Faith It 'Til You Make It!

Tuesday, January 14, 2020

Characters living in the Age of Lost Omens have the unique benefit of being able to speak directly with their gods and have these gods directly influence the world around them. This is especially true of player characters, who typically have a direct line to their given gods, particularly in the case of faithful classes like champions and clerics. You can think of Lost Omens Gods & Magic as a catalog to help you decide not only what faith your character can follow, but also what benefits you gain for said worship.

A human woman praying while holding Erastil’s religious symbol.

Art by Michele Esposite

The most obvious benefit is new options for your character. Gods & Magic has new domains, equipment, feats, and spells for all faithful types, but we wanted to make sure that these options were not simply limited to characters who were champions and clerics. Faith is important to all manner of character in Golarion, whether you are a barbarian praying to Gorum for strength or an investigator praying to Zohls for guidance on the latest case. As a result, many of the options contained in the book are available to all classes and are meant to encourage players to play up the faithful sides of their characters. A great starting point for these options is with the new background featured in the book.

Whether in a monastery, a religious household, or just as part of your everyday life, your upbringing was steeped in the traditions of a faith or philosophy. You might remain committed or you may have turned from your childhood creed, but your skills are still founded in your devotion.
Choose two ability boosts. One boost must be to an ability specified in the Divine Ability entry for your deity, and one is a free ability boost.
You’re trained in your deity’s associated skill, and you gain Assurance with that skill. You gain a Lore skill with a subcategory associated with your deity (Abadar Lore, for instance).

Raised By Belief Background

This background ties into your deity’s Divine Ability, a selection of two different ability scores that best represents your faith. Abadar, for example, has Constitution and Intelligence listed as his Divine Ability while Zon-Kuthon has Constitution or Wisdom. Every deity in the book features a Divine Ability, allowing this background to function with any deity necessary for your character concept.

An arrow breaks against the armor of a human man. The armor is emblazoned with the symbol of Torag.

Art by Klaher Baklaher

In addition to the background, we also present several feats. Most of these feats are available to all characters, allowing any faithful to gain benefits from their devout worship. As a note, some of these feats are restricted to particular faiths, such as the Sanctify Water feat that only functions for followers of a good or evil deity as it allows you to create holy water or unholy water respectively. Other feats are tied to specific classes, like Sacred Ki which allows monks to convert the damage from their ki blast into an alignment that matches that of their deity. One particular favorite of mine is Battle Prayer, which allows you to blast a foe with the power of scripture!

Battle Prayer [one-action]	Feat 7
Divine, General, Skill
Prerequisites master in Religion, you follow a deity
Calling out to your deity, you recite scripture to harm a foe. When you select this feat, choose chaos, evil, good, or law. Your choice must match one of your deity’s alignment components.
Attempt a Religion check against the Will DC of a foe within 30 feet. The foe is then temporarily immune to Battle Prayers from your deity for 1 day.
Critical Success You deal 2d6 damage of the chosen alignment type, or 6d6 damage if you have legendary proficiency in Religion.
Success You deal 1d6 damage of the chosen alignment type, or 3d6 damage if you have legendary proficiency in Religion.
Failure There is no effect.
Critical Failure The backlash of your foe’s will against your prayer prevents you from using Battle Prayer again for 10 minutes.

Battle Prayer

Now, as this book is titled Gods & Magic, one would assume that there is plenty of magic. Oh, boy, is there! This book features 14 pages of new spells and focus spells. Again, as we didn’t want to lock these spells to only characters with domains, a large portion of these spells are part of the arcane, occult, or primal traditions, making them perfect additions to your bard’s repertoire or your wizard’s spell book. Some of these spells include old classics that have been updated for Second Edition like anticipate peril, ill omen, shifting sand, and of course, cup of dust!

Cup of Dust	Spell 3
Curse, Necromancy
Traditions arcane, occult, primal
Cast [three-action] material, somatic, verbal
Range 30 feet; Targets 1 living creature
Saving Throw Fortitude; Duration 1 day
You curse the target with a thirst no drink can quench. You can Dismiss the spell. The target must attempt a Fortitude save.
Critical Success The creature is unaffected and is temporarily immune for 1 hour.
Success The creature is fatigued for 1 round.
Failure The creature is immediately afflicted by thirst as if it hadn’t had a drink in days. It becomes fatigued and takes 1d4 damage each hour that can’t be healed until it quenches its thirst. No amount of drinking can quench the creature’s thirst during the spell’s duration.
Critical Failure As failure but the creature takes 2d4 damage each hour, twice as much as usual for thirst.
Heightened (+3) The thirst becomes even more unbearable, increasing the damage each hour by 1d4, or by 2d4 on a critical failure.

