
Caerid Melanite's page

4 posts. Organized Play character for Stiehle.

Greetings! I am currently recruiting one player for an ongoing Pathfinder game using the Mummy's Mask adventure path. We just started Book 3, The Shifting Sands - so characters are currently 7th level. The party currently has a human Cleric, an elven Wizard, a human Duskblade (I know, from 3.5 - but modified for Pathfinder) and a human paladin. A skill set character such as a rogue-type would be a great addition, maybe even a non-human - but whoever catches my eye in the end will get the nod.

Players can spend 25 points on their ability scores, using Table 1-1 in the core rulebook (pg 16) for point costs. Once your character is created, you can spend up to 21k gp on magic items as you’d like, though only worry about giving me the accounting for magical items and costly mundane items. You can stock up on all the low-cost gear you'd like without tallying up every copper piece. Just... uh... keep it within reason!

Traits are just fine, and you can also have Background Skills. As far as hit points go, you get the max at 1st level, and then you can roll the dice for each level thereafter. If you roll less than half, go ahead and take the half. So if you've got a Rogue, go ahead and roll 6d8 for all the levels after first. If any of them are 3 or less, turn those into 4 and add (or subtract) your CON modifiers from that.

As far as character classes, feats and all the fluff stuff goes, I've got a lot of the splat books, but not all of them. I'm more comfortable with the basic classes/feats/etc from the more popular ones (core rulebook of course, PHB II, and the Complete Warrior/Arcane/Divine/Adventurer). If you go outside of those, I'm probably less likely to select your character, as my familiarity spirals downward from those tomes. Still, if you want to take a chance I won't hold you back! But you absolutely MUST have complete descriptions of abilities, feats, etc so I can at least have some idea of what's going on without resorting to scanning the internet for sourcebook material. That's just too much work...

A character history would also be nice, especially if you have the time and inclination to read either the entire adventure that has taken place over the past nine years (Yes, NINE years! But again, don't feel compelled - unless you have a LOT of time on your hands!), or maybe even just skim over Empty Graves Part III to get an idea of what's happened in the last adventure module. I definitely will give extra consideration to players who tie their background story into the adventure history thus far. Three of the links below will lead you to the d20 World of Greyhawk board (where I first started this game so long ago...) where the host change from Yuku to Tapatalk pretty much caused a mass exodus. It was around then that I found the Paizo board and never went back.

City of the Dead (Book 1)

City of the Dead (Book 2 - Part I)

Empty Graves (Book 2 - Part II)

Empty Graves (Book 2 - Part III)

Anyway, that's about all I can think of. Let me know if you have any questions and I hope to see some great submissions! I'll keep this open for a couple of weeks or so and choose among ONLY those that are totally complete when I post that I'm about ready to select.

One last thing, folks. Please consider whether you're in this for the long haul. I try to keep a good posting rate of every few days or so (this can vary of course, but I try to shoot for every three or four days on average) but that means we're looking at a good several years to get through all six books of the adventure path. I'd love to have the same group I've got now cross the finish line with me!

Male Human (Aren't we all? Folks need to remember that!) Epic Level GM (35+ years!)

Lengthy OOC discourse of strategy, comments and other feedback should go here. Quick OOC comments in the adventure thread is fine, but it should be brief so as not to clutter the story building there. Thanks!

Male Human (Aren't we all? Folks need to remember that!) Epic Level GM (35+ years!)

The heroes of Wati have saved the city from the undead hordes that Nebta-Khufre and the Cult of the Forgotten Pharaoh unleashed in their pursuit of a powerful artifact they believed would bring about the resurrection of the mysterious Sky Pharaoh Hakotep I. Now the adventurers possess the Mask of the Forgotten Pharaoh, hoping to keep it from the clutches of the nefarious cult as they journey to Tephu to learn more about the pharaoh that has been written out of Osirion history as though he never existed, and about his devoted followers that will stop at nothing to see him brought back to life...

3 people marked this as a favorite.

Greetings! I'm planning to run a funnel adventure for 0-level characters, using the Dungeon Crawl Classics ruleset. Generally, in a DCC funnel game, there are a LOT of deaths. I mean, a lot! So players will usually run four characters at the same time - this is in part to level the battlefield (sort of...) when odds are stacked against them, and also so they can keep playing when one (or more) of their characters dies tragically.

I currently have three players interested, but I can take a couple more if there's anyone else out there looking for a DCC game that is a really nice blend of 1st and 5th edition D&D. Remember, this isn't for the light-hearted or those who expect their characters to survive! There will be character death, guaranteed! Perhaps even a TPK! But DCC really is a lot of fun, so don't let that scare you off.

If you don't have the rulebook, don't worry about it, as playing 0-level characters is VERY basic. I can let you know what to roll (there's crazy dice in DCC, d30, d24, d20, d16, all the way down to d3) when it comes up. I'll also post your characters in a slide format so you can see all four of your peasants in all their glory once you've rolled them up!

