October Monthly Roundup!

Wednesday, October 11, 2017

The past 48 hours saw me on three flights traveling thorugh three countries and crossing a date line. Today I am in New Zealand and heading to the coast for a few hours sightseeing before meeting up with the PaizoCon OZ attendees in Matamata, New Zealand. Over the next few days I'm running a few out of retirement games, some Starfinder Society, and playing a few games. Saturday night brings us dinner and Pathfinder Society Scenario 9-00: Assault on Absalom in the Green Dragon Inn in Hobbiton. Thanks to VCs Glen Irving, Paul Trani, and crew for putting together what looks like a fantastic event! Look for photos and a full report in an upcoming blog!

5* GM Recognition

The end of summer con season brings with it quite a few new 5* GMs. To reach this achievement, the GMs must run 150 games, including at least 50 unique scenarios and 10 special scenarios. These requirements don't include the hours spent preparing their scenarios or gathering their supplies. The time needed to reach 5* is well over 600 hours! To those listed below, who earned their 5th star over the past few weeks, welcome to the club and thank you for your dedication to our Society.

  • Milan Badzic
  • Trevor Burroughs
  • Jim Crase
  • Gustavo Cruz Mellado
  • Mike Eckrich
  • Joshua Hubbell
  • Rich McKean
  • Bradley McTeer
  • Everett Mitola
  • Mitch Mutrux
  • Alison Ooms
  • Greg Rebelo
  • Derek Schubert
  • Nathan Schwalm
  • Jay Zicht


There are a few more months in the 2017 convention season, which means more Starfinder and Pathfinder goodness for players around the world. Here's a list of upcoming conventions who notified us of their intent to run our organized play programs!

Another Anime Convention 2017Manchester, NH10/13/17
FG Con 11 (2017)Online10/13/17
Imperial Outpost Con 2017Glendale, AZ10/13/17
Oddcon XITelford, UK10/13/17
PaizoCon Oz 2017Matamata, New Zealand10/13/17
Pathcon 4.0Salt Lake City, UT10/13/17
Save Against Fear 2017Harrisburg, PA10/13/17
Snap-Con 2017Cape Girardeau, MO10/13/17
the Unseelie Court 2017Philadelphia, PA10/13/17
Viking Con 2017Copenhagen, Denmark10/13/17
Xenocon 2017Davenport, IA10/13/17
Sage's Con 17 (2017)West Lafayette, IN10/14/17
Asheville Scarefest 2017Montreat, NC10/19/17
Reaper Con 2017Lewisville, TX10/19/17
Rock-Con 2017Rockford, IL10/19/17
FlatCon 2017Bloomington, IL10/20/17
GaelCon 2017Dublin, Ireland10/27/17
Lone Star Game ExpoGrapevine, TX10/27/17
Tavern Con 2017Sanford, MI10/27/17
JenCon Alive (2017)Sheffield, England10/28/17
Skycon 2017Kitchener, Ontario, Canada10/28/17
Gamehole Con VMadison, WI11/2/17
Carnage XX (2017)Killington, VT11/3/17
Enchanted Realms Fall Charity EventColorado Springs, CO11/4/17
Extra Life 2017Boise, ID11/4/17
Jet City Comic Show 2017Tacoma, WA11/4/17
Extra Life DayAustin, TX11/4/17
Con on the Cob 2017Richfield, OH11/9/17
Fall MepaCon 2017Allentown, PA11/10/17
Mace 2017Charlotte, NC11/10/17
Acadecon 2017Dayton, OH11/10/17
Arkansas Anime Festival 2017Bentonville, AR11/10/17
TridentCon 2017Parkville, MD11/11/17
Conquest Avalon 2017Sacramento, CA11/17/17
The Final Con-tdown 2017Sioux Falls, SD11/17/17
JimCon 2017Winnepeg, Canada11/17/17
GobbleCon 2017 Burlingame, CA11/24/17
SP "Assault on Absalom" DAU '17Barcelona, Spain11/25/17
Aus East Coast Interactive 4Sydney/Brisbane, Australia12/8/17


Leaders in Liberty voting is done and the winning NPC is Karisa Starsight. The winner will be contacted in the coming days with their prize information. Look for this NPC in upcoming stories!

We also have our Best Terrain competition, which closed for entries on September 21. We are reviewing the entries and will open voting next week.

PAX Unplugged

Paizo has a booth at the show, where we will run demo games of Starfinder, Pathfinder RPG, and Pathfinder ACG. We need help running the tables, and helpers will get room, badge, and store credit similar to Gen Con rewards. If you want to help out by running demos, email tonya.woldridge@paizo.com. Space is limited and will be filled on a first come, first served basis, so if you want to attend, send your email today! in the next few weeks regarding our presence at the show.

Until next week—Explore, Report, Cooperate!

