Pathfinder Society Second Edition Preview: Envoys' Alliance & Verdant Wheel

Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Two weeks ago, we introduced the idea of major and minor factions, as well as unveiled our first two factions: the Horizon Hunters and Radiant Oath! There's a lot of great information in that blog about our approach to factions, choosing leaders, and more, so definitely check it out. On Saturday at PaizoCon we teased the next two factions, and today we're formally introducing them at last. Let's get to it!

Envoys' Alliance (Major Faction)

Being a Pathfinder's dangerous work. Travel comes with its own dangers, traps seem to be everywhere, and just about everything seems ready to eat aspiring agents. What's more, the Pathfinder Society has spent the last decade increasingly engaged in major conflicts, each of which saw extraordinary rewards yet also loss of life. After virtually nonstop campaigns, the Society's roster is sorely depleted. The Envoys' Alliance aims to change that, making the Society every stronger, better trained, and better supported.

Faction Leader: Once the envoy of an Ekujae elven community in the Mwangi Expanse, Fola Barun (N female half-elf [Ekujae]) came into contact with and later joined the Pathfinder Society through a field commission. She quickly established herself as an attentive leader whose even-keeled, professional approach not only expanded the Society's understanding of the mighty Vanji River, but also helped devastate the Aspis Consortium's predatory operations along that route. Having never trained at the Grand Lodge or absorbed the conventional Society wisdom imparted to initiates, she was appalled upon first reaching Absalom and learning of the many counts of negligence of the past century. She's brought a fresh approach to recruitment and supporting agents in the field, which often sees her collaborating (and occasionally clashing) with the three deans.

Objectives: The Envoys' Alliance is dedicated to recruiting new agents, rescuing Pathfinders in distress, and rebuilding the Society in a way that supports and values the operatives' lives and wellbeing—at least as much as one can in the adventuring world. Through collaboration, the Society can accomplish ever-greater feats—particularly with a powerful faction to advocate for the Pathfinders themselves when tasked with the Grand Lodge's latest projects.

Verdant Wheel (Minor Faction)

No matter how many forbidding jungles, grassy plains, and untamed hills agents scout, the Pathfinder Society is not strictly a nature-oriented organization. Even so, nature enthusiasts of all stripes—from grizzled trackers to bright-eyed ecologists to tenacious druids—gravitate to the Society for the opportunities to witness natural wonders, catalog new species, and better protect the world's pristine realms. The call for a united voice has only grown over the years, and the evolution of the Pathfinder Society provides a perfect opportunity to name this organization: the Verdant Wheel. This faction has a particular fondness for sensing patterns and cycles, such as that of creation and destruction, as exemplified by new growth sprouting from a fire-ravaged field. Yet even those intent on preserving that which exists can find a welcome home here.

Faction Leader: Nobody entirely agrees on where Urwal (NG male lizardfolk) came from, though one Pathfinder admits to having encountered him in Varisia several years ago and being accosted about a copy of the Pathfinder Chronicles containing misleading information. Flustered, the Pathfinder told Urwal that if he were so upset, he could visit the Grand Lodge and file a complaint. In 4718 AR, Master of Scrolls Kreighton Shaine entered his locked office to find Urwal waiting there with five heavily edited volumes of the Pathfinder Chronicles, a stack of supporting documentation, and a disappointed glower. "These are full of errors. I question that your agents even traveled to these places. I will bring more; the stars foresee it," declared the lizardfolk before clambering up a wall and out the window.

After finding Urwal reorganizing neglected entomology collections, correcting placards on a collection of Mwangi artifacts, and painting astrological charts on a Grand Lodge walkway—all helpful yet cryptically explained—the three deans decided it more prudent to recognize Urwal's esoteric knowledge and benign infiltration by granting him a field commission that the lizardfolk's never formally accepted. That he's since organized a cohort of nature enthusiasts as the Verdant Wheel befuddles the Society's leadership, especially given nobody's yet figured out where he came from (even his agents, who maintain ongoing bets about his origins). For all his eccentricities, he is a compassionate mentor who encourages his colleagues to seek out natures greatest wonders and most humble treasures, understand them, and protect them in the way each agent deems best.

Objectives: The Verdant Wheel has no single vision of what it means to preserve nature, leaving it to an individual's interpretation and the region's unique circumstances to determine the best course of action. Agents travel far and wide to study the strange and pristine—journeys often bring them into conflict with undead, fiends, and aberrations. And most of all, the faction is a home for those who revel in the glories of nature in their many forms—even the occasional alien landscape beyond Golarion itself.

