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Living Greyhawk gaming material?

On 3.0 Web Enhancements, High Level Wizards and Scribing Costs


Sourcebooks for 3.5 Warlock

Staves, and who can use them

Greater Shield Other Spell?

Please help me find this melee weapon special ability

How 3.X WOTC Got It Wrong


[BlackStar Studios] New Pathfinder Campaign Setting!

Art of 3.0 & 3.5 dnd

Why DnD 3.x over PF

For the girls....

Need advice on high-level 3.5 rogue build

Favorite Race

Dragon Disciple

Where is a good place to post up my 3.5 conversions / Builds / Guides

We own how many books?

Does Gestalt encourage min-maxing?

Elder Evil Devotion

Chuuls are they a good monster?

3.5 Sniper Build

Endzeitgeist reviews Xoth Publishing's "The Spider God's Bride and Other Tales of Sword & Sorcery"

Like Cones Man

Suggestions / Help with Bard / EK build Please - Core Only

Bo9S. How'd the blade magic work again?

Any B / X players here?

How Do YOU Design Monsters?

How have you changed other Campaign Settings?

Dodge This!


Baba Yaga's Dancing Hut

Your Experiences With Paladins

Question about fair use of the Pathfinder PRD with published works

3 party member party of new players to d20 D&D

Disintegrate Vs Vampire

A tired old question...

Do you ever fudge die rolls?

Candlemancer Article

Help with building a Fighter / Wizard

Normal whips, magic whips in combination rogue sneak attack

Ptolus back in print!


Ring of Force Shield

Can Fluffy Wear Full Plate?

Mutants & Masterminds "1st Edition"

What are your favorite monsters from pathfinder / 3.5?

Legion of Sentinels

Classless, cross-genre d20

Creating an Animal Companion

Hag themed campaign

The complicated rules of being an Archer ><

Using Dwarven Forge products in your game?

Anyone play a Spirit Shaman from Complete Divine before

How many people here have change D&D so much that it no longer looks like D&D?

CONAN OGL Module, Lurking Terror of Nahab

Alignment stereotypes

Robilar's Gambit & Tome of Battle

Question on 3.5 Duskblade (PHB 2)

So, what stuff from the Spell Compendium was broken?

Archmage & Odd Feats

Hold There!

Has anyone used Reserve Points from Unearthed Arcana?

What is Pun Pun? and who is "Epic Mepo?"

Help w / tricking out 6th level Diviner

Looking for a Feat

Oh man, these covers.

Conquest of the Universe Kickstarter

Poll: What do You Consider De Facto Core?

Fullmetal Alchemist Conversion

Grapple rules - please help!

Items of Wraithstrike

Old school D&D adventures ect...

Dancing around Non OGL material

Suggestions on magic item

Anyone remember Crystal Keep?

Pulp Cthulhu for D20 CoC?

Necromancer 'sub-class' Osteomancer

Enchanter Help

Blank paper miniatures

Staff of necro questions

Any OGL Planetouched besides the two in the SRD?

AD&D 2nd Edition + Downer

Otiluke's Telekinetic Sphere—what can or can't go through it?

Thinking about converting Barrow of the Forgotten King to PF RPG and using it as an intro for Slumbering Tsar.

Help with Pseudonatural Template - Need a drawback...

Sequel to "Salvage Operation" - Dungeon Magazine #123

Suggestions for Skype D&D?

Arabian Adventures

Worst D&D Modules?

What Pathfinder rules find their way to your 3.x campaign

Section 15 of the OGL-Nesting or non-Nesting?

Advice on a 3.5 paladin build

Warforged Sorcerer?

Testament d20 Campaign Idea: Offensive or Playable?

Profession (engineer) and Knowledge (Engineering)

Dungeon Magazine Guru Needed!

D20 Modern: House Rules

I Need An Adventure - Level 13

Need custom character sheets

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