
David Roulston's page

Organized Play Member. 208 posts (216 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 9 Organized Play characters.

Sovereign Court

I have recieved all of the books from the first AP, however I dod not recieve Book 4.

Can you send it to me please?

Sovereign Court

I recently subscribed to the Starfinder RPG. When I did so, I asked for it to begin with the Pact Worlds hardcover.

I have changed my mind, and would like to have my subscription altered, so that it begins with the Starfinder CRB.

Can you accommodate me?

Sovereign Court

I ordered Path of the Hellknight on Thursday. However, as of Sunday night, the PDF has not been added to my downloads.

When might I expect it?

Sovereign Court

I ordered (and received) the Emerald Spire Superdungeon recently. A couple of days ago, I ordered the Thornkeep module.

In prepping for the Superdungeon, I went to my downloads and did not find either PDF version in my download list.

Is this a mistake, or do I have to order the PDF versions separately? If so, why?

Sovereign Court

This was ordered Dec. 9. It was apparently shipped on Dec. 17. It is now Jan. 6. This order is quite late. i had intended to begin running the AP this Sat.

Please advise.

Sovereign Court

I can't believe that I am actually having to post this; however, can anyone give me a guideline on how just how accurate this alternate racial spell-like ability is supposed to be.

The description says:
"Sylphs with this trait can spend a full-round action to predict the weather in an area for the next 24 hours. The sylph's prediction is always accurate, but cannot account for spells or supernatural effects that might alter the forecast."

I am almost embarrassed to ask about this, but I recently got into a stupid argument with 3 of my players, all of whom seemed to feel that, since it's a "magic" ability, the sylph PC should be able to know exactly what the weather is going to be--including the exact duration and intensity. They feel that the sylph would know that it will start raining at precisely 11:01 am, and end at precisely 11:42 am.

Any assistance here, beyond the usual "my campaign--my rule interpretation" argument, would be very much appreciated.

Sovereign Court

I see that part 2 of the AP is due to ship Friday. However, I have not yet received part 1. Perhaps you wish to ship them both at the same time.

Dark Archive

A high-level wizard is reduced to 0 strength and falls to the ground, helpless.

Question: What can he still do? What exactly does the "helpless" condition affect?

For instance, can he still cast spells with verbal-only components? Can he activate "at will" magic items, supernatural effects, and the like?

Sovereign Court

My credit card was changed a couple of months back. I forgot to change my payment method for my subscription with the new card. i have rectified the matter.

Could you please reactivate my subscription, and send me the two issues that I missed, #53 and 54?

Thank you.

Sovereign Court

One of my players decided to gift to the Prince of Redhand the fiendish griffin statue the players recovered from Zyzog's museum. More than that, when the Fabler was less than impressed with the gift, the player decided to acivate the griffin for the first time, in the Prince's direct presence.

Seems to me that this will send the entire campaign sideways. Does anyone have any suggestions as to how to handle it?

Sovereign Court

The recent announcement regarding that the location of the majority of RPGs at Gen Con 2012 will be in the three major hotels (JW, Marriott, and Westin) rather than in the comvention centre has me curious.

Does Paizo have any information as to where they will be running their Pathfinder games this year? We all have to make our hotel selections in a few weeks, and I'm sure that many folk like myself would like ensure that we're staying in close proximity to the Pathfinder game location.

Sovereign Court

This coming Wed is the big night for my PCs--the grand banquet with Prince Veech. However, my players are looking at the prospect with considerable dread, for they are somehow convinced that Veech is in actuality the black dragon Ilthane.

At the beginning of "A Gathering of Winds" my PCs ran from the dragon into the Whispering Cairn. They spent several days there, and when they finally exited the dragon was gone. In returning to Diamond Lake they found the place in utter ruin, with all of the friends they had made there dead.

ONow, on the eve of the banquet, they have followed all of the threads available, save for seeking out Rorsk and investigating the traitors graves. The former I'm sure they'll follow up before the party, but they are most reluctant to venture into the graves where they seem to believe that they'll have to confront the dragon in his lair.

aS WELL, The prospect of confronting Prince Veech--whom they consider to be Ilthane--without weapons, seems absolutely suicidal to them.

