Paizo Advantage and Subscription Updates

Thursday, June 27, 2019

It’s rare for Paizo to make changes to its subscription program, but with the release of Pathfinder Second Edition on the horizon, we’re taking this opportunity to make some improvements. Here’s what will happen:

Paizo Advantage: The 15% discount remains, but how you get it changes. You need to subscribe to 4 product lines to become eligible, but you can mix and match both Pathfinder and Starfinder subscriptions. Your discount starts after your 4th subscription has been charged to your account.

Current Pathfinder Adventure Path subscribers keep their 15% discount. If you ever cancel your subscription, you need to meet the new criteria for the Paizo Advantage to get the discount.

It’s not too late! If you subscribe to the Pathfinder Adventure Path before July 3, and receive Pathfinder AP #144 as part of your subscription, you’ll lock in the 15% Paizo Advantage discount!

New—Society Bonus: If you have 4 subscriptions, you get your choice of either the Pathfinder Society Scenarios or the Starfinder Society Scenarios for free. If you have 6 subscriptions, you get both.

Free PDFs: No change; these remain part of the subscription program.

Subscription Changes: The following subscriptions are changing to better reflect their contents under Second Edition:

  • Lost Omens (formerly Pathfinder Campaign Setting) is your home for the Golarion line, including the Lost Omens World Guide, Lost Omens Character Guide, and future hardcover releases. The Lost Omens subscription offers players and GMs the same kind of content found in the previous Campaign Setting line, but its larger, less frequent hardcover books examine their topics in even greater depth.
  • Pathfinder Adventure (formerly Pathfinder Modules) contains all the great standalone adventures you’re looking for. The first release is the Fall of Plaguestone, and we expect this line to have 2–3 releases each year.
  • Pathfinder Accessories is a new line containing products like the Combat Pad, Condition Cards, GM Screen, Critical Hit Deck, Critical Fumble Deck, and more.
  • Player Companion is cancelled. You’ll find that material in the Lost Omens line now. The last book for this line was Chronicle of Legends.

Thanks again for supporting Paizo through your subscriptions to the Pathfinder, Starfinder, and Adventure Card Game product lines!

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Hi, when you want to subscribe to Pathfinder Adventure Path and you want to start with Pathfinder Adventure Path # 145: Hellknight Hill (Age of Ashes 1 of 6) it always stays as if you started with Pathfinder Adventure Path # 144: Midwives to Death (Tyrant's Grasp 6 of 6).

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4 subscriptions for products I may or may not want. Easier to go through Amazon, and much cheaper.

Liberty's Edge

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber; Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber
Adam Jung wrote:
So, if I have, say, 6 subscriptions, in addition to PFS and SFS, I should discontinue the Society subscriptions? Or will I automatically not be charged? Does that work?

I would assume that we would automatically not be charged, but it is better to ask.

Silver Crusade

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Pathfinder Maps, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
vyruxx wrote:
Hi, when you want to subscribe to Pathfinder Adventure Path and you want to start with Pathfinder Adventure Path # 145: Hellknight Hill (Age of Ashes 1 of 6) it always stays as if you started with Pathfinder Adventure Path # 144: Midwives to Death (Tyrant's Grasp 6 of 6).

Hey Vyruxx, this is a known bug, and the best thing to do is either send an email to customer service at or make your own thread in the customer support forum, and the CS team can get you sorted out. They're a bit undermanned at the moment and very busy, so it may take them a bit. Alternatively, you can call them at (425) 250-0800 between 10 am and 5 pm Pacific time.

Shadow Lodge

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You say that Lost Omens contains what was the Campaign Settings books, and that Player Companion is discontinued. While it's nice that setting info is continuing, it's mostly useful for GM's. Players just want the feats and gear (etc), which is mostly in the companions. You're saying that now they'll have to buy these bigger books that have a lot of content they don't really care about to get to the player options? That seems a bit unfair.

Pathfinder Starfinder Society Subscriber

The new line varies in amount of player content vs. GM content. For example, the 2nd book in the series (The Lost Omens Character Guide) is heavily player focused from what I have read.

But this is far better than the old Campaign Setting line that twice a year would send out map folios as part of the subscription.

