Lil"Eschie The Emerald Spire-Team I'm good and I know it! (Inactive)

Game Master Escharid Blackrose

Fort Inevitable Map
Emerald Spire-Map
Forest Ambush
Loot-Good team

Davlamin HP 10/10 AC 12/12/10
Warren HP 10/20 AC 20/11/19
Joza HP 10/18 AC 15/12/13
Rahiv HP 18/18 AC 16/13/13
Zinli HP 17/17 AC 16/14/13
Voyla HP 20/20 AC 17/14/13

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I am still around and interested as well, just haven't had much reason to speak up ^^

Pathfinder Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

I am still interested and finally have free time to write up the personality and finish equipment. ^.^ Getting to work.

Aww...the tension these days.
Just a few days between now and announcement day.

Liberty's Edge

Good luck everyone!

I'm here, just anxiously awaiting which of us gets into the game.

Yeah I am wondering that to. Good luck to everyone.

Beat of luck to all!

Hm? Someone called for a misfortune hex? :P

Still here as well, just waiting out the last couple of days! Good luck to everyone :)

I am still waiting for some evil characters to join Zurka in his one man crusade against the forces of goo...errr...the forces lurking in the Emerald Spire!

I are barbarian. I are flexible.

Two of us are chaotic neutral which is even more evil than just plain vanilla evil. Really, we can hit for either team.

Aralu is lawfull evil

<--- Isn't the most innocent of young ladies either.

Petty squabbles....once i discover the secret to eternal life, i'm set.
*Is planning ahead for many years to come*

::concerned that his party might be out of there wits end and only but a round or two left. Whispering to myself::

no one will find me over here in the shadows while I try to live another day

::Ducks in to the shadows to escape the ending doom thats befallen these hero's. My time is better suited for another day. magically devious stealth: 1d20 + 15 ⇒ (1) + 15 = 16 thinking that I have disappeared without a trace::

Ending doom befalling heroes, thankfully i don't quite fit into that category.

Though I don't think I could see her as any flavor of evil, I could see Joza as neutral, which would probably be enough that she could get by working with an evil party...

Such are the benefits of neutrality.

Pathfinder Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

This is the Thoughts of My character and you can easily see how she could be good. Or with a few change of words downright evil. ^.^

For your reading enjoyment.

Not a Hero:

n every story it talks about fighters suiting up for a big battle and how their armor gleamed or glowed. A breastplate that reflected the sun’s light, a shield bearing their symbol that was as strong as the earth, hard boots that the mere sound of their approach put fear in the heart of evil. I was always enamored of those scenes as the bards would tell them. Everyone always envisioned the good guy being a knight or companion of a knight as this man or woman in gleaming armor. A hero is someone who stands on the field fighting and defeating the bad guy with honor.

Well, I guess that means I will never be a hero. I do suit up before my battles, but my armor is anything but shiny. It is a dark brown that is almost a red black that does anything but shine. Light seems to be absorbed when you look at it. I put on soft boots that soften my foot falls and gloves that cover my hands. I don’t go strolling onto a battlefield with a shield to help protect me. That would only hinder what I am good at. See, I am never considered a hero but evil still trembles at the thought of me being called. I am never seen, and I am never heard but my strikes are true. My symbol is one thing, always found in the body of the guilty when they are found. A huge gash marking the fact someone called vengence down on this man or woman for their evil deeds.

I have learned that to truly defeat evil, you can’t always meet it head on. You have to know it inside and out. Walk the path it does and then master that path so you may better hunt it. So, while many true heroes conquer evil, so will I, in my own way. Only known as the Slayer, I continue to hunt and deliver just vengeance to those that come to my attention.

Guys my work has been a royal pain all weekend, and will likely slide into the bulk of next week (issues with jobs offshore) as such I'm not getting any time to spare to devote to building on my character, so its probably best if I graciously bow out.

Good luck all - looks a great game and selection will be a very tough call.

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Recruitment ends tonight, on midnight (GMT -1)

@BlackDow: Selection will be tough indeed.
Thankies for telling you're bowing out, it's really appreciated. Good luck to you!

No worries DM LE - thanks for the consideration and feedback, fingers crossed I get a tilt at one of your games when RL is a better fit.

The suspense is killing me!