My question is, what should I do about it--or should I do anything about it at all?

Whatever the players decide to do, I am also considering ending the game with a confrontation with Ilthane--sutiably levelled-up, of course.

Any thoughts?

Sovereign Court

There have been some problems over the summer with regard to my credit card.

Visa replaced my card in mid-June, claiming that there was some suspicious activity in my account. Soon afterward I left the continent for 8 weeks on an extended trip, returning just in time for Gen Con.

Apparently, I neglected to inform Paizo of the new card, and consequently my subscription was suspended.

When I was at Gen Con, I updated the credit card information and picked up the pending orders for issues 47, 48, and 49. I was told that issues 44, 45, and 46, which had been suspended June 21, would be sent. I have yet to receive them.

My new credit card, replacing the one that expired 10/11 arrived late. upon activating it today, I immediately went to the Paizo site to update my credit card information, and was amused to find that issues 50 and 51 were being held up. Now that my credit card info is updated they are now pending. So that's all good.

On another issue, I see in my order history, that order 1511752 containing issue 38 was shipped. It never arrived. Could you kindly send me a replacement copy?

I will greatly appreciated any assistance you can lend in these two matters. My group and I love Paizo/Pathfinder. One campaign is still hacking their way through the Age of Worms, while the other is loving killing goblins in the Rise of the Runelords. When we're at gen Con, Pathfinder is the only RP game we play.

Our big decision when the Age of Worms is finished is whether to proceed to The Savage Tide, or to jump over it into Second Darkness.

Sovereign Court

Just received issue #26, but have not recieved issues 24 or 25.

I assume this has to do with my credit card number having been changed. Can you let me know when i might recieve these issues?


Sovereign Court

I would like to make cheerful notice of the recent delivery of Pahtfinder #16.

However, as of yet I have not received Pathfinder #15.

Should I continue to wait for it, or is it time to mail me out a replacement copy?

Sovereign Court

I am prepping for HoHR, and I realized that I didn't have a map for Midnight's Muddle beyond the one printed in the magazine. I figured I would just download the web supplement for Dragon Dragon #336 on the Paizo website--but I couldn't find it.

Did it ever exist? Have all the web supplements for Dragon and Dungeon been taken off the site?

I downloaded all of the web supplements for AOW months ago, but I never got around to doing the same for The Savage Tide.


Sovereign Court

My group plays twice a month, and have been doing so since June of 2006. We are now halfway through Blackwall Keep. Everyone's loving it, but I'm wondering about the pace of our progress.

For those of you who play about as often as my group, could you tell me when you started and how far you have progressed through the AP?

Sovereign Court

My players have just finished the encounter with the Faceless One and his kenku cultists. They are low on hit points & spells, and appear to be getting ready to assault the ebon aspect--which would seem suicidal.

The players have considered and are rejecting the possibility or resting first. I feel this is due to the sense of urgency they feel, that the need to confront whatever is happening in/around the black pool requires immediate action.

Where they got this feeling from I have no idea! (Sarcasm here; I know that it's my fault.)

My question is, what can I do at this point to prevent the coming suicidal confrontation, without either appearing arbitrary or pulling the punch?

The party is also considering cutting and running; telling the authorities in Diamond Lake what is going on--and letting them deal with it.

Does anyone have any suggestions?

Sovereign Court

My players are finishing up Blackwall Keep and will therefore soon be heading to the Free City. As my campaign is set in FR, Waterdeep will be the Free City.

I picked up the Waterdeep sourcebook a couple of years back with this in mind. While the book has a series of very nice partial maps of the city, there is no overall city map. You know, something poster-sized that pulls all those partial maps together.

Yet I seem to recall that there was one, somewhere. Am I misremembering? Was it included in one of the mags?

Can anyone help me out?