Pathfinder Starfinder Society Subscriber
Vexies wrote:
David knott 242 wrote:
First World Bard wrote:
Vexies wrote:
Ok so here is the million dollar question I am wondering in regards to the grandfathering Paizo advantage. I sub'd to the Pathfinder Adventure Path a few weeks ago and requested that it start with only the 2nd edition items. IF I however want you to let it start as it would have with issue #144 will I then be considered grandfathered in as this post says? I would have beeen subscribed before July 3rd. In my particular case it makes financial sense even though I am picking up #144 in addition to the First book. The main advantage I am looking for here is the financial freedom to keep my Pathfinder advantage so long as I remain subbed to the Pathfinder Adventure path without necessarily having to keep 4 subs if my finances require that I drop one from time to time. (I have no plans too but its a nice perk to have)
I'm in the same exact boat, need to decide if I should take #144 after all.

That seems to be exactly what Diego said in his correction. I am actually surprised that more people aren't doing exactly what the two of you are saying here. I thought I would see a lot more people reversing their requested removals of #144 from their new Pathfinder AP subscriptions by now. Yes, there is now good reason to ensure that #144 be included in your new subscription before they run the auths on July 3rd.

I agree this does sound like what he was saying but I wanted to confirm as there was a miscommunication before. If this is indeed true that allowing Adventure Path #144 to be sent along with #145 will lock in my Paizo Advantage discount, grandfathering it in to work as it has before this change then I would very much like to have my Adventure Path subscription changed back to allow it to do so.

To cover all of your bases, the best thing to do is probably to start a new thread in Customer Service like this one.

the 15% is gained if you are already a module subscriber?

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber
thistledown wrote:
Players just want the feats and gear (etc), which is mostly in the companions.

Based on the information to date, this is how I would look at the statement I quoted.

"Players just want the feats and gear (etc), which is mostly in the [Lost Omens guides]."

Pathfinder Starfinder Society Subscriber
Telerin Quenya wrote:
the 15% is gained if you are already a module subscriber?

This subscription is the one that is grandfathered in as a sole source for Paizo Advantage, not this one.

Trying to make sense of it it my head,
If I am already an AP subscriber, I could keep that, get Lost Omens and still get the 15% and not have to worry about picking up the other 2? I wouldn't get the PFS Scenarios but that is not a big thing for me.

I originally misspoke, I am an AP subscriber and not a module subscriber

Pathfinder Starfinder Society Subscriber
Telerin Quenya wrote:

Trying to make sense of it it my head,

If I am already an AP subscriber, I could keep that, get Lost Omens and still get the 15% and not have to worry about picking up the other 2? I wouldn't get the PFS Scenarios but that is not a big thing for me.

I originally misspoke, I am an AP subscriber and not a module subscriber

Yes, barring some fresh word on the matter from Paizo, you have avoided that mad scramble of people who started up Pathfinder AP subscriptions for PF2, got customer service to remove volume 6 of the Tyrant's Grasp so they could start fresh with Age of Ashes, and now want that last volume back in for Paizo Advantage.

Grand Lodge

I would love to get some subscriptions but it is distressing that y'all refuse to state a fixed cost or at least provide a cost ceiling. Is it that hard to post a subscription cost or at least let the customer know what that can expect to be shelling out? I am not exactly poor but I expect to know costs before I commit to buying something.

3 people marked this as a favorite.
Mitmir wrote:
I would love to get some subscriptions but it is distressing that y'all refuse to state a fixed cost or at least provide a cost ceiling. Is it that hard to post a subscription cost or at least let the customer know what that can expect to be shelling out? I am not exactly poor but I expect to know costs before I commit to buying something.

There's no cost for a subscription, per se; you just pay cover price (minus a percentage, if you have Pathfinder Advantage or an AP sub) for each product as it comes out.

That's, for example, 12 AP volumes a year, usually one a month, though occasionally the schedule may slip and you'll get two at a time. Rulebooks and Modules aim for three books a year, which you'll pay in the months they release. Lost Omens and accessories may have a less stable release schedule.

AP volumes have the same cost for each volume; right now, it's $24.99, minus the 30% for a subscription is $17.49. Other lines vary a bit, depending on the size of the book/item. Shipping can be expensive for large/heavy items like the Core Rulebook, particularly if you're shipping outside the US.

Every month, you will receive an e-mail a week or so before subscriptions are set to run letting you know what items are included and how much the total cost plus shipping will be. You can cancel a subscription at any time if you don't want the next item.

Mitmir wrote:
I would love to get some subscriptions but it is distressing that y'all refuse to state a fixed cost or at least provide a cost ceiling. Is it that hard to post a subscription cost or at least let the customer know what that can expect to be shelling out? I am not exactly poor but I expect to know costs before I commit to buying something.

That is a good point.

David knott 242 wrote:
Telerin Quenya wrote:

Trying to make sense of it it my head,

If I am already an AP subscriber, I could keep that, get Lost Omens and still get the 15% and not have to worry about picking up the other 2? I wouldn't get the PFS Scenarios but that is not a big thing for me.

