
Aneirin Rhodri's page

186 posts (1,598 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 30 aliases.


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Well, if you want to avoid the 3.5s, then I suggest Reign of Winter or Kingmaker.

Aww. Well, best of luck to everyone! Have fun!

Best of luck to all!

I'm sticking to just one submission with Noravia Rataloric. Okay, best of luck to all!

Noravia is updated now!

Jon, The Evil DM wrote:
Aneirin Rhodri wrote:
Well, I know how I would adjust her if that is the case, but I'd like DM Jon to give me a proper answer just in case.
Points for point-buy are spent on a point-for-point basis. So getting a stat to 16 only costs 6 points, rather than 10.

Nice! Alright, reworking Noravia now.

Well, I know how I would adjust her if that is the case, but I'd like DM Jon to give me a proper answer just in case.

GM-JZ wrote:
Hey Aneirin, I think your stats are incorrect for Noravia. It's a 15 point buy but on a 1 for 1 basis rather than the normal escalating cost

So that means I have... What? 4 more points to spend?

Well, my hype level just shot up.

Working on a Paladin right now, should have him up in a few hours.

Aww... Well, best of luck to everyone and have fun!

May I introduce Noravia Rataloric, Hunter from Sargava and wanna-be Pathfinder!

Changed idea, starting work on it!


Going to work on a Bard for this one!


When using a trident to fish, one aims the upper tine at the fish. Because of light bending in the water, if this were a single tine spear it would almost certainly miss. The other two tines (the middle and lower ones) were the ones that caught the fish. If you were lucky, you got the fish on both tines and thereby manage to really get a good hold on the floppy little meal.

In combat, it was adopted by a number of foot soldiers as a make-shift weapon, reaching the height of popularity as a gladiatorial weapon in Rome. It was, however, mostly a symbolic weapon in the arena.

Basically it was a fishing tool that got used as a cheap ready-made weapon that then got used by the Romans because of Neptune/Poseidon.

Then count me in! Any guidelines for character generation? Restricted races, classes, etc?

It'd be interesting to try it out. Why, I have a fighter/barbarian in mind already!

Would it still be played in Golarion?

rknop wrote:

I am going to have a lot of reading and deciding to do this weekend....

It may be early next week before I fully settle. (We shall see.)

Sounds fine to me, take your time. And like Sirith said, at the very least it was a blast making these characters.


Getting excited for this! Hope Davina makes the cut!

Might I introduce my submission, Davina Golden-Ale and her cohort Eudocia. They head the small temple/bar/brewery The Temple of the Silver Mug, dedicating it to Cayden Cailean, their patron deity.

Here is their stats. If you need more info about them or their organization, feel free to ask.

Ahh, not chosen. Oh well! Best of luck to those chosen and better luck next time to those of us who weren't!

Congrats to those already chosen and best of luck to everyone else!

Alright, have my character concept down, working on cohort and organization.

This is really, really cool!

Oh, I am so interested in this!


Beat of luck to all!

Just a few more days for submissions and we have a huge field! Best of luck to all!

Mary_ wrote:

Why scream when you can manipulate? Less messy and less suspicion upon yourself. Now if only those accursed hellknights stopped harassing

traveling performers...such bs on 'performing without a permit'.

Well, manipulative might work better with her background even. I just like the idea of a CE halfling screaming loud enough to harm people.

Anika can be good or evil (but trust me, she would be really crazy if evil. Imagine a small child in a store wanting toys and screaming. Screaming so loudly that everyone in a burst radius is taking psychic damage). So yeah, prefer playing her CN or CG.

May I introduce Anika Feychild, Halfling Fey-Blooded Sorceress and former slave!

Completed Statblock:

Anika Feychild
Female Halfling Fey Blooded Sorcerer 1
Follower of the Lantern King
CN Small Humanoid (halfling)
Init +3; Senses Perception +2
AC 14, touch 13, flat-footed 12 (+1 Armor, +2 Dex, +1 Small)
HP 7 (1d6+1FC)
Fort +1, Ref +3, Will +3
Speed 30 ft.
Melee - Quarterstaff, 1d4/1d4, +1 Atk, x2 Crit, Bludgeoning
Str 11 (+0), Dex 14 (+2), Con 10 (+0), Int 14 (+2), Wis 10 (+0), Cha 18 (+4)
Base Atk +0; CMB -1; CMD 11
Feats: Childlike; Eschew Materials
Traits: Former Slave (+1 Fort); Arcane Temper (+1 Init & Concentration)
Skills: Bluff +8, Knowledge (Arcana) +6, Spellcraft +6, Stealth +8
Languages: Common, Halfling, Sylvan, Elven
Other Gear: Sorcerer's Kit (This kit includes a backpack, a bedroll, a belt pouch, a flint and steel, an iron pot, a mess kit, soap, torches (10), trail rations (5 days), and a waterskin.); Explorer's Outfit; x5 five inch balls; set of caltrops; Armored Kilt
GP: 40 GP
Special Abilities
Class - Bloodline Power; Eschew Materials; Cantrips;
Racial - Fleet of Foot (Replaces Slow Speed & Sure-Footed); Halfling Luck; Keen Senses; Weapon Familiarity; Fearless; Small Size (+1 AC, +1 Atk, -1 CMB/CMD, +4 Stealth)
Bloodline Powers & Arcana
Arcana - Whenever you cast a spell of the compulsion subschool, increase the spell's DC by +2.
Laughing Touch (Sp): At 1st level, you can cause a creature to burst out laughing for 1 round as a melee touch attack. A laughing creature can only take a move action but can defend itself normally. Once a creature has been affected by laughing touch, it is immune to its effects for 24 hours. You can use this ability a number of times per day equal to 3 + your Charisma modifier (7/day). This is a mind-affecting effect.
Spells Known
0 - Dancing Lights
0 - Haunted Fey Aspect
0 - Jolt
0 - Prestidigitation
1 - Disguise Self
1 - Ear-Piercing Scream
Appearance & Background
Anika comes in at a mere 2'8", her coppery hair bobbed save a single short braid in front of her left ear. With large blue eyes and a ears well-rounded rather than pointed, Anika uses her relatively human like looks to pass herself off as a human child in most occasions, her knowing that kids get off real easy on most cases.

