
David Roulston's page

Organized Play Member. 208 posts (216 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 9 Organized Play characters.


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Sovereign Court

I have recieved all of the books from the first AP, however I dod not recieve Book 4.

Can you send it to me please?

Sovereign Court

What about the other items on my list?

Sovereign Court

Hello? Is anybody there?

Sovereign Court

I purchased the PDF for book 1 of the Dead Suns AP yesterday. The order number is 4537245.

The original order, 4513324, only lists what was shipped, but not what is pending, which includes book 1 of the AP,
Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscription
Starfinder Adventure Path Subscription
Starfinder Miniatures: Iconic Heroes Set 1
Starfinder Miniatures: Iconic Heroes Set 2
Starfinder Miniatures: Pact Worlds Fleet
Starfinder GM Screen
Starfinder Core Rulebook Pawn Collection

None of these have shipped so I dont have an email confirmation for them.

Sovereign Court

I've noted that the 1st book of the Dead Suns AP is back ordered. The 2nd book has already shipped.

We were hoping to start playing the AP next month.

Can you send me the PDF of the 1st book of the AP to download, and then discount me the PDF cost when the book actually ships?

Sovereign Court


Sovereign Court

I recently subscribed to the Starfinder RPG. When I did so, I asked for it to begin with the Pact Worlds hardcover.

I have changed my mind, and would like to have my subscription altered, so that it begins with the Starfinder CRB.

Can you accommodate me?

Sovereign Court

Can you add it to my download list, ASAP? Add it to my checkoout list?

Sovereign Court

Diego Valdez wrote:

Hello David,

PDFs only come with the physical books for items purchased through a subscription when those items are released. Since you do not have a subscription to the Campaign Setting, and Path of the Hellknight was released several months ago, no PDF was granted to your account when the order shipped out.

Can you send me one pleae, ASAP. Please add it to my checkout list.

Sovereign Court

I ordered Path of the Hellknight on Thursday. However, as of Sunday night, the PDF has not been added to my downloads.

When might I expect it?

Sovereign Court

While Avner argued with the adventurers, Thunderstrike wandered down the beach. He was gobbled up by the T-Rex during the surprise round.

Sovereign Court

It is undoubtably my fault, but I can't seem to find the PDF on my computer anywhere.

Could I please trouble you to send me the PDF again?



Sovereign Court

I ordered (and received) the Emerald Spire Superdungeon recently. A couple of days ago, I ordered the Thornkeep module.

In prepping for the Superdungeon, I went to my downloads and did not find either PDF version in my download list.

Is this a mistake, or do I have to order the PDF versions separately? If so, why?

Sovereign Court

Very helpful. I will be running for 7 starting in Sept., and will take your advice to heart.

Sovereign Court

Thank you.

Sovereign Court

This was ordered Dec. 9. It was apparently shipped on Dec. 17. It is now Jan. 6. This order is quite late. i had intended to begin running the AP this Sat.

Please advise.

Sovereign Court

I can't believe that I am actually having to post this; however, can anyone give me a guideline on how just how accurate this alternate racial spell-like ability is supposed to be.

The description says:
"Sylphs with this trait can spend a full-round action to predict the weather in an area for the next 24 hours. The sylph's prediction is always accurate, but cannot account for spells or supernatural effects that might alter the forecast."

I am almost embarrassed to ask about this, but I recently got into a stupid argument with 3 of my players, all of whom seemed to feel that, since it's a "magic" ability, the sylph PC should be able to know exactly what the weather is going to be--including the exact duration and intensity. They feel that the sylph would know that it will start raining at precisely 11:01 am, and end at precisely 11:42 am.

Any assistance here, beyond the usual "my campaign--my rule interpretation" argument, would be very much appreciated.

Sovereign Court

I didn't receive mine. Could I trouble you to send it it again. We're starting on Nov 12.

Thank you all so much.


Sovereign Court

Dunno. But if you hypothetically did those scans,I could hypothetically receive them.

Sovereign Court

Might I also humbly request a copy?


Sovereign Court

I will.

Sovereign Court

I see that part 2 of the AP is due to ship Friday. However, I have not yet received part 1. Perhaps you wish to ship them both at the same time.

