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150 posts. Organized Play character for Luke_Parry.

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Sovereign Court

After resting on Absalom Station for some time, Arnold Rimmer is once again called upon by Starfinder Forum Member Chiskisk for help with a 'small' task, via a holo-message that is played back to you just after you enter the Drift on your way to your destination.

"Hello old friend! How have you been since the Kishalee debacle?

Several years ago, Pact Worlds explorers discovered an inhospitable little ice-planet of a planet that they named Jedarat. A group project cosponsored by
AbadarCorp, the Xenowardens, and a start-up company called New Horizons Luxury Retreats began terraforming Jedarat to turn it into a wintry resort world. As they worked, scientists and engineers uncovered pieces of some ancient technomagical facilities buried within the ice. AbadarCorp xenoarchaeologists began exploring the accessible portion of the ruins, even as resort construction efforts continued apace.

Recently, a team investigating the ruins of Jedarat stumbled upon a tunnel leading to a larger section of the facility deep underground. They accidentally restored power to this part of the facility, and its computers interfaced with the nearby terraforming equipment, creating climatic chaos. The team became trapped within the facility by powerful automated defense systems and a fierce blizzard in the valley above them. The corruption of the terraforming equipment threatens to spread throughout the planetary network, putting all corporate progress on Jedarat in jeopardy. The organizations invested in Jedarat’s future have much to lose, and an old friend of mine at AbadarCorp reached out to me.

Ancient and dangerous technology seems to be your area of expertise. Moreover, the Starfinder Society has a vested interest in investigating the planet of Jedarat - according to the xenoarchaeologists on the ground, the ruins exhibit “potential similarities” to the Drift Rock previously investigated by you.

I want you to explore the ruins on the Society’s behalf, prioritizing the analysis of architecture and technology. I would like a full report of any findings, including your professional opinion about whether Jedarat’s ruins are connected to either the kishalee or sivv empires. Of course, you well be handsomely rewarded - for useful data, I am authorised to compensate you to the tune of 100,000 credits!"

It takes 5d6 ⇒ (4, 1, 6, 4, 6) = 21 days to reach your destination. During that time, I will take Culture, Physical Science, and Life Science checks to recall additional information.

Sovereign Court

Dotting for fun and profit :-)

Sovereign Court

Please post the following:

PC Name:
PFS #:
Day Job:

Sovereign Court

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Sovereign Court

Dotting for fun and profit :-)

Sovereign Court

Please post:

PC Name:
PFS Number:
Day Job:

Sovereign Court

Dotting for fun and profit.

Sovereign Court

This is the recruitment thread for a Gameday IX event.

Sovereign Court

Please post the following:

PC Name:
PFS #:
Day Job:

Sovereign Court

Dotting for fun and profit :-)

Sovereign Court

This is the recruitment thread for Gameday IX :-)

It will be First Come, First Served in terms of sign-up.

Sovereign Court

Please post the following:

PC Name:
PFS #:
Day Job:

Sovereign Court

Dotting for fun and profit.

Sovereign Court

This is the recruitment thread for Gameday IX :-)

It will be First Come, First Served in terms of sign-up.

Sovereign Court

Please post the following:

PC Name:
PFS #:
Day Job:

Sovereign Court

Dotting for fun and profit :-)

Sovereign Court

This is the recruitment thread for Gameday IX :-)

It will be First Come, First Served in terms of sign-up.

Sovereign Court

It has been 6 months since the Swarm first touched down on Suskillon in a bloody conflict named the Battle at Stone Sea. After the Swarm punched through the planet’s aerial and orbital defenses, its components landed near the Stone Sea, a large freshwater lake surrounding a dormant volcano. The Fifth Battalion of the Suskillon Defense Force (SDF) was closest to the site of contact and held the Swarm back long enough for the SDF to mobilize other battalions to the area. Stories of the battle have already reached near-mythical heights, as most members of the Fifth Battalion were killed in glorious, terrible combat. Since then, the SDF has fought a losing battle against the Swarm. Though Suskillon is a friendly trading partner with the Pact Worlds, the planet’s government has yet to officially request aid, with many afraid that the Pact Worlds will claim their planet as a protectorate in “payment” for such help. However, that hasn’t stopped volunteers and mercenaries from other systems (including the Pact Worlds and the Veskarium) from journeying to Suskillon to join in the fight against the invasion. The Swarm is relentless, though, and it has already overran and taken nearly half of the planet.