Sovereign Court

My players are on the cusp of completing the Whispering Cairn. They have all been well-motivated to hate Diamond Lake, and want nothing more than to leave ASAP. Of course, the DM has other things in mind (3FOE!)

The question that has come up is, how much does it cost to travel by coach to the Free City? Unless I missed it, there doesn't seem to be any indication of this in the backdrop article or in Overload.

The players have come to learn that folks come to Diamond Lake to seek their fortune. Once there, they squander their money (or have it stolen), and have to take menial jobs to support themselves, never earning enough money to actually afford to leave. This is the reason for most of the PCs to take up adventuring in the first place.

As a result, I want it to cost a pretty penny to leave by the relatively safe means of the Able Carter Coach lines, but I don't want it to be stupidly expensive and entirely out of whack either.

Any suggestions?

Sovereign Court

We started 'The Whispering Cairn' a couple of months ago (we only play twice a month), and the 8 PCs in the campaign are just now getting to the point of actually starting to acquire swag.

My question for the faithful is this: What sort of adjustment to the treasure haul, if any, should I, as the DM, make for this twice-the-normal-size party?

I have twice the normal complement of each of the four basic classes. Should I just double the treasure (with some monor variation in magic items)?

I remember a thread from a few months ago that debated whether there was enough swag in general, and enough arcanist swag in particular. Is this where I address that point?

Adjusting the encounter level due to the extra players hasn't been a problem; an extra wolf here, an extra mad slasher there.
However, I don't want to starve the players of their just rewards, nor do I want to drown them in stuff and unbalance the campaign.

I was wondering what you all think about this little dilemma I find myself in?

Sovereign Court

Does anyone have the stat block for Ragnolin Dourstone? Unless I'm blind, it's not in the AOW Overload. Is it in 3FOE?

Sovereign Court

Not being up on my Greyhawk lore as much as many others, can someone answer a couple of things for me:

1. What is the "Forbidden City" mentioned in "There Is No Honour?"

2. Who were/are the Sea Princes mentioned both in the mod and in the Sasserine background article? I mean, beyond ending Orren's rule, wiping Sasserine from the map, and stripping it of wealth? Are these fine, upstanding gentlemen going to have some impact further on down the AP?


Sovereign Court


I still haven't recieve Dragon #343 yet.

Sovereign Court

As of today no sign of the ulimate AOW issue.

Sovereign Court

Over the last several months I have observed DMs post various problems they were having in running AOW, and seek advice. I have been impressed with the quick and helpful nature of the posters on this site in aiding such DMs. So here I am, hat in hand, looking for some advice myself.

I fear that I have done my job too well. My players absolutely hate Diamond Lake, and want nothing more than to leave it as soon as possible.

I decided to use the goblin-infested mining office that was posted on this message board several months ago. Right now, the party is at the abandoned mining office, having just battled the stirges in the dead tree in the front yard. the goblins have no doubt heard them, and things are about to get interesting.

The adventurers arrived there on the lam, having made enemies of both Sheriff Cubbin’s deputies and Kullen’s men. They intend to lay low for a time at the old office, but all they want to do is get out of town ASAP.

They have heard all of the many rumours floating about town–including the one about the Free City adventurers having come here to investigate the Stirgenest Cairn. However, they have no interest in emulating Auric and company, as they believe that the more experienced party probably has a map or some other evidence that going into that old cairn would be worthwhile.

They believe that they have no reason to expect that the Whispering Cairn would hold anything of value, and are preferring to leave town and make for the Free City before their meagre resources run out, rather than going on a blind fishing expedition.

I know that I could “force” them into it; that the DM has the right to expect that the players won’t walk away from the adventure that he has provided for them. (I told one player as much during an on-line conversation.) However, I would rather not railroad them, but instead give them some in-game motivation for doing so.

This is where the advice I am looking for comes in. I am contemplating having the goblins have more reason for being in the old mining office than merely hiding out; that the goblin cleric has some sort of evidence that would motivate the adventurers into exploring the mine, a reason for them to believe that perhaps the Whispering Cairn is not as empty as most people think.