We're so excited to see these factions in action. We'll be previewing the last two factions—the two remaining major factions—in July, plus many other previews in the weeks to come!

John Compton
Organized Play Lead Developer

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Shadow Lodge 4/5

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Sebastian Hirsch wrote:
BigNorseWolf wrote:
Paul Jackson wrote:
just poured salt into the wound.
that was a different scenario, with the army syste. ow ow ow couldn't resist ow ow ow i feel your pain...
Yes, but it made the scenario where you recruited the dwarven salt mining clan that much more important... and the whole expedition would surely have failed without the craft service table army.

And without that offering we never would have recruited the priest of Salt-renrae.

Paizo Employee 4/5 Organized Play Lead Developer

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Paul Jackson wrote:
@John - I've never seen a comment (I may well have missed it, of course) stating that Paizo thinks the Torch storyline went badly. For all I know at least some people in Paizo think it was a wonderful storyline that went very well, the fact that it pissed off so many of us just shows how succesful it all was. I've certainly seen non Paizo employees who think that.

Although I've expressed my feelings on Grandmaster Torch's Season 4 developments before, I suspect it's scattered across these messageboards, Facebook groups, public Discord discussions, interviews, venture-captain dinners, and face-to-face discussions with various folks. Despite my not trying to hide those views, those comments are spread out over the course of about six years and can be easy to miss depending on when and where someone's looking.

How Grandmaster Torch's actions played out in Season 4 are as complicated as the team's view on how those events went. There's no lack of "These events have resulted in two or more very passionate interpretations of Grandmaster Torch." There's a solid amount of "We'd probably not do that in quite the same way if we were doing that storyline today." There's also a good amount of "Even if we'd have approached this differently, there's a lot of good story potential that's come from it, so let's feature Torch in ways that ideally lead to a powerful and satisfactory conclusion." Above all, though, there's an ongoing attention to the narrative, intent on building from that canonical event (rather than trying to sweep it under some Retcon Rug), and readiness to learn from what went well and what didn't.

Each scenario doesn't just provide a fun opportunity to tell a story and play a game for 4 hours. It's also an opportunity for the authors and developers to try new things, learn from feedback (especially product reviews), grow as professionals, and produce ever-better content. And I see that in myself as well as in each of my fellow organized play developers. In general, we're open to discussing storylines in any of the media I mentioned in the first paragraph above—at least so long as that discussion is constructive, engaged in good faith, and isn't an attack on authors or staff. Once someone crosses those lines, I have to disengage or seek moderation, depending on the circumstance.

The Exchange 4/5 5/5

One of the things I like best about the whole “minor faction” idea is that the developers can introduce a new minor faction to drive a Society metaplot rather than using an existing one. Most of the common complaints about PFS1 factions can be traced to the way the factions careened from one focus to another. Very few stayed firm on “this is what we are about” for more than a couple of years.

If Season 2’s focus is on Molthune - introduce a Nirmathi Irregulars minor faction for that season. Season 3 is exploring Casmaron, with a final push to the ruins of Ninshabur? Sarenrite minor faction. Once they complete their goal (season is done) they fade away. If it’s known from the beginning “we’re here to do one thing then leave” then expectations can be met. Keeping the major factions static will prevent the whipsawing of motivations that frustrated some people.

Sovereign Court 4/5 5/5 ** Venture-Lieutenant, Netherlands—Leiden

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I think Fola could work out just fine as a leader. She has a reasonable enough cause to start with.

It would be extremely disappointing if "she went Torch". Mostly, because we've already done that one.

I'm curious what kind of stories will be built around her. "The system mostly working" isn't a thrilling story premise. "Fixing the same problems as last time" isn't either, nor is "fixing things that don't really seem to change things".

It would however be very cool if we had some scenarios where her faction is involved in changing some classic bad policies of PFS1, and henceforth the difference is really noticeable in following scenarios.

This is tricky though. Really, since S5, the amount of extreme moronism among NPC VCs has gone down drastically. Mostly, they're being helpful, trying to set you up for success. In the very early seasons, it seemed like VCs were artificially dumb to justify the emergence of the shadow lodge. I don't want to go back to that.