The adventure begins in the middle of one of the planet’s Dead Winters, a time of extended extreme cold weather in the planet’s southern hemisphere. Over the past few weeks, Suskillon has enjoyed something of a respite, as the Swarm appears to have ceased its near-daily attacks. Some believe the Swarm’s numbers are dwindling, and that the tide of the war will soon turn.

In an effort to replenish the ranks of the Fifth Battalion, the SDF has recruited mercenaries and offworlders, made deals with prisoners and pirates, and accepted nearly every volunteer who can hold a gun. These new soldiers — which include YOU — are being trained and outfitted at Camp Cavalier, a small encampment just outside of Brinnoa.

Today, you have been summoned to meet with your new commanding officer, Major Jaldamarrak.

DRACOS: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (18) + 9 = 27.

The vesk officer is one of the most stalwart and feared commanders in the SDF. He is over 60 years old and has had a storied career. He has worked for the Veskarium military, the Stewards, and as a private military consultant in the Pact Worlds.

Jaldamarrak was one of a few vesk given the Starstone Medal — one of the Pact Worlds’ highest military decorations — for fighting the Swarm during its attack on the Pact Worlds and the Veskarium. Credible rumors say that he turned down an offer to join the Knights of Golarion after the hostilities ended.

When Major Jaldamarrak joined the SDF at the beginning of the Swarm invasion, he insisted on being given the rank of private and has worked his way up to his current position in a short period of time. He has been heard to say that fighting against the Swarm is his true purpose in life.


You, along with two other buck-privates (John Smith and Rico Sanchez), meet Major Jaldamarrak in his ready room.

Jaldamarrak is a vesk veteran of several battles with the Swarm in both the Veskarium and the Pact Worlds. The vesk’s scales are dark green, and the spikes on his jaw point forward to form a sort of beard. He sports a large cybernetic eye.

As you enter, he inspects you and your kit for a moment and then begins to lecture:

“I am your new commanding officer, Jaldamarrak, and I was killing Swarm before you were clutching your mother’s tails. I know more about this enemy than every soft-skin general in this system, and I know for a fact we are losing this war. You’ve probably heard that over the last seven days, the Swarm has retreated from three smaller cities to the east of Brinnoa, and the media and the SDF alike are calling this a turning point for the war, but I know better. Those vexers are up to something, and I’m not letting the Fifth Battalion get caught with their spacesuits around their ankles. You’re now part of what I’m calling the Midnight Squad. For your first assignment, you’ll patrol the Delta Escarpment a few miles west of Camp Cavalier from sundown to sun-up and report back with any unusual activity. Any questions?”

Sovereign Court

It was supposed to be a straight-forward job: Transporting a load of mundane supplies on behalf of AbadarCorp to Nakondis, a new colony planet out in the Vast. The supplies themselves aren’t worth much except to the colonists, and the colony’s head administrator, a lashunta priest of Abadar named Madelon Kesi, is contracted to pay you 4,000 credits upon delivery of the supplies to Madelon’s Landing. Of course, there was a personal connection as well: An old friend of yours, an Android by the name of Cedona, had opted to retire from life as a Steward, and settle on the new planet.

The trip itself was unremarkable, taking 4d6 ⇒ (1, 3, 2, 5) = 11 days via the Drift, but upon arriving at Nakondis, you found yourself unable to raise the colony - a sensor sweep revealing that the area of Nakondis where Madelon's Landing is located has been blanketed with a 200-mile-wide burst of modulated static that interferes with any communications.

C-3PO: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (10) + 10 = 20.

C-3PO is aware that the source of the interference is within the settlement itself.

Nakondis is a forest planet draped in perpetual fog; you can’t visually see the settlement of Madelon’s Landing as you fly above the landscape. By using the ship’s sensors, you can detect the general layout of the settlement and determine that it contains just over 100 humanoid life forms, most of which are human.

C-3PO: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (6) + 10 = 16.

