Paizo Leadership Team Update

Monday, November 15, 2021

Over the last six weeks, Paizo's Leadership Team has attempted to better listen to and understand the challenges faced by its workforce, customers, and community. We want to take a moment to update you on a few important developments that have emerged from those conversations.

Before we begin, it's important to note that this update does not address requests regarding salaries, adjustments to the current work-from-home environment, or other matters that are now subject to negotiation with the United Paizo Workers union during collective bargaining.

We’re still searching diligently for a candidate to fill the company’s Human Resources Manager position, and plan to begin interviews very shortly. As this is an incredibly important hire, we want to make sure we find the right candidate with experience leading initiatives related to Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging (DEIB) and working with a union. We are continuing to gather resumes as the search continues.

We’ve hired a company called Energage to complete an employee engagement survey on behalf of Paizo. This survey is designed to allow employees to provide anonymous, unfiltered, and honest feedback to the company that will help Paizo establish priorities for improvement planning. It will also serve as an important benchmark against which to measure the results of future surveys, allowing us to develop a baseline to measure against. We expect employees to be able to access the engagement survey sometime this week.

Discussion in the past several months has resurfaced two instances in which a Paizo executive mishandled user data when replying to message board posts, resulting in allegations of doxxing. These actions were contrary to Paizo policy, and corrective actions were taken to ensure that this does not happen again.

“This was a huge mistake on my part and I am deeply sorry for any issues that have arisen from these actions. This was not the right way to treat our customers and I apologize,” said Paizo President Jeff Alvarez. “As President, I know I need to hold myself to a higher standard.”

Paizo takes issues related to discrimination and harassment very seriously. We have hired the law firm of Moritt Hock & Hamroff (MH&H) to investigate allegations of discrimination against trans employees and sexual misconduct before reporting back to the Leadership Team. Investigators from the firm will reach out to members of Paizo’s staff and others that made claims on social media. Cooperation with the firm is voluntary, of course, but we remain committed to investigating these matters thoroughly to ensure a safe and respectful workplace.

We chose MH&H upon the recommendation of a consultant with expertise in matters of DEIB. MH&H has a team of attorneys that specialize in these issues, and we’re confident they’ll be able to provide an impartial analysis of the facts that we need to move forward with any corrective actions.

Because the results of these investigations are private personnel matters, Paizo will not be able to make them public. Corrective actions will be taken against any employee (including managers and executives) found to be guilty of these allegations.

It has never been Paizo’s intention to discriminate against any employee when making decisions of who to send to industry trade shows, but we see now that our room-sharing policy was based on outdated interpretations of gender, was not friendly to transgender employees, and could contribute to a perception of transphobia at the company. Paizo’s Leadership Team acknowledges the pain this caused, and we understand that we need to be better at recognizing issues where such decisions could have unintended results. We also recognize that such actions do not align with Paizo's core values, the values of its staff members, or the sentiments of diversity and inclusion expressed in Paizo products, and as such, have disappointed, angered, and confused members of our community. We believe these mistakes are not representative of who we are, or what we want the company to represent. We need to do better... and we will.

“As the person in charge of trade shows, I want to apologize to anyone that felt marginalized as a result of the convention decision-making process,” said Jeff Alvarez. “It was not our intent to discriminate against anyone, and I’m sorry.”

As previously communicated, Paizo has adopted a one-employee-per-room travel policy moving forward. Regardless of gender identity, couples will be allowed to share rooms during travel as long as both parties request it.

Paizo remains committed to maintaining a diverse, safe, and fun workplace where our employees are treated fairly and look forward to creating awesome Pathfinder and Starfinder products for many years to come. We hope that this update helps communicate that we, the Leadership Team, are doing our best to listen to and address the concerns of our community members. We believe in creating a better Paizo, and believe that transparency, communication, and accountability will be instrumental as we move forward. Thank you for your continued support of our company and our products.

Paizo Leadership Team
David, Erik, Jeff, Jim, Lisa, and Mike

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Everyone is replaceable in a business.

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Terevalis Unctio of House Mysti wrote:
Everyone is replaceable in a business.