We won't worry too much about battlemaps with this many characters running around. It'll be theater of the mind type stuff - you can tell me if you're rushing into battle with your weapon or making a ranged attack (which, by the way, is VERY dangerous to allies in combat), but we'll get into all that later once we've got characters squared away.

If you all survive and are interested in a 1st level adventure, I can put up a pdf of the rulebook out there for those that don't have it, so folks can learn the intricacies of 1st level Warriors, Wizards, Clerics, Thieves, Dwarves, Halflings and Elves.

Sound good? Or at least intriguing? :)

For now, if you're interested, roll 4 sets of six 3d6. Be sure to separate them out into four distinct sets, so I can tell them apart. Don't worry so much about the scores, in fact getting low scores is usually a lot of fun! Remember, these guys and gals are basically peasants with delusions of grandeur. That said, if none of your characters have a decent stat or two among them, I may grant you a reroll for all four sets. But they'd all have to be really, really bad.

Once you've got your stats rolled up, I'll need a few more rolls before putting together your character sheets into a slide. As you did for your stats, roll FOUR sets of the following (one for each of your four characters):

1d4 (for HP)
5d12 (for cp, not gonna do much really, but hey!)
1d30 (birth augur)
1d24 (random piece of equipment)
1d100 (occupation)

That's it! Once you're done with all those rolls I'll create a slide that has all four of your 0-Level characters for easy reference. You can add names and pics if you'd like, but don't get too attached to them! :)

The name of the funnel adventure is Hole In The Sky, written by Brendan LaSalle. Once I've got enough interest, I'll start the game - though probably not until February 1st at the very earliest. Hope to see a couple more folks join in with the three I've got!

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Male Human (Aren't we all? Folks need to remember that!) Epic Level GM (35+ years!)

For OOC comments and general discussion!

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Male Human (Aren't we all? Folks need to remember that!) Epic Level GM (35+ years!)

The Lady in Blue, a mysterious figure of cosmic power, enlists a band of simple peasants for a strange task. They are to follow an invisible bridge until they arrive at a hole in the sky – and then jump through. Death awaits all but the bravest, strongest, and luckiest, but the Lady offers a reward beyond all the riches of the world: the chance to change the very stars these peasants were born under, and thus change their destiny.

Male Human (Aren't we all? Folks need to remember that!) Epic Level GM (35+ years!)

On the eastern continent of Tian Xia, the Pathfinder Society remains a small player in the greater political landscape, but Amara Li, head of the Lantern Lodge in the teeming city of Goka, has plans to change that. In order to secure the Pathfinder Society's place as an influential organization on the far side of the world from the Grand Lodge in Absalom, she must orchestrate an alliance with the mysterious Way of the Kirin. But the longtime rival of the Pathfinder Society, the Aspis Consortium, has plans to form an alliance of its own, and if the consortium succeeds, the Pathfinder Society's hopes of cementing their place in the Dragon Empires could be dashed forever.

Male Human (Aren't we all? Folks need to remember that!) Epic Level GM (35+ years!)

The Pathfinder Valais Durant has led a troubled existence, ever since the demon-worshipping former venture-captain Thurl fused her body with parts from two demons. Pathfinder agents destroyed one of the demons, bringing some solace to Valais and allowing her to resume a somewhat normal life. However, the remaining demon's essence recently asserted control in an event that could have resulted in great bloodshed were it not for Valais's quick thinking. If the Pathfinders are to restore her to her original form, they need help, and the Society has just a contact who can escort them into the libraries of Heaven itself to uncover a powerful healing ritual. Navigating the customs and laws of Heaven is only the first of the challenges that faces the PCs, for they seek to purge demonic forces from Valais without raising the ire of Heaven's inhabitants or risking the fate of her soul.

Male Human (Aren't we all? Folks need to remember that!) Epic Level GM (35+ years!)

Please check in for the game with a dot, but don't forget to delete it so as not to clutter up the beginning of this thread. Thanks!

Male Human (Aren't we all? Folks need to remember that!) Epic Level GM (35+ years!)

Please check in for the game with a dot, but don't forget to delete it so as not to clutter up the beginning of this thread. Thanks!

Male Human (Aren't we all? Folks need to remember that!) Epic Level GM (35+ years!)

Discuss the adventure here in order to keep the gameplay thread clear!

On the eastern continent of Tian Xia, the Pathfinder Society remains a small player in the greater political landscape, but Amara Li, head of the Lantern Lodge in the teeming city of Goka, has plans to change that. In order to secure the Pathfinder Society's place as an influential organization on the far side of the world from the Grand Lodge in Absalom, she must orchestrate an alliance with the mysterious Way of the Kirin. But the longtime rival of the Pathfinder Society, the Aspis Consortium, has plans to form an alliance of its own, and if the consortium succeeds, the Pathfinder Society's hopes of cementing their place in the Dragon Empires could be dashed forever.

Greetings Pathfinders!

Though this is my first attempt to GM a PFS game in play-by-post, this style of gaming is very familiar to me, as I've been running pbp games on another board for more than 20 years.

This game will begin on 10/1/18, and is a part of PbP Gameday VII, which boasts a great many games you might be interested in (besides this one, of course!)