Tonya Woldridge
Organized Play Manager

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Tags: Contests Conventions Organized Play Pathfinder Society
4/5 *

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Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Yay, five stars!

Bonus yay to Trevor Burroughs (happy to have been one of those tables!) and to the REAL power in Central Illinois, Ali Ooms! ^.^

Grand Lodge 4/5


3/5 5/55/55/55/5 *** Contributor

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Derek, in a region crowded with amazing GMs, you rise to the top. Your quick wit, your energy, your character voices, and your famous sculpted-at-the-table minis all make it a joy to play with you. I'm so glad I got to play in your tenth special that finalized your fifth star, and I look forward to many more games with you (after you've had a well-deserved break, of course!).

Silver Crusade 4/5 5/55/55/5 RPG Superstar 2013 Top 8

Congratulations all!

Sovereign Court 4/5 5/5 **** Venture-Agent, Nebraska—Omaha

Congrats, Mitch, and everyone on their 5 stars.

Liberty's Edge 4/5 5/55/55/5 ****

Congrats to all the new five stars!

Special congrats to Mitch! Always great to play at your table!

Scarab Sages 5/5 5/5 *** Venture-Captain, Netherlands

So many new 5-stars! Congratulations!!!

Scarab Sages 4/5 **

Pathfinder PF Special Edition Subscriber

Congrats to all the 5* GMs! Milan is a fantastic GM and organizer in Austin, and is doing a fantastic job launching Starfinder for us as well!

5/5 5/55/55/5

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paddle paddle paddle paddle paddle paddle paddle

.. HEY! an island.....


Silver Crusade 4/5 ***

Congrats to the five star GMs and especially the winner of the Leaders in Liberty contest!

The Exchange 5/5 Regional Venture-Coordinator, Mediterranean

Congratulations to all new 5 star GMs.

Grand Lodge 4/5 5/55/55/55/5 ***** Venture-Captain, Minnesota

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BigNorseWolf wrote:

paddle paddle paddle paddle paddle paddle paddle

.. HEY! an island.....


BNW, congratulations, big guy! Let me know if the island was everything you hoped for. I hope to be there in a few months.


Grand Lodge 5/5

Congrats to all the 5 stars! And a shout out to fellow Hoosier Jim Crase!

Dark Archive 4/5 5/55/5 ****

Oh, hey I'm on that list. I was too busy running another game to notice last night. Guess I won't have to give the VC a hard time on Sunday after all.

Still need it to pop-up here though.

Liberty's Edge 4/5 5/55/55/5 ****

No you can still give your VC a hard time.

Grand Lodge 1/5 Contributor

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It's pretty awesome that people are playing my #9-00 in Hobbiton! ^_^ I wish I could join! Have a good PaizoCon Oz, everyone!

Congrats to all new 5-star GMs!

Liberty's Edge 4/5

Congratulations to Nathan who hasn't been in Maryland long but has been a huge help with GMing! Welcome to the island all the new 5 stars! Thanks for supporting PFS.

4/5 5/55/5

Congratulations to all the new 5-Stars!!!

I also want to direct people's attention to the convention list.
Another Anime Convention (AAC) begins this afternoon (10-13) and runs through this Sunday (10-15). This is our 2nd year at this convention and they love us (it also helps that a couple of the con staff are PFS/SFS members). If anyone is near the Manchester, NH area this weekend and looking for a good time; we're at the Radisson Center of NH 700 Elm St.

I also have a shortage of GMs so if you want to run, come on by with whatever scenarios you have (within reason) and find me and I'll get you set up. Unfortunately, since the con starts today, I obviously cannot get you scenarios in your downloads.

If you want to swing by and play, AAC has a special gaming badge available: $10/day or $25 for the weekend (their full con badge is $60 for the weekend at the door.

There is a Warhorn for the convention. It should pop up as PFS @ Another Anime Convention 2017.

If you come out; I'll be a big guy in shorts, VL green, and my trademark boonie hat. :)

4/5 5/55/5

... also, I'm going to be leaving to do some running around before con in about an hour and once away I have no online access and no mobile phone.

Grand Lodge 4/5

And if anyone is in Phoenix this weekend, we do still have room at Imperial Outpost for a few more players! (Mostly for Assault on Absalom on Sunday.)

Grand Lodge 2/5

So no PFS games being run at PAX Unplugged aside from demos? That's disappointing to hear. Was hoping to finally experience something akin to the fabled Sagamore Ballroom experience.

5/5 5/55/5

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Congratulations Derek Schubert, you have been a favored and a 5 star GM in many people's minds well before official recognition.

Sovereign Court 3/5

Derek— you're one of my favorite GMs. I love your sense of storytelling and way you generate tension... all while teaching the table how to play the game better. Thank you for making the Bay Area better, this is so well deserved!