Except, as clear as it seems, the main community managers who proved themselves time and time again, and were rewarded with being dropped suddenly.

6 people marked this as a favorite.
MadamReshi wrote:
Terevalis Unctio of House Mysti wrote:
Everyone is replaceable in a business.
Except, as clear as it seems, the main community managers who proved themselves time and time again, and were rewarded with being dropped suddenly.

Oh everyone being replaceable does not mean that Paizo did not make a stupid decision in getting rid of Sara Marie and by extension, Diego. One of the dumbest things they have done, in addition to keeping Jeff in leadership and promoting only white guys (Lisa owns so does not count) to leadership, while telling Diego he did not need a promotion. Oh and then transphobic policies on top of that.

Pendejadas and tonterias abound at the top of Paizo.

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Terevalis Unctio of House Mysti wrote:
keftiu wrote:

Interesting notes on the law firm being employed:

Thank you for sharing this information. Very telling. VERY telling indeed.

Paizo: "We fired one person without just cause, is that a problem?"

Moritt, Hock & Hamroff: "The only problem here is that you only fired one!"

Grand Lodge

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Pathfinder Adventure, Rulebook Subscriber

Indeed. Everyone being replaceable doesn’t mean a replacement is available.

29 people marked this as a favorite.
Paizo Leadership Team Update wrote:
It has never been Paizo’s intention to discriminate against any employee when making decisions of who to send to industry trade shows, but we see now that our room-sharing policy was based on outdated interpretations of gender, was not friendly to transgender employees, and could contribute to a perception of transphobia at the company.
Jeff Alvarez wrote:
“As the person in charge of trade shows, I want to apologize to anyone that felt marginalized as a result of the convention decision-making process,”

Look, I'm not a public speaking expert or anything, but here's the thing about apologies that you don't seem to understand. A strong apology must include the following elements:

1. An acknowledgement of what was said/done that caused harm to others.
2. A stated understanding of why what was said/done was harmful.
3. A promise that, going forward, said behavior will not occur again.
4. Following through with that promise.

The issue with your "apologies" is that you continue to make statements that suggest that you don't really think that what was done was transphobic at all, but that it could be "perceived" as transphobic and might make people "feel marginalized". These statements deflect any personal responsibility for the harm that this policy - which you acknowledge yourselves was outdated - caused, and understate the fact that despite any intentions you may have had in enforcing it the policy itself was transphobic and has verifiably caused harm. To not acknowledge this, to not own your mistake and give a proper apology that demonstrates understanding of the harm caused and your responsibility for the harm it did, runs afoul of Elements 1 and 2.

If anyone felt marginalized, it's because they were marginalized, and if there was a "perception of transphobia at the company" then it's because they passed their perception check. To water down the harm your leadership caused by upholding and enforcing a transphobic room-sharing policy to "We know this might look bad and we're sorry if anyone felt hurt" is frankly cowardly and doesn't give me hope for how you plan to handle these issues in the future.

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Who Is Moritt, Hock, & Hamroff

They are a Long Island/New York law firm with 75+ lawyers. They have 27 partners, plus various 'associates' (lawyers), "counsel" (lawyers), and other administrative and clerical support staff.

Their Glassdoor staff reviews give them a 2.1 out of 5 stars.
Glassdoor Reviews

Bloomberg Company Profile
Moritt Hock & Hamroff LLP operates as a law firm. The Firm provides practices in the areas of lending and finance, construction, securities, bankruptcy, healthcare, litigation, patents, real estate, transportation, marketing, cyber security, tenants, employments, and dispute resolution. Moritt Hock & Hamroff serves customers in the State of New York.

US News Ranking
In the US News rankings of national and regional law firms they rank in the top tier in one practice area, and in regional rankings, they are also ranked in the top 3 tiers in 4 other areas.
USNews Best Law firms
National Tier 1
Litigation – Tax
Regional Tier 1
(New York City) Litigation-Tax
(New York City) Tax Law
(Long Island, NY) Construction Law
(Long Island, NY) Real Estate Law

Their main specialties are
Practice Areas No. of Attorneys
Real Estate.........5
Trusts and Estates..8

They make no claims of having any experience or expertise in Sexual Discrimination, Gender Discrimination, Sexual Orientation Discrimination, or Civil Rights law.

