Smoke Haunt

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Goblin Squad Member. ******** Venture-Agent, Indiana—Lafayette 199 posts. 7 reviews. 1 list. 1 wishlist. 27 Organized Play characters. 1 alias.


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Dark Archive 4/5 5/55/55/5 Venture-Agent, Indiana—Lafayette

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Some additional clarifications:

The credits on the chronicle sheets are based on the party finding / acquiring all of the possible loot during a scenario, pulling it together, selling it, then dividing the total equally among the party based on the party size that the scenario is written for.

With this in mind, each encounter has an amount of credits to subtract from the amount granted on the chronicle sheet should the players fail to overcome an encounter. This subtraction is only for failing an encounter that has rewards. If the party circumvents or creatively completes an encounter the Society Guides have language that specifies that the party 'finds' equivalent loot elsewhere.

This is also true for gold in Pathfinder Society scenarios.

I hope that this helps.

Dark Archive 4/5 5/55/55/5 Venture-Agent, Indiana—Lafayette

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Dwarf x4
Halfling x 2
Half-Elf x 2 (1 dead)
Half-Orc x 1
Gripli x 1
Suli x 1

Dark Archive 4/5 5/55/55/5 Venture-Agent, Indiana—Lafayette


Dark Archive 4/5 5/55/55/5 Venture-Agent, Indiana—Lafayette

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Whoot!! Another fine year of Origins around the corner. . . . .

Dark Archive

Congratulations Amanda!! I'm sure it will go well.

Dark Archive 4/5 5/55/55/5 Venture-Agent, Indiana—Lafayette

Congratulations!! Totally well earned.

On top of the recognition that Chris mentioned I must add that his assistance has been instrumental in developing the successful Pathfinder Society Game Days at The Sage's Shoppe in West Lafayette, IN!!

Dark Archive 4/5 5/55/55/5 Venture-Agent, Indiana—Lafayette

Application Pending :)

Dark Archive

Thank you for the speedy response and confirming what I suspected. I just wanted to be sure.

Dark Archive


Can I get an update on this order?

I realize that the Golem Sale has created a backlog, however my order Order # 2894220 Placed November 20, 2013 seems to be stuck. I have not received any update on fulfillment, my cart still lists the items ordered and now the price of those items has returned to the regular price.

Thank you.

Dark Archive 4/5 5/55/55/5 Venture-Agent, Indiana—Lafayette

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I'm In, once again!!

Dark Archive 4/5 5/55/55/5 Venture-Agent, Indiana—Lafayette

Here she is: West Lafayette Warhorn

Dark Archive 4/5 5/55/55/5 Venture-Agent, Indiana—Lafayette

Check out the document the folks at SCARAB have put together:

SCARAB downloads

you are looking for Pathfinder Society Checklist at the bottom of the page. There are a couple other nice documents here also.

Dark Archive 4/5 5/55/55/5 Venture-Agent, Indiana—Lafayette

Hoping to work this into my schedule!!

Dark Archive 4/5 5/55/55/5 Venture-Agent, Indiana—Lafayette

Welcome to the fold!! Look forward to meeting and gaming with you.

Dark Archive 4/5 5/55/55/5 Venture-Agent, Indiana—Lafayette

Great to Hear Tracy!! Congratulations!!!

Dark Archive 4/5 5/55/55/5 Venture-Agent, Indiana—Lafayette

After rereading the OP I read it as switching credit from Origins to his original PFS number. Oops.

Dark Archive 4/5 5/55/55/5 Venture-Agent, Indiana—Lafayette

Sign me up.

Dark Archive 4/5 5/55/55/5 Venture-Agent, Indiana—Lafayette

VC Michael McNerney organized the event and is handling the reporting. You can message him through Paizo's message system or send him an email at

Dark Archive 4/5 5/55/55/5 Venture-Agent, Indiana—Lafayette

Thank you all for the very kind words, it really means a lot to me.

I am blessed to me in a position to be able to put so much time into a game system that I am passionate about and to work with a company that obviously cares what their customers think.

Thank you to those that led by example during my path to a 5th Star: Bob Jonquet, Chris Bonnet, Doug Miles, Thea Peters, Todd Morgan, Mike Brock and others who escape me at this time.

About my 3D terrain for Bonekeep: the Silent Grave, I'll see what I can do to post additional pictures somewhere, maybe the game store I work with. I considered taking some how-to photos during construction, but I was under the gun to get it finished by Whose Yer Con. When I start on Bonekeep: level 2 I'll make a concerted effort to create a how-to process.

