My 3 cp
1) Dragons: I’m all for these beasties being rare near mythological creature. When encountered they should definitely generate an ‘Oh sh*&^%’ respose. I believe their frequency so far is good.
2) Goblins: These are great low level challenges and add some craziness to the scenarios that they are in. Paizo’s ‘reimagining’ of the goblin is great and they should be ever present in Society scenarios.
3) Orcs: I don’t think that there has been enough true blood orcs in society scenarios. They are an iconic bad guy from day one, though their faces have changes : )
4) Drow: Another good bad guy race, although not as easy to pitch against the Society unless there is a quest to delve into the darklands. It was mentioned earlier that the Drow and the Society probably wouldn’t cross paths too often. There could be more encounters with drow but I think they should be sparse.
5) Dinosaurs: I was never a big fan of dinosaurs. Outside of a typically very narrow niche I find it hard to justify their being a part of a scenario.
6) Undead: I love them. They can be a dungeon creators best friend, although they can be a crutch at the same time. Most of them live forever without food or maintenance. Therefore not as much thought needs to explain how they have survived said dungeon. Also they easily fall into the black and white categories of morality. Most of the time justification is not required to kill/destroy them first and ask questions later. Many scenarios can have an undead encounter or two to fill out the acts without bending the ‘realm of reality’ too much. I believe that their appearance ration is good.
7) Swarms: An absolute pain for an unprepared party. I agree that they are a good addition to an encounter and often appropriate. Another creature that leaves morality at the back door. These guys seemed to have a period where every scenario seemed to have to have at least 1 swarm encounter, sometimes more. Outside of that their frequency is OK.
8) Outsiders: Considering that one nation has extensive dealing with outsiders they could have a larger appearance ratio. Not just devils and demons, everyone expects them. Specific regions in Golarion will vary, but I think that they should be a little more frequent than the drow.
9) Humanoids: Although I have often read a new scenario and signed when all of the bad guys were popular common humanoids, I admit that this should be the bulk of the Society’s enemies.
Others to consider:
10) Giants: There are virtually no giant races represented, to include trolls and ogres. They have appeared occasionally and there is a recent scenario focusing on a tribe of giants. But there should be more. This is another iconic race that has been largely overlooked. It would be great to have a scenario focusing on the iconic relationship between dwarves and giants.
11) Monsters: IMHO this includes any critter that does not normally develop an extensive society, typically eats you first and foremost and rarely has another purpose in the game than to be killed and provide loot. This could include most magical beasts and aberrations and some outsiders. As I recall the early days of fantasy roleplaying were all about delving into the dungeon to kill wondrous monsters and take their stuff. I don’t think scenarios should go over board with them but more would add some nice flavor. Critters like Owlbears, Chimeras, Manticores and Ropers.
12) Fey: There are occasional hits at the relation of Golarion and the First World. This could be very fruitful for the Society to explore. Fey tend to take responsibility for watching over nature, passively for the good fey and aggressively for the evil fay. There could definitely be more fey types.
that’s all for now.. .. ..