Practice Areas:

Advertising Law
Banking and Finance Law
Bankruptcy and Creditor Debtor Rights / Insolvency and Reorganization Law
Business Organizations (including LLCs and Partnerships)
Commercial Litigation
Construction Law
Copyright Law
Corporate Law
Employment Law - Management
Equipment Finance Law
Financial Services Regulation Law
Food and Beverage Law
Health Care Law
Litigation - Banking & Finance
Litigation - Bankruptcy
Litigation - Construction
Litigation - Health Care
Litigation - Intellectual Property
Litigation - Labor & Employment
Litigation - Land Use & Zoning
Litigation - Mergers & Acquisitions
Litigation - Patent
Litigation - Real Estate
Litigation - Securities
Litigation - Tax
Litigation - Trusts & Estates
Media Law
Mergers & Acquisitions Law
Nonprofit / Charities Law
Patent Law
Real Estate Law
Securities Regulation
Tax Law
Trade Secrets Law
Trademark Law
Transportation Law
Trusts & Estates Law

Closely Held And Family Businesses
However, they recently (May, 2021) created a new practice group within their firm called "Closely-held/Family Business Practice Group". This is essentially the legal structure of Paizo, so it is likely that Lisa's legal team are members of this practice group.

Closely-held/Family Business Practice Group:

Newly formed "Closely-held/Family Business Practice Group

Attorney Bios
Brian Adelman
Adelman is an associate with the firm in its trusts and estates practice group. He concentrates his practice in all aspects of estate and trust planning, real estate, and business and corporate law.

Jill Braunstein
Braunstein is a partner in the firm’s corporate, M&A and securities practice group Ms. Braunstein also has a deep understanding of financial markets and securities issues, with experience handling U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) periodic reporting and proxy requirements, Section 16 reporting, Rule 144 sales, and Regulation D exemptions. She helps clients navigate the rules and regulations of the SEC, NYSE and NASDAQ.

Keith Frank
Frank is a partner with the firm, co-chairs its employment practice group. From 1992 to 2001, Mr. Frank served as an Assistant General Counsel with the MTA New York City Transit, Office of the Vice President and General Counsel where he defended NYC Transit in labor & employment, police civil rights and general liability cases in federal & state court and before administrative agencies, including defense verdicts in wrongful death and high exposure injury cases. In addition, he counseled executive management on labor issues with the TWU, the largest transit union in the country. He was also the Director of an Investigations Unit that investigated allegations of employee discrimination, harassment and wrongful conduct.

Stephen J. Ginsberg
Ginsberg is a partner in the firm’s litigation practice group. Mr. Ginsberg also serves as outside counsel to a variety of technology companies, plumbing and electrical supply and distribution companies, restaurants and food distribution companies, automobile dealerships, real estate companies, retail companies, aesthetic equipment manufacturers and distributors, and not-for-profit organizations. In that capacity, he provides advice to his clients on legal matters relating to the formation and structuring of ownership of entities; negotiation and documentation of contracts; purchase, sale and leasing of real estate; intellectual property, including trademarks, patents, domain names, and licensing; employment law; mergers and acquisitions; and dispute resolution and litigation. In addition, Mr. Ginsberg assists his clients with the planning of their estates (including the preparation of wills and trusts) and administration of estates.

Louis Karol
Karol is a partner with the firm in its trusts and estates practice group. roup and serves as Co-Chair of the firm’s Closely-Held Family/Business Practice Group. The scope of his practice is diversified and includes all aspects of complex estate and trust planning, asset protection planning, business succession planning, residency tax controversies and estate litigation. In addition to being an attorney, Mr. Karol is also a Certified Public Accountant.

As a recognized leader in his field, Mr. Karol speaks and publishes extensively on various topics and issues pertaining to estate planning, business succession planning and taxation matters.