I originally misspoke, I am an AP subscriber and not a module subscriber

Yes, barring some fresh word on the matter from Paizo, you have avoided that mad scramble of people who started up Pathfinder AP subscriptions for PF2, got customer service to remove volume 6 of the Tyrant's Grasp so they could start fresh with Age of Ashes, and now want that last volume back in for Paizo Advantage.

Thank you

Pathfinder LO Special Edition, Maps, Pathfinder Accessories, PF Special Edition Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Starfinder Superscriber

Hm. Is this "scenarios are free" for certain subscribers thing new with 2E? I got the impression from some postings on the site that *before* 2E, some folks were entitled to/getting PFS (at least) scenarios for free. I'm not and never have been, though I've got most, if not all, of the PF1 product line subs. I did sub to the scenario lines, both PFS and SFS, some time ago, but afaik I've always been charged for them.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
Ed Reppert wrote:
Hm. Is this "scenarios are free" for certain subscribers thing new with 2E? I got the impression from some postings on the site that *before* 2E, some folks were entitled to/getting PFS (at least) scenarios for free. I'm not and never have been, though I've got most, if not all, of the PF1 product line subs. I did sub to the scenario lines, both PFS and SFS, some time ago, but afaik I've always been charged for them.

Starfinder superscribers like myself have been getting free SFS scenarios since the game launched two years ago. However, no such thing existed for Pathfinder subscribers and PFS until now. Perhaps you are thinking of the free scenarios that Venture-Officers get so they can run them for their lodges?

Pathfinder LO Special Edition, Maps, Pathfinder Accessories, PF Special Edition Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Starfinder Superscriber

Nope. Hm. What makes a Starfinder Supersubscriber?

Accessories + Maps + Rules + AP.

It may well be cheaper for you to add the maps subscription - you’ll then get the SFS subscription free.

EDIT: no wait. In the new scheme you get both PFS and SFS subs free if you’ve got six other eligible subs. Maybe you no longer need maps.

Steve Geddes wrote:
EDIT: no wait. In the new scheme you get both PFS and SFS subs free if you’ve got six other eligible subs. Maybe you no longer need maps.

This. You used to need those particular four subs, but now you just need any four (or six).

With what you have now, Ed, you should get both scenario lines for free starting next month.

I don't think I missed it, but the new accessories subscription: do any of the old subscriptions automatically convert over to that one? I subscribe to the cards and pawns, do those convert over to the accessories automatically?

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Bidmaron wrote:
I don't think I missed it, but the new accessories subscription: do any of the old subscriptions automatically convert over to that one? I subscribe to the cards and pawns, do those convert over to the accessories automatically?

According to this thread,

Paizo Customer Service wrote:

The Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Pawns, and Pathfinder Battles subscriptions will continue to deliver maps, pawns, and prepainted plastic miniatures (respectively) useful for any edition of any fantasy roleplaying game.

The Pathfinder Cards subscriptions is no longer available—its last new release was in June 2015. For P2, cards will be part of the new Pathfinder Accessory subscription launching in the coming weeks.

So, your Pawns subscription will continue, but if you want to get more cards, you'll have to subscribe to the Accessories line; it won't automatically transition.

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Ok so.. here is the problem I foresee with the whole July 3rd Deadline. I and others who have had their Adventure path sub start with onl 2nd edition stuff who would want to have to instead start with issue 144 are in a tight spot timing wise. I have put a post up in the Customer Service forum the day I saw this but with a 5 working day back log for responses it doesnt look like my issue will get addressed in time. I hope they allow for that in that deadline.

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Vexies wrote:
Ok so.. here is the problem I foresee with the whole July 3rd Deadline. I and others who have had their Adventure path sub start with onl 2nd edition stuff who would want to have to instead start with issue 144 are in a tight spot timing wise. I have put a post up in the Customer Service forum the day I saw this but with a 5 working day back log for responses it doesnt look like my issue will get addressed in time. I hope they allow for that in that deadline.

I’m pretty confident they will. I suspect they’ll be ploughing through the forums looking for just that situation. You asked before the deadline and I’m sure they’ll respect that if they don’t get to you in time.

Pathfinder LO Special Edition, Maps, Pathfinder Accessories, PF Special Edition Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Starfinder Superscriber
Steve Geddes wrote:

Accessories + Maps + Rules + AP.

It may well be cheaper for you to add the maps subscription - you’ll then get the SFS subscription free.

EDIT: no wait. In the new scheme you get both PFS and SFS subs free if you’ve got six other eligible subs. Maybe you no longer need maps.

