
Sparrak Ironstone's page

5 posts. Alias of Kor - Orc Scrollkeeper.


Eben TheQuiet wrote:
Out of curiosity, why do the game on another site. I would guess that's one reason you're not getting more of a response. I live on Paizo already... what's the benefit to go elsewhere?

The problem with trying to run a PbP game here at Paizo, is that you are very limited with your posting options. Add in the fact that you can not edit your post after about 15 minutes. It makes it very difficult for a DM to keep relevent campaign information current. Also when there are other matters happening paralell to the campaign thread (such as when party members split up), its far easier to keep everything organized on a more traditional forum (including private messaging), rather than Paizo's.

Frankly, there are so many huge advantages of using a site like Epic Words, over Paizo's. I would suggesting reading up on everything the site offers and you will find out very quickly why it is so much better.

In my particular campaign, I plan to have 6 fights all run together at the same time. Now this would take a little bit of work, but it could be done through the Paizo site by having a multitude of threads, along with a master thread with links to each of the battle threads.

So yes it could be done through Paizo with a spiderweb full of threads, or I can do it through Epic words were all the information is organized in an easy to reference manner, and in a place where I can edit previously posted information to keep everything current.

Now, that said, I really like Paizo's easy to use Alias switching ability.

Still recruiting. Need 10 more players.

Note: In my prior post I indicated that "12 players at a time compete for ranks, experience and gear upgrades." What I meant by this is that 6 battles (each in its own forum) involving 2 players will all commence at the same time.

While waiting for your turn in this arena, feel free to check out the Ironstone Arena:


Jaycen Keenword wrote:
How will dice rolls be handled?

After players posted their actions / movements, I'll use Epic Words dice roller, which unfortunately is only available in the Campaign Journal right now, but they are currently coding it so that it can be used in the forum as well.

I will use the Journal as basically a "dice log" for now. Once I make the roll, I will then post the result in the forum. Any contributer to Epic Words (Those who pay $12 a year) also have access to the dice roller, so I have no problem with them using the dice roller as well. The dice roller does not allow you to edit a roll. If you delete your journal post, it shows up in the activity log so you really can't cheat on dice rolls.

The doors are now open for Ironstone Arena's gladiator games. Are you worthy? Do you seek glory or just fight for the right of survival? Are you tough enough to climb your way through the ranks to become the arena champion?

Highlights of the games:

  • 12 players at a time compete for ranks, experience and gear upgrades.
  • Some matches will be Player-vs-Player and others will be Player-vs-Monster.
  • All matches will be run at the same time.
  • Uses Pathfinder Core Rulebook and Advanced Player's Guide rules.
  • Only martial-based characters are permitted. (Antipaladin, Barbarian, Cavalier, Fighter, Monk, Paladin, Ranger, Rogue)
  • Characters can be killed, so this campaign will support a perpetual player base of 12 characters. Characters on the waiting list will be slotted into gladiator positions when vacant postions are open (when a gladiator is killed).

This skirmish-based campaign will be hosted at:


This is my first time using Epic Words, but I like many of its features and hope it will be useful for this skirmish-based campaign.

Either reply to this post, or sign up on Epic Words (its free), create a character and send me a private post. Alternatively, I can be e-mailed at: kor@orcs.ca (Regardless of how you contact me, I will need to get your e-mail address as that is what is required to invite your character into the campaign).

The first 12 to reply will proceed straight into the area... the rest will be waitlisted. (I don't suspect it will be too long until we start using characters on the waitlist :)

Characters and their status (accepted for arena / waitlisted / dead) will be located on the "Wiki" on the site.

My focus will be keeping the combats fresh, interesting and fun.