I think Fola needs an agenda beyond "reform", because it'll be hard to write a lot of interesting reform stories.

3/5 *

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I like Fola. I also think it might be pretty epic if we get some "Body Retrieval" style missions from her. I know my folks always love to make jokes about pathfinders who's job it is to get their bodies back from entirely unreasonable places all at the low price of 5 prestige. "My body was dragged by a scorpian/squid/tree/thing through a portal to a dark unknown universe? Who's the guy who gets to retrieve it for 5 prestige?"

Liberty's Edge 5/5 *** Venture-Captain, Missouri—Cape Girardeau

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Sebastian Hirsch wrote:
Also, when did lizardfolk become such a big deal? They will be one of the early playable factions, but I am pretty sure that a lot of players are looking forward to other races.

I'm with you on this. So far for PF 2E, we've seen Paizo embrace Goblins and Lizardfolk, and in PF 1E we had a menagerie of creatures available as open-source for character creation (Tengu, Nagajai, Wayang, Kitsune, Oread, Sylph, Ifrit, and Undine, and--for a short period--Tieflings and Aasimar). What about Kobolds?

It has been established that the Pathfinder Society has ties to a tribe of Kobolds (the Sewer Dragons), first featured in the FIRST EVER Quest of Society play, and then in a series of scenarios--one of which let you play as a Kobold pregen. When are Kobolds gonna get some respect?

Liberty's Edge 1/5 5/5

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A purple-flecked grey-scaled kobold True Dragon steps forth and clears their throat.

"The True Dragons of Absalom, as embodied by the Sewer Dragons, have been very focused on maintaining their ties to the Pathfinder Society, even when it sometimes feels like we have been forgotten, or when dear friends have wandered off.
Even so, it hurt a bit to see the ruffians of the wild -- the 'goblins', as you would -- become adopted into the ranks in a more comprehensive and broad-based fashion.
We can provide order and direction as well as our specialized skillwork in a far more encompassing fashion... but only if we are given the chance to Do So.
Please let us help you help us help you. This is how the snarls work, and it would provide a strength to the Society that will help it grow in the ages to come.
Thank you for your time."

They then bow politely and withdraw to the shadows.

Silver Crusade 5/5 5/5 **

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I'd like to again sincerely apologize for originally stating my opinion in too harsh a manner. Hopefully what follows is MUCH more constructive.

I still (really strongly :-)) feel that the "betrayal by somebody you trust" story has been done and that it really should not be done again for quite awhile (if ever). Oh, betrayal by minor characters is fine, people with their own agenda is fine. But not betrayal by a faction head that we've been told to trust (nobody sane would be that surprised if Zarta Draleen betrayed the society :-). But we've pretty much been told straight out that she is evil.)

I do agree with some people above. Paizo has been doing a wonderful job of changing the way that the Society treats its agents and in portraying its Venture Captains. Heck, I've even decided that Sheila Heidmarch has basically redeemed herself :-). There are now quite a few Venture Captains that my characters actively like (for different reasons. They still seem like individuals and not just cookie cutter outlines).

I'd like to see the Envoys Alliance end up in ethically complicated situations where the right course really isn't totally clear. Cases where reasonable, good people can disagree as to what should be done while still retaining their respect for others who came to a difficult conclusion. So, I'd like to see missions with the Envoys Alliance being ones where the group has to make decisions, and the decisions at the table guide the Alliance in game. And, of course, situations where EITHER choice can lead to success in the mission, ideally in different ways (players learn VERY quickly when choices are fake and only one leads to success).

Now, that is going to be very hard to do well but you're professionals and hopefully up to the challenge (no smiley, by and large you DO write good stories).

I also agree that body reclamation missions could be a lot of fun :-). I wouldn't want to see that as the only types of missions but a couple a season would be great.

Dark Archive 4/5 *** Venture-Agent, Finland—Tampere

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I think Paizo just remembered that lizardfolk have always had the "in ancient days, they had high culture just like most of other reptilian humanoids" thing in flavor and its never really been explored. Like I can't think of any ancient lizardfolk cities outside one pathfinder tales book

The Exchange 4/5

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As I read through the torch comments, I kept thinking, what an awesome novel that would make. I would pay more than the normal price for a chance to read his history and how he "fell". I couldn't help but think, now this would truly be a moving story filled with tears and anger. Oh well

Scarab Sages 5/5 5/5 *** Venture-Captain, Netherlands

NightTrace wrote:

Yeah, kinda like that. Lizardfolk are a thing in Pathfinder already but they have had very little emphasis placed on them, and in "D&D"/"TTRPG"s in general they have a tendency to be background antagonists that don't get a lot of focus outside of tribal levels normally.