C-3PO also identifies a large, incongruous structure in the middle of the settlement. The structure is a prefabricated building with sweeping curves that resembles a fortress more than a colony dwelling. Two starship-scale heavy laser cannons are mounted on the building’s roof. These weapons are positioned to defend against approaching starships and can’t fire at targets on the ground.

C-3PO: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (1) + 9 = 10.

C-3PO is positive that this is *not* a part of the colony's original design; moreover, it is located in the only spot near the settlement large enough for a starship to land, forcing C-3PO to land a few miles away...

Sovereign Court

You have just arrived on Absalom Station aboard the shuttle Okimoro, having made arrangements to meet a dwarven Starfinder named Duravor Kreel in Docking Bay 94.

Kreel has promised to show you around the station, help you get settled, and facilitate your membership into the Starfinder Society.

The brightly lit docks of Absalom Station are abuzz with activity as travellers bustle by, preparing to board or disembarking from starships bound to or from any of dozens of worlds. Brash and swaggering starpilots, scurrying ysoki mechanics, and expectant colonists mingle with enigmatic kasatha mystics, hard-faced asteroid miners, imposing vesk mercenaries, and more, creating a microcosm of the abundance and variety of life in the Pact Worlds. New arrivals meet friends, loved ones, or business contacts, and are whisked away into the humming activity of daily life on the vast space station. Beyond them, ground crews tend to the docked ships, and dockworkers in mechanized cargo lifters load and unload freight and baggage. A sharp tang of ozone hangs in the air—a byproduct of electrical discharges from the docked ships—but underneath, the station’s atmosphere has a slightly used aroma. The docking bay’s deck plates thrum beneath your feet, though whether it’s from the passage of innumerable feet or the vibrations of the station’s power conduits and air recycling systems is impossible to say.

Rimmer: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (20) + 5 = 25.

Rimmer easily spots Kreel waiting for him in the middle of the docking bay. Kreel is tall and lanky for a dwarf, with a bristly, iron-gray beard and deep-set eyes beneath bushy eyebrows. With his patched and stained coveralls, the dwarf looks like just another dockworker, but a badge bearing the symbol of the Starfinder Society stands out on his chest. Kreel checks the computer he’s holding and looks up to scan the crowd. When he sees Rimmer, he raises a hand in greeting and gives him a friendly smile.

Before Rimmer can return the greeting, however, he notices two groups of people on
the fringes of the docking bay furtively taking up defensive positions among stacks of cargo crates and machinery...

Suddenly, the air is suddenly filled with laser blasts as the Kings and the 21 Crew open fire on each other. Bystanders scream and flee in terror, diving for cover or milling about frantically. Kreel freezes, paralyzed with fear...

Downside Kings: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (15) + 4 = 19.
Level 21 Crew: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (13) + 4 = 17.
Rimmer: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (10) + 4 = 14.

6d6 ⇒ (1, 3, 5, 2, 1, 4) = 16.

Rimmer is caught in the cross-fire...

Azimuth Laser Pistol: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (6) + 6 = 12, for 1d4 + 1 ⇒ (3) + 1 = 4 Fire damage.
Azimuth Laser Pistol: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (7) + 6 = 13, for 1d4 + 1 ⇒ (3) + 1 = 4 Fire damage.

Azimuth Laser Pistol: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (4) + 6 = 10, for 1d4 + 1 ⇒ (2) + 1 = 3 Fire damage.
Azimuth Laser Pistol: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (15) + 6 = 21, for 1d4 + 1 ⇒ (2) + 1 = 3 Fire damage.

Azimuth Laser Pistol: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (16) + 6 = 22, for 1d4 + 1 ⇒ (1) + 1 = 2 Fire damage.
Azimuth Laser Pistol: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (14) + 6 = 20, for 1d4 + 1 ⇒ (2) + 1 = 3 Fire damage.

...and so is Kreel - he is caught straight through the forehead by a blast, and collapses to the ground without a sound.

A Warm Gang Welcome, Surprise Round:

Downside Kings (-3, -3, -)
Level 21 Crew (-3, -, -)
R2 (-)

Sovereign Court

A ryphorian woman monitors those passing through the airlock into the Chimera from Legacy Station. Her armored suit has a tag that reads “Security Chief Algiada Iom.” Datapad in hand, she gruffly scans boarding passes and directs passengers to their quarters, handing each new arrival a keycard.