Dark Archive 4/5 5/55/55/5 Venture-Agent, Indiana—Lafayette

The table of 6 Eyes o Ten that I am slated to kill, um err, run through should have received an email from me within the last week or two.

I believe I have: Tracy, Greg, Brian, Mike, Amy & David. If you are in this list and haven't received one, drop me a line cause I may have an incorrect email address for you.

@Greg I have similar aspirations for Eyes side quests, however singing is unlikely. :)

Dark Archive 4/5 5/55/55/5 Venture-Agent, Indiana—Lafayette

The planning for Scotties, the Arsenal, and possible other locations in in the works. We are currently looking at morning slots and evening slots with a long break around dinner time for the GM and VC meetings / dinners.

There will be a warhorn site to sign up for games. Most likely combining the various venues that Indiana PFS is organizing.

When we get to that stage we will add tables based on what is available for our use and what GMs want to run. In other words we are leaving the scenario selection to our esteemed GM volunteers. Any player will have access to sign up for games on a first come first serve basis.

I will be present at Scotties all day (except for the GM meeting) to heard everyone in the proper direction and handle the scenario tracking and reporting. As the details get ironed out I'll post the specifics here and on the Warhorn event general info section.

Chris is curently waiting for conformation from the venues on the amount of table space available for Society.

Dark Archive 4/5 5/55/55/5 Venture-Agent, Indiana—Lafayette

Congratz Mike!!!

Dark Archive 4/5 5/55/55/5 Venture-Agent, Indiana—Lafayette

As long as the planets align properly, angels grant their blessings, and evil stays at home we should be fine. : }

Dark Archive 4/5 5/55/55/5 Venture-Agent, Indiana—Lafayette

New VC Chris Bonnet is working on the details. So far it is rather fluid and nothing is confirmed as of yet. We are currently leaning towards arranging venues and table quantities at each.

When Chris and I discussed PreCon events last, he was considering a single Warhorn site to consolidate the various PreCon gaming that Indiana PFS is hosting. Once the specifics are ironed out Scenarios will be added based on what the GMs that are volunteering wish to run and at which location.

To summarize, since that seems awfully wordy to me this morning:

Scheduling is in the works
Multiple Venues (probably Arsenal & Scotties(
Indiana PFS to manage Warhorn (one site to rule them all)
GMs select scenarios and location

I plan on being on site all day again this year for mustering, direction, guidance, eatin and drinking. Though I intend to drink much less than I did last year. :}

As a side note that should not need emphasizing - this is the planning stage nothing is finalized and everything is subject to change until 9am Wednesday morning before GenCon. :}

Stay tuned. . . .

Dark Archive 4/5 5/55/55/5 Venture-Agent, Indiana—Lafayette

Congratz Chris!!!

Dark Archive 4/5 5/55/55/5 Venture-Agent, Indiana—Lafayette

Should be a blast again this year!!

Dark Archive 4/5 5/55/55/5 Venture-Agent, Indiana—Lafayette

As a GM with decades of GM experience in multiple RPG systems, a bunch of stars who travels to an average of 5 conventions of varying sizes each year and a VO I can freely admit that I don't always get the rules correct.

There is a lot of rules in Pathfinder, more so with the PFS campaign guidelines. It is easy to overlook finer points of some of the obscure rules and even common rules that sometimes break logic a tad for game play.

I am regularly frustrated when I have to look up rules during a scenario, especially stuff that should be already ingrained. Last year at GenCon I got the penalties wrong for fighting while prone. Not sure how I overlooked that rule, but the players were more than willing to help me get it right. It still boggles me that I missed those penalties for quite some time, but it isn't something that arises too often.

Most of the time the players are very willing to help by looking up rules and siting a page number if I feel the need to read it myself (mostly for interpretation). I find that this helps keep the game civil and moving along.

In my opinion this is a very good thread and one thing to take away from it is that nobody's input should be discounted, period. It is important to work together civilly to find the correct answer. As JohnF mentioned anyone can overlook sections of the rules, especially ones on the FAQs. Stars and titles do not make us infallible.

In summary work together and don't be a troll. :)

Dark Archive 4/5 5/55/55/5 Venture-Agent, Indiana—Lafayette

Thank you for all of your hard work pulling Indiana together and the support and guidance that you personally provided to me.

Your efforts will be missed and I will look forward to gaming with you in the future!! Eyes of the Ten in July??

Dark Archive 4/5 5/55/55/5 Venture-Agent, Indiana—Lafayette

I'm finally finishing wrapping up things for the first mini convention at The Sage's Shoppe.

Thanks to the 8 dedicated GMs that gave up some of their time to make this happen.

