
Wild Spirit's page

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Mark Seifter wrote:
Wild Spirit wrote:
Mark Seifter wrote:
gwynfrid wrote:
This looks great. The fusion of DR and energy resistance feels like something so evident that it should have been done 10 years ago!
In fact, it actually almost happened 1 year ago. Starfinder had this combined resistance, for a time, until compatibility with PF1 monsters (which used the DR and energy resistance format) forced the slide backwards to DR and energy resistance later on.

I wonder if you are kicking yourself over that decision now. I would ;P

Not sure I follow this? PF2 had the combined resistance first, before we even started on Starfinder.

Yes, and that's exactly my point. Starfinder is, pardon me saying, worse because of PF1 backward compatibility and while PF1 is pretty much over, SF is going to continue living alongside PF2 for the next couple of years.

It makes one wonder what great games you could design if you ditched the past completely. (Heresy, I know.)

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Mark Seifter wrote:
gwynfrid wrote:
This looks great. The fusion of DR and energy resistance feels like something so evident that it should have been done 10 years ago!
In fact, it actually almost happened 1 year ago. Starfinder had this combined resistance, for a time, until compatibility with PF1 monsters (which used the DR and energy resistance format) forced the slide backwards to DR and energy resistance later on.

I wonder if you are kicking yourself over that decision now. I would ;P

At any rate, I think this post has helped to convert a lot of the PF2 sceptics over. Well done!

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Please tell me you are planning to include more monsters in the vein of Drakainia! (Best known as 'how to fix the falling birthrates and ageing populations of Golarion' ^_^)

It would also be nice, if Simulacrum in PF2.0 didn't make the GM argue with players about what abilities a half HD creature has and has not.
(Increase the spell level, make it level 10 if you have to, just do away with this silly limitation.)

pad300 wrote:
Malthraz wrote:

Despite my reservations about teleport, I do want it to be in the game. However, it should be limited in such a way that it is for high level (15+), and not useful in combat.

So, some limitations I can think of:
-It could be 1 minute cast per person being teleported.
-There is a clear visible effect at the destination end.
-It is easily dispelable at the destination end.
-It can only be cast to locations the caster has been before.

I think they should take inspiration from 5th and make a bunch of things RITUALS - teleport, clone, ....

Off-topic: if only Teleport and Clone were rituals in 5e... it would make book Warlocks at least somewhat viable.

(Pact of the Blade is the go to option from what I have seen.)

One tiny thing I find off-putting about Golarion is how Pathfinder Society is both an in-game organisation and out of the game event. It breaks the fourth wall too much for me.

(Just imagine playing Pathfinder Hopeful in Pathfinder during a Pathfinder Society event... yeah. I am aware it's very unlikely to be ever changed.)

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Since you started the whole DnD 5e thing, here is my desire: Clone (5e). With this single spell I (a wizard) can make my whole party young AND immortal. Best. Spell. Ever.

Not being able to provide eternal youth for my martial friends would be a deal breaker with PF2. (I loathe the idea of spending eternity alone!)

They have children who are born to the world of 2E.

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A midwife background would also be cool!

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Please tell me there is a shepherd background!

What worries me a little is that since Starfinder is a thing we know that all "world ending" scenarios won't really be the end of the world and that no matter what the players do, the future will end up being "all right".

Will a Paizo author come out and say that PF and SF are each happening in alternate realities to remedy this? Will Paizo introduce some kind of time-travel humbug for a quick-and-easy fix?

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I was thinking, it would be nice if the encounter tables for dungeon masters scaled all the way down to a single player character, to allow easy roleplay with just your partner alone.

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Shinigami02 wrote:
Wild Spirit wrote:
Alternatively, innovate by offering 3D printable models of the monsters. Not everybody may have a 3D printer, but everyone can visit a library or a school to have them printed easily.
Off topic but man where do you live that libraries and schools have 3D printers? There's at least 4 public libraries within 30 minutes of me and none of them have one.

Czech republic. Getting things shipped here from USA is a major pain in the butt. If Paizo sold 3D models I am sure it would be far more popular here. (Prusa 3D printers are made here, go figure...)