As noted in the title, this game is geared for PFS characters between levels 3-7, and if there is heavy interest during the period of recruitment through the end of August I will take the first 12 folks that have signed up and select six based on party balance as far as character level and classes at that time so as to allow those that aren't recruited to continue to look for games elsewhere well before the commencement of the second session for Gameday VII. Because this is a second session game, I will make a decision on this by August 31st so those that aren't selected can find other games. If the recruitment thread hasn't reached six players by that time, I will just take first come, first served and make the announcement that the adventure is full after six players have signed on.

When you apply, please post with the character profile you will be gaming with. I strongly prefer character sheets completely filled out at the time of application, but so long as I know character race, class and level I can allow further time to create the character sheet itself in the profile - so long as it's completed no later than September 16th. If your character is in a session 1 game, no worries if the level-up information isn't there until the end of your game or September 30th. Character profiles that have applied (and been accepted) without a complete character sheet by that date will be dropped from the adventure and I will seek replacement characters before the 10/1 start date.

I can, and usually will, post every day and would like to see the same from my players, since this is intended to be a fast-moving adventure. There will certainly be exceptions to this rule on my part, and I have no problem if the same happens on the part of my players as well, but please don't make it a habit. If you are unable to keep up with this pace, I do ask that you apply to another adventure that better matches your own expectations and needs.

I do use maps, but I use a Roll20 map that players cannot manipulate themselves. Instead I'll have a grid set up, so that you can give me details as to how you move in combat situations by specifying which grid square you intend to move into - and preferably your route to get there, especially if you might be threatened by AoOs, or spell effects, or any other hazards such as difficult terrain and the the like. The less specific you are in your post, the harder it is for me to try and figure out your movement and though I'll try to do the best I can to do so, you might find yourself in a different square than that which you intended if I can't make your movement match up to what you posted. For that reason, be as specific as you can, please.

I'd also ask players to try and keep in mind where they act in the initiative order, and be proactive in determining how the combat situation might change prior to their character's action. Giving me alternative actions based on a potentially changing situation (e.g. “I attack Goblin #2, but if he's down before my action, move 3 squares east and attack Goblin #4”) would be very helpful to me when I construct my combat posts.

Other than the above, all I ask from my players is to be respectful of other players and to enjoy the game!

Male Human (Aren't we all? Folks need to remember that!) Epic Level GM (35+ years!)

Discuss the adventure here in order to keep the gameplay thread clear!

The Pathfinder Valais Durant has lead a troubled existence, ever since the demon-worshipping former venture-captain Thurl fused her body with parts from two demons. Pathfinder agents destroyed one of the demons, bringing some solace to Valais and allowing her to resume a near normal life. However, the remaining demon's essence recently asserted control in an event that could have resulted in great bloodshed were it not for Valais's quick thinking. If the Pathfinders are to restore her to her original form, they need help. Navigating the customs and laws of Heaven is only the first of the challenges facing the PCs, for they must purge demonic forces from Valais without raising the ire of Heaven's inhabitants or risking the fate of her soul. Contents in The Shores of Heaven contribute directly to the ongoing storyline of the Silver Crusade faction.

Greetings Pathfinders!

Though this is my first attempt to GM a PFS game in play-by-post, this style of gaming is very familiar to me, as I've been running pbp games on another board for more than 20 years.

This game will begin on 10/1/18, and is a part of PbP Gameday VII, which boasts a great many games you might be interested in (besides this one, of course!)

As noted in the title, this game is geared for PFS characters between levels 1-5, and if there is heavy interest during the period of recruitment through the end of August I will take the first 12 folks that have signed up and select six based on party balance as far as character level and classes at that time so as to allow those that aren't recruited to continue to look for games elsewhere well before the commencement of the second session for Gameday VII. Because this is a second session game, I will make a decision on this by August 31st so those that aren't selected can find other games. If the recruitment thread hasn't reached six players by that time, I will just take first come, first served and make the announcement that the adventure is full after six players have signed on.

When you apply, please post with the character profile you will be gaming with. I strongly prefer character sheets completely filled out at the time of application, but so long as I know character race, class and level I can allow further time to create the character sheet itself in the profile - so long as it's completed no later than September 16th. If your character is in a session 1 game, no worries if the level-up information isn't there until the end of your game or September 30th. Character profiles that have applied (and been accepted) without a complete character sheet by that date will be dropped from the adventure and I will seek replacement characters before the 10/1 start date.

I can, and usually will, post every day and would like to see the same from my players, since this is intended to be a fast-moving adventure. There will certainly be exceptions to this rule on my part, and I have no problem if the same happens on the part of my players as well, but please don't make it a habit. If you are unable to keep up with this pace, I do ask that you apply to another adventure that better matches your own expectations and needs.

I do use maps, but I use a Roll20 map that players cannot manipulate themselves. Instead I'll have a grid set up, so that you can give me details as to how you move in combat situations by specifying which grid square you intend to move into - and preferably your route to get there, especially if you might be threatened by AoOs, or spell effects, or any other hazards such as difficult terrain and the the like. The less specific you are in your post, the harder it is for me to try and figure out your movement and though I'll try to do the best I can to do so, you might find yourself in a different square than that which you intended if I can't make your movement match up to what you posted. For that reason, be as specific as you can, please.

