of baddies, minions of the BBEG actually. He worked with them for a few months before it all went ass over tea kettle. They wanted him to go into a hamlet and kill everyone simply because he was told to. The PC said no, this was to much. But since he was alone with the four baddies he was overpowered and killed. In his dying moments he begged for someone, anyone to help him.

Sarenrae answered. This was the Deity the player wanted and I had no issue with that. Redemption is a big thing for this character. She brought him back to life and remade him as a cleric. She also gave him visions of the other players and told him if he wanted true redemption and not to burn forever he needed to help them. That was something the player added all on his own, the forever burning and the reason he went to the party, and Sarenrae can be a little hardcore so that happened. In his little oath to her. The player is a weird one. Everything till this point was backstory. Anyways.

So he is with the group and we are getting close to his arc in the tale and he requested a possible love interest and a chance to try and redeem someone. I am happy to oblige.

I want the love interest and the person to be redeemed to be the same person. A fellow member of the mercenary guild. She is a very capricious lady who really doesn't do it for the money more just because she can. I have her built, a personality, and backstory figured out. But I am floundering a little on when I want to bring her in.

So she could spot him in the city and be the one that lets him know about the bounty on his head. The guild figured out he is not dead and they are angry at him for pissing off well paying clients. No they do not know that those clients wanted him to slaughter a hamlet for the lolls. This is a bit more of the easier option, maybe.

I plan for the party to get to fight this group of minions and this lovely lady could be working for them. That will put a lot of tension in that fight. But the likelihood of her dying is high. Though resurrection is a thing and they group has paid to raise NPC's before.

I am sure there are more options but my brain is not thinking of anything, stupid cold affecting my brain. Anyways any suggestions are welcome and heavily requested. Please help!

Thank you in advance,

I am building a Kobold Paladin of Iomedae. This is because he died and was brought back my a priestess of Iomedae. My little blue Kobold needs some structure in his life and this is the route he is going.

I am planning on melee. The campagin is rather undead heavy so the I was planning on taking the undead scourge archetype. His time while dead was spent in Urgathoa's realm. So there is a strong hatred for the undead.

I am needing some feat suggestions. He is level 8. I am not super familiar with the Paladin.

Thank you in advance

Can someone, using the kingdom building and the settlements, please stat out Falcon's Hollow and Fort Thorn. And please explain how it was done.

My reasoning is that I am running the Conquest of the Bloodsworn Vale module for my group and modifying it for a trial run for a kingmaker. But I am having some issue figuring out how to build Fort Thorn. I want Falcons Hollow because that is a major location in he game we are in right now in our current game but again the kingdom building stuff is a little confusing to me.

Thank you in advance

So I have a really religious party. They go to temples not the taverns and spend a chunk of their money on donations not mugs of ale. So due to this I am wanting more ideas for stuff that I can due with these temples. The deities that matter the most to them are Pharasma, Iomedae, Torag Cayden Cailean, Sarenrae, Abadar, Gozreh, Shelyn, and Desna. Urgathoa is a big from the baddie side of things.

One of my players is retraining during down time to become a Paladin of Iomedae and that got me thinking on what the initiation ceremony would look like and what it would look like for the other deities.

I have a very devoted Druid of Gozreh and an npc cleric of Gozreh who are shooting for a romantic relationship. So what would a marriage ceremony look like? Gozreh matters here but any of the gods hold my curiosity.

Also another very important one is burial ceremonies for these deities. The previously mentioned Druid has an artifact of Pharasma and made a binding oath to her so he is learning about that faith, specifically burial rites. My game is very undead heavy.

A new Paladin of Iomedea is gonna matter. Also the Cleric of Gozreh and I have a cleric of Sarenrae. Those three with Pharasma are the four most likely Deity specific ceremonies I need to know about.

Thank you in advance.

I am getting to play a Derro in an Underdark game. I do believe we are starting in the city of Telderist. What I need are some conspiracy theories that by little paranoid Derro believes.

Thank you in adavnce

So the Sorcerer in my group took leadership and got a Blue Kolbold who is a Dragon Herald Bard. Because of this I get to make titles little Kibbo would use to introduce the group with, primarily to shame them with. I need some dramatic titles. Silly is more than welcome!

Forgive the wall of text but I have a rather large group because I am insane. And there is a fair bit of flexible rules in my game.

In the group I have the Sorcerer with the Linnorm bloodline. She is the one who took the leadership feat. This character is rather greedy and arrogant. He behavior is rather dragon like, a mix She loves ice magic and blast spells. Her mini is a woman with a chainsaw!

There is her husband a Magus who is a blacksmith and a crafter. He is quiet and calm man. Who has the worse luck in combat and fails most saves. He is the tank and consistent frontliner.

Another Sorcerer with the Arcane bloodline. He is the adopted child of the two listed above. Very sarcastic and Kibbo does not like him, at all. Illusion magic based with some environmental control spells.