Sovereign Court

My guys feel incredibly underpowered. They're not, but they feel that way, which of course works well for me as the DM. My guys also have a tendency to try to hold something back for later, which often means the various combats are not as one-sided in the players' favour as some DMs have experienced.

Last night's play put them right into the thick of things. After teleporting to and mass flying into the Wormcrawl Fissure, the barbarian failed his Will save and was contacted by Balakarde. The barbarian then led them in--right past the watchpost of Brazzemal's minions.

6 rounds in and the warmage is a cripsy critter; the PCs have just taken out all the sorcerer/fighter/dragon disciple half-dragons--except for the one who left at the beginning of combat to summon Brazzemal.

He's just returned--along with the colossal red. As the night's play ended, here comes the 1st breathe weapon....

Sovereign Court

We begin "Intro the Wormcrawl Fissure" tonight.

My guys couldn't find the keys. The went to the vault, disjunctioned the doors, destroyed the phylactery, and were able to teleport out just as Brazzemal could break in. I have the colossal red dragon mini, and they found it very intimidating indeed.

No sweat though. They're going to take a few days to rest/recover/level up; this will leave plenty of time for the Burning One to retreat to his lair--which incidently guards the entrance into the Wormcrawl Fissure.

After his failure to gain the phylactery for Dragotha, I think Brazzemal will be very motivated not to fail the draco-lich again.

He has a bunch of half-dragon sorcerer/fighter/dragon disciples out looking for the PCs. If they take too long to enter the fissure, this group of dragon commandos will take the fight to them.

They are quite afraid of Dragotha. I don't think they expect they'll have to face Brazzemal first.

Should be fun.

Sovereign Court

So under the current Pathfinder rules the 0-Strength wizard would be unconscious and helpless, while under 3.5 rules he'd be conscous and helpless?

Sovereign Court

"A character with a Strength score of 0 is too weak to move in any way and is unconscious."

Well, that makes it pretty clear.

Does anyone know how this would have been adjudicated in 3.5?

Sovereign Court

My credit card was changed a couple of months back. I forgot to change my payment method for my subscription with the new card. i have rectified the matter.

Could you please reactivate my subscription, and send me the two issues that I missed, #53 and 54?

Thank you.

Sovereign Court

Thanks for the info.

I booked the Downtown Marriott this year, hoping for a short stumble downstairs for the early-morning Pathfinder slots. Now I'll have to haul myself all the way across the street! But more space between the tables will be great.

Sovereign Court

It's Sun night. Like many of us I have completed the badge pre-reg, and am anxiously awaiting hotel reg on Tues.

Is there any word on where the Pathfinder rpgs will be located this year?

Sovereign Court

Mark Moreland wrote:
We are still in talks with Gen Con about where we'll be situated this year, so we don't have a final answer on that, but we'll let folks know as soon as we have more information.

So Mark, is there any way information yet on where in the convention centre Pathfinder will be located?

Sovereign Court

Your suggestions were right along the lines I was considering. I am exoecting that unarmed PCs will decide to flee. How to get Lashonna to eventually converse with the PCs to get the campaign back on track afterward was my concern.

Getting at least some of them tossed in jail where they can then be visited by Lashonna will work out nicely. Thanks for the suggestion.

Sovereign Court

One of my players decided to gift to the Prince of Redhand the fiendish griffin statue the players recovered from Zyzog's museum. More than that, when the Fabler was less than impressed with the gift, the player decided to acivate the griffin for the first time, in the Prince's direct presence.

Seems to me that this will send the entire campaign sideways. Does anyone have any suggestions as to how to handle it?

Sovereign Court

The recent announcement regarding that the location of the majority of RPGs at Gen Con 2012 will be in the three major hotels (JW, Marriott, and Westin) rather than in the comvention centre has me curious.

Does Paizo have any information as to where they will be running their Pathfinder games this year? We all have to make our hotel selections in a few weeks, and I'm sure that many folk like myself would like ensure that we're staying in close proximity to the Pathfinder game location.

Sovereign Court

This coming Wed is the big night for my PCs--the grand banquet with Prince Veech. However, my players are looking at the prospect with considerable dread, for they are somehow convinced that Veech is in actuality the black dragon Ilthane.