Tina Kassangana
Kassangana is an associate in the firm’s corporate, M&A and securities, and intellectual property practice groups

Mr. Frank's bio is especially interesting. Especially his experience in "counseling executive management on labor issues...., allegations of employee discrimination, and harassment and wrongful conduct."

Additionally, from the firm's own listing of attorneys, there is not much visible diversity or inclusion by race or gender.

Still processing, but confusion indicated:

The law firm mentioned via the link is in New York City, NY(?)

Isn't Paizo in Redmond, WA?

Does that even work legally?

Grand Lodge

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keftiu wrote:
People are fired for infinitely less every single day

Any candidates come to mind? *cough cough* Sara Marie *cough cough*

5 people marked this as a favorite.

Thank you, Paizo.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

@Dancing Wind
This law firm is in Garden City. It may be located in Nassau county but we Long Islanders consider Nassau a natural extension to Queens and NYC instead. ;)

Grand Lodge

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Kevin Mack wrote:
Um is there anyone in the company capable of firing him? Since he's basically top of the pecking order.
Washington is an at-will state; they could legally fire him if they wanted to

Not necessarily. It depends on how the executive team is set up. It could be that Lisa and/or Vic have the ultimate power to hire/fire anyone they want. It could be that to add/remove a member of the executive team requires a majority vote from the members of said team. There are fewer restrictions on how a private company conducts their top leadership than a publicly traded one, but its not necessarily as simple as at-will.

Horizon Hunters

13 people marked this as a favorite.

I am of mixed opinions on this statement.

First, I appreciate that Jeff accepted his role in the whole doxxing thing, and that he made it clear that, as president, he needs to hold himself to a higher standard. I agree. Now, let’s see if he actually does it.

Second, getting outside assistance to help identify how things can be improved is also good. It isn’t sufficient to say, “we need to be better.” Sometimes, a company needs outside help to implement what it means “to be better” (for example, to address the issues of transphobia isn’t as simple as saying, “don’t be transphobic” - what will Paizo do to make trans persons feel welcome, accepted, and supported? And yes, not being transphobic is a start, but it’s not the end.

Third, and this is where I have the biggest problem with this statement, and it’s on the issue of transphobia. While I appreciate Jeff putting the responsibility for the horrible policy on his own shoulders, he somewhat hedges - he apologizes to “anyone who felt marginalized…”. No, that’s not how it works. The burden isn’t on them for feeling marginalized, it’s on Jeff for marginalizing them. The apology needs to have been unequivocal - “I apologize for implementing and enforcing a policy which marginalized or treated our transgender employees differently and as less than equals in our company.” The fault isn’t on those people he marginalized, it’s on him for marginalizing them. So, I’m not satisfied yet that this particular issue has been sufficiently addressed.

Now, I know this can’t be easy for Paizo, and I’m sure it might be personally embarrassing or uncomfortable for Jeff. So, what they do next - the specific plans, actions, and steps they take - will tell me much more than today’s statement.

For now, I’ll continue to support Paizo with an occasional purchase and participation in Organized Play. I’ll look at today’s statement as an important down payment on more substantive statements and actions to come. But I’m still watching, and I expect a lot more out of them.

Grand Lodge

34 people marked this as a favorite.

Okay, I am going to make a couple of observations that some people may not have considered. I am NOT a lawyer, nor affiliated with the UPW, but I am a union member and have had some experience with contract negotiations on both sides of the table. So, these are just my opinions based on my 50+ years of life experience.

"We’ve hired a company called Energage to complete an employee engagement survey on behalf of Paizo."
If I were in the UPW, I would advise our membership not to complete these surveys. Even if some on the side of Paizo have the best intentions, surveys conducted on behalf of the company, even by unbiased third parties, can be used against the union in their negotiations. People tend to complete surveys for their own benefit. Those interests may not be the focus points of the greater membership. If the union negotiators try to claim "these are the most important issues to our members," it is possible that the surveys could show some/many other concerns are actually more important weakening the idea of solidarity as well as the perception that the negotiators are acting in good faith.