Deciding to put a new emphasis on a humanoid race that doesn't have a lot of existing canonical baggage within the system or historical stereotypes from other IPs makes them an engaging choice as a writer. They're not an explicit blank slate, but they're open enough to interpretation that you can make them your own. :)

In the Kingmaker campaign we have an alliance with the local lizardmen tribe.

Second Seekers (Luwazi Elsebo) 4/5 5/55/5 *** Venture-Lieutenant, Tennessee—Cookeville

GM_Starson wrote:
I like Fola. I also think it might be pretty epic if we get some "Body Retrieval" style missions from her. I know my folks always love to make jokes about pathfinders who's job it is to get their bodies back from entirely unreasonable places all at the low price of 5 prestige. "My body was dragged by a scorpian/squid/tree/thing through a portal to a dark unknown universe? Who's the guy who gets to retrieve it for 5 prestige?"

Yea, this would be wonderful to do. Always wanted to see how it would be to be apart of body retrievals. Would love to have a "timed" mission with those, like having 24 hours to get the bodies back and what not.

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Son of the Sea wrote:
Alex Augunas wrote:

Lizardfolk faction leader is best faction leader!

I am looking forward to seeing the REPORT faction, considering we already have EXPLORE and COOPERATE. :)

I was thinking the same thing. Also wondering what the fourth (implicit) pillar is. Leading candidates are PUBLISH, DRINK, and MURDER.

PFS: Publish or Perish

(Though the joke might work a little better reversed: "Perish or Publish")

As for the factions: hooray for unions!, and the intro of the nature guy has me cackling. Really looking forward to PF2PFS.

Liberty's Edge 1/5 **

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber
Tineke Bolleman wrote:
In the Kingmaker campaign we have an alliance with the local lizardmen tribe.

For sure, and they show up kinda like that a handful of other places too, but the background doesn't really go beyond "local tribe" so the race as a whole is pretty unexplored which makes it a good place for content creation and new paths to write out :)

Liberty's Edge 1/5 **

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber
Kevin Willis wrote:

One of the things I like best about the whole “minor faction” idea is that the developers can introduce a new minor faction to drive a Society metaplot rather than using an existing one. Most of the common complaints about PFS1 factions can be traced to the way the factions careened from one focus to another. Very few stayed firm on “this is what we are about” for more than a couple of years.

I really think this is the biggest thing, I think it will allow PFS to have a much more natural story flow because the metaplots don't have to explicitly get pushed by a main faction, and it means that I can have character growth explored through this minor factions. I don't have to be a hardcore militant, but maybe over time my character gets a reason to go that direction, there are minor factions that will likely let me explore that without trying to juggle my primary faction assignment.

Plus, it means we can see some really cool chronicle sheet boons that hinge on our choices.

Scarab Sages 5/5 5/55/55/5

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Bellyrubs yet another scaly venture captain

Grand Lodge 4/5 5/55/55/55/5 **** Venture-Captain, Minnesota

6 people marked this as a favorite.
Jeff Morse wrote:
As I read through the torch comments, I kept thinking, what an awesome novel that would make. I would pay more than the normal price for a chance to read his history and how he "fell". I couldn't help but think, now this would truly be a moving story filled with tears and anger. Oh well

Torch's Story:
My PBP run of Salvation of the Sages had a lot of Torch flashbacks and, er, musical numbers. If you've already played that story, it might give you more insight.
Paul Jackson wrote:
I still (really strongly :-)) feel that the "betrayal by somebody you trust" story has been done and that it really should not be done again for quite awhile (if ever). Oh, betrayal by minor characters is fine, people with their own agenda is fine. But not betrayal by a faction head that we've been told to trust (nobody sane would be that surprised if Zarta Draleen betrayed the society :-). But we've pretty much been told straight out that she is evil.)

I believe that Zarta's no longer evil. She's had the most powerful redemption arc of any of the PFS VCs, and has been one of my favorite VCs overall. I do hope that Zarta continues to interact with us for a long time. I have loved watching her change and grow as a VC.