Grand Lodge 5/5 Venture-Agent, Rhode Island

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5-stars for me!

Wow, 600 hours... there's a joke in there about having no life...

Bristor Gwin wrote:
So no PFS games being run at PAX Unplugged aside from demos? That's disappointing to hear. Was hoping to finally experience something akin to the fabled Sagamore Ballroom experience.

Incredibly disappointing, and it feels like a wasted opportunity. Even if Paizo isn't running anything themselves, I'm surprised at the local VOs didnt step up. I mean, I hear these PAX cons are pretty big deals.

If I end up going (big IF at this point) maybe I'll just find a table somewhere and set up shop. Run so,e games for anyone wandering by.

Sovereign Court 4/5 5/5 ***

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Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Just to be clear - other PAX shows are usually just demos and not actual scenarios being run. I've GM'd at PAX East for the past two years, and both times have been demos. It has to do with how the convention is organized and what kinds of people are there. The demos provide an opportunity for people who didn't come to play Pathfinder to sit down and try a session. That's the majority of the traffic.

There are more conventional PFS conventions in the area - Philly just had Unseelie Court and will continue to have conventions in the future. And perhaps Unplugged is different - it is after all more focused on board gaming and therefore may justify the expense to Paizo to have a more formal PFS experience. However, given previous experiences with PAX, demos only is a reasonable setup.

Grand Lodge 4/5

Explained here.

Jeff Alvarez wrote:
Saotome007 wrote:
Jeff Alvarez wrote:
Unfortunately no, there will not be any organized play component for Pathfinder or Starfinder at PAX Unplugged this year. With it being the show's first year and our first time in their facility, we decided to come in small, get our feet under ourselves and get to know the facility, and decide how best to grow our presence for future years.
Well that is extremely unfortunate. :(

Traditionally the PAX shows aren't set up to offer free space to run OP events and the pay-to-play space they tend to have is quite expensive. Plus the show wasn't even advertised until way after (like months and months after) we had closed our budget cycle for 2017 so it made it very difficult for us to have OP. That and without really seeing the space first, there's no way for us to know which available spaces are best for us to use for OP.

Believe me that we understand how disappointed our fans are that we aren't able to offer OP at this show this year...we are as well. But we will be scouting it out and budgeting for space for future years (if possible)

4/5 *

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Congrats to all the new 5-star GMs. Thanks for helping to make PFS awesome! Special shout-out to BNW, one of the folks I got to know first on the forums when I started.

4/5 ****

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BigNorseWolf wrote:

paddle paddle paddle paddle paddle paddle paddle

No need to paddle, you've been welcome on my ship for a long time.

5/5 5/55/55/5

I don't do ships!


1 person marked this as a favorite.
MrBear wrote:
I'm surprised at the local VOs didnt step up. I mean, I hear these PAX cons are pretty big deals.

I'm not sure why it's surprising that Volunteers didn't spend thousands of dollars out of their own pocket to get the space from PAX, especially without being allowed to charge fees for the games. Hell even Adventurer's League needed permission from PAX to be able to use Kickstarter to afford to run events there, and that almost didn't fund.

But PAX Unplugged did say they'll have space for open gaming so I wouldn't be suprised to see tables of PFS in the open play area.

Shoot, I didn't realize that it was that kind of an issue. Maybe I'm having very unrealistic expectations about what kind of convention this is going to be. I assumed that it being a gaming contention there'd be gaming, but now it's starting to seem like it's not at all.

Sovereign Court 4/5 5/5 ***

Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

It sounds silly, but PAX is closer to Comic Cons than GenCon - most of the emphasis is on the main floor and panels rather than individual gaming sessions. Now there will be plenty of demos on the floor, so there's plenty to do if you just want to walk around, but it's not GenCon or Origins.

And yeah, hopefully there'll be even more Open Gaming Tables than there was at the other PAXs, so hopefully there will be some PFS happening spontaneously there. And perhaps PAX Unplugged will evolve next year if enough people say that it's what they want out of a gaming convention.

Silver Crusade 4/5 ****

Hello! I'll go ahead and announce that I am the creator of Karisa Starsight for the Leaders in Liberty contest.

I have dreams of writing but don't often find the time. I figured I could handle 300 words. After generating my idea and trimming down from about 350 words, I submitted Karisa.

It was very surprising and gratifying to see Karisa as a finalist! All the finalists' entries had unique strengths. I suspected one would carry the prize, but this post declared Karisa the winner! Thank you voters!

Congratulations are in order for the finalists and all those who took the time to craft and submit an entry. And thanks to Paizo for running the contest.

I can't wait to see Karisa's appearances in future scenarios. As a bonus, my primary character right now is Liberty's Edge.

Thanks again everyone!



Good news, everybody! PFS slots for PAX Unplugged are now up on Warhorn! :)

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