I'd also ask players to try and keep in mind where they act in the initiative order, and be proactive in determining how the combat situation might change prior to their character's action. Giving me alternative actions based on a potentially changing situation (e.g. “I attack Goblin #2, but if he's down before my action, move 3 squares east and attack Goblin #4”) would be very helpful to me when I construct my combat posts.

Other than the above, all I ask from my players is to be respectful of other players and to enjoy the game!

Male Human (Aren't we all? Folks need to remember that!) Epic Level GM (35+ years!)

Discuss the adventure here in order to keep the gameplay thread clear!

In order to learn about the esoteric faith of the Empyreal Lord Korada, the PCs are sent by the Pathfinder Society to explore an abandoned aasimar temple to the benevolent deity. But what they find there is anything but an opportunity for peaceful reflection and enlightenment.

Greetings Pathfinders! Though this is my first attempt to GM a PFS game in play-by-post, this style of gaming is very familiar to me, as I've been running pbp games on another board for more than 20 years.

This game will begin on 8/13/18, and is a part of PbP Gameday VII, which boasts a great many games you might be interested in (besides this one, of course!)

As noted in the title, this game is geared for PFS characters between levels 1-5, and if there is heavy interest in the first week or so of recruitment I will take the first 12 folks that have signed up and select six based on party balance as far as character level and classes at that time so as to allow those that aren't recruited to continue to look for games elsewhere before Gameday VII. In this manner, I expect to hopefully have the decision made by Friday, June 29th so those that aren't selected can find other games. If the recruitment thread hasn't reached six players by that time, I will just take first come, first served and make the announcement that the adventure is full after six players have signed on.

When you apply, please post with the character profile you will be gaming with. I strongly prefer character sheets completely filled out at the time of application, but so long as I know character race, class and level I can allow further time to create the character sheet itself in the profile - so long as it's completed no later than July 31. Character profiles that have applied (and been accepted) without a complete character sheet by that date will be dropped from the adventure and I will seek replacement characters before the 8/13 start date.

I can, and usually will, post every day and would like to see the same from my players, since this is intended to be a fast-moving adventure. There will certainly be exceptions to this rule on my part, and I have no problem if the same happens on the part of my players as well, but please don't make it a habit. If you are unable to keep up with this place, I do ask that you apply to another adventure that better matches your own expectations and needs.

I do use maps, but I use a Roll20 map that players cannot manipulate themselves. Instead I'll have a grid set up, so that you can give me details as to how you move in combat situations by specifying which grid square you intend to move into - and preferably your route to get there, especially if you might be threatened by AoOs, or spell effects, or any other hazards such as difficult terrain and the the like. The less specific you are in your post, the harder it is for me to try and figure out your movement and though I'll try to do the best I can to do so, you might find yourself in a different square than that which you intended if I can't make your movement match up to what you posted. For that reason, be as specific as you can, please.

I'd also ask players to try and keep in mind where they act in the initiative order, and be proactive in determining how the combat situation might change prior to their character's action. Giving me alternative actions based on a potentially changing situation (i.e. I attack Goblin #2, but if he's down before my action, move 3 squares east and attack Golbin #4) would be very helpful to me when I construct my combat posts.

Other than the above, all I ask from my players is to be respectful of other players and to enjoy the game!

Male Human (Aren't we all? Folks need to remember that!) Epic Level GM (35+ years!)

Discuss the adventure here in order to keep the gameplay thread clear!

1 person marked this as a favorite.

When members of the Shoanti Axe Clan saw fire shooting up into the sky over Varisia's Caliphak Mountains, they rushed to investigate. They found a pair of doors inscribed with runes from ancient Thassilon, along with clear signs that the doors had recently been opened. In recognition of the Axe Clan's expanding alliances, the Shoanti offered both the Society and a priest of Soralyon from Riddleport the opportunity to explore the ruin and neutralize its dangers. Now that the priest has vanished within the complex, the PCs must uncover the ruin's history before the Shoanti lose faith in them and take matters into their own hands.

Greetings Pathfinders!

Though this is my first attempt to GM a PFS game in play-by-post, this style of gaming is very familiar to me, as I've been running pbp games on another board for more than 20 years.

This game will begin on 8/13/18, and is a part of PbP Gameday VII, which boasts a great many games you might be interested in (besides this one, of course!)

As noted in the title, this game is geared for PFS characters between levels 1-5, and once I've got 12 folks that have signed up I will select six based on party balance as far as character level and classes. I will make the choice within a week or so after getting 12 applicants, so those that aren't selected can continue to look for games elsewhere before Gameday VII begins on 8/13.

When you apply, please post with the character profile you will be gaming with. I strongly prefer character sheets completely filled out at the time of application, but so long as I know character race, class and level I can allow further time to create the character sheet itself in the profile - so long as it's completed no later than July 31. Character profiles that have applied (and been accepted) without a complete character sheet by that date will be dropped from the adventure and I will seek replacement characters before the 8/13 start date.