"MH&H has a team of attorneys that specialize in these issues, and we’re confident they’ll be able to provide an impartial analysis of the facts that we need to move forward with any corrective actions."
No they won't. Paizo is the law firm's client. They are not their to hold them accountable. They are there to protect them. Period. It is possible that any investigations they conduct will be used to make changes up to and including removal of executive members. However, do not be confused. The law firm is NOT there to protect the employees or improve their position unless that position, first and foremost, improves the company's position.

One thing I learned during my time is that workers should NEVER voluntarily provide data directly to the company. Everything should go though the union and the union should be a collaborator on any investigations and/or fact finding. You might think that the company has your best interests at heart, and sometimes individual members of the company actually do, but at the end of the day, their #1 job is to protect and grow the business. History clearly demonstrates that employees are readily sacrificed along the way.

11 people marked this as a favorite.

I was actually wondering why the union isn't being explicitly involved in any investigations. Thank you, TK.

9 people marked this as a favorite.

I don't see a lot of workplace law expertise in the above post about that firm, but I see a whole lot of litigators.

This read like a lot of, "Circle the wagons around the fox that was caught in the henhouse." (Sorry, the metaphor got really tangled up there.)

Sunderstone wrote:

@Dancing Wind

This law firm is in Garden City. It may be located in Nassau county but we Long Islanders consider Nassau a natural extension to Queens and NYC instead. ;)

For those not from the NYC area, the lower half of Westchester County, and the western half of Nassau County, and even Jersey City are "NYC", but Staten Island is a part of some other State*.

(*Wu-Tang and Pete Davidson not included.)

EDIT: I don't have much to say one way or another on the announcement, but what LuniasM wrote is 100%! Perceptions and feelings? Wrong direction!

Dark Archive

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zergtitan wrote:
As much as I would agree with you, again we are an "Innocent Till Proven Guilty" Justice System, which means if Jeff believes his actions were mistakes and not malicious in intent he does have the right to retain his job until the inquiry says otherwise.

At. Will. Employment. Also, it's not a court, 'innocent til guilty' is completely irrelevant.

That's it.

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Just leaving a note that not everyone is so hateful and doubting about the "news", bah, not everyone even care about employees-per-room issue or whether or not it's okay to have a St. Germain poster.
Many of us - even though we of course wish for the employees to have a comfortable jobs and creative opportunities - don't care about identity politics; we just want fun, inspiring product. We're probably just not as vocal as US-based people with US-based issues.

I believe your numbers will speak for themselves as long as books are fine!

9 people marked this as a favorite.

Thanks, random person!

8 people marked this as a favorite.
Vasemir wrote:

Just leaving a note that not everyone is so hateful and doubting about the "news", bah, not everyone even care about employees-per-room issue or whether or not it's okay to have a St. Germain poster.

Many of us - even though we of course wish for the employees to have a comfortable jobs and creative opportunities - don't care about identity politics; we just want fun, inspiring product. We're probably just not as vocal as US-based people with US-based issues.

I believe your numbers will speak for themselves as long as books are fine!

The issue is tangible discriminatory policy - transgender staff had different rules than everyone else. You're okay with that?

Dark Archive

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Anorak wrote:
keftiu wrote:

I’m transgender. Jeff Alvarez here has admitted to implementing a policy that tangibly discriminated against people like me. To act like those who want him gone are being unreasonable is as blind as it is cruel. I don’t want him to have the power to hurt people again.

All I was trying to say was disappointing as the statement is, I am not sure what recourse, if any, we can seek. By all means, keep protesting. I will support you in doing that!

I don't know the full details of the case so won't say if he should go or not, but if he stays for whatever reason, I think he should be subjected to the same discriminating polidcies he made, if those policies lead to someone missing a convention then he should have to miss the same. It's much easier to believe someone has changed for the better if they have had to feel what it's like to be on the wrong side of a policy.

3 people marked this as a favorite.
Ashbourne wrote:
Anorak wrote:
keftiu wrote:

I’m transgender. Jeff Alvarez here has admitted to implementing a policy that tangibly discriminated against people like me. To act like those who want him gone are being unreasonable is as blind as it is cruel. I don’t want him to have the power to hurt people again.

All I was trying to say was disappointing as the statement is, I am not sure what recourse, if any, we can seek. By all means, keep protesting. I will support you in doing that!