Cup of Dust

Although these spells aren’t part of the divine tradition, it doesn’t mean that clerics are out of luck when it comes to these spells. Many of these new spells are on the list of cleric spells granted by a deity, allowing worshippers of the correct god to gain these new spells, too! Are you sad that you missed out on time beacon, the cool new spell that allows you to turn back the clock and undo negative effects on you? Worry not! Just follow Shyka the Many or… erm… Yog-Sothoth and you can have this cool spell, too!

An armored woman is surrounded by several tiny dragons, each of a different type. She bears the religious symbol of Apsu on her armor.

Art by Emile Denis

Magic takes many forms. For clerics, a significant portion of their magic is in the form of domains. Gods & Magic features 18 new domains that run the gamut of different concepts and themes. The Dust domain, for example, calls upon the power of the gods to dry and crumble what opposes you, allowing you call swirling dust with the dust storm spell. The void domain, on the other hand, lets you rend reality and create a rift that pulls creatures toward it with door to beyond. These new domains also cover general concepts that we didn’t have a chance to include in the Core Rulebook like the cold domain.

Winter Bolt	Focus 1
Attack, Cold, Evocation
Cast [two-actions] (somatic, verbal)
Range 60 feet; Targets 1 creature or object
You fling a hollow icicle filled with winter’s wrath. Make a spell attack against a target within range. The bolt deals 1d8 piercing damage and lodges in the target. At the end of the target’s next turn, the bolt shatters, releasing a whirl of snow and ice that deals 1d12 cold damage to the target and all adjacent creatures. The bolt can be removed with an Interact action, which causes it to melt harmlessly without detonating.
Critical Success The initial bolt deals full damage and is especially well anchored, taking 2 Interact actions to remove. The bolt’s explosion deals double damage.
Success The bolt and its explosion deal full damage.
Heightened (+1) The initial damage increases by 1d8 and the secondary damage increases by 1d12.


Finally, let’s take a look at some of the cool equipment featured in this book. Most of the deities featured in Gods & Magic are ones that are being updated to Pathfinder Second Edition. Where we could, we tried to make sure these deities are exactly the same as they were originally, only swapping out things like the strength domain for the might domain where necessary. As a result, we needed to update a good number of favored weapons or even create brand new favored weapons for the new deities premiering in this book.

A rod with several tools like a knife and pliers folding out from within the rod.

Art by Oksana Federova

These weapons range from classics like bladed scarf, fighting fan, and khopesh to brand new weapons like the polytool, a metal rod with several tools folded inside. The polytool is the favored weapon of Casandalee and her faithful, allowing her followers to always have whatever tool they need for a given task, be it crafting or fighting enemies. In addition to these new weapons, we also provide a number of new magic items, each with ties to a particular faith. These include the bottomless stein, a stein for Cayden’s faithful that never runs empty, the dagger of eternal sleep, a dagger used by Achaekek’s followers that automatically critically hits a sleeping target, and Urgathoa’s dreadsmoke thurible.

Dreadsmoke Thurible	Item 9
Uncommon, Magical, Necromancy
Price 600 gp
Usage held in 2 hands; Bulk 1
Access You are a follower of Urgathoa
This black-and-gray thurible is decorated with a skeleton motif; the jaw of one of the decorative skulls unhinges, allowing you to load it with incense as an action. A long, thin chain is connected to the top of the thurible.
Activate [two-actions] Interact; Cost incense worth at least 5 gp; Effect You swing the thurible around you, spreading inky black smoke in a 20-foot emanation that has the effect of obscuring mist. Undead creatures can see through the smoke as if it didn’t exist. Negative energy also disrupts the magic of the smoke; anyone who uses a negative effect, along with creatures affected by a negative effect, can see through the smoke for 1 round.

Dreadsmoke Thurible

As you can see, there are lots of goodies for those who are willing to follow the edicts of their faith, whether they are clerics or not. All of these options and more await anyone willing to take a leap of faith with Lost Omens Gods & Magic, releasing later this month on January 29th.

Luis Loza

More Paizo Blog.
Tags: Lost Omens Gods & Magic Pathfinder Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Pathfinder Second Edition

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Just FYI, the Winter Bolt image is shown twice. I'm guessing the second instance is supposed to show off one of the new equipment item statblocks instead.