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When you google Pathfinder pictures of hideous SUVs show up. That can't be good for marketing (I know it's too late to do anything about that issue).

What doesn't help either is Paizo's push for minis. While good for established geeks, it can scare of a lot of newcomers, in my experience, as they have no idea where to begin. Paizo should create a "Mines of Phandelver" noobie kit and go easy on the minis (unpopular opinion around here, I know, then again, read the beginning of this paragraph).

Alternatively, innovate by offering 3D printable models of the monsters. Not everybody may have a 3D printer, but everyone can visit a library or a school to have them printed easily.

graystone wrote:
Ah... I thought this was a thread involving body modification and heated metal... :(

You and me both :D

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Would Paizo consider selling 3D printable models of monsters in the upcoming bestiaries? It would be a godsend for people living in remote areas like myself.

Mats Öhrman wrote:
Lucas Yew wrote:

It would be fantastic if the majority of popular "socialized" monsters (centaurs, mermaids, etc.) are playable from the get-go.

On the assumtion that their racial features stay consistant regardless of playability, that is.

Social monsters for a social PC party? That would be lovely! :)

I just hope that the whole "monsters and PCs work by different rules" thing isn't going to make it impossible... Anecdote time: When my GM ran a full "let's try D&D 4E" campaign using a 4E conversion of Rise of the Runelords he had found on the net, we brought along Shalelu as an NPC in some of the early parts. However, in that conversion, she was made using the 4E monster rules instead of the 4E PC rules, and it proved absolutely impossible to make her monster mechanics work together with the party's PC mechanics whenever we entered combat...

Yup, that's why 4E was such a big pile of poo.

I am worried PF2 might follow suit with the "easy monster creation". *shudders*

Anybody knows/is willing to share some more about this?

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Mark Seifter wrote:
Wild Spirit wrote:
Dasrak wrote:
Monte Carlo
NERD!!! Use a linear congruential generator, like the rest of us, simple folks. :P
I don't know; Markov Chain Monte Carlo can be pretty fun, especially the Metropolis-Hastings algorithm. Not that this is likely exactly what Dasrak used, but it's a great way to take a random walk through a really dense feature space with a probability distribution and is thus crucial in a lot of Bayesian analysis.

I... I... I think I love you Mark.

Dasrak wrote:
Monte Carlo

NERD!!! Use a linear congruential generator, like the rest of us, simple folks. :P

Kalindlara wrote:
edduardco wrote:
Except that you are cutting the fun too in the process
Fun for some, the opposite of fun for others. I'm in favor of constraining the most broken aspects of the game (and leaving others, such as wishes, under the GM's authority).

Wishes have been a thorn in my eye for a long time. There aren't many baddies in pathfinder with pun-pun or simulacrum army makers but there are plenty who can cast Wish. And even something as innocent as "A wish or a miracle spell can restore a reincarnated character to his or her original form." can turn into a no-save instakill for an old player character. This feature, originally meant for players, is something that put me off Pathfinder for a really long time (I am really only here for Pathfinder 2.0).

(I recently discovered Material Manipulator, I wish I knew about it sooner. <3)

Weather Report wrote:
Lucas Yew wrote:
I think I've heard that the Fighter's 19th level DR 5/- with any armor was actually DR 10/-, but someone or whatever which I suspect to have had a vendetta against them complained as it was OP, so it was cut in half. What a shame, really. I sincerely wish that such kind of cruel sabotages never happen during PF2's playtest...

Bummer, yeah, that sucks, there was interference in the 5th Ed playtest, as well.

Seems some people are more passionate about undermining and sabotaging a game, than playing and supporting one. Enworld has some doozies on the 5th Ed forum, nasty agendas.

Can you please share a link? It might be interesting to read.

Can we, instead of nerfing classes buff other classes instead? That way, everybody will be OP. :)

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Please don't forget Fantasia, it's one one the reason I love centaurs so much ^_^

Alchemist and their transformative elixirs!
Elixirs of Youth!
Elixirs of Sex Shifting!
Elixirs of Race (ancestry) Shifting!
Elixirs are free (paid with Resonance)!
Elixirs are awesome!
Also Bestial mutages!

