Pathfinder General Discussion

Errata and APG Playtest Updates???

Is there any info out yet how many skills made the cut?

"Uncommon" options are just Paizo-publish house rules.

Paizo Blog: New Edition the Hard Way

Is continuity between editions, in regards to how mechanics and lore interact, important to you?

The Martial's Edition ?

Errata (what do you expect most? )

Tell me why I should switch from PF1 to PF2

Don't Agree? Not Welcome

Kitsune in Second Edition

PF2E new pen and paper player experience

Power Levels, World Order, and Verismilitude

2nd Ed Gunslinger?

PF1e is a great game. So is PF2e. Why are some folks treating these as mutually exclusive?

Occult Classes Returning?

Very Impressed with PF2 Thus Far

Maps, Mats, or Mind?

Post an awesome character you created in the new system

Challenge: Draw a "serious" looking flickmace

Black Tentacles

PF2 is fun to play

Gemstones, art objects etc

Have you ever chosen not to accept resurrection?

Ran my first session of Second Edition last weekend...

Index of monsters released in adventures / scenarios?

PSA:. Lost Omens Character Guide is up on Archive of Nethys

What would an Intelligence, Wisdom, or Constitution based Rogue Racket look like?

Bulk of stone donkey bank

For confirmed future Ancestries, what sort of Ancestry feats do you hope to see?

Digital Support

Pathfinder 2nd Edition Errata

Let's brainstorm a "new edition to-do priority list"!

NPC stat blocks?

What's your favorite ancestry released so far, and why?

I Am Finally, Officially, a PF2 GM

Alternative Uses of Pathfinder Products

Random Item Generation

Combat player aid?

Subscription review, any regrets?

Kudos to Paizo for Pathfinder 2E

Classes combined with Multiclass Archetypes

Subscription recommendations?

Pathfinder second edition monster creation

How do I fill out the spell page on the character sheet?

"RAW" and what it means (at least to me)

Cards for Feats / abilities / weapons ect

PATHFINDER 2nd Edition French review

App Driven Pathfinder Like Adventures in Middle Earth

Forum Added for Streaming & Actual Play Discussion

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