Born and raised in Cheliax, though, left her with few options growing up. Working on the hard streets of Westcrown and other cities, she quickly learned the art of disguise from her father. Where she viewed it as both a nice trick and a way to avoid punishment, her father saw fit to use it as a business model, using his own childish looks to panhandle on the streets. And when Anika came of age, her father started showing her the ropes of it as well.

But in time, panhandling became the least of their businesses. Soon they found themselves with no money and growling stomachs surrounded by "greedy biggun's" with pouches full of coin. So they, out of neccesity to survive, began filching pockets.

Until they tred to get a Hellknight's purse. Then their lives crashed around them. Hauled off and sentenced to 5 years as slaves, they were summarily marched to market and sold off to Naldred Tillman. The next few years were hard, though not as hard as they could have been. They were at least fed.

With the ending of their servitude, Anika's father was too tired to "play games" anymore, and stayed on as a poorly paid but halfway decent farmhand for Tillman. But that sense of freedom excited Anika to no end. Batting her big blues, twirling her little braid and tapping into a small resevoire of magic (that her father says came from her unknown mother), she was able to talk many folks out of giving their own gold to her which she used for both supplies and passage. Never again would she want to be a slave, and thus set off for the fabled River Kingdoms, feeling Andoran too close to Cheliax for comfort.

I'm thinking of whipping up a Halfling Sorcerer for this. Gonna go freed slave too, make it a motif!


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This just in!

After more than several years leave, the popular watering hole in the town of Sandpoint will finally be up for sale after the owner mysteriously "went north" with a rough-and-tumble group of goblin killers. Locals say they fear the worst for her.

1d100 ⇒ 28
1d100 ⇒ 61
1d100 ⇒ 61
1d100 ⇒ 11
1d100 ⇒ 39
reroll for 61: 1d100 ⇒ 62

So we got
Unexpected combination of terrains
Melting pot of many races peacefully coexisting
Intelligent creatures that are usually unintelligent
Earth-related magical anomaly
Air-related magical anomaly

I just squealed.


I always find Lesser Lucky a good one. Beyond that, it's basically whatever you want it to be, I guess. Are you going for a big, beefy warrior race or a physically unimposing but highly intelligent race?

Have a concept first, then build from there.

By optimization, what do you mean?

Dragonfire996 wrote:

Sorry..... Hit the submit button by accident.

Aneirin, I don't want you to waist your time, this isn't a recruitment thread yet, if you want to make one just for this I'm honored but keep in mind that I dont even know if I'm doing this soon, I'm still figuring out this whole pbp thing

Gotcha! I'll still keep this thread live in case it does go for recruitment.

Sounds legit. I'll whip up a character once I get home.

Worth a shot!

With two dead and the remaining hurt, the goblins begin to panic, attempting to flee to the North!

Peren, Torbin and Arrius may make AoO on the last of the goblins as they flee

So if we start, we are both gestalt and mythic, yes? And what mythic rank would we be?

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I don't think Pathfinder is on a decline. They may need to go back and revise a few things here and there, but as long as they can at least keep coming out with new races, classes (and archetypes), equipment and setting locales/interesting personalities, then it will continue on.

Like Southern Garund? What's there? Or Azlant? Or Arcadia? Or Sarusan? There is a LOT of room to expand in, and it is only really like, well, 1/3 covered actually...

Rule wise, new classes, archetypes, weapons, feats, etc. Always room to add more.

As for what is next? No clue, but it'll be fun!

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17. Cackles maniacally and wrings his hand/strokes his beard at even the most minor of jokes or puns.

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77. Take them in, raise them as best as one can, then surrender them to the Pathfinder Society as minions to proper adventurers.

Run The Dragon's Demand. It's basically a mini AP, will let you get your feet wet and figure how to handle the players and NPCs.

Then, if you still feel up for it, I suggest running Rise of the Runelords. It's got a little of everything a good AP should have: combat, NPC interactions, intrigue, travel, scaling levels if evil, and an ancient threat.

Villain to hero, but I'd prefer being an anti-hero.

Would you rather party and drink mead with Torag, or party abd drink ale with Cayden Cailean?

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Merchants and craftsmen, since CAPITALISM!

Would you rather adventure with an cleric of Asmodeus or Calistria?

Mythic power, but mostly because I understand it better.

Would you rather live in Nex or Geb?

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