Kevin Ingle ran 5 of the 6 slots and helped manage HQ.
Carlos Danao ran 5 slots
Derik Green ran 1 slot
Tracy Windeknecht, Greg Hurst, Chris Bonnet, Mike Cleland & David Petrison ran 1 -2 slots and drove in from Indy.

Our final numbers:
18 Tables
5 new player sign ups
85 characters sat
8 GMs (mentioned above)

Reporting will be finished this evening.
Overall a great little event.

Dark Archive 4/5 5/55/55/5 Venture-Agent, Indiana—Lafayette

We had a really good turn out for our first mini con. Everyone seemed to have a great time. I'll post specifics and thank you tomorrow after I sort through everything.

Dark Archive 4/5 5/55/55/5 Venture-Agent, Indiana—Lafayette

Congratulations Chris!!! Well Done.

Dark Archive 4/5 5/55/55/5 Venture-Agent, Indiana—Lafayette

Once another well organized smoothly run convention. This one has always been a blast and this year was no exception!!!

Bob also had some awesome 3D terrain that you can see in his link above.

Thank you for the nice comments on the 3D terrain I made for Bonekeep. I have some fine tuning to make for GenCon and possible Origins.

I am also sorry that I didn't get to chat with more of the GMs and players. Bonekeep eats up a lot of time (no finishing early, well unless they are all dead).

Dark Archive 4/5 5/55/55/5 Venture-Agent, Indiana—Lafayette

Congratz Mrs Tracy!! and thank you.

See ya Friday!!!

Dark Archive 4/5 5/55/55/5 Venture-Agent, Indiana—Lafayette

GM slots are filling up nicely. The following Scenarios still need a GM:

Slot 1:
4-EX Day of the Demon
4-17 Tower of the Ironwood Watch

Slot 3:
First Steps II: To Delve the Dungeon Deep

Slot 4:
First Steps III: A Vision of Betrayal
2-11 The Penumbral Accords (Blakros chain)

Slot 5:
4-03 The Golemworks Incident
4-11 The Disappeared
4-12 The Refuge of Time

Slot 6:
4-01 Rise of the Goblin Guild
4-EX Day of the Demon

I will be looking at Hotel information this week to see what deals we can offer.

Dark Archive 4/5 5/55/55/5 Venture-Agent, Indiana—Lafayette

Bob Jonquet wrote:
Grrrr, same weekend as another con in my region. I would have sooo gone to this :-(

Bummer that you can't make it.

The number of smaller Cons that are popping up is great for Society but challenging for Those of us that want to attend them all.

Dark Archive 4/5 5/55/55/5 Venture-Agent, Indiana—Lafayette

The Warhorn site has been populated with the Scenarios for this event. Thank you very much Kevin for taking care of this.

The Warhorn for this event is the same one that we use for our regular Game Days at The Sage's Shoppe, so after you log in you'll need to choose April from the monthly schedule to sign up.

Dark Archive 4/5 5/55/55/5 Venture-Agent, Indiana—Lafayette

oohh the pressure of running in front of so many peer VO's. . . ;)

Here's a scarey thought, there is a good possibility that I will be at the point to qualify for star numero 5 by then. If not I'll only be a couple tables away.

Dark Archive 4/5 5/55/55/5 Venture-Agent, Indiana—Lafayette

muhawahaa. . .

Dark Archive 4/5 5/55/55/5 Venture-Agent, Indiana—Lafayette

last year's WYC midnight madness was cool, although it felt like we had a table of 10. (we didn't for those who nit pick)

last years incon midnight madness was a blurrrr too much barfleet for me. I remember the final boss fight being very frustrating for my halfling barbarian. ..

See ya all is a couple weeks!!

Dark Archive 4/5 5/55/55/5 Venture-Agent, Indiana—Lafayette

Looking forward to another fine Origins adventure!!

Dark Archive 4/5 5/55/55/5 Venture-Agent, Indiana—Lafayette

Thanks guys. Chris, I'll pass on you complements.

Dark Archive 4/5 5/55/55/5 Venture-Agent, Indiana—Lafayette

On April 12 – 14th 2013 The Sage’s Shoppe will be hosting a mini Pathfinder Society Convention in West Lafayette, Indiana. We are currently scheduling 28 tables over the three days.

Players and GMs can sign-up directly on .

The Sage’s Shoppe (store)
1009 Sagamore Parkway West
West Lafayette, IN 47906

Cost: $2 per player per scenario
GM rewards: half of the cost of each table goes to the GM as store credit.

