Tales of Lost Omens: Connections

Friday, July 31, 2020

Toulon flipped through the pages of the report, keeping one eye on the woman. She looked pale with illness and the constant clearing of her throat did nothing to disprove the notion. She gave him a weak smile, more grimace than grin. He continued leafing through the report.

Toulon Vidoc, Lictor of the Hellknights of the Order of the Scourge.

Art by Sarunas Macijauskas

“And you say they’re all connected, Miss…”

“Ah, it’s Mrs. Kavint. Roverrint may be gone, gods bless him, but he lives on in my heart and in my mind and I remain a faithful woman.” Another grimace. “Yes, I’ve done the work to prove everything that I can to show that—”

“You understand that you’re accusing Queen Abrogail of high treason,” Toulon interrupted, “and that such accusations don’t come lightly, right?”

“Y-yes, very much sir, but it’s all there! The Queen sent her foolish cousin to incite the rebellion in Kintargo while secretly supplying the rebels with weapons and supplies. It was her idea to destroy the Menador Keep! Do you think the rebels had the means to do that on their own? Of course not! And then I heard that one of those other Hellknights used it as a cover to fake her death. Trust me. I’ve found the connections and I can see…”

“Mrs. Kavint, that’s quite enough. I believe you. This evidence isn’t airtight, but there’s a lot here we can work with.” Toulon stood from his desk and walked to the door. “I greatly appreciate you bringing this to our attention, and I promise to put our resources toward investigating this further. I’ll have one of my knights escort you out.”

Mrs. Kavint sprung to her feet with a speed in stark contrast to her age but then immediately returned to the same hobbled walk she used to enter the office. Toulon made sure to not let on that he noticed the irregularity.

“Thank you so much, Lictor. You won’t regret this. Cheliax will learn the truth and you’ll be a hero. The people need to know.” She reached out for his hand. “Thank you, thank you!”

“Yes, of course, Mrs. Kavint.” He pulled his hand back from the woman’s tight, sweaty grip. “You have a good day.”

Toulon returned to his desk and opened the report once again. There’s definitely something here, he thought to himself, attempting to shake the woman’s sweat from his hand. His flicks of the wrist did nothing, and as he reached for a handkerchief he noticed it wasn’t sweat at all, but some kind of thick mucus, probably due to her illness. Disgusting.

“Presenting, Lord Roverrint of Belde!” announced the guard.

An old man hobbled into the throne room. Abrogail watched as he continued his pathetic entry and she soon grew tired of waiting. “Paraduke Thurivan claims you have important information for me,” she yelled out as he continued his approach. “Know that I bestow you a great honor in just allowing you entrance in my palace. Now, what have you brought for me?”

Queen Abrogail Thrune II stands holding a longsword once belonging to a paladin of Iomedae. Art by Sarunas Macijauskas

Art by Sarunas Macijauskas

Lord Roverrint removed his hat and gave a slight bow to Abrogail. “My queen, I wish to thank you for your generosity. My family and the people of Belde believe you to be a just queen and—”

“Out with it, Lord Roverrint,” spat Abrogail.

“Yes, my queen. I believe that the Order of the Scourge is plotting against you. I believe that they mean to depose you with claims that you’ve committed treason against Cheliax.”

“Lord Roverrint, if I had to accept audience for every rumor of action against my throne, I would never leave this room,” Abrogail replied with contempt. “What evidence do you have of these claims?”

“I have acquired a copy of the material that they plan to use as evidence against you, my queen.” The old man produced a folio from within his robes, brimming with papers and scrolls.

“Bring it here, Lord Roverrint.”

“Of course, my queen.” Just as he began to step forward, he entered a coughing fit that echoed throughout the throne room. Abrogial watched on in disgust for a moment before sending Gorthoklek to fetch the folio. The pit fiend’s steps reverberated like massive boulders colliding against the ground, each step wreathed in the crackle of flames. He plucked the folio from Roverrint’s trembling hands and returned to his place beside the throne. Gorthoklek leafed through the pages in an instant and then produced an audible huff before closing the folio.

“Gorthoklek tells me that some of this evidence is flimsy. In fact,” she smiled, “he believes that attempting to use some of this will actively hurt their case and put them in an incriminating position. Well done, Lord Roverrint.”

Recovering from his fit, Roverrint replied in a strained voice. “Thank you, my queen. I wish only what is best for you and Cheliax. Now, is there a possibility of a reward?”

“Yes, of course.” Abrogail waved over a guard. “See to it that Lord Reverrint receives a handsome reward for his loyalty to Cheliax and his queen. That will be all.”

Abrogail stared off in the distance as the guards escorted Roverrint out of the throne room. Damned Touloc. He definitely has something here, she thought to herself as the throne-room doors closed.

A wild cackling echoed through the abandoned home. “Yes, it is all done, Chemurr.” Mrs. Kavint threw herself to the ground beside Lord Reverrint. “The Great Master’s will is done.”

Chemurr gave a pleased smile. “Very well. Kavint, Roverrint, you have earned a few minutes to speak with the master.” Chemurr extended her hand and several thick, slimy phlegm worms crawled out from her sleeve. The worms crawled forward, up toward Kavint’s and Roverrint’s ears. The two let out a terrible wail, one part agony and one part pleasure, as they collapsed in a writhing pile, calling out for the Great Master.