When SF debuted, I started all four of those subs. I cancelled maps last year — November, I think. As far as I remember, I've always paid for SFS (and PFS) scenarios. <shrug>

As I read it, no, I don't need the SF maps sub.

Pathfinder Starfinder Society Subscriber

In my case, it is the Starfinder Accessories subscription that is on the chopping block, as my group prefers to use minis rather than pawns.

Ed Reppert wrote:
Steve Geddes wrote:

Accessories + Maps + Rules + AP.

It may well be cheaper for you to add the maps subscription - you’ll then get the SFS subscription free.

EDIT: no wait. In the new scheme you get both PFS and SFS subs free if you’ve got six other eligible subs. Maybe you no longer need maps.

When SF debuted, I started all four of those subs. I cancelled maps last year — November, I think. As far as I remember, I've always paid for SFS (and PFS) scenarios. <shrug>

As I read it, no, I don't need the SF maps sub.

That was answering the question “ what makes a Starfinder Superscriber?” You need to add maps to get that tag.

But yeah, you’ll get SFS for free now without needing to be a SF Superscriber.

Pathfinder LO Special Edition, Maps, Pathfinder Accessories, PF Special Edition Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Starfinder Superscriber

Well, yeah. Honestly, I can't remember if my forum tag ever said I was a SF Superscriber, even when I had all four of those subs. Not that it matters. :-)

*checking my tags* huh. I'm a Charter Superscriber now?
But I'm not subscribed to the Accessories line, according to my subscription page. That seems strange.

Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber; Starfinder Charter Superscriber

Interesting, My tags seem to have moved around a bit too. Previously, my Pathfinder Comics, Pathfinder Legends and Pathfinder Tales, I believe, subscription were called out individually. None of these are listed now on my Account, so I guess they are all finally canceled. Only the Pathfinder Companion Subscription is now listed individually and no longer part of the Paizo Superscriber tag, and it's probably going away soon, too.

So what line will we need to subscribe to to get more of the generic, non campaign specific books (like the old Ultimate Books?)

Telerin Quenya wrote:
So what line will we need to subscribe to to get more of the generic, non campaign specific books (like the old Ultimate Books?)


Silver Crusade

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Zaister wrote:
Interesting, My tags seem to have moved around a bit too. Previously, my Pathfinder Comics, Pathfinder Legends and Pathfinder Tales, I believe, subscription were called out individually. None of these are listed now on my Account, so I guess they are all finally canceled. Only the Pathfinder Companion Subscription is now listed individually and no longer part of the Paizo Superscriber tag, and it's probably going away soon, too.



I didn't tell ya you could take those!

*throws self to floor pounding and kicking*

Joana wrote:
Telerin Quenya wrote:
So what line will we need to subscribe to to get more of the generic, non campaign specific books (like the old Ultimate Books?)

Thank you! The Rulebook line does not count towards the 4 subscriptions?

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Just want to say, thanks for grandfathering in current AP subscribers to the discount. I sub to the Pathfinder AP line and my partner subscribes to the Starfinder AP line, but nothing else because we can't always dedicate a set amount of money every month. So we pick up everything else on a piecemeal basis as finances allow. It's really nice that I don't have to lose the advantage discount because of that!

Telerin Quenya wrote:
Joana wrote:
Telerin Quenya wrote:
So what line will we need to subscribe to to get more of the generic, non campaign specific books (like the old Ultimate Books?)
Thank you! The Rulebook line does not count towards the 4 subscriptions?

It does, yes.

Changes to Subscriptions email wrote:

All of the following subscriptions qualify towards the Paizo Advantage:

Pathfinder Rulebook (formerly Roleplaying Game)
Pathfinder Adventure Path
Pathfinder Adventure (formerly Modules)
Pathfinder Lost Omens (formerly Campaign Setting)
Pathfinder Maps
Pathfinder Accessories
Starfinder Roleplaying Game
Starfinder Adventure Path
Starfinder Maps
Starfinder Accessories

Customer Service Representative

8 people marked this as a favorite.

It looks like other folks have correctly answered answered the questions that came up over the weekend. I just wanted to add that Steve is correct. If you have contacted us before the July 3 date and we don't get to it, we will still honor the request. Virginia and me have prioritized these requests and are working through them in the inbox right now. We will also be going over the boards for them. CS is down to just the 2 of us for the next few days. Virginia is being a superhero on this, and I am doing as much as I can as fast as I can between meetings and all that. Please bear with us.