Slot 1: Friday 8pm – midnight
Slot 2: Saturday 8am – 12pm
Slot 3: Saturday 1pm – 5pm
Slot 4: Saturday 7pm – 11pm
Slot 5: Sunday 10am – 2pm
Slot 6: Sunday 3pm – 7pm

Slot 1:
4-EX Day of the Demon
4-11 The Disappeared
4-17 Tower of the Ironwood Watch
4-18 The Veteran’s Vault

Slot 2:
First Steps I: In Service to Lore
0-05 Mists of Mwangi (Blakros chain)
4-EX Day of the Demon
4-06 The Green Market
4-08 The Cultist’s Kiss

Slot 3:
First Steps II: To Delve the Dungeon Deep
1-35 Voice in the Void (Blakros chain)
4-04 King of the Storval Stairs
4-05 The Sanos Abduction
4-13 Fortress of the Nail

Slot 4:
First Steps III: A Vision of Betrayal
2-11 The Penumbral Accords (Blakros chain)
4-10 Feast of Sigils
4-14 My Enemy’s Enemy
4-16 The Fabric of Reality

Slot 5:
4-EX Day of the Demon
4-03 The Golemworks Incident
4-11 The Disappeared
4-12 The Refuge of Time
4-18 The Veteran’s Vault

Slot 6:
4-01 Rise of the Goblin Guild
4-07 Severing Ties
4-09 The Blakros Matrimony (Blakros chain)
4-13 Fortress of the Nail

You can contact me with questions through the Paizo message system or by email at michaelpfsindiana @

Dark Archive 4/5 5/55/55/5 Venture-Agent, Indiana—Lafayette

My 3 cp

1) Dragons: I’m all for these beasties being rare near mythological creature. When encountered they should definitely generate an ‘Oh sh*&^%’ respose. I believe their frequency so far is good.

2) Goblins: These are great low level challenges and add some craziness to the scenarios that they are in. Paizo’s ‘reimagining’ of the goblin is great and they should be ever present in Society scenarios.

3) Orcs: I don’t think that there has been enough true blood orcs in society scenarios. They are an iconic bad guy from day one, though their faces have changes : )

4) Drow: Another good bad guy race, although not as easy to pitch against the Society unless there is a quest to delve into the darklands. It was mentioned earlier that the Drow and the Society probably wouldn’t cross paths too often. There could be more encounters with drow but I think they should be sparse.

5) Dinosaurs: I was never a big fan of dinosaurs. Outside of a typically very narrow niche I find it hard to justify their being a part of a scenario.

6) Undead: I love them. They can be a dungeon creators best friend, although they can be a crutch at the same time. Most of them live forever without food or maintenance. Therefore not as much thought needs to explain how they have survived said dungeon. Also they easily fall into the black and white categories of morality. Most of the time justification is not required to kill/destroy them first and ask questions later. Many scenarios can have an undead encounter or two to fill out the acts without bending the ‘realm of reality’ too much. I believe that their appearance ration is good.

7) Swarms: An absolute pain for an unprepared party. I agree that they are a good addition to an encounter and often appropriate. Another creature that leaves morality at the back door. These guys seemed to have a period where every scenario seemed to have to have at least 1 swarm encounter, sometimes more. Outside of that their frequency is OK.

8) Outsiders: Considering that one nation has extensive dealing with outsiders they could have a larger appearance ratio. Not just devils and demons, everyone expects them. Specific regions in Golarion will vary, but I think that they should be a little more frequent than the drow.

9) Humanoids: Although I have often read a new scenario and signed when all of the bad guys were popular common humanoids, I admit that this should be the bulk of the Society’s enemies.

Others to consider:

10) Giants: There are virtually no giant races represented, to include trolls and ogres. They have appeared occasionally and there is a recent scenario focusing on a tribe of giants. But there should be more. This is another iconic race that has been largely overlooked. It would be great to have a scenario focusing on the iconic relationship between dwarves and giants.

11) Monsters: IMHO this includes any critter that does not normally develop an extensive society, typically eats you first and foremost and rarely has another purpose in the game than to be killed and provide loot. This could include most magical beasts and aberrations and some outsiders. As I recall the early days of fantasy roleplaying were all about delving into the dungeon to kill wondrous monsters and take their stuff. I don’t think scenarios should go over board with them but more would add some nice flavor. Critters like Owlbears, Chimeras, Manticores and Ropers.

12) Fey: There are occasional hits at the relation of Golarion and the First World. This could be very fruitful for the Society to explore. Fey tend to take responsibility for watching over nature, passively for the good fey and aggressively for the evil fay. There could definitely be more fey types.

that’s all for now.. .. ..

Dark Archive 4/5 5/55/55/5 Venture-Agent, Indiana—Lafayette

Unfortunately do to circumstances beyond reasonable control I will not be hosting these scenarios at PentaCon this year. At this point I do not know if anyone else will try to run any Pathfinder Society Scenarios at the Convention. Maybe we'll try next year.