Don't let suspense kill you before a creepy dungeon does.

Mary Dawnrose wrote:
Don't let suspense kill you before a creepy dungeon does.

Wait...don't creepy dungeons and suspense go together?

Only if you're jumpy by nature. ^^

*Graceful smirk*

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Recruitment closed.

There will be two 6-characters team:

"Have a Nice Day" team: Good/Neutral

"Say Hello to the bad Guyz": Evil

"Have a nice day" team is hard to select...

"Say Hello to the bad Guyz" team : some of you, being Evil, are already selected:
Gorok (Alchemist)
Zurka (Magus)
Aralu (Oracle)
Mary (Witch)

I'm looking for two more potential recruits (probably some heavy strikers) for this team, it will depends who I select for the first team.

Selection should be finished for 3rd June evening. Play will begin on the 8th.

Pathfinder Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

I'll be a heavy striker for any team!!

Awesome, thanks Eschie.

I'm a patient guy but seems the evil team is going to be tough for the evil npcs to beat! Congrats to the evil...I mean greedy....err...bad to the bone adventurers! Good luck y'all!

If we need more brawn on team EVIL, I can always go the Master Chymist route. Was planning on taking the mutagen discoveries anyway.

Congrats to those already chosen and best of luck to everyone else!

Davlamin Glimmergaunt wrote:
I'm a patient guy but seems the evil team is going to be tough for the evil npcs to beat! Congrats to the evil...I mean greedy....err...bad to the bone adventurers! Good luck y'all!

It's a dungeon crawl. They got loot that we want. We're just redistributing the wealth, from them to us.

Excellent choice of words.

Gorok Scorch-Face wrote:
Davlamin Glimmergaunt wrote:
I'm a patient guy but seems the evil team is going to be tough for the evil npcs to beat! Congrats to the evil...I mean greedy....err...bad to the bone adventurers! Good luck y'all!
It's a dungeon crawl. They got loot that we want. We're just redistributing the wealth, from them to us.

Dungeon crawls are awesome! Reminds me of dungeon hack!

Davlamin Glimmergaunt wrote:
Dungeon crawls are awesome! Reminds me of dungeon hack!

Awesome! I remember playing that game to death! But what no love for some of the old school dungeon crawls out there like Temple of Elememtal Evil, Castle Greyhawk, or the ever-beloved Tomb of Horrors?

I loved the ToEE. An all time classic.

*get back to work on the recruitment*

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Waiting for answers to my PM, the two teams should be complete tonight.

DM Lil" Eschie wrote:
Waiting for answers to my PM, the two teams should be complete tonight.

Even if I didn't make the cut, I had a lot of fun designing this character and I wish to all those who were selected good luck and a lot of fun!

Death awaits for all that come between me and my blade.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Shadowrun312 wrote:
Death awaits for all that come between me and my blade.

Terry Pratchet would make a fine cartoon about that.

Death: "DON'T KNOW ABOUT YOU, BUT I COULD MURDER A CURRY...." (in "Mort", I think..)

Goodie two shoes team:
Rahiv, Shaman
Zinli, Gunslinger
Strider, Rogue
Davlamin, Sorcerer
Joza, Ranger
Ekran, Fighter

Bad to the Bones team:
Gorok, Alchemist
Zurka, Magus
Aralu, Oracle
Mary, Witch
Katara, Slayer
Meurasold, Bloodrager

Thank you for all the proposed characters. It was really hard to choose, and I couldn't take a third team. I tried to make interesting teams, with a good range of abilities.

The game will start this week end, I have a few things to work out first.

Liberty's Edge

Congratulations to those selected

*Rolls Up Sleeves*

Alright boys and girls, lets get ourselves some loot!

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Rulebook Subscriber

Good luck and have fun to all who got in.

Holy fire breathing dragons Mr. Baggins! I made it! I want to thank the gm for this wonderful opportunity and for Everyone who submitted as everyone's character was terrific. I enjoyed reading them all!

Thank you for the selection; I'm looking forward to it! :)

I look forwards to playing alongside you all ^^

Interesting party make up:
Undine, Gnome, Catfolk, Half Elf, Catfolk, Human.
Joza,Strider...I am not emergency rations, I repeat not emergency rations.

Thanks for the selection! I'm glad to play with you all! :D

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