
Deathless's page

83 posts. Alias of Saashaa.

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This is the discussion thread. More info to come.


This is the gameplay thread. Please dot in and post in the discussion.

Hey all,

I'm recruiting for a run of 1-06. This is not a first come first served. Recruitment will close November 7th. I may end it sooner.

Please post with your character so that I can check out your character. If your character info is not in your profile, you are unlikely to be selected.

Warning: Evil NPCs will be run as evil.

Grand Archive

So, the heightened effect of this spell institutes a cooldown. Does that cooldown affect all castings? Even the 4th rank version?

For example..

A Hezrou is blocked in by a PC casting a wall of stone. It uses 5th rank Translocate to get to the other side of the wall. A PC then casts a wall of force that blocks it in to its new location.

Can the Hezrou use 4th rank Translocate to get to the other side? Or is it immune to all castings of Translocate?

Grand Archive

For clarity I am not talking about resistances.

I am speaking of Tempest-Sun Redirection and Tempest-Sun Shielding

Can those reductions to damage stack?

Also how does each interact with multiple types of damage being dealt with a single attack? Let's use a situation where 25 slashing and 25 fire damage would be dealt by a single spell effect.

Radiant Oath 4/5 5/55/5 *

Has anyone curated a list of scenarios that take place in the gravelands?

Grand Archive

Can a reaction, with the trigger of "A creature targets you with an attack and you can see the attacker." that allows you to make a stride or step, nullify an enemies strike midway?

What happens to the strike?

Grand Archive

What do yall peeps think about an eldritch trickter rogue that goes into magus dedication?


What can and cannot be detected with blindsense thought?

Second Seekers (Ehu Hadif)

What ways do you know of to increase one's Str check to break?

So far I've got:
Large sized
Str ability score
Breach (weapon property)
Blast Through (vanguard discipline) [adds Con mod]

Dataphiles 4/5 5/55/5 *

Another thread got me to reading through the Starship Operations Manual and it occurred to me, why not have some of the weapons or the Training Interface Modules (TIMs) as purchasable boons in SFS? They could be starship boons wherein one could only 'slot' one. AcP-wise they would be similar to the uncommon spells/items one can purchase in 2e. Plus, it is not like starship boons would be a new thing. As they would essentially be additions to ships they have to cost something. Since BP don't have a specified credit value, why not AcP?



reporting info + day job rolls please


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Discussion thread open. This is for OOC chat and logistics. Post your reporting info when you can.


dot in for tracking. I'll get an opening post up in the next couple days.

Hey all, I am recruiting 4 more spots for a run of 2-01. Recruitment will be up for a week. After the week I will announce the four to join. The minimum information that I require will be level and class (or role in a group if you've gotten clever with the class).

Scarab Sages

Pathfinder Rulebook, Starfinder Society Subscriber

I am very interested in playing the Devastation Ark with a ysoki exocortex mechanic. I'm sending feelers out for players and a GM who can post 1/day regularly.

Grand Archive 4/5 5/55/5 *

If one has gained access to an uncommon spell, do they have access to buy a wand of it?

Dataphiles 4/5 5/55/5 *

5 people marked this as a favorite.

It is curious to me that people dislike starship combat because of how boring it is and many of the same people play characters who do the same thing over and over in regular combat. I mean really?... Do you not see the inconsistency?

Secondly, it seems that regardless of the tier I play in, I have to explain or give guidance to my fellow players on how to do starship combat. Starship combat takes so long because many of you refuse to learn it (assuming because you don't like it). Starship combat may be less than exciting, but many of you make it unenjoyable. For the sake of your fellow players, will you just learn it so that you can speed through it?

Starship combat exists and likely is not leaving. Please deal with it like adults so that we all don't have to suffer through every time it comes up.

Grand Archive 4/5 5/55/5 *

8 people marked this as FAQ candidate. 1 person marked this as a favorite.