Dark Archive 4/5 5/55/55/5 Venture-Agent, Indiana—Lafayette

I have finally heard back from PentaCon's organizer. He is working on getting the site updated both for the loading issues and adding these events. I am still hoping to have a good turn out despite having less than 4 weeks to spread the word and fill out GMs.

Oh, Thanks Snigg for helping spread the word.

Dark Archive 4/5 5/55/55/5 Venture-Agent, Indiana—Lafayette

Still waiting on the Convention peeps to acknowledge and approve the schedule. It shouldn't be too much longer.

Those that have requested slots are in th e system, well at least my system.

Dark Archive 4/5 5/55/55/5 Venture-Agent, Indiana—Lafayette

Here is the schedule for PentaCon this year. I'll accept requests for specific slots/Scenarios as long as I can. email me a michaelpfsindiana at yahoo dot com.

PentaCon 2012 Scenarios

Slot 1: 9am - 1pm

3-19 Icebound Outpost tier 1-5
4-01 Rise of the Goblin Guild tier 1-5
3-25 Storming the Diamond Gate tier 3-7

Slot 2: 2pm - 6pm
PFSI 1 First Steps Pt 1: In Service to Lore tier 1
3-18 The God’s Market Gamble tier 1-5
4-02 Wrath’s Shadow tier 3-7

Slot 3: 7:30pm - 11:30pm
PFSI 2 First Steps Pt 2: To Delve the Dungeon Deep tier 1
3-EX The Cyphermage Dilemma tier 1-5
4-01 Rise of the Goblin Guild tier 1-5
4-02 Wrath’s Shadow tier 3-7
3-15 The Haunting of Hinojai tier 5-9

Slot 4: 9am - 1pm

PFSI 3 First Steps Pt 3: A Vision of Betrayal tier 1
4-04 King of the Storval Stairs tier 7-11
3-09 Quest for Perfection pt 1: Edge of Perfection tier 1-5
3-18 The God’s Market Gamble tier 1-5
3-25 Storming the Diamond Gate tier 3-7

Slot 5: 2pm - 6pm
PFSI 1 First Steps Pt 1: In Service to Lore tier 1
3-19 Icebound Outpost tier 1-5
4-01 Rise of the Goblin Guild tier 1-5
3-12 Wonders in the Weave pt I: The Dog Pharaoh’s Tomb tier 5-9
3-11 Quest for Perfection pt 2: On Hostile Waters 1-5

Slot 6: 7:30pm - 11:30pm
PFSI 2 First Steps Pt 2: To Delve the Dungeon Deep tier 1
3-EX The Cyphermage Dilemma tier 1-5
3-13 Quest for Perfection pt 3: Defenders of Nesting Swallow 1-5
4-02 Wrath’s Shadow tier 3-7
3-14 Wonders in the Weave pt II: Snakes in the Fold tier 5-9

Slot 7: 9am - 1pm

PFSI 3 First Steps Pt 3: A Vision of Betrayal tier 1
3-EX The Cyphermage Dilemma tier 1-5
4-01 Rise of the Goblin Guild tier 1-5
3-25 Storming the Diamond Gate tier 3-7
3-12 Wonders in the Weave pt I: The Dog Pharaoh’s Tomb tier 5-9

Slot 8: 2pm - 6pm
3-19 Icebound Outpost tier 1-5
3-18 The God’s Market Gamble tier 1-5
4-02 Wrath’s Shadow tier 3-7
3-14 Wonders in the Weave pt II: Snakes in the Fold tier 5-9
4-04 King of the Storval Stairs tier 7-11

I am also considering having the Beginner Box Delves running during the afternoon and evening slots. This is 15 unique Scenarios over 36 tables. I expect to require between 10 and 15 GMs depending on how many slots each GM wants to run.

Hero Labs will be available.

Dark Archive 4/5 5/55/55/5 Venture-Agent, Indiana—Lafayette

Cogratz Boss!!! on both 3 starz and the wedding!!!

Dark Archive 4/5 5/55/55/5 Venture-Agent, Indiana—Lafayette

Tis a bit early for a 100% confirmation, due to local scheduling, but I should be available for another convention. : )

Dark Archive 4/5 5/55/55/5 Venture-Agent, Indiana—Lafayette

I'm out of Lafayette IN, about 2.5 hours or so away. As things develop I could schedule time to come up and help out as needed. However I will be restricted to weekends due to the distance. Also if you have any question about getting PFS started drop me a line. michaelpfsindiana @ yahoo