I don't know the full details of the case so won't say if he should go or not, but if he stays for whatever reason, I think he should be subjected to the same discriminating polidcies he made, if those policies lead to someone missing a convention then he should have to miss the same. It's much easier to believe someone has changed for the better if they have had to feel what it's like to be on the wrong side of a policy.

The transphobic policy should not be applied to anyone, including cis people. He should still just not be going to cons though.

9 people marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Pathfinder Accessories, Rulebook Subscriber; Pathfinder Battles Case Subscriber
PrismaticPandaBear wrote:
Oh, i didn't realize this was still a thing.

This right here is everything.

Everything Paizo is hoping will happen.

14 people marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Pathfinder Accessories, Rulebook Subscriber; Pathfinder Battles Case Subscriber

In a world with Taylor Swift, don't be a Jake Gyllenhaal.

I had my initial reaction. I have read through our friends reactions who live and experience the othering on a daily basis and I feel that even though my reaction was my honest reaction. It clearly wasn't enough.

To be clear, the statements above are NO different than anything anyone from the company has said previously.

There is zero actual action being taken to rectify any of the grievances.

Hiring a law firm to protect the company is not a good look. An understandable one. But when you position it in a way that you are trying to sell it to us that it is to protect the employees it comes off as disingenuous at best and a bald face lie at worst. I will take it somewhere in between but please stop trying to placate us by telling us what you are doing is to protect employees when visibly there has been zero repercussions for the persons actually responsible for the situations you are in.

The President of the company has admitted, in this blog, that he is the source for the policies that got you in hot water. In the next breath this post puts the emotional work of processing the othering and discrimination on the discriminated and I am ashamed that I didn't key in on that harder when I first read it.

That isn't accepting responsibility. It is shifting the blame. Do better. You continually and abysmally fail to meet the bare minimums we are demanding to maintain us as customers.

I have plans to maintain most of my subs through the Book of the Dead. If you haven't stopped hiding behind the lies that you can't tell us what is going on and actually visibly show actions publicly I can't in good faith continue to support you financially.

That is my personal dead line at this point, and I won't go away quietly. I will tell everyone with an ear, in every game shop I sit at, just exactly why I will not support Paizo if you can't manage to get your act together and walk the talk you sell us in the books you create.

Editted To Add before someone brings up the One Per Room Policy:
This doesn't make Women feel like Women. It makes them feel that the company deems that they are so other that everyone now has to be separated to cater to them. Even when in the specific instance brought up 2 women were more than happy to room together to allow a trans employee to take part in the event. Single rooms is a good look UNLESS IT IS IN RESPONSE TO A TRANSPHOBIC POLICY.

Paizo? You are doing horribly.

11 people marked this as a favorite.

Step down Jeff. You have broken trust with the community.

Scarab Sages

3 people marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Lost Omens, PF Special Edition Subscriber

It's a shame that nothing the Leads can do to appease the passionate few. Good try though.

I however have faith in the future and believe people make mistakes and can change. If I didn't have that belief it would be a sad world where people aren't allowed to make mistakes and learn from their pasts. The world would not have a chance to become better.

Silver Crusade

17 people marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

I think one of Paizo's ongoing problems here is that this is just some of the stuff that's happened. They've crystalized around these couple of big things, but there's more and some of them are lesser but longer term. I know there are tales from certain former employees that probably won't see the light of day unless they do. There are other things out there that have the potential to come up and that's where the continuing problems will lay. There is potential for them to keep coming up and Paizo just be a consistent holding pattern so that the good they do is constantly chopped off at the knees by old patterns of abuse.

It's a problem.

6 people marked this as a favorite.
Zexcir wrote:

It's a shame that nothing the Leads can do to appease the passionate few. Good try though.

I however have faith in the future and believe people make mistakes and can change. If I didn't have that belief it would be a sad world where people aren't allowed to make mistakes and learn from their pasts. The world would not have a chance to become better.

We'd very much like them to show that they've learned *this time*.

this is about the 3rd time we've been through this sort of thing since PF1 was released

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