At the beginning of "A Gathering of Winds" my PCs ran from the dragon into the Whispering Cairn. They spent several days there, and when they finally exited the dragon was gone. In returning to Diamond Lake they found the place in utter ruin, with all of the friends they had made there dead.

ONow, on the eve of the banquet, they have followed all of the threads available, save for seeking out Rorsk and investigating the traitors graves. The former I'm sure they'll follow up before the party, but they are most reluctant to venture into the graves where they seem to believe that they'll have to confront the dragon in his lair.

aS WELL, The prospect of confronting Prince Veech--whom they consider to be Ilthane--without weapons, seems absolutely suicidal to them.

My question is, what should I do about it--or should I do anything about it at all?

Whatever the players decide to do, I am also considering ending the game with a confrontation with Ilthane--sutiably levelled-up, of course.

Any thoughts?

Sovereign Court

Umm...still looking for a response for issues # 44, 45, 46.

Sovereign Court

I have since gone through as sea of old paperwork, and issue #38 is among it. Please disregard my request for a resend of that issue.

Sovereign Court

There have been some problems over the summer with regard to my credit card.

Visa replaced my card in mid-June, claiming that there was some suspicious activity in my account. Soon afterward I left the continent for 8 weeks on an extended trip, returning just in time for Gen Con.

Apparently, I neglected to inform Paizo of the new card, and consequently my subscription was suspended.

When I was at Gen Con, I updated the credit card information and picked up the pending orders for issues 47, 48, and 49. I was told that issues 44, 45, and 46, which had been suspended June 21, would be sent. I have yet to receive them.

My new credit card, replacing the one that expired 10/11 arrived late. upon activating it today, I immediately went to the Paizo site to update my credit card information, and was amused to find that issues 50 and 51 were being held up. Now that my credit card info is updated they are now pending. So that's all good.

On another issue, I see in my order history, that order 1511752 containing issue 38 was shipped. It never arrived. Could you kindly send me a replacement copy?

I will greatly appreciated any assistance you can lend in these two matters. My group and I love Paizo/Pathfinder. One campaign is still hacking their way through the Age of Worms, while the other is loving killing goblins in the Rise of the Runelords. When we're at gen Con, Pathfinder is the only RP game we play.

Our big decision when the Age of Worms is finished is whether to proceed to The Savage Tide, or to jump over it into Second Darkness.

Sovereign Court

Jay Walsh 53 wrote:
Hangfire wrote:
I'd like to get some idea of how other DMs are doing in the Spire segment of the Age of Worms. My party just entered the ziggurat, and they didn't have an easy time of it. I have six members in my group, with five of them being there when they entered Room #5. Now they rolled to listen at the door of the room, but undead just standing there are pretty hard to hear, so the party was surprised when they entered the room (the undead all have pretty good Spots and Listens I noticed - like ~+21, so no problem to hear the party at the door). Party steps into the room and wham! the Swords of Kyuss unleash their 'power of death' as my party has come to call it - 14d6 damage!! Well the cleric failed all of this reflex saves and died. Only the monk and rogue made it through unharmed. Needless to say the combat went down hill from there - the warlock also died eventually. After retreating all the way back to Magepoint, rearming, reincarnating/raising party members they trek back to the city and go for it again. The battle went better, but two party members died again - and the party was ready for undead this time. I know the group thinks this encounter is too tough. What about the rest of you - death trap or not? I'm not sure if the Swords of Kyuss, with that great ability they have, are only a CR 10 creature. I mean, they get to heal and harm at the same time three times a day - a total of nine times in the encounter. Pretty tough.

The party I DM is just about to encounter the Knight and 2 beetles outside the temple. I do enjoy the Beholder/Troll follower side bar and with a Beholder being a classic DnD monster I might run them against it first.

As for the dungeon I am extremely worried. I just dropped the hints listed in the post responses. The PCs spent days reading in the library temple in Mage Point so I am going to reward them with the hints.

My party is 6 players but 2 of them did not build their characters well.

5 Ordained Champion/3 Inquisator/ 5 Cleric (Heronius)

Hey Jay,

Glad to see someone else is still playing--and posting.

My party just finished up dealing with rooms 4 and 5. No TPK, but close enough. They hadn't yet finished off the undead in room when the noise of the combat attatcked the attention of the eladrin and the sword archons.