A really old Dwarf Wizard who fails in combat alot and likes to summon things. He tends to do some random things like yell "Guy's I hope you have your murder boners ready!" He also tends to forget he has magic, he is a bad wizard.

A half-orc druid. He is a big talker and very focused on starting a grove of his own. He has a warg named Fluffy who is rather like a mother to him. Fluffy is very mellow and more than willing to scare people if she thinks it is funny.

A Cleric of Gozrah who is the love interest of the half orc druid. She is very quiet and kind. She is only ranged and a healer.

A cleric if Sarenrae. He thinks he is a being of fire and is rather obsessed with fire. He is very helpful to all the party members even when they do not need his help. Kibbo does not like him because his mistress does not like Sarenrae. He is also a little dumb. The party ran into a Green Dragon they knew, but she was in the form of a half elf. He is a smoker, this oddly matters. He asked her is it was true that dragons fire brings out the flavor. He was surprised when the dragon lady spit acid on the cigar, ruining that and badly damaging his hand. Then he asked about the different kinds of breath weapons dragons have and how it affects their food. This is because she says yes it does bring out the flavor.

A gnome ranger named Vagi, the name makes people laugh. He lynx is named Mooch. Vagi is ranged and very quiet and shy. But she steals all the kills.She loves to travel and happened to have had a nice bow at one point but she snapped it in half mid combat due to some bad rolls. Mooch is a shameless ham with a deep love for belly rubs. He had the first title which is Acid Belly. That was earned by him nearly dying fighting some ankhegs.

In the game I am running there is a seal leaking necrotic energy and the players unintentionally let a bad guy know with a few months to plan when to attack it. So while the guard is lessened to guard a different location where other plot stuff is happening I want to have the baddies attack it.

So the seal is being guarded by a group of Fey and a bunch of clerics and paladins of Iomedea. This fight is going to happen off screen but the players intend to head that way, time-wise, after the fight happens.

Most of the baddies leading that attack are necromancy focused Wizards, Sorcerers, Witches, Rouges, Barbarians, and Clerics. My campaign has a strong necromancy bent.

I want to steal the soul of the Paladin, cause it sounds like fun. What can the bad guys do with the soul of a Paladin and maybe a few clerics or powerful Fey?

Any suggestions legal and mechanically sound or less legal but fun sounding are welcome and wanted.

Thank you in advance

The campagin I am running started in Falcons Hollow. I ran them through the Hollow's Last Hope, Crown of the Kobold King, Revenge of the Kobold King, and Hungry Are the Dead. They got their first mythic tier before the boss fight in Hungry are the Dead. From their they met with the Fairy Queen, she is working to stop a necrotic seal from leaking, this is one of the seals that traps the Lich King Tar-Baphon. In exchange the players are working to stop the war between the Fey and the Lumber Consortium.

They have set up a meeting for peace talks between the Fey, the Lumber Consortium, and the government of Andoran. All of which is great! But they want to go back to Falcon's Hollow and I would love some ideas for stuff that I can do with them.

For some other the things that have changed in Falcon's Hollow.

Kabran Bloodeye was called out by the party in the middle of town and he was killed. Payden Teedum was killed. Thuldrin Kreed was hung by the townsfolk.

One of the players took over Savram Vade, an npc from Crown of the Kobold King. That players father is a necromancer and escaped. He will be a reoccurring villain later.

There is currently a large amount of the Diamond Regiment in the town working with the Fairy Queen to contain the necrotic seal. That seal is leaking a lot of necromantic energy so there is a lot of undead in the area.

Does anyone have any suggestions?
Thank you in advance, DAA

I am getting to take my players into an area that has a lot of Skin Stealers who has plagued this area for over 30 years.

This place is a collection of small lumber hamlets and villages in a large forests.

So I am wanting some ideas for things I can do with the Skin Stealers. Anything people have used in the past. I have never had the chance to play with these critters before. There is lot to them but I am sadly drawing a blank!

How can I amp up the creepy factor with creatures that wear the skin of people and how would the players notice what they are?

What would be some fun things that would cause normally solitary creatures how like to travel want to stay in a few mile radius for years?

I have a haunt coming up in my homebrew game and I am wondering how the players would be able to figure out how to permanently remove the haunt.

The rough history of the haunt is that there was a man who was attempting to make peace between the local Fey and lumberjacks. But a local lumber baron did not want the peace and restrictions on the harvesting of wood. The lumber baron paid a handful of lumberjacks to kill the hopeful peacemaker.

The Fey found out about it and found his body handing. The Fey slaughtered the whole town. They the men who did it. The peacemaker was given a proper burial and his final resting place has become a bit of legend and bad adventurers do try to loot his tomb. But thus far no one is know to have succeed.

The hired murderers were turned into scarecrows and are now the guardians of the grave of the man they killed. If the scarecrows are all killed the haunt reforms in 1d6 days.

My initial thought for what would kill the haunt is that they need to bring someone with legal authority to pass judgment on these souls. I am not sure how the group would figure that out.