I'd like some others thoughts on how the downtime part works in society.




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This is the thread for this game. If you have signed up for this game, check in here. If you would like to sign up here is the link.

This is the thread for this game. If you have signed up for this game, check in here. If you would like to sign up here is the link.


I've been puzzling, what, if anything, blocks telepathy or blind(sense/sight)? Thickness of metal? Lead?

Second Seekers (Ehu Hadif)

So....I decided to play a Dragonkin. My friend is playing a Pahtra. They came up with the idea...

What would be the mechanics of the Pahtra riding the Dragonkin?


I get to play again! AND Dataphiles AND Luwazi Ellsebo!? This sounds awesome!

Grand Archive 4/5 5/55/5 *

Hey there all. I have an idea of how this would go down, but wanted a little input.

As a wizard in 2e PFS, how do I add spells to my spellbook (officially)?

Dataphiles would the copaxi Gravity Adjustment ability interact with a Gravitational Harness?

Gravity Adjustment:

Copaxis retain some of their ancient connection to the gravitational forces of the universe. A copaxi can adjust their personal gravity as a standard action. This adjustment remains in effect until the copaxi spends another standard action to return to their environment’s natural gravity. Entering an environment with a different gravity also cancels the copaxi’s ongoing adjustment. A copaxi can treat high or low gravity as standard gravity or treat standard gravity as high or low gravity. These adjustments only affect the copaxi and anything the copaxi is carrying; they do not affect thrown weapons. The copaxi cannot adjust to or from extreme or zero gravity.

Gravitational Harness:

Slim neutronium-core gravitational crystals attached to your spine using intense alchemical processes allow you to manipulate gravity once per day.

With a mk 1 gravitational harness, you can increase or lower gravity for yourself and everything you carry by one step for 2 rounds. This applies the usual effects of lower gravity, including falling more slowly and increased carrying capacity. You can activate, change, or end the effect as a standard action or reaction. If you use a reaction, you can’t take a standard action on your next turn. You can’t make gravity stronger than high gravity or weaker than light gravity. In zero gravity, activating the augmentation instead grants you a supernatural fly speed of 15 feet with perfect maneuverability. You can’t use the fly speed to run or while overburdened.

A mk 2 gravitational harness functions as the mk 1 model, except as follows. The effect lasts for a total of 10 rounds, though you need not use them consecutively. The augmentation can increase or decrease your gravity by up to two steps or negate gravity for you in an area of standard or light gravity. While you have the augmentation active in zero gravity or while negating gravity for yourself, your fly speed is 30 feet.

A mk 3 gravitation harness functions as the mk 2 model, except as follows. The effect lasts for a total of 10 minutes. You need not use the minutes consecutively, but you must use them in 1-minute increments. While you have the augmentation active in zero gravity or while negating gravity for yourself, your fly speed is 60 feet.


Dot in.


Post here if you signed up on the gamely spreadsheet.

There is one spot left in this table. That said, if there is more interest, I can definitely run two tables.

HERE is the link to sign up. The game is on line 109.

Again, if it is full feel free to express interest to be at the next table.


Hey all. I'll probably begin organizing about a week before the start so make sure to check back in around then.


Hey all. I'll probably begin organizing about a week before the start so make sure to check back in around then.


Hey all. I'll probably begin organizing about a week before the start so make sure to check back in around then.


Hey all. I'll probably begin organizing about a week before the start so make sure to check back in around then.







This is not a post here to be in the game!
Go Here and put your name in and then post here saying that you are in the game!

If it is full and you would like to be added to the waitlist, you may post here. I will be posting when the game is full to inform people.

Welcome! This game will start on March 11th, 2019

This is not a post here to be in the game!
Go Here and put your name in and then post here saying that you are in the game!

If it is full and you would like to be added to the waitlist, you may post here. I will be posting when the game is full to inform people.

Welcome! This game will start on March 11th, 2019

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