EDIT: Yeah, second image labels it as "Dreadsmoke Thurible", so it's a mistake.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder PF Special Edition Subscriber

Plenty of cool concepts in there. Looking forward to reading the book!

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Adventure Path Charter Subscriber; Pathfinder Adventure, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

Lots of great ideas and such! I especially like the idea of supporting those who want to play up their faith within the world.

3 people marked this as a favorite.

Love the Apsu cleric art!

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber
Ezekieru wrote:

Just FYI, the Winter Bolt image is shown twice. I'm guessing the second instance is supposed to show off one of the new equipment item statblocks instead.

EDIT: Yeah, second image labels it as "Dreadsmoke Thurible", so it's a mistake.

The image displayed here is wrong, but if you click on the image you get the correct preview.

Question, because this came up in the core rules (divine lance in particular, with neutral clerics locked out of the only ranged cantrip because..?), and looks like its going to keep coming up.

What's the design logic of locking an alignment (neutral) out of abilities? I find it more than a little frustrating, because the few pathfinder gods I find understandable or relatable are largely TN.

I mean, sure, I'm not sure what 'neutral damage' would be, but I don't know what 'law damage' or 'good damage' are either.

Also puzzled by divine ability. PF2 clerics are already fairly MAD, wanting Wis, Cha and maybe Str or Dex for battle clerics. I'm just outright puzzled what a cleric of Abadar is going to do with a choice of Con or Int.

The tension mounts, oh what a feeling.

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

I love it when you can recognize art's character from 1e :D Like I dunno what torag cleric was from(was it from Torag's article as follower example? maybe? Maybe not? I can't remember, but in card game thats the art at least), but its nice to see familiar designs

Silver Crusade

OmegaZ wrote:
Love the Apsu cleric art!

As do I!

Awesome! This seems chalked full of goodness... or evilness depending on your faith. Love the preview.

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Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber
Voss wrote:
Also puzzled by divine ability. PF2 clerics are already fairly MAD, wanting Wis, Cha and maybe Str or Dex for battle clerics. I'm just outright puzzled what a cleric of Abadar is going to do with a choice of Con or Int.

These aren't necessarily for clerics though. They are meant to be accessible to all classes. For example, Raised By Belief might be a reasonable background for the iconic Ezren, given his backstory. For him, the Int bonus is obviously useful.

If this book was just for clerics/champions, it would be a much more niche product then I'm sure Paizo is aiming for.

Holy sweet beejesus! This book is amazing, I didn't care for 1e so most of the things mentioned in this article (updated stuff from past edition) are new for me. Bladed scarf? FighTING FAN? CUP OF DUST?

These are SOOO COOL! Can't wait to show them to my players!

"Raised by Belief" implies there's the possibility of being raised in a philosophy, so is there an associated ability score for things like the Green Faith, Rivethun, or Sangpotshi?

Or do I just need a different background for if I grew up in a religious order for one of those?

Paizo Employee Developer

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Philosophies have associated ability scores, too!

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Now that one of my players pointed it out, I can't not notice that Erastil worshiping farmer having makeup as part of their work outfit ._. Like even if I wasn't in general bothered by cosmetics, that is just waste of cosmetics.

Original blog post wrote:
{. . .} As a note, some of these feats are restricted to particular faiths, such as the Sanctify Water feat that only functions for followers of a good or evil deity as it allows you to create holy water or unholy water respectively. {. . .}

How come nobody ever does Axiomatic water or Entropic water?

CorvusMask wrote:
Now that one of my players pointed it out, I can't not notice that Erastil worshiping farmer having makeup as part of their work outfit ._. Like even if I wasn't in general bothered by cosmetics, that is just waste of cosmetics.

I couldn't find the makeup in the picture unless you think the ruddy cheeks are necessarily from rouge rather than from sun and wind (or maybe my vision has resolution too poor), but I did notice that the perpetrator of Draconic Barrage has awfully impractically heels.

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
UnArcaneElection wrote:
Original blog post wrote:
{. . .} As a note, some of these feats are restricted to particular faiths, such as the Sanctify Water feat that only functions for followers of a good or evil deity as it allows you to create holy water or unholy water respectively. {. . .}

How come nobody ever does Axiomatic water or Entropic water?