Looking around, the other passengers who have just boarded are a middle-aged Human male with a goatee, a Hobgoblin shepherding four rambunctious Goblins, and a Vesk, whom the Security Chief winks at as she hands over their keycard.

As R2 settles into his room, the Chimera disembarks.

R2 feels the usual minor jolt of thrusters firing as the vessel leaves the station’s orbit. A few minutes later the hum of the ship’s Drift engine can be heard as it breaks through the planar barrier, and the captain’s voice comes over the ship’s comm.

“Welcome aboard the Chimera. This is your captain, Rameem Vi Siala Corsen, speaking, and it’ll be my pleasure to ferry you through the Drift. We’ve just finished making our astrogation calculations here on the bridge, and it looks like it’ll take us the next five days to reach our destination at Absalom Station, center of the Pact Worlds system. In the meantime, make yourselves at home. If you need any assistance, don’t hesitate to ask any of our friendly crew members. Meals are served at the times listed in the dining hall, but if you’re looking for a snack, I’m sure our cook, Song, will be happy to accommodate you.”

The captain chuckles as he signs off.

Immediately thereafter, a brief holovid starts playing on the screen in R2's room, giving a quick run-down of the facilities available on the ship (specifically, the Gym, Galley, and Dining Hall), and noting the safety procedures onboard, including the locations of the escape pods.

What would you like to do?

Sovereign Court

The Far Portal is an ancient and mysterious structure. Floating at the edge of the sun’s corona, this massive metallic gateway is a vast ring. Contained within this ring is a magical portal, large enough to accommodate whole starships, leading to an inhospitable, uninhabited region of the Plane of Fire. A few Material Plane expeditions have managed to make it through the blazing portal, but few have managed to return. To date, nothing from the Plane of Fire has emerged from the portal. Still, various research institutions have banded together to fund Far Portal Station, a small, utilitarian research facility positioned close enough to the portal to study its strange magical signatures and attempt to understand its
unknown origins.

The station is a spoke-and-wheel design, just large enough to accommodate the resident researchers and maintenance crew. Rooms and corridors are drab and practical, except for elaborate instrument stations and wall-sized view screens showing the portal and the sun through various filters.

John has just dropped off a few new team of researchers, one of many missions his small cargo vessel has undertaken recently, as he has explored what the Pact Worlds have to offer.


Shouts erupt from a group standing near a massive view screen showing live feeds of the Far Portal in various spectrums. As more people around the station drop what they’re doing and run to join the growing crowd, the portal on the screen shimmers and distends, ejecting an ornate starship that looks constructed from polished brass and black stone. It trails gasses and smoke, obviously damaged.

John: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (2) + 10 = 12.
John: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (13) + 5 = 18.

John has no idea what he is looking at.

Members of the spectating group cheer or gasp in surprise, only to go silent as the images flicker and distort again. A new shape emerges from the portal and keeps emerging—a titanic and fiery whale shot through with technological augmentations of dark metal. A few onlookers scream as flames spray out from the whale’s mouth toward
the fleeing starship.

A lashunta scientist at a console initiates a scan and says, “Oh no! Its shields are down!”

A kasatha woman comes sprinting toward John, waving her four arms, and exclaims:

“You! You just arrived, yes? I’m Stationmaster Jori Kimosan Kofa of Clan... I’m Jori. Please, you have to help! That ship is the first to ever pass through the Far Portal from the Plane of Fire. It’s of immense scientific value, and that beast is about to incinerate it! Your vessel is the only one here that can handle the situation. We need you to save that ship! There is 1,000 credits in it for you if you bring it back so we can study it!”

Sovereign Court

The Circus of Wayward Wonders performs in an enormous tent capable of holding hundreds of people—and that’s a good thing, as it seems the entire population of Abberton has turned out for the show. Many of the town’s most prominent citizens, including the mayor, are among the throng jostling for seats, peering at the three rings that fill the center of the tent, and waiting excitedly for the show to begin.

