Paizo Update on COVID-19 from Lisa

Thursday, March 19, 2020

Apologies in advance for adding yet another COVID-19 email into your inbox, but it’s important that I let you know how the coronavirus pandemic is affecting Paizo and what we are doing about it.

As you know, social distancing is the most important way that we, as a society, have to fight this new viral threat. Three weeks ago, I started the process of shifting almost all Paizo employees from working in our Redmond offices to working from home; they will continue to do so until we believe it is safe to congregate in our office again. For now, our small-but-valiant warehouse team remains in place, shipping orders to both customers and distributors. Even in the warehouse, we practice social distancing, staggering work schedules and limiting the number of people in each area of the warehouse; if we are given cause to believe that their safety is compromised, we will cease warehouse operations until the crisis passes.

As for the products and packages our warehouse team is handling (including products made in China and other countries), the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention notes that “In general, because of poor survivability of these coronaviruses on surfaces, there is likely very low risk of spread from products or packaging that are shipped over a period of days or weeks at ambient temperatures... Currently there is no evidence to support transmission of COVID-19 associated with imported goods and there have not been any cases of COVID-19 in the United States associated with imported goods.” (See for more information.)

Working from home does require Paizo to sacrifice some of our normal procedures. Our customer service team can’t answer the phones from home, so until we are able to move back to the office, customer service is available only by email ( and via the Customer Service forum on We have also unfortunately had to cancel all of our visits to gaming conventions and trade shows for the foreseeable future.

Which brings us to PaizoCon. The safety of our attendees and staff is of paramount importance, and we are working closely with our host hotel and monitoring local, state, and federal government guidelines on a daily basis. The Washington State government is currently prohibiting gatherings of 50 or more people, though the timeframe does not yet approach the announced dates for PaizoCon (May 22–25). If the gathering ban or other concerns suggest that we should cancel or postpone PaizoCon, we will inform the community as soon as we can.

While Paizo is currently able to carry on with relatively few issues, many game stores are unfortunately at risk of going out of business if the pandemic goes on for an extended period of time. If your local store is still open, please help them out by buying from them when you can.

Please also keep in mind that social distancing doesn’t have to mean the end of social gaming. Our partners at Fantasy Grounds, Roll20, and D20PRO provide great tools for playing roleplaying games online. Paizo also hosts some great play-by-post campaigns, so you can practice social distancing and still have a great time gaming with your friends.

We are at the start of one of the more difficult moments in the history of the world. We are going to have to help our neighbors, our local businesses, and each other get through this. It won’t be easy, but Paizo will be here fighting to keep great RPG products coming into your homes.

Thank you for your continued friendship and business. We will update you when the situation changes.

Lisa Stevens
CEO, Paizo Inc.

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Lantern Lodge Customer Service & Community Manager

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This situation has added an additional layer of complications to the backlog Customer Service was already experiencing, and our response time is currently slower than ideal.

Customer service has an update thread in our forums here: Paizo Customer Service Status Updates & What to Do. We hope this helps folks get an ideal of where we're at in our service issues queue.

Thank you in advance for your patience as we do our best to adapt to these unexpected challenges.
~Sara Marie

Grand Lodge

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I think it is great that you are being proactive in dealing with this pandemic. I know your staff is doing the best they can in this crisis and I certainly appreciate it. As a VO I know this corps of officers is rising to the occasion to run online games for the Society. We are all doing our part to fight this battle and I am sure we will be back in the FLGS's before too long once the virus has ran its course.

Paizo Employee Developer

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Thank you for taking this pandemic seriously. The Organized Play Team has done such a fabulous job addressing this crisis.

For those who want information about playing online, you can find guides here:

Guide for Everyone: wCpw/edit

How to build a Roll20 table as a GM rctk/edit

How to fill out chronicles as a pdf (for Pathfinder Society) uenQ/edit

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Pathfinder Adventure, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

While I, for one, have been irritated with the number of emails I've received from businesses and restaurants I've patronized once, this isn't even remotely in the same category.

I think I speak for most everyone on here to say that an update like this about the health and safety of Paizo and the Paizo team is extremely important to all of us.