I am also open to suggestions for other ways to kill the haunt forever. This is something they are gonna want to do since they are looking for ways to earn good will in the area and this is very in line with their current quest.

Thank you in advance.

So sorry for the text wall but I need help! My player are getting close to the completion of their first major quest and will be getting rewards. Big ones. The short of it is that they are setting up a meeting to stop what would be a very big, long, and bloody war.

So one of my players has a request for what they want but I have no idea what it would cost and I am thinking something like this would be to much for one player even if they want it for everyone. I still want everyone to get something of their own that they specifically want. The thing the player wants will be helpful to everyone as the campaign goes on.

They know the story will have them moving though a few countries so a sedentary location is not so useful. But one that moves is. So this player is wanting is a tower. It is four stories to account for a small prison, crafting spaces, rooms for the six players, a few cohorts, followers, and guests. This I do not have an issue with.

He wants a tower that will shrink down and with a command word resume its full size. Now I have some issues with this option. I have no idea what it would cost and I assume something like would leave some damage where ever they open it.

Another option is a building that they are able to have an item that with a command word can go back to. This would be a tower that is in one place but they can access from anywhere. They would have to find a way to keep it safe but it gives a easily way for people to find them if they need to. This was something one of the players mentioned.

The other option is a mini dimension that they can access and build their home in.

I have no idea how to even begin crafting any of these and no idea what they would cost.

In my group I have three players who have been playing for years longer than me and then I have three newbies. It is one of the more experienced players that wants this, a druid. Of the other two experienced players one is willing to go along with whatever and will happily accept what I give them. This one just wants to get back to the game, a wizard. The other one is having some issues, a sorcerer. They want more of a say in it and are feeling a little left out.

This is something the druid came up with and started designing well before asking for input from anyone. The very last of it was a few comments from the wizard. The three newbies, who will go along with anything currently, had no say and the sorcerer was shown the drawing.

Not only would I like some help figuring out what those options above would cost I need some advice on what to do here.

Do I tell him no? Since I have no idea what I could give the other players that would be on the same level as thing and not break my game.
Reduce what he would be getting?
Ask everyone to draw up an example of what they would want and then hybridize them?
Do I design it and they just get that?
And if they get it what are the three options gonna cost? I need to know that so I know how long it will take for them to get it.
Should I give everyone their own little building? Something smaller, like a house instead?
Are there things I have not considered?

Thank you in advance

I had a player miss a few sessions and I hate to just recap things and have nothing for him to have done while he was gone. The rest of the players are fine with me doing solo stuff with him at the beginning of the session. He is a new player to this type of fantasy game, he tends to play things like robotech and starwars. He is not the most social and tends to be really quiet but he is the first to volunteer to help someone which is great. He is a vanilla cleric of Sarenrae who used to be a mercenary in Taldor till he was killed and given a second chance by Sarenrae. Fun backstory.

So they are in the city of Almas in Andoran and he has six days to do some stuff. The 'quest' the group is on is to stop a war between the Fey and the Lumber Consortium. They have a potential meeting between the Fey Queen, the people who run the Lumber Consortium, and a representative of the People Council. The group is looking for information on all parties and trying not to create bad blood. So if anyone has an ideas on some stuff I could have for this player to do. Either pertaining to the above or just some fun stuff for him to get him more invested in the game.

Thank you in advance,

I need some help with a Orc tribe.This tribe will be found in the Hold of Belkzen I do not have a name for them yet. This tribe is still loyal to Tar-Baphon. I am needing some fluff ideas on how this group functions and how the other tribes view them. The link is to the wiki for the tribes of Belkzen.

The main reason is I have a half orc player who was born in the Hold of Belkzen. He is the son of the tribes leader and a paladin of Iomedea. His mother was a captive. He was taken away as a child, saved by his mothers animal companion. He grew up in Taldor among the druids.

I am wanting this tribe to still keep ties with Tar-Baphon because he is the games BBEG and I think the player will have a blast with it. Besides this is all fated to happen so all of my players have deep ties back to Tar-Baphon they just have not figured them out yet.

Any suggestions on the tribe would be greatly appreciated. Orc tribes are not something I am familiar with.

Thank you in advance

My Order is 4118677. It says that my items were sent to me but I have yet to have them arrive. These are books I was very excited to get and it has been two weeks.

My campaign is currently in Andoran and I have an NPC I am needing help with. I am adjusting the Gallery of Evil module. So I have an art collector who works with adventurers and will buy things off of them from their dungeon delving or occasionally send them out to places he has heard about. I want them to work with him some before I start the modules events.

The main things he collects are paintings and drawings. But he will take statues, should they be beautifully made or of historical value, and yes he will take pieces of statues. For weapons and armor it has to be historically relavant or of a exceptionally beautiful make.

What I need is some suggestions for places he might send my group in Andoran and some ideas for things that they might find.

Thank you in advance,

I have games on my campaigns page that have not had any posts from the gm in over two months and all the players agreed the game was over. I want them off my page so I ask how to do this.

Thank you in advance

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