CorvusMask wrote:
Now that one of my players pointed it out, I can't not notice that Erastil worshiping farmer having makeup as part of their work outfit ._. Like even if I wasn't in general bothered by cosmetics, that is just waste of cosmetics.

I couldn't find the makeup in the picture unless you think the ruddy cheeks are necessarily from rouge rather than from sun and wind (or maybe my vision has resolution too poor), but I did notice that the perpetrator of Draconic Barrage has awfully impractically heels.

I was thinking of the lipstick

Grand Lodge

3 people marked this as a favorite.

Battle Prayer is going to lead to so many "Ezekiel 25:17!" moments and I am HERE for it.

Question... How does the damage from winter bolt works with objects? I mean it deals 1d8 to the object and then 1d12 at the end of the object turn? What is the object turn? Does it automatically deals 1d12 in area if you hit?

Liberty's Edge

I would like for a Cleric to have his deity's Divine Ability available as options in addition to WIS for the fixed ability boost for Cleric.

Liberty's Edge

2 people marked this as a favorite.

I love that Casandalee made it through Iron Gods =)

Shadow Lodge

UnArcaneElection wrote:
Original blog post wrote:
{. . .} As a note, some of these feats are restricted to particular faiths, such as the Sanctify Water feat that only functions for followers of a good or evil deity as it allows you to create holy water or unholy water respectively. {. . .}

How come nobody ever does Axiomatic water or Entropic water?

Have you ever tasted Entropic water? Stuff's probably frozen at room temperature but melts when it gets loud enough.

Also, it might not fit the setup for Pathfinder, but I always liked the idea of a Good-aligned, peaceful religion whose favoured weapon was the unarmed strike or the net. Though I admit those would work better in times of lasting peace, than Golarion's current uncertain instability.

The Shifty Mongoose wrote:
Also, it might not fit the setup for Pathfinder, but I always liked the idea of a Good-aligned, peaceful religion whose favoured weapon was the unarmed strike or the net.

I think the Azlanti deity of medicine was LG and had the mancatcher as a favored weapon in PF1. I wonder if he gets updated rules.

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber


We were just looking at pf1e stuff and dreaming about getting some of it and i had found the fighting fan to be a really cool thing to have stats for, and expected to have it someday when Paizo returns Tian Xia, but I surprisingly get it sooooooooner.

Def gonna consider a spy/assassin courtesan

Dark Archive

Sweet Asmodeus, this is GREAT stuff, all of it! Fantastic work, people! I tip my rusty dwarven helmet at you all, and curse the fact that I won't be getting this book until my FLGS has moved to new & bigger premises (they'll open the store again on February 8th). :/

I just realized that this might get me my Tetsubo and 9-ring broadsword earlier than I thought. I am even more excited.

Silver Crusade

4 people marked this as a favorite.

Can't wait to see more on Arazni, and I love the Gnome Army Knife.

CorvusMask wrote:
Now that one of my players pointed it out, I can't not notice that Erastil worshiping farmer having makeup as part of their work outfit ._. Like even if I wasn't in general bothered by cosmetics, that is just waste of cosmetics.

I couldn't find the makeup in the picture unless you think the ruddy cheeks are necessarily from rouge rather than from sun and wind (or maybe my vision has resolution too poor), but I did notice that the perpetrator of Draconic Barrage has awfully impractically heels.

I was thinking of the lipstick

I see what you mean, although as long as that doesn't have something toxic in it (which HAS happened on Earth), at least it isn't as hampering as the impractically high heels of the Dragon Barrager.

PossibleCabbage wrote:
The Shifty Mongoose wrote:
Also, it might not fit the setup for Pathfinder, but I always liked the idea of a Good-aligned, peaceful religion whose favoured weapon was the unarmed strike or the net.
I think the Azlanti deity of medicine was LG and had the mancatcher as a favored weapon in PF1. I wonder if he gets updated rules.

Korada is exactly who you are looking for

ikarinokami wrote:
PossibleCabbage wrote:
The Shifty Mongoose wrote:
Also, it might not fit the setup for Pathfinder, but I always liked the idea of a Good-aligned, peaceful religion whose favoured weapon was the unarmed strike or the net.
I think the Azlanti deity of medicine was LG and had the mancatcher as a favored weapon in PF1. I wonder if he gets updated rules.
Korada is exactly who you are looking for

Specifically I was thinking of Aesocar, a name I have trouble remembering (unlike all other names, which I struggle to recall.)

Has anyone received their PDF yet?

