Pathfinder Playtest at PaizoCon 2018!

Tuesday, April 24, 2018

The Pathfinder Playtest doesn't release until August, but attendees at PaizoCon 2018 will get a chance to see the evolution of Pathfinder in action!

Two of our popular Delve tables have been dedicated to running Playtest mini-adventures all weekend long. These 30-40 minute long games are designed to give you a taste of what's new in the Playtest. There is no registration for these delves, just stop by between 9:00 AM-6:00 PM Friday and Sunday, 9:00 AM-5:00 PM on Saturday, or 9:00 AM-1:00 PM on Monday. On Saturday from 9:00 AM-12:00 PM we'll have the designers themselves running the tables for groups of lucky adventurers and talking Playtest Rules with spectators.

Friday evening in Olympic 2, Guests of Honor: The Glass Cannon Podcast will be recording the finale for the Crypt of the Everflame Playtest game run by Jason Bulmahn. You can listen to Parts 1 & 2 and Parts 3 & 4 on Glass Cannon's website.

For a more academic approach than rolling dice at the delves, the Design team will be hosting an "Introduction to the Pathfinder Playtest" seminar on Saturday from 1:00 PM-3:00 PM followed by a "How to Playtest" panel from 3:00 PM-4:00 PM for those who want to learn all about how to provide feedback and help shape the next edition. Afterwards, from 4:00 PM-5:00 PM, Creative Director James Jacobs and Franchise Manager Mark Moreland will talk about the possible changes to the campaign setting and the world of Golarion. Rounding out the Playtest Seminars on Saturday from 5:00 PM-6:00 PM, the Design team will be back with "Find Our Path"—a panel for attendees to tell the Designers what they hope to find in the next evolution of Pathfinder.

Sunday afternoon from 2:00 PM-3:00 PM the Organized Play Q&A panel will also be including a discussion on how the Playtest rules will interact with Organized Play Pathfinder games. Come with your questions for Tonya Woldridge, John Compton and Linda Zayas-Palmer.

Our Celebrity Gaming events are back for PaizoCon 2018, and Sunday's game from 3:00 PM-5:00 PM has Director of Game Design Jason Bulmahn as game master for a group of heroes played by Customer Service Rep Diego Valdez, Managing Editor Judy Bauer, Editor James Case, and Sales Associate Cosmo Eisele. Come cheer for (or against) your favorite Paizonians as they try to keep their characters alive despite the merciless machinations of Jason's GMing!

As PaizoCon winds down on Monday morning, we will again have the entire Design team at the delve tables from 9:00 AM-11:00 AM, followed by a Playtest Feedback seminar where they will discuss how the Playtest events went over during the PaizoCon weekend.

Of course, sprinkled throughout the convention, longer-form games with the Playtest rules will be run. Organized Play Lead Developer John Compton, Editor Leo Glass, Developer Chris Sims, Developer Linda Zayas-Palmer, and Editor Lyz Liddell will all be offering chances to play The Rose Street Revenge, a series of Playtest quests that will only be at PaizoCon, Origins, PaizoCon UK, and Gen Con until its official release date on August 6.

Managing Developer and master of RPG horror Amanda Hamon Kunz has prepared a special Playtest conversion of the classic Pathfinder module Gallows of Madness. Designer Logan Bonner will be offering an Osiriani Playtest adventure The House of Ekmendi and Designer Mark Seifter will be running a classic social intrigue adventure, Bid for Alabastrine, with Playtest rules. Finally, Developer Ron Lundeen has converted an adventure he authored, A Lucky Morning from Run Amok Games, to playtest rules.

These special opportunities to experience the new Playtest rules will all be in the PaizoCon event lottery. A number of our games are in high demand with only a few seats available in each game. The lottery is a way for attendees to get an equal shot at the the games they are most excited about. Once events are published on the site, attendees can rank preferences for events. We'll then run our lottery code and place attendees into events. Once that has been determined, we'll open up the general events (seminars, organized play, etc) for general registration and event trading. The preferences and lottery selection will be happening at the beginning of May—be sure you've got your 4-day badge on your account so you can participate!

Sara Marie
Customer Service Manager

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Tags: Community Conventions PaizoCon PaizoCon 2018 Pathfinder Playtest
Grand Lodge


Dark Archive


Yay! Looking forward to it!

Funny to hear the description of the "popular Delve tables" - I remember 3 or 4 years ago, when the Delve was making its first or second appearance, it was stuck off in a side hallway and so un-visited that my son (who was 13 or so at the time) ended up DM'ing a bunch of the sessions. Now it's front and center, and a prime place to try out Paizo's hottest new stuff!

Dark Archive

Oh, for the two years I have been the delves requires waiting for a spot. But, they were a blast and well worth it.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber

Great idea!

Dark Archive

now just awaiting the release of the schedule. *mashing refresh button

Silver Crusade

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Very Cool! will there be any broadcast or literature release on how to run/report for the Play-test once it is live?

We will see what the vagaries of fortune bring us.

Currently there is only one focus, and that is to prepare for two slots of the new Quest and one slot of the Special on Sunday night.