I can, and usually will, post every day and would like to see the same from my players, since this is intended to be a fast-moving adventure. There will certainly be exceptions to this rule on my part, and I have no problem if the same happens on the part of my players as well, but please don't make it a habit. If you are unable to keep up with this place, I do ask that you apply to another adventure that better matches your own expectations and needs.

I do use maps, but I use a Roll20 map that players cannot manipulate themselves. Instead I'll have a grid set up, so that you can give me details as to how you move in combat situations by specifying which grid square you intend to move into - and preferably your route to get there, especially if you might be threatened by AoOs, or spell effects, or any other hazards such as difficult terrain and the the like. The less specific you are in your post, the harder it is for me to try and figure out your movement and though I'll try to do the best I can to do so, you might find yourself in a different square than that which you intended if I can't make your movement match up to what you posted. For that reason, be as specific as you can, please.

I'd also ask players to try and keep in mind where they act in the initiative order, and be proactive in determining how the combat situation might change prior to their character's action. Giving me alternative actions based on a potentially changing situation (i.e. I attack Goblin #2, but if he's down before my action, move 3 squares east and attack Golbin #4) would be very helpful to me when I construct my combat posts.

Other than the above, all I ask from my players is to be respectful of other players and to enjoy the game!

Greetings! I am currently recruiting two or three players for a D&D game using the 3.5 edition rules, set in the Return to the Temple of Elemental Evil adventure module. Starting character level is 8, so you will be creating new characters at that level, with some starting magical gear as well. Note that this adventure has already started, and is roughly 1/3 of the way through (maybe even a bit less). The new recruits will be joining four other players, some of who began the adventure some several years ago. Before I go into further detail about character creation and rest of the party, I’d like to introduce how this game came to be on the Paizo board in the first place.

As a long-time player and GM for another play-by-post board called d20 World of Greyhawk, that has been around for 20 years or so, I have decided to move my ongoing adventures to the Paizo board for two big reasons.

First, our pbp board started with EZBoard, then it became Yuku in 2008 - which resulted in many problems, not the least of which was the loss of countless numbers of posts where entire chunks of pbp stories were lost forever. We got through it though, and only recently when Yuku became Tapatalk did many folks on our happy board begin to get really upset. There have been only a few instances of data loss, but mostly it's the style of the board that folks don't like. Switching between profiles is a real pain, and though the board has a couple of high points that, as a GM I find quite helpful, the majority of the changes are a real pain to deal with.

Second, over the years our group of dedicated players have seen new ones come, and others go. Unfortunately, the latter category is larger than the first, and attrition has taken its toll. There are now probably upwards of only ten or twelve active players left on the board. And when these long-term adventures see a great deal of turnover like this, it tends to disturb the momentum and flow of the game and slows things down even more than usually seen in a play-by-post game. Which is why most of my games have been lingering for years with very slow activity.

So, in moving to the Paizo board, I am hoping to recruit more players to join, and based on my experiences thus far on Paizo (I’ve been playing PFS, SFS and a couple other games here over the past several months) I am hoping that an infusion of new, experienced pbp gamers will help revitalize my adventures and get them moving again.

All that said, any players interested in joining this adventure will be creating 8th level characters from scratch. Character creation uses a very simple point buy system using base 8 scores and adding 25 points (not weighted) to a maximum score of 18, and minimum 8 score. Racial modifiers are not added to this, though such modifiers will allow a ‘new’ character to start with a score of higher than 18 or lower than 8 using the 25 points you are given. For instance, when you create your elf character, you can subtract 2 points from CON to give yourself a pool of 27 points, and then use 12 of those to make your DEX 20, but you cannot use more than 10 points to get your INT score to 18. And of course you will get to add another 2 points during creation, due to ability score increases at 4th and 8th level – which can also raise your scores beyond 18 (or even 20 in the above example). Here is a list of allowed sourcebooks, and a few ‘house rules’ regarding character races and classes. Once your character is created, you can spend up to 27k gp on magic items as you’d like, and/or allow me to bestow randomly determined magic items upon you that might deviate from that amount by no more than 2 or 3k either up or down.

A character history would also be nice, especially if related to the campaign world of Greyhawk, and if I get more players looking to join the adventure than I need, I will probably use such as a tie-breaker rather than using a lottery or first-come first-served. If you have the time and inclination to do so, you can also read the most recent adventure thread that has spanned the last four years (and probably a month or more in game time) right here. I definitely will give extra consideration to players who tie their background story into the adventure history thus far. No need to read the whole thing unless you have a lot of time on your hands, but skimming the most pages of the thread might be useful. Again, the board underwent massive changes of late that has really screwed with the font color and coding, so the thread is ugly, but readable. If you're really a glutton for punishment, you can take a look at the History of the adventure on the d20 WoG board here. Part of it is a summary of what happened, and there are links to the actual game threads as well sprinkled throughout. None of the original players are left, but then this epic game started more than 16 years ago or more, if memory serves me correctly.