Thank you Lisa and everyone at Paizo for doing the best work you can through this difficult time. Thank you for the update, and thank you for the countless hours of distraction and entertainment that Paizo's products have brought us before and will continue to bring us in the road ahead!!

Scarab Sages

4 people marked this as a favorite.

Thank for not only this update but for all everyone is doing during this crisis. Although I would hate to miss the "Family Reunion" if it comes to that, but I would feel aweful if anyone were to come down with this virus!! I know we will get through this!!

Paizo Employee Developer

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KitsuneWarlock wrote:

Thank you for taking this pandemic seriously. The Organized Play Team has done such a fabulous job addressing this crisis.

For those who want information about playing online, you can find guides here:


Guide for Everyone

How to build a Roll20 table as a GM

How to fill out chronicles as a pdf (for Pathfinder Society)

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I signed an online petition about suspending rents and mortgages during the COVID-19 crisis. Other countries have taken similar measures. Small businesses shouldn't have to be evicted when this public health crisis makes it impossible for them to pay the rent. It's only fair.

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Pathfinder Lost Omens Subscriber

As someone who *must* go to work with the public as 'essential personnel' (working at a retail drug/grocery location) in an area where people do NOT understand the concept of 'social distance', I cannot help but envy Paizo's proactive stance on such matters.

When the governor of the state shuts down *pretty much every other venue* everyone is coming out to the grocery stores to socialize.

When there are hundreds of people in the store at a given time, it completely defeats the purpose of social distance methods.

Be safe and careful out there, and hopefully by being on the leading edge of this storm you'll be able to weather it sooner and be back into the swing of things more quickly.

Thank you for taking the time to describe the measures that have been taken in the office and the warehouse to ensure the safety of your employees.

This is sadly missing from most of the online venues that are still operating here in France. As a result, I have cut down on most non-essential things until the end of the crisis.

Starfinder Superscriber

Our whole office has moved to WFH. Glad to see that Paizo can do something similar. Be safe!

Stay safe, Paizo Peeps!

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Stay safe and get ready for the long haul. At least there are still pdf sales if you have to shut the warehouse down.

Lantern Lodge

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Stay safe and courage.

5 people marked this as a favorite.

It's heartening to see you take it seriously. As a European I can tell you that having everyone remain as home as much as humanly (and humanoidly) possible is not an overreaction.

In the mean time, my players enjoyed their first roll20 session yesterday. Playing pathfinder was a wonderful moment of normality and fun in otherwise unsettling times.

Silver Crusade

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Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber


No, really, it is. It's become a whirlwind of death in Italy and several other countries are about to hit the fan, too. Brace yourselves, we'll keep buying those weird PDF things so that you can keep afloat while not risking your warehouse crew, if the raptors haven't gotten to them first.

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Well said, and thanks for the communication.
Last night I played at my lgs and we had the tables set waaay apart. My own table was actually set within the shelves of gaming stuff and puzzles, chess boards etc. I felt special =)

Plus, a true rarity, it was quiet enough to hear everything my players said.

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Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Glad to hear Paizo is treating this seriously, and appreciate the update...

As coyotegospel put it, hearing from you guys is a wee bit different from getting an e-mail from a hotel I stayed at once, five years ago.

I didn't get the email.

Pathfinder Starfinder Society Subscriber
captain yesterday wrote:
I didn't get the email.

It was sent considerably after this blog was posted. I only got the e-mail this afternoon.

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Stay safe, Paizonians.

David knott 242 wrote:
captain yesterday wrote:
I didn't get the email.

It was sent considerably after this blog was posted. I only got the e-mail this afternoon.

I haven't gotten an email from Paizo in months besides when I'm told my shipment shipped.

I wish everyone luck and hope that everyone is doing what is needed to make sure all of us have a chance to get through this with minimal casualties.

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Starfinder Superscriber

Currently Paizo has taken about 135$ of my money but only "shipped" 55$. You have no idea how upsetting it is to be at home and have Paizo holding money I could be currently using to buy masks or other essential supplies and they won't even give me access to the PDF's that I have legitimately paid for at this stage.

I really hope that CS can resolve this soon because otherwise I'll have no choice but to issue a chargeback.

