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Does anyone still have the 3.5 Monster Manual 3?

Arcane Schools of Magic Combined

Need new eyes for a homebrewn class.

Anyone Know How to Build an Ardent Healbot?

Greyhawk? don't really care about it

Summoner and Witch help

3.5 Shadar-Kai Help

Hero Lab - anyone use it?

Looking for Space or Scifi RPG recommendations.

[OGL] Blueholme: A Simulacrum

PCGen 6.02.00 Released!

Maure Castle questions

Ride by Attack, Pounce and Rake.

How to draw 'aggro'

Worst character names

Help building a BBEG encounter?

Massive Damage Rules, Yes or No?

Advice: Build Concept - Help Please?


Blog: Good(man) Things Come in Threes!

Possible Inspiration for the Aboleth?

The Spellthief's Steal Spell Effect ability

4e style minions in 3.5 / Pathfinder?

Primeval: Frostburn Power House

RPG Products You Wish You Had, Yet Never Did

Raise Familiar

the Flying Pincushion free PF compatible content and crunch with a literary bent

Help with paragon creatures SR with Class levels


Eberron Bestiary

New types of arrows?

Am I the only Delawarean on the boards?

3.5 Cleric Build advice? Best 3.5 feats and spells?

Improved Metamagic [Epic] Question

Grell vs. Carrion Crawler


Trade routes in Ultimate Campaign (questions)

It's the end of the world!

Web Spell Questions

Historical Traps

Street Racing?

trying to build a polarm dervish threw pathfinder and 3.5

io9's 10 Most Memorable D&D Monsters

City Quarters overview?

Creating Undead and Libris Mortis Question

Need some assistance building a blaster sorcerer for upcoming game

Rogue feat question.

Antimagic Field, I just don't get it

Licensing, general legal questions, advice

Maps of Torkeep in the Shield Lands

Searching for Dungeon Mag Module

Who's Playing D&D This Weekend And What Are You Playing?

The Ghost of Golarion or the Forgotten Realms A Campaign Setting Idea

Orcus vs. Asmodeus

Your favorite character

Trying to determine a charge vs disarm ruling in Pathfinder

Maure Castle

Price of Renting a Forge

What is an enemy?

Prime Directive D20 / Prime Directive D20 Modern

Need help with a ranger, basic d20 3.5

Can someone help me optimize my Elan Psion (3.5)?

Saving against illusions

[Spes Magna Games] Presenting Ars Natatoris

[Spes Magna Games] Presenting That's a Goblin!?

Mundane crafting speed...

Bastard Swords and Other Wacky Weapons in 3.X

Horizon walker questions

Buying Magic Items

My latest OSR class just hit Kobold Publishing!

Need help with my next character (3.5)

WoC Premium 3.5 Spell Compendium vs Original Spell Compendium

Unkillable Character (dungeons and dragons 3.5)

Orange County Gaming Group Presents: The Realmsound Project!

What are the best Divine Feats for non-spellcasters?

Detect magic spell question

Reincarnate and loss of Paladin class abilities

No Magic Monk

Expanding Namers / Truename Magic

Game of Thrones

OGL: what the heck is potation?

PC death and resurrection

Need a companion for a Treant honoring warforged.

Feats Cleave & Greater Cleave

Bachelor Party D&D Session - Ideas?

World Building???

Here come the 2nd Edition Reprints!

Scaling Adventure Path for Fewer People

Why are there no hexes in the hexblade class?

Challenge rating

Looking for a Character Sheet PDF for 3.5

Giving away my designer copies of the 3E PH and MM

Class I designed is hitting Kobold Quarterly May 7

[PF] Ranger fighter build, C&C needed

Tinker class in D20 WOW

Flyby Attack feat question

Need honest critique on 3.5 Sorcerer GIsh build

D&D 3.5 "Expedition" Series

Spell that does Modify Memory on multiple targets

OGC / PI not designated

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