Grand Archive

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Pathfinder Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
Terevalis Unctio of House Mysti wrote:
Has anyone received their PDF yet?

Not necessarily directed at you, but you post reminded me:

Paizo (well, the region where they are) is currently experiencing some harsh snow storms on and off.
Many Paizo employees stayed home at least one day this week, so I will be managing my expectations and prepare myself for a late shipping of my books.
I prefer them to be safe and healthy, even if it means my books a re a little bit late. :3

(NOT AN OFFICIAL INFO IN ANY MEAN. But I heard some comments from people living close to Paizo.)

I hope everyone is safe. Maybe an update could be made in case shipping gets delayed?

Dark Archive

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Ah, I honestly wish that snowstorm would hit my home city! It's been the warmest winter in memory here in Finland; it's mid-January, and it should be bitterly cold, but instead the daily high temperatures have averaged 41-50 Fahrenheit for months now! And instead of snow on the ground we've had many rainstorms with unusually strong storm winds. :/

The Shifty Mongoose wrote:
UnArcaneElection wrote:
Original blog post wrote:
{. . .} As a note, some of these feats are restricted to particular faiths, such as the Sanctify Water feat that only functions for followers of a good or evil deity as it allows you to create holy water or unholy water respectively. {. . .}

How come nobody ever does Axiomatic water or Entropic water?

Have you ever tasted Entropic water? Stuff's probably frozen at room temperature but melts when it gets loud enough.

Isn't half of the maelstrom an ocean of entropic water?

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Asgetrion wrote:
Ah, I honestly wish that snowstorm would hit my home city! It's been the warmest winter in memory here in Finland; it's mid-January, and it should be bitterly cold, but instead the daily high temperatures have averaged 41-50 Fahrenheit for months now! And instead of snow on the ground we've had many rainstorms with unusually strong storm winds. :/

I live in Denver Colorado and it's the same here. January should have highs in the teens or single digits, but it's been in the 40s to 50s all month.

We have a 2 hr school delay in Albuquerque today.

When come this stuff for heeros labs online ? I want it NOW hi hihi but seriously i love this stuff but my question is true.

Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

Meanwhile in Phoenix today's high is 77. Quite the diverse country, we are. Stay safe, Paizonians.

Liberty's Edge

3 people marked this as a favorite.
Paradozen wrote:
Isn't half of the maelstrom an ocean of entropic water?

No so much half as the sum of 1/2 + 1/3 - 2/5 + 3/8 - 5/13 + 8/21 - 13/34...

3 people marked this as a favorite.
Shisumo wrote:
Paradozen wrote:
Isn't half of the maelstrom an ocean of entropic water?
No so much half as the sum of 1/2 + 1/3 - 2/5 + 3/8 - 5/13 + 8/21 - 13/34...

This is entirely too rational.

The maelstrom is the source of all those old recipes that tell you to add a dash or a smidge of something.

Silver Crusade

3 people marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

77 degrees is incredibly hoo...oooh, we're taking about fantasy made up arbitrary nonsense measurements ;)

Liberty's Edge

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Gorbacz wrote:
77 degrees is incredibly hoo...oooh, we're taking about fantasy made up arbitrary nonsense measurements ;)

Fahrenheit is actually quite useful as a measure where the '0-100' on the scale accurately reflect temperatures humans live at, as well as being a lot more fine grained than Celsius in terms of specific temperatures. Celsius is definitely superior for science and chemistry, but as a standard measure of 'How hot is it today?' Fahrenheit has a lot to recommend it.

Imperial measurements, on the other hand, I have absolutely no defense for. They have tradition going for them, but basically nothing else.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

Well said DMW. But why would one let considered thought get in the way of the need to publicly, once again, express disdain for an entire group of people and their way of life? That would require emotional maturity, and we just can't have that! One has a reputation to live up to, after all.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Deadmanwalking wrote:
Imperial measurements, on the other hand, I have absolutely no defense for. They have tradition going for them, but basically nothing else.

I've always had a certain perverse fondness for British old money. Maybe that will return after Brexit.

Silver Crusade

3 people marked this as a favorite.
Fumarole wrote:
Well said DMW. But why would one let considered thought get in the way of the need to publicly, once again, express disdain for an entire group of people and their way of life? That would require emotional maturity, and we just can't have that! One has a reputation to live up to, after all.

... Fahrenheit is a way of life?

Silver Crusade

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Je ne regrette rien, wayward colonials.

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