8 people marked this as a favorite.
Leon Aquilla wrote:

Currently Paizo has taken about 135$ of my money but only "shipped" 55$. You have no idea how upsetting it is to be at home and have Paizo holding money I could be currently using to buy masks or other essential supplies and they won't even give me access to the PDF's that I have legitimately paid for at this stage.

I really hope that CS can resolve this soon because otherwise I'll have no choice but to issue a chargeback.

They are doing there best. They are probably just overwhelmed.That said what you are saying about buying masks and essential supplies is just aggravating and we will leave it at that.

Silver Crusade

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Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Well, if you're spending your money on funny books about pretending to be an elf instead of on essential supplies in the times of pandemic, I don't know what to tell you.

Grand Lodge

10 people marked this as a favorite.

That we need funny books about pretending to be an elf more than ever? For everyone who is under a 'shelter-in-place' lockdown, fantasy is more important then ever before. I'm trying to learn how to VTT for the first time, because I want to GM still to help people escape for a while.

Yes, you need your food and your fever reducing drugs. But you need a little fantasy and escape too. I love you all -- fellow gamers, Paizo fans and Paizo staff.

Please take care and stay safe!


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Starfinder Superscriber
Gorbacz wrote:
Well, if you're spending your money on funny books about pretending to be an elf instead of on essential supplies in the times of pandemic, I don't know what to tell you.

So did you miss the "Supersubscriber" next to my name or did you just choose to ignore it? This wasn't an impulse buy.

I couldn't cancel it if I wanted to with CS shut down

Paizo Employee CEO

18 people marked this as a favorite.
Leon Aquilla wrote:
Gorbacz wrote:
Well, if you're spending your money on funny books about pretending to be an elf instead of on essential supplies in the times of pandemic, I don't know what to tell you.

So did you miss the "Supersubscriber" next to my name or did you just choose to ignore it? This wasn't an impulse buy.

I couldn't cancel it if I wanted to with CS shut down


Customer Service isn't shut down. They are working from home during the COVID-19 crisis. They have all the tools that they need except for access to our phone lines. There is a large amount of emails and they are working feverishly to catch up on them. We appreciate your patience as we transition to a new normal for a while.


2 people marked this as a favorite.
Gorbacz wrote:
Well, if you're spending your money on funny books about pretending to be an elf instead of on essential supplies in the times of pandemic, I don't know what to tell you.

I know, right?

We should all be pretending to be dwarves, they get a bonus to save against this kind of stuff.

3 people marked this as a favorite.
Freehold DM wrote:
Gorbacz wrote:
Well, if you're spending your money on funny books about pretending to be an elf instead of on essential supplies in the times of pandemic, I don't know what to tell you.

I know, right?

We should all be pretending to be dwarves, they get a bonus to save against this kind of stuff.

I just need to retrain into paladin and hit 3rd level - Divine Health - immune to disease.

Pathfinder Lost Omens Subscriber

Too 'best good' for my tastes.

Also, a virus is not (to the best of my memory) a disease... so Divine Health may not apply.

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With a lot of people stuck at home on government advice/under government lockdown, now might be a good time for a Paizo RPGSuperstar contest?

Franchisee - Game Kastle College Park

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Charles Evans 25 wrote:
With a lot of people stuck at home on government advice/under government lockdown, now might be a good time for a Paizo RPGSuperstar contest?

In fact, they are!

RPG Superstar

Get your designs ready!

Wei Ji the Learner wrote:

Too 'best good' for my tastes.

Also, a virus is not (to the best of my memory) a disease... so Divine Health may not apply.

The "D" in COVID-19 is for "disease", as in The 2019 Coronavirus disease.

Silver Crusade

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Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
FumbusFiggledore wrote:
Wei Ji the Learner wrote:

Too 'best good' for my tastes.

Also, a virus is not (to the best of my memory) a disease... so Divine Health may not apply.

The "D" in COVID-19 is for "disease", as in The 2019 Coronavirus disease.

O hey, long time no see. Still waiting for the answer to that PM! :)

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Starfinder Society Subscriber

Viruses definitely do cause diseases. Unfortunately, fictional magical protections for our player characters do nothing for real life players.