As the lights go down and the audience settles onto their seats, the circus’s performers take their places backstage, awaiting their cues. Suddenly, several of the performers closest to the curtain that separates the three rings from the rest of the tent leave their assignments, gathering in a small crowd to exchange frightened whispers and hushed gasps. Amid the group, his body contorted as if caught forever in the throes of terrible pain, is the corpse of ringmaster Myron “Thunder” Stendhal. Everyone in the circus knew Myron for his amazing, powerful voice that could bring instant silence to the largest crowd, and he knew everything there is to know about putting on a successful performance. Now he’s dead, but the crowd is still out there, and they’re expecting a show...

As the other performers stare at the corpse, whisper to each other, and anxiously peer around the curtain, the Professor—a thin and frail veteran of the circus—looks up. “Well, what are you all standing around for?” he asks, his weak voice barely audible in the hushed silence. “Have you seen that crowd? We haven’t ever had the tent packed this full. There’s a show to put on, and we have to find a way to do it. So finish your makeup, get into your costumes, and send in the clowns!”

Feel free to introduce yourself.

Sovereign Court

Dotting for fun and profit.

Sovereign Court

Dotting for fun and profit.

Sovereign Court

Dotting for fun and profit.

Sovereign Court

Dotting for fun and profit.

Sovereign Court

Dotting for fun and profit.

Sovereign Court

Dotting for fun and profit.

Sovereign Court

Please post the following:


Sovereign Court

Yigrig Moneymaker, the powerful goblin merchant, slumps in a large chair. His face, normally so proud and assured, looks troubled.

“It’s good to see you, Pathfinders! I have a lot of respect for the Society. You’ve been good to me in the past, and my family has aided you in return. But today I come before you, my hat in my hands, in need of help.

My family and I have almost brokered a trade agreement between the cities of Solku and Oenopion. It’s a beneficial deal, one where Solku gains the materials it needs to defend itself, Oenopion gains a new trading partner, and everyone stands to make a heap of coin. There’s only one issue standing in the way of the negotiation being finalized: A bridge must be constructed over the Elemion River to facilitate safe travel between the two cities. My family is responsible for building and maintaining this bridge. It should have been a simple job… easy to pull off.

It has been anything but easy.”

The old goblin leans forward.

“Every morning at the work camp, it is discovered that more of my children have been pulled from their beds in the night, presumed dead. Every shipment of aid I send gets attacked. The last one I sent did not even arrive.

There is a lot of money riding on this deal, but I admit this isn’t about money anymore. This is personal. Someone is harming my family and I can’t sit by and let that happen.

I have contracted the Pathfinder Society to protect the bridge and surrounding work camp while construction is completed. I have a caravan ready to leave, filled with new workers and supplies for the bridge site. I want you on it. When you see it safely to the bridge site, I need you to stop the attacks on the camp by any means necessary until the job is complete. When you get to the work camp, you will meet my son Zig, the overseer of the project. Sweet kid… takes after his old man. He’ll be your liaison with the workers and see to your needs.

Nothing is more important than family. Nothing. And so, I’m asking you to take care of mine. Our future is in your hands.”

Feel free to introduce yourselves, and ask any questions :-)

Sovereign Court

Breachill’s local government has a long and proud history of hiring adventurers to tackle any challenges its residents face that fall outside the scope of the town guard’s duties. The merchant whose expected shipment of goods hasn’t yet arrived, the shepherd whose herd of goats mysteriously died in the night, the farmer whose entire season’s harvest was ruined or stolen—investigating and resolving any of these matters are considered good jobs for adventurers, and so Breachill’s town council uses its resources to hire heroes as needed. These monthly meetings, known as the Call for Heroes, are distinct from the council’s normal regular governance meetings, a tactic that separates such matters from regular municipal business and shows the townspeople that the council indeed allots sufficient time to the issues that are often most important to them personally.

Spending public money on hiring adventurers to help the townspeople serves several purposes, as far as Breachill’s leadership is concerned. First, it provides the townspeople with an official and fully funded way to seek help when they’ve exhausted all other options. Second, it allows the salaried town guard to focus on run-of-the-mill crimes and mundane threats to the townspeople’s safety. And third, it provides experience to local adventurers—and allows the council to vet out-of-town heroes—whose presence and talents the council considers boons to the populace, harking back to the hero Lamond Breachton, Breachill’s original patron who saved the town’s founders.