Better part of valour and all that, with the various visions they had received so far (they flew up to the top of the Spire first, and came down thru the cesret doors at the top of the ziggurat), they decided to return to Magepoint and tell what they'd learned so far.

I decided to allow it. They will be directed to return and learn more; but they wanted to make some purchases--and with what's awaiting them they'll need it.

I too have had some fun with the beholder/trolls. My trolls are cunning, well-equipped troll rangers--they're just the thing for a mad beholder who's trying to control the jungles around a city ruins which he considers his.

Sovereign Court

Reported it once again. However nothing seems to appear.

I ran scenario #12. In following the reporting instructions, I select the scenario mentioned, and when I enter the session number (1?) and hit tab, it finds nothing.

I go on to enter the date of play, then my GM number (1654?). I hit tab, and it tells me it's an unknown object.

I fill out the rest of the report sheet with the player info (all goes well there), update, then save the whole thing.

Obviously I'm still doing something wrong. Have I got the wrong GM number?

Sovereign Court

In my Upcoming events section it says,

# 1,151 Pre Gen Con 2009
No location specified Wed, Aug 12, 2009 (completely reported)

When I saw that I assumed that I had already reported it. However, nothing appeared in my son's sessions list. So I went in and reported it (again?).

Everything seemed to go OK. However, as you say, it doesn't appear in either mine or my son's sessions list. I'll try again now. please stay tuned.

Sovereign Court

I'm not sure I did it right, and am seeking some guidance.

A group of us ran a few scenarios for one-another just before Gen Con last year.

Then we completely forgot about reporting it (sorry!) until after registering for Pathfinder events for this year's con.

So I reported the other day, # 1,151, but like the previous poster I can't tell if I've done it properly.

I suspect I haven't, for when both my son and I look at our PCs' sessions lists, the games we ran for each other don't appear there.

Can someone clarify things for me please?

Sovereign Court

Just received issue #26, but have not recieved issues 24 or 25.

I assume this has to do with my credit card number having been changed. Can you let me know when i might recieve these issues?


Sovereign Court

Is there a floor plan for the prison aside from what little is outlined in the scenario? I'm having a little trouble visualizing things.

Sovereign Court

I've forgotten aboot natural 1's and AOE myself. Where is it mentioned?

Sovereign Court


Any changes with how you see him utilizing his abilities, given the changes you've made?

BTW: My players just went through the encounter with the naga. in HOHR. I had almost all of them charmed. They were kneeling and laying down their best treasures in tribute when...damn all halfling wizards anyway!!!

Sovereign Court

I expect the naga will hit the pool soon after the PCs reject his "request" for loot.

My group set off the shriekers, so everyone knows they're coming by now.

Sovereign Court

This is great stuff. My group is just about to encounter the naga in HOHR, so I'm getting ready for the next adventure too.

I have a group of 8 PCs, so this evolved Bozal Zahol will be a great addition.

Kurikami, will you post the stat block again once you've finished tweaking it? I'd love to use it.

Sovereign Court

The zip file I downloaded has a number of PDF files with instructions on how to build various structures (instructions on how to cut, fold, paste, and put together).

But there doesn't appear to be any PDFs included that have the actual "blueprints" of the various structures themselves that are to printed out onto cardstock, and cut, folded, and pasted together.

Sovereign Court

I just ordered & downloaded the pdf. I can open the pdf containing the building instructions, but there doesn't seem to be a PDF with the plans.

Help would be greatly appreciated.

Sovereign Court

I would like to make cheerful notice of the recent delivery of Pahtfinder #16.

However, as of yet I have not received Pathfinder #15.

Should I continue to wait for it, or is it time to mail me out a replacement copy?

Full Name

Ms. Eekster Buhnay


Sylvilagus Hefnerus




Hey! Let's just say "They're real and they're fabulous!"



Special Abilities

Endure Pood-dull Stupidity at will


Chaotic Extra Sexxy




Pood-dull, Common, Slaadi



Strength 8
Dexterity 14
Constitution 10
Intelligence 10
Wisdom 8
Charisma 18

About Eekster Buhnay

Hey, I'm just another darn sock-puppet.

{For real life info, see Sera's page}