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what feats to pick for a human healing mystic?

Help me get excited about character concepts

I need a bit of advice / help

Initial Hacker Operative Feats

Solarian feat at lvl 1 for homebrew campaign

Making Monsters for my homegame

Soldier dual wielding taclashes

Combat Combinations and Tactics

Shirren Operative Specialization

Is this encounter too much for a level 2-3 party?

whats a good CR?

Soldier - additional skills advice

Need help on an "into the electric Castle" scenario

Building a Solarian: Blitz Soldiers need not apply.

Why should you use a Kinetic weapon

Technomancer Build

Allocating Treasure: Finding the Mean?

Antagonize feat vs Intimidate - Demoralize

Grenade throwing rules

Summon Creature - Worth Spell Slot?

Why is my goblin a celebrity? He is a icon, envoy and i need ideas for why he is a celebrity.

Boss using turrets Ideas

Rate my build?

Which Alien Archive race best matches my character portrait?

Mechanic Build (Final Draft Switch Hitter)

Help me find a Paladin Convertion Options

Sniper viability boost for ops / soldiers

Mechanic Custom Rig

How do you bypass DR / good as a bad guy?

Homebrew Tips - Shields

Feats for a skill focused Operative?

Analysis Request: When is Deadly Aim Beneficial?

Don't loot the armor and weapons; loot the upgrades!

my group ship

List of guides?

Making a Sentai Solarian

Please critique my mystic - is it as crap as I think it is?

Mechanic / Technomancer multiclass viability

Need some ideas!

Critique my wise soldier build

Help with Android Revolutionary!

Ace pilot technomancers build

[GMing Advice] Three Players.

Flurry of Blows

Off-hand items for defensive soldier?

Planet building guide.

Elongated Cranium on non Psychic

New player help

Help Building an Envoy

Starfinder availabilty in the UK

When to upgrade, and how?

Mystic Connection: Mindbreaker

Help me with my build

Building a Slapcaster

Technomancer vs Mystic

Which spells don't provoke attacks of opportunity?


Longarm vs Multiweapon

No-damage NPC helper

Your ship build!

Formula for creating your own Frame

Are necromancers viable yet?

How would android renewal affect an exocortex?

If I really, really wanted to place a price tag on a Starship...

Playing modules and time lag e.g. Absalom series

What to do with a player using his AI as a buffer?

Ysoki Star Shaman advice?

Developing a Solarian's Identity

Melee exocortex mechanic?

Custom Rig is armor slot or brain data jack

Weapon Fusions: Why?

Android Mystic Bounty Hunter (level 1) SFS build

Boost Weapons... Best Use?

How to keep Dimension Door technomancers from easily stealing every ship in dock

Blast Weapons, any experience / advice?

Human Mystic 1 First / Bonus Feat

Help With Multiple Drones

Combat Tactics, Mechanics, and a Drone

Monk conversion from back of the book damage?

Glamered for Hvy Wep

Adding a computer to a mechanic's drone?

Encounter ratings for low tier ships

Technomancer Optimization

Colony Ships

Starship crew / roles

Exocortex - Combat Tracking - Heavy Armor REQs

Cybernetics. if my PCs find or "retrieve" cybernetics what is the cost to install them?

Mechanic Exocortex Level 1 Feat Choice

Ysoki Icon Drone Mechanic... Any good?

Help me build a melee focused Shirren

Vulnerable venerable woman concept

Ysoki Mercenary Soldier (Wifey build)

Strength Based Soldier In Starship Combat

Samsaran Evangelist Cleric => Argent Dramaturge [PFS]

How do you handle Advancing multiple PC starships

Overlord Mystic

Melee Mechanic Build and Commentary

Maps and Encounters for Seeking Out Strange New Worlds?

Advice on Soldier icon build

Why did you choose Drone or Exocortex Mechanic?

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