The council holds a public Call for Heroes once per month expressly to hear petitions from residents who wish the town to hire adventurers on their behalf. At the end of a resident’s address to the council, the council members discuss the petition before voting whether to expend public funds on it. For petitions that are approved—and most of the one or two requests per month are approved—the council then opens the floor to adventurers in attendance at the meeting who wish to tackle the challenge. Heroes looking for work often attend these meetings with a prepared list of qualifications, and the council hires an appropriate number of candidates who are well suited for each job. After the meeting, the adventurers are expected to follow up regularly with the petitioner and with the council. Those heroes who resolve their assigned challenges are paid handsomely in gold pieces and receive preferential consideration for future official work that might use their demonstrated talents.


Today is the day for the monthly Call!

For one reason or another, you, alongside other hopefuls, have been drawn to Breechill; whether it is looking for coin, some cheap thrills, or simply the knowledge that you are helping those in need, it matters not. What is certain is that there will be something worthy of your attention!

Outside the town hall, there is a small crowd milling around, waiting for the appointed time (noon). In all, about 40 townspeople are congregated outside the building, chatting and passing the time until the meeting starts.

It appears that the event is something of a family affair; some people have brought young children with them, who gaze up in awe at potential adventurers!

You also notice that there is a well-dressed goblin woman pacing right outside the front doors of the building. This studious‑looking goblin has her hands clasped behind her back, and she’s mumbling to herself, oblivious to all those who stand nearby, whispering to herself: “My Bumblebrashers,” she laments in a distraught tone. “Why haven’t I heard from my Bumblebrashers? Are my people trapped in the citadel?”

Jean-Pierre: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (4) + 4 = 8.

Sovereign Court

Please post your reporting details here, and check into the Gameplay thread :-)

Sovereign Court

Each of you has received a letter.

Handout 1.

It seems as though the entire Grand Lodge has the air of a celebration. The great gates are flung wide, and the phoenix trees lining the entryway are in full flame. The halls of the main tower of Skyreach, normally somber and reserved, echo with the sound of voices and music. The great ballroom is decked for a celebration, with colorful banners and bunting along the walls, tables replete with food and drink, and a jovial cacophony of conversation rising from Pathfinders of all ancestries, nations, and backgrounds.

After a quick scan of the room, it’s obvious that many of the attendees have gathered in small groups here and there. A half-orc woman in an iconic ship captain’s hat stands near the punch bowl, handing cups to anyone who passes within reach, and a dark-skinned half-elf leads a small group of new agents around the room, introducing them to other attendees. Several senior agents stand in quiet conferral with a dark-haired Taldan man with a distinctive chin strap beard, while a scholarly dwarf tells a rousing tale to a growing audience.

A familiar blond halfling woman bounces over, bubbling with excitement. Janira Gavix, Head Initiate of the Pathfinder Society, grins, “Oh, I’m so glad you made it! After all, the celebration is for you. Have you gotten drinks? Snacks? Be sure to spend some time getting to know everyone—it’s best to be on good terms with the movers and shakers in the Society, that’s how you learn about the latest opportunities. I’ll be here if you need me to help you with anyone’s names or to make an introduction. Just let me know how I can help!”

Janira gestures everyone forward into the room, beaming all the while.

Basically, you now have a chance to go and chat with each of the four groups mentioned above :-)

Sovereign Court

Please post reporting details for this scenario, and pick which Pregen you wish to use :-)

Sovereign Court

The party begins the adventure in Nexus House, having recently arrived in Quantium, the capital city of Nex. It is mid-morning when the adventure begins. You are already aware of the mission which brought you to Nex: a diplomatic overture from the Grand Lodge combined
with a few straightforward research tasks.

Slide 2.

Nexus House was the second lodge founded by the Pathfinder Society (after the Grand Lodge in Absalom). The Pathfinder Adolphus and his wife, a Vudrani princess named Ganjay, established the lodge using funds stolen from the treasury of Bhopan. It is a sprawling, opulent building with unusual magical extravagances seen nowhere else...

Sovereign Court

To be clear: This is a PBP GD VIII Game.