Lastly, I have three confirmed players from the d20 WoG board that are migrating along with this adventure to Paizo - they are Svaerd (Human Barbarian 8), Norian (Human Sorcerer 8) and Phaligast (Gnome Wizard 8). I have also accepted a player from the Paizo board who is creating an 8th level druid character and I am still hoping to hear from my cleric player at the d20 board. When creating characters for this adventure, I’d ask new players to try and chose other roles beyond those that are currently covered. Obviously a rogue would be a good addition, or pretty much anything else!

If you have questions about creating your characters or anything else with regards to the game, please post them here. I'd like to keep the Gameplay thread clear until we start the game. Thanks!

Greetings! I am currently recruiting two or three players for a Pathfinder game using the Mummy's Mask adventure path. Starting character level is 4, so you will be creating new characters at that level, with some starting magical gear as well. Note that this adventure has already started with the first adventure (The Half-Dead City), and has continued into the second (Empty Graves), but it has not advanced very far at all into the second module. The new recruits will be joining three other players, who began the adventure path some three and a half years ago. Before I go into further detail about character creation and rest of the party, I’d like to introduce how this game came to be on the Paizo board in the first place.

As a long-time player and GM for another play-by-post board called d20 World of Greyhawk, that has been around for 20 years or so, I have decided to move my ongoing adventures to the Paizo board for two big reasons.

First, our pbp board started with EZBoard, then it became Yuku in 2008 - which resulted in many problems, not the least of which was the loss of countless numbers of posts where entire chunks of pbp stories were lost forever. We got through it though, and only recently when Yuku became Tapatalk did many folks on our happy board begin to get really upset. There have been only a few instances of data loss, but mostly it's the style of the board that folks don't like. Switching between profiles is a real pain, and though the board has a couple of high points that, as a GM I find quite helpful, the majority of the changes are a real pain to deal with.

Second, over the years our group of dedicated players have seen new ones come, and others go. Unfortunately, the latter category is larger than the first, and attrition has taken its toll. There are now probably upwards of only ten or twelve active players left on the board. And when these long-term adventures see a great deal of turnover like this, it tends to disturb the momentum and flow of the game and slows things down even more than usually seen in a play-by-post game. Which is why most of my games have been lingering for years with very slow activity.

So, in moving to the Paizo board, I am hoping to recruit more players to join, and based on my experiences thus far on Paizo (I’ve been playing PFS, SFS and a couple other games here over the past several months) I am hoping that an infusion of new, experienced pbp gamers will help revitalize my adventures and get them moving again.

All that said, any players interested in joining this adventure will be creating 4th level characters from scratch - though if you have established characters feel free to bring them as well. Players can spend 25 points on their ability scores, using Table 1-1 in the core rulebook (pg 16) for point costs. Once your character is created, you can spend up to 6k gp on magic items as you’d like, and/or allow me to bestow randomly determined magic items upon you that might deviate from that amount by no more than 1k either up or down.

A character history would also be nice, especially if you have the time and inclination to read either the entire adventure that has taken place over the past three and a half years (if you have a LOT of time on your hands!), or maybe even just skim over Part III to get an idea of what's happened thus far in the most recent module. I definitely will give extra consideration to players who tie their background story into the adventure history thus far. Links below will lead you to the d20 World of Greyhawk board, and as mentioned, the change from Yuku to Tapatalk caused a LOT of ugliness with regard to font color schemes and coding, so some of the posts are a bit... messy. Apologies for that!

History of Mummy's Mask wrote:

Part I

Part II
Part III

Lastly, the three players from the d20 WoG board that are migrating along with this adventure to Paizo are Francis (Human Cleric 4 [Theologian Archetype] of Pharasma), Hasina (Human Fighter 4 [Unbreakable Archetype]), and Herdouck (Dwarf Paladin 4 [Undead Scourge Archetype]). When creating characters for this adventure, I’d ask new players to try and chose other roles beyond those that are currently covered. Obviously a rogue or other skill monkey-type would be a very nice addition!

Greetings! I am currently recruiting two or three players for a D&D game using the 3.5 edition rules, set in the Expedition to the Ruins of Castle Greyhawk adventure module. Starting character level is 8, so you will be creating new characters at that level, with some starting magical gear as well. Note that this adventure has already started, but it has not advanced very far at all. The new recruits will be joining four other players, who began the adventure some two years ago. Before I go into further detail about character creation and rest of the party, I’d like to introduce how this game came to be on the Paizo board in the first place.

As a long-time player and GM for another play-by-post board called d20 World of Greyhawk, that has been around for 20 years or so, I have decided to move my ongoing adventures to the Paizo board for two big reasons.

First, our pbp board started with EZBoard, then it became Yuku in 2008 - which resulted in many problems, not the least of which was the loss of countless numbers of posts where entire chunks of pbp stories were lost forever. We got through it though, and only recently when Yuku became Tapatalk did many folks on our happy board begin to get really upset. There have been only a few instances of data loss, but mostly it's the style of the board that folks don't like. Switching between profiles is a real pain, and though the board has a couple of high points that, as a GM I find quite helpful, the majority of the changes are a real pain to deal with.