I think you can guess what class I'm going to be playing at launch ^_^.

(None of this has been confirmed BTW, I am just being optimistic.)

(EDIT: I am the party's vending machine and proud. XD)

Wermut wrote:

I was wondering about mixed ancestries as well, maybe not for the CRB but doesn't the term "ancestry" implicate some possible mixing? (Which seems pretty usual looking at all the optimized sorcerer builds, with two race unrelated bloodlines and some eldritch heritage for good measurement.)

You could choose one ancestry and gain another as an "Archetype" to add additional ancestry feats. That wouldn't work for Tengu, Kitsune and so on or all the other full blown races.

But again some races make this idea intriuging like Drow (as an option for Elves and Half-Elves), Aasimar (Gnome, with some Elysian Ancestry would be very nice and flavorful), Dhampir, Tiefling and so on.

According to the twitch.tv interview, we learned and inherited ancestry feats will be separate (you can play a dwarf raise by elven parents for example).

That's why I feel like giving us an "Elixir of Ancestry Change" is something Paizo could do to make me very happy
(or at the very least an "Elixir of Fins/Hooves/Legs" ^_^ ).

We have seen almost nothing, I wouldn't lose hope yet.

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The Mad Comrade wrote:
Amphibious special quality/racial feature ... maybe they choose gender when the need or moods suits them after certain amphibians IRL. :P

I would rather keep such abilities in the realms of Elixirs, Rituals and Potions which are available to everyone and not just members of the "lucky race".

*shakes fist at 5e elves*

Best way to kill RP is by limiting sandbox options and making the game all about dealing damage. It was the problem DnD 4e had and it looks 5e is heading the same way. (I couldn't help but cry after watching latest Mike Mearl's stream - he takes two spells, changes them into class features and calls that a subclass.)

If the creators stop being creative, that's when the game dies.

Wei Ji the Learner wrote:

Hey, if we can get fish-people and horse-people, what about a little bit of love for us bird-folks, eh, eh?



I have a feeling an "Elixir of Race (Ancestry) Shifting" would cover all of our needs. :)

Talek & Luna wrote:
I could see the polymorph lasting until a condition like dispel magic or a being hit with a bucket of salt water were met. LOL

Dispel Magic, Wish and Miracle were the three plagues of PF1.

If hindered this way I wouldn't even bother.

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Tarik Blackhands wrote:
Pump the breaks kids, we've done it. Morality is solved. All those philosophers over thousands of years can finally rest easy! The answers were right here on this message board the whole time! What a time to be alive.

It is universal in its subjectivity. ;)

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1of1 wrote:

As I said, mechanically careful. It isn't very exciting, is it?

Unfortunately, filling a similar space tends to lead to splash damage.

I had a player ask me if her witch could use spell research to make a spell that "aimed" the Reincarnate spell. I thought it was cool, and it wasn't that far off from the spell Reincarnate Spy, so I gave her the go ahead.

A bit morbid, but those poor, unfortunate souls might be up to helping advance our understanding of magic. I'm sure it's perfectly safe.

I used Reincarnate Spy a lot in PF1. It didn't feel right to kill people just to revive them story-wise. My character went through a 'burn out' phase because of that. I am hoping things get better for her in PF2.

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OP cannot deal with being rejected on one thread so he goes and creates another.

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Star Dragon Caith wrote:

TLDR; stop hyperventilating and speaking for everyone.

Yeah. No. We live in a world where morality is relative because we don't know if there is a God or not.

Golarion is a world where gods are very real, and have very significant opinions on morality. In Golarion, morality is NOT subjective. Full stop. Therefore, alignment is important, as it defines what gods you are offending, where, and how. The alignment is critically important for understanding what gods you ALIGN with. So get off your high moral relativist horse and also calm down, because you are free to play without the alignment system. The rest of us would like it to stay as is.

TLDR Star Dragon Caith, stop hyperventilating and speaking for everyone.

Morality is universal.