Sovereign Court

The Whispering Tyrant has escaped Gallowspire and ravaged the lands of Lastwall. Although the nation managed to evacuate many civilians, there are still refugees, Pathfinders, and irreplaceable cultural treasures trapped in this undead-ridden realm known as the Gravelands. The PCs are part of the Society's efforts to infiltrate these dangerous lands, rescue the Pathfinders missing in action, and recover what historical texts and treasures they can. Just be quick! Every hour behind enemy lines increases the chance a nearby army learns of the PCs' mission.

Written by Adrian Ng.

Scenario Tags: Faction (Envoys' Alliance)

Sovereign Court

To be clear, this is a PBP GD VIII game.

Sovereign Court

Decades ago, witnesses reported a fearsome cryptid outside of the quiet River Kingdoms town of Shimmerford. Dubbed the Mosquito Witch, it was rarely seen since and quickly became a beloved local legend that the town celebrates and promotes to attract visitors. But when recent attacks began savaging livestock and townsfolk alike, many have started believing the Mosquito Witch was real all along. The PCs travel to Shimmerford to unravel the cryptid mystery, but might they just become the witch's next victim?

Written by Eleanor Ferron.

Sovereign Court

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Feel free to dot in :-)

Sovereign Court

A new era is beginning for the Pathfinder Society, with new recruits and new factions all excited to build connections and embark on grand adventures. The PCs are among these recruits invited to attend a welcoming party where they can meet both the old guard as well as the up-and-coming leaders. But the party's not all talk; the PCs learn of four exciting escapades in Absalom, through which they can kick off their adventuring careers!

This adventure's individual missions include numerous variations that make each play-through exciting and different.

Sovereign Court

Dotting for fun and profit.

Sovereign Court

Dotting for fun and profit.

Sovereign Court

Recently, an alarming missive was received in Lastwall: An urgent plea for aid from the rural settlement of Arwyll Stead.

It seems that there has been an unusually large amount of orc activity in the area recently, as well as an increasing number of devil sightings.

Not having the manpower to both defend the settlement, and investigate the hinterlands (especially with harvest time almost being upon them), a blanket request for hale and hearty adventurers has been sent out, offering a substantial reward to whomever can work out what is going on.

Knowledge(Local) or (Nobility), DC 10:
The border region between Vigil and Urgir is a hotly contested battleground between the humans of Lastwall and the orcs of Belkzen, in addition to being
plagued by horrors from the Hungry Mountains to the east.

Knowledge(Local) or (Nobility), DC 15:
The mining town of Arwyll Stead is one of the numerous border settlements standing between the Hold of Belkzen and Lastwall. It’s named after the Arwylls, a well-known family of Lastwall crusaders and knights who have fought against the orcs for generations.

Knowledge(Local) or (Nobility), DC 20:
The Arwyll family has been steadily dwindling over past few decades; a knight named Wate Arwyll is the sole remaining holder of the Arwyll name. While the Arwylls aren’t the official rulers of the town, the townsfolk all but revere their namesake family, looking to them for guidance and security in the face of orc savagery.

Sovereign Court


Sovereign Court

Having recently returned to Torch from a rather unprofitable stretch of scrap prospecting, you discovered much to your surprise that the town's namesake was no longer visible...

The violet flame that has burned atop Black Hill for over a century has gone out, leaving a strangely seeping pit of rubble and bubbling fluids where the town's livelihood once glowed day and night!

Quickly hurrying into town, you found its citizens in turmoil - Councilor Khonnir Baine, one of Torch's more powerful wizards and a well-liked
individual is missing! Apparently, he discovered the signs of unusual traffic on the banks ofWeeping Pond, and shortly thereafter, the submerged tunnel that provides access to several heretofore unknown tunnels under Black Hill. His emergence from the caves with a deactivated semi-humanoid automaton sparked worries that something strange might be going on in the caverns, but when he failed to return from his second expedition a few days ago, those worries turned to outright fear. Several other adventuring parties have gone missing in the caves, and Torch finds itself running short on new volunteers...

As a result, the Town Council is offering a reward of 4000gp to anyone who can bring back Khonnir Baine's body, and another 4000gp if the torch can be re-lit. As added incentive, if Baine is brought back alive, they will throw in a Scroll of Resurrection!

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