
Bicor Capshin & Breacher's page

116 posts. Alias of Curaigh.

Organized Play Characters

Warden Rogard Hammerfell
Sovereign Court Galdur XXI

dwarf summoner 13 AC 22 (26), perception +13 (+2, +4) F: +9, R: +3, W: +8 (+4 steel soul, +4 shield ally) (350 posts)
Grand Lodge Evigail 'Seaweed' Brandiday

Mostly Male! Ini +0 PERC: +9 LN Human Cleric 7: AC: 22 t10 CMD: 14 F: 6, R: 4, W: 12 HP 59 (317 posts)
Red Mantis Assassin
Sovereign Court Talathel 'Brass Mantis' Gavax

M Half-elf Paladin/Sorcerer/Dragon Disciple 5/1/5 ! HP: 110 | AC:25/3033 (36 vs. dragon) T12 FF25 | CMD 27 | F 12R8 W10 | Init+2 | Perc 5| SM:2 (206 posts)
Scarab Sages Aikio the Red

F Tengu, Wizard Sorcerer 6/1, AC: 15, tch: 11, ff: 14 ! CMD: 14 Perception: +7, Ini +5, F: 3, R: 3, W: 5 hp: 38 (408 posts)
The Brinebrood Queen
Liberty's Edge Tsadoc Sem Luxjed

Oread, Saurian Shaman 7, hp66 AC 21 t: 11 f: 16 (+2 vs rays) ! CMD 20, F: 7 R: 3, W: 11 (188 posts)
Fey Creature
Grand Lodge Wiem Weems Finyik

M Grippli Fort +10, Ref +5, Will +8 ! AC 21 (t15 f17) Magus 8/Druid 1, Ini +3, Perc +6 (darkvision) hp 74, CMD 18 (260 posts)
The Exchange Vornsk

Tiefling, Occultist 9, hp 66 Perc +12 AC 19 t: 19 f: 12 (25% distortion) ! CMD 23 F: 7, R: 9, W: 6 (150 posts)
Grand Lodge Galdur XXII 'Fichead sadhà'

Male ! Ini +1 PERC: +7 NG Dwarf Wiz 1/Sum 1. AC: 19 t11 CMD: 11 F: +3, R: +1, W: +6 HP 19 (91 posts)
Ancient Void Dragon
Wayfinders Q'Qwaan

m, Vesk EAC 22, KAC 22, CM 32 Perc +0 Techno-mage 6! SP23/40, HP36, RP6/9, F4 R3 W5 (91 posts)
Manifold Host GalDCCII

Female LN Dwarven Soldier 1 SP 8, HP 13, RP 2 ! EAC 15; KAC 18; F 3, R 2, W 3; Perception 2 (98 posts)
Wayfinders Hanmi Booki

Morlamaw EAC: 14 KAC: 15 sp 14, hp 16, rp 4 Fort +4, Ref +5, Will +2 ! Mechanic 3 (37 posts)

Fighter Fighter Deck - null
Psychopomp Ring
Vigilant Seal Podgy, Transmutology

Goblin Unbreakable Wizard 4 (0 posts)
Horizon Hunters Seleneth Nenaral

M Ancient Elf, Tapestry Refuge Champion of Ketephys 4, AC: 22, F:+11 R: +11 W: +10, ! Perception +8, Stealth +12 (38 posts)
Lizardfolk Scion
Horizon Hunters Spry Conor

Iruxi M ! AC 17 (41 posts)
Hezzilreen the Cunning
Envoy's Alliance Sir Séarachz
(0 posts)


Bicor Capshin & Breacher

M elf Monk 1, AC: 18, tch: 18, ff: 10 CMD: 16 F +4, R +6, W +4 (116 posts)
Scavenger's Ring
Curaigh's Recruitment Avatar

tbd Sorcerer 2 (12 posts)
Undead Monster
DM & vestigial dm
(233 posts)
False Gertrart

aka Brother Gert A doughy & bloodied wandering worshiper of Mitra (90 posts)
Gertrart aka Blood Desecrator

half-orc counterfeit mage 5 assassin 5, AC 15 (ff--), F: +8, R: +13 (+15 v poison), W: +5 ! crime: defile Perception: +12 (or +14) hp 75 of 75 (803 posts)
Little Girl
Hozs Ferryman

male Human Druid 2 (228 posts)
Lyra Greenshell

Female half elf, Wild caller (summoner) 4; ini +4, Perc +1 AC: 17, tch 14, ff: 13; hp: 27 F: 2, R: 5, W: 5 CMD: 16 ! (211 posts)

lashunta technomancer 4; Perception +0 EAC 16; KAC 16 ! (90 posts)
Olive Greenshell

eidolon 4; ini +3, Perc +1 AC: 22, tch 12, ff 16: 13; hp: 21 F: 4, R: 4, W: 1 CMD: 17 (27 posts)
Ironfang Grenadier

F goblin, aero-metallokineticist AC15; hp 18; F 9; R 7; W 2 (39 posts)

AC 27, ff 27, t12 F +11, R +4, W +7 (+4 enchantments), Perception +13 (darkvision 60 ft., scent, tremorsense 30 ft.) (7 posts)

Scott Janke
(0 posts)
Venture Teller Play b'Post

Core Helms ! Wizards Wanted Gameday X (3,385 posts)