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Music Inspiration - tell the players?

Shepard Book build from Firefly

Theorycrafting - Maximizing Melee Combat Effectiveness and Maintaining Full Spell Progression

Building a Digistructer (a BL2 Angel inspired character)

Need ideas for solo adventure

Solarian Martial Artist

Drugs in Starfinder

Advice on First Pathfinder Character

Soldier Question

Advice / Evaluation

Tracking spent charges / rounds?

What languages to take?

Solarian Charisma for Solar Weapon damage mod

Prevalence of melee enemies? asking as a GM, want to advice players.

What can a Mystic do in Space Combat?

[Theory Crafting] Increasing the starting credits: what changes?

Needler for Healing

Build Operative with dip in Blitz?

custom archetype balance

Did I make my first starship right?

How do you spend your 1000 credits for a starting character?

Homebrewing Adventures w / o a Beastiary?

Mystic and Mind-Affecting Spells

I'm missing some NPCs / Enemies in the SF:CRB :(

Feasibility of a skill focused soldier (hacking / engineering)

Converting Fragged Empire races to SF

What kind of drift encounters are folks planning on making?

My First Starfinder Outpost!

Converting Prestige Classes (Also, we're getting those, right?)

Hard Sci-Fi: Can you (effectively) use a subset of the rules?

Melee / Ranged Combat Shenanigans

When your gm doesn't consider your drone part of your character

Is anyone working on a guide already?

Feat choices / one level dip for the Technomancer

Throwing PC's Around

Methods for Downscaling Difficulty Levels

Converting Classes: Witch and Alchemist

Starfinder AP question

How to Determine CR for Encounters

The Vesk and the Pact Worlds

Quad attack+multi weapon fighting

Living Ships

Good Technomancer Spells?

NPC Challenge Ratings

Starfinder Horror

Optimizing ability scores with point buy

Did I make my first character right?

android technomancer feats?

Removing Magic from the Game

Maximizing Piloting Skill

Example Ship sheet

Space Dragon

How often are you suposed to upgrade your gear?

Is Melee really required?

Heavy Armor and Weapons. Worth it?

Thinking of swapping Solarian to Wis and Mystic to Cha. Need insight

Any good Tiefling write ups?

Compulsory buying list :(

Interesting New Ranged Tactic ('The Magikarp')?

How are you supposed to prevent casters from casting?

How good is Step Up And Strike?

There is no good mechanical reason for a Soldier (blitz) to not have a level of Soldier (blitz)

Biology / Xenobiology

Soldier (Sharpshooter) 1 - Mechanic X (Sprocket and Baby Cute)

Kasatha Soldier Bombard and Blitz Grenade Specialist

More players than crew positions?

Help choosing a thematic deity and connection.

Hacker Operative vs Exocortex Mechanic

How unbalanced would it be to use PF style point buy?

I have no idea what I'm doing!

Musical Instruments in Starfinder

Is there any good mechanical reason for a solarian to *not* have their first level be in soldier (blitz)?

6th-level priests of Abadar(Corp)

How could we price and level custom weapons and armor?

Best Fighting Style for a melee soldier?

Constitution vs. Dexterity for a a melee soldier, a solarian, a casting-focused mystic, or a casting-focused technomancer

Starfinder SRD?

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