Second, over the years our group of dedicated players have seen new ones come, and others go. Unfortunately, the latter category is larger than the first, and attrition has taken its toll. There are now probably upwards of only ten or twelve active players left on the board. And when these long-term adventures see a great deal of turnover like this, it tends to disturb the momentum and flow of the game and slows things down even more than usually seen in a play-by-post game. Which is why most of my games have been lingering for years with very slow activity.

So, in moving to the Paizo board, I am hoping to recruit more players to join, and based on my experiences thus far on Paizo (I’ve been playing PFS, SFS and a couple other games here over the past several months) I am hoping that an infusion of new, experienced pbp gamers will help revitalize my adventures and get them moving again.

All that said, any players interested in joining this adventure will be creating 8th level characters from scratch. Character creation uses a very simple point buy system using base 8 scores and adding 25 points (not weighted) to a maximum score of 18, and minimum 8 score. Racial modifiers are not added to this, though such modifiers will allow a ‘new’ character to start with a score of higher than 18 or lower than 8 using the 25 points you are given. For instance, when you create your elf character, you can subtract 2 points from CON to give yourself a pool of 27 points, and then use 12 of those to make your DEX 20, but you cannot use more than 10 points to get your INT score to 18. And of course you will get to add another 2 points during creation, due to ability score increases at 4th and 8th level – which can also raise your scores beyond 18 (or even 20 in the above example). Here is a list of allowed sourcebooks, and a few ‘house rules’ regarding character races and classes. Once your character is created, you can spend up to 27k gp on magic items as you’d like, and/or allow me to bestow randomly determined magic items upon you that might deviate from that amount by no more than 2 or 3k either up or down.

A character history would also be nice, especially if related to the campaign world of Greyhawk, and if I get more players looking to join the adventure than I need, I will probably use such as a tie-breaker rather than using a lottery or first-come first-served. If you have the time and inclination to do so, you can also read the entire adventure that has spanned the last two real years (and probably two weeks in game time) right here. I definitely will give extra consideration to players who tie their background story into the adventure history thus far.

Lastly, the four players from the d20 WoG board that are migrating along with this adventure to Paizo are Glorb (Gnome Bard 7 / Rogue 2), Morrow (Human Duskblade 5 / Abjurant Champion 3), Wakandah (Human Wizard 8) and Karieth (Elf Ranger 7). When creating characters for this adventure, I’d ask new players to try and chose other roles beyond those that are currently covered. Obviously a cleric or other healer would be a very nice addition!

If you have questions about creating your characters or anything else with regards to the game, please post them here. I'd like to keep the Gameplay thread clear until we start the game. Thanks!

Male Human (Aren't we all? Folks need to remember that!) Epic Level GM (35+ years!)

Let the OOC Discussion of Expedition to the Ruins of Castle Greyhawk begin! And welcome, to my players from the d20 World of Greyhawk board. I hope that this new environment invigorates the campaign!

Male Human (Aren't we all? Folks need to remember that!) Epic Level GM (35+ years!)

In the Cairn Hills north of the Free City stands a monument to madness, a crumbling palace of trap-laden halls packed with treasure beyond imagining: Castle Greyhawk. The archmage who built it vanished nearly two hundred years ago, and the castle has beckoned adventurers from around the world ever since. They come seeking the wizard's treasure and legendary lore, to explore demiplanes attached to the castle's deepest dungeons, and perhaps to follow in the footsteps of the Mad Archmage Zagig Yragerne.

For when Zagig departed Castle Greyhawk, he did so as a living god.

Male Human (Aren't we all? Folks need to remember that!) Epic Level GM (35+ years!)

Let the OOC Discussion of Fane of the Witch King begin! And welcome, to my players from the d20 World of Greyhawk board. I hope that this new environment invigorates the campaign!

Male Human (Aren't we all? Folks need to remember that!) Epic Level GM (35+ years!)

Eons ago, the world was held in the grip of fear by the dark city of Krezzel Dul and its dark master: Osenkej, the Witch King. Though this great evil was finally defeated, some portion of the city - the Ebon Fane - remains buried deep underground. But worse is what lies deeper: beneath the Fane is the Black Vault, wherein reside numerous artifacts and creatures of great and unimaginable evil. Now, a dark army known as the Ghul Legion seeks to plunder these vile treasures - if they are not stopped, the horrors of the Witch King will be free again!

Male Human (Aren't we all? Folks need to remember that!) Epic Level GM (35+ years!)

Let the OOC Discussion of Tomb of Annihilation begin! And welcome, to my players from the d20 World of Greyhawk board. I hope that this new environment invigorates the campaign!

Male Human (Aren't we all? Folks need to remember that!) Epic Level GM (35+ years!)

Welcome To The Jungle!

A death curse has befallen everyone who's been raised from the dead. Its victims are rotting away, and all efforts to reverse the decay have failed. The souls of the dead are being stolen one by one and trapped inside a necromantic artifact called the Soulmonger. It is believed that only its destruction will free the trapped spirits and allow the dead to be raised once more. All paths lead to Chult, a mysterious land of volcanoes, jungles, and the ruins of fallen kingdoms...