Player's opinions tend to project into the game. Deal with it.

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1of1 wrote:
I'd be down for it, but it's really up to Paizo's stance on polymorphing. They've done some interesting things with it in the conceptual arena, but it feels like they're very... careful, when it comes to implementing them mechanically.

No Polymorphs! Bad Polymorphs, shoo! Shoo!

Polymorphs are anything BUT lasting. I am sorry, but transforming for 1 min/level feels closer to a costume, than a character transformation.

I want to stay human/mermaid forever and ever and ever!

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Poor Unfortunate Souls, in pain, in need ;)

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I can't wait for the mermaid and centaur playable race options. Could we also get a way to change your biological ancestry to one of those (be it through an elixir or a ritual)?

Ariel got a magic potion to give her legs, perhaps we could have an elixir that does the opposite? (In a way that is lasting, unlike in the movie!)

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To be completely honest I wasn't feeling the cleric at first, but with the inclusion of unique domain powers I am warming up to it more and more. The potential is definitely there. I can't wait to have a look at the Family domain. Mark, can you please tell us something more about that domain?

(I am personally hoping for some Drakainia type of re-population fun :D)

Mark Seifter wrote:
Excaliburproxy is correct that you can have lots of mutagens; it's not like in PF1 where if you brew another, the old one ends or anything like that. They are just a crazy and cool type of elixir with a few of their own twists. In playtest, it was not uncommon for the alchemist to ask the party if any of the PCs were interested in certain benefits that came with drawbacks and for most of the party to take him up on it and receive a handy dandy mutagen.

Do mutagens last indefinitely?

I only vote for one monster - Drakainia! (Bestiary 4)

Is any of the even going to be streamed on twitch.tv?

All military maps I have seen use square grid. Besides, it's much easier to improvise a square grid than a hexagon one (which you usually have to buy).

Deadmanwalking wrote:
Wild Spirit wrote:
There are no 'plus armors' and 'plus weapons' in PF 2.0.
Off topic, but we do know there are +1 weapons and +4 weapons. Assuming the same is true of armor is pretty reasonable.

OK, my bad.

TarkXT wrote:
Wild Spirit wrote:
TarkXT wrote:

Meanwhile Seoni just traipsing about the dungeon in her "mage armor".


Let casters be magical and martials practical.

But what if my armor is magical? How many pluses do I need before I can show off my 6 pack?


There are no 'plus armors' and 'plus weapons' in PF 2.0.

TarkXT wrote:

Meanwhile Seoni just traipsing about the dungeon in her "mage armor".


Let casters be magical and martials practical.

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graystone wrote:
Wild Spirit wrote:
What isn't good is perpetuating old, unnecessary, tired tropes.
That's the thing though: I never got that memo about female fantasy armor being old, unnecessary OR tired. Maybe they forgot to put me on the mailing list... :P

Just google the phrase "fantasy lady armor comic" and you will see this nonsense is nothing new

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John Lynch 106 wrote:
Here's a perhaps more productive way to go about this: rather than barring women from being sexy in this fantasy game (because wanting sexy women = objectifying them), what I'd love to see is keep all the sexy women, but then get female heterosexual artists to draw the men in the most sexy way they can. The biggest problem with these sorts of products is that the men are typically drawn in a way that males want and the women end up being drawn in a way that the men want. Given sex sells, why not target both sides equally?

No one is arguing against sex! More sex is good (Game of Thrones)! What isn't good is perpetuating old, unnecessary, tired tropes.

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Fuzzypaws wrote:

It's not lasting. It feels more like a Halloween costume than an actual character change.

In Pathfinder 1 you pretty much couldn't change your race post character creation. Reincarnate exists but it won't let you change into any of the more interesting races such as a merfolk or a centaur. I think it would be super cool if I could roleplay "Reverse Ariel" in PF2.

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PossibleCabbage wrote:
Don't Pathfinder Drow wear spider-silk bodysuits for their "form-fitting" armor anyway?

Lycra drow confirmed :D

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Why all the pretence? Why not just include honest nudity, both male and female, I'd be a OK with that.

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