1 person marked this as a favorite.
Diego Valdez wrote:
It looks like other folks have correctly answered answered the questions that came up over the weekend. I just wanted to add that Steve is correct. If you have contacted us before the July 3 date and we don't get to it, we will still honor the request. Virginia and me have prioritized these requests and are working through them in the inbox right now. We will also be going over the boards for them. CS is down to just the 2 of us for the next few days. Virginia is being a superhero on this, and I am doing as much as I can as fast as I can between meetings and all that. Please bear with us.

Thank you both for your hard work!

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

Well I have seven subs, so I'm not worried. It's all the same to me...

Make that six...

Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

Zaister wrote:
Interesting, My tags seem to have moved around a bit too. Previously, my Pathfinder Comics, Pathfinder Legends and Pathfinder Tales, I believe, subscription were called out individually. None of these are listed now on my Account, so I guess they are all finally canceled. Only the Pathfinder Companion Subscription is now listed individually and no longer part of the Paizo Superscriber tag, and it's probably going away soon, too.

We're still shuffling a few things around with respect to superscriber tags.

Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Kaiyu wrote:
Do the free PDFs included with the subscriptions still apply discounts to synced Fantasy Grounds purchases?

The system just cares that your account has the PDFs—it doesn't care whether you paid full price, received them as a subscriber benefit, or whatever.

Kaiyu wrote:
Does the content from the maps and tokens packs normally get published into Fantasy Grounds, and do those same PDF discounts apply?

The digital partner discount for owning the PDF doesn't apply to standalone maps and other accessories—just rules, adventure, and setting materials. However, I believe that SmiteWorks is thus far only doing maps and such as part of Fantasy Grounds Adventure Path products.

Liberty's Edge

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber; Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber
Zaister wrote:
Interesting, My tags seem to have moved around a bit too. Previously, my Pathfinder Comics, Pathfinder Legends and Pathfinder Tales, I believe, subscription were called out individually. None of these are listed now on my Account, so I guess they are all finally canceled. Only the Pathfinder Companion Subscription is now listed individually and no longer part of the Paizo Superscriber tag, and it's probably going away soon, too.

Yes, it's the same for me. Interestingly, the "missing" subscriptions just disappeared, while Planet Stories is still listed as an inactive subscription in my account.

Owner - House of Books and Games LLC

Vic Wertz wrote:
Zaister wrote:
Interesting, My tags seem to have moved around a bit too. Previously, my Pathfinder Comics, Pathfinder Legends and Pathfinder Tales, I believe, subscription were called out individually. None of these are listed now on my Account, so I guess they are all finally canceled. Only the Pathfinder Companion Subscription is now listed individually and no longer part of the Paizo Superscriber tag, and it's probably going away soon, too.
We're still shuffling a few things around with respect to superscriber tags.

Yep, mine moved around the same way (though they were oddly different from other people ... sometimes). Of course, these days the only way to see them is from my profile page :)

Sovereign Court

Just for clarification: if we subscribe on July 3rd, does that count?

Customer Service Representative

Hello Nightdrifter,

You have up until we run the auth technically. We will be doing that very soon though.

Sovereign Court

Diego Valdez wrote:

Hello Nightdrifter,

You have up until we run the auth technically. We will be doing that very soon though.

K, thanks. Did it a few hours ago so hopefully should be good.

Liberty's Edge

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber; Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber
Nikosandros wrote:
Adam Jung wrote:
So, if I have, say, 6 subscriptions, in addition to PFS and SFS, I should discontinue the Society subscriptions? Or will I automatically not be charged? Does that work?
I would assume that we would automatically not be charged, but it is better to ask.

We have the answer. My Pathfinder Society subscription has switched to "complimentary" automatically.

Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber; Starfinder Charter Superscriber

The "My Subscription" page looks nice and updated now. My Pathfinder Society and Starfinder Society subs are now marked as "complimentary" (thanks!).

The only thing that's still to change, I guess, is the Pathfinder Player Companion sub, which is still listed among the active subscriptions and shows that the next volume to ship will be the Second Darkness Player Guide, which actually was the first book in that product line.

Pathfinder LO Special Edition, Maps, Pathfinder Accessories, PF Special Edition Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Starfinder Superscriber

The "my Subscriptions" page, for me, lists PFS Scenario 2-23 and SFS Scenarios 2-03 and 2-04 as upcoming subscriptions at full price. No indication of anything being "complimentary". Like Zaister, I still have the PC sub listed as active, though the "next product" listed is "Chronicle of Legends", which I already have.

Also, my PF Accessories sub, which I started about nine days ago, is not list among my active subs, although the GM Screen, character sheet pack, combat pad and condition card deck are in my sidecart, marked as subscription items.

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