satio of the Steel Fang |
So we are starting of at level 3
We have 2 players
Myself a path of war fighter who is using archery as his form of combat
And my friend who is playing s Sohere of power
Are Gm sat a spefic rule we can start with any items 10 gold are less as many different items as we want but besides my bow (Non magic Short bow) no item can be worth more than 10 gold on its own
So i can get a list of cheap items that be help for us?

zza ni |

arrows, backpack, blanket, bedroll, belt pouch, flint&steel, sawback + kunai, silk rope (cost 10 gp), soap, wet-stone, water-skin (more then one, unless you got some1 casting create water), caltrops(cold iron), torches, chalk, acid flasks (cost 10 gp each. for them swarms), mirror,trail rations,
other stuff from this list that you like.
a mule\donkey (they will go into dungeons and are more stable then horses, also cost a lo less). make sure to also get saddle and feed for it.

Joynt Jezebel |

Look at the various kits, thief's kit etc. You won't find anything dramatic there, but it will give you a list of useful things to pick up.
Is there any reason you can't take the same item multiple times? If there is not take a billion donkeys. Don't announce it, just write it on your character sheet. It will come as a surprise when the swarm of donkeys becomes useful.