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Lost Omens Subscriber

Learn something new every day.

And DK242 kind of got my point, as half-formed as it was.

Marketing & Media Manager

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The blog went up first. The email went to our entire database early in the morning of the 20th. If you did not get it, please check your account settings. We want you to get our emails, but rest assured, the content of the blog and the email are identical.

4 people marked this as a favorite.

Unfortunately, the new stay-home order in Washington will probably require Paizo to close the warehouse temporarily. I'm currently stuck at home with COVID symptoms. And I can tell you that if you can structure your affairs to avoid feeling like your lungs are attempting to leave your body via coughing, then that is almost certainly the path your life should take.

Dark Archive

KickahaOta wrote:
Unfortunately, the new stay-home order in Washington will probably require Paizo to close the warehouse temporarily. I'm currently stuck at home with COVID symptoms. And I can tell you that if you can structure your affairs to avoid feeling like your lungs are attempting to leave your body via coughing, then that is almost certainly the path your life should take.

That sucks, i recently had the flu for 3 weeks, longer than ever before in my life.

May i ask how old you are?
I am 44.
Can you still taste and smell normally?
Get well soon. :-)

PS: Here in Germany we may only leave our home alone or in a group of two people (families excluded).
I can't imagine that Paizo Con can happen in may, but i hope i am wrong.

Wuhan, the chinese city the virus originated in, will lift the quarantine completely on april 8th, so there is hope. :-)

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Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Oh, another German here. Also 44, by the way.

I am pushing 50. My smell and taste have definitely taken a big hit. I'm normally not that big on spicy food, but right now I'm spicing up everything, because otherwise most food reminds me of white rice right now -- the texture is still there but there's very little flavor.

Franchisee - Game Kastle College Park

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Gov. Inslee's Order exempts warehouse workers from the stay at home requirement. Paizo's banner still states that its warehouse is operating--hopefully in a manner that allows its workers to practice social distancing. Is this the case?

I ask because I am expecting a subscription shipment and am trying to make decisions regarding how to handle both this month's shipment and those going forward until we return to a new normal--whatever that may be.

In the meantime, I want to salute you for your decisions to prioritize employee wellness over corporate profits. We are all in this together and Paizo's response is another great reason to support the company.

Marketing & Media Manager

5 people marked this as a favorite.
Gladior wrote:


Gov. Inslee's Order exempts warehouse workers from the stay at home requirement. Paizo's banner still states that its warehouse is operating--hopefully in a manner that allows its workers to practice social distancing. Is this the case?

I ask because I am expecting a subscription shipment and am trying to make decisions regarding how to handle both this month's shipment and those going forward until we return to a new normal--whatever that may be.

In the meantime, I want to salute you for your decisions to prioritize employee wellness over corporate profits. We are all in this together and Paizo's response is another great reason to support the company.

Message received. We will have news for you tomorrow. Thanks and be well.

2 people marked this as a favorite.

As I lost the ability to get around physically, I also lost the ability to do a lot of brick and mortar store shopping. Ultimately that is what drove me to set up subscriptions with Paizo. I understand the hit your business has taken in being able to process these orders and assure everyone, nothing Paizo sells is going to save your life or is life dependant.

As such let us just relax and wait for our stuff. Brick and mortar is shut down, Amazon will not be getting new stuff any faster than Paizo can produce it. Stop wigging out over books and realize Paizo will make good on things when their staff is safe and able to do so. Nothing about Pathfinder and Starfinder no matter how amazing is worth dying over. Please be safe everyone worldwide, and realize we will get through this!

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Gladior wrote:
Charles Evans 25 wrote:
With a lot of people stuck at home on government advice/under government lockdown, now might be a good time for a Paizo RPGSuperstar contest?

In fact, they are!

RPG Superstar

Get your designs ready!

Glurk. Non-paizo website.

I already have so many logins and passwords on different sites I can't remember them all... <sad face emoticon>
Well: all the best to those who can afford another website account.

Grand Lodge Premier Event Coordinator

Gladior wrote:
RPG Superstar

Too bad the dates don't allow for a Gen Con announcement of the winner. Would make for a nice venue for unveiling

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