Does anyone have any ideas along this line? Or does anyone have any other thoughts on how to get this neophyte campaign rolling down the tracks.

Sovereign Court

I am soon to start the adventurer path (and I'm so excited, I can't wait). One of my players is intending to play a cleric of Wee Jas. However, while mentioned in the Diamond Lake backdrop, it seems to have been left out of the Overload.

Has anyone fleshed out this group at all for their own campaigns? Something that I can use (he said somewhat lazily), rather than developing it myself from the ground up?

Sovereign Court

Hey guys, I finally received Dungeon 133 today, but I still haven't received the latest Dragon.

Sovereign Court

Does anyone know if there's ever been a 3.5 update for the venerable module, "Keep on the Borderlands?"

Sovereign Court

Does anyone know of a 3.5 edition version of the venerable old module, "Keep on the Borderlands?"

Organized Play Character

Liberty's Edge Ardan Steelspar

Male Human Cleric 1 (0 posts)


Mithral Scarab
(4 posts)
Chuffy Lickwound
Bug Kills-Many-Toads

HP 12/12; AC 16/t16/ff11; F +3, R +5, W +0; Init +7; Per +0 (13 posts)
Friendly Fighter
Chesley "Chez" Saryn

HP 12; AC 19/15/14; F +3, R +4, W +0; Init +4; Perception +0; 2-W Fighter 1 (187 posts)

DM Kor

Battle Map (443 posts)
Market Patron
(5 posts)

(2 posts)
Dwarven Trader

NG Dwarf Druid 1 | AC 11 | HP 10/13 | Init +0 | Str +0; Dex +0; Con +4; Int +5; Wis +6; Cha +1 | Senses: PPerc: +4; Darkvision 60' (33 posts)
Initiate of Flame
Grizz Yellowbeard

HP 59/59; AC 20 (t 13, ff 17); Fort +8, Ref +0, Will +5; Dwarven Ranger (Dungeon Rover) 7 (10 posts)
Half-Orc Warrior

HP 36/40; AC 21 (23 vs evil) /14/17; F +7, R +4, W +4; Init +3; Per +1; Channel 2/3; Fighter 3, Cleric 1 (189 posts)
Irathi Scornblood

HP 2/11; AC (19)15 / 11t / 14ff; Fort +4, Ref +1, Will +2; Init +1; Per +0; Suli Magus 1 (8 posts)
Isk of Sootscale

HP 9/9; AC 18 (14 t, 15 ff); Fort +3, Ref +3, Will +4; Init +5; Perc +4; LE Kobold Warpriest 1 (48 posts)
Jo'no Screaminghawk
(276 posts)
Nickold Starweather
Kallin of Pharasma

HP 6/6; AC 10; Fort +0, Ref +0, Will +6; Init +0; Perc +4; Human Adept 1 (50 posts)
Half-Orc Warrior
Karg the Mighty
(40 posts)

Kor - MinisGallery.com
(4 posts)

Kor the Lost Orc

Orc (15 posts)
Madge Blossomheart
Kystra Silverstar
(74 posts)

Male Half-Orc Sorcerer 1 (Elemental Bloodline - Water) (2 posts)
Marsh Giant
(60 posts)
Rikrak Sniffdirt
(1 post)
Rishin Tallowspire

HP 15/15, AC 19/13t/17ff, FS +5, RS +3, WS +7 (+2 vs fear), Init +2, Per +5, Halfling Cleric 2 (10 posts)
Sparrak Ironstone
(5 posts)
Spug Deatheater

HP 8/8; AC 20, t 14, ff 17; Fort +2, Ref +3, Will +6; Init +3; Perception +4; Male Goblin Cleric 1 (47 posts)

(3 posts)
Orc Mystic
(1 post)
Tark Bashflat

HP 92/92 (458 posts)

Terry Zimmerman
(0 posts)
Dark Ice Brownie
(14 posts)
Zalar Oathsworn

HP 10/10; AC 16; CMD 12; Fort +4; Ref +4; Will +1; Alchemist 1 (7 posts)