Male Human (Aren't we all? Folks need to remember that!) Epic Level GM (35+ years!)

Let the OOC Discussion of RttToEE begin! And welcome, to my players from the d20 World of Greyhawk board. I hope that this new environment invigorates the campaign!

Male Human (Aren't we all? Folks need to remember that!) Epic Level GM (35+ years!)

Years ago, brave heroes put the denizens of the Temple of Elemental Evil to the sword. Now, dark forces whisper again in the shadows of the once-deserted temple - forces far more insidious and dangerous than any sane person could dream. Evil has risen again to threaten the village of Hommlet.

Male Human (Aren't we all? Folks need to remember that!) Epic Level GM (35+ years!)

Let the OOC Discussion of Star of Madness begin! And welcome, to my players from the d20 World of Greyhawk board. I hope that this new environment invigorates the campaign!

Male Human (Aren't we all? Folks need to remember that!) Epic Level GM (35+ years!)

The heroes dream. As though disembodied, they fly above endless plains with nomadic tribes roaming the grasslands in large groups, riding their fleet horses with an easy grace that Dayeinu recognizes instantly. They are his own people, after all! Soaring past the plains heading far to the west, the land becomes increasingly rocky and arid, though a broad track of some kind stretches out beneath them, arrowing ahead toward a mountain range that cuts across the entire horizon like a jagged wall.

As they draw closer to the foothills of those majestic peaks, the road begins to bend right, toward a series of low purple hills that break away from those formidable peaks, creating a protective spur that wards the lands to the north, beyond which can be seen a verdant river valley, great forests and fertile lands. A great walled city lies just beyond that spur, a secondary defense behind the hills that ward the frontier of that kingdom.

Nearer at hand, well within the arid badlands that stretch away from those distant hills, a small village lies just below. Some distant outpost whose people must certainly either be mad or desperate to live beyond the borders of that great kingdom to the north. For beyond that hamlet, to the south there lies a vast desolation that makes the badlands they’ve passed across look thriving in comparison. In the center of that bleak landscape can be seen a distant ruin of some long-forgotten city, many hundreds, perhaps even thousands of years old.

Suddenly, a dark star hurtles from the sky and crashes into the ruins, and in the next moment, a great darkness flows forth from that place in a vast tidal wave that washes over all the lands, blossoming like a dark flower that destroys all it touches. The lush realms to the north fall to the darkness first after the village is swept away. Then that darkness turns east, rolling toward the heroes as they watch the scene with terror, unable to move or scream. But they all can feel a terrible and formless evil within that darkness that threatens to engulf all of creation, something that has been fed with power from far beyond this world. And now nothing is strong enough to stand in its path, and all creation will fall before its awful hunger. O Discordia!

Male Human (Aren't we all? Folks need to remember that!) Epic Level GM (35+ years!)

Let the OOC Discussion of Mummy's Mask begin! And welcome, to my players from the d20 World of Greyhawk board. I hope that this new environment invigorates the campaign!

Male Human (Aren't we all? Folks need to remember that!) Epic Level GM (35+ years!)

The heroes have completed their forays into the ancient Necropolis, uncovering treasures, as well as secrets that lay hidden for millennia. Now they have come to sell some of the items they managed to uncover at an auction house. But the party was interrupted by unexpected guests - ravaging undead that appear to have invaded the entire city. It appears that the work of the heroes has only just begun...

Male Human (Aren't we all? Folks need to remember that!) Epic Level GM (35+ years!)

Let the OOC Discussion of Sunless Citadel begin! And welcome, to my players from the d20 World of Greyhawk board. I hope that this new environment invigorates the campaign!

Male Human (Aren't we all? Folks need to remember that!) Epic Level GM (35+ years!)

Why should anyone travel the cracked cobblestones of the Old Road? The fortress that once cast its shadow across the road does so no longer -- some whisper that the earth swallowed the fortress whole in an age long past.


I sent an e-mail, but never got a response so I'm hoping to get some friendly advice here on the forum. A friend of mine and I have purchased tickets to the Starfinder game on Sunday [Fugitive on the Red Planet] and it appears we are required to bring materials to the game, which I presume to be dice and a character sheet. I was hoping to find a seminar or class at GenCon to assist in character creation, but the only one I saw was on Friday at 10am, which clashed with another event I'd signed up for.

Any suggestions on how to create a character prior to GenCon? I play a lot of Pathfinder, so I'm familiar with those rules at least, but after poking around a bit on this website I haven't seen any free pdfs or the like that could assist me in creating characters for Starfinder prior to the game. Will there be open opportunities at GenCon to get involved in learning about character creation prior to the actual game on Sunday or is character creation done at the game itself? My schedule is pretty full up for the convention, so I'd probably just have to find a spare hour somewhere to wander by and sit down, if you do have something like that.

Any suggestions or advice would be much appreciated. Thanks, and I'm really looking forward to August!