Dark Archive 4/5

Hilary Moon Murphy wrote:
Jeff Morse wrote:
As I read through the torch comments, I kept thinking, what an awesome novel that would make. I would pay more than the normal price for a chance to read his history and how he "fell". I couldn't help but think, now this would truly be a moving story filled with tears and anger. Oh well

** spoiler omitted **

Paul Jackson wrote:
I still (really strongly :-)) feel that the "betrayal by somebody you trust" story has been done and that it really should not be done again for quite awhile (if ever). Oh, betrayal by minor characters is fine, people with their own agenda is fine. But not betrayal by a faction head that we've been told to trust (nobody sane would be that surprised if Zarta Draleen betrayed the society :-). But we've pretty much been told straight out that she is evil.)

I believe that Zarta's no longer evil. She's had the most powerful redemption arc of any of the PFS VCs, and has been one of my favorite VCs overall. I do hope that Zarta continues to interact with us for a long time. I have loved watching her change and grow as a VC.


Kiroshka, half-orc paladin of Arshea, still believes in Zarta and will stay as close to her as needed to keep her on the proper path!

Silver Crusade 5/5 5/5 **

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Hilary Moon Murphy wrote:

I believe that Zarta's no longer evil. She's had the most powerful redemption arc of any of the PFS VCs, and has been one of my favorite VCs overall. I do hope that Zarta continues to interact with us for a long time. I have loved watching her change and grow as a VC.


I think I may have missed some of the scenarios with Zarta then (or something in them got seriously underplayed by the GM). I thought that she was still quite thoroughly evil.

My favourite redemption arc is actually Sheila Heidmarch. She has gone from a VC that I actively loathed to one I kind of sort of almost like :-)

Grand Lodge 4/5 5/55/55/55/5 **** Venture-Captain, Minnesota

9 people marked this as a favorite.

And so long as we're talking Torch...

♫ So my past was a little fraught
But I am not throwing away my shot
Hey, yo, I’m a product of the Ten
The bastards who chewed me up, spat me out and then
I gave ‘em as good as they got!

Graduated from Hard Luck’s own college.
I prob'ly shouldn't brag, but dag, I amaze and astonish.
The problem is I got a lot of brains but no polish.
I gotta holler just to be heard.
With every word, I drop knowledge!
I'm an Emerald freaking sage, broke and made whole
tryin' to reach my goal.
My power of speech: unimpeachable.
Only middle aged but my mind is older.
The Decemvirate’s glares get colder, I shoulder
ev'ry burden, ev'ry disadvantage
I have learned to manage, got half orc guards to brandish
Seekin’ secrets like one famished!

The plan is to fan my spark into a flame.
But damn, it's getting dark, so let me spell out the name
I am the—
The one and only G-M-T — meant to be
The broker that runs independently.
Meanwhile, the Ten keeps spittin' on us
Essentially, they vex me relentlessly
But this mission’s about more than just ME
We gotta set the all the Sage Jewels free
So there will be a revolution in this century.
Enter me!
(He says in parentheses)
Don't be shocked when your hist'ry book
mentions me.

I will lay down my life if it sets us free.
Eventually, you'll see my ascendancy
And I am not throwing away my shot.
My shot!
I am not throwing away my shot.
My shot! ♫

Source: Hamilton

3/5 **** Venture-Agent, Massachusetts—Boston Metro

Lau Bannenberg wrote:

I'm curious what kind of stories will be built around her. "The system mostly working" isn't a thrilling story premise. "Fixing the same problems as last time" isn't either, nor is "fixing things that don't really seem to change things".

We're an organization that may or may not have someone who was explicitly involved in an act genocide and modern day war crimes in charge of it. There is plenty of interesting things that you could do with that alone. Oooooo also.....

The prison.

Dark Archive 4/5 Venture-Captain, Online—VTT

Hilary Moon Murphy wrote:

I believe that Zarta's no longer evil. She's had the most powerful redemption arc of any of the PFS VCs, and has been one of my favorite VCs overall. I do hope that Zarta continues to interact with us for a long time. I have loved watching her change and grow as a VC.


Absolutely this, Zartas story from the early seasons to now has been fantastic. Of all the PF characters we've interacted with she has undergone by far the most believable changes in beliefs, personality and morals. I really hope (and feel confident she does) remain with us in some form since she's been such an iconic example of the good that the Society can do not only in the world but for its own members as well. Much as we have pathfinders going bad and making terrible choices, etc she's the rare opposite, like Valais, who has a redemption arc.

