Han Mi Booki was fascinated when a group of Starfinders came to his homeworld. Their technology let them swim the oceans of space!
He tinkered with what they taught him, and with the tech they left behind when they disappeared, managing even to build a miniature version of their space vessel that could follow him around.
When the second party of Starfinders cameto Arniselle, he could not afford to lose the chance to learn more. He left with them, enrolled in school and learned all about the technology of ships, droids, and clouds.
Day-glo yello markings cover the purple skin of this large and agile mechanic.
Hanmi Booki
Male Marlomaw, Mechanic (ace pilot) 3
NG L Humanoid (marlomaw)
Init +4; Senses darkvision; Perception +5
EAC 14 (+2 armor, +2 Dex)
KAC 15 (+3 armor, +2 Dex)
AC vs CM 23
sp 14, hp 16, rp 4
Fort +4, Ref +5, Will +2
Cold resistance 5
Base Atk +2;
Melee +4; Ranged +4; Thrown +2
Speed 20 ft./swim 40 ft.
Melee: tusk +2 (1d3);
Ranged: Semi auto pistol +2 (1d6+3),
Special Attacks: grenade +2 (incendiary mk 2,)
Manta is named after the first group of Starfinders that Hanmi met. Generally speaking, Manta is a flat disc that walks on two spindly legs. The disc however has a small satellite dish, a sensor array that sticks off to one side and two forward facing protussions that give it the appearance of a manta ray.
Small, 40ft. climb 20ft., S12 D14 C- W10 H6, BAB +3,
Climbing claws, reactive camouflage weapon mount, manipulator arms, camera
Skill synergy (sleight of hand, engineering), skill focus (stealth)
Skill unit: perception, skill unit: stealth
Perception +4, Stealth +9, engineering +2,