“The knights and her queen shall begin to play, and soon will we see who has the will to stay.” A phlegm worm writhed about between Chemurr’s fingers. “All while the Great Master watches and laughs.”

A large conspiracy board has several strings connecting multiple figures together, with Abrogail Thrune at the center.

Art by Giorgio Falconi

Interested in seeing how the clash between Abrogail Thrune and Lictor Toulon Vidoc is progressing? Check out Lost Omens Legends, available now!

About the Author

Luis Loza is a developer at Paizo, working primarily on the Pathfinder Lost Omens product line. He’s also written for dozens of Pathfinder and Starfinder products with notable works including Borne by the Sun’s Grace for the Tyrant’s Grasp Adventure Path and Broken Promises for the Age of Ashes Adventure Path. You can follow him on Twitter at @donatoclassic.

About the Tales of Lost Omens

The Tales of Lost Omens series of web-based flash fiction provides an exciting glimpse into Pathfinder’s Age of Lost Omens setting. Written by some of the most celebrated authors in tie-in gaming fiction, including Paizo’s Pathfinder Tales line of novels and short fiction, the Tales of Lost Omens series promises to explore the characters, deities, history, locations, and organizations of the Pathfinder setting with engaging stories to inspire Game Masters and players alike.

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Tags: Pathfinder Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Pathfinder Second Edition Tales of Lost Omens Web Fiction

1 person marked this as a favorite.


1 person marked this as a favorite.

ooo, interesting

8 people marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Lost Omens, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

This is directly connected to this earlier web fiction. Who is this worm that walks person?

Well s*+!...who ever this "Master" is they're looking at creating another civil war in Cheliax but this time it's the Crown vs the Hellknights.

That...hoo boy that will be something.

But what the hell is this Master?

VerBeeker wrote:

Well s#!~...who ever this "Master" is they're looking at creating another civil war in Cheliax but this time it's the Crown vs the Hellknights.

That...hoo boy that will be something.

But what the hell is this Master?

Ghatanothoa perhaps?

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
Blog wrote:
Recovering from his fit, Roverrint replied in a strained voice. “Thank you, my queen. I wish only what is best for you and Cheliax. Now, is there a possibility of a reward?”

This line is hilarious. Well done Luis! I am just now digging into my copy of legends but liking everything I am reading so far.

Ooh, the worms return! I too am wondering if this is connected to the earlier pleasant worm story. We'll see how that story continues... very interesting.

3 people marked this as a favorite.

I'm half expecting this to lead into an AP now.

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Well done! This is a really neat story. I love the little details given to Abrogail and Toulon, and how this continues the earlier story. Somebody is trying to set off the third Chelish Civil War, and that won't bode well for anyone.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Seems like it is a reference to the Veiled Masters being back, the Legends book is full of them and their plots.

Silver Crusade

3 people marked this as a favorite.

I dunno, worms aren't really their thing. Might be a Conqueror Worm.

1 person marked this as a favorite.


(Although I'd prefer that take for Galt -- with dæmons in the mix. Still, it's a neat idea! As would be some GOO! No reason we couldn't have both...)

Cool story, regardless.

Carry on,


Shadow Lodge

1 person marked this as a favorite.

They all called me alarmist for saying this Great Master plot was eclipsing - absorbing into itself - every other story in the region. An example of the diversity of stories that could be told, they said. You'll see. You'll all see!

Liberty's Edge

3 people marked this as a favorite.
zimmerwald1915 wrote:
They all called me alarmist for saying this Great Master plot was eclipsing - absorbing into itself - every other story in the region. An example of the diversity of stories that could be told, they said. You'll see. You'll all see!

You mean that you see connections?

Grand Archive

Pathfinder Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
zimmerwald1915 wrote:
They all called me alarmist for saying this Great Master plot was eclipsing - absorbing into itself - every other story in the region. An example of the diversity of stories that could be told, they said. You'll see. You'll all see!

Considering that we will have 3 APs in the same meta region (Absalom and Startstone Isle) that follow 3 completely different storylines... I don't think Cheliax are completely locked to this one. Even more so considering it's so much bigger than Absalom/Kortos. (And we also got an AP in that meta region that didn't touch that metaplot at all already.)

Grand Lodge

3 people marked this as a favorite.

This is one of the things that I love about Lost Omens... all the connections! You can read through the entire book, finding connections and conspiracies everywhere.

5 people marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Maps Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

I can almost hear Khan, speaking to a horrified Chekov.

“Let me introduce you to Ceti Alpha V’s only remaining indigenous life form,” Khan says with a grim smile. “What do you think? They’ve killed twenty of my people, including my beloved wife…”

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Wheldrake wrote:

I can almost hear Khan, speaking to a horrified Chekov.

“Let me introduce you to Ceti Alpha V’s only remaining indigenous life form,” Khan says with a grim smile. “What do you think? They’ve killed twenty of my people, including my beloved wife…”

Ugh...I HATED that scene...I wish Star Wars and Star Trek would stay the hell away from torture scenes. :(

Liberty's Edge

Gamerskum wrote:

Seems like it is a reference to the Veiled Masters being back, the Legends book is full of them and their plots.

I thought about this too because of the mucus thing. What about a Veiled Master turned Worm that walks? Or who dominated one?

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