Second Seekers (Roheas) 4/5 5/55/55/55/5 ***** Regional Venture-Coordinator, Appalachia

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I miss when the Society was a Neutral organization.

Shadow Lodge 4/5

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1/5 5/5

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Douglas Edwards wrote:
I miss when the Society was a Neutral organization.

I came in towards the end of that, and am *glad* for the slight pivot towards 'not being an a-hat' for mission success.


Richard Lowe wrote:
Hilary Moon Murphy wrote:

I believe that Zarta's no longer evil. She's had the most powerful redemption arc of any of the PFS VCs, and has been one of my favorite VCs overall. I do hope that Zarta continues to interact with us for a long time. I have loved watching her change and grow as a VC.


Absolutely this, Zartas story from the early seasons to now has been fantastic. Of all the PF characters we've interacted with she has undergone by far the most believable changes in beliefs, personality and morals. I really hope (and feel confident she does) remain with us in some form since she's been such an iconic example of the good that the Society can do not only in the world but for its own members as well. Much as we have pathfinders going bad and making terrible choices, etc she's the rare opposite, like Valais, who has a redemption arc.

Like Paul said above, I really don't know where people are getting this from. Yes, I have seen a decrease in her expressions of decadence, since we don't get daily messages from her anymore, but where have you seen a change in her beliefs?

Dark Archive 4/5 Venture-Captain, Online—VTT

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Mimo Tomblebur wrote:

Like Paul said above, I really don't know where people are getting this from. Yes, I have seen a decrease in her expressions of decadence, since we don't get daily messages from her anymore, but where have you seen a change in her beliefs?

Fortress of the Nail is the turning point, her attitude changes from then onwards, her concern for the Society and Pathfinders becoming more and more common after the Dark Archive is formed and reaching a pitch in seasons 9 and 10 where she is actively taking steps and risking herself to protect other Pathfinders and the Society.

Sovereign Court 4/5 5/5 ** Venture-Lieutenant, Netherlands—Leiden

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Yeah, she goes from being a decadent Chelish functionary to being her own woman. I wouldn't say she becomes outright good, but definitely less simply evil.

Sovereign Court 4/5 Venture-Lieutenant, Illinois—Champaign-Urbana

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I've always liked Zarta but as a player I was slow to catch on as she evolved through Seasons 6-10. I've been trying to GM scenarios that feature her in the later seasons so I can read for myself how she's been described. I hope my portrayals of her through #10-08 do her justice and entertain and inform my players. IMO she had the most interesting and uplifting story arc of any faction leader in PFS1, and I hope we learn more about her personal journey in PFS2.

Grand Lodge 4/5 ** Venture-Agent, Colorado—Denver

I am liking the new factions so far. However, from a time-line perspective, does PFS 2 take place immediately after PFS 1 or is there a few years, a generation, or longer between systems to account for the introduction of new factions and playable races? I've been seeing Legacy boons on chronicles and am wondering how these will fit in with the old & new factions and our old & new PCs.

Grand Lodge 4/5

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Pathfinder Adventure, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

As far as I understand it, there is no more break between PFS2 and PFS1 than there was between PFS1 seasons. The final scenarios of PFS1 likely setup some upheaval that explains the new factions. (I can confirm that 10-98 has some big implications.)

Paizo Employee 4/5 Organized Play Lead Developer

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Christian Dragos wrote:
I am liking the new factions so far. However, from a time-line perspective, does PFS 2 take place immediately after PFS 1 or is there a few years, a generation, or longer between systems to account for the introduction of new factions and playable races? I've been seeing Legacy boons on chronicles and am wondering how these will fit in with the old & new factions and our old & new PCs.

There's not an especially noteworthy amount of time that passes between the final scenarios of the First Edition campaign and the first scenarios of the Second Edition campaign. One of the scenarios is very much in the wake of First Edition events, whereas a few others seem to take place a few weeks or months later.

Liberty's Edge

Late to the party.

I love Urwal.

I wonder if he is Old-Man Jatembe in disguise.

I wonder if Old-Man Jatembe was a lizard folk in disguise.

Dark Archive 3/5

This great cant wait to see it all

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
DM Snider wrote:
This great cant wait to see it all



Yeah, so, was the cryo-chamber?

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