Everything else beyond that, as they say, 'is gravy'.

Sara Marie wrote:
Afterwards, from 4:00 PM-5:00 PM, Creative Director James Jacobs and Franchise Manager Mark Moreland will talk about the possible changes to the campaign setting and the world of Golarion.

Can't even express how much I wish I could be present as Mr. Jacobs and Mr. Moreland share their knowledge about the campaign setting and divination about Golarion's "future". I want to known HOW MUCH the setting will change?


I’ll cross my fingers for one of these games in the lottery, and I’ll definitely hit up a delve!

Grand Lodge

Kate Baker wrote:
I’ll cross my fingers for one of these games in the lottery, and I’ll definitely hit up a delve!

You and me both Kate


Removed a post that seemed to be in the wrong thread.

Is any of the even going to be streamed on

Dark Archive

The choice for my #1 lottery selection will be HARD this year!

Thursty’s game?


Grand Lodge

1 person marked this as a favorite.

As someone who will not be in attendance this year, I hope someone like the folks at Know Direction will be recording the seminars. There is sure to be great information coming out of those regarding the 2E Playtest that we all want to hear.

Dark Archive

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Wild Spirit wrote:
Is any of the even going to be streamed on

If so, that would be new for this year. As Bob (Twilight Knight) mentioned, the fine folks from Know Direction tend to record every seminar and most of the "Ooooooh!" shiny new cool stuff.

Also, look for the Paizo Con shenanigans thread Pain Lord usually puts up. Peeps tend to post there all of the info they learn as well as the random weird things people do. I expect lots of barely coherent postings from yours truly between the hours of midnight and 7am as I work the overnight slot.

Liberty's Edge

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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber
TwilightKnight wrote:
As someone who will not be in attendance this year, I hope someone like the folks at Know Direction will be recording the seminars. There is sure to be great information coming out of those regarding the 2E Playtest that we all want to hear.

We will be recording seminars (and the preview banquet) again this year, and once again we hope that this year is the year where we record every seminar!

Pathfinder Lost Omens Subscriber

We'll see how things shake out.

I may try to squeeze in an overnight or two and then just sleep in during the morning.

The important thing? Options.

Always have options available.

Liberty's Edge

Wishing there were more spots for playtesting... As far as I can tell all the spots were by lottery only and I didn't get lucky this time around. I was especially hoping to check out the PFS Playtest...! Will there be any other opportunities to check this one out?
Looking forward to the Con regardless. Wish me luck at my first PaizoCon!

Pathfinder Society Playtest: The Rose Street Revenge
Event is full
Max attendees: 6
Current: 6

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I believe they've said doing playtests with the delves, which is a good way to check out new rules, I think (I did several with Starfinder last year).

Grand Lodge

The delves are 15 minute bursts that are easy to fit in to your day! You will be able to try out a teensy bit of Playtest pretty easily, since they turnover throughout the day!


Hmm wrote:
The delves are 15 minute bursts that are easy to fit in to your day! You will be able to try out a teensy bit of Playtest pretty easily, since they turnover throughout the day!

I believe the playtest delves may be planned to run a little longer than that.

In the April 24th blog, Sara Marie wrote:
Two of our popular Delve tables have been dedicated to running Playtest mini-adventures all weekend long. These 30-40 minute long games are designed to give you a taste of what's new in the Playtest. There is no registration for these delves, just stop by between 9:00 AM-6:00 PM Friday and Sunday, 9:00 AM-5:00 PM on Saturday, or 9:00 AM-1:00 PM on Monday. On Saturday from 9:00 AM-12:00 PM we'll have the designers themselves running the tables for groups of lucky adventurers and talking Playtest Rules with spectators.


2 people marked this as a favorite.
GM Eazy-Earl wrote:
Hmm wrote:
The delves are 15 minute bursts that are easy to fit in to your day! You will be able to try out a teensy bit of Playtest pretty easily, since they turnover throughout the day!

I believe the playtest delves may be planned to run a little longer than that.

In the April 24th blog, Sara Marie wrote:
Two of our popular Delve tables have been dedicated to running Playtest mini-adventures all weekend long. These 30-40 minute long games are designed to give you a taste of what's new in the Playtest. There is no registration for these delves, just stop by between 9:00 AM-6:00 PM Friday and Sunday, 9:00 AM-5:00 PM on Saturday, or 9:00 AM-1:00 PM on Monday. On Saturday from 9:00 AM-12:00 PM we'll have the designers themselves running the tables for groups of lucky adventurers and talking Playtest Rules with spectators.

Aye. 15 minutes is perfect when you are running a game that everyone knows how to play already, but as we discovered with the Starfinder preview delves last year before Starfinder had come out, you need to add some extra time to explain the new stuff.

Grand Lodge

Ah, I stand corrected!


I wanted to express to Ryan and the Know Direction crew how thankful I am that they jump through the hoops required each year for those seminar recordings -- I depend on them to stay abreast of news spoilers for the coming year, and this year for any playtest goodies that come out!

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